#(verse: pending)
a-crookedtouch-a · 7 months
@bloodxstarved continued from here Astarion was a bit frustrated. He disliked going out of his way for things that in his mind didn’t concern him. But this? Even he sensed the idiocy of charging in on a gang of known criminals? Thieves even? It ruffled him more than it should. “Yes, because making enemies of an entire guild seems like a terrible idea.”
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy having to watch my back.” Anymore than he already had to that was. “Why don’t we just talk to them or better yet move right along. It is quite easy to pretend we didn’t see a damn thing.”
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apalestar · 7 months
@petrichorsoul cont'd from here
His arm taken back and held close. The other grazed over the bandage in inspection. The line of tension held taught in his spine. Legs crossed in a position entirely defensive. He conceded reluctantly the druid’s diligent hand had been required. The tadpole blunted his vampiric healing abilities. Gods only knew what an untreated wound would do to undead flesh.
“I could have handled this myself.” The lie came so easily. He was a lousy healer. “I suppose you will tell me to rest it.” He had to be useful. He had to remain useful. Otherwise he would be abandoned or worse. It was the way of the world in his eyes. Transactions and favors exchanged.
What did Halsin want from him?
“What do you know of my hardships?” His tone a barely contained hiss. Something sharp surfaced behind his eyes. Lingered there for a moment before it dissolved back under his mask of careless ease.
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kyuusou · 1 year
"Do you think scars are ugly?" Kanae asked, pulling her long sleeves further down. Her arms were covered in burning tissue she sustained during solo training sessions. Scars that were rough and ugly to the eye. Still she couldn't merge Fire and Earth together to create her clan's Kekkei Genkai: Steel Release and Iron Release.
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kansaisdragon · 2 years
wound : my muse patches and bandages a wound your muse has gotten. // @screamingeagle for some of the one word prompts! if it's alright with ya :)
One Word Prompts : [x] ( @screamingeagle )
RYUJI’S ENTIRE BEING SERVED AS A CANVAS to the scars he’d accumulated over a lifetime; he’d weathered attacks ranging from stab wounds to gunshots and miraculously managed to walk it off. That being said  .  .  .  it wasn’t as though the medical attention wasn’t appreciated. Be it from a stranger or otherwise ( actually, with his hatred of hospitals, this might have been the better alternative ), the nasty gash he’d been sporting from a recent fight involving a knife definitely was in need of a few stitches, and for as reckless as Ryuji had a tendency to be, even he knew better than to not put pressure on the wound. 
 Needless to say, it was easy enough to spot the hulking man hunched over, hand pressed to the bloodied, torn cloth of his shirt, and perhaps that’d been what compelled this stranger to step in and pull him aside.
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    ❝ ⸺ Would’a been able to walk this off, ❞ he grunted as the other worked, although, contrary to his words, he wasn’t without his fair share of gratitude. ❝ Ya really don’t gotta do this. ❞
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shadovan · 3 months
@lcftyambiticns continued from here:
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Lorroakan rarely left his tower —— why would he risk getting stabbed in the back by some lunatic when he had his minions assistants to run errands for him?
Today, however, his presence was required at the Counting House, and he was dead set on taking his frustrations out on the next innocent employee and letting them know that his VALUABLE TIME wasn't to be SQUANDERED.
He paused when he spotted yet another execution notice hanging on a wall. This city was truly going to the dogs...
' You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen. '
Initially ignoring the voice, Lorroakan suddenly felt someone staring at him. Was HE being addressed? With a perplexed frown, he slowly turned his head.
What in the nine hells... The audacity of some people!!
The wizard blinked, taken aback and bewildered, as he gazed at the pale man who was shamelessly ogling him.
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". . . . I beg your pardon??" He wasn't flattered ( perhaps a little ), but offended and felt his cheeks flushing.
"I suggest you cease gawking at me if you value your well-being," he snapped, distaste and disdain his voice; clearly flustered unnerved by the . . . unexpected attention.
