#(there’s a genuine possibility this is part of my moms autoimmune thing that I probably inherited
badolmen · 11 months
Listen being in your 20s doesn’t mean you’re old; you’ve barely been able to do anything without direct adult supervision at this point but also it makes me feel old when I get a cut that draws blood and it takes fucking months to heal and when it does it leaves an ugly scar.
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keep fighting no matter how hard the battle will be.
Would you like to be a fly on the wall, observing someone else's life?  eh, that’s too much drama for me. 
Would you be interested in building a water feature for a garden? like a waterfall or water fountain? i don’t think i’d be able to build one genuinely.
Do friends come to you for ideas for things like haircuts?  no, they usually ask my opinion after though.  Do you know anybody, who's gone to university at the age of 16? yes? i’m pretty sure there was a girl that went to high school with me who graduated at like 15/16ish.
Does your keyboard have a wrist rest? i’m on a laptop so no.
Do you have plants in your house? If so, what kind/s? absolutely not. not only would my husband’s cat eat them but i cannot keep plants alive to save my life.
Do you consider the letter Y a consonant or a vowel? it depends?
When you're really thirsty, do you go for still water or sparkling water? um sparkling water is gross. 
If you carry a water bottle, do you reuse the same one or buy a new one? i bought one to reuse all the time, i have a hard time drinking enough water to begin with so having a big bottle with me that i can refill helps.
If you wear them, what are your loudest pair of earrings? i don’t really have any “loud” earrings. i just recently got my ears pierced again for the first time in ten years so ask me again in a few months.
Would you rather wear a tie or a bowtie?  a clip on of either one because i do not have the patience or coordination to tie one. 
How many birds can you name just by looking at them? a few, not many though.
Which birds are most common around your neighborhood? geese, definitely fucking geese, especially since the pandemic started. 
When's the last time you had a potluck? um christmas eve? we had a quarantine bubble party for my nephews birthday.
If you don't understand a reference in something, do you look it up?  yessssss, i don’t get a lot of stuff. 
Are you the kind of person to look at accident sites, when passing them by?  yeah, i’m normally trying to make sure it isn’t my husband’s car. but i also say a prayer with my girls. 
Do you ever see candles burning by the road side?  i did, i had a friend die in 2008, shortly after his 18th birthday in a car accident. there was a shrine there for a little bit.
Did you ever make dolls or hand puppets in primary/elementary school?  puppets, definitely.
Aren't baby chicks adorable? yesssss. 
Have you ever seen a polydactyl cat? i’ve never purposely looked to see.
Do you find Polish folklore interesting? i don’t know anything about it but love learning about new cultures.
If so, what are some of your favorite aspects of it? -
Have you ever been interested in the Middle Ages at all? no?
Are there any languages you could try to work out what some words mean? probably spanish, i took four years of it in high school & i can kinda understand it if it’s spoken slowly enough.
When you were little, what sorts of make-believe did you play?  anything & everything.
Has a friend's parent ever given you a present just because?  my best friend’s mom used to all the time, i wasn’t the richest but we weren’t entirely poor either. but i didn’t get everything i needed at home either, from clothes to food, it didn’t matter. 
What do you do with clothes you can't wear anymore? i donate them.
What is something you're very particular about?  ummmm, manners. 
What is your dearest stuffed animal that you own? Why is that?  i used to have this stuffed beagle that was so old that the nose ripped open & was sown shut. my husband made me throw it away but it had been mine since i was like 5 & i had slept with it every night. 
Have you ever had to try to pronounce words that have letters with umlauts?  no.
Are you more an Eeyore, a Piglet or a Tigger? depending on when you catch me it’s either eeyore or tigger.
Name something awesome from another culture that is not part of yours:  socialized medicine. free college. efficient public transport. amazing maternity leave benefits. 
Do you have an appliance running right now? If so, which one?  i’m watching tv in my room, my husband is on the computer & watching tv in the office & my daughter is watching tv downstairs.
What makes you wary about a person?  there are many red flags that can make me wary about a person.
Do planes fly over your area often? we’re on the flight path to one of the big passenger plane airports around here so yeah.
When at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, do you use chopsticks?  i’m not the greatest at it but i do try.
How do you break your routine when you feel like you're stuck in a rut?  i don’t. i just hope that it’ll break itself because if i don’t do the things i normally do then they don’t get done & then i get yelled at.
If you could, would you enhance your body with technology?  um, i mean it would be cool to have hoverboards & flying cars like in back to the future but i don’t want technology to rule the world either.
What are you grateful for NOT having?  an autoimmune disease.
What's something you can't wait for about growing old?  i’m almost 31, there’s nothing i look forward to anymore.
How do you expect your life to go like? How are you ensuring that? i expected it to be a hell of a lot different then it is. i don’t know how much longer i can do this without something changing.
What's a yard game that you still enjoy playing as an adult? cornhole. tag. hide&seek. 
What do you think is the most interesting sea creature? octopuses are cool & dolphins. 
How do you reset your head to zero, so to speak? i wish that was possible
What's for dinner today? we all ate leftovers.
Are there any foreign television shows you enjoy watching? i watch some animes from japan. i don’t particularly enjoy reading the subtitles but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
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