#(which according to their rules was allowed and they legit just drove me to a mental breakdown for fun)
augustine-orlov · 2 years
Don’t ever comment on traveling videos on YouTube, it’s not worth it babes
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hazelenergy · 4 years
What happened that final night.
One year ago today was my last Elysium in Atlanta. And in a mere 48 hours, I will have betrayed and killed my adoptive sire, blood bonded myself to the wild sister of two famous Malkavians, and lost two people I loved. 
A few days prior to this night was the beginning of the end. A bloodhunt was called in Atlanta. Not for me. Not for the other thinbloods. A salubri had entered the city. Our adoptive sire, Mary Andrews and primogen of the Tremere (and the only Tremere in the city..I dont know actually why she was alone but I have theories) ordered her children, myself and my two shovelheaded broodmates to bring this man to her alive. We complied. At first. 
Solomon had been working closely with Reverend Clancy, the primogen of Clan Brujah. We never knew Solomon’s bloodline, but he vibed with the righteous and nonviolent nature of Clancy’s leadership. Clancy told us the other half of the history of clan Tremere and the Salubri. We were devastated. And now our adoptive sire wanted this man and would probably experiment on him like she did to us. And it would be worse. He can heal. He’d be able to endure what she did to us. So Clancy asked us, two lowly thinbloods, to help him and his clan free this man and get him out of the city. We said yes without questioning the consequences. 
Long story short we put our ability to blend with humans to the test at Airport security. We managed to slide through the TSA check with ease- without tipping off the inquisition either. Solomon and I had intercepted the international flight by getting the plane to dock in the incorrect port, allowing the Salubri to slip past the sheriff and his hired guards. Things didn’t go as well as we hoped- as the Sheriff caught on to someone was messing with the radio tower and hopped over to where we were hiding. We had already called the brujah boys to the airfield to intercede the sheriff’s men. A huge fire fight broke out. The brujah were losing so Solomon and I made a rash decision. We used far reach together and launched a fuel tank at the gun fight- fire engulfed the scene. Solomon and I fled into the night- starving, but unscathed. Cue camarilla media blackout and clean up. 
The next night we were ordered to return to the chantry. We refused and gave pitiful excuses saying things like keeping face by going to a night job or Solomon had a legit excuse of needing to write his Yom Kippur service. Instead we tracked down Clancy and the brujah and high tailed the Salubri out of Atlanta. Clancy handled the money for the dark flight and I wore less clothing to convince the guy to bypass security. Our Salubri was in the air and out of Atlanta. But the sheriff was on our trail. Someone had to take the blame. Clancy knew how hard we had worked. He was the only kindred who knew about the safehouse project. He took the fall for freeing the Salubri and let himself be staked by the sheriff as we fled unseen into the night. 
The following night, we did go to Mary’s Haven. She immediately shoveled us into the car and took us to Elysium. She knew we had something to do with this. Or just wanted to see us squirm. Regardless. Clancy had been placed on trial for his crimes against the Prince and the brujah were ready to Throw. Down. The air was tense and violent choleric resonances dominated the room. There is one brujah in particular, Jamal. He was basically an anarch. The only reason he wasn’t a Baron and fighting the Prince was because of his faith and trust in Clancy. He was nearly going to free Clancy then and there- if it wasn’t for Solomon. Sol begged him to let him play the political game first. Solomon  offered himself to the prince as the duskborn primogen. He advised the prince that Clancy’s life was the spindly thread that kept the brujah from rioting. Solomon ruled that Clancy should be exiled but allowed to live. The Prince agreed. The brujah and Jamal backed down- begrudgingly. Clancy was still staked and was to be driven out of the city once Solomon achieved a few goals as his new primogen. Mary was furious. Was it because her ex had arrived in the city and had gotten close to her other child? Oh that was a part of it- for sure. Somehow this night really did not go according to plan and the car ride home was AWKWARD. 
