#(unless i see that i really can't make any significant progress in the next few weeks probably 馃槱)
daz4i 5 months
why'd they put a slutty cowboy and a problematic angel in the same game... just to attack me personally
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orlissa 2 years
I鈥檓 sorry you鈥檙e going through such a hard time. I hope things get better. I just want you to know that seeing your name and your posts always makes me happy, and your stories are brilliant. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hi Nonnie!
Thank you!
I try to not to be all gloom and doom, but these days I just can't help it. There is not only the stress of not being able to get people who own me money, and who have put me through not an insignificant amount of emotional distress (and with whom, to be honest, I haven't managed to achieve any significant progress--but there might be some gaslighting going on, I honestly can't decide...), now this...
I love teaching. Not only teaching itself, but that it gives me an opportunity to go out, to socialize--as much as I love translation, it's a lonely deal, and I don't deal well with lonely. And to be told that they wanted me for the fall semester, and then to take it back. It hurts. It really does. Makes you question everything, your self-worth and, well, everything. It sucks.
It seems like everyone around me is moving forward and enjoying life, and I'm just... stuck. As things are now (unless there is a price drop as we near the end of the season), I won't even be to go on a vacation, even though getting away from here a bit might do me good.
To make matters worse, my birthday is coming up next month, and I'm dreading it. Last year I tried to have a party, and two people showed up, and my parents fell an internet scam, buying my present from a site selling aliexpress crap with a, I'm not even kidding, 1000% price markup, which I ended up returning (at the very least I could return it), which hurt them (the realization that fell for the scam), and hurt me (well... you can imagine), so now I'd just rather forget about the whole deal than to through something like this again.
I'm... I'm sorry for the rambling. I don't know if this is something that will go away in a couple of days, or if life will just continue to suck like this. My mind... has not been exactly friendly with me these last few days.
I'm sorry.
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Bonds that Bind Us
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Chapter Two:
Connecting with someone is not necessarily a bond with a significant other, or even a friend, but can be the indefinable - perhaps the rarest and most precious thing in life to find at all.
Donna Lynn Hope
Loki sat puzzled as he observed his 'overseer' as she paced the room she called the sitting area. After Omidah quickly took himself and Thor to his designated floor, she dismissed his brother, told him to get comfortable, pulled out some sort of talking device and ignored him ever since.
Next he couldn't wrap him mind around the fact she was being nice to him or why she didn't seem to be the slightest uncomfortable around his presence, and why she looked excited the first time she looked his way. It was confusing and it made him angry.
Omidah on the other hand was trying to get Fury off the phone as quickly as possible but it seemed that her efforts were futile. She could feel Loki's aura of boredom; this was not how she wanted to leave a first impression (which won't really matter to the royal trickster either way but its the thought that counts at least).
"Pennwinkle are you even listening to me?" She rolled her eyes "what else could I be doing since you just keep talking"
"Don't sass me woman, I can revoke your privileges and have you confined to the tower."
"Do that and I'll tell everyone what happened in Fiji."
"You wouldn't dare!
"Try me boss." She said in a sing song voice.
Fury started grumbling profanities under his breath. "Just keep me informed about your progress." Fury hung up.
Omidah moved the phone as the dial tone came on, watched the screen blankly and gave a small yet audible snarl. "Did that chili eating mother--ass just hang up on me!? I see. Alright Fury, we'll see who has more balls than the other."
Sticking the phone into her pocket, she turned her attention back to Loki. His facial expression was neutral but his eyes showed anger. Just great.
"I'm really sorry about that. My boss just doesn't know when to shut up."
Loki did not answer her. He got up, made his way to the shelves of books and picked out one, then returned to the couch. Omidah smiled at his choice 'William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice' she loved that one.
"Are you hungry?" Silence
"Is there anything I can get you as you wallow in silence?" More silence.
"Have you always been so reticent? It will do you no good to just sit there and ignore me. I just want to help."
"Then don't mortal. You're very annoying."
"Is that the best insult you got? I already know I'm a mortal wise arse; you can do better than that your lordship. Come on throw another insult." Omidah's voice was dripping with sarcasm and a wide smile was on her face as she looked at Loki.
Loki on the other hand grew angry at her taunt and slammed the book shut.
"What's the matter God of Mischief, no come back? I must say this is a let down. Wuss."
Loki quickly walked towards the annoying female with murderous intent and grabbed her upper arms, lifting her off the ground.
"For the death of Odin, what is your problem you mewling quim!? Do you wish for me to destroy you? Do you have any idea who I am and what I can do to you?"
Omidah continued to smile as she looked into Loki's breathtaking blue-green eyes. Just being elevated at his eye level, she leaned in her face and planted a quick kiss on Loki's nose; giggling as she moved away.
All of Loki's anger vanished and replaced by utter confusion.
The look on Loki's face caused Omidah to burst into a fit of giggles. The sound spreading throughout the room, filling it and caused Loki's heart to do a weird flip but he quickly pushed it aside.
