#Confession: wow i am even less normal somehow!
scribefindegil · 1 year
I didn’t watch Mob Psycho at first because I saw promo art with Dimple and thought he would be an awful, annoying sidekick. Now he’s my favorite character. (Paul Rudd “look at us” meme plays)
Anon I am shaking your hand.
I was talking with a friend the other day about how when characters that you really don't expect to like become your favorites it can hit even harder, and I think a lot of Dimple Enjoyers have that experience.
Because yeah, he looks like he's gonna be an awful annoying sidekick! He looks like he's going to fall into the 'non-human companion' archetype that exists to provide uncomfortable comic relief and get treated more like a pet than a character and never really change.
And then you realize oh. No. The narrative *is* going to take him seriously as a character. And then you get to the broccoli arc and realize oh no! The narrative is going to take him SO seriously as a character and you are never going to be normal again!
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8 for the au fics asks!
Ooh, okay movie pitches, lemme try! I should have less AUs, tbh, so I'll only do the Good Ones.
Adventures of Space Ateez - Found family of misfits galivants across the galaxy, somehow ending up dismantling the government with the power of love, revenge, and just a bit of freaky space 'magic'.
Pirate/Mer AU - The rise to power of a pirate crew, both above and below the surface. Various members come to terms with who they are, and grow into their powers.
Mafia AU (it's not 100% mine but I want to see a movie of it so bad) - Mafia prince and his best friend/bodyguard are trying to appear as normal as possible while balancing their mafia responsibilities. Their closest friends gradually grow more suspicious as their two worlds overlap, leading to many misunderstandings, injuries, and maybe even a few love confessions along the way.
Wow that was harder than I thought it would be, tbh. I am legally required to say that the traditional movie format wouldn't be the best for these stories; I'm very partial to the television/miniseries format. I personally want the mafia AU filmed as a kdrama. (the plot is certainly complicated enough) Anyways, I digress.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
New fic *test*
New Bio!dad Bruce story? I’m testing out this first chapter, and if I like where it’s going I might add it to my growing pile of WIPs. If I have inspiration, I might as well use it. Because of life events stressing me the hell out, I’m throwing any writing plans out the window and I’m purely gonna write to destress right now. Whether that means updating THG or not, or continuing Maribat March, we’ll just have to see how this all pans out. Things are subject to day-to-day change.
I got inspiration from this from rereading my day 1 story for Bio!dad Bruce Wayne month from last year. I’m just gonna change a few things.
For once, an unfamiliar face attracted the attention of everyone who caught even a glimpse of them. It wasn’t even because of the person themselves at first, but their dress. The skirt like the most fantastical of storybook ball gowns, fluffy layers of satin over a luxurious petticoat, with a stunning pink floral pattern whose busy appearance was tastefully offset by a shorter, sheer layer of leaf green tulle artistically weaved and somehow sculpted over the floral in order to tame it. The effect turned what should be a grandmotherly pattern into something softer, sophisticated and youthful and yet also reminiscent of fairytale princesses. Over top the short layer of green tulle was an even shorter later of white tulle, almost invisible except for the elegant embroidery of crystal-white vines that twined all over it, connecting the green below it to the bottom-most floral pattern and oddly adding a layer of childishness instead of maturity. At the waist of the dress was a dark plum pink satin ribbon, to separate the elaborate ballgown skirt from the bodice. Attached to the simple ribbon was a large brooch of fabric flowers, with a single plastic ladybug in the center.
The bodice of the dress came up into a cheongsam neckline, but was sleeveless. It was a simple design, of half green and half dark pink, with a white border separating the two. The white border had expertly done embroideries in a soft silver thread that would only be visible close up, the images the thread made being that of fairies and ladybugs dancing around one another.
It was, all in all, a stunning display that made the small eurasian woman wearing them look like absolute royalty. Perhaps a long lost fairy princess. Her black-blue hair was even done up in elaborate looping braids and a braided bun, with silver and green pins that further completed the regal ensemble. And yes, while the expertly done dress was what initially captivated her current audience, it was not what kept them from leaving her alone. That was all her personality, bubbly and bright as her blinding smile. It was a sunny disposition that very few people present had any exposure to at all, and it drew them like a sunflower to the daylight. They could not help but flock closer, or even just stand back and keep themselves turned to her presence. Already she had been at the gala for two hours, but there was no issue. She just kept proving her generosity, admitting she had donated both a dress and a suit of her own making to the charity auction that would begin soon, one of the main attractions of the gala. She skillfully charmed the more snooty of the attendants, and artfully twisted her words so that they felt compelled to donate more money that they truly had no use for. Later, they would remember their donation and wonder what compelled it, but come up with no satisfying answer.
And yet she was entirely unaware of her more silent audience, who stood back and observed. Truth be told, every one of them was glad to not be the center of that attention for a change, to have room to breathe for so long at an event where usually that commodity was so scarce that it demanded a fierce competition for. Compared to her garden of color, they were all shadows in shades of blacks and blues and whites, with a touch of red here and there that was entirely too thematic for their home city. The one who sported a royal blue suit tilted his head at the scene they were all calmly witnessing, his bright azure eyes glittering.
“She’s like magic,” he mused, clearly enchanted despite having not said a single word to the woman. “Perfect socialite. She’s kind, generous, she made that dress and the ones she donated to the auction herself so she’s obviously got an intimidating amount of skill for her age. She even tricks those old fuddy-duddies into spending money. It’s like a dream come true!”
“I don't trust it,” the one to his right said, a man just a few inches shorter in a classic black suit with a red dress shirt underneath. He absently swept his bangs away from his face as he narrowed his eyes at the woman. “It seems too perfect. She doesn’t have any identifiable character flaw, except maybe being a little clumsy and too energetic. She does babble a little… but nothing that actually suggests any depth besides her just being— good. That’s impossible, and I don’t trust it.”
“Tt. I agree with Drake for once. She seems entirely too comfortable with this setting, despite her blushes and rambles,” the one who spoke this like was taller, clearly a teen in the middle of his growth spurt. He, too, wore a plain black suit but his had subtle charcoal embroidery and he wore an emerald-green dress shirt under it that made his matching eyes gleam dangerously. “It seems almost playacted. Expertly so, but nonetheless not entirely genuine.”
“Wow, not many pick up on that. I’m gonna give your observations a solid eight out of ten. They’re all perfectly sound, but not quite complete,” a new voice made all of the silent group stiffen— somehow they had been snuck up on. The newcomer smirked at them as if having fully expected their reaction but still being pleased at being able to evoke it. This was yet another stunner; far too much color in her outfit to be a Gotham native, and far too much skill in the construction for it to signify anything less than extreme influence. She had bright golden-blond hair that was coiled into a low bun, with her bangs artfully curled and arranged to display her crystal blue eyes.
In contrast to the garden-themed dress of the Eurasian woman who had garnered their attention at first, this newcomer was wearing a pantsuit. It was all in a dark honey-gold, in a stiff fabric with construction that made it lay entirely in perfect, straight lines and hug her form in the right places. Black embroidery decorated the long, flared sleeves and pant legs and dripped around the square neckline like a faux necklace. A cape made out of the same material as the rest of the pantsuit was draped on one shoulder. It started out as the same honey-gold color, but it became a gradient as it faded to a solid black at the ends. Gold thread embroidery decorated the solid black bottom of the cape in delicate, deceptively simplistic swirls. The top half of the pantsuit was clearly inspired by military garb, simultaneously rigidly constructed yet fitted, with circular onyx buttons going down the center of the chest and a thick metal belt, all in swirling silver and black, sat perfectly clasped around her waist. It was far more solid-colored and simplistic compared to the fairytale dress in the center, but no less show stopping and luxurious. It simply showcased an entirely different attitude, almost as if the two women could never get along if their personalities matched their outfits.
“And who are you?” The man who had been the center of the group of shadow-like adults spoke up, back straightening to milk every speck of his generous six-feet-and-three-inches of height. This was none other than Bruce Wayne, the host of this annual charity gala. And normally, his current stance would either intimidate or utterly charm whoever it was directed at— but not this pantsuit-clad blond warrior. Her smirk merely widened, and her blue eyes took on a slight shade of teal as if trying to mimic the dangerous ocean depths.
“I am Chloe Bourgeois, the daughter of Andre Bourgeois, the mayor of Paris, and Audrey Bourgeois, the Style Queen. It’s nice to meet you again, Monsieur Wayne,” she introduced herself imperiously. “I also happen to be the best friend of the girl you were just staring at.”
Bruce nodded, but had trouble reconciling this clear powerhouse of a woman with the bratty and entitled preteen he had met years ago, at the last gala she had attended with her mother. “Of course, I didn’t recognize you at first Chloe. You’ve grown a lot since the last Gala I saw you at.”
Chloe wrinkled her nose, clearly not appreciating the reminder. “I was a bitch,” she admitted easily, seemingly not at all bothered by the confession. It caused not only Bruce but also the oldest three of his sons, who had all also met her in the past, to blink in silent shock. “Things have changed. Paris is apparently the perfect chaotic environment right now to promote emotional growth and smack spoiled kids over the head with reality,” she shrugged. Part of the reason her and her whole class had even been able to come to the Gala in the first place was the fact that Bruce wanted to offer the most attacked group of Parisians a respite and some support from their crazy lives. The fact that even Gotham seemed sane in comparison to Paris was a bit of a hard hit for both involved parties, but in the end everyone understood that “more sane” didn’t always equate with “less dangerous.” Considering all that, Chloe had no reason to sugarcoat the situation in her home city. “But it wasn’t easy at all, and Marinette was largely responsible for my improvement too.”
“Marinette?” The heathen who somehow got away with attending a gala in a black leather jacket over a dress shirt and suit pants asked, raising a brow. Chloe nodded.
“The girl you were just goggling at. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the class president and resident workaholic. Does she ever sleep? Nobody knows,” Chloe shrugged.
The blue-suited man, Dick Grayson, shot a suspicious glance at Tim, who was standing to his right, as if he was worried his brother had made a female clone of himself just so he could continue to work hard and never rest. Tim ignored him and sipped from the thermos of coffee he had somehow snuck in.
Bruce cleared his throat to bring the focus back onto himself, and shot his most charming smile at Chloe. “They would have known who she was, if they had read the brief information I gave them about your class. But they never do listen to me,” he complained with good humor. “But back to the original topic, Miss Bourgeois, do you care to correct us on how our observations are lacking?”
Chloe laughed easily, smiling and nodding to indicate Marinette, still stuck in a circle of socialites and not seeming the least bit worn out.
“Of course. First; She is not completely acting. She really is like magic sometimes— disgustingly kind, generous, far too willing to help just about anyone for just about any reason. She’s one of the best people I’ve ever met, as much as it pains me to admit it. But she is exaggerating her personality a bit and hiding the parts she doesn’t want anyone to see, so there is a little acting involved. Just not as much as you seem to think,” Chloe then waved her arm in a flourish as if she were presenting Marinette to them. “In short; behold Mari Dupain-Cheng, the ridiculously likeable, disgustingly cute, extremely philanthropic mask that she shows everyone at public events like this. You don’t see any of the insomnia, or the anxiety, or the self doubt. Just the parts she wants you to see, accompanied with a smile to blind you to everything else,” her all-too-deep blue eyes settled back on Bruce then, a knowing glint shining in them. “Don’t you think that’s ridiculously similar to Brucie Wayne for you, Monsieur? Utterly, ridiculously, similar?”
Bruce grit his teeth. He hadn’t expected anyone else to know about his exceptionally well hidden secret, not even his kids had caught on or found his buried evidence yet. Yet his heiress comes up, nearly flaunting her knowledge in his face with all too many unspoken questions and criticisms.
And her cryptic words had succeeded in making all of his kids look at him with extreme suspicion. Shit.
“What are you saying, Miss Bourgeois?” he cautiously prodded. She hummed noncommittally before dropping the bomb all too casually;
“I’m saying I’ve seen her adoption papers, and you won’t be able to run from her for long Monsieur Wayne. As soon as she gets an opening, she’s going to pounce,” Chloe’s eyes glittered dangerously again. “And nowadays, Marinette doesn’t ever let people escape her. Your problem with adoption has created a rather unique problem, you know. You’re at fault for a large majority of her self confidence issues, and I want you to know that I am not going to forget or forgive that anytime soon.”
“Bruce,” Jason’s voice was dark and threatening. “What is she talking about?”
“Something we don’t want getting in the tabloids,” Yet another new voice popped up, allowing Chloe to smugly sink back into the background.
Somewhere during their discussion, Marinette had ambushed them.
“Chloe and I are very good at locating all the reporters in a room and distracting them, but we’re not infallible and this event has far too much coverage,” Her smile reeked confidence and charm, but this close all the Waynes could see the doubt hiding in her bluebell eyes. “Since I’m about to turn eighteen, I figured this would be as good a time as any to finally confront you. I want to make it clear that I seek nothing from you, except the occasional contact. I would like to keep in touch, if nothing else. But if you are adverse to that… then at least answer my questions after the gala,” her eyes developed a hint of carefully controlled desperation. “Please.”
Bruce met her eyes evenly, trying to read her. But she was difficult, simultaneously too many emotions to sort through in her demeanor and much too little. After an extremely tense moment of silence, his voice came out barely above a whisper:
“You do not want anybody to know?”
And hell, if she didn’t recognize the hidden vulnerability in his voice as the very same she heard in her own far too often. In a much tamer version of her own rambling, he went on:
“I can keep it silent if that is what you want. But I want you to know that I will not be adverse to you admitting it anywhere. I don’t expect you to change your name, but I would not be ashamed of the truth getting out. I am not ashamed of it, of you.”
Marinette’s smile grew a little watery. She had to clear her throat to keep herself from tearing up. “Maybe eventually, but not yet. I… I want to stay a little more anonymous for now. It’s one thing to be a well known designer with good connections. It’s an entirely different thing to be…”
“A Wayne?” Bruce finished, ignoring the daggers that were being stared into his back. “I understand completely.
“Father,” Damian’s voice was all sharp edges and rapidly suppressed panic. “What. Is going. On?”
Marinette shot him an apologetic smile. “Apparently, eighteen years ago, his prerogative was to put the child he actually knew about up for adoption when the mother died in childbirth,” her voice was once again only barely loud enough for them to hear, since she didn’t want any eavesdroppers. “Imagine my surprise when I find out he completely flipped sides only months later.”
Hey, so please share your feedback on this. This is just to test out a possible new bio dad, multichapter fic and this is the opening scene I'm trying out. If you like it, please tell me what you like about it and please suggest titles for the story! I love you guys' feedback so much!
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schrijverr · 3 years
The Heart Is Also a Muscle
5 times Sypha and Alucard got distracted by Trevor’s warrior physique + 1 time he noticed and yet completely misunderstands.
Trevor is hot and once Sypha and Alucard have noticed it is hard not to notice. Now they just have to figure out how to confess, before it gets incredibly awkward because he catches on. When he does however, his insecurities completely misconstrue their intentions.
On AO3.
Ships: trephacard
Warnings: insecurities
Despite Trevor’s many years on the road, keeping up a less than stellar training regime, he was still a warrior at heart and in body. He had still fought all those years and his frame was bulky to accommodate the muscle needed for that.
Something that was hard to miss.
And Alucard and Sypha didn’t miss it at all. In fact they noticed it a bit too often for their own comfort, now that they were cleaning up Dracula’s castle after their victory over the old vampire.
It wasn’t that Sypha hadn’t noticed that Trevor was fit while they traveled, it was more that they were so many other things to think about, to worry about to keep oneself alive that she hadn’t noticed that sort of stuff. So, it still took her by surprise when she did.
They were clearing out the rubble of one of the many rooms covered by it. It was slow going work, even with Alucard’s supernatural strength. One upside was that Sypha was getting really good at levitation spells.
She took a small break and wiped her forehead. Alucard had just moved a big stone and Trevor was now trying to lift a bigger stone than he had done.
For a moment she rolled her eyes at the childish display, but as she looked she noticed the shirt clinging to his sweaty body as he arms bulged under the effort. His brow was furrowed and his tongue was poking out slightly.
He was a piece of art.
Why hadn’t she noticed before that Trevor was completely ripped? Maybe she had noticed, but never connected that to him being nice to look at. Now, she couldn't look away as he struggled with the too big stone.
No sane human should be able to carry it and she didn’t know why he even tried (well, she did, but she thought it stupid). Until, the asshole actually managed to lift it, proud grin sweeping over his face as he did.
Slowly, he started to walk, careful steps to balance the stone and keep himself upright. Every time he almost lost balance, he flexed his legs, which was equally distracting and Sypha really wanted to know why she had to notice this, because she knew that from that moment on, she wouldn’t stop noticing it.
“Sypha?” the smooth voice next to her made her jump, she hadn’t even realized Alucard had arrived next to her. “Something the matter?” he asked.
She debated with herself if she would admit to Alucard what had distracted her so. It was embarrassing for sure, but she had also seen the fondness in the dhampirs eyes whenever Trevor talked to him, so she might find an ally in her suffering here.
With a decision made she gestured to Trevor, who was taking the final steps to the right pile of stones for rebuilding, before he squatted down to put down the stone. His back muscles rippled and his ass was practically on display.
Beside her, Alucard made a choked off noise.
At that Trevor turned around, somehow an adorable confused pout on his face that should look ridiculous on his large frame, but didn’t. “You both okay?”
“Yeah, just thought we’d wait for you to break your back carrying something too heavy before we laughed at you,” Alucard shot back, saving both their asses from embarrassment as Trevor rolled his eyes and flipped him off, claiming that it wasn’t that heavy anyway.
They were rebuilding some of the pathways in the Belmont Hold. Trevor had insisted on cleaning up most of the castle first, claiming that it was the most livable place out of the two and he wanted a bed, but both had seen the saddened look on his face when faced with what remained of his childhood home in ruins.
So, the moment they had made the kitchen and a few bedrooms presentable, they started on a few passageways across.
However, ever since Sypha had pointed out Trevor’s muscles in a different light to him, he now was ruined forevermore and she was to blame. He couldn't do anything normally anymore. Somehow each activity turned into a distraction with Trevor around.
Right now being an example of how much of a distraction Trevor was.
He was hauling up a beam that Sypha was directing above them, while Alucard was supposed to be sorting the pile of books that were in the language only he could read.
Supposed to, because he most definitely wasn’t.
No, because how could one read when Trevor was coiling a rope around his forearms as he pulled on said thick rope, muscles straining against it as he panted and dug in his heals.
The beam was pretty big and it was frankly short of a miracle that he hadn’t let it drop yet, but then again, he was incredibly muscled as Alucard had found out. So, slowly the beam rose under Trevor’s labor.
Faintly Alucard wondered how Sypha was holding out up there, being forced to watch Trevor so that she could jump in to help when necessary. He found her eyes and saw her bite her lip, face completely red.
Then the beam dropped a few feet as Trevor fumbled with the rope for a moment. It was an interesting tug-a-war. Trevor vs. gravity. Even as he won, regaining his footing and putting in some extra work, both Alucard and Sypha had gasped when it happened.
“Do you need assistance?” Alucard found himself calling out, despite knowing better.
“I am fine, Fangs,” Trevor grunted and that noise wasn’t good for Alucard’s blood pressure. “Just do your job and I’ll do mine.”
Wit spite as final motivator, Trevor pulled the beam the final distance, groaning with relief when Sypha had guided it into place. Before he could turn to see Alucard look, the dhampir turned back to his pile of books.
He had things to do.
Alucard and Sypha had gotten used to Trevor’s muscular frame that truly shone whenever they needed to do construction.
Well, used to was a strong word.
Trevor was still completely distracting, so much that they had started a little talk club in the library in the mornings when Trevor was sleeping in. But they could function almost normally and do their tasks while they worked.
But this? This now, right there? That was different. It was just unfair actually. Unfair and mean, but also very blessed.
Rewinding to that afternoon, when they had decided that they weren’t in the mood for reconstructing the castle or the hold. So, they had lunch, talked a bit, Sypha picked up a book, Alucard as well, while Trevor seemed content to sit by the fire with them, whittling away at a piece of wood.
Then it had happened. Trevor had reached for a bit of firewood, before realizing they were almost out. Throwing the last logs onto the fire, he got up and stretched as he said: “I’m going to chop some more fire wood.”
And then he left and they were alone. For a few moments they both just blinked at the empty space that had just been Trevor, before his words caught up to them.
Sypha moved first. She got up with her book and walked to the seat that had been built in next to the window that looked out over the fields below. They weren’t high up in the castle and had a good view.
“Might I inquire about the sudden move?” Alucard asked after a moment.
She grinned at him mischievously and nodded to something on the other side of the window, before she said: “Why don’t you come here and find out? Promise it’s worth it.”
Alucard didn’t know when he had forgotten she was cruel in her kindness, but looking down to see Trevor chop wood with a big ax was definitely cruel, still he was so very grateful for her that she had invited him to the view.
Because it truly was a view. Trevor was soaking through his shirt as he effortlessly swung the giant ax downwards onto the waiting wood, always splitting it in one or two swings.
“Oh God,” he choked out.
“Hmmhm, I know,” Sypha agreed.
“He just-”
It wasn’t the classiest conversation they’d had, but by far not the least classiest conversation about Trevor’s muscle’s they’d had. Still, they could hardly be blamed when the person in question was right in front of them being hot, instead of far away and sleeping.
As they watched they could see the outlines of Trevor’s muscles appear in sweat. Naturally the armpits were first, but then they appeared under his pecs and between his shoulders as well.
Alucard swallowed heavily, Sypha beside him followed suit.
