moreandmoorebooks · 5 years
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Hey guys, more and moore books is officially converting to instagram! Update: the handle it's under is now @moreandmoore_books
This account will still be up but will be innactive
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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What do you want to be for Halloween?
A princess? A witch/wizard? An angel/ devil? A monster? A pirate? A superhero?
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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August 1st,
Book mail is the best kind of mail! And a fantastic way to start the month.
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Currently reading: War Storm by Victoria Aveyard I love the way this looks on my shelf and the gorgeous blue ombre and cover art! But I'm so sad for the conclusion to this amazing series. So far it's started strong and I look forward to devouring every second of it!
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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“To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered”
Although it wasn’t a full ACOTAR novel, A Court Of Frost And Starlight was still a really fun short read that brought back all your favourite characters. It was a good break in the waiting period between ACOWAR and the next book which im highly anticipating! It was more based in characterization and how all the characters were recovering which was really important to touch on, but it also set up some plot points to be delved into more in future novels.
Overall, it was a really cute in between read, but still important to the series. If you haven’t read A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J Maas, and you’re a YA or fantasy fan, I would highly recommend it.
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Book: Six of Crows
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Pages: 462
Rating: ★★★★★
Synopsis: Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price–and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone…
 A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith.  A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.
Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.  -from Goodreads
My Review
Leigh Bardugo has changed my life! After finishing the first novel in her second series it quickly became one of my favorite books ever.
In all honesty I would say the characters really made the story for me. She artfully crafts characters that are all unique and diverse racially, sexually, and religiously, but writes them in a way that they all come together in a heartwarming tale of friendship and comradery. The characterization is so unique for all six outcasts so that no matter what I guarantee you'll like at least one of them (but you'd have to be heartless to not fall in love with all of them). The most important part is that none of them are perfect. They all have flaws or troubles in their past that make them seem human and that's why you love them and want them to succeed so badly.
It will rip your heart out but it's also one of the most hopeful masterpieces that I've ever read. 
If I had to sum in up with a few words: mind blowing, emotional, romantic, exhilarating, empowering, beautiful, hilarious, fun!
I would highly recommend this book and its sequel, Crooked Kingdom, to anyone because it really has something for everyone. If you’ve already read Leigh's original Grisha trilogy, since its a connected universe there are some fun references and cameos, but you absolutely can read the six of crows duology without any prior grishaverse knowledge.
to find out what i thought about Leigh’s world building, setting, plot, more details on the characters, and more overall opinions:
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
I finally did it
Hello lovelies! This is just a quick update that I have finally, after trying a couple times, successful set up a Goodreads account. I have shelves all of my 2018 reads so far and I few of my late 2017 reads. I will try to slowly mark down the rest of the books on my bookshelves as I get more comfortable with the site, but feel free to go follow me as I will be pairing my Tumblr reviews with extended versions on Goodreads and you will be able to see what I recommend and what I'm currently reading all in one place!
If you like this blog, are interested in seeing longer reviews and other cool book related thing, you can follow me on Goodreads here:
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Happy international women’s day! 💜 Here are some amazing books with strong female leads written by female authors to celebrate.
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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A very wintery colour gradient for a cozy evening watching the snow fall and re-organizing my shelves… Again
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Wonderful to be at a bookstore on a snowy day.
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Batman: Nightwalker, by Marie Lu was just released on January 2nd! I admit I was looking forward to this release ever since it was announced, being a huge batman fan and a fan of Marie Lu's Young Elite books. So far it's been incredible, it jumps right into the excitement and the detail is amazing! I haven't finished it, yet, but I would already recommend it.
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Happy new year tumblr! What are your goals for 2018? This year I hope to read at least 3 books a month and finally finish the illustrated novel I've been working on
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Merry night before Christmas and happy holidays to everyone celebrating this season. My favourite part of Christmas is family tradition. My whole family comes up and we bake a dozen sponge and black cakes. What are your traditions?
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Part of my pre Christmas book mail that came in a few days ago. Did anyone else see the last Jedi yet!?
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moreandmoorebooks · 6 years
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Hey guys! Sorry I've been absent for the past little bit. I've been very busy stage managing for a local musical. Luckily I've been able to get some reading in, in-between shows. I'll get back into a regular posting routine ❤️🎭 Finished reading the grisha trilogy in a week. It was amazing, I couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend it.
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moreandmoorebooks · 7 years
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22 days until Christmas
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moreandmoorebooks · 7 years
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First snow of the season in Kingston, Ontario! I’m finally starting Leigh Bardugo’s grishaverse! This is one of the prettiest covers I’ve ever owned, and I’m so excited to dive into one of my most anticipated tbr books finally.
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