That night Mary tried to get me to drink from her again- which uhhh no. Idk what you all know about Tremere who follow Carna- but they can still blood bond. And that made her even angrier. She was willing to try anything to get either myself or Solomon to comply. We resisted. That’s when I figured out Mary had slipped on some control over us and wanted to reclaim it. So, I left the haven that night and went to get some sweet distractions at Atlanta’s Asylum chain. That’s when I decided to stop being careful and took that final drink- as a huge fuck you to Mary and to give myself the edge I wanted. I’d have the swirling madness and premonitions in my system for a while and could be thinking ahead of her. I didn’t realize how loopy I’d get. I felt higher than ever before and couldn’t keep my thoughts from spilling out of my mouth.  I stumbled back into the chantry and told my adoptive sire this:
“I reject your blood.”
“Any kindred that bothers with me is up to something. You. You chose me. YOURE Up to Something And I wont let it happen.”
She looked me in the eye and said, "tell the truth."
I babbled about everything. The page from the book of Nod and how I copied it. The alchemy I kept from her. The thaumaturgy I tried and made a mess. How she blood bonded Tommy. Letting the Salubri go. How I knew about her plan to usurp the Prince- the madness told me what she’d do. We argued until the sun came up. I went to bed, thinking that I’d have to continue the talk in the evening. I didn’t expect to find myself warded into my own room, windows loaded with explosives, security cameras installed, and my girlfriend Lisa trapped with me. Mary had called an emergency Elysium- excluding Solomon. They were planning our executions. I made it out, barely. Mary’s ghoul and Lisa were killed when one of the explosives went off. There was nothing left but her necklace. In a fit of grief, rage, sorrow I don’t know what emotions I was feeling but it was a lot of them. I obliterated the wards around Mary’s private lab and took whatever I could carry. 
We drove off, thinking we’d lay low for a few hours before Mary could use trail of prey on me. We could beg borrow and steal to get our things and get out. I had just parked the car when I vomited the first time. My blood began bubbling and boiling and oozing out of every open surface it could. I had three bullet holes in my stomach- the bullets were pushed out as my blood gushed. I spent the next fifteen minutes in agonizing pain as Mary called my phone. She heard every gag and wretch- and laughed. The ultimatum was to bring me before the Prince to be put out of my misery, and return what I stole. I told her to go fuck herself. Within seconds, my blood was boiling again and I was a mess on the sidewalk. 
The next few hours were agony waiting. I didn’t know if she’d do it again. But the clock was ticking. The Prince had ordered a hunt for us. And Mary’s ritual to dominate the Prince and the entire court was already ignited. We could have just fled right then. Fuck the Camarilla of Atlanta. Fuck everything about this place. Lets leave and never look back.... But Solomon still had too much to lose in Atlanta- and was willing to fight for it. And Cass had old wounds from Mary (they were an item at one point omg). And I wanted to go so badly- but what I wanted more was to see her vitae spilling out onto the floor as I drove my knife through her. So after cleaning myself from the third wave of dagons call and alleycat hunting for the first time- we took what little time we had left in the city to put an end to this. 
We used the first hour before sunset to gear up. I immediately drove out to the few spots to where thinbloods were hiding and told them to RUN. Find a new city or something- just get out. A few times they looked at me with power hungry eyes. It was a perfect opportunity to take a wanted kindred to the Prince and move up the ranks. I reminded them that they are not known by the prince. And to take me in was to also announce themselves- amidst a time when they are using thinbloods as scapegoats for anything gone wrong. And BOY. Is it going wrong. The last stop I made was to my alchemical dealer. I drained my bank account and bought some of the most powerful brews I’ve ever drank. As a parting gift, or grift if you ask me, he let me have his best brew: Potence.
Solomon went to free Clancy with a group of the brujah boys. A minor fire fight broke out. Solomon was a bit roughed up- both physically and spiritually. I think he had broken one of his own oaths and it was weighing heavily on him. 