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His left eyebrow raised at the threat — or was it more self-defense on the other’s part? Both could be applicable depending on how the remark had been received. Perhaps his tone hadn't come across as he had expected.
"My well-being? I doubt you could do much to me," he said with a smile, a simple shrug of his shoulders while Tareque rested his arms on the table in front of him. It wasn't even a remark of arrogance, just simple fact. This form would be destroyed, but it would only come back stronger.
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"Besides, it was a compliment," the lich added, gold eyes looking the man up and down without a hint of subtly. "But now you're looking at me like you just had a pointy stick shoved up your ass, so I may need to retract it."
He wouldn't. The sentiment was still accurate, but how dull would it be to simply walk away without causing more of a fuss? The fact was that Tareque was merely that damned bored, and Lorroakan was providing a pleasant view of a distraction from it.
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vinzred · 3 months
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new thinblood malkavian boy Tag Wilson
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infernal-feminae · 23 days
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@metaladam said: "No joking around here, Carmilla Carmine." He respected this sinner, they were crafty and precise in how they fought. He didn't come here to have fun, he came here to end the threat she represented. "You have to die, and you know why."
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"I'm surprised it took Heaven nearly 70 years to get off their asses to do something about it." She damn well knew why he was here. Carmilla never hid the fact that she sold angelic weapons to both sinners and hellborns alike. The kind of power that could kill high-ranking demons and angels was sure to catch Heaven's attention eventually.
She knew this day this day would come.
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"Then you must know I won't go down so easily." She hid her apprehension well as she got into a fighting stance. Carmilla truly had no idea if she would survive this, but she would give everything she had. He daughters needed her.
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doloniaxdiegesis · 5 days
Local cowboy and his daughter
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He knew that she wouldn't always be small enough to be held like like this, so while he can he'll gladly enjoy carrying her around the farm.
A gift for @praeteritus-memories boothill and Clara for our a.u
Enjoy the cuties-
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mihrsuri · 2 months
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Children Of A Golden World
In following a legendary age - an age in which the leaders of that age lived up to their mythos and in point of fact, far surpassed it - how might you build your own lives? All the children of King Thomas I and Queen Mihrimah faced this question in their own ways and while they are not their parents (for who could be) they are still in their own ways, extraordinary people.
(A Study Of Royal Childhood Post The Great Settlement: 1533-1600)
Turhan/Thomas (b 1556): Turhan Prince Of England. Crown Prince Of Albion. Prince Tom. Hani. King Thomas II. Turhan The Just. His Most Gracious & Faithful Servant Of Allah. The Infidel Half Breed.
Maryam (b. 1559): Maryam, Princess Of England, Princess May. Meri. Empress of Persia. The Wise And Just Empress Maryam. My Most Beloved Rose Of A Wife.
Suleiman (b. 1562): Suleiman Prince of England. Prince Sul. Little Bear. My Little Magnificent. Duke of Oxford. The Second Son. Warrior Of The White Rose.
Halim/Henry (b. 1565): Henry Prince Of England. Prince Hal. My Most Wise Cousin. Grand Vizier To Sultan Mehmed III. Pasha of the Ottoman Empire. Little Hal. Halim.
Ayşe/Anne (b. 1570): Ayşe Princess Of England. The Thorny Twin. Little Tiger Cub. Sharp Tongued Poet. Ani. Beloved Lady Of My Lady Exeter.
Esther (b.1570): Esther Princess Of England. The Sweet Twin. Little Petal. Duchess of Cambridge. Gentle One. Flower Of England. The Jews Wife. The Halfbreed.
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shiningsilverarmor · 16 days
everyone getting on the final fantasy train..
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nebula-drcams · 5 months
@multistories Cont. from Here.
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   Alright .. fair she supposes. She had been .. a little rude, but in her defense it's not really every day someone inhuman suddenly shows up in front of her. Rubbing her temples, she tries to take a deep breath. She's probably lucky she wasn't killed on the spot in the first place.