They stood there for a while, just admiring Trevor as the pile next to him grew with chopped up wood. It was a nice spring day and the sun was doing wonder’s for the sweat coating his muscles. Trevor was now only in a tunic, nothing covering his arms. It was a very good look on him.
Then it happened. They were unassuming and powerless when Trevor lifted his tunic to wipe the sweat on his brow, only to pull back and grimace when he found it already soaked. Before they could prepare themselves he had tugged the tunic over his head, continuing his task completely bare-chested.
“Oh,” Sypha moaned miserably, “I don’t know if I want to thank whoever is out there or curse them right now.”
If he could have formed words at that moment, he would have agreed with her. Alas, he was incapacitated by the shirtless sweaty and sexy Trevor below them.
After they had started at the hunter for a few moments – imprinting the view, getting their wits together again, that sort of stuff – Sypha said: “This is truly pathetic. Look at us. This is so sad.” Trevor chopped again, it was a big log and it went down in one swing. “But totally deserved sadness if I get to see this.”
“Do you think he knows what he’s doing?” Alucard asked as Trevor stretched borderline pornographically.
“Oh absolutely not,” replied Sypha. “He’s as oblivious as a brick and I’m torn between calling it cute and frustrating.”
“We should probably say something to him at one point,” Alucard pointed out.
“Yeah, we probably should,” Sypha agreed, taking Alucard’s hand and leaning into him as they enjoyed the view together. They had made a deal not to do anything until they’d gotten Trevor’s rejection or until he was on board. Right now, she would do anything for a kiss though.
She didn’t try. She knew that Alucard cared about doing things proper and she wanted that too. She just also happened to be watching Trevor be hot while knowing that any move would have him running from the hills due to the emotional repressing he had made his personality.
So, she sighed and looked back out, only to see Trevor put the ax away and gather an arm full of newly chopped wood, still no shirt.
Cursing she pulled Alucard back to the chairs they had sat in and turned the book so that it was right side up, before she hissed to Alucard that he had to act natural.
Alucard had just turned back to his book, the look of apathy he had perfected on his face, when Trevor came in and dropped off the firewood, before greeting them and turning to bring another load.
Once he had left the room and would be out of hearing range, Alucard leaned over to her and whispered: “We need to come up with a plan at some point.”
“Yes, I know, okay,” Sypha agreed.
“He’s getting on my nerves both in a good and bad way and I might snap if we don’t do something soon and that’ll make things worse.”
“This is getting ridiculous,” she sighed, “I’m working on it.”
“What are you two gossiping about?” Trevor asked with a grin, as he returned with more wood in his arms. “You could be two old ladies in a market square.”
“Nothing really,” said Alucard, right as Sypha answered: “About how much you stink. Sweat isn’t a good look on you,” the lie came out.
Trevor huffed, but it was good-naturedly, as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll put away the rest of the wood and go bathe, your majesties.” Then he swept out of the room, leaving them without his shirtless pecs to view.
After the wood chopping incident, working together with Trevor had become harder again, so the cleaning of the general grossness that came with an army of night creatures had been divided to be done separately.
To Trevor they had claimed efficiency, and while he had looked suspicious, he had also accepted it without any complaints.
But even that did not save them from him. While there were no bulging muscles soaking in sweat, just general grossness and tiredness when they met up again with each other, it seemed that Trevor was full of surprises, oblivious as he was to them.
Alucard and Sypha had bothcollapsed on the floor in one of the main halls when Trevor joined them, stretching his arms above his head, flexing his muscles slightly.
He sat down with them and groaned: “I don’t think my back will ever recover from this, I don’t get paid enough for this.”
“You do not get paid at all,” said Alucard in confusion.
“Exactly,” Trevor told him, before stretching and groaning again. Then he stretched his legs out in front of him and just dropped his head down onto his knees, bending himself in half as he semi-moaned when his back cracked.
Sypha watched him slack jawed and Alucard didn’t think he looked much better as he ogled the hunter as well. Trevor was not just flexing muscles, but flexible as well. He would become the death of them that was certain.
It took them a few more moments to snap out of their daze, then a few more to realize Trevor had fallen asleep.
He had fallen asleep with his nose between his knees as if he was a pretzel, because apparently the position was so comfortable for him that he could fall asleep.
After the flexible incident, as Sypha was calling it, they had been scrambling for a plan to get Trevor to agree to date them, because seeing that display only to have to deal with the cute sleepy Trevor that came after had been too much for their hearts.
Naturally it couldn't be that way. They had a vague plan about maybe tying Trevor to a chair if he wanted to run away, but nothing concrete yet.
She was currently in the Belmont Hold, looking through their books, hoping that one would spark a plan or maybe just give her something to talk about with the other’s over dinner. A book caught her eye, it was green with golden letters that read: Herbs against poison, for healing and relaxation
But when she reached for it, her arm fell short and not even by a bit. She was even pretty sure Alucard couldn't reach it like that. She would need a ladder, but the ladder system for this part had been destroyed.
A part of her was aware that she was pouting, but she still frowned when Trevor asked: “What are you pouting about?”
“I wasn’t pouting,” she told him instead of answering.
“Okay then, why was your bottom lip protruding in displeasure?” he asked her with a shit-eating grin that was both adorable and annoying.
She gave up with that and gestured to the book as she explained: “I can’t reach it.”
Trevor tried, but he too couldn't reach it, but she appreciated how he stretched out in an attempt to reach it, the flexibility coming to mind again. It truly was a pity they hadn’t been able to come up with anything to exploit that part yet.
Sypha was about to call for Alucard to see if he could when she felt two big hands on her waist before she was effortlessly lifted into the air. She squeaked loudly and floundered for a moment.
“Grab your book, Sypha,” she heard the laughter in Trevor’s voice, but she couldn't find it within herself to be annoyed when Trevor had just lifted her of the ground like it was nothing.
Sure, she wasn’t the heaviest or biggest person around, but she had a lot of muscle for her frame and she wouldn’t describe herself as light. God, what she wouldn’t give to have that strength at her mercy.
No, don’t focus on that now, grab the book. She quickly clutched the book and hoped her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.
“Hey, you okay?” Trevor was now frowning in that stupidly concerned way that made her heart clench and she deducted that her cheeks must have been as red as she’d feared. “I’m fine,” she squeaked, hoping it would be enough.
Alucard came to her rescue, sort of. He landed gracefully and asked: “What happened? I heard Sypha squeak.”
“Oh, yeah, nothing to worry about. I think I startled her when I lifted her,” Trevor explained casually, “We couldn't reach a book she wanted. So, teamwork.”
“You. You just lifted her up?” Alucard repeated dumbly and Sypha knew that it was the fact that it was hot and he missed it that made him say it like that.
Sadly, Trevor interpreted it differently. “What? You think I couldn't lift her. No offense, Sypha, but you’re hardly a challenge. I mean, I could lift you, you bloodsucking prick. Sure, no super strength, but you don’t have to be a dick about it.”
“That’s not-” before Alucard could ruin everything, Sypha interrupted: “Really?” she tried to sound disbelieving, “I mean, you’re strong, but Alucard? He’s tall and muscled. I don’t think you can.”
“I so can, this is ridiculous,” now it was Trevor, who was pouting and she took a bit of joy out of her manipulation.
“Prove it.”
Trevor looked taken aback by that and glanced at Alucard, who gladly had caught on and send him a cocky raised brow paired with a smirk.
Determination settled on Trevor’s face and he crossed his arms, before saying: “Okay, sure, I will,” before walking to Alucard and hoisting him over his shoulder’s like he was a somewhat heavy sack of potatoes. “See?”
“Okay, yeah, but that wasn’t how you carried me,” Sypha pointed out.
“Well, then maybe I can’t do that, but lifting someone by the waist is the hardest way to lift someone,” Trevor protested as he let Alucard down. “I feel like that was still pretty impressive. He’s heavy despite the delicate bone structure.”
Sypha was pretty sure Alucard was out of the running now with that comment, but she wanted to sedate her own curiosity. “I’ll give you the hard lifting part, but I don’t know about impressive. Maybe bridal carry and I’ll be impressed.”
He looked at her inscrutably and for a second she feared he would call her bluff and point out her real motivations. That moment never came, he sighed then set his shoulders– his broad, nice shoulders – stubbornly, before literally swooping Alucard off his feet.
He gave her a look that screamed ‘What now, eh? Didn’t think I’d do it, but I did, so suck it’ and she loved it. She loved that he had done what she told him to do while also showing off those muscles. A win on every front.
His arms, neck and shoulder strained under the weight of the tall, muscled dhampir, but he held out as he gently lowered Alucard back onto his feet. Sypha didn’t know if it was the lifting or the gentleness that made Alucard bashful, but he murmured something inaudible, before hurrying back to what he had bee doing before the interruption.
“Rude,” Trevor noted. “I didn’t even get to bask in my superiority.”
“You can bask to me, it’s okay,” she comforted him. “I am suitably impressed by your dhampir lifting skills, Trevor.”
“Thank you,” he said with extra emphasis to make it into a tease. “You know, as a true hero, both for being epic and awesome as well as getting your book, I feel like I should be rewarded.”
“Oh?” she was curious to see where this went.
“Yeah, I want to borrow the bath soap you’re so protective over after the next time we attempt to clean the goop dungeon,” he made his demand.
She was glad that, with running warm water, they had convinced him that baths were actually nice and she didn’t mind the thought of him smelling like her. Still, she put up a front of indulgence, yet being annoyed as she said: “Fine.”
“Heck yeah,” he cheered before ambling off.
Trevor wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, but over the past few days he had noticed that both Alucard and Sypha were acting weird. Well, weirder than usual, it was pretty hard to define weird when you lived in Dracula’s old castle near the Belmont Hold with a dhampir and a Speaker, but you get the idea.
The thing was, Trevor had no idea why they were being weird and what had caused it, but he knew they were only weird to him.
It made his chest tighten uncomfortably as he tried to think of something he’d done wrong.
Nothing came to mind, but that just made him question if he really knew them if he couldn't even spot the thing he had done to upset them both. It was all a frustrating mess and Trevor was half waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.
He hated feeling like this, feeling like he’d done something wrong and couldn't apologize. It tore him apart in a way he couldn't describe. He just hoped that they wouldn’t kick him to the curb, because that would extra suck. He already liked them too much as it was, getting his heart broken over something he didn’t understand would only make it worse.
So, he kept an eye on them, trying to figure out what they were thinking when they stared at him or whispered among themselves.
He was soon to find out.
It was a decidedly normal day, Trevor was mildly stressed, the weather was nice and they were finally moving the rubble they hadn’t been able to reuse out of the castle. They were making a pile out of it that they would later use to make an obstacle course or something, Trevor wasn’t sure it was mostly Alucard and Sypha doing the planning. Maybe that was it? Maybe the stress of the whole castle thing was catching up with them as well and it wasn’t anything Trevor had done.
They had assigned him to carry rubble, which made him roll his eyes. Alucard had supernatural strength and Sypha had magic, yet here he was carrying the bulk while Sypha ordered him around on where to go while Alucard switched between helping him and rearranging the rubble.
His muscles were straining under the amount of exercise, but it didn’t bother Trevor that much. It was good to keep in shape and he could handle it.
He came back from his umpteenth trip, groaning as he set down his load as he cracked his back by putting his hands on his back and pushing. He looked around and saw Alucard and Sypha on top of one of the piles that Alucard found “artistic.”
With a grin on his face he quickly hopped up the pile to see what they were talking about. They had watching him walk over and smiled at him, before turning to talk among themselves. He was about to call out a greeting and announce his presence when he heard Sypha said: “There must be more chores where we can make him carry stuff.”
Hm, he thought, that was obviously about him, thoughhe had no clue why that of all things would be a conversation topic.
Before he could ask, Alucard replied: “I mean, there are still those chains in the dungeons that we could make him clear out, but I feel that would be bad for us.” This was just making him more confused.
Sypha made a small noise, before agreeing: “Oh, yeah, Trevor with chains will totally be bad for us.”
Trevor choked on his spit.
Two heads whipped around to him, with two pairs of eyes as big as dinner plates, filled with the guilt of being caught saying something they shouldn’t have been saying. They were completely silent, neither explaining or defending themselves.
In the silence Trevor tried to wrap his head around it. How was him carrying stuff bad for them? And why were they thinking up reasons for him to carry stuff anyway? What did they have to gain by watching him carry stuff? It wasn’t as if he was eye candy and-
“Oh my god!” he exclaimed. He was eye candy. They were watching him carry stuff, because they liked it and holy shit did he not know how to even deal with that.
He felt the blood rushing to his head and knew he must look like a fucking beet, but he didn’t care, his mind was a bit preoccupied. He had known that some would classify him as handsome, but he had long since given up on either of them thinking that. They had seen him do too many embarrassing things to even consider him attractive and they had each other. Even dense little him could put that one together. Yet here they were.
Unless, of course, this was some sort of sick joke to them, a little voice in his mind whispered. The dhampir hearing of Alucard could have picked up his footfalls easily and they could have conspired to fuck with him, just for the sake of fucking with him. A cold feeling washed over him and his chest seemed to collapse in on itself at the realization.
God, fucking shit, they had probably caught on to his pathetic feelings for them and had decided to toy with him before telling him to scram for being a fucking weirdo. All the looks made so much more sense now.
It just fucking hurt that they would toy with him like that. That they would be that mean to him instead of just telling him when they’d figured it out.
Much to his embarrassment, he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He swallowed hard and tried to force them down as he choked out: “Well, fuck you too,” before turning away to stomp off and grab his stuff to get out of there.
He didn’t get far.
Alucard appeared in front of him with his stupid dhampir speed that Trevor found very attractive no matter how much he hated it rightnow. The other reached out to him, but stilled his hand before they touched.
Fuck, how badly did he fuck up that they didn’t even want to touch him. And why were they even coming after him. He was doing what they wanted.
“Trevor,” Alucard said and it didn’t sound like someone relieved that the person, who had been crushing after him and his girlfriend was finally going, it sounded like someone, who was very upset.
It stilled Trevor long enough for Sypha to catch up with them too. As she laid her hand on his shoulder. However, he shrugged her off and tried to walk on again, getting stopped by Alucard, who found it within himself to touch the grossness of Trevor.
“Wait, Trevor, hold on,” Sypha called out. “I swear it’s not what you think.”
“Really?” he truly didn’t mean to sound so bitter. He was happy that they had each other, they deserved each other. It just hurt that he wasn’t in their they and that they thought that stupid joke would land well.
“Yes, okay,” she told him. “We’re really sorry about springing it on you like that, but-”
“Yeah, why the fuck did you think that was okay?” he hissed at her, trying not to feel the pangs in his heart at her little flinch. “I don’t care that you’re fucking happy together, but pulling that sick stunt on me is not cool. You can just kick me to the curb like a normal person. You fucking fuckers just had to crush me in the process too? Getting someone’s hope up and then- then… That’s just- just mean!”
He knew he was crying now, he totally was and his voice broke over the last few words, but he couldn't stop it. He had spend the last few weeks pining over them, while knowing he didn’t have a chance, perking up with a slight hope every time they smiled at him. So for them to give him that hope again only to stomp on it, had just been the last straw that broke him. Sue him.
“W- what?” Alucard asked, making him turn around to see absolute confusion written over his face along with hurt.
“Oh, Trevor,” he heard Sypha behind him with that pitying voice he didn’t need from her as he turned around to see hurting compassion written over her entire face. Yeah, now she felt guilty, not when she actually did it.
Still, when she reached for his face and gently cupped his cheek, he couldn't help but lean in to the little bit of comfort that was provided.
She wiped away his tears gently and softly said: “We’re not kicking you to the curb. Never, okay, never, Trevor. I swear. You’ve completely misunderstood. It wasn’t a joke, okay. It never was. We meant it, undignified as our lordship over there might find it.”
Trevor chuckled wetly at that, still not entirely sure if he believed her, but so willing to give in, even if it was a lie. For the lie was so much sweeter.
Alucard appeared behind him and he swayed slightly, the exhaustion of all the emotions in the last couple of minutes catching up to him. He tried to pull away when he accidentally hit Alucard’s chest, but the dhampir just pulled him close, nuzzling his hair as he whispered: “You’re such an idiot.”
That was probably true, both Alucard and Sypha were smarter than him and he was generally an idiot, but his mind wasn’t fully wrapping around where he had misunderstood it all and ruined everything.
The tears that had stopped started up again and he didn’t know how after years of repressing all his emotions this was the thing that broke all his walls. Still, he whimpered: “I’m sorry, for- for fucking it all- all up ag- again.”
“No, no,” Sypha shushed him as she hugged him, “you didn’t fuck up anything.”
He was now completely sandwiched between Sypha and Alucard with no clue how him taking a small break from clearing rubble had ended up like this. Yet here he was and he was going to soak up the attention and care while he had it, so he didn’t protest them holding him silently, just let himself melt softly.
Seconds or eternities could have passed without Trevor’s knowledge until Sypha broke the silence: “I don’t know how you got to the conclusion that our horny conspiring was a joke, but as embarrassing at it is, it most certainly isn’t, Trevor.”
Trevor had half choked, half laughed at the phrase ‘horny conspiring’ as it caught up to him what that meant. Hesitantly, he asked: “So- so you had me carry stuff just to watch me?”
It sounded ridiculous in his own head, because why on earth would anyone look at him when they could look at Alucard and Sypha, but they both tensed slightly around him, before nodding. Alucard going as far as to say: “You have nice muscles.”
Under other circumstances Trevor would totally and completely ruin Alucard by tearing him apart with teases at that remark, but there weren’t other circumstances and right now Trevor felt raw and vulnerable, so he just breathed: “Yeah?” in an unsure voice that he hated immediately.
“Yeah,” Sypha firmly agreed. “I don’t know how to tell you this without never hearing the end of it, but you’re really fucking hot. You literally made me into a person who says fuck just so I could tell you that you’re fucking hot.”
He actually snorted at that, because it was easier to snort at it then to admit that the complement felt nice and made him blush.
“We’ve actually been trying very hard to figure out how to tell you without you running away,” she went on, snorting miserably, “but I guess we messed that up. You are just so bad at accepting nice things for yourself that us telling you that we love you seemed almost impossible.”
“Y- you? You love me?” He was getting really fucking sick of that small weak voice
“Yes,” that was Alucard behind him. “We love you, just like we love each other. We hope you feel the same, but we understand if you don’t.”
“It would be really fucking stupid of me not to love the two most amazing people in the entire world, Alucard. Yes, sadly I am disappointing my entire bloodline by including you in that statement, but it’s true.” Admitting it like this felt better than being touch-y feel-y, he didn’t do touch-y feel-y well.
Luckily it was the right thing to say, because both of them relaxed around him as they snorted before chuckling and a bit of pride coursed through him at making them laugh.
“I’m so lucky you’re our idiot,” Sypha told him, before pulling him into a kiss.
Her lips were soft but firm and completely enticing. He kissed her back and stopped caring about oxygen as a necessity, it was completely overrated in comparison to kissing Sypha. When she finally let him up for air, he was dizzy. Faintly he heard her say something to Alucard about making her wait for so long, but it was lost to him as he tried to refind himself as a human being.
He became aware of Alucard and Sypha kissing each other over his shoulder once he had managed and watched mesmerized for a moment. Fuck, he could definitely get used to this. Still, he whined: “I’m feeling a bit left out here,” without meaning it.
Both their eyes fell on him and swallowing became a challenge. Then Alucard surged his lips and kissed him thoroughly. It was less gentle, while more careful than Sypha’s kiss as Alucard watched out for his fangs to Trevor’s disappointment. Yet, it was equally mind blowing.
Once he had resurfaced again, it took him a moment once more. He was still being wrapped up in both of them and his heart felt so much lighter than it had before.
“I know we should probably talk way more about this, but I do want to note that I have excellent stamina to back up my muscles.”
Both of them groaned and he grinned to his little victory.
Yeah, he could get used to this.
Fun fact, my sister once fell asleep with her nose between her knees, because she is slightly insane, I feel personally. So, actually based in fact, lmao
Also, I swear this was supposed to be lighthearted, but then I was writing the last part from Trevor’s POV, because I thought it would be funny and he just wouldn’t allow himself nice things no matter how I tried to push him. So angst it is, very in character, sadly.
Btw, im really proud of that title ngl
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beann-e · 3 years
mattsukawa cheating is my religion , now follow me blindly
You’ve had a crush on mattsukawa for a while now but, you could never bring yourself to say anything
Maybe it was the way he spoke and was so sure of everything he said , maybe it was the way he towered over you and his dopey smile would show whenever you finally got him to relax and laugh after a hard game
you weren’t sure all you knew is that at this very moment you’d rather die then not tell him how you felt after so long
It’s been clawing at you for months this feeling you could never describe.
