#(vc you son of a bitch I'm in)
If I was going to insult Marius (and trust me, there’s a lot I could say) I would always start with “At your big age”
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debtsunpaid · 7 months
@asteritm / continued from here
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party pooper. oh hey clarice, it's nice to hear from you! how are you? how's life? i'm doing really well, thanks for asking! crunch anything tasty lately? party pooper. drop the first t in texting, throw in an s actually. and he's still getting the hang of it but he can't get better without practice you know. what better time to do it when he's supposed to be paying attention? party pooper. — on a scale of one to five, how bad is it? one being distracted but functioning and five being cannot carry a conversation to save his life? i have to know, for record keeping purposes, and then yes — i might give him some breathing room. do you know how fun it is to drive a man a little insane with a picture or two? i bet you do, one way or the other. party pooper. whatcha talking about? anything fun?
[sms] handle with caution. gods, you even text the same. no wonder you two fuck like rabbits, it must be like screwing a mirror for him. not to impugn your good looks by comparison, darling — and of course, i'm delighted that you're well. how goes your training in ... whatever it is he claims to be teaching you? CS.
[sms] handle with caution. yes, yes, i'm well aware of the context. and the contents. and his password, much to his dismay. artfully posed, by the way; what i wouldn't give to have your body. CS.
[sms] handle with caution. oh please, child. it's the easiest game in the world. with men, you'll reach the madhouse long before you could ever hope to reach the truth, every time. and no, i cannot think of anything i would rather do less than rate the depths of john constantine's lust, thank you ever so much for asking. CS.
[sms] handle with caution. business of course, what else? although that particular discussion seems to have effectively stalled, at present, thank you again. as much delightful nostalgia and secondhand embarrassment as i'm finding in the ... sordid details of your extracurricular activities, need i point out, to you of all people, that it would be far more professional to get it on on your own time? rather than, for example, mine? CS.
[sms] handle with caution. [IMG ATTACHMENT] besides, your man here is already averaging a 3.5 over little more than a tasteful glimpse of cleavage and a quarter-body shot — i'm sure you can do better than that. than him, for that matter. CS.
[sms] handle with caution. i know, i know, dreadful of me. and i did say i wouldn't pry. the heart wants what it wants, i suppose, regardless of such ... trivial hurdles as simple rational thought. i can relate to that, at least, but i do wish you'd let me set you up with at least one of the more ... lucrative matches on hand. after all, even if it didn't pan out, it couldn't hurt to keep up at least an appearance of availability, in your position, hm? CS.
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worldhell · 5 months
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⋆ ┊ . 𝐼𝒻 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝐿𝑜𝓈𝑒, 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒟𝒾𝑒 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . accepting. ˚ @naitfall ⤸ ❛  please don't leave me alone. i cannot do this without you.  ❜ ( post thunder-spear explosion, he asks help to kill the beast. @ farlan 💕 )
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In every way he's against it. From the beginning, ever since the battle in shiganshina, Farlan has witnessed the obsession inflicted to that final promise / kill the beast titan. Kill Zeke. It should be a simple case, they'd managed to kill their enemies before; he has no qualms in that. He hated people like Zeke the most. Over confident, arrogant killers, toying with their soldier's and murdering them in cold blood without batting an eye; it was all too similar, all too real to the life he'd been stuck in ever since he was a child. There's no sympathy towards that man ... for what he did, and what he'd done since.
Zeke's fate was never the problem. It was Levi. There wasn't much that could blindsight him / all but Erwin Smith. He hadn't been the same since his death. No, maybe even before that, since he met with Kenny a final time ... he was battling something inside him, confliction and a loss in himself. Farlan had watched him ever since that day. Whatever it was, it was devouring him.
