#(they ended up getting compared to one another a lot n sorta competing with one another)
the-suns-beloved · 1 year
sometimes I have thoughts about niccolo....
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
drunk aot boys hc's
anonymous requested: Hey Raf, can I request some headcanons about what type of drunk Jean, Eren and Armin are and how they act when drunk, both in general and around their s/o? And you know, if they know their limits or don’t care because they enjoy being drunk and stuff. I just had this really random thought of Jean starting to give compliments to EVERYONE (and Eren is so weirded out when Jean tells him how soft his hair looks) and now I can’t stop wondering what they’d be like so yeah 😂
pairing: jean x gn! reader, eren x gn! reader, armin x gn! reader
wc: 1.3k+
tags: fluff, suggestive content, mentions of alcohol, vomiting, violence/aggression,
a/n: kind of got a little suggestive, but there's no smut. hope you enjoy reading, thank you for the request !!
armin arlert:
He knows his limit, and on most days, he won’t drink past that, but sometimes on particularly stressful days, Armin thinks, one more drink won’t hurt. That thought is what gets him in trouble.
Usually, he’s easy to fluster when he is sober, but drunk Armin? Everyone is shocked at how unabashedly confident he is.
It does not matter if he has a s/o or not; he will be giggly and touchy and has no filter.
He gets very flushed, rosy cheeks and all.
Eren and Mikasa are unfazed by this; they have seen Armin drunk, but the others are shell-shocked when Armin starts singing back the lewd lyrics they use on him. He whispers them in your ear, and you have to pretend that he isn’t affecting you.
He begins making concoctions that will get him plastered and has to be physically restrained because:
Although it’s fun for him to forget about his worries for a night, he cannot handle his alcohol.
He wakes up with the worst hangovers, says that he will never drink again, which is a lie, but it’s a simple reassurance for the time being.
If everyone thinks he’s flirty and touchy when he’s with them, it just becomes dialed up to 100 when he is with you.
Usually, he gets blushy when you compliment him, but if they try it when he’s drunk? He will dish it back to them ten times worse.
“Yeah, I look pretty? You look even prettier when your clothes are-” “I know I did not hear Armin say what he just said to you. Who knew Arlert had such a foul mouth on him.”
He wants to be touching you 24/7; he’ll lean against you and quietly hum whatever song is playing, and if you push him off to go somewhere, he’ll get whiney and try to follow you wherever you are going.
He’s the type to wait for you outside the bathroom and continue talking to you, that is, if he can’t come inside.
He will try to kiss you, and drunk Armin kisses are almost always sloppy and messy, and as much as you try to push him away, he will end up landing a couple of kisses on your cheek and mouth-’adjacent’ area (his aim is kind of off).
Everyone likes going out to get drinks with him, he’s just fun to be around, and they also love seeing him enjoy himself for once and not worry about everyone else.
eren jaeger:
He is not a lightweight, but like Armin doesn’t get drunk often.
As such, he is usually assigned to taking care of the rest of them.
However, on the rare night where Eren does indulge, he becomes so reckless.
Eren will try to fight everyone, mostly Jean, though. It’s the worst when both of them are drunk and throwing punches (albeit missing most of them).
He will loop you in to participate in his antics, which almost always end up with him on the floor, and you need to pick him up and kiss him better (he plays his injuries up like a drama queen, just to secure a few more of those kisses).
He does get hungover the next day, but he doesn’t mind it too much because it happens so rarely.
Everyone is on high alert when it comes to drunk Eren because nine times out of ten, he is a danger to himself and occasionally can land a pretty mean punch.
One of the things he loves to do before he gets too drunk is to grab your jaw tilt it back to look at him, with a teasing glint in his eyes. He’ll wink at you and pour whatever he’s drinking down your throat and then gently close your mouth. If some of the drink spills from your lips, he’ll lean in and lick it up off your chin before kissing you and walking away to get another drink for himself.
When he’s wasted, he is not nearly as smooth, but Eren still thinks he is. He’ll try to talk to you up, but it’s just slurred words, with a crooked smile he thinks is a smirk.
He won’t be as touchy as Armin is, but there are a good few times where his arms are hooked around your neck, and he’s got you in a bear hug, mumbling, “everyone sucks; they made me get off the bar top, ‘m not talking ‘bout you though, you’re perfect.”
At some point, he does need to be tied up because he doesn’t know when to stop, and he will run away with his drinks if someone tries to take them from him.
