#50cyg answers
50cyg · 4 years
the & tag on ao3 is for friendship, so the 75 “Yamato & Taichi” fics wouldn’t count as fics for the ship
“Accepted, though I know several writers who don't always tag right as they are unfamiliar with the system.” - DeAlice
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billie-pipers · 5 years
do you ship rose with in incarnations other than nine and ten. I really like the idea of her with 3, 4, 8, 11,and 12 a little as well.
i think KNOW all the docs are sluts for rose tyler and i absolutely encourage people to create works with their fav doc and rose. billie piper confirmed this somewhere. rose marion tyler loves the doctor for whomstever they were or shall ever be. i cried when she stated thirteenrose would be a thing. because that ship screams soft gay fever dream. i'll admit i do have a bias for ninerose because chris and billie really smiled at each other and invented love. i'm sad that there's not much classicwhu docs x rose tyler fics because those fools would never stand a chance. she still tops. overall, it's rose and the doctor in the tardis as it should be.
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cyclone5000 · 8 years
Hey I would absolutely love to read an 11 page essay on why you think Taichi x Yamato is canon :D seriously I'd read the whole thing, I can't get enough of it
Ahaha...I’m afraid I might disappoint you then...
lol if it’s not already obvious, this is 100% my personal ranting...That post in of itself is really old...that whole ‘I do believe Taito is canon’ was more of a nod toward one of my old friends because we used to talk extensively about canon’s validity and how the meaning of it notion itself changes depending on how you derive it. 
...that might be a little confusing lol What I mean to say is, canon can have a different level of importance depending on an individual person. Especially with a series that has been around for like what...18 years now? Lol people aren’t going to take the material in the same way. XD 
So this is...entirely a personal thing from this point onward. With Digimon, I don’t really treat the canon as like a strict set of formulas that I analyze to the letter. Its more of a foundation to which I build my interpretation on. And with that intrepreation, I just repeatedly I break it down and rebuild it up. Like lego blocks! Lol that’s what I find fun at least. 
I know in the post you’re referring too...it may have come off that I was saying something like ‘Taichi/Yamato are totally a thing in the epilogue!’ but...that’s not what I think at all. When it comes to deriving analysis for Taichi and Yamato, it’s not that I think that this ship is endgame. Its more of...because of how their character is written in the arcs of the series, they have such an exclusive sense of intimacy. And, when I look at the components of each different level of closeness, it just sucks me right in! They weren’t my first ship. But they became my favorite and I keep going back to them all the time. Lmao.
When you put Taichi and Yamato together different traits about them get highlighted. And this contrast will change depending on the method you use to mesh them together.  Like, idk, for example.  If you compare them side by side. Or if you overlap them. If you look at one supporting the other. Or! If you do the exact opposite and isolate them or pair them off with different characters. Because so many new things can be realized when just thinking about them in the canon in a different light. There is just a plethora of varied content in the fanwork. Which I find super interesting and its a major contributor of why I keep focusing on these two over anyone else. Because of how they are in the series, I wind up getting inspired by them over and over again. 
Technically, with how Digimon is written and executed. Something like this can be done with any pairing. But in my opinion, Taichi and Yamato is where I really feel a unique sense of strength.  They have such impressive individual character depth, and when I see them together I notice a strong united depth. And its done in a way I like! And I wanna keep playing with it lol 
So yeah lol Um. If you want I can tell you about how I like looking at them? The different ways I enjoy looking at their relationship as a whole?  But...if you are looking for a list of examples of why Taichi and Yamato are dating and later married with kids...I’m not the person to go for that...my heart just wouldn’t be into it...I’m sorry :/ 
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keep-on-trying · 7 years
Hikari’s Role in Digimon Adventure Tri Part 5: Kyousei
Because someone has to talk about this! I just finished rewatching Kyousei, and guess what I noticed? She is not shafted at ALL! She had a great deal of good moments from her, she’s never spoken as much in previous movies as she is here, and like I’ve said already, her role is far from over! Now let’s start looking at her moments in here! Super, super long post ahead, with tons of spoilers, so i’m gonna use a cut! If you haven’t seen Kyousei yet, enter the cut content at your own risk!
Hikari being able to sense Digital World detesting them
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We know very well from Adventure and 02 that Hikari’s always been a very sensitive person, and that she’s always had this weird connection to Digital World. It’s affecting her a great deal here, it can be heard from her voice. There’s this sort of pessimist sound in this dialogue, and from someone who’s quite a closed-up but honest person? It’s quite heavy. It’s hard for me to explain what I feel about this dialogue, but it just feels so her. Takeru asks her next what she means by all this, but we’re then skipped to Daigo and Hackmon. We’ll return to this later in the movie thou, so keep on reading!
Hikari’s dialogue at the fire with Meiko
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You know what? A lot of people seem to think this scene is meant for Meiko, and partly it is. But honestly, this is where we see the optimistic side of Hikari, and I love her dialogue here a great, great deal. Her dialogue is so pure, and it’s why I love Hikari so so much. And it doesn’t end here, it continues.