Levi rarely made mistakes, or rather, he wasn't the type to let his emotions get in the way to leave him vulnerable to a counter attack / yet Zeke had managed this twice. The state Farlan had found him in ... at least he was still alive. Too stubborn to quit, when any normal man would know his limits. But he exceeded that limit time and time again, to the point it seemed natural for him to do so. He'd give more then his own life to fulfil this promise.
❝ Levi ... ❞ Instead of explaining that to Levi again, to proclaim how unreasonable it was right now / that even Farlan was at his own limit with the crisis ahead, how he knows only death awaited them in this suicide mission ... and that regardless [to hell with it] he was seeing it through to the end, there's something that stops him. Forces lips to tighten instead. His gaze, which is otherwise unsteady, is fixated to Levi. If Levi was insane for this, then he was no better.
i cannot do this without you. 
Farlan is loyal to the end. His past self, the one before Levi, would never hope to understand. To never dream he'd find hope in someone else. To also give his body and soul to what he wanted in life. What was worth protecting to the very end. He could laugh at himself for being so sentimental, shake his head at the path he'd chosen -- of course he's here. There's no where else he'd want to be. There's a plea in those determined eyes of his, weakened by injury, exhausted from countless battles, and Levi is finally saying the words he'd wished he'd said a long time ago. Finally putting trust in him.
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❝ You're impossible, you know that? ❞ And still, he can't stop the grin from forming. Both tired and withered, lost but not defeated. The irony it was, that this reminded him of old times. Farlan's laughter is quiet, weakened, it's a crazy request. ❝ Let's do it. Just don't go dying on me. ❞ I'm by your side, Levi.
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Hi Uncle Neen! HYH! It sucks to see you struggling cuz you are a big inspiration of mine :( but you said you did your makeup the other day. Can we seeeeeeeeee maybe?
d'awwww ksahdlkdss, you are so sweet, nonnie! thank you so so soooo much, baby! xx i really needed this. i hope i heal ( i will...i have to, i am too much of an asshole to let god win, fuck him ) and i hope you heal from whatever harms you as well! you can do it! mWAH!~
-- also brb crying ;-; <3333 whenever y'all tell me i inspire you, it seriously makes me want to cry; you mean SO much to me, so to mean so much to you; it's Everything to me, my love. thank you for believing in me, know i believe infinitely in YOU and will keep fighting the good fight, living authentically and modelling pos behavior on this blog bc i take being a role model very seriously. :')
BUT ANYWAYS! sakhdlasd oh my god aaAaaAAAaa please!!! YOU ARE SO CUTE, THIS IS SO CUTE OF YOU, hELP AAAAA!!!!!! but yes, of course, of course. considering i am super bacteria nina right now and had to resign from my ( admittedly ) trash job and am no longer, at this moment, an education girlie ( besides on here, ofc, educating you on my two gay sons in love ), i can freely exist and post pictures of myself again! thank you for for giving me a safe place to do that. <3
i'll elaborate on what 'safe' means to me down below, but just for context i took this...sigh...last week, when i was told i would 'all better', just trying to feel like myself again after a month of being unmadeup and unfitted and ugly and troll-like and on death fucking row and fucking miserable as hell, i had my new hair appointment lined up, was about ready to take life by the balls again...and that shit BLUE BALLED ME SO HARD AND SAID *ravenstan vc* JK, BABY!
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okay, sorry i have some really bad scarring and wounding up there by my neck so i had to cover her up but...there she is! the she beast!
as for posting pictures of myself just...please...PLEASE BE KIND. and i wish i meant that as a joke, i mean it very, VERY seriously. i am at a point right now, where i look my very fucking worst, i am weaker than i have ever been in my life, there are abrasions all over my body, which per the results of my culture ( i was right...several fucking times and no one would listen to me ) my body is trying to kill me and right now...it is Winning. ( i'm not gonna lose tho, dw, i am a nasty bitch from hell and i refuse to die this ugly, i fucking won't; choke )
i know we shoot the shit on here and are funny and clown eachother, you guys are my family; it's what families do, but my boundary is that you can say i am pretty and be objectively kind or Please do not send me anything At ALL about how i look; i CANNOT take it rn. i know were just joking, but please, please, PLEASE Do NOT compare me to any ugly creatures, make me feel weird about any part of my face, tell me i look blurry, say anything is too big or too small…
please don’t meme on me abt my appearance...Ever.
it’s a very sensitive spot for me and makes me v anxious.
all this to say, i love you; thank you for being my home.