When you try to take him home, he won’t recognize that it’s you, and he’ll just keep saying, “I have a partner, and even though you are very pretty, I’m a loyal man.” You just need to wait till he’s almost passed out because he’ll keep up this act as long he’s conscious.
Everyone enjoys his presence, but he can get quite out of control, so he taps out most of the time before he can get too drunk.
Jean Kirstein:
He doesn’t know his limit and, more often than not, crosses it; compared to the other two, he gets drunk more often.
Like Armin, he is a very flirty drunk, but he’s also super sloppy and has no filter whatsoever; he will say the first thing that pops into his mind.
He gets into fights with Eren, mostly because Eren provokes him, but in the same vein, he ends up complimenting Eren, something he would be caught dead doing if he was sober.
“You know what, jaeger? Your hair looks soft, I’ve been trying to figure out what to use for months, and I just can’t figure out your secret.” “Is this some new defensive technique you picked up? How am I supposed to hit you now?”
He genuinely thinks he’s the most competent person in the room, but he’s spewing out gibberish, and you don’t want to hurt his feelings, so you nod and pretend to understand him. Jean thinks his drunk babbling is what’s going to bring total world peace.
Nights with him always end up with Jean puking and spending the rest of the night in your lap, with you running your fingers through his hair. If you dare move your hand from his head, he’ll pout and take your hand and put it back on his head and won’t budge until he feels your fingers against his scalp.
Terrible hangovers; he doesn’t want to speak to anyone and spends the entire day in bed.
He becomes super affectionate with his friends and you. Jean’s a sweet man, but he doesn’t let anyone get to see his vulnerable side, so when he’s drunk, he lets everyone know what he thinks about them.
When Armin isn’t drinking, Jean is usually the one who tries to fluster him the most. When he succeeds, he’ll turn his attention to you and try to make you squirm.
Jean ends up confessing many things when he’s drunk; he tells you that he loves you for the first time when he’s drunk. The following morning, he acts like he doesn’t remember; Jean does, though and ends up properly telling you that he loves you later in the day.
His having no filter and his wayward confessions are also how he gets into fights with Eren. Jean lands a few good punches, but he tires himself out and just opts to hug Eren and tell him how much he appreciates him, despite Eren’s stubbornness.
Everyone loves having him around, but they have to watch out when he gets sappy or look out for him puking (he has ruined a good amount of furniture).
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this !! any feedback is appreciated i don't drink bshshs so i hope this sounded sorta realistic idk, i'm getting through the last couple of my requests now :)
taglist: @c0urtn3y, @depressedbisexual, @dai-tsukki-desu, @clean-soap, @nevcrmxre, @conniesspringersgf, @glittrkink
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To Heal A Seal || Darcy & Ricky
Darcy had heard it from someone on facebook who said she'd heard it from a mutual friend. Ricky was in the hospital. And that was all the information Darcy could get. Not knowing everything wasn't something Darcy appreciated, but having one of her only friends in town laid up in a hospital bed was something she appreciated even less. When the staff directed her towards his room, she approached with trepidation, but he was awake and moving when she got there, which relieved her enough to let her manage a smile as she exhaled. "A little bird told me you were hurt. So I... brought you a present?" She lifted the lid on the pizza to reveal his favorite toppings. "I won't ever tell anyone I paid for this with my own money, but I thought you might like it."
Hospital food was absolutely fucking terrible. So when there was a a knock on the door and Darcy poked her head through with pizza Ricky was absolutely elated "Truly today I look upon the face of an angel. An angel bearing pizza. And if I know you, jokes about how I ended up here. I can already see the judgment in your eyes, gorgeous." He raised the bed so he could sit up and eagerly snagged a piece from the box, gesturing to a nearby chair with it. "Have a seat. One day I'm going to get you to love anchovies. You know it's going to happen. I'm determined." He took a big bite and chewed thoughtfully. "So. A little bird? Seems ominous. Did the little bird have a scythe? I swear I'm fine Darcy."
"Are you... asking me if The Grim Reaper told me about your situation?" ​Darcy​ shook her head, wondering if he was on some kind of painkillers that were making his sense of humor even more ridiculous than usual. "No. I'd be a little bit more freaked out if that were the case." She took a seat next to the bed, laying the pizza in his lap. "That's all for you. I'm never going to love anchovies in my life." The free fries that had come with it, those were hers. Looking at him, she bit back the worry that had been threatening to overtake her ever since she'd heard about him being hurt, but she couldn't get rid of it completely. Her curiosity was going nowhere. "Ricky, what happened?"