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I love Hikari a great deal guys. She’s so pure. She’s such a good person. All of that above is said by Hikari! She’s shining here so much! And the music, oh god I want to buy this movie series OST the minute it comes for sale, if it ever does. It’s that good. And look how everyone is smiling at Hikari’s pep-talk to Meiko at this moment.
But y’know, this only just now occured to me, but she could be refering to her own experience with the Dark Ocean in 02. Don’t give in to a weak heart, friends by your side... this is something she herself learned when she was drawn to Dark Ocean, and managed to get herself out of there with the help of Takeru and Miyako. With the help of her friends.
Hikari’s talk about the Digital World desesting them when Takeru asks her again
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There’s quite a long pause here before Hikari says the following:
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Takeru’s face. It was sort of my face too.
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During this dialogue I was feeling really sad for Hikari. How would you feel when you’re able to sense the world around you telling you to “get out, we don’t want you here”. I love how Tailmon reacts to it thou.
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The Digimons may have been rebooted and don’t remember the experience they had before current events, but they still have learned to care a great great deal of our chosen children. Other digimons join her here too, hugging and nuzzling their own partners.
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Takeru’s look here is definitely a worried one. He if anyone knows when Hikari is trying to hide something. Taichi doesn’t seem too convinced in that screenshot either, thou after this everyone is smiling with Hikari.
But ohmygod the dialogue doesn’t end here! There’s a moment with Koushiro talking about how Hikari’s feelings aren’t wrong, and that there’s definitely something wrong with the Digital World they’re in right now.
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Everyone is looking at Hikari with surprised faces, not really understanding what Hikari is saying. Or they do, but don’t want to face it.
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Seriously, being such a sensitive person must be hard for Hikari. There’s another pause on dialogue when Takeru finally opens up.
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Then Taichi steps in. Darn it, Taichi has such great dialogue in this movie as well.
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And y’know, it makes sense for Taichi to have these dialogues, since he means so much to Hikari (I may talk about it later unless someone beats me to it). But this bothers me. Why are they a nuisance now. Because they’re a group of grown-up kids that can think for themselves? Were it Homestasis or Yggdrasil who threw them out of there soon after this, just... god damn it.
Hikari with Jou when they’re at the school
This moment is very small, but I love it still.
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Jou dear, that’s not something you’re supposed to say-
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I don’t know if Hikari used the -san instead of -senpai on purpose, but she’s the one who told him to shut it. It’s small, but I love it. Jou keeps on being amazing in Tri as well, haha!
Hikari cares about Meiko!
When Meiko learns that Homestasis has ordered Meicoomon to be eliminated, she sort of goes on depressed-mode.
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Hikari is the first to react, and this actually happens a lot in the movie. Next up is Taichi telling Meiko that Meicoomon needs her right now. Meicoomon desires Meiko with her. After that, Hikari’s line is something I find so sweet.
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This becomes the theme of the movie itself. Meiko starts trying to be Meicoomon’s hope from this moment on. Tries to find out what the hope is. And Hikari is the one that helped her to get there.
As a side note, this all happened in the first half of the movie. All of this dialogue. And we’re far from done.
The Dialogue between Sora, Mimi and Hikari
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Just look at what Hikari says next.
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Somehow I feel like she’s referencing some past event. Maybe the Vamdemon saga in Adventure, or Oikawa Arc in 02. I’m not entirely sure yet. But this is such a big line from her.
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Even Takeru notices that Hikari is feeling down. And this is where he does what @50cyg pointed out in this post. Takeru is such an awesome kid in Tri, cheering on Hikari and trolling on his brother. My Takari Shipper ass is happy.
The Spooky Story scene is one of my favourite scenes in the whole series so far, but since this post is about Hikari, I’ll skip talking about it for now. I’ll just mention that Takeru so did that to cheer Hikari up, and I adore him for that.
Taichi’s talk with his mother on the phone
Wait what? Taichi? Wasn’t this supposed to focus on Hikari? Well, this scene may be focused on Taichi, but I feel it’s very important for Hikari as well.
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This whole conversation hurts when you start thinking about what happens at the end. That’s why I’m including it. It holds a great importance to Hikari’s scene at the end. She was there next to Taichi to hear this conversation. Or, I think she heard. I know I’m sometimes able to hear someone speak from phone to someone else clearly from Hikari’s distance. Anyway.
Meiko’s dialogue about Meicoomon’s rampaging
I honestly don’t know what to call this scene. But just, it may be Meiko-focused scene, but just look!
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Meiko tells Meicoomon to blame her, and then!
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Hikari turns to her after she said that! She’s genuinily worried for Meiko. I’m not sure if she feels she’s relating to her pain, or what is, but like, she’s reacting to it.
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She’s feeling something. She reacted same way when Taichi talked about not being able to do anything in Soushitsu.
Hikari fighting againsts Homeostasis
The absolute highlight! I freaking love this scene, because it’s the first time Hikari’s shown to resist a digimon god!
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That’s Homeostasis’ line. Next up comes our badass Hikari.
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How is she doing this? Is she finally resisting Homeostasis because she’s not feeling the same way with the digimon god anymore?
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Why do I see people pointing out there being sacrifices in past series on this line here? That is not the point here! She doesn’t want to see any more sacrifices.
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I... I have a feeling this is where Hikari’s conflict actually begins! This is where this gets god damn creepy as well!