When we met up at the edges of Mary’s Haven- we didn’t realize how quickly she had redone the wards. As one of the Brujah boys drove up the path it kept twisting and winding to steer us back to the front gate. Eventually I crawled into the drivers seat. Even though I wasn’t welcome anymore- I was the last one to drive this path and now armed with malkavian whispers. It wasn’t my best driving. Certainly creative. But I got us to the bottom of the hill and we could see the lights to the haven. Mary had laid tons of traps as we made our crawl up to the porch. Landmines specifically. Seriously, where the fuck did she get these? Were they always here? 
When we made it to the porch, the sheriff sat illuminated by the single flickering light. That certainly explains why it was so easy to bust Clancy out. Solomon took the diplomatic approach and tried to reason with the sheriff. I knew it wasn’t going to work and hovered one of the explosives over him. If anything happened to Solomon I’d-- two gunshots. Solomon clutched his chest and fell to the ground. There goes the second person I believed was actually good in this world. Thats when fresh vitae rained from above. Yeah, this is where I get frenzy bombs. The brujah boys immediately attack each other. Clancy and I keep our cool. 
I dropped the explosive and the sheriff flies back into the haven. I go to enter the door, and am met with Mary’s hell cat. Far reached the cat aside. I didn’t care. Nothing was going to stand between me and ending this. The sheriff, his skin singed and peeling, turned to me with frenzied eyes. Far reach again. He’ll never lay a hand on me again. I held him still as Cass drove the stake through his chest. We tossed him aside. 
Thats when we realized the basement was warded. It sent Cass flying back everytime she got close. Even Clancy couldn’t get closer than five feet to the doorway. So I pulled out that potence brew and drank it. I slammed my fist into the mahogany floorboards and crashed through two levels of the haven. I fell to my knees surrounded by rubble and looked up to see my adoptive sire performing her ritual- the circle nearly illuminated. “Mom, I’m home.”
When it came down to it, my hand shook and I couldn’t pull the trigger. At first I tried to far reach her out of her circle, but my hunger had gotten the best of me. So instead, Cass took my hand. She fired at my adoptive sire. The Tremere collapsed and fell to ash. I hadn’t seen someone suffer final death before. I stared at the wispy grey ashes fluttering around the room. Suddenly, the house began to crack and crumble. Clancy grabbed both me and Cass and leaped out of the rubble. When we got back to the ground level- the sheriff was gone. Jamal had taken all of him-the last drop. He told Clancy that Atlanta won’t be the same without him- but its going to change in a way he didn’t like. Clancy looked so disappointed. Without a word, He turned and picked up Solomon’s corpse. Sol was now warm. He was dying. He breathed his last breath in Clancy’s arms. The old brujah carried him to his family that night and they got to give him the proper funeral for his faith.
I told Jamal my dark secret and it’s why I couldn’t stay in Atlanta. He told me to get moving and come back when I’m zeroed. “I need a chameleon that can put on charm and take a punch like you.” I was still chased out of Atlanta by a few kindred who wanted that sweet sweet blood hunt boon- but Jamal used it to his advantage. He took them out as I sped away with Cass to Miami. I don’t know what the affairs of Atlanta are like- a mere year later. I know Jamal was going for the Prince since was now without a sheriff missing his two heavy hitting primogen. But regardless of who is in charge- the duskborn trio perished in that haven that night. And we keep it that way.
Here Jackie, this is the sob story. @ventrue-in-control​
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mokerfinancial · 7 years
Moker Financial Solutions - Equifax Breach Information
Hello All,
This is a special edition of Moker Financial Solutions Newsletter that will probably impact you. Below are 3 articles from Clark Howard about the Equifax breach and how it will impact you. If you don't care about the breach information go to ARTICLE 3 below to learn to freeze your credit. This is serious and should not be taken lightly.
