#(theres no lex in it but now i wanna write smthn w him included cos i care him too)
duskbreak · 3 years
(This is a short parental Vexen & Zexion related one-shot I made months ago about Vexen and his shield. I care so deeply for Dad!Vexen and his adopted boy as well as his lab grown kids Xion and Repliku. Anyhow, fic under the cut! Enjoy!)
(Very brief. 608 words.)
To grow up without a heart was a terrifying thing. It came to a point that Vexen came to realize, one day, that it had been so long since he last heard Zexion speak to him. He had always been a quiet child when he was Ienzo, but the trauma of losing his heart seemed to shock him into becoming almost mute. He wasn't capable of fighting Heartless or really even using magic well yet, so Vexen had to admit he had some concern over his Superior's plans.
It scared him when Zexion finally addressed him.
The room was muted and quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Xemnas had given Vexen a lab to carry out his work in. Bookshelves lined the walls, and he was sat in front of a table with what appeared to be a mannequin on it. He observed the fingers of it, which creaked softly as he tried to move them, but then he jumped as Zexion spoke, sitting at his side and finally speaking up.
"Even," the boy whispered to him, his voice deeper than what he remembered. He was getting older by the day. 
"Zexion, come now, Even is dead, you know this. I am Vexen now. Commit that to memory, please," he insisted as Zexion deadpanned at his response. Vexen knitted his brow, realizing his harsh, ice cold tone. "Apologies. I. Did not mean to snap at you."
"It's okay." Zexion carefully embraced him into a hug, hands still gentle, holding him like a child seeking comfort from their parent. 
If they were supposed to be emotionless now, then why did he feel this way? The urge to protect Zexion as if he were still young Ienzo, scared and alone in the world. Slowly, he held Zexion close to him and rubbed his back soothingly, his arms trembling lightly. Vexen had long since lost track of the days that had passed since their induction into the Organization, but it felt like it had been years since he held him in this way. 
He was getting bigger and older, but he didn't want to think about that. It hurt enough to think about the fact that Zexion was so isolated now. Axel never talked to him the way he used to as Lea and Saïx had long since become sick of Axel still trying to act like the same teen he was when the two spent their days playing in the Gardens.
Vexen shut his eyes, feeling his empty shell fill with intense sorrow as he recalled what happened that day with Ansem. It almost hurt. He tried so hard to protect Ienzo then, but he failed, and now they were stuck in these husks of bodies.
"I'm sorry. I wish I had done better to protect you that day. I should've been a better guardian to you." He whispered quietly as he pulled back to look at Zexion. His hair, messy as it ever was, made only one of his eyes visible, but he looked him in that eye to show his sincerity.
He opened his mouth to speak, but paused. He hadn't used his voice in so long. "You did your best. It couldn't be helped, I know that," Zexion said softly, his voice a hushed whisper, "I still love you."
It hit him hard to hear that. It was as if he were a father hearing that from his child for the first time all over again. He hadn’t realized how much of a parent he was to the boy until now.
"I'll always protect you, Zexion." 
Maybe that was why he held the shield.
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