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What in the flying pluckmons is Not-Gennai doing inside Hikari’s mind? What the hell is going on??? And he’s smiling in creepy way!? Did he want this conflict between Hikari and Homeostasis to happen? Someone, get him out of there!
Bonus scene:
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Good Taichi, take care of her! Sora too. Takeru as well <333 My Takari shipper ass please stay still. Also sibling relationship lover is happy.
“Please, kill Mei-chan“
I didn’t really know how to call this scene, but Hikari’s reactions are important! Very!
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Hikari is telling Meicoomon to stop! She wants Meiko to stop suffering, that’s how she is feeling here! And when Meiko tells the chosen children to kill Meicoomon instead, guess who reacts first.
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Yes, Hikari does. She’s bound on not letting there be any more deaths, and when Meiko says that, she’s not happy. She doesn’t want to do it.
Remember how Hikari said earlier that she believes each side of partners being each others hope? Well...
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Looks like Meiko’s answer of hope is killing Meicoomon. I’m dead certain it’s not the answer Hikari was looking for when she said that line.
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Then Taichi drops the line. He’s willing to help Meiko do her answer of hope. It’s huge for Taichi. Hikari reacts to this too, She’s clearly not feeling it. Her voice doesn’t want to accept what she just heard. And the next scene!
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Screenshots don’t do any justice because Hikari reacts by body language! She’s squeezing Nyaromon after hearing her brother say that. She’s not accepting her brother say that! Remember how she was hesitant on killing digimon back in 02 as well? That talk between Taichi and Hikari? She’s never been ok with sacrifices nor killing Digimon.
Taichi’s supposed death
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This is big. This is absolutely big. If you’re here still reading this, congratz! And wow :D But here we go. Remember, whenever the subtitle says Taichi with Hikari, she actually says Onii-chan, Big brother.
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There’s a weird spark happening to Hikari’s feet at this scene.
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She’s slowly walking towards the scene where Taichi supposedly died.
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This is the line from the PV. You can hear her slowly breaking.
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What does she mean? I was thinking that maybe this is related to her mom telling Taichi to take care of her. Does she feel lost without Taichi? Remember how in 02 episode 13, Hikari told Takeru that Taichi was by her side whenever Dark Ocean was calling her. Maybe that’s what she’s saying? Or something similar, I don’t know what so say I’m too shocked at this till.
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Then it begins. Her Crest of light lights up on her forehead. I’m not sure why it’s in the forehead. But I believe it’s a sign of evolution. Her crest has always been the symbol of the light happening while evolution with digimon happen.
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...There’s a spark on Nyaromon ohmygod no god please no.
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I still don’t know what to call that... thing surronding her. Is it the infection? Koushiro’s laptop seems to imply so, but... what the hell is going on?
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Yamato’s reaction is important! So very important! I don’t know why but it reminds me of Vamdemon saga when he was taking care of Hikari when Taichi was heading to the base. It’s not a reference to it, but I’m sure Yamato feels like he should be protecting Hikari now as well, with Taichi gone. But let’s continue.
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She’s getting it all over her body.
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Takeru is dead worried.
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It’s now on her face! This is so creepy!
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This right here seems to imply this being the infection but... is it? Or... I’ll come back to this later, because it’s hella creepy.
Anyway, Takeru runs towards Hikari. Then this happens.
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The infection starts flying out of her...
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Takeru is startled.
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Nyaromon collapses on this, and then...
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She’s loosing conciousness.
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All of that weird stuff is gathering on Nyaromon. Takeru is definitely spooked. After some spooky animation...
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Enter Ophanimon: Falldown Mode. She looks quite scary and beautiful at the same time.
And then! Here’s the creepy stuff again!
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GET THE HELL OUT OF HER YOU CREEPER! Is he inside Hikari? Was that code whatever this Not-Gennai is entering Hikari and then releasing the hatred inside Hikari to dark-evolve Nyaromon? They are in the Digital World at that moment after all.
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We then have everyone running towards Hikari, Takeru talking these lines. Then we have more creepy stuff when Ophanimon and Raguelmon are... well, I’ll call it airdancing.
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Hikari... are you ok? Of course she’s not, her brother just died in front of her and she just unleashed a dark-evolution. Althou...
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Does unleashing this compare to anything we’ve seen before in Digimon? This thing creeps the hell out of me. And the creepiness continues.
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Is Not-Gennai talking through Hikari? What is happening? You guys have no idea how much I screamed and gasped when I rewatched this scene.
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Quick side note, after that creepy Ophanicrackmon goes to human world, is this the Dark Ocean appearing in Human World as well?? It looks like it to me, but I’m not entirely certain.
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...I haven’t seen Digimon Savers for years but, didn’t Yggdrasil try destroying the human world there as well? It was with Royal Knights. Hikari, look what you’ve unleashed! Is this that cruel fate the summary was talking about?
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Of course, Hikari right now is in full-on emotional lockdown, not reacting to anything. Takeru is holding her, and she’s definitely not using her body at that moment. Something snapped inside her when Taichi died.
And that’s all of her moments!