"I'm just saying that it's not as bad as people are saying I'm gonna be fine. I won't swim for a year and I'm done competitively but I'll live and I'll get to keep my arm." Ricky snuck the most devastating piece of information in casually, hoping Darcy wouldn't latch onto it even though he was pretty sure she could ferret out any piece of info she required. "You're missing out Darcy. Anchovies are amazing and history is going to look back at you and see how wrong you were. Just you wait..." another bite and he looked up through his long lashes at her. "I was climbing a tree. Branch snapped. Broke my arm in four places. Molly dropped me off at the hospital. It was pretty bloody. Imma need to get the jeep professionally cleaned."
Her jaw dropped. Ricky was an amazing swimmer. She'd seen him compete several times and he always looked right at home in the water. Not being able to do that was a tragedy in itself. "You've got to be kidding me..." ​Darcy​ gestured out into the hallway, as if the doctors could see her, as if she could reason with them. "They've got to be able to do ​something​. You can rehab, and you can heal." She shook her head, still in disbelief. "All this from climbing a tree?" It was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
Ricky shrugged as best he could. "I can rehab. I can heal. But it'll take time. This is my last semester I can compete and I'll be out the whole time." He bit back the anger he was feeling at that and breathed deep. "It is what it is. I made my bed and now I have to lie in it." Another breath and he weighed his options. "It wasn't a tree. But. If I tell you it has to be a secret. This is sorta dangerous."
Darcy nodded sadly, reaching out to lightly squeeze Ricky's wrist, and was immediately relieved there was no weird, allergic reaction for either of them. She withdrew her hand almost immediately. "Well, now I'm glad I got you your stinky fish pizza." Her eyes widened at the words 'secret' and 'dangerous'. This town was full of dangerous secrets. She even had one of her own. "Of course. Tell me."
Ricky squeezed Darcy's hand back, glad to have his friend there with him, and smiled a bit broader. "My stinky fish pizza is the best pizza in the world. You're just missing out on it." He smiled sweetly at the nurse who came to switch out an IV and waited until the door had clicked shut behind her before leaning back towards Darcy. "It's.... part of a longer story and I can't tell all of it because some secrets aren't mine to tell but. Long story short.... I was involved with a fight with a gang of Nixies. I killed at least two of them and then they broke my arm. This isn't the first run in I've had with them but as far as I know it's going to be the last." He sat back and watched her expression carefully; it was a lot to drop on a girl at once.
Her eyes widened. "N-nixies?" Like the Nixie her aunt had killed? If it had been part of a gang, and if that gang had attacked Ricky, then maybe she shouldn't have felt so bad for its lifeless body after all. "How do you know what Nixies are?" ​Darcy​ asked, realizing that now she'd asked, she'd have to explain how she knew too.
That was a more measured reaction than he'd anticipated. Stutter and all. He pushed his curly hair out of his eyes before grabbing another piece of pizza; not having two functioning hands was really starting to be a drag. She asked him the question he knew was coming and left him with the decision of how to deal with it. Ricky trusted her, he really did; but too many people knew about him already. "I... stumbled onto the truth of them. By accident. Got dragged into something and now I know. How do ​you​ know what Nixies are?" It was a half truth at best. But it turned out his life was lived in those now. Half man, half seal, half broken, half true.
Darcy sat up straighter. She didn't like lying. It wasn't only dishonest, but she felt like it was beneath her. Lying made it seem like you were ashamed of something. She wasn't ashamed of being a warden, but she doubted her aunt would agree with her telling her college friends about it. She swallowed, adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose. "My family are like... major major Scribes. I'm probably going to follow in their footsteps eventually." It was the truth, just not the whole truth. But it was the best she could do.
Half the pizza was gone and Ricky didn't really feel like slowly down, so he picked up another piece and ate it slowly, digesting what Darcy was telling him. "So you guys are the... supernatural library of congress? That's pretty cool." He knew that's what Molly was but; secrets were safe with him and he didn't know how much he was supposed to let on that he knew. The salt of the anchovies reminded him of the ocean he was starting to desperately miss. "This is just a fucking mess, D. All of it. A goddamn fucking mess."
She'd never heard it put quite that way before, but she nodded. "Yeah, kinda. Not that I really know what the library of congress is, being from Ireland and everything. But I guess it's important?" ​Darcy​ wished she could help. She wished she knew what to do, or that she didn't feel so at ease misleading him even when he was suffering. "You're right. It is a mess... but you'll get better, okay? I'll help you. I'll help you with your rehab exercises, I'll keep you company, I'll do whatever I can, okay?"
