#he has convinced me that he cares about Mob and thus I care about him via the transitive property
scribefindegil · 1 year
I didn’t watch Mob Psycho at first because I saw promo art with Dimple and thought he would be an awful, annoying sidekick. Now he’s my favorite character. (Paul Rudd “look at us” meme plays)
Anon I am shaking your hand.
I was talking with a friend the other day about how when characters that you really don't expect to like become your favorites it can hit even harder, and I think a lot of Dimple Enjoyers have that experience.
Because yeah, he looks like he's gonna be an awful annoying sidekick! He looks like he's going to fall into the 'non-human companion' archetype that exists to provide uncomfortable comic relief and get treated more like a pet than a character and never really change.
And then you realize oh. No. The narrative *is* going to take him seriously as a character. And then you get to the broccoli arc and realize oh no! The narrative is going to take him SO seriously as a character and you are never going to be normal again!
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shyrose57 · 1 year
I've made like three new life smp posts in a row today, and I'm sorry, but I gotta. I watched more episodes, I'm only doing what I must.
Im just gonna like, chunk a bunch of my trains of thought in a single post and hope for the best, honestly.
Literally Martyn is the best, followed up by Sparrow, but anyway-
I think??? It'd be hilarious if the Colin-y was just. convinced that Martyn was just some fucked up creeper, and that's why they're friendly. Like, they all stay in the mountain, so Martyn shows up, he's vaguely blue, clearly cold, and has fur. Clearly that equals fellow creeper. So they just adopt him into the group, and that's why they all decided to pile into his base. Their new friend cant fit into the old den, so they move into the big new den. Or maybe the cave was their home first and his decision to live there cemented his creeper status. Martyn doesn't know why these particular mobs have just decided to be passive, and he's beginning to think he's never going too.
I also like the idea of Martyn being really new to being a hybrid?? Like he's clearly not used to his powers, sort of, right??? So what if he just like, recently manifested these traits. And even just recently showed up in the area, even. Maybe Sparrow could know him, or something.
If he messes up his timing and unfreezes before he hits the ground, is it gonna be like he shattered?? Just like, breaks into a million pieces right before his respawn, that melt into snowflakes. Think of the potential. Think of the angst. An icesicle shattering upon the earth.
Also, and this concept has been eating me alive, has there been a Snowgrave!Martyn yet, now that he has snow powers. Can anyone point me there?? Because like, with his current lore, a Watcher deciding it wanted to possess one of its fellows, or even just a Winner and snagging up Martyn in its games would be amazing to read about. His power slowly growing as servermates disappear, taking more and more hearts each time,, and he doesn't know why. And then, eventually there's only three. His snow buries someone alive. He feels himself die with them, from maybe his own frost, or the possessed player deciding he's outlived his use and doing away with him. Then there's just one.
Katherine is a human. I have been?? Crawling up the wall since I found out. I haven't even finished her episode. I don't know if she even survives it. I do not care.
So, let's set a background where, obvious exceptions aside, everyone has sort of grown up together, even if maybe distantly. And theyre all different species, with different abilities and needs and instincts.
And Katherine is human. Humans are social. How many traits and habits do you think she'd sort of absorb from everyone.
What if she was like, all the hybrids basic idea of human, and she forgets she's human herself half the time.
I am. Desperate for a fic where Katherine meets Sparrow. Or where everyone sort of knows her, and walk into meeting Sparrow with the idea that he's gonna be similar to her, and thus, similar to them. And just get smacked in the face with how different they are.
Give me a Katherine who's spent so long around people who aren't human that she just doesn't really clock that that's what she is.
Given that new life randomly rolls you an origin,, what's the chances of Sparrow having one already that he's gonna start 'manifesting'. Do you think its a bird. I need him to be a bird. At least once.
What if he dies and to come back as a phoenix or something. That would be so cool??.