God damn it, writing this took me 4 hours. And if you made it this far, I’m amazed. And I’m sorry for such a long, long rambling! But, as I said before, I adore Hikari dearly, and I felt the need to write this because seriously, she shined, and she wasn’t shafted aside at all.
On top of that, because she sort of unleashed this, this is what I believe being her conflict that she needs to face. She unleashed a dark creature. She no longer represents the light. She needs to have a role in next movie of some kind, otherwise he conflict stays undone.
...I hope I didn’t forget anything. But, thank you for reading. This was Aleira, signing off! ♥
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rosegoldcrystal · 7 years
Thank you @rainbow09 & @50cyg
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you would like to get to know better. 
Name: Constanza
Nicknames: Coni, Connie, red, Rusia
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 167 cm
Orientation: straight but... don't knock it till you tried it Lol!
Favourite Fruit: watermelon, pineapple and berries
Favourite Season: spring
Favourite Book Series: i love reading but i don't have a favorite book series 
Favourite Flower: Don’t have one yet
Favourite Scent: Chocolate
Favourite Colour:  Red (and pink and blue Lol!)
Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: Tea
Average Sleep Hours: 5 to 8
Cat or Dog Person: Love animals but DOGLOVER
Favorite Fictional Characters: Yamato, Taichi, Vegeta, Rin
Dream Trip: Japan and Hawaii
Blog Created: 2015
Number of Followers: 648
I tag @jokessho @confundida25 @terresdebrumestories and everyone who wanna do this :)
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jokessho · 7 years
[Drabble]: The haunting
In response to @50cyg: “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” - any pairing, I don't even care, I just need this.
I had this as a WIP for weeks and wasn’t going to go through with it because it felt awkward to write. Still find it lacking, but it’s been nagging me for too long, so I’m sending it out into the world to fend for itself (I need to move on).
“Yamato...” Mimi groaned.
“Mimi.” Yamato stated back, staring at her with a smug look on his face.
“I don’t really know…”
“Just trust me.”
“Come on, I promise it will be good.”
Mimi looked hesitant, so Yamato struck again:
“I promise you’ll be fine.”
Mimi grimaced, relenting. “Why do I always let you bully me into stuff like this?”
Laughing victoriously, Yamato pushed the plate of Buffalo wings across his kitchen table, towards the young woman. “I swear they’re not that spicy.”
Mimi grabbed one that looked the least coated in red. She eyed it suspiciously.
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
Yamato laughed, grabbing a wing himself. Then, with a smirk on his face and eyebrow raised, he asked: “Haunt my ass how?”
“Well,” Mimi started, nibbling on the chicken in her fingers. Yamato bit into his own, amused eyes on the brunette sitting across from him. “I’d hire a group of chicken-ghosts to stalk you.”
Yamato almost choked on the food going down his throat as he burst out laughing.
“I’m being serious!” Mimi bristled, taking an aggressive bite out of her chicken. Only, she had forgotten it was spicy. Honey eyes widened and she made a mad grab at her glass of milk. This caused Yamato to laugh harder.
“It’s not funny.” Mimi glared. “I thought you were supposed to be a good cook!”
“I am.” Yamato put the bones onto their scrap-plate. “Or at least that’s what everyone says.”
“But it’s spicy!” Mimi was again nibbling on the chicken, albeit a bit more courageously. She had always preferred sweeter foods, but she had to admit that the wings Yamato made were pretty good.
Yamato shrugged, grabbing another piece of chicken from the pile between them. “Even my dad and Takeru can handle this level of hotness. And that’s saying something.”
“Ugh.” Mimi finished off her chicken and went for seconds. “Okay, I admit: you make an amazing Buffalo sauce. But it needs less chilli. No one should be able to stomach this; it’s too hot!”
Yamato rolled his eyes. “Cutting back on the chilli would take away from its amazingness. I usually make them hotter.” He discarded the bones again. “And Taichi likes the hot stuff.”
“What, like you?” Mimi shot back, smirking.
Yamato almost choked on the chicken in his mouth. He quickly gulped some of his water before looking up at Mimi, face red. “You know what I meant.”
Victoriously, Mimi discarded her second set of bones. Her mouth was starting to go numb, it seemed. “You know it’s true, though. Taichi likes that you’re hot.”
Yamato frowned. “Give Taichi a bit more credit. It’s not like he’s with me for my looks.”
Mimi leaned over and placed a hand over the one reaching for another wing. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know.” Yamato sighed and Mimi retracted her hand, grabbing a wing along the way. “If that were the case, he’d have gotten bored with my looks by now.”
“I don’t think anyone would get bored of your looks. I haven’t.”
“Trust me,” Yamato said with a curt nod. “Twenty years of looking at this same face has me bored out of my mind by it.”
Mimi made a disbelieving face. “Well, amazing as you look, without even trying—lucky bastard—he loves you for way more than your looks. Although, with that personality of yours, I don’t know what those things are…”
Yamato stuck his tongue out and Mimi laughed.
“Knowing Taichi, though,” Mimi continued, moving on to her fourth wing. “It’s probably your amazing skills in the kitchen; these things are addicting!”
Laughing, Yamato grabbed another wing for himself before the woman could eat them all. Yamato knew she was plenty capable of doing so.