"Uhhhhhhhhh..." Ricky cast his mind for something he could compare it to. "Like the library of alexand....ropolis? I guess? Supposed to be a repository of knowledge and shit." He pulled a blanket up over his bare chest, taking a drink of water when he finished. "I'm a mess yeah. But it's more than me. Other people got hurt. I killed someone. I've never killed someone before. Just things. Fish. This is a goddamn disaster." He smiled at her earnest response. "I know you will. Because you're a goddamn angel. Thank you Darcy. For all of this. It's nice to see someone who isn't a nurse."
"Library of Alexandria?" ​Darcy​ guessed. "That one I know." She reached out to lightly brush Ricky's hair out of his eyes. "It's a good thing you're cute, handsome jock boy." It felt nice, to at least be able to tease each other even when all this was going on. She exhaled, relieved to see him soften at her offer. It would hurt, both emotionally and physically, but they would get through it. "Well, you're gonna be seeing a lot of me," she said with a smile, lifting up her iPad to rest on the tray in front of him. "Now let's watch something good on Netflix for a bit until they make me go home?"
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
The German Marriage Equality Decision: A Political Perspective/ Context
The Decision itself was simply a matter of time, given that most of the population simply agrees with it,  
It is important to understand that this is not a shift from 0% to 100% but more from 98% to 100% -  There have been civil unions for years and over the years those civil unions have been made made closer and closer to equal in terms of civil & financial privileges. 
None of this is any excuse, of course, calling it something else is still invalidating & going to sting people who struggled with being mocked all their lives; The one major thing missing rights wise was the joint adoption specifically - You could totally adopt, you could do a stepchild adoption if your partner had a kid from a previous marriage or even a previous adoption (I think this was eventually justified with) but you couldn’t do an adoption where you’re both the legal parents right away. 
So then the real question would be, why did it take so long to do it all the way? Well, enter the bothersome intricacies of local politics. 
While Germany as a whole has been steadily moving toward social progress, some of it has been slow for a variety of reasons, including perhaps cultural ones & things being more inert & less dynamic in Europe. 
Another is impetus: The situation in the US was pretty bad with mounting polarization & extreme conservatives - if everythings not quite satisfactory but you could still technically create the life you want, there’s less of a strong drive to change. Though we have hardline conservatives here, too, and some of them have way to much power (a lot of the big industrialists are seated in the traditionally conservative Bavaria)  the situation isn’t nearly as extreme as in the US as we don’t have as many fire & brimstone preachers & religion is generally more moderate. 
Then, there’s the factor that for the past 10+ years, the reigning party has pretty much been the CDU. 
The CDU base consists of suburban moms who want benefits for big families, & wealthy conservative old men - and so they’re always sort of beholden to them especiallly with a new rightwing populist party on the blog - for over 70 years the shock from WWII has pretty much eradicated; “right wing” is considered an insult/ pretty much equivalent with “nazi” - no non-nazi but still strongly conservative party has really taken off though some have tried. 
(Comparably, my parents have consistently voted for them because after growing up in a communist country they won’t touch anything that’s “left”, even i it’s as watered down & mainstream friendly as the SPD or as different in origin as the green party. Though my father would probably vote for something like the US republican party if it existed here. )
The closest thing that exists is the centrist or perhaps sorta neoliberal CDU.  Sure they’re corporate, there’s been some bushesque security/ surveilance paranoia following terrorists attacks and I’m not voting for em in September but  they’re generally sane & do modernize when the people’s opinion does - and that’s how they stayed in power: The people want clean energy? Come on in clean energy. The people want to let the refugees in? Come on in refugees. Which can rightfully be seen as sort of self-interested but then again, changing your position instead of stubbonly insisting on it and also, they work for US: They’re our representatives - if they do what we want it means the system is working. 
Yeah that ‘C’ stands for ‘Christian’ but that’s one of the cases where theory & practive differ - They’ve put at least one muslim MP in the parliament & once formed a coalition put a protestant woman & a gay dude in the highest offices. 
Until the rightwing populist AfD showed up they were pretty much the most conservative party on the block but they’re not at all comparableto USA conservatives. (Not because the CDU is so great but because the republicans are so horrible... but that’s First-Past-The-Post for you. ) - But the thing is the CDU has taken some less conservative positions over the years (ie, let in the refugees), and the conservative voters had nowhere else to got except some tiny parties that had zero influence & far too many far-right asshats in them. Now there’s the AfD... that IS far-rights asshats but markes themselves better than the average ones/ try hard to convince stupid people that they aren’t. 