What if like, fic wise, nobody's sure if humans are included in the respawn mechanics. If they come back at all. I think that'd be fun to explore. Everyone looking out a bit more for their human servermates. The angst potential of one of them dying and returning under this premise.
Also, and this just occurred to me, the humans are space orcs approach? I'd love to see that in a fic. Sparrow and Katherine just being weird and ridiculous by hybrid standards.
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floof-ghostie · 2 years
Honestly, I think it's super funny how the Psycho Helmet cult seems like just a stupid little plot point/device, but it's actually kind of a connecting factor for most of the plot before the Divine Tree arc.
Don't believe me? Let me recap:
Psycho Helmet forming after LOL fell apart more or less led to Dimple becoming friends with Mob, getting exorcised by Teru a while after, and then eventually finding Ritsu, thus setting off the events of the Big Cleanup Arc, THEN triggers the events of the Seventh Division arc. Speaking of Dimple, we even see him remarking about how his old followers are now following Mob, after he got exorcised.
Mezato wanting Mob to take his place as leader of Psycho Helmet is more or less a recurring theme, but during the Mob's Girlfriend mini arc, Mezato wants to get Mob ready to become a leader, so she convinces him to run for student council. Though this backfires, it leads to him meeting up with Emi, and we get to see some amazing emotional growth in Mob, as he tries to connect with people at more (you could even argue that this indirectly sows the seeds for the Separation arc).
After the events of the Mogami arc, Minori's dad donates to the Psycho Helmet cult, helping it to expand and grow even more. Mezato even remarks about this later on, as the cult even has a venue and things like that. The cult has gathered even more people at this point, and all of them are searching for their "leader".
And then this all culminates in the Divine Tree arc, and I just think that this is such a cool means of bringing up a plot device, because we already knew that Psycho Helmet is a thing, but it seemed like such a funny little plot point to make fun of. But it was always there. It was growing in the background, and while we didn't really care about it, it was there since almost the beginning of the story! And it's not unlike a weed; growing and growing, and you don't really notice or care about it until it's grown entirely out of hand, and needs to be removed (the plant symbolism also ties to the Divine Tree itself).
I just think that it was really cool that Psycho Helmet got an actual arc, instead of just being a weird loose string, because the whole Psycho Helmet plotline really connected most aspects of the story altogether, and made for some really good development on Mob, Dimple, and even Mezato's part.
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shig-a-shig-ah · 3 years
Please I'm on my hands and knees begging for some kind of angst/comfort or whatever sequel to Solace what do I have to pay to see it at last
You know what, anon? Fuck it—ask and you shall receive. 
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» pairing: dabi x fem!reader, previous shigaraki tomura x reader
» cw: noncon, free use (mostly implied/referenced), implied anal, mentions of cheating, little bit of comfort, whole lot of angst. 18+, minors DNI.
» a/n: This picks up exactly where Solace left off, and isn’t exactly canon-compliant because the war arc hadn’t ended when I first posted Solace. It’s also more angsty than smutty, but def still NSFW. As always, reblogs, replies, etc. are welcome <3
» wc: 5.3k
» ao3 mirror
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There's lead in Dabi's stomach as Shigaraki drags you towards the door, and he's already scrambling to tug on his sweats, staggering to his feet as though he could effectively intervene. He'd heard the threats hissed in your ear, the ones scattered among the taunts Dabi had tried so hard to counter with his own exaltations, but he hadn't been prepared for them to be genuine, had thought that in the end Shigaraki would view your shame as his own. That he wouldn't want to make this betrayal public, not really.
Apparently, Dabi was wrong.
When you're hauled across the threshold, he falters. The thought of your imminent defilement is enough to make him feel sick, bile rising at the back of his throat as his gut twists; he doesn't think he could bear to witness such a desecration. But in the end he also doesn't have a choice—Shigaraki pauses in the doorway, his vicious gaze fixing on Dabi as he gives the order. "You're coming too."
