#(u bet kit drew some of his own floral ink / tattoo designs)
coldercreation · 3 years
Than you for writing this series! It's definitely my fave series on ao3!!! Have you ever talked about how the pack fist got together before Nat? I was/am curious about it, but dunno if you ever answered an ask about it!! :c
Them getting together was (luckily) pretty uncomplicated and smooth! Long boi read ahead:
Kit and Liam grew up together as neighbours, which I think I’ve mentioned somewhere before. It’ll briefly come up in CYE part 2 as well.
Liam got scouted back when he was playing for his home town’s semi-professional football team. After some trials, he got an offer to train/play professionally and full-time with the bigger club, and in a higher league. Kit had been looking into unis at the time, planning to stay in town since Liam still had a year left before he was done with schooling.
Originally Liam’s plan had been to follow Kit to whichever uni he would choose, although Liam had never liked studying nor did he have any idea what he’d even study at uni. The club’s offer was like a dream come true and the biggest relief for Liam. (For both of them really: Liam had already had a couple of good cries about not wanting to go to uni, but also not knowing what else to do, which obviously broke Kitty’s lil heart. So when Liam told him he got the offer, it was Kit who teared up. babby :’( )
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Laddies had always been attached from the hip, so they didn’t even think about going their separate ways. It was all good, except for like one minute when Liam freaked out about everything, thinking that the only way to stick together was if he turned the offer down, so they could both just go to Kit’s first choice uni in town.
Kit basically just laughed in his face, told Liam to fuck off, and then drove his arse halfway across the country to the football club to sign the contract. Kit applied to the unis in the town where Liam's new club was, he got in, and they moved. Liam finished his last year and his exams under the club’s academy, started officially playing with the pro team, and Kit started his Web Design/IT course at uni (his art ho soul weeped but overall he was content with the choice).
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Isac entered the same uni the same year as Kit, but his course was journalism. He moved from another town as well. Isac’s not super close with his family - nothing too dramatic, his parents are just a bit distant => not that emotionally available.🤷🏻‍♂️ Isac has an older sister but she’s got like 15 years on him and they’re rarely in touch, she lives abroad. They get along fine as a family, whenever they meet up.
Since he didn't have any strong feelings about sticking around where he grew up, Isac wanted to go to uni somewhere else. He also wanted to try living in a bigger town. He’s always had a lot of people to hang out with, but back then he didn’t really have any close friends who’d have influenced his decisions for where to move. He did know some people who got accepted to the same uni as him, so he wasn’t too intimidated by moving to the student halls and the new, large town alone. (Liam's club helped him get a decent two-bed flat in the town centre, so instead of paying for the crowded student halls, Kit was able to share with Liam.)
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Because Isac is a social butterfly, the fact that Kit was in a different department and on the opposite end of the campus, didn’t stop them from running into each other. Just like nothing could stop Isac from just casually strolling into one of the IT labs, located deep in the secluded basement levels. Dude was 100% just snooping around lol, and also maybe trying to prove that the uni’s public student computers had shit Wi-Fi for no reason?? Anyways. The IT labs were always freezing, but the Wi-Fi was better, and the fit alpha with the dark curls and addictive scent always let him steal a jumper or two, so whatevers.
Long story short, Isac soon demanded to meet Kit’s A mate. Kit said in tiny that he didn’t have a mate. Isac gently called bullshit. Liam and Kit finally had a verbal conversation about what they had always just silently agreed on, and officially acknowledged that they’d be sticking together just like they always had. They’d been somewhat physical with each other before Iz, but it had always been more experimental(when they were younger) or lazy-chill-not serious(when they were bored). When Liam finally met Isac, Isac took one look at him and immediately wanted to climb him like a tree. Turned out the tall, muscly tree could get all sweet and blushy, so Isac had no other option but to keep him, too. Because Kit was already a goner for Iz and happily hostage-d. 
Eyy, and that’s about it! Congrats and thank you if you read this far hehe! :’)
There’s some other stuffs that happened after this point of course, but bits of it will be mentioned in CYE part 2, so I’ll save it there.
Thank you very much for the lovely message! I'm soso glad you've liked the story so much, that makes meh super happy<3 
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