He was interested , he had to be , it was obvious in the way he would wrap his arms around your waist, his eyes looking from your lips to your eyes in a rush and even when he would tell you how beautiful you looked regardless of your matted uniform after a hard day of school while walking you home
You took a deep breath gaining all the confidence you’d never had . footsteps quick as you made your way down to the benches
Your eyes wide as you stared down on the male sitting in front of you on the bench his face stuck on the match instead of looking at you when you walked over
“ oh hey y/—“
“ I like you “
his body froze as everyone else on the court stopped moving at your small outburst it came out louder than you wanted it to but you’d gotten it out so now you had no choice but to keep going
you simply had no choice there was no saving yourself now
“ I like how your always making jokes about anything I say , how you walk me home after a long day or even when it’s just raining“ you looked to the floor
“ y/-“
“ I love how you —you —I just I really like you mattsukawa “
you brung your head up to face him as he sat still almost frozen on the bench his body stalled like he’d never taken a breath before in his life
His head whipping to look around the gym fast as his breathing stuttered “ bab— I swear —- “ his eyes were pleading “ it’s not like that “ his face fell before his head dropped “ shit — that was my last strike too — baby please I”
you turned trying to pinpoint who he was talking to as you heard a loud cough sound throughout the gym “ y/n he um “
iwaizumis body was fast as he grabbed you directing you out of the gym trying to move you quickly as your eyebrows creased . Body falling when you heard small laughs erupt from the team
“ don’t worry about that ok —how about —maybe just go home today y/n yeah ? “
“ but I —why “
he sighed as he closed the gym doors behind him eyes darting away from your own to look anywhere but at you “ h-he’s got a girlfriend “
your heart dropped
“ he um —their laughing because we were just joking a few days ago if you knew or not “
“ what —what “
“ mattsukawa was the only one who was telling us we were wrong and that you didn’t have feelings for him and that you knew he had a girlfriend and he was just being— being nice to you “
your body shuddered
“ look y/n i’m sorry —he —he owes us yen “
“ you made a bet on if I liked him or not “
“ well I mean technically we made a bet on if he would strike out with his girlfriend — he’s cheated 2 other times that she knows of but yeah —i mean when you put it like that— we kinda sound like assholes“ he laughed
“ because you are “ you felt your voice breaking holding nothing but pure pain
“ look y/n it’s not our fault you didn’t know he had a girlfriend —i’m sorry really i am but —“ he felt uncomfortable shifting his weight from foot to foot
“ oh god he’s never gonna wanna hang out with me again “
“ uh yeah— it’ll be awkward yeah “
you turned on your heel head to the floor ignoring iwaizumis protest for you to calm down and come back
“ hey watch ou— “
pulling your head up quickly but not quick enough to see the broad chest you’d bumped into your butt hitting the ground in pain
“ ow “
“ shit “ his voice was rough “ you good ? “
you shook your head even more tears threatening to fall as you broke finally
“ uh look —person—dude—I don’t know who you are“ you heard as he clapped “ honestly don’t give a fuck but your sitting on m—“
his eyes widened in fear when he met your glazed ones tears spilling down onto your chest
The silence cooling the air and bringing even more pain to your body as you thought back to every small action you mistook as love
your fingers shaking as you wiped your cheeks your hands flying to shield your eyes shaking your head at the now wet collar of the shirt you wore
body freezing when you heard a loud sharp inhale
“ so—sorry I jus—“
he groaned as he pushed you off his leg that you’d fell on without even noticing much less seeing that he’d somehow fallen with you to the ground “ uh look —I just wanted to get to practice and —your crying and shit and “
“ like I said i’m sorry “ you stood wiping off your uniform and smiling up at the boy who stared at you anger and pure disinterest hidden in his eyes trying to hide it behind his new concern for you seeing your sad eyes matched your half made smile
“ huh guess you’d be kinda hot if you weren’t covered in dry tears with snot running down your nose “
your eyes widened before you used the sleeve of your jacket to wipe your nose and face fixing your hair and clothes smiling softly
“ hot now ? “
he scoffed putting his hands in his pockets before nodding his head at you “ cute — what are you doing bumping into people in volleyball territory anyways crybaby ? “
you ignored his statement not in the right mindset to deal with it only laughing “ uh — funny story actually“
“ well you should do anything in your power to lift up my mood after you just assaulted me —a devoted ,caring, early , hardworking team member — so try me i’m not a very ‘ funny‘ person “
“ well — I thought I was walking out of here with a boyfriend “ you laughed face turning straight when you looked up to see him looking down at you with a confused and annoyed look on his own at your sudden pause
“ ok .. “
“ that — that was it “ you smiled “ that was the funny thing — that was the joke “
“ oh “ he shook his head in understanding “ that shit was trash please don’t waste your mothers obviously difficult birth delivery and become a comedian— you’ll bring shame to everyone that has the name y/n before you have a good show “
“ wow uh mood dampener huh “
“ no I just don’t like useless shit wasting my time “ he sighed “ look who are you here for anyways — you an oikawa stalker too “
“ no I was here for mattsu “ you scoffed “ he probably hates me —shouldn’t even call him nicknames “
“ if he hates you he’s an asshole “
he shifted on his foot trying to pay attention to you closely “ lemme guess no one told you he had a girlfriend — not even him“
he played with his backpack straps “ typically — likes to play the field anyways likes to— keep his options open I guess “
“ asshole “
“ yeah — I guess “
“ god and I really thought I loved him I thought I was gonna go in there tell him I liked him and just — walk out with a boyfrie— “
“ sorry princesa life doesn’t work like that “
“ yeah “
“ sucks though but trust me you’ll get your sweet revenge in a few seconds “
“ h-huh “
“ yeah give it a minute I know what i’m talking about“ he nodded at the volleyball doors which made you turn around to see it from his angle hoping to see something different other than just doors
“ as much as I hate everyone — they still seem to try to talk to me and incorporate me in things i don’t like and —would rather not know“
your eyebrows furrowed “ and “
“ and I’m a flat out asshole and people still talk to me — like your doing now — his girlfriend did it too “
“ why would his girlfrien— “
“ mai please — please I — it doesnt have to be like this “
the echo of the gym doors slamming open took you by surprise as you watched mattsukawa race out after a female who wore the same uniform as you
“ mai please don’t — don’t leave like this “ he laughed lightly “ baby — babe we can fix this please“
“ tell that to the other 7 girls who swear their in love with you mattsukawa—8 making the love confession I just saw “
you folded into yourself at the words the boy next to you rolling his eyes and yanking you gently into him his hand coming out to play drums on your head while you two watched the scene unfold
“ what — but I — I don’t love them I love you — I just got a bit “ he shrugged his shoulders “ a bit bored —come on it’s normal “
“ well I guess you could say the same goes for me “
“ no your — your lying you we’re hap— “
“ I was lying this is just helping me break up with you honestly — I was bored of you too—it was a matter of time before I broke it off really — I almost broke up with you at your match the other day but even I was like that’s too much pain after you’d just lost 2 sets to karasuno “
“ bab— “
“ have fun mattsu—chan it was not nice at all no kind words all bad reviews “ she waved before exiting and leaving him in visible pain
his body shaking as he turned to look down the hallway eyes heavy on yours a soft smile developing on his face “ y/n “
you jumped as you spoke “ mat-“
“ what um —what are you y’know doing out here “ he blinked between you and the other male voice growing accusing and territorial “ I thought you went home “
“ no I “
“ another love confession huh ? “ he laughed” that quick? I thought I would’ve at least had a restart —or gotten some time to say yes “
“ huh “
“ I mean you like me right “
you shook your head in a yes the male next to you scoffing speaking lowly to himself “ still“
“ so now that i’m free do—do you maybe want to uh want to hang out “
you smiled moving towards mattsukawa as the boy above you slapped your head harshly sending you flying back into his chest again
“ holy fuck mad dog chill out why are you slapping ‘em —being so rough with my admirer —fucking lunatic “
he growled at the boy across from you before speaking “ you have class don’t you — think it’s uh english right ?“
“ I mean yeah but I would like to tal— “ you shook your head “ wait how’d you know what class I have “ you shook your head even faster when you thought back to earlier “ AND HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME EARLIER I DIDNT TEL— “
his body going warm at his earlier slip up he was hoping you’d forgotten “ how about you get to it “
“ no I “ your eyebrows furrowed at the male you were about to get your long time crush to ask you out why would you leave “ no I— I don’t want to walk out of here empty hande— “
“ well how about you do walk out of here with one “ your eyes shot up to his in confusion ok now you had no clue what was going on and honestly just upset with the male in front of you “ huh—huh “
“ a boyfriend that was your joke right ? you wanted to walk out of here with a boyfriend and you thought you would fall in love with him and shit “
you shook your head in confusion “ I —I guess “
“ ok then your free to leave happily — baby your walking out of here with one —go on “
your heart went crazy “ excuse me “
“ your talking too fucking much — ‘ts annoying me I said “ he got rougher with his words he tried to be nice but it was obvious you weren’t one of those people who understood unless it was dumbed down for you
“ your walking out of here with a boyfriend — a good one and we both know this assholes not one so you can only guess the only other person in this hallway is your new boyfriend so shoo shoo — you little pest go to class i’ll take you home“
you felt as he grabbed your shoulders pushing you towards the doors and not turning back around until he watched you walk out
energy shifting as soon as your body was out of earshot and snapping to the taller male in front of him “I liked ‘em first dipshit“
his shoulder bumping into mattsukawas forcefully causing the boy to stumble back “ ill be damned if you fuck with em’ before I do — especially if you don’t plan on giving em’ the best “
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xiaosean · 4 years
why you should watch douluo continent
the drama adaptation is such a good rendition of “soul land” and stayed true to the plot line and character development. it was fast-paced (perfect for me) but may be confusing for those who don’t know the story. i personally love the donghua, and i think the drama did an adequate job of portraying everything in their own way 😁 (read at your own discretion; this contains spoilers)
things i liked:
initially, i didn’t like the dreamscape bc wtf is it doing there? why is he hearing his mom’s voice in episode 1 (it just kills the entire momentum of the plot); and then after i got to episode 39... fucking ep. 39, i knew the dreamscape needed to be there in order to save tang san’s life; mr. wang who wrote the script, props to you.
the cgi 🥰✨ i had really low expectations bc if there’s shitty cgi like cql... i wouldn’t be able to handle it. but it’s so good ??? please, i know the ape soul beast was small and funny looking (bc they had to spend money on the water dragon lmao), but other than that, it was so good and how each and every character’s powers were able to shine
le outfits + makeup - they’re not super pale 😭😭😭 finally !!! and the outfits are so nice, SO SO NICE, each and every character holy hell
how they changed hu liena’s (aka. qian renxue) role in the drama --- she’s my fav female antagonist; she’s so good here, her character was annoying at first, but she’s so dynamic and independent, and just wants to impress her mom. you see her helping tang san + his squad during the last 5 eps because SHE CARES about her mom despite her strict upbringing 🥺 her and tang san have a ship name called 糖葫芦 (candied hawthorns) and i think that’s so cute hehe
the seven devils 😂 i loved the seven devils in this adaptation almost as much as i loved them in the donghua; each and every character got their own storyline, they’re not boring nor do they draw attention away from the tang san’s main plot, and you see so much development (esp. in ou sike and dai mubai)
headmaster, da shi, and er long trio! 黄金铁三角 iconic and they captured it so well 😭 they chose the actor for the headmaster so freaking well i’m screaming! he loves money so much and his little facial expressions as a third wheel is everything, the comedic relief! and da shi... i see y’all thirsting over calvin chen okay 😌 he’s so much better in the drama tbh & er long is majestic and amazingly powerful and cunning, i love her !!! and props to luo san pao, the best doggo ever!
the seniors! they basically perfected tang san’s relationship with dugu bo... it was antagonistic at first, but then they became besties over poison 😭❤️ i loved dugu bo’s character in here bc he was so funny & didn’t get social cues LMAO // the ape soul master was brief but he honestly made my day with how much he respected the tang family & how he took care of his father back in the day // 七宝琉璃 squad was also 🥰 (less hot than in the donghua lol) but they also somehow made jian yeye the comedic relief? i love how they’re so accepting of ou sike despite him being a support soul master
tang san’s mom - i can only hear her voice, but she made me cry & i love her for that
tang san ❤️❤️❤️ xiao zhan’s voice over just blended in with his character & it was just so wonderful; tang san in the donghua was smart, so fucking smart, cunning, but the kindest at heart; xiao zhan truly portrayed that and my most memorable part was when da shi said “your only flaw is that you let your emotions get the best of you” (this is so important), and you see him later try to control his emotions and not act rashly, especially when confronted with 时年 & 比比东 --- also crying scenes 11/10
bibi dong powerful, POWERFUL WOMAN, props to her voice actress, i got chills when she said, “你根本没有资格知道” // tang hao, wow he’s just like i imagined, but i wish he was a little more emotional in ep. 1 bc the blue silver plant in tang san is essentially his lover’s martial soul
how the concept of family was generated within the shi lan ke academy squad 🥺 it’s such a feel good drama, istg, makes you so happy when you’re having a bad day ✨
things i didn’t like:
xiao wu’s character portrayal (the scriptwriter’s fault, not xuanyi) // i honestly let it slide for the first 10 episodes bc i usually start falling for a character later on, it’s normal; but drama xiao wu didn’t fulfill the 小舞姐 in my heart 😔 i get that many people like her, but it’s not the same! xiao wu in donghua is beautiful, independent, and outspoken, BUT MOST OF ALL HER LOVE FOR TANG SAN IS OBVIOUS, you don’t need to say “一起去” every other line in the drama; i think this could have been remedied if they stayed true to the storyline and let tang san enter the secret dimension alone, bring the mythical herbs back, and have xiao wu prick herself to activate 相思断肠红 (they completely butchered the significance of the flower i’m so angry; fyi: the flower can only belong to you if your heart loves one person --- there’s the most beautiful backstory to the flower but drama douluo said nah). also, drama xiao wu is so clingy and she started exposing herself from the beginning... no momentum build-up whatsoever 😔 it’s 斗罗大陆, not 斗罗大陆: 小舞传 and sometimes it felt like she was being so insistent on following tang san around, i’m just 😓 
the whole canghui academy scheme --- it was confusing for 10 eps straight until they got to the end of it, but I guess the drama wanted to add that part in because they wanted to focus less on the competition and more on 变异武魂 (the mutated martial souls) in order to defeat bibi dong
how the beginning was so confusing 😫 i wish they just stuck with child tang san remembering his past life as a disciple in tang clan & then learning 玄天宝录 on his own bc that was such a great part of his character development + understanding of soul masters/their weaknesses; and the fact that he would rely less on his parents 
the kiss + confession at ep. 40 // could have done w/o it or even a simple forehead kiss; the confession from tang san was way too quick considering there’s little to no emotional build-up towards that moment (other than bibi dong doing all the work like the queen she is) and there’s no surprise element either? like we’ve been knew she’s a soul beast since ep. 5 🥲 and the kiss was awkward & like i said, sanwu’s love doesn’t need words or actions to confirm... it’s this innate thing that the audience should be able to see (if the scriptwriters focused a little more on BIG plot points that boost the sanwu relationship, then it would have been perfect) ^^ i wish they spent more time on the romantic aspect of the relationship bc even after 30 eps, they seem like siblings when OP said They’re Not.
overall thoughts:
this is purely my opinion, so please take it with a grain of salt! the cons imo were minor except for the development of the sanwu relationship; it doesn’t seem like romance to me 😔 but hopefully it’ll get better in the (maybe) second season when they take some time apart to grow? i’m surprised how much they referenced the original story (characters and such), and i am thoroughly impressed with WHERE THEY ENDED IT, and how they rounded all the new/old plot points together in a way that makes sense. i also don’t hate any of the antagonists, which is why this drama is so lighthearted and easy to watch. it’s not emotionally taxing (sans tang san crying bc xz breaks me heart 😭💕), and safe + enjoyable to watch with family! you’re gonna miss it once it ends, and i think that makes a drama successful 😁 also i’m not gonna go into depth about the mysterious ending bc i might spoil it for those who want to watch the donghua LMAO (but if you want to know my theories, shoot me an ask)
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yodawgiherd · 3 years
Show, Don't Tell pt.2
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Rejoice! Because we once again got a continuation of fanart that is literally EVERYTHING. Check it out check it out ----> https://twitter.com/AnnLuVazzel/status/1396084472450269185/photo/1 *cocks gun* this is not a request. Anyway - I promised a second part if things went down and they DID so, here you guys go. Rating - E, but did you really expect anything else? 🤨
“No, you don’t have to, I got it.”
Mikasa blinked a few times, unsure if she heard him correctly.
“… You do?”
“Yea, of course.”
Taking the ball gag back from her, Eren put it around his neck and….
Closed it, letting the red rubber dangle in the hollow of his throat.
“Mikasa, this is one of your chokers, right?”, he tapped the ball, “Why have I never seen you using it?”
“T-That’s not…”
Oh god, she could feel the sweat running down her skin. How could he be so clueless? So innocent? So…
Cute. Damn it all but he’s so cute, Mikasa wanted to bite into his neck just to leave a mark on that untarnished boy.
Unaware that he just sent his girlfriend’s mind to the gutter, Eren looked in the small mirror Mikasa kept on her nightstand, admiring the new “choker” around his neck.
“If I’m being honest, I definitely prefer those you wear normally. Even the one with spikes is better than this, I guess that the ball in front is a bit of a revolutionary design but the red clashes with black too much, and…”
“Babe.”, unable to take it anymore, Mikasa got his attention with that single word, “That is not a choker.”
“No?”, frowning at the mirror, Eren took a step back, fingering the toy, “Then… What is it?”
Carefully, she reached out to undo the buckle on Eren’s neck, retrieving the thing. At the same time, Mikasa’s mind was racing because this explanation had to be both accurate and careful if she wanted her boyfriend to give it a try – and she really, really wanted him to be open-minded enough.
Here goes nothing.
“It’s a gag.”, she said, pulling back while the mentioned toy dangled between her fingers.
“Like… a joke?”, Eren’s eyebrows furrowed, “I don’t get it.”
For understandable reasons Mikasa felt like facepalming but managed not to. She was a strong woman.
“No – a gag like a thing that prevents you from speaking.”
“Oh… “
“…. Yea.”
“Ok, this might sound weird,”, Eren scratched the back of his head, “but is it normal for girls to have these lying around?”
Fine, if that’s how he wanted to play it.
“But of course! Next to make-up and lipstick, every girl has a few gags just rolling around the place. This design? it’s all the rage lately.”
She stared at him with a challenge in her eyes, but the wide innocent look in Eren’s eyes didn’t go away. He wasn’t joking, she realized, he meant every word. Oh, Satan.
“Really?”, he squeaked, the onslaught of information about the fair gender hard to digest.
“No.”, Mikasa deadpanned, “They don’t.”
“Then… why?”
She sucked in a breath, mentally steeling herself.
“I have it because I use it as a sex toy. I like it, I like toys and stuff, you could say that I’m…”
She hated that word she hated that word she hated that word - so much.
“…. Kinky.”
“Miki I’m sorry but I never heard that in my life.”
Mikasa, who was torn between slapping him for being so ignorant and kissing him for being so cute, let out a long breath. Cinnamon roll, he was a cinnamon roll.
“It’s, how do I say it, I prefer having some assistance in bed from sex toys such as this gag.”, she held it up, “I enjoy it more than vanilla.”
Eren’s face was slowly but steadily becoming red, because talking about sex stuff was too much for his normie brain, but he held on, doing his best to decipher the cryptic info Mikasa was sending his way.
“Uhm, so you want me to use ice cream in bed?”
Well, not that Mikasa would be opposed to it, temperature play was great and all but where did he…
The vanilla.
“I didn’t mean vanilla as flavor.”, she explained patiently, “Vanilla sex means normal one, without any toys and stuff.”
“Okay, okay, I get it now.”, he grimaced, “ I think at least.”
“All right…”
“One more thing – when you said that you like using toys in bed, does that mean that you have more than this,”, he pointed at the red ball, “thing?”
Babe, if you only knew.
“I do have several,”, Mikasa confessed, “but I think that it would be best if we moved at a slow pace, no need to put them all to use at once.”
He nodded and she felt a weight fall off her shoulders. If Eren saw the strap-on she was hiding in the lowest drawer he would be out of the door and gone from her life faster than a diving bird. Not that she ever used it, only admired herself wearing it in the mirror a few times, but the design was cool and they had a sale for it once so…
Maybe she would get the opportunity to bust it out one day.
Not now though, now was the time for the most basic of stuff - slow and steady wins the race to better and more fulfilling sex life. Now to the most important question.
“Eren, I want you to know that me liking this stuff doesn’t mean that you have to be into it too. I won’t pressure you into anything, nor demand that you do something that makes you uncomfortable – that’s not how this thing works.”
He was listening all right, his eyes in that mode that betrayed eating up every word.
“This lifestyle – I would like if you shared it with me, or gave it a try at least, but it has to be consensual from your side.”, she went on, “If you don’t want to I can just stash this thing and we can forget about this incident. I promise that I won’t bring it up.”
All right then, decision time. Eren had never seen anything like this in his life but couldn’t say that he was repulsed by it. This darker, kinky she said, side fit Mikasa perfectly, her visage screamed that she was special and that was in part why he found her so attractive in the first place.
No, he wasn’t disgusted by this – not excited either but he was curious. Curious and hopelessly in love with the girl, which meant that Eren was more than willing to give this thing a try. All things considered, it wasn’t like Mikasa was going to make him sign some binding contract, if it turned out that he truly cannot handle this side of her they would stop, easy as that.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know the first thing about this, as you probably noticed.”, he began slowly, “But I am down to try it if you are willing to teach me.”
Was she willing to teach him? No. She was itching to do it – but let’s move slow for now…
“Okay, great!”, was covering about ten percent of all the excitement that was now bubbling in Mikasa’s chest, but it would do, “Let’s start with some basic – first of all, if you want me to stop at anything I will do, just say “Red”, okay?”
“If you will be unable to speak, we will figure out a different way.”, she held up the gag, “Which is fitting because we will be starting with this.”
Eren was all-ears. Figuratively.
He nodded at her, and Mikasa began the first lesson.
“As I said before, ball gag serves to silence the submissive – in this case – you. It gives the dominant, me, power over the other party, and by taking away your ability to speak it also “reduces” the sub to a plaything for the dom.”
“I’ll assume that sub is short for submissive?”