Now come the 2017 election - Last time, smaller parties made big gains in both federal & local elections but now with the Trump situation and frequent terror attacks everyone is worried and afraid, & the polls so far show a huge preference for the big parties, even more so  now that the AFD is loosing its steam in the polls. 
The SPD took that to mean that they could win, but thing is they haven’t mounted a decent candidate in years, ever since... Merkel’s predecessor, actually. There’s lots of good & bad to say about him but damn he was brave. Similarly, whatever you think about Merkel’s party, she’s a level-headed person with nerves of steel, far less actionistic than the average politician. Not the worst person to have in charge while you sit out the trump debacle.
 I daresay a lot people like merkel more than they like Merkel’s party...whereas the SPD may have the better programs in some respects but they’re too damn wishy-washie, don’t differenntiate themselves enough (eg. playing ball on corporate issues like trade deals & arms deals)  and the same is true for the no-name, no-carisma toads they keep putting up. The current leader, Gabriel, is an unpopular toad n one likes, the beloved competent people such as Steinmeier don’t want to be chancellor, so they keep pulling these unknown dudes out of nowhere & expect them to beat Merkel. 
The current one, Schultz is better than most in that h’s experienced in international politics which is what we need now but apart from some initial hype, he didn’t really do much - The CDU won several local elections as if nothing happened, poll numbers slipped back to status quo, basically he realized he wasn’t gonna win... 
That’s when he chose to make a big deal about the gay marriage thing & promise loudly to fix that if he wins, trying to make it about an ethical issue in line with the current global political climate. Lots of people would go “WEll I don’t like him but I can’t not support gay marriage” - Heck I considered it after being too dissatisfied with the SPD and intending to vote green or pirate, but to be honest, I pretty much called the current developement: That Merkel would push for a vote before the election, again, perfectly in line with her history of decisions. 
In that sense Schultz’ gamble paid off (and I’m going to call it a gamble because that’s what it was - still, if it has good results & forces progress I won’t be complaining) in that it would have given the slow grind of process a push either way: Either if he won or because the government would be forced to adress the issue before it becomes subject to the election. 
As for Merkel herself, she stayed with party lines & voted no, but was the one who forced the vote past her more conservative peers and she must have known how it would turn out - Even when explaining it, she gave a wishy-wahy, consider-all-sides-piss-no-one-off anwer like, “I was wrong in 2003 & unsatisfied even them, of course they should get to adopt, but [conservative platitude about how the constitution defines marriage]” In the end a lot of this is about power politics. 
Some of her peers CDU folks DID break with party lines so it’s possible that she really thinks this, or she may think the opposite & this was lip-service to the conservatives, or she may not care; Perhaps she did it to wash her hands of whatever happens, which will look bad in the history books, but in some sense it doesn’t matter what she thinks as long as she understands that being a leader means that it matters less than what the people think & what most of the federal parlament things.
It’s also worth considering that a lot of those politicians are old but hold “fair for its day, but presently outdated/insensitive” opinions - see also the whole burqa thing & may geneuinely not get why it matters that its called the same thing... though it would frankly be their job to keep up with public discussions. 
So what will happen next? Well, a lot of adoptions I suppose, or people having their partner written in as the other legal parent. 
Also, Schultz has nothing more to promise the people or to make himself look better than his oponent - still if he hadn’t forced the issue it may have taken another four years so even if he doesn’t become chancellor he did accomplish something. Merkel’s opponents won’t forget the no vote but since everyone got their adoption rights anyways grass will have grown over it by september.
Like, failing further desasters I’m saying Merkel is still winning. Granted, the leadership situation is far less dire with Macron around, but there’s just not much will for political change right now. We’re gonna get an SPD chancellor when Merkel decides to call it quits & retire. 
Still, even if he’s not becomming chancellor, he’ll go down in history as the guy who accomplished this so there’s that. Chances are history will only see the hard finish line not the process, but, equality means equality means equality so it’s not exactly unfair.  
I for one am happy that this won’t be subject to the election because then it would have been involved in the usual rethorical mudfights, so the same-sex couples of the republic escape having their humanity publicly debated. Homophobic signs in the streets? It becoming an issue people campaign against? No thanks. I’d take a parliamentary vote or a court decision over that every day.
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