Soon there were only four Buffalo wings left. Yamato grabbed one and pushed the plate Mimi’s way.
“Have at least one more.”
“I swear my mouth is on fire and I’ve burnt all my taste buds. I’ll probably never be able to taste food again.”
“It can’t be that bad.” Yamato chastised with a chuckle. “You can do it.”
Mimi took one of the wings and nibbled on it. The numbness was long gone from her mouth and now it seemed her lips were more sensitive to the burn.
“Aah!” Mimi whined, having downed her fifth glass of milk. “That’s it! Here.” She stood, nibbled-on wing in hand, and gave it to Yamato as she passed him on the way to the sink. “I’m done; I can’t eat any more!”
Shaking his head in mock-disappointment, Yamato finished off Mimi’s wing. He put the two untouched ones into the pile he had reserved for his father, for when he got home.
Yamato joined Mimi at the sink, shoving his hands under the faucet. The two play-fought for dominance of the running water, until Mimi declared that her hands were clean. She dried them and made her way to the living room.
Yamato tidied a few things in the kitchen before joining the brunette on the couch.
“So,” Yamato crossed his legs and grabbed his knee with both hands. “Tell me more about this gang of chickens you’re going to hire to stalk me.”
“Not stalk you.” Mimi reached over to slap Yamato’s shoulder. “They’ll be haunting you.”
“How?” To Yamato’s credit, he kept a poker face.
Mimi put a finger on her chin in thought. “I’ll get them to cluck at you continuously.”
“And this would annoy me to no end?”
“You could never hear yourself think. All your new songs would be incessant clucking.”
“I’d be a hit with the chicks, I’m sure.”
Mimi threw her head back into the backrest. “I hate you.”
“You’re the one that wanted a chicken gang to haunt me.”
Mimi viewed Yamato from the corner of her eye before bringing her head up. She shifted to sit cross-legged on the couch.
“So.” She started, sly smile playing on her lips. “How are things with Taichi?”
“Good.” Was Yamato’s simple answer and Mimi was tempted to smack him again.
“No, no, no. I want a proper answer!”
Yamato slunk into a slouch, uncrossing his legs. “That is a proper answer; things are going well. We’re doing great.”
“’Great,’ huh?” The sly look had returned to her face. “By ‘great’ I assume you mean there are dirty details to share?”
Yamato made a face. “Didn’t think you’d be one for voyeurism.”
This time Mimi did smack him.
“It’s not voyeurism if you just tell me how things are going in the bedroom in general.”
“You did ask for the details…”
“Stop it, stop it!” Mimi was practically on top of Yamato, slapping at his arms and shoulders.
Yamato just laughed.
After a minute of the assault, Mimi sat back, arms crossed over her chest.
Still chuckling, Yamato also righted himself. “Fine, fine; you win. Besides, voyeurism would involve you watching, not just hearing the details.”
“HA!” Mimi said, pointing a finger at the blond. “So hearing about it is just gossip.” With an affirming nod to herself, Mimi re-crossed her arms and waited for Yamato to speak.
“Well, there wouldn’t even be any dirty details to share.”
Mimi interrupted, aghast: “Are you trying to tell me that, after over a year of dating, you two haven’t done it yet?”
“No, we have.” Yamato admitted, pale pink blush creeping up his face. “It’s just that it’s not that dirty; Taichi’s been great and real gentle and we’ve taken things slowly and if we’re trying something new, we always make sure we’re not doing something that’s making the other uncomfortable.”
The blush hardened as Yamato cast a glance at Mimi and realised what he’d said and how.
Mimi looked like she was gazing at an adorable puppy.
Yamato edged back a bit, as she did look like she wanted to dive in and pinch his cheeks.
“That sounds so sweet.” She cooed, then her mood dropped. “Nothing like how you two are outside the bedroom.”
Yamato threw her a glare, though it was only half-hearted. It was true that he and Taichi weren’t lovey-dovey in public. They actually still disagreed quite often and would get into stupid arguments over practically nothing. Though these days, those arguments were resolved with kisses and other activities once they were alone.
“So Taichi tops?” Mimi’s question brought Yamato back to the present.
“We take turns.” He mumbled.
Mischievous honey eyes made the blush return fully. “He did it first, though, right? How long did it take you to gather up the courage to… you know?”
“Shut up.” Yamato mumbled. “I was afraid I’d hurt him!”
“So your first time hurt?”
Yamato covered his head with his hands, leaning over his knees. “If I die of embarrassment right now, then I’ll haunt your ass.”
“Oh? And how would you haunt my ass?”
Yamato fixed her with a look from his hiding place. “I would scare off anyone you’d ever want to sleep with. You’d never have sex again.”
Mimi’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t…”
Yamato sat up straight. “I would.”
The two eyed each other before bursting into laughter.
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So I got tagged by @50cyg, so here it goes. Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you want to know more about. (I’m only doing 19.)
Name: Sorry but I don’t feel comfortable telling.
Nicknames: Anything is fine.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: about 5'3"
Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: From what I’m aware I’m like mainly Irish with maybe some Portuguese.
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries. I absolutely love Strawberries!
Favorite Season: Fall and Spring cause it gets really pretty with flowers and leaves!