-uncle nina, single ravesey mother and human petri dish
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keithal · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written :)
oh hello! beloved enterprisery this is my fave game to do of all time, so thank u for this :D three things before we get into it: (1) out of respect for u, the first two will be iwtv fics, (2) most of these are my least popular works LMAO and (3) this got pretty long. sorry abt that.
hell and you: modern day devils minion w old man daniel and armand. sometimes i forget how much i like this fic and then i'll remember "i wrote a fic abt armand being daniel's sugar daddy, LOL." it's very funny to me personally. i especially love this bit i threw in:
He fills the apartment with the smell of his cologne and something underneath that it can’t quite mask. A smell like water left to stand too long or flowers left too long in a vase.
i like the idea of vampires smelling like death. i can forgive this tho bc i think in the later installments of the vc anne rice said vampires smell like mayo? which is ... well. at least much more attention-grabbing than what i did.
damn these vampires: an armandaniel fic that takes place immediately after the season finale. this fic was majorly inspired by a thought that woke me up from deep sleep. armand and daniel have history. armand (i'm guessing) blocked daniel's memories. but didn't wipe them. daniel can't access them, but they're still there. so how funny would it be if daniel was jealous of louis being w armand but has no fucking idea why.
He smokes one on his walk back to the penthouse, thinking of how he had stood there in the aftermath, staring at Rashid—Armand—hovering over them like fucking Mary Poppins, his hand interlocked with Louis’s, and—instead of doing what a Pulitzer-winning, seasoned journalist of his caliber should’ve been doing in the face of being this royally fucked over—absurdly, inexplicably, Daniel noted the position of Armand’s thumb: on top.
i make myself laugh.
keep on keeping on, dean winchester: deancas s13 au where jack is a baby. i can't actually think of a part of it that stands out without any context (which, in my opinion, is a good sign), but i can say that i enjoy this part quite a bit:
Friday morning, as they’re making their way through the sticks toward the interstate, Sam says, “Hey, guess what I bought,” and holds up a dusty Sing-A-Long CD. “Fuck no,” Dean says. “We are not listening to Metallica all the way to Sioux Falls with a baby in the back.” “He likes it! Right, Jack?” he calls over his shoulder. Jack makes an incandescent gurgling sound. “See? Kid knows any music made after 1979 sucks ass.” “Singing in early childhood is important, Dean. It helps kids with language development, memory, and emotional regulation, and it entrains their social visual behavior.” “Thanks, Spock. You’re the pride of the Federation.” “Dean.” “Dude, I’m just saying, we can entrain his social visual behavior with the classics. We don’t need that baby crap. It’s the 21st century. All we need is Zep, Cash, some AC/DC—”
i worked really hard to capture dean's voice--like, harder than i've ever worked to scrub my own voice from a piece of writing. the amount of references and sayings in this bitch? sheesh.
i'm also very happy with how the relationship btwn jack and dean developed. one person who commented made a very intelligent observation that even i hadn't realized: i made dean see himself in jack. and it makes sense, doesn't it? jack's mom died bc of the supernatural; he wasn't allowed to process this loss at all; and he was left in the care of a father who'd lost a spouse. a father whose grief made him mean and treated his son like an object (hence the "it" pronouns used in the beginning).
anyway! very happy w how it turned out :)
long live the kingslayer: an elriel mission fic. i've spoken abt it like. a million times by now. and i still love it <3 there's just so much real estate to work w when it comes to elain. she's so underdeveloped that anything u say abt her is almost always pure conjecture. it was so much fun to take a character i loved so dearly and write a story where she was never punished for being who she is.