Kevin Moker
ARTICLE 1: Equifax data breach may have exposed personal info of 143M consumers
Equifax, one of the nation’s three main credit reporting agencies, has announced a “cybersecurity incident” that could potentially impact roughly 143 million U.S. consumers, according to a statement released on the company’s website.
The news comes just months after a breach occurred at an Equifax subsidiary earlier this year, exposing W-2 and payroll data to criminals.
Equifax data breach exposes personal info of millions of Americans
According to Equifax, hackers exploited a security vulnerability in a U.S.-based application to gain access to consumers’ personal files. After discovering the breach on July 29 of this year, the company says it “acted immediately to stop the intrusion” and “promptly engaged a leading, independent cybersecurity firm that has been conducting a comprehensive forensic review to determine the scope of the intrusion, including the specific data impacted.”
Equifax says it reported the criminal access of its data to law enforcement and “continues to work with authorities.”
The investigation into the incident found that the unauthorized access to personal files occurred from mid-May through July 2017.
According to a statement on its website, “The company has found no evidence of unauthorized activity on Equifax’s core consumer or commercial credit reporting databases.”
Read more: Never give your Social Security number at these places
Personal information exposed in the breach
According to Equifax, the information exposed in the breach is more than enough to cause people some serious trouble — with criminals gaining unauthorized access to consumers’ names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and some driver’s license numbers.
On top of that, hackers were able to access credit card numbers belonging to more than 200,000 U.S. consumers — along with “certain dispute documents” that contain personal identifying information for another 182,000 consumers.
“This is clearly a disappointing event for our company, and one that strikes at the heart of who we are and what we do.” said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard F. Smith, in an online statement. “I apologize to consumers and our business customers for the concern and frustration this causes. We pride ourselves on being a leader in managing and protecting data, and we are conducting a thorough review of our overall security operations. We also are focused on consumer protection and have developed a comprehensive portfolio of services to support all U.S. consumers, regardless of whether they were impacted by this incident.”
Read more: Don’t sign up for Equifax’s free credit monitoring! Here’s what to do instead
Don’t rely on ‘special offers’ from Equifax
Equifax has set up a specific website to help consumers find out if their information has been exposed. The company says it is also sending notices in the mail to consumers whose credit card numbers and/or dispute documents were exposed.
However, there have been a lot of reports of people getting different answers at different times they’ve visited the website. So do not rely on the Equifax site — whether or not it claims you were affected, you need to take steps to protect yourself anyway.
In its statement about the breach, Equifax also announced that it’s offering consumers the option to sign up for credit file monitoring and identity theft protection.
Follow the steps below to protect yourself.
Read more: 7 ways to protect your money (even from your own bank)
How to protect yourself
With more and more data breaches occurring these days, it’s crucial that you take steps to protect your information from criminals. Whether though massive data breaches like this one or simple email or text scams, criminals are coming after you and your information whenever and however they can. And once they get the info they need, they can wreak havoc on your financial life.
The most effective way to protect yourself from identify theft is with a credit freeze.
A credit freeze allows you to seal your credit reports and use a personal identification number (PIN) that only you know and can use to temporarily “thaw” your credit when legitimate applications for credit and services need to be processed. The added layer of security means that thieves can’t establish new credit in your name even if they are able to obtain your personal information.
Freezing your credit files has no impact whatsoever on your existing lines of credit, such as credit cards. You can continue to use them as you regularly would even when your credit is frozen.
Here’s more on how it works and how to get a credit freeze in place.
More ways to protect yourself  from common scams
As a general rule of thumb, if you receive an email you weren’t expecting, do not click on any links inside the email. Even if you are expecting an order confirmation or package to be delivered, do not click on any links in an email notification. Go to the company’s website directly to get any delivery or order information.