"I'm really sorry, I don't mean to be so happy but its just that, believe it or not, I've always wanted to do that if I ever got the change to meet you.
It's so good to finally say that I can scratch that off my bucket list; kiss the God of mischief on the nose." She said matter of factly.
Loki gave her that 'I-truly-believe-you're-really-dumb' kind of look.
"Now Loki are you hungry? I'm sure you haven't eaten a full course meal in quite some time and I'm happy to cook for you if you'd let me."
Loki just continued to watch the strange girl he was holding, trying to find something, anything, that would reveal if she was playing him for a fool; there was absolutely no way any sane person, who knows of his reputation would be happy to do anything with him. Alas, he could find nothing but pure glee in her hazel eyes.
"Come on Loki, as much as I enjoy looking into your eyes, I too am hungry. So, can you please put me down, lasagna is calling out to me."
Finally able to register her words, he slowly placed her down "What game are you playing mortal?"
Omidah arched a brow at his sudden question "I don't understand the question. If you're referring to why I'm not afraid of you, it's because I'm not."
"But you are aware of the things I've done or of the people I've killed on this pathetic planet, have you not?"
She could hear the irritation in his voice, whether it be from the realization that he is now on said planet he caused havoc or something else entirely, she wasn't sure.
"Yes, I'm fully aware of all that you've done and what you're capable of doing but I can't comprehend what that has to to with, why I can't be nice to you or simply talk to you." Sighing she crossed her arms and gave him her full attention.
"I want you to fully understand something. My world has people in it that has done a lot of bad things to good people, some still continue to do so. I work for an organization that kills those type of people and my hands are stained with the blood of a few.
"Everyone in this tower has killed someone, whether it's to save the lives of people, revenge, brashness and cockiness or in your case trying to concur this world. The reason you're labeled the 'bad guy' its because you chose to be all flashy about it; making yourself a spectacle, parading in front a crowd of people who recorded you and post it around the world and to put the cherry on top the ice cream Sunday, you went and brought an alien army through a large hole in the sky, attacking one of the largest cities in the world." Omidah let out a sigh.
"Look all I'm trying to say is, no one's a saint in this place, we all have our reasons for doing what we do. I just don't want you feel like you're the only screw up. The others may or may not be judgmental towards you and I know you won't give a dam but I want you to know that I'll be looking out for you, Okay?"
Loki snickered "I don't need a mere mortal to look out for me."
"Well you really don't have much of a choice. I'll be looking out for you whether you like it or not, plus you really shouldn't think little of us mortals, we can surprise you. Have you never heard the saying, don't underestimate your opponent? Now if you don't mind, please follow me so I can prepare dinner."
With that she turned on her heels and headed towards the elevator, which opened automatically for her.
Loki stepping in after her, each opposite the other.
"Good evening miss Penwinkle and Mr. Laufeyson, where can I take you."
Omidah smiled "J.A.R.V.I.S, good evening to you too and please call me Omidah, the formality is too much."
"If you wish miss."
"Thank you, will you please take us to the main lounge? I'm going to prepare dinner."
"I see. The others will be quite excited about dinner; would you like me to notify them the moment you've finished?"
"Sure that would be great, thank you."
At the end of the short conversation, they arrived at the desired floor.
"Your stop miss. Have a good evening."
Omidah chuckled realizing he's never going to address her by her first name.
"Thanks a lot JARVIS. Catch you later. Come on Loki, this is going to be so much fun."
Loki scoffed at her enthusiasm as they passed the seating area and headed into the large kitchen.
"I fail to see how cooking is fun. Its a maids' chore if you ask me."
Taking no offense, Omidah tied her hair with chopsticks and put on her apron.
"Just have a seat on the bar stool and here,"
Taking a book from behind her back, she placed it in-front for him. Loki realized it was the same book he took from the shelves earlier. How did she get it without him noticing?
"I've been told you love to read, so I organized for that library to be on your floor and while I prepare dinner this will help you pass the time."
Loki couldn't figure her out; She was strange. Then he saw her remove her footwear and placed them by the door of the kitchen; he was more puzzled.
Omidah saw his puzzled look as she returned back into the kitchen; she chuckled.
"This is something I do when I prepare meals; it warns everyone who walks into the lounge that I'm in the kitchen. I like cooking with no disturbances.....well unless I invite anyone. Now time to get to work."
"Why would you do something so trivial? It makes no sense."
She headed into the pantry and returned to the island, placing the ingredients onto it "as I stated earlier it's to warn the others. I started preparing dinner about two years ago because I strongly believe we here at the tower are a family and family should have home cooked meals."
Loki rolled his eyes and continued to read but still listened on
"So three months after I started cooking, Tony decided to be real jerk. I decided to make chocolate fondue and an assortment of treats in which you can dip into the chocolate; anyways Tony was drunk from the previous day, having thrown one of his extravagant parties. I turn my back for 10 minutes and when I returned Tony was face flat in the fondue, chocolate was splattered all over the kitchen walls, all the assortment s were gobbled down; it was a disaster."