i'm still very fond of this part in particular:
“Wait,” he said before she could leave. His voice was nearly as hesitant as his expression, flickering between uncertainty and a strange, boyish shyness that was captivating on him. He reached into his leathers—where, she couldn’t know—and pulled out a small container. “Here,” he said, placing it in her hands. She opened it. Inside was a smelly, yellow ointment. “A salve,” he explained, “for your hands.” An unnameable feeling seized her. She hadn’t thought he noticed, never dared mention it out of fear of what he’d think, and this whole time he’d been carrying this salve with him. A salve for her hands. It was a terrible idea. She knew it as soon as it came to her, but she grabbed Azriel by the ears anyway, drew him down to her height, and kissed his cheek. She felt his skin go warm, and she imagined how surprised he must look, how shy. When she pulled back, she saw that his face was indeed dark with color, avoiding her gaze. Simultaneously pleased at her reaction and embarrassed by it. He was magical, she thought, and she loved him dearly. Loved him so much that it broke her heart. “Thank you,” she said. “This will be invaluable.” Finally, a smile from him. Unable to resist it, she brushed the back of her hand over his cheek, fond, and said, “I’ll leave you to rest.”
a lot of acotar fans hate it when ppl write azriel to be soft and shy and not particularly dark at all. me, personally? i think that’s boring. azriel was born into an abusive and violent home and suffered unimaginable torture at a very young age. he developed powers meant to protect him from the horror of his daily life, and those powers made him a great spymaster/torturerer. but it's so obvious that azriel hates his position within the court. he's starved of intimacy and tenderness. he has an extremely reserved and kind nature. it's a much more meaningful to have a character like that find someone who recognizes his gentleness and desire for gentleness in him and offers it to him. those characteristics don't make him any less of a man.
god never wrote a good play in his life: a god/chuck character study written in second person. i genuinely don't know how the toxic sibling relationship btwn amara and chuck doesn't make more people absolutely fucking insane. this story is chuck-centered, obviously, but i don't think anyone realizes WHY i did that. i don't like chuck! i didn't like writing from his perspective! i did it bc all of supernatural is chuck-centered. even when it isn't quote-unquote "his" story, it's still his. the point of the whole thing is for the reader to do what chuck/the show doesn't: break out of what's being told to u! look at the other characters! namely, look at amara.
chuck tries to scrub her from the story completely. the fic is 3k long, yet chuck doesn't mention amara at ALL unless she's onscreen. and even when she is onscreen, we can't trust a fucking thing he says! as exemplified here:
Maybe that wasn’t how it happened. Maybe you and your Sister were perfectly capable of creation. It would be absurd if you weren’t. Surely it wasn’t possible that you couldn’t create anything together. If you were in harmony, that should have implied you, together, would excel at it. She was an eccentric mind, designing balls of gas and entire solar systems that resembled you, right where all your rings met. (The most terrifying thing She came up with was the collapse of a star, where it became a gaping black mouth that swallowed everything in sight. You and I, She explained, perfectly in balance.) You were far less excitable, putting all your focus into the one planet you’d claimed as your own, but as you watched Her in those moments, you privately invented jealousy. Maybe you were lying about the lying. Perhaps They did give you counsel in a lapse of generosity, and your essence catapulted as you realized you would have to choose. Or possibly that day went like every other. Maybe She never met Them, and you only met Them much later, once you had shoehorned Them into part of your story. So instead of revelations and sacrifices, your Sister told you about centripetal force as you floated, listening, your rings spinning in slow, lazy circles, and you told Her about how little you cared for all this science and math She liked so much. Where is the pathos? you asked, and She sighed much as an exasperated older Sister should, and you realized that you loved Her very much. Or maybe you didn’t.
