#(there are Reasons why I relate so heavily to Koushiro as a character)
izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure/02/Tri ~ x Kagerou Project / Mekakucity Actors “DAZE” [ TV SIZE ] Short amv [ full [subbed] version of original song: here ] [ music (C) Jin, singer: MARiA ] (Kagepro version opening: watch here ! ) featuring DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] + the Adventure Chosen Children [“Digidestined” in US] in a “gen” sense (however if you’d like you can read various polyships/sideships into it, too!) [*regardless the main/intended ship is Taishiro(u), so please note this!]
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave / Outer Science / Headphone Actor (short edit) ( * It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV “ DAZE” ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” AMV, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ] ( though, this song in itself is a pretty upbeat/action-y Opening-style song!! ] - part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kage-pro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s NOT a direct parody (but v[ERY] inspired) (if you can’t tell) - this particular AMV is a bit more of an “inspired” parody (hahaaaa) bUT STILL NOT DIRECT i.e. characters do NOT match up exactly, etc. and are NOT intended to - watching it in HIGH(ER) QUALITY at the original Youtube link is encouraged! - to do so, go to the original youtube link, click “HD”, then “ 1080p ” !
- minor Tri spoilers through to “Our Future” (Movie #6) are in here - HOWEVER they are mostly super-short “aesthetic”-like scenes - or action-y scenes in general / basically gen(eral) scenes with “movement” - BASICALLY if you know a shred of “ what happens to the 02 Chosen ” ? - you probably know the spoiler - something else in relation is heavily implied but it uses scenes from 02
- short version of implied story/plot of this series: T I M E L O O P S - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - KOUSHIRO IZUMI VOICE : ( ‘ W H Y ’ ) - DO THEY MAKE IT TO THE END - @ TAICHI & KOUSHIRO, ARE YOU SURE YOU /WANT/ TO ——-
- TBH HOW MUCH do KOUSHIRO or TAICHI even REALLY REMEMBER - MUCH LESS THE REST OF THEM - who even knows after a certain point anymore - timeloops are fun !! ! !
Lyrics are included in the video but just in case, you can view the full versions’ lyrics/translation here at Kagepro wiki ! ( note: some small parts of lyrics were combined with / edited to include the “Daze” full versions’ translations’ lyrics !
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- if you compare to the original K@gepro anime opening you can maybe see some other things I was trying to do here while making this! - however, if you do, please note K@gepros warnings particularly in regards to the very end of the video / OP - ( IT’S A TIMELOOPS SERIES FOR A REASON ) - OK BUT I MATCHED UP 0:35 TIMEMARKS TO PARTICULAR ( FUN ? ) moments too cAN YOU CATCH ... THE CROSS-FANDOMS IN-JOKES ..... - Official Digimon tri arts used with credit to digisoulnet tumblr ! - Black+White edits to these images were done via photo-kako.com ! - I AM MAYBE HEAVILY IMPLYING “ DARK CHOSEN CHILDREN ” VARIOUS AU POTENTIALS ... THINGS with those edits - you can see shades of this in most of my other AMVs for this series as well !