“Yes Eren, I wasn’t talking about sandwiches here.”
“Just making sure.”, he murmured.
“That’s good! Ask about anything you want, curiosity is good. Any other questions?”
“Did you ever do this with someone else?”
“No? I told you, you are my first boyfriend.”
“Then, did you ever use this?”, he pointed at the gag.
“Well, sometimes I use it on myself when I… you know…”
Despite her best efforts, Eren’s eyes remained clueless.
“Masturbate.”, she said out loud, finally igniting that spark of knowledge, “Now, anything else?”
“What’s the worst thing you’ve done?”
“What do you mean?”
“I imagine that since you were working solo till now, you didn’t get many chances to try stuff out.”, wasn’t that the truth, Mikasa thought to herself as Eren continued, “So – what is the weirdest of kinkiest thing you’ve done?”
Hmmm. Oh!
“I once wore rope to school.”
“Do you remember that day, like a month back, when I was all bothered and wouldn’t talk much?”
“You normally don’t talk much.”
“Fine, less than usual then.” she waved her hand, “I also didn’t want you to walk me home after classes.”
He tapped his chin a few times.
“I remember, I thought that I angered you somehow.”
“You didn’t, but I had a rope harness on me for a whole day so I needed to take it off as soon as possible.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s like – rope wrapped around your body in places that makes you feel it when you move. My boobs and inner thighs and stuff.”
He blinked a few times.
“Wow, that sounds intense.”
“It was, mostly because I pulled it too tight.”, she gave him a small smile, “I may be more experienced than you but I’m far from being a pro.”
Add that to the pile of things he was learning about his girlfriend.
“Anything else you want to know?”, she asked.
Satisfied, for now, Eren shook his head.
“Very well, in that case we will move to the practical part.”, she stepped close to him, holding the gag in front of his face,” Open your mouth…”
He did so, a bit surprised when she put the red ball between his teeth. After that came the strap that was buckled behind his head, and before Eren realized what was happening he couldn’t talk.
“Mmmmm.”, was his reaction.
“See? Useful gadget isn’t it.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Now while Eren was getting used to having a ball gag in his mouth, Mikasa had mental work to do. In her mind, she went through the list of items that were hidden in her room, picking out those that wouldn’t freak out her boyfriend too much. Whips, paddles, and canes were ruled out for now, so were the candles and ice. Ropes took too long to set up, vibrators, dildos, and magic wands were scary…
No need to complicate things.
Passing Eren who was still caught in his battle against the ball gag, Mikasa rummaged through the nightstand and pulled out two more items. A blindfold and a pair of leather cuffs connected by a fine silver chain - this would be more than enough for now.
Turning towards Eren, she gestured to the back of his head and luckily he got the message for once, reaching there and unbuckling the gag from his mouth. Showtime.
Holding the toys in a way that Eren would notice them, Mikasa posed that one simple question she needed an answer for.
“Do you trust me?”
“I-… Well…”
If there was one thing that Eren didn’t expect to happen when he woke up in the morning it would be this – standing in the middle of his girlfriend’s bedroom with Mikasa right in front of him, leather cuffs dangling from her finger and a blindfold in the other hand, that damn question on her black lips.
Did he trust her?
Of course, but this was not something he ever saw himself doing. To say that Eren was vanilla would be an understatement, he was like a snow-white sheet of paper, so pure and normal.
Maybe that was why Mikasa wanted to ruin him so much.
She saw him suck in a breath, eyes wandering over what she was holding. Unlike the gag, it was quite easy to get what these two were used for even without her explanation, that was partly the reason why she chose them. Talking about it was fun and all, but the action itself….
That was where the true fun began.
“I trust you.”, those three words left Eren’s lips and Mikasa was in heaven.
“In that case let’s do this thing.”, she took the gag back, completing her collection.
“Starting now I am your mistress and you are my slave-…”, nah that didn’t feel right, “Let’s stick with sub.”
For some reason, that made him giggle.
“Something funny?”
A snort.
Fine, keep up with the lame jokes Eren, let’s see how much you like being punished for them.
“You will obey my orders without question, and in turn I promise not to do anything you won’t like.”, she nodded at the toys, “I will use these on you and nothing else, and we will have a safeword for me to stop if you want to – “Red” if you can speak and if not just knock on the headboard three times. Got it?”
Ah, first offense.
“That sentence is missing something…”, she half-corrected him.
Eren looked at her for a moment before he got it, even deeper blush on his face.
“Yes, mistress.”, he murmured, embarrassed.
“Good boy.”
Those words flew out of Mikasa’s mouth before she caught them, but as soon as they left she didn’t want to take it back anymore. They fit.
“Now – take off your shirt.”
“Uhm, you sure? I mean….”
“Eren, what did I say about questioning my orders?”
“S-Sorry.”, a raised eyebrow from her was enough this time, “Sorry m-mistress.”
“Good. Let’s try again –“, Mikasa made her voice more confident, hoping to get that “dominant” vibe across,  “Take off your shirt.”
Lips pressed together Eren obeyed her command, pulling the simple black t-shirt over his head.
“Now your pants.”
“Pants. Off. Now.”
Now it was teeth that Eren had to press together to cage the words in, but he did so. This new dominant Mikasa was doing things to him, things that he didn’t know his mind was capable of but one truth was clear. He was enjoying this, that much was obvious from the way her words tingled his spine and of course the reaction that his… pride … was having – one that was immediately visible to them both when Eren slid his jeans down and kicked them away.
An erection? This fast? Now that was something Mikasa liked to see. Not only because she was horny, but mostly because it meant that Eren was also liking this little game. Very nice, let’s continue.
Dumping the rest of the toys on the bed, for now, Mikasa motioned for him to come closer. When he did, she took hold of one of his wrists and closed the cuff around it, repeating the process with Eren’s other hand after. The chain connecting them was short, giving him a tiny bit more freedom than classic handcuffs, but the leather was much gentler to the skin than the steel.
“Is this okay?”, she asked him, watching Eren tug at his hands with a strange expression.
He was cuffed, hands tied together. Yet another experience that Eren never had in his life and for good reasons only – he was a good boy, a good student and never had the pleasure of being escorted in a cop's car. Make no mistake, he was still arrested right now, but his jailer filled his head with dirty thoughts instead of worry. That was good, so good that the cuffing thing didn’t feel half bad.
It felt… good. Kind of
“Yea I’m fine. Mistress.”
Saved it.
There he was, shirtless, pantless, and handcuffed, standing at the foot of her bed and Mikasa had to hold herself back from jumping at him right here and there. Patience.
“Lay down on your back,”, she instructed him, “I’m going to put the rest of the stuff on you.”
Obeying her order while she retrieved the toys, Eren slid down on the jet-black sheets of Mikasa’s bed. It was comfortable as always but the added novelty of having his hands restricted overrode that information successfully. She leaned over him, holding the blindfold.
“Put your hands above your head and keep them there.”, she commanded him, and he obeyed with a slight clink of the chain. Seeing that her orders were fulfilled, Mikasa raised the blindfold “I’m going to use this on you now, okay?”
A nod.
“Good, raise your head a little bit…”
The black material slid over his face and Eren couldn’t see anything anymore. She waited for a moment while he adjusted to the sudden darkness, before moving onto the last thing which would be used today.
“Open your mouth.”
He did so, but the rubber didn’t appear. Instead of that Mikasa’s fingers pushed into his mouth, her nails dragging against Eren’s tongue. He could feel her rings too, the cold metal contrasting with the warm skin as she pushed the digits deeper.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do this.”, a heated whisper from the right, “To be able to play with you like this.”
Even deeper they went and Eren gagged slightly around the slender fingers. In response to that she scissored them, forcing his jaw wide open and at the same time her other hand moved, attacking the place where he was weakest. Palm rubbed against Eren’s raging hard-on, pressing down and giving the thing an over-the-cloth massage.
The sudden contact made him moan around her fingers, and Mikasa’s black lips split into a huge grin. Good, good, come to the dark side.
“I promise that you’ll enjoy this,” she whispered, “so don’t be afraid. Or be afraid, but just a tiny bit.”
He gurgled something around the fingers in his throat that resembled “Okay.”
As suddenly as they were in they were out, letting Eren gasp for breath and…
Be slapped from the left, a flare of pain appearing in his cheek. Before he could react the same flare happened from the right and now he was equally slapped from both sides.
“Wh-“, was all he managed before yet another thing found its way into his mouth, this time it was Mikasa’s tongue.
The kiss was more of an assault on Eren’s mouth. He didn’t control it in the slightest, had no agenda at all, simply gasped and moaned while Mikasa ravaged his mouth with her tongue and teeth. Dirty and messy was the best way to describe it, but Eren had no intention of ever complaining – why would he when her tongue gliding against his felt so good?
It got even better because Mikasa’s hand was back, this time at Eren’s throat. Slightly she squeezed the sides, restricting the flow of air, and combined with the deep kiss he was lightheaded sooner than expected. Just as he wasn’t handcuffed before, being choked was a new and exciting experience.
Eren never felt this way before while Mikasa kissed him, but the blindfold and handcuffs and chokehold on his neck made it an otherworldly experience. It was different from the simple pleasure he usually found in her lips, a way darker and deeper feeling, but he loved it the same if not more.
Just as his brain was running out of oxygen to keep functioning, Mikasa pulled back and released the restricting squeeze. A breath of fresh air was gulped down Eren’s lungs while she admired the way her lipstick was smudged all over his face now.
Let’s not dawdle on that, they still had plenty of ground to cover.
“I’m going to gag you now.”, she announced, not waiting for an answer.
Eren did have the safeword if he wanted to get out, and god knows that it was the last thing he desired at that moment.
Mikasa’s fingers were back between his kiss-swollen lips and she wrenched his mouth open, popping the red rubber ball in after. The straps were secured behind his head with a practiced hand and that was it – he was now completely at her mercy.
Now, this was a perspective Mikasa adored. She was sitting on the edge of the bed fully clothed, even her rings were on for Satan’s sake, while Eren squirmed beneath her. Hands cuffed above his head, eyes covered by a blindfold, a red ball gag between his lips.
Oh yea, it was all coming together.
Deciding that sitting on the bed was not appropriate for this position, Mikasa climbed onto Eren instead and seated herself on his lap. There, this was much better, especially considering that she could feel his hardness strain against her inner thigh. Her move was accompanied by yet another “Mmm” from her victim, a sound she liked very much.
Apart from Mikasa’s weight on him Eren had no way of tracking her, couldn’t say what would come next. She may have not tied his hands to the bed but she ordered him to keep them above his head, and her word was as strong as any chain. He couldn’t see her, he couldn’t talk to her, and hearing was also rather impaired because of the rush of blood in Eren’s ears. Truly helpless beneath her, all he could do was wait for what his mistress would grace him with. And then it came-
Nothing serious, just a simple touch, as Mikasa placed her hand on Eren’s chest, right above the heart. Still, in a state that Eren was in it was enough to make his whole body jolt.
“Easy there,”, she murmured, “I promised that I won’t hurt you.”
The slap didn’t count. Why? Because she said so.
Trailing her fingers up she patted his cheek in a small show of affection.
“You look so good like this.”, she stroked his face, “My Dark Knight, so good for me, so open and vulnerable…”
Vulnerable was a strange choice of a word, but when Eren tried to question it the gag came into play.
“Mmmmm.”, was all he could make, followed by a shaky inhale.
Mikasa wouldn’t hurt him, she said so… Would she? Ehm…
Abandoning his cheek Mikasa’s hand went exploring downward, her touch alone sending Eren’s brain into overdrive. When a human body is robbed of its senses, it tends to sharpen the remaining ones – this meant that his skin felt super sensitive right now, and the little path Mikasa was doing with her nails made him squirm and sweat beneath her. Didn’t help that her weight was pressed against his achingly hard length.
Tap-tap-tap, down her playful fingers went, doing nothing more than touching and occasionally scratching a little. Over the planes of his chest and there Mikasa found the first point of interest. Eren gasped out loudly through the gag when she tweaked his nipple, a small tremor running through his body.
“Sensitive? Good.”
Putting her other hand to work Mikasa tweaked both at the same time now, getting a heartfelt “Mmm” In return. What a load of fun, and she was regretting her choice of not using the clamps tonight. Oh well, she had other ways to play with Eren’s nipples too.
Ending the hold with a pinch on each one she leaned forward to press a kiss to the side of Eren’s neck. She should get him a choker of his own, Mikasa reasoned In her head, or even better – a collar to show who he truly belonged to. Not very realistic considering that they were only beginning this journey but hey. A girl can dream.
Exchanging lips for teeth she bit down on his flesh while her fingers once again assaulted his sensitive nubs, torturing her boy to the best of her ability. With no toys at her disposal, as she didn’t bring them in for a reason, her body was the only device she could use. Then again, from the way Eren sweated and cursed into the gag, it was working well.
Biting into the neck was a lot of fun, especially considering that Eren didn’t fight back, and Mikasa didn’t move on until he had a solid collection of black – from her lipstick – and red – from the teeth – all over the skin. Changing into her gentle mode she began kissing her way down over his chest, following the same way her fingers took, which meant that she arrived at the same destination in the end.
The nipples, tortured and abused by her cruel hands were soothed when Mikasa’s tongue gently lapped over the pain. And it felt good, great even, the content sigh leaving Eren’s throat on its own. It made her giggle, just how naïve her Dark Knight was.
The pleasure changed into pain at a moment's notice because now teeth were clamping down on his nipple, forcing Eren’s body to trash around some more. Pain was a great teacher, but Mikasa shouldn’t be overdoing this. There would be time to play around with that later, once they are more comfortable with this whole setting.
Then again…
She did abandon his nipples, after a few more bites, but couldn’t resist the plane of pale skin that made up Eren’s abdomen. That area simply begged to be marked, and Mikasa obliged, dragging her nails over it. Black fingernails created red scratches in their path, and they looked so angry that she had to bow down and soothe the area with a few kitten licks. There, all better?
Oh right, Eren couldn’t talk. What a shame.
This whole journey had a single destination in mind, and Mikasa was finally nearing it. Her pain-and-pleasure train was pulling in the end station, leaving an artistic creation of red and black in its path. What a beautiful canvas Eren’s body was, and Mikasa couldn’t wait to create some real art with wax one day. Or a whip for that matter.
Or maybe something more permanent, a tattoo, if she could convince him….
Back to the present – she reminded herself – there was still a lot to be done. The rest of Eren’s body covered, it was high time to move on to the main prize, a statement that he would very much agree with if he could. Eren did know what foreplay was and did it in the past, but being this ruined without having Mikasa even touch his member was something new. There was a lot of sweat on his skin, tears in the corners of his eyes beneath the blindfold, and the gag had the unfortunate side effect of drooling. He was truly nothing more than Mikasa’s toy right now.
It was a good existence.
Now then - Blowjob was a thing that Mikasa wasn’t very keen on at the start, because how was a girl supposed to find pleasure in sucking a cock? Eren has been the one who broke the barrier of oral sex, and him going down on her was a thing that she cherished. Admittedly he sucked at first but was a very quick learner and eager to please his goth girlfriend. Combine these two and soon Mikasa was enjoying very quality cunnilingus at a healthy rate. She liked French kissing already but having Eren’s tongue between her legs was a much, much better alternative. Not very suitable for public places though. Unless...
More on that later, because enjoying his mouth so often meant that Mikasa’s strong sense of equality bit her in the ass.
Begrudgingly curious, she tried the oral thing too and honestly it wasn’t as bad as she feared. Sure, the taste was nothing to write home about and it gave her nothing apart from a sore throat but there were other benefits to it. It made Eren fall apart at seams very easily and because of how the act was performed it fed her dominant side – she was in charge of his pleasure and could take it away at a moment’s notice.
Now it was even better.
Tied up, blind and mute he was her plaything. When Mikasa’s mouth slide over his stretched boxers, kissing the length that strained against the cloth, Eren let out a whine of a dying animal. His underwear had a wet spot at the head, and she made sure to kiss that more than once, knowing where the sensitiveness was.
“Would you like me to take you in my mouth?”
“What was that? I can’t hear you…”
“Mmm.”, Eren trashed above her, mouth working around the gag to make another “Mhhm.”
“Oh well, since you can’t speak I guess I’ll have to decide for myself.”, changing her hold Mikasa let the tips of her fingers drum against the head, “Hmmm, what am I going to do with you…”
Eren gave up on “mmm-ing” for now, knowing that she would just make fun of him for it and fell back to his previous tactic which was praying silently and hoping that Mikasa won’t do anything too cruel. For once luck was on his side.
“I guess that I can give it a try.”, she decided, tugging his boxers out of the way and throwing them somewhere in the room. Now he was fully naked beneath her while Mikasa didn’t take a single piece of clothing off. Domination, what a magical activity.
Finally uncovered, Eren’s length was now standing at full mast, begging for attention that Mikasa didn’t know if she wanted to give. Seeing the head glisten so much just from the foreplay did make her happy though. The process of converting her vanilla Dark Knight into a “Darker” one was going along swimmingly.
Ever the tease Mikasa took her time in kissing and biting the sensitive skin of Eren’s crotch, completely ignoring the erect part in the middle. Only when the whines from above grew truly desperate did she grace it with a look.
Just to see the reaction and because she wanted to Mikasa's finger flicked the glistening part, causing a flair of pain to shoot up in Eren’s brain. Look, nipples are sensitive but it's nothing compared to this, and he gave it the appropriate reaction by the tension that appeared in his legs and the protesting noise.
Too bad, because Mikasa found it fun.
Grabbing the length and angling it to the side she sank her teeth into it instead, and that was quite something. The muffled scream amused her greatly, especially knowing that it wasn’t so bad because she didn’t put much force behind the bite. To his credit – Eren didn’t move his hands from where they lay, fisting the bedding instead. In a corner of his mind he was very much aware of the fact that should he disobey Mikasa the punishment could be severe – even worse than this small innocent bite.
Seeing that he didn’t protest or fight back, she decided that it was a time for a reward. The carrot and stick analogy worked only if there was some carrot to balance out the stick. Closing her mouth around the head she sucked on it lightly, moving her hand up and down over the rest of his length.
It was amazing, and if Eren would be pressed he would confess that it was even more amazing than usual. Mikasa, during their relationship, did the thing she always did – set her mind on becoming good at literally anything and fulfilled that. Her blowjobs evolved from okay to fucking great to oh my god I could die right now and I would go as a happy man. That was the one Eren was getting, and combined with how restrained his body was?
All the pain and suffering Mikasa put him through was instantly worth it and he would go through it again and again just to feel this – the way her tongue toyed with the head, how she swallowed around his length to ease the passage down into the throat.
It was a test of Mikasa too because she really wanted to push her finger up Eren’s ventilation shaft – if you catch her meaning. But no, jamming your digit into your partner’s ass is a dick move if done without consent, plus it was something they had to work towards first. One day she would claim that place too, but not today. Eren was already giving her so much, there was no need to push his boundaries.
To prevent herself from doing something she would regret Mikasa occupied her hand differently, by sliding it into her underwear. She was wet, understandably so, and her fingers slid nicely along her opening. As her mouth slid down his length so did her digits found their way inside herself.
Dividing her attention between the blowjob and her own pleasure, Mikasa worked them both up to a nicely excited state but not too much – she didn’t want either of them to finish right now. With a few more swallows around him she let Eren in deep, the tip bumping the back of her throat and forcing a gag reflex. Not one to give up she fought against it, managing to deepthroat him in a few tries.
So low she went that Mikasa’s nose brushed over the pubic hair in the region, giving him as much space as she physically could. The pleasured groaning from above was worth it, and tilting her head she could see the trail of drool running down Eren’s chin, proof of just how much control he was losing over his body. She liked that, and it made the place between her legs tingle. Okay, that should be good enough. With a pop Mikasa pulled the fingers from her wetness, intent on finally getting on with the show.
But not before playing with Eren’s balls for a bit.
Forcing herself to stop after a while, Mikasa pulled back and straightened her back, not minding the spit that was now smeared all over him. Fishing a condom from her nightstand and reminding herself for like a hundredth time that she has to look into other forms of anti-conception because she wanted Eren to do her raw, Mikasa tore the packet open with the teeth. The implant thing looked good as a long-term solution, or maybe some pills so she could…
Another “mmm” from Eren reminded her that she should focus on the task at hand.
“Relax babe,”, she praised him a little, “I got you.”
With a movement that she learned from practicing on bananas, Mikasa rolled the condom over his length in one swift movement. She could do that with her mouth too, but since Eren was blindfolded there was no reason to use that now – no one to impress.
The next step was to prepare herself, so the goth pushed the – at this point quite soaked – panties down her legs, kicking them away. Unlike Eren she was still fully clothed, and that gave her a feeling of power Mikasa enjoyed. No other piece needed to be removed, because she was wearing a skirt and her fishnet stockings ended at the upper thighs, held in place by garters, meaning that the important part of her body was uncovered.
Or maybe the skirt could go too, it would only get in the way.
Unzipping the short red-and-black piece and throwing it away she moved herself up on the knees, positioning her opening above the latex-covered head. To tease a little she dragged it against her slit but didn’t let Eren in yet, rubbing it against her clit instead. It felt surprisingly good.
“Mmph.”, from above, a crinkle of the chain as Eren’s hands moved involuntarily.
“Shhh, patience.”
A few more slides had Eren truly groaning into the ball gag, drool leaking from the corner of his lips even more. Okay, enough is enough, it would be a shame for him to tap out now.
“Time for your reward,”, she purred,  “since you behaved so well.”