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" Look, I don't see demons everyday, sure I don't know what to expect when it comes to appearances but uh .. Most .. books often say demons are like .. red and whatnot. I guess the horns are pretty on point? So like, I wasn't trying to offend you or anything, you're just, not what I expected ..? "
   There's no way she's getting out of this without sounding offensive. She really needs to stop messing with stuff she's not supposed to anyway that gets her into situations like these.
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apalestar · 4 months
There's a small, white cat pouncing up and into Astarion's lap. His fur is decidedly softer than most cats, but that's because he doesn't allow pets from most people. He brushes up against the other though, purrs, makes biscuits and then curls up in his lap. perception i guess to see if he remembers Sil from Sharess Caress / the city uwu
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< History check: 12 >
Something was familiar about this cat. Astarion knew he'd seen it before. A foggy memory he couldn't quite access. Was the cat not quite what it seemed? A druid in disguise. The feeling was there, but no name came to mind.
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He blamed it on the fact his memory was awful concerning the past at best. "Aren't you a sight?" He reached down to give the creature a scratch behind the ears. "Do I know you?"
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kyuusou · 2 years
The old Uzumaki woman was slowly walking through the village, she actually needed a cane to support her, but she was too stubborn. A cane was for old people and she wasn't that old! A silly reasoning coming from the oldest denizen of Konoha.
For a moment she rested against a wall of one of the many buildings, she looked up to see the street buzzing with people. It made her happy to see Hashirama-sama's dream was more than realized.
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kansaisdragon · 2 years
@wiitchtime​ asked:
" -- DRAGONS don't ultimately mean power or to rule. "  her japanese falls from her lips as natural as spring rainfall, it had been a couple of years however she was never one to let rust have time to set in, a luxury umbran could never afford. "a dragon could also mean luck of the coin, or even to protect. " cereza catches her reflection hauntingly deep in his eyes. "Some protect gold, some protect jewels... what do you protect, dragon?"
WHILE RYUJI HAD NEVER BEEN ONE FOR any thought that could be considered even remotely deep or contemplative, if there was one thing that served as an exception to that rule it was where it’d pertain to his title as a dragon. To him, that moniker meant everything this mysterious stranger had listed ⸺ power, a propensity to lead and rule, and above all else, a treasure worth protecting. 
It came down to a question of what he cherished most. People? He had no one so to speak of, and material goods were far from what he’d prioritize.
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     ❝ ⸺ That title in itself, ‘n the values that come with it. ❞
Ryuji easily held her gaze, and although the inquiry required some thought, he was unwavering in his response, ❝ Gotta stand by’n protect those beliefs, y’anno? ❞
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shadovan · 2 months
@infernalxmachinery cont.:
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Karlach looked down at the....elf? At least she thought he was an elf. He's elf-shaped in any case. Her tankard made a quiet thunk as it hit the bartop beside her. She had hoped going to the Mermaid on a quiet night would mean less people. She was sorely mistaken.
"You have no idea how bad of an idea I am, promise ya that."
Dammon had managed to get her stable but...she was still blistering anyone who managed to get too close. Thankfully not nearly as bad as a few months ago. She hadn't managed to set anything on fire recently, so that's a bonus.
Regardless, she was still lonely and most people avoided the giant tiefling like the spellplague.
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Perhaps it hadn't been the most eloquent remark on the lich's part, but at least she hadn't veered away from the crass nature of it. Karlach wasn't the only one that people actively made to avoid, so her response intrigued him far more than it probably should have.
In his case, it was typically the lingering scent of musty graverot and the chilling presence that granted the lich a wide berth by the public.
"See, that's precisely the thing you shouldn't say to someone who's curiosity is too tempting for their own good," he pointed out with a widening smile.
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Regardless of what developed from this, Tareque was never one to turn away pleasant conversation with a stranger. Even if by using lewd commentary as an ice-breaker. Hell, sometimes that was the most interesting way to strike up a meeting.
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cryopathiic-a · 10 months
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Human facade reference that I had forgotten to post D:
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