[ note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ]
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koushirouizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure(s) Taishiro(u) songfic/parody: REPEAT?_ + Koushiro’s Theory of HAPPINESS
Title: KOUSHIRO’S T h e o r y of HAPPINESS Fandom: Digimon Adventure(s) Character(s): Koushiro Izumi, Yoshie Izumi, Izumi Family (mentioned); hints of the Chosen Children (end & in endnotes) Pairing(s): Taichi Yagami x Koushirou Izumi [Taishiro(u)] (implied throughout) [especially Taishiro(u) in the fic, throughout] Parodied from: K@gerou//Project (w/slashes removed) lyrics mostly (C) Jin Notes: It’s something of an extended parody for my Taishiro ficverse REPEAT?_ Warnings: PLEASE read ANY AND ALL WARNINGS/NOTES for the ficverse first before reading this! This songfic of sorts minimally spoils at least up to the 3rd chapter of the story. However, this song parody/songfic of sorts could also be seen as something like an alternative “introduction”... ... ... (I’M. SORRY) [ you can also click the ‘read more’ and jump first to the end of the page + then scroll up a bit to see additional warning for this particular installment! ]
“    What I THOUGHT BACK on was, AGAIN, MY FAMILY ;    ” [ " This is YOUR HOME, so make yourself comfortable, KOUSHIRO ! " ]
THIS is the vocal version of the cover that inspired me! THIS is the piano arrangement cover version I was listening when editing this. If you pagebottom to the end of the post, a different piano cover with the Kage//pro video is linked as well (this second piano cover mentioned keeps the main lyric’s melody line in tact, though it is also a bit faster too.) here is a version actually sung by THE COMPOSER OF THE SERIES ( he may not be the best singer but it’s the creator of the series pls respect him ok HE TRIES ) (PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS ABOVE IT IF YOU WATCH HOWEVER)
ORIGINAL VIDEO/SONG LINK: HERE + at bottom of post
                    KOUSHIRO’S T h e o r y of HAPPINESS
What I THOUGHT BACK on was, AGAIN, MY FAMILY ; [ " This is YOUR HOME, so make yourself comfortable, Koushiro ! " ] In [a LITTLE PLACE] with [red?] [brick?] walls, He mutters to himself, as if making SECRET PLANS In the [ PURE BLACK EYES ] BROUGHT HERE Lies a past he has HIDDEN FROM       A D U L T S With [ embarrassment ? ] F E A R in HIS EYES, he [ mutters ] SAYS CRIES " I'M SCARED " [" I'm JUST A MONSTER ! "] So I TELL HIM, " DON’T BE ! " [" THAT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL !!! "] " RED is THE COLOR OF A H E R O, so there's no need to be afraid ! " [ " YELLOW is THE COLOR OF THE SUN'S RAYS, so YOU'LL DEFINITELY BE OKAY !..... " ] ..Wondering what he would find fun, I am ACTING the " M O T H E R " a g a i n " Hey, LOOK ! " [ HE ? ] [ I ?? ? ] wrapped [himself?] [ m y s e l f ] in [RED?] [antics]; [RED?] [YELLOW??] [scarf?] [C A P E?] " We're like SECRET AGENTS ! " DYED in [ MADDER RED? ] , we'll B E G I N , even if we're merely P L A Y I N G  H E R O E S " As long as we can manage just a little smile... " We will  BE    FAMILY    STILL      TODAY I PRAY for HAPPINESS in THE FUTURE AHEAD , so HOWEVER SAD it may be... " Now keep this A SECRET ! " The sun sets with us LAUGHING . ... The SPRING breeze blows, and the now-ADULT world Is i r r a t i o n a l l y bent, as if conspired to be The thick and faded tears of [loved ones?]   [ H I M ] Go UNNOTICED BY ALL, turning B L A C K Things had GONE CRAZY, but by the time I NOTICED, I could NOT TELL A N Y O N E " No, NO, I DON’T WANT TO BE DESTROYED ! " ... There CAME A WORLD where HAPPINESS ENDS . " [ RED c o l o r ], PLEASE. N O M O R E; DON’T BRING RUIN TO ANYONE ELSE’S F U T U R E . " I thought as I CRIED again, keeping it HIDDEN WITH A SMILE " ... IF    I    HAD [   T H A T  ... RED ?   ]    M Y S E L F  , could I S A V E S O M E O N E ‘ S F U T U R E ? " AWKWARD and SHAMEFUL , this is my L O N E L Y  P L A N ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Now that I ‘ M G O N E , I WONDER IF                                         [    M Y  F A M I L Y    ] Are S T I L L G E T T I N G A L O N G , and SMILING TOGETHER ? I ‘ M S U R E they must be UPSET WITH ME --- But I W O N D E R  I F  I  H A V E  B E C O M E                                       ///      "   THEIR SON   "      ///
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                                                    [ F A M I L Y ] ... N O W .