Grabbing the length and angling it correctly Mikasa sat down, moaning slightly when the tip penetrated her outer lips. She was wet and the condom was lubed, so it went in fairly nicely yet Mikasa still went slow, loving the feeling of total control. Down and up she slid, impaling herself inch by delicious inch, feeling the stretch of her sex as she accommodated the length.
Beneath her, Eren was having the time of his life. Blowjob into sex was an incredible treat, and he was slowly realizing that being a submissive can honestly be pretty damn great. Sure, he was in Mikasa’s power but she was also focused on his needs only. Not that he didn’t enjoy going down on her, because she had a unique taste that he honestly liked, but this was an interesting change of pace. And, if he was being honest with himself, the pain did tingle a part of his brain that Eren didn’t know he had.
Ever since they broke the “intimate” barrier and started having sex, Mikasa enjoyed the cowgirl position. Riding Eren gave her the control she enjoyed, same as with the blowjob, and unlike that activity this gave her pleasure as well. He was far from complaining about it too, as Mikasa on top was an amazing experience – not only because of the feeling but the sight too. Her sitting on top of his hips, those amazing mouth-watering abdominals jerking back and forth or up and down, pleasuring both him and herself by their connection. He loved when she touched herself while being on top, rubbing her clit in rapid tiny circles, did his best to assist her too. He loved that uncontrollable spasms of her muscles once Mikasa got close, leaning back to grab onto his thighs as she rode him to their completion. He loved it when she tilted her face up, hair fanning behind her head like a midnight curtain, moaning out loud.
Yup, amazing.
The blindfold unluckily robbed Eren of such a sight right now, but the loss of senses meant that everything he felt now was that more intense. Which was nothing short of amazing, considering that the most sensitive part of his body was squeezed in a vice-like grip of Mikasa’s sex, parting wet and hot walls as she kept sliding down and down.
And then she was fully seated on his hips, taking a moment to catch her breath. The stretch was there, and despite being delightful Mikasa had to move a bit to make her body truly appreciate it. For now, she was only feeling full, too full maybe as he was quite well endowed. So, after a small breather, Mikasa began sliding back and forth, stretching herself.
The sliding changed into circles, her hips knowing what to do automatically at this point. Small, then bigger ones, she circled until the unpleasantness trickled away. Stretched out and ready Mikasa moved on to the next part of her plan.
Up and high she went, almost too high as Eren’s length was taken away from its warm happy place, an act that he didn’t appreciate. With a needy “mmm” from his gagged mouth, hips moved in chase of hers, trying to place himself back into that amazing muscled sheath. Normally this would be okay, as Mikasa appreciated when he tried helping her riding him, but tonight was not a normal night.
“Down.”, she growled, her hand pushing at Eren’s abdomen with that unnatural strength her lean body possessed, “No moving.”
Forced back into the mattress, Eren whined in protest but obeyed. To remind him of her dominance, Mikasa leaned forward until her face was right in front of his. Taking a hold of Eren’s chin she forced his head to stay still – gazing into the place where his emerald eyes were, hidden beneath the blindfold.
“I said,”, her hot breath washed over Eren’s face when she spoke, “Stay still.”
There was still a little rebellion in the creak on his forehead, and Mikasa wanted an obedient sub tonight.
“If you disobey me again I will stop completely, get off of you, pull out my vibrator and then all you can do is listen to me moan while I make myself cum.”, she threatened him, “Understood?”
Eren’s nostrils flared when he breathed, his fucked-out brain filling with the dread this course of action would cause. Being kept on the edge was one thing but edging without a happy ending was not an experience Eren would like. A defeated “Mmm.”, left his gagged mouth, indicating his full surrender.
Like the kind mistress she was, Mikasa patted his cheek again.
“Good boy.”
And then she was leaning backward – ready to take her cowgirl to the next level. Hands anchored on Eren’s thighs, feet found purchase on her black bedding and slowly yet surely Mikasa was striking a tempo again. Slowly was the right word because she started very slow, testing if Eren would truly obey her. Once more she went up, unsheathing him from herself almost completely, and waited at the top. To her pleasant surprise there was no reaction apart from the little whine. It would appear that Eren had been truly broken.
Very well then.
With no need to test him anymore and more than ready to go at it Mikasa began riding him in the earnest. Up and down, up and down, up and down. The bed creaked beneath them, the slaps of her ass into his hips loud in the room. The gag that until now was only robbing Eren of the ability to speak was useful for once because he could sink his teeth into it. Close, he was very close but finishing before Mikasa would be disrespectful to all the work she did, and he clenched his muscles to hold himself back.
Realizing how on edge Eren was, Mikasa slid one hand down to rub at her clit, the wet sounds joining those already produced by his length disappearing into her. And the coil tightened and tightened and tightened, and it was doing so faster than usual because anytime Mikasa opened her eyes she saw this-
Eren beneath her, hands above his head in complete surrender, red lips clenched around the gag and eyes behind a blindfold. Wrists – cuffed together too. The proof of her conquest was everywhere – the scratches on his body, the trail of black lipstick everywhere. The bites were there too, littered all over the skin, and it all culminated into one thing and one thing only.
Finally, they were doing it, moving past the vanilla stage into something Mikasa enjoyed more, and it did wonders to her libido. At the threshold for now but Eren was one foot over, being pulled in by his enchanting girlfriend. Their exploration began here, but where did it end? Well….
The possibilities combined with the pleasure Mikasa was receiving both from her hand and the twitching length inside her and finally keeled her over. The coil snapped and Mikasa gasped loudly, her body going into that strange mode where she had no control of it yet it kept moving. Unable to bounce anymore it resorted back to sliding and it only made the climax that much better.
Eren could hear it because she was loud enough to overcome the rushing blood, and he could most definitely feel it because her sheath collapsed all around him, the walls caving in and squeezing him almost painfully. There were limits to what his body could do and resisting the incredible massage Mikasa’s sex could produce once it was stuck in its climax were far above them.
With yet another long and drawn-out moan Eren came too, emptying himself in the rubber with several jerks of the hips. And then they were still, with Mikasa’s body collapsed on top of his, doing little more than breathing…
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that she regained enough control to push herself up and roll away from his body. Mikasa disposed of the condom too before pulling the blindfold from Eren’s eyes. The first thing she noticed were the small tears in the corners of his eyes, but the fear that she’s overdone her first lesson disappeared the moment the gag was pulled out because his mouth formed a huge, immensely satisfied smile.
“So?”, she asked, still nervous about his answer, “Did you like it?”
The nervousness came from several sources- first – this was the first time Mikasa ever dommed anyone other than herself, second – she wanted this to work because she enjoyed it so much. But any feeling of dread was useless because Eren’s answer blew it out of the water.
“Did I like it? I loved it!”
“You did?”
“Yea! That was amazing.”
“Well… good.”
“No, good doesn’t cut it honestly.”, knowing no other way to say thanks, Eren surprised Mikasa with a kiss, one that she happily returned.
“Thank you.”, he whispered against her lips, covered by smudged black lipstick, “I love you even more now that you showed me this.”
“Does that mean that we are doing more in the future?”
The grin was everything Mikasa hoped for.
“You bet.”
But now he was tired, and so was she, and both of them needed a shower. While they both shared sweat and other things, Eren’s body was also covered by black smudges, a reminder of the route Mikasa took to reach that place between his legs.
And honestly? She should finally undress. Oh, and take the cuffs away from Eren’s wrists, that should be done too.
“Shower?”, she asked, getting a quick nod in return.
“After that, can you show me some other toys you have?”
“Damn, this eager?”
“I don’t want to use them! I mean, not yet, but I would like to see what else you have stashed.”
You know what? A small fetish-exploring tour of Mikasa’s collection was a better plan for the night than watching a movie. Yes, even if it was Twilight.
“Sure.”, she agreed, getting up from the bed and pulling Eren up too.
Hand-in-hand they headed towards the bathroom with Mikasa leaving a small trail of clothing behind her. They could always pick them up later, and Levi wasn’t here to chew her out for it.
13 notes · View notes
blainehellyes · 4 years
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Dr.Anika Warren)
Words: 3.5k ..I just..went off w this
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, trauma, swear words??
Author’s Note: Okay yall so idfk what this is tbh. I just had an idea and went on to write 3.5k words about it. This is my interpretation of the  aftermath of ch.11. I genuinely don’t know if this makes sense or it’s just a bunch of words slammed together.
Also, I did not really proofread this so please do feel free to point out any mistakes. I’m sorry for the mistakes.
I’m scared of writing people OOC and I’m still learning so please keep it in mind.
Anyway, I did not make it two parts but it’s pretty long so yeah.
Anika’s thoughts will be in italics.
 It had been almost 16 hours since the combined diagnostics team along with her friends barged into the isolation ward and told her that they had found a cure. Eight hours since Ethan said the magic words 
“Get up. There are no traces of the toxin in  your body.”
She had been lightheaded, whether it was from happiness or if it was from some weird side effect she didn’t know about was up in the air. She was still a bit wobbly.
In her 29 years of living, Dr.Anika Warren had not had such a whirlwind of a day. 24 hours ago ,she was barging into the senator’s room trying to stop an assassination. She didn’t know how she got caught up in a death trap but after that it was as if her brain had recorded every single moment with perfect accuracy.The whole thing was playing in a loop , the cannister being deployed, Rafael Aveiro, superman and ultimate idiot jumping in to protect her , Danny and Bobby Gunderson’s life leaving his eyes in front of her. She had watched a lot of people pass away in her career, and each one affected her . No matter how much she wanted to get used to it. But this was different, this was a man who was talking to her about how he wanted to afford a car for his daughter’s 16th. Bobby used to greet her with a smile every day, and even with minimal interaction she had gotten close to him.
And now his daughter won’t have a father, much less a car. And it’s because you were dumb enough to jump in to the room before having backup.
She pushed the thoughts away as she wearily walked through Edenbrook’s long corridors. 
Most of her friends had returned home in hopes of having some rest, but she couldn’t. Raf was still admitted, albeit not in a coma and she couldn’t just leave him. She didn’t want to leave anyway,trying to get as much done as she could to distract herself. She didn’t want to face her thoughts, which she would eventually have to when she’d go home. But for now, she was delaying the inevitable by trying to help any and every doctor she came across. 
“Dr.Warren? Why are you still here?”
Esme. I love her but dear god if one more person tells me to go home I’ll start crying in the middle of the corridor.
“Uhh, I’m just finishing off some work. You should be too , Dr.Ortega. Stop interrogating people and get to work.”
Wow when did I become Ethan? That was one of the most out of character things I’ve ever said. Looks like his personality is seeping into me. 
“ Um..Anika? You good? No offense but that really doesn’t sound like you. ”
“Then what does it sound like, Dr.Ortega?”
“ It sounds like you’re trying to put on a tough person persona to deflect questions”
This girl is way too smart. Am I the only dumb one here with no people skills or…?
 “ I just..I just don’t want to go home. And I don’t want to talk about it. Please don’t mind”
Please leave me alone please please please 
Esme shrugged but the look of concern on her face wasn’t gone. “If that’s what you want then sure. Take care of yourself, I’m not the one who almost died" 
 With that she turned around and left. 
Anika continued to make her way through the hospital. Her mind was racing with the possibilities of what could have happened. She could not stop thinking about how she trusted the senator, but most of all, one thing was repeating in her mind. 
So, Ethan Ramsey, are you single?
Ethan looked at me for a brief second
"I’m sorry… But no, I’m not" 
He had actually admitted his feelings on national television. Well, almost but the point still stood.
And yet it’s complicated. He’s not single but we’re not dating. What the fuck Ethan Ramsey? We doing Schrodinger dating or what? 
This was her hell.
"Dr. Warren?" 
This time, she wasn’t annoyed at her name being called. This time, it was more relief than frustration. 
"Anika..?” Ethan’s voice hit her once again. 
“Um.. Hi” she didn’t know what to say. Her face was flushed from thinking about the moment they shared after the interview, and all the subtle moments that had in the past few months. 
“You’re supposed to be home. But Dr.Ortega did mention something about you not wanting to. What is it?" 
Ah there it is. Damn you Esme. I mean, no but yes.
"It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it”
She tried to sound as normal and unbothered as she could. She didn’t want to even think about it, much less talk it out which would just make it much more real for her. She wanted to live in denial and pretend everything was normal for a while. 
 Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden hold on her wrist. She snapped back into reality to notice that Ethan was pulling her somewhere. It was in the general direction of his office so she presumed that much but couldn’t help protesting the sudden force.
“Wai- Wha- Where are you taking me?!”
The reply only affirmed her presumption.
“To my office, Rookie. You’re clearly not well and you need to rest and if you won’t go home I’ll make sure you rest here.”
Why is this man so stubborn? I love him but why?
They were soon in his sparsely decorated office. Everything was organised with no stray papers or journals lying around which was usually the case with most of the other offices in the hospital.  Ethan sat her down on the couch and sat down beside her.
“Wait, I thought you wanted me to rest. What is this Dr.Ramsey? A plot to get me alone with you hmmm..?” She wanted to get alone with him. Ever since the confession the other night and him saying he wasn’t single, she needed some answers. 
“No. I just wanted to ask you about why exactly you didn’t want to go home. Dr.Ortega told me you looked disturbed and kind of in a trance and I got worried” Ethan said with worry clearly etched onto his face 
Why the hell is he so cute even when he’s worried? I’m so so in love ugh
His palm touched her face , snapping her out of her thoughts yet again. His gentle touch was something she wasn’t yet that used to, and he had been much more gentle and kind since the confession the previous night. He was acting so unlike the Ethan she knew and she had to get used to this. 
“Tell me , Anika. What’s wrong? Talk to me. I’m here.”
Memories of the previous few days flooded her all at once. Her poaching the senator from MK, him intruding on the diagnostics team meetings, Travis behaving so normally that she could never in a million years imagine him being such a …. psychopath. 
The phone call she overheard, her disappointment on how she trusted a politician who wanted the same things as everyone else.
She was spiralling, and she was spiralling hard. It was hard not to, she was feeling guilty. She wanted to go back and not agree to June’s idea. She wanted to undo the whole thing.
Ethan noticed her face contorting with the painful memories and he immediately took her into his arms and that was all it took for her to start sobbing. 
“ I just..I feel guilty Ethan. I shouldn’t have gone to MK, I shouldn’t have followed June’s advice. I shouldn’t have trusted a politician. And most of all I shouldn’t have ran into the room like some kind of a superhero in a Hollywood movie without having proper back up”
Ethan’s face was grim. He understood the guilt over going over to MK and stealing their patient, he had been feeling it too. But he couldn’t understand the other feelings, it would be impossible to. He wanted to comfort her, let her know that she did absolutely nothing wrong but he knew his words wouldn’t matter much. 
Ethan’s thoughts were interrupted by more violent sobs, she was breaking in front of him and he couldn’t take it. He hugged her tighter and whispered sweet nothings, trying to tell her that she was only trying to do something good. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong Anika, you were doing your duty. You wanted to help. It’s okay, you’re okay. You’re here. ”
He wanted to comfort her and never hear her cry again.
Anika on the other hand couldn’t stop. She felt bad, she felt bad when she thought about Danny and Sienna , when she thought about Bobby Gunderson and his daughter. “ Sienna probably hates me.." 
Ethan was taken aback by that comment, if he had noticed one thing about Dr.Trinh ,it was that she was someone you could absolutely trust. Her hating Anika was far fetched. ” She won’t, why would she hate you? She was so scared Anika, she was so scared that you would ….“ He couldn’t complete the sentence. He couldn’t even complete the though. 
” No, Ethan. Sienna loved Danny. And..and if I hadn’t..if I hadn’t..done something so stupid..he would still be here..they had a future Ethan, they really did..“ and she broke down into another fit of sobs. 
Ethan didn’t know what to do. He held her and helped her cry it out. Eventually the exhaustion hit her and she somehow fell asleep. He noticed though,that she had a fever. And was in the process of waking her up gently and giving her some medicine that the door opened. 
Naveen Banerji was worried. He was worried about Rafael , the paramedic he had somehow grown close to. He was worried about Ethan , his mentee and his "son”. But most of all, he was worried about Dr.Warren. She had taken the toll of the previous days hard and as soon as he heard that she was acting unusual, he wanted to find her. He couldn’t though and decided that the best way to approach this was to ask Ethan.  
He had just opened the door when he saw that Anika was with Ethan in the room, and they both looked very cosy. Ethan was in the process of giving her some kind of medication and he didn’t want to interrupt but it was clear that they had been having a moment.  And Anika looked deathly pale and after listening to a concerned Dr.Ortega about how she was a walking zombie and how he should force her to take time off work and seeing it himself, he decided to actually listen to Dr.Ortega and give Anika a week off. 
He silently closed the door as he did not want to interrupt and instead paged Ethan to come to his office. He not only wanted Anika to take a few days off work, he wanted Ethan to take care of her. He had never seen Ethan so happy with anybody before and it hurt him to see them push each other away. And if this was a chance for him to push Ethan towards his happiness, he would use it. 
Ethan had just finished giving Anika a tablet for her temperature and let her fall asleep again when his pager beeped. He walked briskly to Naveen’s office, curious to know why he called him. It was rare, getting paged by Naveen so he was a bit nervous. 
When he had entered and sat down, Naveen wasted no time in getting to the point. “ I’ve heard that Dr.Warren has been showing some trauma symptoms lately, and she has gone through a lot so I want to give her a week off” he said.
Ethan was happy, he wanted this to happen but he was confused as to why the chief had told him this .
“ Before you ask me why and how this concerns you, I want you to know that I want you to take care of her in this one week. And hence , I am giving you a whole week off too” Naveen finished with a smile on his face.
Ethan was surprised. He wanted to spend time with her, especially after his late night revelations. But taking a whole week off work was out of question. The diagnostics team would be two members down and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Naveen, that simply isn’t feasible. It’s already hard with a nurse down and a doctor down and me going would make it all the more difficult for the team.”
Naveen cut him off, he didn’t want to hear it
“ Son, just listen to me this time. I’ll take over the diagnostics team myself for the week and the workload can be handled. I want you both to take a while off and figure things out and that’s all I’ll say. Nothing you say will change this decision.”
Ethan didn’t have the heart to protest. Even though he was worried about how the team would function without two members, the fact that Naveen would take over eased him. 
Besides that, he really did want to forget the world for a bit and just hold her in his arms. The endeavour the previous day had shown him how much he cared and after that , he couldn’t keep her away. He almost lost her, and in those few hours where he had to put up a brave façade for the hospital while he was breaking inside were the worst few hours in his entire life. 
He didn’t know what he would do without her, just the thought of not having her jab at him randomly, do weird things just to annoy him and all of her little quirks which frustrated him to no end in the beginning which he had grown to love killed him. He needed her. 
He walked through the hospital to his office to find her awake and scrolling through her phone. This comforted him a bit as she looked tranquil and didn’t have the worry on her face like earlier. 
He entered the room and her face immediately lit up. This was something he would never tire of seeing , her smile. It made him feel all excited and warm. 
“ Ethan! I was waiting for you!” She chirped. He loved her voice and it automatically brought an easy smile onto his face.
He sat down beside her , absentmindedly stroking her hand and started speaking.
“ Naveen has ordered both of us to take a whole week off. He wouldn’t listen to anything. "  He said with a bemused smirk on his face. This whole idea of Naveen, was amusing to him. It was such an obvious attempt at getting them together that he couldn’t help but laugh at it.
” Wait what? What about the diagnostics team?! They can’t function with two members down. I mean they can but what if we get an important case?! What about my patients? What about your patients? This simply won’t-“
Ethan cut her off with a kiss. He wanted to do that for so long and looking at her get so worked up about the hospital was too cute for him to control himself. 
” Oh my ,Dr.Ramsey, so forward of you. I didn’t think someone like you could do something so scandalous" Anika chuckled between kisses and Ethan was too absorbed to even take offense to the statement.
Eventually, they got up and made their way to Ethan’s apartment. Anika had to inform her flatmates , everyone looking at her with raised eyebrows except Sienna , who she couldn’t look in the eyes. She also made sure to check up on Raf and Kyra, and shed a few tears looking at them. She was glad that both of them were alright because she wouldn’t forgive herself if anything happened to anyone. 
Ethan’s apartment was as she remembered, clean and monochromatic. At this point, she had visited enough for her to just walk straight in and start playing with Jenner without any hesitation. Ethan loved seeing her like this, in his home , comfortable. He couldn’t help but imagine a future where she would just live there instead of visiting. 
After taking a shower ,they started working on dinner. Ethan didn’t want to make her work at all but she was adamant about helping. Watching her move across the kitchen with ease made him happy. But he didn’t forget to make her rest, as she was still weak which was evident when she lost focus suddenly and fainted.  Ethan dropped his spatula into the pan and rushed to get her up. She had started to have a rise in her temperature again. 
“ You can’t keep doing this Rookie , you’re sick and you’re literally working yourself to exhaustion. Now just take your medicine and relax , okay? I’ll take care of dinner.” He cooed into her ears as he lifted her up and carried her to his bed. 
Anika obliged with a pout, not letting him go back without a proper kiss. She wanted him to stay but her stomach rumbling made it obvious that she needed food. And the only source of food was Ethan cooking and she had to let him go.
Her fever had subsided by the time he poked his head into the bedroom telling her that dinner was ready. She had almost fallen asleep, exhaustion taking over her but dinner was important.
I need to talk to him about the interview. And the night before. I need to talk to him about so much. 
They had dinner in relative peace, having proper substantial food after all the hospital food she had eaten felt good. They were I’m easy conversation and she didn’t have the heart to bring up the topic of feelings.
He will shut down , and I don’t want him to shut down. 