WHY? why is that? it's because the longer she's in the story, the worse chuck looks.
amara loved chuck from beginning to fucking end. she was born loving him. she chose him, always, over and over again. and chuck knew this! he used it! he would dangle the possibility of him finally loving her back to get her to do what he wanted. and what does chuck do abt this? abt his story, the first to ever exist? he recreates it. michael & lucifer; cain & abel; dean and sam (all men, curiously). to ... what? prove that he isn't the only brother to have not loved his sibling back? that in his position, u would've done the same?
i could talk abt that fic all day. best thing i've ever written.
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hekateinhell · 1 year
DA here, went full Jeff Goldblum while reading your mermay fic: "you did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it". Had me on a chokehold from start to finish in the weirdest of ways and was VERY hot? 🤒 That was clearly Armand and Lestat in a parallel universe. Loved the textures, the colors, the smells, I could picture all of it in my head so vividly. Lestat pining mermaid!Armand down and having his way with him only to realize that had been Armand's goal all along, Armand looking dissatisfied after their penetration-less encounter, Armand's creepy yet enthralling smile during their meet cute... can we hear a little commotion for the fish fucking???? 🥳
ALSO, I distinctly remembered you comparing Armand to a siren in one of your previous A/L one shots, and it was such a gorgeously worded description that it just stuck with me so I went looking for it and: "No response, but then again, Lestat hadn't expected one. The water rippled softly, and something brushed against his skin. Armand rose between Lestat's legs like a siren breaking through the sea waves and settled against his chest, silent and waiting", from The Hand That Feeds (one of my absolute faves from you btw!), and this feels like such a full circle moment. You were meant to write this!!! 🥹
Aww DA, I'm so pleased you liked my little fish baby! Of course, I did it! It's been an intrusive thought ever since monstersinthecosmos yelled at me about The Lighthouse last August and I was just- 👀👀👀
I don't know why we don't have more monsterfucking fics in VC lmao vampires are the starting off point, there's lots of room to explore!
Lestat pining mermaid!Armand down and having his way with him only to realize that had been Armand's goal all along
I really tried hard to capture Lestat's temperament like he's very young, sensitive, volatile, and desperate for connection. He might have been pushed around by his family, but he also grew up the son of a lord in pre-revolutionary France and there were a lot ugly entitlements wrapped up in all that. Historical context still applies here, and the dubcon tag is for both of them in different places!
Adding to that, it's Lestat's first time experiencing this kind (or really, any kind) of intimacy with another being, and this being seemingly not communicating or responding to him whatsoever creates a lot of bad, insecure feelings he has no idea how to process — especially considering how ignored and neglected he was by his family! Not everyone's first experiences are sunshine and rainbows and I was thinking about that a lot. It's absolutely a PWP but I did end up putting a lot of meta into it, whoops! I had almost a year to think about it.
I distinctly remembered you comparing Armand to a siren in one of your previous A/L one shots, and it was such a gorgeously worded description that it just stuck with me so I went looking for it
That didn't even occur to me, which just goes to show Armand has been sea creature coded in my brain for quite a while now! (I'll refer to my Armand & The Water post lol). It's so strange thinking about it because The Hand That Feeds was one of my earliest fics, before I ever had any confidence to try writing smut and now here we are a full year later. 🫣
At least it's proof I can write a soft and sweet L/A!
BTW... I miss you being horny on main with me 🥹 So I'm going to be risqué and full of myself and ask you if you'd share which one of the fours orgasms in the mermaid fic was your fave? I'm curious if it'll match mine. 👀🐚
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the-masked-callout · 3 years
Good day or evening
My name isn't important, what's important is what I'm about to say to those who got hurt by a specific person I'm about to mention, I've come to expose someone that hurt a person very dear to me, I will not mention thier name for thier protection, but I will say the name of the person responsible.