Dabi's throat tightens, because he knows there's no use trying to oppose Shigaraki's will, not with his newfound power. And there's no clemency in the man's burning red eyes, no hints that Tomura has doubts about his chosen retribution, nothing at all to give Dabi hope that perhaps the pale-haired man can be dissuaded from this corrective action.
So Dabi swallows back that bitter taste in his mouth, and he follows.
Your heart is in your throat as you're dragged into the hall for the second time, only vaguely aware of Dabi trailing behind, failing to interfere though you don't blame him for that, could never condemn him when this is so much more your fault than his. Had you ever really thought you could gladden yourself with Dabi's comfort and then return unscathed to Shigaraki's arms?
You're loud at first, and desperate. You rake at Tomura's forearm as you try to free yourself from his bruising grip, clawing until red droplets are blooming from the scratches on his skin and his flesh collects beneath your nails, but those marks knit themselves back together almost as quickly as you carve them in. Your feet scrabble ineffectually against the carpet too, trying to slow Tomura's movements, but all that accomplishes is friction burns when you stumble, collapsing to your knees even as Shigaraki continues his unyielding march, dragging you along without so much as a backwards glance.
You beg shamelessly again too, pleading with him to stop, to not, to simply let you go. You swear that you'll leave, that he'll never have to see you again, but he ignores those cries just as he does your pathetic attempts to grapple yourself free. It isn't until your implorations grow quieter, more disheartened, that he pauses—you're weeping, not even thinking about what you're saying, rash words falling from your lips. "Tomu, please, I'm sorry, it was a mistake. Please, if you ever cared about me, just let me go."
It's then that he freezes in place, every muscle in his body going rigid, the cords in his neck standing out as he whirls around to face you. His eyes are impossibly wide, his mouth twisted in disgust, and something dark flashes behind his expression, something that, but for a moment, makes him look wounded rather than filled with rage. It's gone almost as soon as it comes, replaced by an expression stonier than any he's fixed you with thus far. He spits his retort through gritted teeth, his tone so tight and glacial that it sends a shiver down your exposed spine.
"Who could ever care about a whore like you?"
Dabi can see you struggling, tears streaming down your reddened cheeks as you beg, but he hears none of those supplications, hears nothing but blood rushing in his ears and the wet glug of his throat every time he tries to swallow down the lump that has lodged itself there. Just moving forward consumes all his focus; this sprawling mansion may as well extend for miles for all the effort it takes him to continue putting one foot in front of the other as Shigaraki tows you down the hall.
Your grotesque procession ends in the cavernous ballroom on the ground floor. It's ornate even in its empty glory, sunlight streaming through the tall, arched windows and glinting off the crystal of the chandelier that hangs unlit from the ceiling. Dozens of observers trail behind, every inquiring mind that had peered out to investigate the commotion now obeying Shigaraki's commands for them to follow. They're watching warily, whispering behind their hands as their eyes flick curiously from Dabi, shirtless and shaking, to Shigaraki and you.
Dabi comes back into himself when Shigaraki hurls you unceremoniously to the floor, the sharp crack of your head against the hardwood echoing loudly enough to breach the disassociated haze in which he's been trapped. The sight of your face, dazed by the blow, has him instinctually moving forward, but he's stopped at once when a chiseled arm casts itself across his chest, halting his movements. A low growl issues from the back of Shigaraki's throat. "Don't."
It was easier not to protest Shigaraki's rough treatment of you when the three of you were alone in Dabi's bedroom. He'd been able to convince himself then that Shigaraki had some claim on you, some right to do what he was doing, a sense that had been given all the more weight by your own equivocal response to those harsh touches. But the sight of you now, curled on the floor clutching your head, your legs tucked to your chest as though that could somehow preserve your modesty, is harder to abide. It has heat roiling under Dabi's skin, his insides near-roasting as he does his best to restrain himself, to keep emotions too tumultuous to define from bubbling up and setting him alight.