Only when they had completed eating and ended up in bed cuddling could she force herself to ask him. 
Just do it Anika. It’s not too hard. He won’t push you away. Trust yourself. 
“ Ethan?” She spoke up with a timid voice. In the hospital, she was the person who would talk back when anything was wrong or if anybody did anything questionable, but here she was out of her depth.
“ Yes?” He answered with an inquisitive tone.
“I wanted to ask you about something” she went on. “ Uh..um.. the interview when you said you weren’t single..” she took a deep breath. 
Come on , just say it. Why are you so anxious?! 
Ethan immediately tensed up a bit. He meant every single word he said, both in the interview and in the night that followed and yet, he didn’t know how to approach this.  He was looking at her intently , waiting for her to continue when she started speaking again.
“ Yesterday night, when you talked about how you regretted keeping me away and how you wished you didn’t do it… did you mean it?” She finished, bracing for impact. She was so sure that he’d push her away yet again and they’d have to spend the rest of the week in awkwardness that his next words took her a moment to register. 
“ I meant every single word , Anika” he said, bringing her closer to him. He kissed her forehead and continued. “ I meant it. All of it. You are the light in my life, my sunshine. When I saw you behind the glass, covered in that grease , my heart stopped. I had to pick myself up and put on a face for the team but I was breaking into a million pieces. Each time I failed to diagnose what was wrong , I remembered that I could lose you. And that broke me even further. There was nothing I wanted to do more than run into the room and hold you in my hands. I can’t live without you Anika, I don’t want to imagine a life without you. ”
By this point , both of them were in tears. They were hugging each other, tears flowing freely. 
“ I was so scared ,Ethan. I just wanted to be in your arms. And I was scared for Raf. When you told me we had lost Danny, I realised I couldn’t lose Raf. And every moment, all I wanted was to be with you. You’re the most important thing in my life , Ethan. And I was so scared to talk to you about this, so scared that you would push me away again.”
Ethan took a sharp breath. Pushing her away after all this was impossible. He hugged her tighter , letting her cry , letting himself cry it out. 
“ I won’t push you away. I won’t ever push you away. I’m all in if you are” he said, through tears. 
Anika looked at him and could see a vulnerable man. She could see he was scared too, to admit his feelings and to let his walls down and she was determined to never hurt him.
“ I’m all in ,Ethan. Forever. ”
That night was one of the best nights of their lives. They just spent it cuddling and talking to each other about their dreams, their aspirations and themselves. 
Ethan hadn’t felt so at ease in years. He was ready to take care of her forever. He had never imagined falling in love but now, he couldn’t imagine not being in love. 
And that night , they knew that the next seven days and the rest of their lives would be amazing. 
And this, was her heaven.
Tag List? Sort of?
@drethanramslay @hatescapsicum @nooruleman @anonymously-cool @mrsbhandari @kaavyaethanramsey @apphia12 @queencarb @mvalentine @openheart12 @starrystarrytrouble
@crazynutella tagging @oofchoices @ohramsey if yall are interested
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Can I request an imagine for Undertaker? Reader is his apprentice. (Mortuary not reaper apprentice) and her school is offering her a different funeral home for her career which upsets Undertaker. But reader tells him that she already turned down the offer because she likes London and. "Why would I leave the only man I've ever loved?""
Oh wow I loved writing this one!! Be warned; I went absolutely overboard, it’s probably far more dramatic than you were looking for and we’ve hit the 2000 word mark!! Whoo hoo! Also, there’s angst in the middle, but much fluff either side. Enjoy!
It was bright and early in the morning when you arrived at your place of work - well, place of apprenticeship at least. It was not the first choice most people went for, you supposed, when choosing a career, but you had always had your sights set on entering the funeral business. You found there to be something peaceful and somehow satisfying in organising a person’s final celebration. You also had something of a weird sense of humour, which was no doubt the main reason for getting on so well with a certain funeral director. It must have been coincidence that your apprenticeship led you to one particular, peculiar little parlour, or perhaps an unusually kind turn of fate.
You entered the shop without once trying to check for your keys, knowing the door was almost always open. A grin made its way onto your face in preparation for greeting the shop’s owner, your technically-boss whom you had grown incredibly fond over across the span of the past few months. You glanced around the front room, eyes much happier in the darkness compared to the bright sunlight failing to beam through the dusty window on the door. When a characteristic creaking of hinges scratched past your ears, you turned to the coffin propped up against the wall on your immediate left, only to be greeted by a flying bear hug. Something you had learned about the mortician fairly early on in this apprenticeship was his entire lack of comprehensibility with regards to personal space. It was simply not something he payed any mind to. Luckily for you, it was never something you were overly concerned about either.
The breath left your lungs in a graceless huff as you were crushed against Undertaker, who was utterly thrilled at your scheduled appearance. You could practically feel the excitement radiating off him. Laughing, you wrapped your arms around him in return, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
“Good mornin’, m’lady,” he started in a singsong tone, “and what is it I can help you with today?” You chuckled even more at his hilarious antics. It had been like this for a while now, ever since Undertaker had acclimatised to your presence and come to realise how much you both had in common. You were not much different, having been delighted upon realising your similarities and confusion towards people who considered themselves ‘normal’. Anyone out of the ordinary was always a far more interesting character. You treasured the moments you got to spend with the mortician, so much so that you had approached him around a month ago to ask if you could start coming in on weekends as well, even though the apprenticeship only required weekdays. To say he was ecstatic after that request would be the understatement of the century.
“You know, some tea and a biscuit or two really wouldn’t go amiss,” you confessed in a stage whisper, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye as though checking there was no one else to hear your request.
“My dear, I couldn’t agree more. I just finished a fresh batch.” With that, he whisked you away through the door leading to the kitchen. That was something else you loved about being with Undertaker - he very rarely called you by your actual name. It was always ‘my dear’, or ‘my lady’ when he was messing about. He had begun to adopt ‘love’ more recently too. Even thinking about it brought a warmth to your chest, made your heart swell. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were the only one he called by such names. You already spent most of your time at the funeral parlour; the only visitors he seemed to get outside of blurry-eyed customers was a young earl and his butler, although you got the impression that he was not overly fond of you being around at the same time as they were. It occurred to you, not for the first time, that craving physical contact as he did was probably due to loneliness, at least in part. Not that he would ever admit feeling something so sad to you.
Undertaker had heard about it before even you did. Your school wanted to move you on to a different funeral home. You would get more experience, travel to different places, meet new people. Ultimately, it would make it easier for you when you started working full time at a funeral home, or eventually when you set up your own. He understood all of that perfectly.
It made no difference.
He thought about you working where they had suggested, a quaint place up in Yorkshire - all pink flowers and seaside communities. Nothing at all like the eccentric, dark place he ran. No mystery, no interesting past - not that he could think of, at least. And most importantly, nowhere near London. Of course, London came with its own set of problems; you were far more likely to get attacked here, mugged or the like, than in the North. But here, he was present to make sure that nothing happened to you. He was more than capable of doing so when you lived in the same city and you spent most of your time with him anyway. This was something that would not be possible if you left. And, frankly, why would you stay? What reason would have? Him? Please. As if you were some fairy tale princess choosing to stay with your prince over your own future. It just wouldn’t happen.
As such, he consigned himself to the fact. He went and baked a collection of biscuits to see you off with - after all, they had said you would have to leave immediately should you so choose, lest someone else take the spot reserved for you only within a time limit. Schedules and reports and formalities that Undertaker would never subject himself to again. You probably liked organisation.
He had not even tried to sleep after some self-righteous receptionist had rudely delivered the news that you would be leaving, with absolute certainty, even though it was not her choice to make. “I have been to your parlour before, to check it was a suitable place for a young apprentice. The rafters were still relatively stable, I suppose, but why on Earth she picked a place like yours to begin with…” Even over the phone, he could hear her frail, blossom adorned façade shudder in disgust. “I am sure I would never know.” He was now doubting himself, certain that whatever he thought you felt towards him, no matter how platonic, was just a figment of his isolated mind. Why would you pick him? Why would you? Why would you.
Therefore, he had obstinately decided to spend the night baking, so at the very least he would have a parting gift for you. You were supposed to have arrived five minutes ago.
“Half an hour! That wretched woman has made me half an hour late! Who does she think she is, trying to order me about over something that couldn’t be less to do with her!” She was not so much as in the department who organised the category into which your apprenticeship fell, she was just a general coordinator of venues!
Livid with your treatment, flustered by your late arrival and absolutely wound to the hilt, you made the fifteen minute walk to Undertaker’s in five. The door flew open as you burst through, loudly proclaiming your apologies through the haze of red that women had left on your vision, only to stop abruptly. The door creaked on its hinges, slamming shut with a sense of dreadful finality you didn’t think it was capable of.
“Undertaker?” Your voice came out quiet, confused, as you took in what was going on. He sitting. Sitting down properly, in the ordinary wooden chair behind his heavy oakwood desk. His elbows rested on the tabletop, fingers laced and chin hovering just above them. His hat was discarded on the floor beside him, a single, covered basket atop the desk. He was not smiling.
Now downright concerned, you frowned, dropping your coat unceremoniously across a coffin and quickly striding across the room, coming to a halt in front of the desk and resting your weight on your palms, on the opposite side to him. Your tone had taken on a stern quality now, having been given the distinct impression you would have to push him to gain any information at all.
“Undertaker, what’s wrong?” It couldn’t really have been called a question.
The mortician gestured a vague hand in the direction of the basket.
“They’re for you.” No greeting, no name, no amusement. It was like he had gone into clinical detachment for the sake of dealing with an inconsolable customer for the sake of not starting to cry along with them. Of course you knew what the basket was made up of, you would recognise the smell of those biscuits anywhere. You ignored them. Leaning fully across his desk, you gently grabbed Undertaker’s wrists, refusing to just leave it.
“What’s. Wrong?” He said nothing for a long while, then stood so abruptly that your hands were pulled from his wrists and you fell forwards slightly onto your forearms. When you looked up, the mortician had already shot away from where you were standing, making a fuss about the rows of suspect jars lining his shelves and blabbering on about understanding your choice, and wishing you luck … for the future?
With a sudden gasp of clarity, everything made sense. He thought you had taken up the offer. If he had spoken to the same woman as you had, she probably told him you were leaving. Hell, she had told you the same thing. Now, not only had she angered you, she had upset the most upbeat-in-his-own-way man you had ever met? Oh, no. You were not having that. Whipping around, you stormed to the other side of the room in seconds, grabbing the mortician by his shoulders and forcefully turning him to face you. You had pressed yourself against him in the next breath, one hand between his defined shoulder blades and the other against the curve of his lower back, pulling him ever closer to you. In shock, you supposed, he held his arms aloft above your head, as if he didn’t know what to do. As if you hadn’t done this thousands of times before. Your eyes squeezed shut as every muscle in your body tensed, refusing to let him go.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you murmured with a conviction he had never heard from you before. “Do you hear me? I’m staying. Whether you like it or not.” A short, sharp intake of breath on his part was your only reply. “I like it here. I like London. I like your shop. And most importantly…” You leaned back at this point, only far enough to be able to see his face. You swallowed, suddenly unsure of how he would react to this. It was too late now, you reasoned, you were already committed. The hand you had pressed between his shoulder blades quickly moved to his face, pushing back through his bangs and finally revealing his eyes. It was your turn to breath in sharply; the intensity of his burning chartreuse gaze immediately spearing straight through you was not something you had been expecting. Somehow though, you kept your train of thought.
“Why would I leave the only man I’ve ever loved?”
No sooner were the words out than he had moved. One arm glided around your waist, the other bracing your shoulders and fingertips gently touching over the soft hair at the base of your skull as his pale, soft lips carefully met yours. You had never seen him be so gentle, it hadn’t even occurred to you that he could be. Your chin tilted up immediately to meet his kiss, the hand entwined with his bangs returning to his back. He pulled away slowly, leaving you a panting, flustered mess in his arms. You never once broke eye contact. You could barely make out his words for how focused you were on his voice. Deep, soft, nothing like the jarring lilt he usually spoke with.
“I love you too.”
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ellavorer · 4 years
What did you think…? (2/2)
So, here I am with Part 2! I’ve worked really hard on these after I got such a great response.
Once again, I’d like to give a shout-out to @that-one-fandom-vore-blog. And I’d also like to give a shout-out to @gr00vyr0se, a fellow MJF fan and vore lover.
I hope all of you enjoy this second part, because I’ll be bombarding y’all with as much vore goodness as I can: headcanons, prompts, and hopefully an Ellex Christmas ficlet before Winter Break.
Also, if any of y’all have watched Netherbeast Incorporated, I might write a fic for Otto and Pearl if any of you want it.
Anyway, enough of me rambling. ENJOY!
Alex's eyes slowly opened. He ran his hand through his hair, though there was something in his subconscious telling him to keep the other hand pressed against his stomach.
Did I sleep in my clothes last night?
As he opened his eyes, he observed how everything in the house seemed... smaller. A brief memory flashed through his mind and he instinctively looked down at his stomach, which was exposed by his slightly unbuttoned shirt.
Oh, right...
The memories from last night come swirling back in his head: the panic, the emptiness in his stomach, the tears... and...
Did I actually...
Alex felt something stir in his gut and almost jumped before remembering that he was only a few inches below the ceiling, not wanting to hit his head again. He poked at his stomach, earning another movement from his prey.
"Ellen?" he asked nervously. "Are you awake?"
Ellen giggled as she rubbed at the stomach walls. "Good morning, Alex," she said with a smile.
"Oh, thank God," he sighed. "You're okay."
"Of course I'm alright," Ellen assured him, tracing random shapes onto the wall. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than yesterday. Full."
A low growl filled Alex's ears, but he didn't feel the same vibration he usually felt from under his skin. Not to mention it sounded a little muffled.
"Sorry, that was me," he heard Ellen apologize.
"Hey, that's fine," he said. "I heard last night that you shouldn't be put off by someone's tummy rumbling."
Ellen thanked God that he couldn't see her blush. She felt Alex pat at her shape, bringing her back down to Earth.
"You want me to cough you up so I can make breakfast and you can get a shower?" he suggested.
"Yeah, I guess."
Ellen allowed  herself to go limp to make it easier for him. Everything around her  tightened and the sound of his hacking cough rang through her ears. She  finally started moving upward, the muscles around her flexing, forcing  her back into his mouth. She lay on his tongue, curling into a ball so  she wouldn't make contact with his teeth.
He held her there a  moment. He couldn't help it. His tongue shifted under her little body,  once again, reacquainting himself with her taste. Drool was puddling on  his tongue, and try as he might to convince himself to spit her out gently, he ended up having to all but drop her onto the surface of his  palm.
"S-- sorry," he quickly apologized.
"No, it's okay," Ellen said, feeling herself being lowered to the ground. She set herself down onto her feet  and watched Alex shift back to his normal height.
"I'd hug you, but... you know," Alex gestured to her, bringing to her attention that she was slicked down with his spit.
Ellen laughed. "I really do need that shower. But, what are we gonna do about my clothes?"
"Just leave them outside the bathroom and I'll wash them."
"Wow, Alex P. Keaton doing laundry," Ellen mused.
Alex laughed. "And I'm sure that somehow Mallory left something behind that you can wear today."
Ellen gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she said.
"Ellen!" Alex pretended to whine.
"What...? Oh, right."
Alex wiped the spit away as Ellen walked up the stairs to the bathroom. He followed closely so he could get to his room and change into some fresh clothes. After he changed, he walked out of his room and saw Ellen's winter coat and clothes in a wet pile outside the bathroom door. He gingerly picked them up and went to the laundry room.
Ellen relentlessly scrubbed her entire body to get rid of the saliva. She closed her eyes as she washed her hair, her head continuously replaying everything from last night in her head: the noises of emptiness then contentment erupting from her boyfriend's stomach, his enjoyment of both external and internal massages... and he was completely fine with it once he got used to the idea.
Maybe he'd feel the same if I told him I wanted to try it...
The pancakes seemed to be taking their sweet damn time, Alex's stomach weighing in with low, pained growls. It just felt emptier without Ellen now, even emptier than it was the last night. He kinda missed having her there. But he knew he needed to have actual food in his system before they tried it out again.
But, what he considered the most was how... eager she seemed to be. His free hand trailed down to his stomach, trying to remember the sensation of Ellen's small hands against the walls of his belly. He would've lost himself in the memory if he hadn't smelled the pancakes burning.
Ellen walked into the kitchen, dressed in one of Alex's shirts and a pair of Mallory's sweatpants that she had left behind. She caught a whiff of the pancakes, taking in the scent. Her stomach let out a deep, empty groan that alerted Alex to her presence. He turned around and saw her pressing her hand against her flat stomach.
"Impatient?" he asked teasingly.
Ellen laughed shyly, sitting down at the table. "Sorry, it just smells so good."
Alex set two plates and two glasses of orange juice on the table and sat down across from her. "I should warn you that a few might be burnt. I was... thinking about last night."
Ellen had just began digging into her breakfast when he spoke, and froze. "What about last night?"
"I... I might like it to-- to try something like that again," he confessed quickly.
"You really mean it?" Ellen asked, trying to balance her tone. "You'd like to try it again?"
"Well, I think we should probably wait until I've digested my breakfast to... try it again," Alex said. "I don't think you'd enjoy staying in there with a bunch of chewed-up mush and orange juice. Plus, you just took a shower."
Ellen laughed, taking another bite of her pancakes. "Good thinking."
After brushing their teeth, the two of them were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie that didn't have to be returned to the video store until Monday, since the store was closed on Sunday.
But they couldn't really focus on the movie. Alex's stomach was making noises as it digested his breakfast. With each little burble, he noticed Ellen stealing glances at his middle, but jerking her head away when he looked at her.
"Here," Alex said, unbuttoning his shirt... just enough to expose his belly. He pulled Ellen close and adjusted her so her ear would be pressed against it. Within a few seconds, it let out a contented yet loud gurgle.
"To tide you over until lunch," he whispered.
In response, Ellen carefully wrapped her arms around his middle. With some hesitation, she gingerly began massaging his tummy.
"You really like this, don't you?" Alex asked, finding it somewhat endearing.
Ellen froze. "Y-- yeah."
"What about... what we did last night?" he asked, apprehensively.
"It was... nice," was all Ellen could say. "It... made me feel closer to you. And safe, protected."
"I... I feel the same way," Alex said. "I mean... since eighth grade, when I found out I was a shifter, I thought that made me a monster. But, with you... you made me see this in a whole new light. And when you were in here..." he put his hand to his stomach, "I felt like I could protect you from anything."
He kissed her head, laughing as her touch against his belly grew less hesistant.
"Maybe, around lunch, you could..." he began to suggest, but his stomach spoke up for him.
"I'd love to," Ellen murmured.
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years
Hi! Love all the fics you guys write :) could you guys do one where Jo and Alex were together before Alex even started his intern year? Like idk they met somehow while Jo was in college & Alex was in led school and started dating. Everyone tries to hook up with Alex but he’s got this super secret girlfriend that everyone makes fun of him for. They could still have a large age gap or they could be like a year or two apart. Basically, I just want to see Alex holding out for Jo and being super proud & showing her off when she gets into the residency program.
the one where they met in med school - part one
So... we absolutely LOVED this prompt, took it and ran with it. This originally was supposed to be a one-shot, but it kind of grew out of control and became what it is now.
This fic was written by @iamtrebleclefstories (Leya), @doc-pickles (Nina), and tumblr-less Nat
Tumblr media
                                                       (July 2006)
“Hey! I miss you,” Jo smiled as she talked into the phone. “How was your first week as an intern?”
“Honestly? It sucked. But it was also amazing. I don’t know if that makes sense,” Alex replied, shrugging although he knew she couldn’t see him. “And for the record, I miss you more.”
“That’s impossible. You’re so busy you don’t even have time to miss me,” Jo chuckled. “Me on them other hand? My life revolves around school and studying. Studying isn’t as fun without you around. I miss our study dates.”
“I do too,” Alex sighed. He really did miss her. A lot. All the time. He’d only been living in Seattle for a month and it was definitely a challenge. He really didn’t know how he was going to make it through the next year without her. “But at least you have Lexie there. You’re not completely alone.”
“Yeah you’ve got a point,” Jo hummed. “But Lexie doesn’t do all the things for me that you do, if you know what I mean.”
Alex groaned, “Stop it. We’re way too far away from each other to do this. I need you so bad right now and I can’t have you and it sucks.”
“Tell me about it,” Jo agreed. She couldn’t believe how far they’d come. She and Alex had been together for about 2 ½ years now. In all that time, they’d been attached at the hip. He was her best friend and she was his. It was odd not seeing him everyday. It was unnatural to sleep without him beside her at night like he’d been doing for years. “I have a week-long break next month though and I was thinking of coming to visit. I’ve saved up a bunch of money from tutoring undergrads.”
“Would it be bad of me to just keep you locked up in my apartment the whole time you’re here, because that sounds appealing,” Alex’s words sparked a string of laughter from Jo, making him sigh down the line. “I miss hearing your laugh and that makes me feel pathetic. It feels like I’m in one of those stupid rom coms you and Lexie forced me to watch all the time.” “We didn’t force you, you readily agreed to it, Karev,” Lexie’s voice echoed faintly in the background, Jo shushing her as the two bickered quietly. 
“Am I on speaker?” 
“Um… maybe?” Jo shrugged, knowing that he couldn’t see her through the phone. “You can’t possibly be embarrassed. Lexie has seen and heard worse from you.”
“I sure have,” Lexie yelled out from her spot across the room. “Keep going! Don’t let me stop you from being all mushy and talking about how much you miss Jo.”