Here are some more tips to help you protect yourself from online scammers:
Be wary of unexpected emails containing links or attachments: If you receive an unexpected email claiming to be from your bank or other company that has your personal information, don’t click on any of the links or attachments. It could be a scam. Instead, log in to your account separately to check for any new notices.
Call the company directly: If you aren’t sure whether an email notice is legit, call the company directly about the information sent via email to find out if it is real and/or if there is any urgent information you should know about.
If you do end up on a website that asks for your personal information, make sure it is a secure website, which will have “https” at the beginning (“s” indicates secure).
Look out for grammar and spelling errors: Scam emails often contain typos and other errors — which is a big red flag that it probably didn’t come from a legitimate source.
Never respond to a text message from a number you don’t recognize: This could also make any information stored in your phone vulnerable to hackers. Do some research to find out who and where the text came from.
Don’t call back unknown numbers: If you get a missed call on your cell phone from a number you don’t recognize, don’t call it back. Here’s what you need to know about this phone scam.
Warning: This scam gives hackers access to all of your accounts
ARTICLE 2: Equifax hack: 5 things to expect when you freeze your credit
I drove past Equifax’s corporate headquarters in Atlanta for the first time since the data breach today and realized that I’ll never be able to look at that building the same way again.
The big red sign outside is a permanent reminder of the lifelong problem many of us will have to deal with.
On September 7, I learned through Equifax’s website that I’m likely one of the 143 million Americans whose personal data was stolen by criminals.
Hackers got all the information they need to steal identities, including Social Security numbers.
What you need to know about credit freezes
Read more: Equifax breach: How to protect yourself from what’s coming next
The night that I learned about the hack, my mind was racing. I woke up around 2 a.m. and found myself searching the internet for answers to the questions I had:
Why did it take so long for Equifax to notify us?
How can I trust Equifax’s ID theft protection after this?
Why should I have to pay for a credit freeze?
When I spoke to Clark on the phone the next morning, he told me that Equifax’s year of free credit file monitoring and identity theft protection is worthless.
If Equifax offers 365 days of protection, what happens on day 366? The bad guys still have your Social Security number!
Read more: Don’t sign up for Equifax’s free credit monitoring! Here’s what to do instead
Take these 2 steps to protect yourself
To protect my identity, Clark told me to first sign up with Credit Karma’s free credit monitoring service and then initiate a credit freeze, also called a security freeze.
I’ve heard him talk about credit freezes for years, but this time I felt the urgent need to follow through — so I pulled up Clark’s credit freeze guide and went to work.
Here are five things that you can expect when you’re freezing your credit!
1. You must contact all three credit bureaus: This is about more than just freezing your credit with Equifax. You also have to request a credit freeze with Experian and TransUnion. All three of the credit bureaus have you enter basic information about yourself, as well as your Social Security number, to verify your identity. I was able to complete the credit freezes online by going to the links in Clark’s guide.
2. There may be a fee involved: Depending on where you live, this could cost you a few bucks. I’m a Georgia resident, so I had to pay $3 to each of the three credit bureaus to process the credit freeze. I paid by credit card without a problem. Here’s a state-by-state list of fees.
3. Have a pen and paper: After completing the transaction, you’ll be given a secret code or PIN to keep in a safe place. The credit bureaus may give you the option to print or email the PIN, but I thought the most secure method was to just write it down. I was a little worried about jotting down the code incorrectly, so I wrote down each PIN twice.
4. Lifting the freeze is an option: A credit freeze locks the criminals out, but it also locks everyone else out! If you need to temporarily lift the freeze to apply for credit or a job, contact the credit reporting agencies and have your secret codes handy. Clark has had a credit freeze in place for about a decade and has only lifted it half a dozen times. There’s usually a small fee involved for this as well.
5: The process is quick and easy: Freezing my credit wasn’t the hassle that I expected it to be. From start to finish, it took me 17 minutes to complete with Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. If you aren’t able to request a credit freeze online and have to call customer service, you may have to wait a few minutes on hold. Clark has all the contact information in his step-by-step guide.