So Dabi looks away. He does his best to tamp down on that growing heat and to endure, to think about the importance of being there for you. After.
Even after Tomura extends his sadistic invitation to the assembled remnants of the Paranormal Liberation Front, Dabi is naive enough at first to hope that no one will take the bait, that even a crowd of villains won't be depraved enough to indulge in what Shigaraki is offering. Except, Dabi had, hadn't he? Had found his own satisfaction in the first part of Shigaraki's punishment, even as you'd wept. He tries to tell himself that was different—he'd already had you, more than once and voluntarily, and you'd asked for him, implored him so desperately that he couldn't have refused, especially not when it was something Shigaraki had been so intent on enacting.
A darker thought flits across the back of Dabi's mind when he remembers the way you'd writhed under Tomura's domineering touch: if Shigaraki insists on it, will you beg here too?
It's a question that goes unanswered. You spend less than a minute sniffling on the floor surrounded by that mob of villains, and then Dabi's glancing up against his better judgement to see Re-Destro stepping forward, dark eyes glinting with curiosity as he shrugs off his suit jacket and loosens his tie, the balding sycophant unabashedly eager to avail himself of Shigaraki's sloppy seconds.
All your struggling has ceased; you're not trying to leave or asking for help, or mercy. Dabi's not sure if you're still trying to please Shigaraki or are only clinging to some last shred of dignity, if he should be disgusted or proud. Still, you flinch when the redhead crouches to trace one large hand up the outside of your thigh, and that small sign of discomfort is enough to have Dabi moving without thinking, every fiber of his body screaming out to defend you from that unwanted touch. But he only manages one feeble step forward before Shigaraki's hand is curling in his hair, yanking him back so hard that Dabi's scalp throbs. Shigaraki maintains that tight hold, leaving Dabi immobilized and with no choice left but to keep staring forward.
"You're going to watch every second," Shigaraki hisses.
Dabi nods. Grinds his teeth. Watches.
He thinks nothing could be worse than the powerlessness he feels as Re-Destro takes you. It's a sense of impotence that settles in his bones, that unearths and amplifies every inadequacy he endured in his youth until his knees are weak and there's blood leaking from the corners of his eyes. Just like back then, he's too weak to do what is needed. He can only watch in dismay as someone slots themselves into a role that should be his.
He's wrong, of course, that nothing could be more horrible than witnessing that first act. It's worse when he starts to notice the familiar tensing in your body, and hears your high-keyed whines reverberating off of walls designed to carry just such a pitch. It's worse when he spies Skeptic with that camera trained on you, documenting your disgrace as he palms himself through his pants, and even worse when Spinner comes forward, casting a long, uncertain glance towards Shigaraki before burying himself in both your holes. It's worse when they stop taking orderly turns coupling with your pliant form and start to share instead, and it's worse still when Dabi realizes that somewhere along the way he's grown shamefully, achingly hard.
But the worst? The absolute worst?
That comes at the end.
You're nothing but a crumpled heap on the floor, one cheek squashed against the stained hardwood, your expression glassy and far away. People have stopped coming forward, all those who wanted a turn having taken one, or more. Their faces are uneasy now that they're spent, murmuring again and shooting furtive looks towards the door, obviously unsure if their continued presence is required but too wary of Shigaraki to ask. So it's Dabi who finally works up the nerve to speak, his voice tight through his clenched jaw.
"You did what you wanted. Now can we go?"
A sense of relief washes over him when Shigaraki releases him, but it's short-lived as the other man fixes that red-eyed stare on Dabi.
"Huh," he muses thickly, his expression unreadable as he cocks his head. "You still want her."
Dabi hesitates. Because he knows Shigaraki doesn't want that to be true, is intent on ripping apart whatever tenuous connection you and Dabi have forged over the past weeks, but Dabi's not sure that such a thing is possible. Right now he can't imagine the future any further than getting you both far, far away from here, but even after watching you submit to Shigaraki so readily, after seeing you clench and moan while being offered up like so much meat, Dabi doesn't think he could ever turn you away, not so long as you want him. So he nods.
