#(those r for his jackass dad not chris himself)
christicnkcllcy · 6 years
“hey, i’m chris ryan, and you’re watching disney channel.”
「 TARON EGERTON, CISMALE, 23, JOE JONAS. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on CHRIS KELLEY?  he is the LEAD VOCALIST in AFTERPARTY, one of my favorite POP groups. they’ve been releasing music for TWO YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last NINE MONTHS. get this, i think i heard HE’S ON THE VERGE OF BANKRUPTCY. they’re known as the SYBARITE of the music industry, since they have a rep for being  SELF-INDULGENT but OSTENTATIOUS, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  ( KAYLA, 21, CST, SHE/HER. )
werd, im kayla, im 21, and i like to hurt emotionally. i live in florida and i love memes so you’ll probably catch me referencing meme culture in my oocs. yuh.  anyway, lets get onto my son chris.
his full name is christian ryan kelley but literally everyone (except his dad) calls him chris.
as a “child star” he was known as chris ryan (lmao jake ryan) but his acting career was pretty short. like... 2005 til 2010 maybe lmao
can u believe this dumbass used to be on disney wow. lmao he had minor roles, like, i imagine he was more like drew seeley and tony oller or maybe the jobros, how they were in stuff on disney and were “disney famous” but they weren’t like that’s-so-raven famous. he hella competed in the disney channel games tho pce.
Chris was born in Greenwich CT (his family is gross rich) and he went to private schools pretty much all his life. His dad was born into money, then made his own in luxury real estate. That being said he's rlly familiar with the NYC area and New England. (His dad's probably a die hard Patriots fan lmao)
CW: DEATH / CANCER MENTION when Chris was 18 his mom passed from breast cancer & he took it pretty rough. more so, he took how quickly his dad moved on as rough. especially bc his dad's new girlfriend was only like 3 years older than him lol.
he can't take his dad's new girl seriously because he's pretty sure she only married Gary for his money since he's retired in Newport now lmfao
Chris used to be kinda toxic n problematic lol, like he fully cheated on girls and didn't care who he hurt. ngl he's still kinda selfish like that but it's 2018 and he's grown since then.
CW: BIPHOBIA Chris is bi (not publicly out but close friends more than likely know) and one of his connections is a pr relationship (Luna). His dad's kinda biphobic, like, he really just thinks bi doesn't apply to boys and that Chris is just trying to be rebellious and piss him off. Luna's a Fab friend tho nd she's fake dating him for public image, but anyone who knows him or Luna knows that they're only friends. Which also circles to the rumor about him that he's on the verge of bankruptcy.
Chris spends money like he's made of it, which, he kinda is, but rlly it's family money so he really needs to learn some financial literacy.... Like boy u need to take a high school econ class.
ummmm this is already getting so long lol but this is pretty much all I have for him rn so.... Yuh... if u wanna plot hmu because I wanna plot with everyone and I'm super excited to be here !! ( btw here’s what i have of a plot page right now, im definitely going to be updating it and working on getting some more ideas cranked out but lmk if u wanna do anything special or even not super special i’m down for it all )
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