Alex rolled his eyes, “Keep your comments to yourself, let me enjoy my girlfriend for a little while please.”
“So, tell me. Did you make any friends yet?” Jo asked. 
“What is this? Middle school?” Alex scoffed. “I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to become a surgeon. A kickass, rich, plastic surgeon.”
“Yes I’m sure between the scut work and the enemas you have plenty of time to dream about all the money you’re gonna make,” Jo giggled down the line. 
“Oh, you just wait. When you’re an intern I’m going to have you doing all my scut,” Alex warned playfully. “You’ll be sorry for making fun of my career aspirations.”
“I just can’t see you going into plastics,” Jo confessed, a large grin on her face. “Not that you wouldn’t be good at it, but I just don’t see it. Maybe general or ortho!”
“General? Wow I didn’t realize you thought so little of me,” Alex leaned back onto the brick wall behind him as he listened to the sounds of Jo’s quiet laughter. 
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with general,” Jo insisted. She groaned as she saw the time. The worst part about Alex moving across the country was the time difference. “I wish I could talk more, but I really have to get ready for bed. I will try to call you tomorrow evening.”
“I’m on-call tomorrow,” Alex revealed sadly. “I hate this. I went from going to bed next to you every night to struggling to even find some time during the day to talk.”
“I know,” Jo sighed. “I hate it, too. Of course I wish you were here, but I am so proud of you.  You’re living the dream right now, Alex. If that means I have to miss you for a little while, so be it.”
God, he really loved this woman. Alex smiled and clutched the phone tightly, “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too,” Jo answered. It still made her heart beat quickly whenever she heard him say those words. He’d been the first person to ever say them to her and mean it. “Go kick some ass.”
“I will,” Alex chuckled. “Goodnight.” 
Alex hung up his phone and sighed as he walked back into the bar across the street from the hospital. He walked back up to the group of his fellow interns and ordered a beer, staring at his phone for a moment before finally putting it back in his pocket. 
“What’s up with you?” Yang asked. “You look all, mopey.” 
“It’s nothing,” Alex shook his head.
“No, she’s right. You look depressed,” Grey seconded. 
“I’m fine,” Alex took a swig of his beer. “I’m just a little homesick.”
“You know what will cheer you up? Getting laid. You see that girl over there,” Yang pointed to a woman across the bar with red hair and blue eyes. “She’s been eyeing you for a while now. I’m sure if you asked she’d say yes.”
“I don’t need to get laid,” Alex narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re uptight. Isn’t he Stevens?” Yang asked the woman he’d identified as Dr. Model. 
“He is,” Stevens nodded, laying her hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I know we’ve only known each other for like a week, but this is the most disappointed and depressed that I’ve seen you. And that’s saying a lot, considering that we are surgical interns and basically slaves to the hospital.”
"I'm not depressed and I do not need to get laid," Alex grumbled, taking a swig of his beer. "If you must know, I was on the phone with my girlfriend."
"Evil Spawn has a girlfriend?" Cristina raised an eyebrow. "I didn't take you for a relationship type guy."
"Neither did I, but then I met her. So, just stop pestering and let me mope in peace."
"Wow. Karev has a heart," O'Malley chuckled and took a sip of his drink. "I didn't see that one coming."
“Oh screw you guys, why don’t you go get laid? Being so invested in someone else’s love life has gotta be a sign that you need to get some.”
                                                   (August 2003)
“Hey! You’re Jo right?” 
Jo turned around to see a young woman with short brown hair and brown eyes smiling at her. Jo outstretched her hand, “Yes. I’m Jo. You’re Lexie, my lab partner right?”
“Yup!  It’s so nice to officially meet you,” Lexie shook Jo’s hand. 
She seemed like a sweet and perky person. The exact kind of person that Jo didn’t normally associate with. For the longest time, Jo didn’t have any friends or get attached to anyone. She had two friends the entirety of her undergrad and typically didn’t look to make any more. Jo supposed it would be nice to have someone, "It's nice to meet you, too."
                                              (September 2003)
"I can't believe you actually did that!" Jo exclaimed as she and Lexie walked down to the lab. "You became another one of Karev's conquests."
"Honestly, I don't even regret it," Lexie confessed, a large smile on her face. "There is a reason why Leah is so hung up on him. He knows what he's doing. You should go for it. Sleeping with him is like a right of passage or something."
"Ew, no way," Jo faked a gag. "He's an ass. I have much higher standards than Alex Karev."
They entered the lab to find the program's resident man-whore going over some samples. Jo had to admit, he was pretty hot. Alex Karev was cocky and charming and incredibly intelligent. He was always getting the highest grades and was every professor's favorite student. She was into him. But she'd never say it out loud.
"Hey, Lexie," Alex smirked as they walked over to their stations. He gave Jo a once over and looked at her with one of his signature crooked grins. "Hello Lexie's friend. You got a name?"
Jo considered staying quiet but finally decided to respond, "Jo Wilson."
"Nice, I like chicks with boys' names."
"Karev, " Lexie warned.
"What? I do. It's hot," Alex shrugged.
"Alex, stop sleeping with all the first years. It ruins them," Lexie admonished.
"I slept with you," Alex pointed out. 
"Yeah, and it's never going to happen again. Besides, Jo's my best friend," Lexie shrugged. "I'm protective of her."
                                                (October 2003)
“I told you I didn’t need you to follow me,” Jo grumbled. “I can take care of myself.”
"Calm down,  princess. There's no need to get your panties in a twist," Alex rolled his eyes at Jo who'd been yelling at him for the past few minutes. They'd been studying with a group of friends in the library when Jo decided to leave and Alex offered to walk her home. “I just don’t think you should be walking home alone with that fancy watch on your wrist that daddy probably gifted you. Can’t risk someone mugging the princess.” 
"Stop calling me princess!" Jo shouted, turning to face Alex as anger bubbled up inside of her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself for a moment. "My mother left me at a fire station when I was two weeks old. I got bumped around foster homes until I was sixteen when I took matters into my own hands and started living out of a car. I parked it behind the gym of my high school so I could sneak in and use the showers before class. My home ec teacher--Ms. Schmidt--she’d let me do my laundry there for free. And yeah, I got into good schools because I worked my ass off. And when I walked across that stage at graduation, I didn’t have a cheering section filled with my richy-rich family. I had one person, Ms. Schmidt. That’s it. She’s the one who gave me this watch when I got into Med School. Her son works for the company.” 
Alex had the decency to look down at the ground ashamed. He walked up to the wall Jo was leaning against and stood beside her, “It is a nice watch.” 
The next time they see each other, things are different. Understanding Jo’s background gave Alex a deeper appreciation for her work ethic. Even though they were in different years, Alex found himself seeking Jo out for projects and studying. Being around her made him want to be better. He wanted to excel in ways he hadn’t in the past. And that said a lot, considering he was already at the top of his class. 
So that’s why when he saw her sitting at the bar a couple weeks later, he decided to join her. They’d had an argument earlier in the day where some things were said. Alex walked up to the bar and grinned at the bartender, “A beer for me and another round for Hobo Jo. Let me guess… Thunderbird or is it straight paint thinner?” Alex looked back up at the bartender. “You got a little brown paper bag you can put that in?”
“Would you stop,” Jo sighed and looked at Alex. “I had no parents. I lived in my car. Yes I have trust issues, it comes with the territory.” 
“You need to stop acting like you’re the only person who ever had a crappy childhood,” Alex rolled his eyes slightly. 
“Oh yeah? How many foster homes did you get kicked out of before you moved into your car?” 
“Seventeen. And I didn’t live in my car. I went to juvie,” Alex took a sip of his drink. 
“Stop making fun of me,” Jo shook her head. 
“I’m not.” 
Jo’s face scrunched in interest, “Really?”
“And you’re actually lucky that your folks abandoned you. It means you didn’t have to watch your schizo mom go after your baby brother with a steak knife.” 
“Fine, fair,” Jo conceded. “But you never woke up in the middle of the night with junkies banging on your bedroom windshield, praying they’d get tired or bored before they put a rock through a window.”
“No, I didn’t,” Alex shook his head in response. “Because the junkie was my dad and he didn’t break windows, just fingers.” 
“Well, did you ever have foster parents that made you and nineteen other kids sleep on cots in the basement? Locking the doors, lights out, so that if you had to pee in the middle of the night, you had to use buckets they set up along the wall. Buckets you couldn’t see because if you turned the lights on, the bigger kids would hold you down and take those buckets and--” Jo’s voice cracked slightly.
Alex bowed his head in sadness, “God… no, never.” 
“Me neither,” Jo shrugged. “Saw it in a movie on cable.” 
Alex’s mouth twitched into a shocked grin as he let out a few chuckles, “How did you get cable in your car?”
“I don’t live in my car anymore, jerk,” Jo giggled lightly. 
Her story must’ve done the trick to break the ice because before they knew it, Jo and Alex were well on their way to becoming best of friends. They laughed and joked together for hours, even going as far as fake crying to get out of paying their tab. 
“You know, you’re not half bad, Karev,” Jo grinned as she and Alex walked out of the bar. She clutched the sides of Alex’s jacket which he had so kindly allowed her to borrow. “I actually had a lot of fun tonight.” 
“So did I, Wilson,” Alex smiled back at her. “What do you say we grab some tacos and eat them in the back of my truck?”
“Sounds great to me.”
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zecretsanta · 4 years
To: @seen-true-evil
From: @windsorgirllove
Hello! For your gift I went with your Eric/Mira prompt, and I hope you enjoy longwinded talks about emotions! There will be a second chapter some time in January, because I ended up writing a lot more than I am prepared to edit right now, but I hope you enjoy!
They were alone in their apartment. Sean was over at Sigma’s getting some upgrade or other. The two of them were in the bedroom. Eric stood very still as Mira traced her finger along his shirt.
She paused over a seemingly random spot. "Right... here."
"You sure?"
"Positive." Mira nodded, mostly to herself. She tapped the spot again with her long nail. "Right here is where your heart is."
"Wow..." Eric brought his hand up to the spot she had indicated. Mira's hand skittered away when he brought his close, like a nervous spider. He lay his hand flat, palm down on his own chest. "That's incredible."
“It’s really not.” Mira shrugged, watching him. Her expression was even more unreadable than usual. "It's just anatomy. After a while it just comes down to memorization. But yours is right... there." She took his wrist and moved his hand to the left, slightly, and shifted it up. "Exactly there."
Eric looked down at himself. If he concentrated, he could almost feel his heart beating underneath his skin. "Huh."
They were both silent for a moment. Then Eric asked, quietly, "What... what do you remember?"
Mira raised an eyebrow. "What do you remember?" she asked him back.
Too much. Eric had been trying to sort through his memories since the desert, and every time he thought about it too much his head started hurting and he got dizzy. But a few things stood out.
"I... I think I died?" he said. "A few times."
"Any one in particular?" she asked, leaning against the dresser and crossing her arms. Eric sat down on the edge of the bed, hard, and folded his hands in front of him. Both of them were far too calm for the situation, in Eric's opinion. Discussing how you died wasn’t something calm, rational people do. He would gladly volunteer to be the person freaking out, except somehow he couldn’t. It was like someone had simply switched off the part of him that panicked. It would be nice if it weren’t so worrisome.
"Umm... in the library," he said, to answer her question. "The standoff. The kid shot me... no, wait, they tried to shoot you. And I jumped in front of you."
Mira nodded. "Both," she said. "At different times."
"How do you keep track of all of them?" he asked. “The timelines, I mean. For me it's all... jumbled. I can barely keep track of our one timeline that led to here. It's so complicated."
"It is," she agreed. "Believe me, I'm not having an easier time at all. That one just... stands out more to me."
"Oh." The pod room. Mira's body. The nail marks. Out of all the timelines, that was the one that stood out the most to him. He could almost feel the too familiar icy grip of a panic attack coming over him even now, as he thought about it.
"This is weird, right?" he asked. "Like, this is such a weird thing to talk about."
"Don't ask me." Mira cracked a smile. "I don't think I have a very good grasp on what could be considered normal."
"Don't say that. You're normal."
Mira laughed softly. "You still haven't remembered everything, have you?"
Eric was silent. He moved his hand from his chest to the back of his neck, rubbing slightly. At his throat his heartbeat was much more prominent, easier to find. Harder to ignore. "What about the library? You said that it stood out to you."
She nodded, slowly. "It did."
"The second one. Where you protected me. You didn't need to."
"I wanted to," he said, with complete conviction. He didn't actually remember how it went down, but he was certain of that. "You're my girlfriend, after all. Of course I would."
"I didn't for you."
"Well, it happened so fast. No one could expect you to react in time. Hell, I don't know how I managed to react for you."
"Hm." Mira tilted her head and examined him, her eyes narrowed. "Do you remember the Heart Ripper?"
"The serial killer?" They did talk about that at some point, didn't they. With Sean, in the rec room. He couldn't remember why it had come up, but he did remember Sean having some impressive facts that he just threw out at them. Which, knowing what he knew now, made sense. "What about him?"
"I'm the Heart Ripper," she said, casually and calm as you please.
"...Oh." It should surprise him more. It should terrify him, make him want to run screaming from the room. But it didn't. He already knew it, after all. At least, technically speaking. "Why?"
"Why?" She laughed. "That's not the question I usually get."
"Have you told a lot of people that you are the Heart Ripper?"
"No, not many." She pushed off the dresser, taking two winding steps forward and cradling her arms against her stomach. "Why? That's kind of a long story. I should finish the first one first."
"The first one?"
"The library." She stopped in front of him, staring down at him with her arms crossed. "You didn't die immediately when Sean shot you. You could have survived, if we had given you immediate medical attention."
"Oh," Eric said. "But I did die. I'm sure of it."
"Yes. I shot you."
"Oh." He felt something turn in his stomach, and did his best to push it back down. "Well, it was a quick death, then, that way. Less agony."
"That's not why I did it."
"I know, you wanted to get out. I don't blame you. I mean, do you remember how insistent I was about leaving? It must have been a tough choice."
"That's not why either." Mira tilted her head, her hair falling ever so slightly in front of her eyes. "I wanted to kill you. Ever since we first met."
"Oh." This supernatural calm could only hold back so much of his nature. Eric began to panic. He stood suddenly, forcing Mira to take a step back. "Why? W-what did I do? Did I hurt you? I mean, I don't think I messed up our first meeting that bad-"
"No, you didn't. You did nothing wrong." She tried to step back towards him, but Eirc scrambled over the edge of the bed to get away from her. Mira stopped, her hand hanging in midair as though she wanted to comfort him. Her voice didn't sound particularly comforting, however. It was the same cool, almost monotone voice that she always had. "Have you ever heard the phrase about touching someone's heart?"
"It was something my mom told me. About when you touch someone's heart, then you can understand them. Then you can feel." She let her hand fall to her own chest, over her own heart. "I don't feel. I never have. That's why I kill. That's why I take out the hearts. To touch them. To feel what they felt."
"Mira, I..." Eric laughed, surprising himself. It was just on the edge of bitterness. "That's not how it works. I mean, that's just a saying. The heart isn't actually where we feel things. It's just a muscle. We feel things in the brain, through, um, chemicals, I think."
"Really?" Mira sounded genuinely surprised. "It's always worked for me, though. I feel... something when I hold their hearts. Something different from what I always feel. Different from each other, too. Maybe it was the remnants of their spirits, still giving off their final thoughts?"
"Come on, you don't really believe that stuff, do you?"
Mira tilted her head. "Don't you?"
"I mean, I was raised that way, I guess, but I don't actually know about souls or any of that spiritual stuff."
"I don't think it's any stranger than some of the stuff that we experienced at DCOM."
She had him there. "Well, that isn't the most important part, I guess. I mean, were you just... waiting to kill me? Ever since we met?"
"It wasn't like I was waiting with a knife behind my back for you to turn around since day one. Murders take time to plan. There's a reason I haven't been caught, you know. Besides, I never try to go for a kill the moment I meet someone. I want to wait and see, you know? In case the last one was the one that flipped the switch and turned my feelings on." Her face changed, her expression adding just a hint of sadness to it. "It never does, though. No matter how many feelings I collect, it doesn't change me. I can't add them to myself."
There were a lot of questions racing through Eric's head at the moment. He chose the one that was least likely to give him emotional damage. "Why did you agree to come to DCOM with me?"
"Because I was bored. I think I told you as much the first time you asked me."
"Oh, right." He had expected her to say no when he first brought it up. It was a strange whim to begin with. Eric wasn't exactly sure why he had wanted to do it himself. It was just... something to be a part of. Something bigger than himself. If the next step on the mission was to actually go to Mars, well, then, his name would be in history books, as one of the first test subjects in the initial experiment. It was just... something that mattered. For once in his life he wanted to do something that mattered.
"And I mean, it was interesting," Mira continued. "Whatever else you could say about the experience, it wasn't boring."
"No, trauma is a lot of things, but it isn't boring," Eric said, a bit sarcastically. Mira didn't seem to notice. Eric sighed, rubbing his face. "Why are you telling me this, anyway? Why confess now?"
"Because I didn't want to lie to you?" Mira asked. "No, that's not true. It's more that I wanted to tell you something, and you need to have that context to understand what I'm trying to say."
"What is it?"
"I'm getting to it." She took another step closer, and sank down to sit on the bed. Eirc stayed pressed up against the far wall. Mira counted out her points on her fingers. "Alright. You died. I killed you. Shot you in the head. And it wasn't to get out. It wasn't to give you a quick death. It was an opportunity - finally, a perfect opportunity to touch your heart." She curled her hand up into a fist, running the fingers of the opposite hand over her knuckles. "It's easier than you think to get through the body. Once there's no resistance it's like digging through a melon. I usually use a knife, at least to get to the heart, but once you were dead I just dug in with my bare hands."
"Damn.” Eric swallowed, his heart hammering. Apparently it had heard all of this talk about itself, and wanted to make itself known. “You did this all in front of Sean?"
"Yeah. I mean, I don't usually do it in front of people, but that's only because usually people would send me to jail if they saw me digging into a body. I knew that Sean couldn't do anything about it, so I didn't mind."
"But still, he's a kid... that's not something you should do in front of a kid."
"Is he a kid?" Mira tilted her head. "You didn't seem to think so in the game."
"Well, I wasn't in the best state of mind in the game," Eric admitted. "I know better now."
"Either way, I don't think Sean minded. He didn't try to stop me, at least." She smiled, more to herself than to him. "It was the best one. You know that? Every heart that I've held, most of them are filled with fear, or with anger. Bad thoughts. Not you. You only had..." She stopped, thinking for a bit. "You really loved me, didn't you," she said softly.
"Yes," Eric said. "I do."
"I didn't really understand why," she continued. "I mean, of course I didn't. I don't know why anyone would love anyone. I don't think I gave you any reason to. But even when I killed you, you held no grudge. It makes no sense. Why are you like this?"
"Why am I... like this?" It was a strange question to Eric. "I mean, I guess I just am. Is it weird to care about someone?"
"When it's like this, yes. I've killed a lot of people. A lot of boyfriends. A few girlfriends, too. You're the only one who loved me at the end." She smiled again, worrying her thumb over her knuckles. "It felt nice. It felt so, so nice. I think... I think I felt... happy."
"Oh. Well, that's good. I'm glad."
She raised an eyebrow. "You're glad? I killed you. I don't think that you should be this happy about it."
"I wouldn't say that I'm happy about it, but... well, either way, I'm not dead now. I'm alive. That's what matters, I think."
"You're alive," Mira repeated to herself, her voice sounding dreamy and distant.
Eric slowly approached her, his hand held up in case of any sudden movements. "Um, was that what you wanted to tell me, or...?"
"Oh, you wanted more?" Mira asked playfully. "Should I tell you about the other time I killed you?"
"The other time?"
"No, I guess that wasn't everything," Mira said, before he could ask anything else. "But it's... it's what you said before. You're alive. I've touched your heart, and you're still alive. That's never happened before." She swallowed. Eric got the impression that she was nervous. It wasn't something that most people would be able to notice, but Eric had spent a lot of time watching Mira's face. He was starting to pick up on her cues. "I mean, you are the only person who's heart I've touched who is still walking around, who I can talk to after the fact. It means that... you're the only person who I can really, truly understand."
"Oh," Eric said weakly. "Neat."
"Neat?" She raised an eyebrow. "Is that it?"
"I'm sorry, I guess I just... don't really know what that means."
"It means that you are the only person who I can love."
"...Oh." Eric's breath caught in his throat. He rushed over to her side. "You mean it? You love me?"
"I said that I have the possibility of loving you now," Mira corrected. "But, yes. I guess I do."
"Really?" Eric could feel a genuine grin spreading across his face, almost without his control.
"You shouldn't be so excited," Mira said. "But yes. That's what I wanted to tell you. So..." She stood, taking a few steps away from him and the bed. Eric frowned, confused. "I don't know what you want to do now," she continued. "I don't even know what I want to do now. But if you want to leave I don't blame you."
"Leave? Why would I want to leave? Mira, wait." Eric scrambled after her. "Are you breaking up with me?"
Mira paused, half turned away. "I don't think that's my call to make," she said. She turned back to him and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. Her body language was defensive, even though her voice was still even. Now Eric felt like he was the one who had to approach her carefully, like a frightened animal, one who was liable to bite.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm the one who has done things wrong," she said. "I think murder probably ranks above, like, cheating when it comes to relationship do's and don'ts. I've told you everything, and now you have a choice to make. Either leave, break up with me, and walk away - and I don't blame you if you do. Or, you could stay, I guess. I won't stop you either way."
"Well, I want to stay, then," Eric said immediately.  "That's the one that I choose."