Favorite Book Series: Harry Potter, The Dresdon Files, Pretty much all the books by Rick Riordan.
Favorite Flower: Really tough one. Tie between a Lady Slipper and lilies. Cause both are so pretty!
Favorite Scent: Hmm…I love Vanilla and Cinamun.
Favorite Color: Purple
Coffee, Tea or Cocoa: Why not all three? But if I really had to choose between the three, its tea!
Average Sleep: Like 9 hours.
Favorite Fictional Characters: I have so many but I love Taichi Yagami and Agumon from Digimon, Venus and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, Percy From Percy Jackson Series and Molly from The Dresdon Files. I would say Harry Potter characters but there are so many good ones but if I had to choose I would probably choose the Weasley Twins.
Dream Trip: England, Ireland and Japan.
Blog Created: Somewhere between 2012 and 2013. I can’t think an exact date right now.
Number of followers: 92
I tag @sniperlance, @cili-rwby, @geckostuffs, @justgotawesome, @pjseaweedbrain and I guess whoever else wants to.
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digimumblr · 7 years
Um, Hi. Zuko here.
I’m kidding. Mostly.
Sooo...by the expert guidance of @50cyg, this Tumblr now obtains the ability to receive and (hopefully, without taking too long) answer Asks. 
I shall now return to my chair beside the window and spy for the Postmen to arrive.
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fizzingwizard · 7 years
50cyg replied to your post: Okay then. Yagami Taichi. So that's...
Definitely going to read this later when I get off mobile but can you explain to me how the spelling system works? There are missing letter and I dont get it :S
It should just be that each letter was done once. So for example, there are three Is in Yagami Taichi, but no need for me to answer three times. I didn’t notice if there are any letters that are missing by accident.
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space--butterflies · 7 years
Mango and blueberry lemon
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog about three or four years ago, and to be honest, I don’t remember why. 
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
I follow so many blogs I’m not sure if I can pick any favorites... I mostly follow fandom and recipe blogs, but I honestly can’t think of any to mark as my favorites.
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50cyg · 6 years
Hi there, I hope you don't mind me bothering you a little but I am worried about the upcoming sequel. I am just not too sure whether to be excited or not. On one hand it sounds like a great idea, Tri did too at first, but on the other hand it feels everything being drawn out and is going full circle till we arrive at the 02 ending, which up until now I still despise with every fiber of my being. It broke childhood me little heart into millions of pieces. Even now, I still pretend it never happe
(continued) I build a whole univers where, as chlidish as this sounds for my old age, they (Takari, Koumi) are a thing and telling the broken little childhood me, especially after Hikari mentioned, Takeru has growth in a romantic way, that they just left it in the open (why didn’t Tri delve into this?). But now, if it’s completely drawn out and going full-circle, there might be exactly that ambigues interpretation, resolution will be ruined and there might not be a coming back from it.
Sorry for responding so late, I’m still on semi hiatus and had exams and family events taking up a chunk of my time (this being the season and all). Of course I never feel like anyone who sends me an ask is bothering me, it’s nice that people still want my opinions even though I’ve been so inactive. I hope those who send me asks just don’t mind if it takes me a while to respond ^^’
First off, you are certainly not alone when it comes to disliking the epilogue, even some of the Japanese voice actors have expressed distaste for it. 
I’m kind of going to address different things from your ask not in order.
I think the reason why Tri decided not to delve too deep into the Takari relationship is the same reason why they didn’t delve too deep into the Koumi relationship or even the Canon Epilogue Sorato relationship (heck it’s not unreasonable at all to even interpret Tri as retconning the Sorato hook up in 02). This reason being that they want to keep everything vague and up for interpretation in order to not upset any fans who are anti these relationships. Anime as of recently has been moving more and more towards having ambiguous relationships so that fans can interpret things in their own way and also likely so as to not lose any fans who would stop watching if their ships were crushed (you are also seeing this move in western media as well). 
This also flows into why I think they aren’t going to build towards the epilogue (although it’s certainly a possibility that they will and I understand your concern). The epilogue is very restrictive and final which goes against everything Tri was, in that Tri left things open ended (heck we still have no idea who mystery guy was, on top of having no idea how any of the characters romantically feel about each other). There is also the fact that Kakudo left the upcoming project, and since he is the primary mind behind the epilogue this could indicate disagreements between him and new staff on how to handle things addressing the epilogue (of course this is all speculation and nothing is for certain, honestly I haven’t been keeping up to date on any statements made regarding the reasons for his leaving). Although Tri certainly hinted at things from the epilogue it was also vague enough that someone could still interpret Tri as an alternate universe diverging from the original ending. 
I don’t think it’s childish to have a complete alternate canon in your head where your ships happen, that’s exactly what fanfiction is, and I love fanfiction. I read fanfiction all the time where Taiyama is canon and have pretty much based my blog around them being canonically in love even within the confines of the epilogue. Once works are posted they are just as much the property of the fans as they are the property of the creators so you are free to interpret things however you want. Ultimately everyone is going to see things differently based on their own biases and experiences (using an example outside of the digimon fandom I interpret Draco Malfoy very differently from how JK Rowling herself interprets him and I cannot interpret him the way she wants me to since it very simply goes against everything my experiences have taught me). Many of the works I’ve seen within this community deviate from canon or offer new interpretations within the restrictions of canon, or even interpretations that directly contradict statements made by the original creators, so you are definitely not alone in your way of going about things.