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[ T A I C H I - S A N & MIMI-SAN ] Please try to    REMEMBER       THAT WORD      I   L O V E D;
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                                    [ C H O S E N C H I L D R E N ] "   H A P P I N E S S   "   is    a       C U R I O U S          T H I N G  ,
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                                               [ K O U S H I R O ] SO I HOPE Y O U    CAN    L O V E T    O    M    O    R    R    O    W       ... ... ... ... ... ... 
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
- I’M SORRY - I HATE KAGE//PROS FOR DOING THIS TOO I’M SORRY - NO IT’S STILL NOT A DIRECT PARODY BUT EXTREMELY INSPIRED W/THIS ONE - if you can’t quite tell, the first verse began as Mrs./Yoshie Izumi before eventually switching to Koushiro’s POV in the second verse! - in the original video, by the second verse, Kagepro’s plot kicks in MUCH MORE IN GEAR aaand yeah STILL NOT A DIRECT PARODY - SO PLS DON’T THINK IT IS - STILL HEAVILY INSPIRED but yeah you can discount most of the second verse visual plot-wise - unless you really want to torture yourself with imagery of tiny sad!Koushiro crying alone LITERALLY WHY - DON’T WORRY THOUGH MR. IZUMI IS V. NOT INVOLVED LIKE THAT HERE - WHY IS KAGE//PROS LIKE THAT I STG
- the reason why the lyrics alternate between: [RED?] [YELLOW??] [scarf?] [C A P E?] -- is because this is more Kage//pros specific imageries and yeahh I don’t want the exact same thing for Koushiro visually in most of main REPEAT?_ BUT - MENTAL IMAGERY wise IT CAN STILL BE A THING - IN THE VARIOUS FORMS MENTIONED - BUT I WAS THINKING “CAPE” MORE BECAUSE OF A CERTAIN
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- I’M SORRY AGAIN - FEELINGS HATE ME - however this one is kinda really hard to parody without arts skills myself besides amv making so ;; ;; probably won’t be able to make anything amv-wise for this kind of thing for a super long while.....
- ...... she probably already kinda involved herself though in some parts - ....... i’m sorry - WARNINGS (+ FOR REPEATVERSE): - IMPLIED/ATTEMPTED (KEY WORD: ATTEMPTED) SELF-SACRIFICE/’DEATH’ (ESPECIALLY IN KAGE//PROS) - HOWEVER. This is. Well. See REPEAT?_ infos too and YEAH. - IT DOESN’T WORK OUT EXACTLY AS THEY PLANNED..... - I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; (I ..... PROMISE)
WARNINGS FOR THE KAGE//PROS VIDEO: - IMPLICATIONS OF past child abuse (I’M SO SORRY FOR KAGE//PROS) [ this happens for a line spanning about 10 seconds ] - blonde haired boy Kano suffered from child abuse from a past family member. - black haired boy Seto suffers from being bullied as a child by various neighborhood kids - green haired/short haired girl Kido came from a very strict family / mainly her biological father. This ‘father’ was ... neglectful/emotionally abusive in ways (I’m so sorry for Kage//pros) he eventually ends up trying to kill her + her older sister + himself in a fire. She well. (Yeah. She survives. 7TH NOVEL SPOILERS) - the one visible though is actually not the father but more like a butler/maid from the same ‘house’ according to the author in old tweets. - there is nothing more said about that and hope to god it stays that way because. yeah. yeah - basically Kage//pros has MANY warnings re ‘deaths’ PLEASE TREAD VERY CAREFULLY AND ONLY IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE PLOT-RELATED DETAILS LIKE THAT - they are not actually ‘adopted’ by the way, technically it’s ‘fostered’ (confirmed via Japanese kanji in the original version). I don’t want to debate Kage//pros here though yeah, just mentioning that quickly since it’s important to not get confused with Kage//pros plot orz (many people will debate this though and I understand why but. yeah. technically it’s not official for many maaany plot reasons and yes the official English version definitely mistranslated it orz why this) (just saying: in Japan, when adopted, your surname has to legally change to your adopted family’s surname. The kids’ surnames do not change in Kage//pros canon and the implication