Shigaraki's unreadable expression morphs, his lips splitting into a wide, depraved grin. "Fine." There's something in his tone that has Dabi's chest tightening with dread already, a sense that only intensifies when Shigaraki continues. "Finish her off, and you can have her. After all, what the fuck do I care if you want to keep the toy you damaged?"
Dabi swallows hard, looking around again. The crowd is watching intently, exchanging hushed whispers, and he knows they can hear every word, have no doubt anymore about just what has happened here, if they had any doubts before.
"Better get on with it," Tomura jeers, followed by a quiet, callous chuckle. "Take the last turn, and the two of you can go. Or don't, and I'll keep her here for days."
Fuck, Dabi can feel the weight of all those eyes on him, of dozens of gazes flicking between his torn expression and your used up form. He wants to say he can't, that he could never, but it's not the truth. The thought alone might have him fighting back a wave of nausea but that doesn't mean he isn't still erect, tenting his pants in a way that's painfully obvious to himself and to everyone else. Physically, at least, Dabi absolutely could.
He takes a step closer to you. Grimaces. He wants to reach out to you, to give you the reassurance of a soothing touch, but there's nowhere your skin isn't reddened or contused, the evidence of that damage exaggerated by the sheen of sweat and worse coating your skin. Your eyes roll up just enough to meet his hesitant stare, and Dabi gives you what he hopes is an apologetic look.
Dabi does what he has to do.
The moment it's over Dabi is scooping you up, hooking his arms around your shoulders and behind your bruised knees and lifting you gingerly from the floor, taking you in his arms as gently as he can manage. Your eyes drift to him again, the corners of your lips twitching and a tiny whimper issuing from the back of your throat, a sound so small and feeble that Dabi has to bite hard at the inside of his cheek to maintain some semblance of composure.
He avoids making eye contact with anyone as he leaves, not even sparing a glance towards Shigaraki to confirm this is really over; if the other man decides to change his mind, Dabi's sure it will be painfully obvious. But no one tries to stop him from taking you—he flees the scene of your discrediting successfully, with his heart pounding and his eyes fixed firmly on the floor ahead of him. Just as when he'd followed Shigaraki's march before, he puts one foot in front of the other and wills himself to think of nothing else.
It's difficult. Your skin is slick against his unclothed chest, and feels feverish. Every time he shifts you, he can feel wetness dribbling down your thighs as he tries to lie to himself it's nothing. Tries not to give it any attention at all.
Dabi's never been very good at deceiving himself, and it's all the harder now with the images of your defilement burned into his retinas—Shigaraki knew just what would make him suffer, Dabi has to admit that much.
When he reaches his room, he sets you gently to the floor, whispers that he'll be right back and then disappears into the bathroom, shutting the door tightly behind him. He cranks on the bathtub—it will be necessary to clean you up since he's certain you couldn't stand if you tried. It also serves to drown out the sounds to come, because the moment the water starts pouring he's lunging for the toilet and heaving his guts into the bowl, coughing and sputtering as he retches.
By the time he's finished being sick, the tub is nearly full.
He checks the temperature of the water. Once, twice. Three times. It's hard for him to gauge it adequately when he runs so hot, and the last thing he wants is to scald your abused skin or any of those tender, overworked parts. When he's finally wrangling you into the tub, he dips your hand in first, one final test to ease his anxious mind.
"That feel all right, baby girl?" He's not sure if you really nod, or if you're simply shifting a little, but either way he takes it as a yes.
In the end, it doesn't matter so much. The water turns disgusting almost the moment you're submerged, an oily sheen rising to the surface that Dabi doesn't want to think too hard about it. He drains it and doesn't repeat that mistake, only fills it a few inches full the second time and then scoops water over your irritated skin to rinse away the worst of the mess, a painstakingly slow but necessary measure. He repeats it twice and only after that muck stops rising to the top does he let the water creep higher so that he can wash you properly.