"Why?" She cocked her head. "That doesn't make sense."
"Does love make sense?"
"No. I just told you."
"No, I-” He sighed. “Not just to you, I mean-"
"I mean, this doesn't really follow the rules of a relationship, as far as I understand them."
“Maybe not, but Mira- it’s fine.” He approached her slowly, reaching a hand out. She didn't move, either towards him or away. She just allowed him to come. He reached down and took her hand. "For the rules of a relationship, I think... maybe relationships don’t need to have rules. Maybe we can just take it slowly, day by day."
"But I killed you."
"You're so hung up on that."
"I think you should be a little more hung up on it," Mira said. "I mean, you need a serial killer to tell you that you shouldn't be with someone who wants to kill you."
"Well, do you still want to kill me?"
Mira shook her head. "There wouldn't really be much of a point anymore."
"So, yeah. I'm not in danger."
"I might kill other people, though," she said. "Maybe people you know. People you care about."
"You won't," Eric said quietly. "You can't. There's no one left. No one but you who I care about."
"That's pretty sad," Mira said.
"Yeah, well. You’ve killed people before. Do you feel sorry about it?"
Mira shook her head. "That's the thing. I'm not. I would do it again. It's been the only thing that has worked, to let me look into what it might be like to be an actual functional human being. Do you know what that's like?"
"To be an actual functioning human being?" Truth be told, Eric didn't, not really. More and more his coping mechanisms had been failing him, letting in more of the cold, the fear, the emptiness. Deep and dark, like the depths of the lake. He didn't know how much longer he would last on his own. He didn't want to be alone anymore.
"I should feel sorry, shouldn't I?" Mira asked. "If I was really feeling things, then remorse should be one of them, right? What if all of this was just me deluding myself, and I actually didn't steal feelings from the dying hearts of my dead boyfriends."
"Ha," Eric laughed, softly, but Mira looked serious, as though this was a legitimate concern. He shook his head. "Well, I don't think that you would ever have felt things the same as most people, even if you did go about it a different way. As far as I've seen, every person feels things a different way. I don't know, I'm not really an expert on these kinds of things. So I don't really know if you should feel sorry, or if you should feel anything, really. As long as you are happy."
"Hmm," Mira hummed. She considered him. Eric was close enough to touch her now, but he didn’t. "I don't know if I'm happy. I simply am. But I don't want to change. I think, if I had to choose, I would still choose the road that led me to here. Or rather, I don't know who I would be if I wasn't who I was right now. What if I was worse? What if I was just a complete monster, with no remorse?"
"I thought you said that you weren't sorry?"
“I'm not. But... I don't know. I can't say I didn't enjoy it, because I did, but I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have to. There was a reward in it for me. Without that, there would be no reason for it. Right? I wouldn't have killed if there wasn't a reason for it?"
"I don't know, Mira," Eric said honestly. "Only you can know that."
Mira frowned, and looked down. Eric hesitated, and then slowly reached out and took her hand. Mira let him. "Hey. Okay. So, you've killed people in the past. Fine. Do you still want to kill people now?"
Eric watched her take a deep breath, and then let it out with a sigh. "No," she said quietly. "I don't think I do. I mean, I can remember what it felt like, now. It fucking hurt.”
"Okay, so. There you go." Eric smiled gently. "No more murders. That's really all that we can ask of you, I think.”
"Excuse me for asking, but are you really okay with this?" Mira asked, raising an eyebrow. "Dating a murderer? Murder, in general? You should probably be calling the cops right about now. You aren't reacting normally to this at all."
"No, I... I don't think I react normally to most things, if I'm being honest." Eric scratched the back of his head. "Like I said, emotions are difficult for everyone. Mine are... mine are weird."
"...I don't think they're weird," Mira said.
Eric smiled. "Thank you." Their hands hung down between them, intertwined. They could try for more. But for right now, this was enough.
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notarelationship · 4 years
Anderson’s Ghosts 22/24
Klaine Advent: Verdict
Another chapter! The last two chapters are drafted, so this’ll wrap up soon! Thank you for reading and sticking with me after all these many months!
If you have missed any earlier entries they can be found at Anderson’s Ghosts, or each individual chapter:  Achievement, Beer, Creed, Date, Emergency, Fist, Ground, Hiccup, Interrupt, Joy, Kinship, Lecture, Monument, Nest, Overwhelm, Part, Quarrel, Reasonable, Speed, Treat, User
It took longer to straighten out things at the hospital than Blaine wanted, since spending an extra hour there hadn’t been in his plan originally, but he adjusted. By the time he managed to convince the billing group that he was who he was, with a promise that his accountant would handle the rest the next morning, it was near nine am. Still early, but it was Christmas morning. He wasn’t so far gone that he couldn’t remember the excitement of getting up hours earlier than normal, creeping down the stairs with hope in his heart. He had people to see, yes, but he didn’t want to ruin anyone’s Christmas morning joy. He hoped to contribute to it.
Once he was tucked in his car with the heat warming his outside, he called the first number on his list. 
“Merry Christmas!” Cooper Anderson called into the phone as a greeting. “I have to confess I didn’t really expect to hear from you today, little brother.”
“I know Coop. I,” how to explain it? “It’s just that I need to tell you some things.  And they can’t wait.”
“Wow, this sounds serious. Do you want to come by? I’m sure I have something around here with your name on it. Bows and paper and all that stuff.”
Blaine laughed softly to himself. Cooper had been trying for years to be supportive, especially the last few after he had moved back to Ohio. Blaine just couldn’t get over the guilt of disappointing their father. 
“Thanks Coop, I have some things to take care of this morning, and I don’t want to wait.” Blaine paused, and he could hear Cooper sigh on the other end of the phone. “But, um, if you think you’ll be around tonight, I’d love to come by for coffee, or dessert?” For a long moment the other end of the phone was silent, Blaine couldn’t even hear breathing. “Coop?”
“I would love that Blaine,” Cooper finally answered. 
The next call on his list had a less predictable outcome. Blaine knew Cooper would be there for him, but Blaine had burned a lot of bridges over the years - he could afford to - and he didn’t know really who might still believe in him. But Blaine had to prove that he had changed, even if in the end it was only to himself. He hoped that the final verdict on his life wasn’t set in stone. 
By the time he parked his car in front of Sam and Mercedes’ tiny ranch house Blaine had nearly convinced himself to give up and go home. Somehow he didn’t. Maybe he should have called, but he was too afraid Sam wouldn’t help him so instead he rang the doorbell and stood freezing on the porch, still afraid he’d be rejected after all.
“Blaine? What are you doing here?” Mercedes’ opened the door, and Blaine was even less sure she would let him in. “It’s Christmas morning for goodness sake.” She didn’t invite him in. 
“I know, um. Hi. Merry Christmas.” Blaine shivered and hugged himself. “I’m sorry to interrupt your morning, it’s just that I -” He what? Had an epiphany? Realized what a horrible person he’d been for years? “I want to apologize.” 
“Apologize?” Mercedes actually looked worried. “For what? Did you join a twelve step program overnight or something? You had better not be here to drag Sam back to the office today. That is not happening.” 
“No. No.” Blaine kept moving his mouth, but he didn’t know what words to push out next. Now that he was here he didn’t know how - or what - to explain. His brain was still trying to work it out when Sam appeared next to his wife. 
“Blaine? What are you - oh my gosh you must be freezing.” Sam opened the door and let him into the entryway of their house. 
“Thank you.” He did at least remember to be polite. That was something. “I’m sorry, again, for interrupting. I won’t be long.” Blaine reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “This is for you,” he said, handing the envelope to Sam, who just looked at it and then back at Blaine. “It’s your bonus - Christmas bonus. I’m sorry it’s wrinkled. I probably should have got a card when I was at the hospital.”
“Hospital?” Mercedes leaned in closer to look at his face. “Did you hit your head? That would explain it.” 
“No, I didn’t hit my head. I had some things to take care of there.” Blaine said, but he could tell she wasn’t sure she believed him. “And I don’t mean to keep you. I actually have to be somewhere in about twenty minutes. But,” Blaine hesitated. It was asking a lot of Sam, and if he said yes this was just the beginning. He wasn’t even sure it would work, but he needed to carry it all the way to the end, for himself as much as anyone. “Sam, I know I don’t have much right to ask you, after everything, but I was hoping I could ask you for a favor.”
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littlemindblabbles · 4 years
Jeonghan X Y/N
Summary: (fluff, slight angst) Being best friends with Yoon Jeonghan had it’s benefits, but what happens when the line between fanservice and something more starts blurring? (I am so bad at summaries I’m so sorry)
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Most girls would say you were the luckiest girl in the world. After all, you were a famous idol, rookie actor, and the very best friend of one of the members of Korea’s biggest bands. The last fact still baffled you till today, but you wouldn’t change it for a thing.
You met Yoon Jeonghan during an award show, your first encounter being quite hilarious. You had wandered into the hairstyling room and decided to befriend the female idol who was getting her hair done. Much to your embarrassment, the person who turned around was actually Jeonghan with his long hair. It made introductions much less awkward though, plus the fact that you were both rookies and could be informal with each other, it wasn’t long before the two of you were chatting like long lost friends.
Fast forward nearly five years later, both of you were doing wonderfully in your respective careers. Seventeen was becoming one of the top boy bands of Kpop, and you were one of the most popular female soloists. Your friendship only grew stronger throughout the years, and everyone knew about it. The two of you were often invited onto reality shows together and became known as ‘partners in crime’ due to your competitive natures and willingness to cheat bend the rules at every opportunity.
Of course, being friends with Jeonghan automatically gave you 12 other friends, which you all got along with. You were over at their studio so often you had already released a collaboration with Jihoon, uploaded a danced to a cover with Soonyoung, and had promised Hansol you’ll record a mixtape with him soon. 
But none of their friendships could compare to your best friend, Jeonghan ‘got’ you in ways no one ever could. You could both talk for hours about useless topics like which hair colour on Seungcheol was superior or your deepest secrets that only the two of you knew.
Being a normal girl with feelings, despite initially thinking of Jeonghan as your brother, the small increase in your heart rate whenever you saw him recently could only be evidence that your feelings towards your friend were changing. It wasn’t your fault really, Jeonghan was a naturally touchy and clingy person. The closer he felt to you, the more touchy he would be, just look at all the Jihan fancams.
Somehow, you haven’t received many death threats from his adoring fans. If anything, they seemed to ship the two of you together. When Jeonghan first grabbed your arm on-screen during the results of one of your games, Twitter went crazy. The ship name of the both of you was trending for days. From there, both your companies decided it wouldn’t be a bad thing for both of you to be more touchy. ‘Fanservice’ was what they called it. And that was how your little crush on Jeonghan blossomed.
However, nothing would be worse than ruining your perfect friendship, and you knew Jeonghan being touchy with you had nothing to do with his feelings. But the more you tried to ignore your feelings, the more you died a little whenever he grabbed your arm or clung onto you in front of the cameras.
It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just for the fans. Y/n, get a grip on yourself.
You thought you were doing a good job of acting like you were okay, but when Joshua pulled you aside one day after their practice, you realised it might have been a bit obvious.
“Hey, you okay? Did you and Jeonghan have a fight or something?”
“Huh, no why would you think that? We’re okay.”
“Uh-huh, sure. That’s why you look like you smelt something bad whenever he touches you, and forget how to breathe when Jeonghan gives you his ‘angel’ smile. Come on Y/n, next to Hannie I’m your closest friend, you can’t fool me I know how you feel about him.” Joshua gave me a knowing look.
“But whatever I feel about him doesn’t matter! I know he acts that way around everyone, he definitely doesn’t think of me that way. And besides, if I’m this obvious to you, he probably already knows and is avoiding the topic because he feels bad for me.” I covered my face with my hands, trying to not let Joshua see that my tears were threatening to fall.
“Aww Y/n, don’t cry.” Ever the gentleman, Joshua pulled me into a hug and patted my head. “Who knows, I personally think Jeonghan is one of the least observant people I know, he probably has no clue. And if anyone has the best shot at going out with him, it’s definitely you. Look, even the fans agree. Why don’t you try letting him know your true feelings, it can’t be easy continuing to act this way.”
As much as you were dreading it, you knew Joshua had a point. Your little crush on Jeonghan wasn’t so little anymore, and your friendship with him was going to get worse if you kept this to yourself. Okay, you’ll tell him tomorrow.
Your plans were ruined, however, as Jeonghan seemed to be in the worst mood ever the next day. He hardly ever got angry or annoyed, so seeing him so grumpy was unusual. Worst of all, he only seemed to be angry with you. He would play around happily with the boys and hug them just like normal, but when he met your eyes the light disappeared and was replaced by a glare. Jeonghan and you fought before of course, but never this bad and you didn’t even know the reason why.
Forget confessing to him, you now pulled Jeonghan aside to find out what was his problem. He frowned at you but let you drag him to a nearby empty studio.
“What’s your problem? Why have you been glaring and acting this way to only me the entire morning? Did I do something wrong? If I did I’m sorry I’m not sure what so could you please tell me?” You pleaded, nearly tearing up at the end because you couldn’t stand Jeonghan treating you like that anymore.
At the sight of your tears, his glare softened, but he still sounded annoyed, “Well some best friend you are, when were you gonna tell me about you and Josh? Can’t believe my two best friends would do that to me.” What? You and Joshua? How in the- oh you knew why he had come to the conclusion.
“Hannie no, we’re not together! Please, I don’t like Joshua in that way. He was comforting me because I liked someone else but they didn't like me back. I would never keep something like this from you.” Jeonghan didn’t look angry anymore,  but his eyes screamed disappointment?
“You-you like someone?” You didn’t want to hope but his tone did sound quite sad. “Well, who is it and why doesn’t he like you back? I gotta do my best friend duties and knock some sense into him!” Oh, nevermind.
You sighed as your heart internally broke into a million pieces. “Well, I don’t think you can knock some sense into yourself so it won’t help.” You mumbled, mostly for yourself to hear. But a hand reached out and grabbed your chin, lifting it up so that you were face to face with Jeonghan.
“The person you like is me?”
“I didn’t want to tell you this way but I guess it’s inevitable. Yeah, I do like you but it’s okay you don’t have to re-” You were cut off by Jeonghan’s lips. Wow, never thought you would say that.
“I hope this answers your question. Why did you think I was so upset over you and Josh? Also please, I’m abnormally clingy when I’m with you, and you know I never cared about the ‘fanservice’ idea our managers were talking about. It just gave me an excuse to be closer to you.”
Smiling until your cheeks hurt, you buried your head into Jeonghan’s chest, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.
Note: I’m back! Hope you liked this fic, it’s kinda meh to me but I guess I gotta get back into the momentum of writing. Check out my masterlist for more fics! 
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benreyplush · 4 years
ok so
benny is some sort of benrey clone after some weird shit happened when benrey was defeated and made his way back into gordon’s games like payday 2.
he somehow got into terraria and has no memory of black mesa or who he was even based off of. he barely remembers his name and all it came out to him was “benny”
he’s also freakishly tall
when jack (the world’s guide) found him, he was very quiet and seemingly apathetic about his surroundings. didn’t really talk much and jack thought he was an enigma for a while. he did his usual and helped him begin his life there.
but then benny started doing some weird shit that jack wasnt prepared for. enemies couldn’t hurt him. he could freeze time. destroy and create items indefinitely. he has no idea what benny is and the order of the guide never talked about anything like this so obviously he’s very freaked out at first
slowly benny starts remembering some of his old personality and would say things that make 0 sense to jack. jack doesn’t know what “poggers” means.
eventually benny remembers a lot of it and actually feels kinda sad. like he feels like he has to be this “benrey” but he doesnt want to be. hes different.
and jack tells him he’s not benrey. he became his own thing and that was good! and he doesnt have to be like him. benny was very relieved by this and sorta became his own thing. like he was still like benrey but less of an asshole and really just goofed around. he still found himself harassing the new npcs that move in but he never harasses jack. he likes jack.
jack says he wont call him benrey. to him, he’s benny. and benny really appreciates it.
jack always wondered what benny meant by “self aware” when he talked about his memories. benny talked about the “npc ai just getting a mind of their own” and said when he joined this new world, it must have turned everyone in terraria self aware like in half life. so thats cool.
eventually jack like. realizes he might have a lil crush on benny and feels bad about it. because he knows his fate is to be sacrificed in the end and he doesnt wanna grow too close to benny.
but inevitably they end up together and jack is starting to question if he needs to die. like originally he came to terms with it a long time ago but now he’s actually reconsidering??? wow! they have at least one argument when jack actually sits him down and explains the wall of flesh thing.
at some point jack convinces benny to take him on an adventure and they end up in the underworld. jack’s plan was to go through with the sacrifice and almost succeeded but benny grabbed him and told him not to do that again. and jack was like “you have to let me do this” and benny was like “no dude i love u” and then they kissed and it was like. the first time either of them have kissed anyone ever but it was still nice.
and jack is like “ok actually i want to live with you forever lets go home” but a demon appears when they arent paying attention and attacks them and jack gets knocked into the lava and the wall of flesh is summoned. and benny is devastated. 
when thats over a new guide shows up but benny wants nothing to do with him bc he is not jack. and benny is mad at himself bc he can freeze time, control enemy spawn rates n shit but he cant bring ppl back to life and he feels worthless about it
so the rest of the story is about benny having to move on and accept his death :(
so its a sad story 
but here’s some nice things
benny knows the sweet voice still and uses it on jack all the time. it was confusing to them both when he did it the first time. eventually jack gets used to it and actually really likes it. 
jack is supposed to be the helpful npc so he usually keeps himself together but as he grows closer to benny his emotions start coming out more and whenever he’s stressed he can just look at benny and say “sweet voice pls” and benny calms him down with it. benny also uses it to get jack to sleep (”blue and red means its time for bed :)” ) because normally he shouldnt have to but being self aware is tiring.
oh also whenever jack gets burns from the voodoo dolls in the underworld, benny heals them with the sweet voice healing beam :). benny has no idea how he keeps getting burned and eventually just assumes its bc of the furnace and is like “bro stop shoving ur hands in the furnace lol” and jack cant bring himself to tell him the truth so he just goes with it.
benny was the first to confess and he did it by serenading jack with the worst guitar playing that jack has ever heard <3 but it still made him smile. i know he really had to think about it before accepting it bc wall of flesh, can’t get too close, blah blah blah.
plus idk how relationships work in the order of the guide. he probably really didnt expect to get into a relationship and the new guide that comes along probably found it super strange.
anyway this is a lot of text wow im gonna just add on to the post as i think of shit but if u read all of this i am in love with u
after defeating the moon lord, either the order of the guide or maybe even the spirits of terraria herself brings jack back because benny deserves that after saving all of them.
so benny notices the new guide is gone and was like “weird but whatever” and then he hears someone call out to him. he’s like “ugh what” and turns and its jack and he like. drops his weapon in his hand in shock and takes his eye mask and helmet off to see him properly. like he isnt sure if he’s dreaming or not.
and then he runs to him and grabs him and he’s real holy fuck. so he’s overjoyed and both of them fucking cry (first time jack actually sees ben cry ever!!!) and they kiss n shit and its incredible the end. since the world has been saved, the two live a more domestic life and benny is like “we’re never going to the underworld again ever and also im going to be around u a lot bc i missed u so much and i cant lose u again” so he’s extra clingy but jack is so happy to be back with him that he doesnt care!!!!!
also funny fact but the mechanic was the first npc to move in with them and (i think her name was shayna in my world. will change it if not) was overly annoyed at their constant sappiness before jack was killed. ben was extra affectionate to jack around her bc he likes annoying ppl (except for jack). but when jack comes back from the dead, she still acts annoyed but she’s actually relieved to see benny happy again.
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armatization-a · 3 years
( @tomestobetold ) !! 🎰 let's have MORE chaos!!!! For FE muses only, though, to make it easier chaos.
1. Ashe & Marianne
okay so we’ve discussed this recently but i think they could be neat! i’ve gotta stop forcing Marianne upon my dudes but [does it anyway]. i think about Ashe being scared of her all the time honestly. i re-read their supports to Inspire me and wow he really thinks she’s cute from day one. all our Mari ships are my dudes loving her from day one and i love that. also i love him supporting her. 10/10 i wanna explore this somehow pls ignore my incoherent ramblings
2. Caspar & Jeritza
THE SOUND I LET OUT WHEN THIS POPPED UP.... WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY? you know Caspar would constantly just be like “fite me” with Jeritza like. begone child. even when Caspar is 23. he’s so eager to fight him let him live
3. Yuri & Marianne
Yuri with his horse weakness... riding. the word is riding. (i mean i’m 90% sure that he’s allergic to horse hair and that’s why he’s got a weakness in it.) let’s not ask why, but my pea brain could see this being kinda fun. they’re both people of faith too, though Yuri’s faith is more quiet and less... well. “confess my sins so the Goddess may end me”. if nothing else it could be a cute friendship - trying to support Marianne with her feelings of worthlessness while Yuri doesn’t realise he should be listening to himself. idiot.
4. Constance & Mercedes
WAH.... THE GIRLS. okay so. i love the idea of childhood friends to lovers. i like the idea of Coco having big feelings for her as kids, but you know, misplacing them as friendship. it takes ages for this dense idiot to be like. oh no these are not straight sisterly feelings. they build their territories together! it’d only make sense to stick together heheh
5. Claude & Yuri
hm. how can i talk about this while sounding like a normal person. this is unironically one of my fave ships. but anyway there’s something real nice about these two schemers. the good old sun and moon dynamic. they could play off each other so well. Yuri’s line about Claude being a reckless optimist lives rent-free in my head. i swear i will stop now LOL
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