is that thegirls’parents’bothdied beforeitcouldhappenyeah. This was pointed out by a Japanese translator so yeah...) [plus her doing what she does at the end kinda screws a lot up y e a h] - NO THIS PART DETAILED ABOVE RE: KAGE//PROS PLOT VERY MUCH DOES NOT RELATE TO THIS STORY GOD NO -  IZUMIS ARE THE GOOD ADOPTIVE PARENTS AND I’M KEEPING IT THAT WAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH - KOUSHIRO’S BIOLOGICAL PARENTS TOO - BUT YEAH THOSE WARNINGS ARE SPECIFIC TO KAGE//PROS THOUGH IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO I’M SORRY - this is mainly in the first verse during the “brough here...” line - you can kinda cover your eyes at that part and just listen if you’d like though?? - in the second verse it’s heavily implied the girl’s own father is going mentally downhill (this is due to heavy plot spoiler reasons) - (this is a pretty initial spoiler but. his wife also dies - this is related via the second verse of the song, her photo is seen) - he basically ends up discovering plot things and - experiments ... on the girl singings’ classmates/friends ... uhhhh yeah (I’M SORRY FOR KAGE//PROS) - (IT’S NOT REALLY ‘HIM’ THOUGH.....) - this is why SHE’S TRYING TO STOP IT later on in the song - THIS ALSO VERY MUCH DOES NOT RELATE TO MY FICVERSE [BEING SERIOUS HERE]
^ an alternative piano version, albeit a bit faster!
^ this is the original video / song! (PLEASE TREAD WITH CAUTION) (BUT if you’re comfortable with such plot things) (THIS WORKS WELL FOR MAXIMUM FEELINGS) [ AND IT’S HONESTLY A GORGEOUS SONG/VIDEO ] [ AYANO’S A GORGEOUS CHARACTER TOO OK ]
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50cyg · 7 years
[1/2]Hi you have a great blog! Just wanted to drop a note cuz folks are so mad about Meiko but to add her as a character is a choice I respect--having a new character be a catalyst for a new plot is a way of keeping fans pleased with representations of their faves, i.e. having a new character shake things up means that writers can keep the baseline of characterizations that fans love for the original digidestined.(Personally I think tri!Yamato is very in-character but this also seems unpopular)
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Thank you! I’m glad you like it :)
First of all, how people are responding to Meiko, from both sides, is frustrating to me. 
Many Anti-Meiko fans don’t actually spend the time to properly convey what they dislike about her and just say she’s a shitty character and they didn’t come to see a new characters steal screen time. While I semi-agree with these statements, they ultimately have no purpose beyond releasing frustration. Which I guess is why people make them. 
On the flip side you have Pro-Meiko fans who say that the only reason people dislike Meiko is because she’s new. They also defend every action the character has taken, or not taken. 
Then these two opposing groups do nothing but fuel each other and what we get is a war instead of actual discussion and thoughtful criticism of the character and the story surrounding her. Basically, I just don’t like extremes of any kind. 
I don’t hate Meiko, I like aspects of her and also find myself relating to her sometimes. But I don’t like the way she is handled and think her inclusion is unnecessary. 
Now, in response to your statement, I’d like to start by saying that you are completely entitled to your opinion and I think there are people who would agree with you. However, I do not.
(Warning, mild Anti-Meiko ahead)
Even with Meiko’s inclusion, Tri is shaking up the characters. Taichi and Yamato in some ways have switched their stances regarding how to handle situations. Taichi’s character and his conflicts are at the forefront of the series and we can see the ways in which he has stayed the same and the ways in which he has changed. He is definitely not the exact same as he was when he was 11. Many people in the fandom who see Taichi as a more one dimensional character were really thrown off by how much Tri is highlighting Taichi’s more hesitant side, even though we saw it a number of times in Adventure, and even in 02.