Final thought
I don’t like that I had to pay for Equifax’s mistake by setting up the credit freezes, but Clark said it’s the best way to protect against identity theft — and that’s a headache I don’t want!
Clark said it’s possible that Equifax may be forced to reimburse us down the road, but there’s no guarantee.
“I hope as the lawsuits come up with Equifax that one of the things they’re forced to do is reimburse all of us for the cost of credit freezes and thaws that we have to do for the rest of our lives,” Clark said on the radio show.
Read more: Credit Freeze Guide: The best way to protect yourself against identity theft
ARTICLE 3: Credit Freeze Guide: The best way to protect yourself against identity theft
With Equifax’s announcement of a potentially catastrophic security breach, now would be a really good time to consider freezing your credit, if you haven’t already. Credit freezes are one of the most effective ways for consumers to protect themselves against identity theft.
What exactly is a credit freeze?
A credit freeze allows you to seal your credit reports and use a personal identification number (PIN) that only you know and can use to temporarily “thaw” your credit when legitimate applications for credit and services need to be processed. The added layer of security means that thieves can’t establish new credit in your name even if they are able to obtain your personal information.
Freezing your credit files has no impact whatsoever on your existing lines of credit, such as credit cards. You can continue to use them as you regularly would even when your credit is frozen.
Freezes have been available for free to victims of identity theft for some years, but recently all three of the major credit bureaus adopted new rules that now allow non-victims to have access to credit freezes as well for a small fee. In addition, most states and Puerto Rico have adopted laws establishing credit freezes for residents of their state.
Residents of various states may also freeze the credit reports of their minor children. Visit the National Conference of State Legislatures to see what the law is in your state.
The cost ranges from about $3 to $10 per person per bureau to freeze a credit report; a couple of states have higher fees.
*When you do a credit freeze, it is imperative that you freeze your credit with all three bureaus.*
The cost to “thaw” your reports for one creditor — or for a specific period of time — ranges from free to $10.
Four states remove your credit freeze automatically after seven years. These states are Kentucky, Nebraska, Pennsylvania and South Dakota.
In most states, your credit freeze remains permanently on your files until you request removal. But not so in the states listed above, according to the Consumers Union’s guide to security freeze protection.
If you’re a resident of one of these states, pay close attention. You’ll need to set some kind of calendar reminder for seven years from the date of placement. That will serve as a reminder to refresh your credit freeze status before it drops off your radar completely and you go months or years without this key protection against identity theft!
When shouldn’t you freeze your credit?
If your credit reports are accessed often for work or because you create new accounts with various financial institutions on a regular basis, it is not recommended that you freeze your accounts. The costs to regularly “thaw” your reports would tend to be excessive.
Below you’ll find directions and links to assist you in obtaining your credit freeze or thaw from each major bureau:
Credit freezes may be done online or by certified mail – return receipt requested.
Check your state’s listing for the exact cost of your credit freeze and to see if there is a reduction in cost if you are a senior citizen.
Request your credit freeze by certified mail using this sample letter. Please note the attachments you must include.
If your PIN is late arriving, call 1-888-298-0045. They will ask you for some ID and arrange for your PIN to be sent to you in 4-7 days.
Unfreeze: Do a temporary thaw of your Equifax credit freeze by snail mail, online or by calling 1-800-685-1111 (N.Y. residents dial 1-800-349-9960).
Info on freezing a child’s credit with Equifax can be found here.
If requesting a freeze by mail, use the following address:
Equifax Security Freeze P.O. Box 105788 Atlanta, GA. 30348
Credit freezes may be done online; by certified mail – return receipt requested; or by calling 1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742). When calling, press 2 then follow prompts for security freeze.
Check your state’s listing for the exact cost of your credit freeze and to see if there is a reduction in cost if you are a senior citizen.
Request your credit freeze by certified mail using this sample letter. Please note the attachments you must include.