I also want to point out there is nothing in canon that says Takari and Koumi aren’t together in the epilogue. They may not be explicitly said to be together in canon but they aren’t explicitly said not to be together either, so even the epilogue is up for interpretation. I’ve stated before that I’m a firm believer in Death of the Author, and the only reason people say they aren’t together is because the producer stated in an interview that they weren’t and even then she was only referencing Takari. For further details on this particular topic I’ve previously made this post and this post.
Personally, I’m very excited for the new material because I’m just very curious where they are going with it, especially after Tri which ended exactly the way I wanted it to, minus Taiyama becoming canon haha. But I also was very depressed after the fifth Tri movie, partially for exactly the reason you are worried for the new project, because I was worried that they were building to an ending where they just show the epilogue all over again. So I know how emotionally exhausting this situation can be. I’m going to leave you with the response my friend had to your question upon me showing her:
“I can strongly relate to this post. I would tell them what I  learnt myself: the moment a piece of art or media is public, it belongs to those who consume no less than those who created it and that emotional impact is ours and ours alone. At the end of the day, the Canon material is just one interpretation of how things could have ended up being. The popularity of fanfiction proves there are many other ways as well. Bottom line - take what you love, love it for what it is and ignore the rest.”
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cyclone5000 · 7 years
50cyg replied to your post: Last one, I promise. Who is the adorable creature...
I have no doubt that OP is a good show and I’d probably like it but I find its a better use of my time to watch many short Anime rather than one long one. Also, I never finish long Anime, I have yet to watch Naruto, Fairy Tail or Inuyasha in their entirety despite watching them for a very very long time. I just find I eventually lose interest. I’d rather watch something short and be left wanting more. Thank you for answering all my asks ^^
eh I don’t blame you. Lol, I’m not like one of those hardcore fans that tries to convince everyone to watch stuff that I like. In the end it’s just a show right? One way or another, you’re gonna find a good story that will leave a memorable mark for you. :D For me, if the story is good enough, doesn’t matter how long it is, I’ll wind up finishing it lol 
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keep-on-trying · 8 years
Possibly my only tagged post
Having been part of Deviantart for years I kinda grew tired of doing tagged posts there, but eh, thought I’d do this specific tag just this once. You won’t most likely see any more of these. This will work as letting anyone curious know a bit more about myself as well. Tagged by @50cyg
Don’t worry, this blog will still stay Digimon oriented :) Might make a side blog for other fandoms or own ramblings, or own art. Who knows. Right now, just digimon ;D
Rules: choose 10 different fandoms and pinpoint your favorite character from each one, then tag 10 more people. I’m not gonna tag anyone. Plus not sure if I actually have 10 fandoms hm. Answers under the cut.
Digimon Adventure Era: This is actually tough one. I really like Hikari because childhood memories, but I guess my ultimate favourite is Jyou Kido, and Mimi Tachikawa. I used to not like them, and eng dub didn’t help at all, but when I watched japanese sub I so fell in love with them. As characters, I’m not the kind to have crushes on fictional characters. Also really like Ken and Daisuke after seeing japanese sub. (Funny how ever since childhood I disliked english dub. Ken’s voice just doesn’t fit imo. ) (I grew with finnish dub btw, which abruptly ended on ep 21ish on 02 season, changing to english dub)
Sonic The Hedgehog: As a long time Sonic fan, this was obvious pick. Thou answer is more of a cliche? My favourite is Sonic himself. He’s been the biggest inspiration to me throughout my life. And having exactly same birthday is cool as hell (Only difference is I’m 2 years younger)! I owe Sonic a lot :) (I so am not hyped for Sonic Mania and Forces nononono /s)
Digimon Tamers: I’m gonna cheat and take Digimon Tamers here too. I absolutely love Ruki Makino in that series, she’s got great character progress throughout the series. And c’mon Sakuyamon is the best digimon. In my opinion at least :)
Digimon Universe: AppliMonsters: More cheating! I think my favourite atm is Astra. He’s so cheerful!
Freedom Planet: Major Zao. He’s the best!
Rayman: Hm. Think Ly is my pick. She’s a real beauty in Rayman 2.
Beyond Good & Evil: You probably have never heard of this game, but it’s fantastic. My favourites are both Jade and Pey’j. Who wouldn’t love Pey’j!
Sly Cooper: Carmelita Fox!
Ratchet & Clank: Possibly Clank? Oh and Nefarious. <3
Klonoa: Lolo. I love Lolo.
Oh I managed to do 10 fandoms. Woot :D And that’s it then.
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
50cyg replied to your post “I need to ask how did you not walk out of the movie theatre? This...”
Wait are you saying Digimon is selling well?
I’m not saying that, but I’m not saying it isn’t.
The seiyuu for 02 kids + mons would be costly. It’s possible that’s a reason they haven’t been given speaking roles so far.