We can see that Tri/Yamato has been pretty heavily influenced by Adventure Taichi. He has gone from the kid who doesn’t want to climb up a mountain in case of danger to the guy that knows if they don’t fight Alphamon more people will get hurt. He has become the one who moves forward first. This is not in line with his established character in Adventure but rather a result of Taichi’s influence on him over the years. Vice versa Taichi has been influenced by Yamato, which we saw happen throughout adventure and which was highlighted when we see Taichi think “what would Yamato do?” in response to someone asking him if they should go to Pinocchiomon’s house. Now this does not mean that either is acting OOC. When I said once that Yamato is out of character I was talking about the fact that he is out of character from his established 02 self. 02 Yamato is far far more laid back, while as Tri Yamato is very similar to Adventure Yamato. Both Tri/Taichi and Tri/Yamato feel like older versions of their Adventure selves, who have grown and been influenced by each other over the years.
So yeah, Tri is not afraid of making alterations to characters or dynamics or putting certain aspects of a character more to the forefront. 
They also are not afraid of giving pre-existing characters personality transplants. There is really only one scene in the Adventure universe, prior to Tri, where we see Takeru troll anybody. This scene is when he trolls Pinocchimon. Tri then took that minor minor glipse into Takeru’s troll side and decided to multiply it by a thousand, effectively making him the troll king of the Adventure universe (though I’d argue Wizardmon is a bigger troll but that’s a post for another day :P). I’ve seen virtually zero complaints made about this change in his personality. In fact, virtually everyone loves it. It makes Takeru a far more compelling character. Him being a troll is now one of his defining characteristics, when it was previously a tiny tiny aspect that was created and used to execute one scene. 
Furthermore, despite Meiko’s inclusion they still have pre-established characters in conflict with one another. Taichi and Yamato are in conflict. Sora gets angry with Taichi and Yamato. Yamato was angry with Jyou. Mimi and Koushiro were in conflict. Jyou stands up against Taichi in Kyosei. Koushiro stands up to Yamato in Kyosei. Hikari has literally just brought on the apocalypse. There is in fighting happening throughout the entire series.
Finally, they do not have to mischaracterize them for Drama. Many people were very engaged by the plot line of Patamon getting infected and no one had to be mischaracterized for the drama of those scenes to be effective. Hikari was not mischaracterized for the drama of her giving into the darkness to be executed well. As far as I’ve seen, fans have not had an issue with having bad things happen to either of these characters. In fact, fans like me love seeing our faves suffer. Think of how much more effective it would have been to have Jesmon trying to kill a pre-established character that we love. How would fans have reacted if Jesmon was trying to kill Patamon? I guarantee it would have brought on more emotions than him trying to kill Meicoomon. 
So yeah, I don’t agree. I hold to my belief that Meiko’s inclusion was not necessary. I think fans would have been happier had she not been included and instead we’d gotten tragic things happening to the pre-existing characters. This is all hypothetical though, and anyone who reads this post is free to comment whether they agree or disagree. 
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50cyg · 7 years
How would be your ranking between the 12 digidestined of Adventure and 02?
As in who I like most?
Gosh this is super hard to answer but I’ll do my best.
Okay so Taichi, Yamato, Jyou, Mimi and Koushiro are basically all tied for first. I love watching all of these five so much. 
But if I had to pick an order I would say:
1. Taichi. I like Taichi the most because I feel he has the most depth to his character and he is the most enjoyable to analyze. He also has a really big range of emotions completely on his own and doesn’t necessarily need to interact with other characters in order to bring out those emotions. I think you could make a whole series about what’s going on in this characters head. In my opinion he has the biggest range as a character in terms of what he does, the emotions he has, the possibilities for his reactions to situations and his growth as a character
2. Yamato. Again Yamato ranks high for his depth as a character. Although I think his personality and reactions are slightly more influenced by those he is around and I don’t think his mind would be as complex as Taichi’s. However, he is still an incredibly interesting character with a huge range. He is my favourite character to pair up with the rest of the kids in my head because I feel like his personality is more influenced by the people he is around. Every chosen child would bring out a slightly different side to Yamato which could be really fun to explore, while most of the other characters tend to stay the same more or less no matter who they are with. 