You can also freeze a child’s credit report. The information contained at this link is applicable for all three credit bureaus. You must first write a letter to each bureau to learn if your minor child has a credit report and if so, then you can proceed to freeze it.
Unfreeze: Do a temporary thaw of your Experian credit freeze online or by calling 1-888-397-3742.
Info on freezing a child’s credit with Experian can be found here.
If requesting a freeze by mail, use the following address:
Experian P.O. Box 9554 Allen, TX. 75013
Credit freezes may be done online, by phone (1-888-909-8872) or by certified mail – return receipt requested.
Check your state’s listing for the exact cost of your credit freeze and to see if there is a reduction in cost if you are a senior citizen.
Request your credit freeze by certified mail using this sample letter. Please note the attachments you must include.
Unfreeze: Do a temporary thaw of your TransUnion credit freeze online or by calling 1-888-909-8872.
Info on freezing a child’s credit with TransUnion can be found here.
If requesting a freeze by mail, use the following address:
TransUnion LLC P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 19016
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grannygremlinaudio · 7 years
To the cop who honked and hollered at me for  taking the whole lane an hour ago, then, when I stopped voluntarily to talk to him about it, challenged me to prove I have the right to be there (site the appropriate section of the Highway Traffic Act or City Bylaw etc) and then himself could not prove the opposite when I challenged him right back (I waited a good 15 minutes while he flipped through his own ref material and searched on his phone).  I did offer to email him links to such information when I got to a computer, but he refused to give me his address or biz card (which, I think, though I will have to double check, is a legal requirement, but maybe only if one is detained, which I wasn’t).
After relenting, the cop drove off and (not in state of emergency; no cherry on and not on a dispatched call) proceeded to drive unsafely (lane jockeying to get out in front, above speed limit etc).  In fact the whole reason he was mad at me was because I was, in his view, preventing him from getting around the traffic in the left lane by occupying the full right lane (I had just past parked cars and there were a few more parked cars coming up ahead, so that IS legit).
Anyway, here’s the proof (and it only took me 5 minutes to find):
Highway Traffic Act
"Slow vehicles to travel on right side
147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.  R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (1)."
"practicable' has been interpreted so as to include safety concerns as per the cyclist's judgement, as well as when not doing so does not impede other motorists from passing (e.g. in the case of a road with 2 lanes in each direction):
http://www.bikesense.bc.ca/bikesense/ch4.htm "When to take a lane If there is no shoulder or bike lane and the curb lane is narrow (i.e. when the right wheel track of most traffic is less than a metre from the curb), cyclists may choose to take the whole lane by riding in the centre of it. This can be safer than riding near the curb, which may encourage motorists to squeeze by where there is not sufficient room. You should also consider taking the lane when you are travelling at the same speed as other traffic. This will keep you out of motorists' blind spots and reduce conflicts with right-turning traffic. Be prepared for the occasional frustrated driver who is not familiar with the safe and legal operation of a bicycle. "
This is supported by the rules for riding single file vs 2 abreast:
http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=af6e0995bbbc1410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD "If a roadway has multiple lanes which a motorists may use to pass slower moving vehicles, then a motorist should allow slower moving vehicles (such as cyclists) to use the lane on the right , while using a lane (or lanes) to the left of this lane for the purpose of passing."
"The wording of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act requires that slow moving vehicles (cyclists) move to the right, but this is only when being passed.  The move to the right is to facilitate the space to allow a faster vehicle to safely pass. Nothing in the wording of these sections of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act suggests that cycling single file is the only way to comply with law.... Roadway with multiple lanes in each direction which motarists may reasonably use to pass cyclists travelling two abreast"
"According to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, when vehicle meets a person travelling on a bicycle, they must allow the cyclist sufficient room on the roadway to pass. If there is insufficient room for the faster vehicle to safely pass on the left, then they must yield to the cyclist. "
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