Loki watched as she moved back and forth,
"Oh how wonderful it was to make him pay for wasting rich chocolate but that's a tale for another time"
Loki scoffed, "So do you have anything in particular you like to eat?" She asked.
Loki looked up from his book and watched as she mixed some contents in a bowl, while periodically blowing strands of hair from her face.
"None that you should concern yourself with,"
"Aww come on, I'm curious to know, so that way I can add your preferred dishes to the dinner menu."
Loki didn't like the feeling he was getting when she made that statement; she was showing an genuine interest in him and it felt weird. He decided not to respond to her and continued reading.
A comfortable silence fell between them and the only sound that emanated from the kitchen was the clanking of pots and pans. As some time passed, Loki would periodically glance at her from behind his book, making sure not to get caught.
"Here you go Loki" Omidah said while placing a small plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of him. Loki lowered his book and eyed the cookies with suspicion
"If you think they're poisoned, then think again. I like you, so i have no intentions of harming you in anyway."
Loki ignored what she said to try and subdue the feeling in his chest. He refused to take her words literally; no one cared about him and he had to keep reminding himself of that.
"How did you makes these so fast?"
Omidah smiled "we've been in here for well over an hour now. Dinner is almost done and I'm now preparing to clean up. Plus I tend to bake goodies first before doing the actual cooking."
Loki looked at the cookies and back at Omidah who already turned away to start cleaning up.
Cautiously he picked up one and bit into it. Loki suppressed a groan; he had never eaten a cookie that tasted so divine. The chocolate melted on his tongue, sending a tingling sensations to his taste buds. The texture was soft, fluffy-like but was still solid. It was one satisfying cookie.
Within a matter of minutes the entire plate was cleared and he let out a satisfying sigh. The sound of the timer was set off almost simultaneous and when he looked in Omidah's direction, she was removing dishes from the oven and quickly rushing to set the table.
He was surprised that she cooked so many dishes in such a short period of time. He wondered if they tasted as good as they looked and smelt.
"Hey Loki are you comfortable eating with the others around or would you like to go back to your floor?"
He scoffed "I refuse to dine with incompetent mortals."
Omidah puffed her cheeks like a little child and pouted.
"You're not fun Loki, I really wanted to see how well you work under pressure. Oh well, I'll prepare a plate for you in a few."
Before he could respond to her statement, Tony entered the kitchen with a glass of scotch.
"Hey river Nile, what's cooking good looking?"
"Tony Stark, what have I told you about coming into the kitchen when I'm cooking! Do you want a repeat of what happened the last time you were in here?"
Loki observed the two conversing and how sudden Tony became nervous; beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Just what did she do to him to cause such a reaction?
"Ah-am I'll just be in the lounge. Sorry Omidah." With that Tony quickly walked out.
Loki continued to observe the young woman as she finished setting the table. He was still trying to figure her out. Being able to analyse someone and tell the type of person they are was a specialty of his but with her it was somewhat difficult.
"Jarvis can you let everyone know that dinner is ready. Thank you."
"Absolutely miss."
Omidah continued to move around the kitchen, ensuring that everything was in order. Tony decided to stick his head through the kitchen door.
"Hey, did I hear something about dinner? Don't mind if I do."
Omidah sighed 'He is a sucker for punishment.' "Sure Tony come on in. Have a seat and wait for the others. I'm going to fix a plate for Loki."
Tony chuckled "let me guess, Reindeer Games thinks we're beneath him and chooses to dine alone."
Loki shot Tony glare and boy if looks could kill, Tony would have dropped dead by the one Loki was giving him now.
Completely ignoring him, Tony moved to the bar and poured himself a drink
"So what's on tonight's menu Omidah?" She smiled
"Egyptian cuisine. Remember I promised everyone I'd try something new every few months...."
Tony nodded "well I decided to cook dishes from my distant home land. I hope you guys like it. Please ask the others to send me their feedback."
Tony looked at her perplexed "wait a minute, aren't you joining us tonight?"
She shook her head as she continued her task "not tonight tin can. I wish to keep Loki company before I start my training."
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that the mission would cause them to see less of her now that she had to watchman Loki but he wasn't expecting it so soon; he didn't like it.
Omidah laughed at Tony's antics "oh stop being dramatic, sharing is caring. You guys had me all to yourselves for these past few years, now allow me to delegate my time to someone else.
And before you say anything else, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, just that you'll see less of me from time to time. So behave and exercise some patience."
Tony walked over to her and ruffled her hair "You're right, just a bit paranoid."
Omidah quickly hugged him "best cousin ever. Thanks tin can."
Removing herself from Tony's embrace she returned to her task. After packing enough food and what she believed would full the Asgardian, packaged everything in a bag.
"All done. Come on Loki we'll eat dinner on your floor. See you later Tony."
Loki watched as she bounced happily out the room before quietly following behind her.
Tony on the other hand was puzzled and quickly pulled out his phone to call the others. There were a few things that needed to be discussed.
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