3. Mimi. I remember watching Digimon Tri with one of my friends and literally every time Mimi came on screen I was like “I love Mimi so much” to the point where I think he started getting really annoyed with me. There is literally not a single scene in Tri that I do not love her in. She is so cute and fun. Also I relate very heavily to this character as I am also someone who is very honest with my words to the point where I often offend people without realizing it. And I often do things I want to do regardless of how other people feel. I love Mimi because she is a well written female character who is girly but also has many other aspects to her character, also I really genuinely enjoy that she is just very pure hearted.
4. Koushiro. Koushiro is just awesome. He’s such a badass, he literally solves like all of the problems. Also he is really cute and I like that he is socially awkward and super polite to the point where he still uses sufixes even though he’s known these people for like half his life. 
5. Jyou. Jyou is great and I really enjoy him but he has less moments that make me go “fuck yeah this character is the best” than the previous four. But when he does have those moments they leave me having to pause the video and freak out for several minutes. Of all the Chosen Children he is the only one that I couldn’t possibly understand someone not liking him. He has flaws like any other character but how can you not love him after he throws himself into danger on a regular basis to protect his comrades!
Hikari, Daisuke and Ken all all tied for second place but if I had to rank them:
6. Hikari. This character has a lot of flaws. Many of which are the same flaws that make me dislike Sora. However I’m very biased in favour of her because I just think she is absolutly adorable and I really love her in both films directed by Mamoru Hosoda, especially the first film that acted like a pilot to the series. I also really like her relationship with Taichi. When I was a kid and I was watching the series for the first time I was unbelievably happy to find out Taichi had a younger sister. I’m biased because I have an older brother who means the absolute world to me, he is the most precious person in my life and always will be so I have a huge soft spot for brother/sister relationships in fiction. However I will say that I was disappointed with her character in both 02 and now Tri, I don’t like the way she makes fun of Daisuke and Takeru.
7. Daisuke. I didn’t like any of the 02 kids as a child but as an adult Daisuke has really grown on me. I love that he beats Malomyotismon by just being genuinely happy with his life. Ilove how he always tried to make people feel better even if he has no idea why they are upset and doesn’t know them very well but god damn it if he ain’t going to get all up in your business until you reveal your entire life story to him lol. I also love the scene in Hurricane Touchdown when he cries because they might have to kill somone’s partner digimon. He’s also genuinely funny a lot of the time especially in the Revenge of Diablomon film
8. Ken. I enjoy Ken as the digimon emperor, where he’s kinda whiny and also sort of insane but also really smart and he is just a lot of fun to watch. I also think his plans are very interesting. But I also like him when he starts working with the group. I think his shyness is really cute and I think he’s shy in a totally different way then Yamato which is nice. 
Honestly though I love Daisuke and Ken the most whenever they are together. I’d say they are my second favourite pair in Digimon behind Yamato and Taichi. Though unlike Yamato and Taichi I don’t ship Daisuke with Ken romantically. 
9. Miyako. I like the fact that Miyako is both a girly girl who admires Mimi but is also techy and admires Koushiro. I’m not a fan of her as one of the Chosen Children simply because I feel there are too many Chosen Children and it would be nicer to have less main characters so that everyone gets more development. However I think she would make a really fantastic side character. Honestly I have an AU where she’s Mimi’s sister :P
10. Sora. I’m not a fan of Sora but I don’t hate her either. I like that she is the mom of the group and that she thinks of others before herself but I already talked a lot about the reasons dislike her in my confession regarding her and Takeru which I linked when I talked about Hikari above.
Takeru and Iori are tied for last place but if I had to rank them:
11. Takeru takes eleventh place because I grew up with him and have fond childhood memories of him unlike Iori who I disliked along with all the 02 kids when I was a child. Now though I find him dull and annoying. See my confession for more details
12. Iori. I have learned to appreciate aspects of his character over the years, Mainly his character development from being unforgiving of people who have committed crimes to becoming a defense attorney. See my thoughts on the Chosen Children’s careers for more details. But overall I still find him the most uninteresting of all the kids. 
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