Fes tickets didn’t sell out, which is a bad sign. There was also tonnes of the shirts/cd combos left, and badges since they put a ridiculously low limit on them. There were only three sold out shows of the stage play (merch didn’t sell out either - didn’t help that you could only buy merch if you had a ticket, unlike other shows I’ve been to). 
With the last movie premier, they started selling tickets through a premium service (still a lottery, but you have to sign up as a paid member to get in) which makes it look like theres more demand for the tickets - the previous two points would disagree with that.
Also, the cinemas are now selling left over goods from previous movies and pop up stores. Perhaps in the past they’ve simply just made too much merch in the past/misjudge what people would pay for and are now toning it down, but this Parco shop it’s been hard to get things even if you were there first day. 
So, I think there has definitely been some poor money making choices (too much merch mainly) and maybe now an attempt to rectify it. I don’t think that necessarily fits with whether the movies are selling well tho. Movies are doing okay I think - enough so they add more cinemas each time (SHIKOKU WHEN?!?) and are able to extend to a 4th week or longer depending on the cinema. DVDs I don’t know, I don’t follow the sales for it.
But I think the decision not to include 02 kids was partly based on story (it’s difficult with the 01 kids/mons, then add Meiko Maki and Daigo plus the new mons, then 02 partners and mons?? it’d be v difficult to give them decent screen time and development) but also cost of the seiyuu. 
Idk if that answered your question lol
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50cyg · 6 years
What are you thoughs on Seki Hiromi taking on the supervisor role of the upcoming project? If I remember correctly she was the one who said "Takari aren't canon in the epilogue". I wonder how that will impact it.
I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking me here. Are you asking my overall thoughts on Seki Hiromi being involved in the project or specifically how I feel it will impact Takari?
Because I’m unsure what is being asked, I’ll answer both.
How do I feel about Hiromi taking on the supervisor role of the upcoming project? Well I don’t really have any feelings about it. On the one hand, she wasn’t involved in Tri and on the overall I loved Tri, but on the other hand she’s been either a producer or a planner for every other Digimon season with the exception of Digimon Savers. Some of the seasons she’s been involved with I love, while some I find to have their fair share of issues. I’m not familiar with any of the other shows she’s worked on with the exception of Lovely Complex, which is amazing, (seriously if you like Rom Com Animes this is a must see), but it’s also based off a manga so she’s somewhat boxed in in terms of decision making. Though it’s worth noting the show didn’t diverge much from the Manga beyond cutting a few story arcs to condense the series, so that’s a point in her favor. Honestly though, the biggest reason I don’t care much about her involvement is because knowing she’s the producer or supervisor doesn’t really mean much. Their primary job, as far as my understanding, is to help the team make deadlines. Yes, sometimes they help with decision making story wise, sometimes they can even be heavily involved with the decisions, and sometimes they make no decisions at all and just leave everything to the creative team. Other times they are just messengers from on high, relaying what the company is demanding. So yeah, we have absolutely no idea how involved she was or will be with the direction of the story, or the visuals, or anything. Considering how long she’s been with the company though, I think we can fairly assume she is competent at keeping to deadlines and schedules, so hopefully we won’t see many, if any, delays in the production. 
Regarding how it could impact Takari, we have no idea if she was just relaying information that was given to her by Kakudo or if she herself actively wanted them not to be together. In other words, she may be perfectly fine with the ship and have no issues with the two being married but was merely relaying decisions made by Kakudo. Also, if I remember correctly, Kakudo and the team were told they could only make 2 relationships canon, so it was probably her also following the rules set forth by her superiors (unless she was one of the superiors who decided on that stipulation, I’m honestly not familiar with what has and has not been revealed about what happened behind the scenes) I have been informed this info is just a rumor with no sources, so you can disregard it (I would flat out remove it, but I think scratching it out and leaving this added note will hopefully help let others know it’s just a rumor). Anyway, since it’s just word of God, and from an interview that is over 16 years old, she can change it now if she wants. I’m personally expecting that, whether she is attached to the project or not, they will keep the ending relationships ambiguous, because I’m fairly certain that is what the company itself wants.
On a side note, I think there has been a misunderstanding between me and some of my followers. I’m not actually a Takari shipper. I was a Takari shipper when I was much younger but now I’m honestly more of an Anti-Takari shipper. I think the confusion came from the fact that I’m very pro shipping whatever you want, so I don’t actively shut down Takari shippers like some Antis, and also, unlike my feelings on Sorato, I don’t actively hate Takari as a ship so much as I find it uninteresting. I think this is relevant because, while I relate to you’re displeasure with the original ending, and you’re desire to see your ships be explicitly made canon, I don’t relate to your desire for Takari to be made canon specifically, or some of your feelings on how Takari is being written.
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50cyg · 6 years
I just stumbled over your Shipping posts and man, that hurt, haha. But thx for the insights and what could've been. It was a great read.
Wondering which shipping posts you mean. I’m guessing all the Taiyama ones. Honestly I still think the writers intentionally wrote Taichi and Yamato with romantic subtext. We pretty much got everything except an official declaration of love (also hand holding, but the fist graze was too cute to be mad about that). Even if these two were a heterosexual couple we probably wouldn’t have gotten confirmation because of the way the industry is going now a days, couples are rarely made canon in non shojo anime so as not to piss off the fanbase. 
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