#(with bonus ekurei 'huh. this better not awaken anything in me.')
scribefindegil · 1 year
I didn’t watch Mob Psycho at first because I saw promo art with Dimple and thought he would be an awful, annoying sidekick. Now he’s my favorite character. (Paul Rudd “look at us” meme plays)
Anon I am shaking your hand.
I was talking with a friend the other day about how when characters that you really don't expect to like become your favorites it can hit even harder, and I think a lot of Dimple Enjoyers have that experience.
Because yeah, he looks like he's gonna be an awful annoying sidekick! He looks like he's going to fall into the 'non-human companion' archetype that exists to provide uncomfortable comic relief and get treated more like a pet than a character and never really change.
And then you realize oh. No. The narrative *is* going to take him seriously as a character. And then you get to the broccoli arc and realize oh no! The narrative is going to take him SO seriously as a character and you are never going to be normal again!
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