With the help of several people, who I'll mention later, (and not mention for thier safety) I've gathered enough information to call the person who caused harmed to a lot of people, so thanks to them all.
Or Bayonetta or people know him as Dante, along with his friend @thefreakyfader, both who done, said and acted extremely immaturly.
Bayonetta or otherwise known as Dante by his Trans name, is an artist on social media, a webtoon comic writer and the owner of the skeleton Island >3B group on discord with over 95 with the exception of the bots
But that is not the case right now, the main thing is that Dante is responsible for letting bad things happen like, being offensive to some people, letting the people in his group to share inappropriate porn art and content with underage children by the ages of 15 and younger from other social media that won't be mentioned for thier protection, and the list goes on, and I'll list them all one by one with all the proves here.
1- opened nsfw channels for everyone.
I'll start with the obvious, Some discord users know this number one rule, not to share any sort of nsfw content with underage people, no matter what, the only way to keep those who are young from the channels is to lock it, and it's very important so minors by the ages of 15, 14, 13 or younger don't look at the adult content we adult share together, cause some of you all know sharing nsfw content with children is considered a crime and could lead to jail.
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In Dante's group, the channel wasn't locked since 2020 or perhaps since it was created, he didn't care if minors went there and watched what people been posting there, otherwise he would have locked it and let only those who are adults to enter and post thier content.
Another thing is that when adults started to post nsfw of the fictional main characters from my hero academia, who just to let you know are minors by the ages of 16 and younger, this is his response to those who questioned the group's actions.
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And yet the channel still open for everyone to see to this very day, the screenshot of the opened nsfw channel is recent, taken a few weeks ago.
a lot of nsfw content including minor characters from my hero academia plus another anime based on a game called Danganronpa could be found as well, not a shocking surprise to those who knows about this because most of the users are a fan of that anime/game posted those disgusting pictures.
And even when the group has its nsfw channel, some people still post them on the general chat, right in the open, which is something Dante knew about but let it slide off during his vc chat with his friends.
2- attacking his former friends for ridiculously stupid reasons
Dante is the type of man who criticize people and doesn't take will for any type of criticism, by what I heard from the artist known as @tobithetea he kept criticizing his comic for not gaining much view, mocking the main character of his comic and calling him a female despite being a Trans-male and being offensive by judging the character's appearances, calling him a feminine when he's identified as a male, above all that Dante created a Trans male character after mocking and insulting Tobi's original character, but tobi wasn't the only one
Another person who's called @dreamer-from-elm-street was a very close friend with Dante, thier friendship ended when Dante talked badly behind the woman's back, and before they stopped being together as friends, Dante was using old twits from ms Drea's account to taunt her with it later, keep in mind, by what I heard from ms Drea, Dante did it when they were both friends.
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When people sometimes calling him out for using these kind of methods, he uses the guilty card and say that people attacked when he's the one that attacks people for criticizing his work when he's the one that won't stop criticizing thiers out of jealousy
3- Fader was also into the whole thing
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Along with Dante, Fader was also part of the whole thing happened, talking behind people's back and doing the same thing as those people in the group.
Fader who was also a mod in the group acted exactly like Dante in the group, he still talk behind people's back and he hurt others in the process, kept doing that for the past few years with the delusional bastard.
With the likes of @valkyriexpandora who was also a close friend of them
Both fader and Dante hurt a lot of people in thier groups, with another person named both of them talked behind people's back, both let minors go to the nsfw channels and both were responsible for hurting a very dear friend of mine
This post is for them, for my friend that they hurt, for the people they hurt, for the toxicity they have spread
I don't want it to continue because it might go further than this, and I won't delete this post or the blog so people see what he did to others.
this is for what you did to my friend, you son of a bitch
This post will stay for what you did
And this blog won't be deleted no matter what happens
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
today at work someone walked in after we closed and my manager said "sir we're closed" and the guy was like "fine i guess I'm never coming here again you son of a bitch"
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