He starts with your hair. It's another slow process, trying to keep from snagging your damp tresses on the staples that line his palms as he massages shampoo into your scalp, and moving carefully to avoid the lump that's formed at the back of your head, where it cracked against the hardwood floor. He does his best not to grimace visibly at that swelling, does the same as he's working sweat and sticky clumps out of your matted locks—your eyes are still bleary but he knows you're watching him, and he couldn't bear for you to see how much it affects him to witness you like this.
Conditioner is probably an unnecessary touch, but he works it in anyway once the last of the suds have been rinsed away, thinks it might help you to feel some sense of normalcy, if that's even still a possibility for you. He lets it soak in while he tends to the rest of your inflamed skin, trying best as he can to be gentle, though that doesn't stop you from wincing every time he brushes over some raw, tender spot. When he finally works the washcloth between your thighs, the last horribly necessary task left, you let out a choked sob, your face contorting in distress in a way that has his throat tightening again.
"Shh, baby girl," Dabi soothes, his voice raw even to his own ears as he lifts a hand to stroke at your hair. "It's okay. I've got you."
You can't help but wonder if that's entirely true as you bite back more complaints and let him tend to your ravaged sex. You can see the tightness in his face, the way he can't seem to look at you for long, and Shigaraki's words keep running through your mind, a grim mantra that sticks in your head even more than the memories of the past few hours.
You'll be ruined for him, just like you're ruined for me.
The thought is enough to have panic brewing in your chest, a near-hysteria clawing its way through you. Because what would you do without Dabi? Who else would ever want you now? It would be too much to lose them both.
You don't realize tears are streaming down your cheeks until hot thumbs are brushing them away, cerulean eyes fixed worriedly on your own. "It's okay," Dabi murmurs again. "You're okay."
But it's not, you're not, probably won't ever be again, and you need more than those thin reassurances. Your arm aches when you lift one hand to catch his wrist, your feeble grip a reminder of just how worn you really are. "Am I—" your voice is hoarse, your words interrupted by a painful cough as you struggle to speak through your wrecked throat "—am I ruined for you?"
The way his face falls at your question is reassurance enough, that tight expression going slack and defeated, the corners of his brows lifting in grief. Then Dabi's pulling you to his chest, water sloshing over the side of the tub and cool porcelain digging into your side as he wraps both arms around you, his face burying itself in your damp strands as he cradles you close.
"No. No, of course not, baby girl. Never."
When Dabi finally releases you, he leaves you soaking in the tub long enough to take a shower. He's loath to abandon you for even one second, but he needs that cleansing and, more than that, needs a moment to breath. Because you'd never clung to him so eagerly before, never needed him the same way he needed you, not when you had someone else to hold tightly to.
So just now, when you'd burrowed against his chest and made clear that he was the one you were counting on? Well, he'd be lying if he said it hadn't felt good.
Shigaraki might have succeeded in cracking the pedestal Dabi had placed you on, but all that's truly accomplished is to bring you down to Dabi's level, to a place where he can actually hope to make you his. And Dabi doesn't want to find that thought reassuring, doesn't want to dwell on the realization that this whole fucked up situation might be the only way he'll get the one thing he still wants in life. But he does.
He cranks the heat in the shower as high as it will go as he tries to wash away that guilt, but the scalding water isn't enough. It can't rinse out the shame of finding personal satisfaction in your suffering, just like it can't scour away the memories of obeying Shigaraki's final order, of burying his length in the slick sensation of a dozen other men's seed, of squeezing your thighs together in a desperate bid to create some sort of friction, or of sinking himself into your tighter hole when it seemed like the only way to end that agony.
The list of things that require Dabi's contrition is endless, it seems.
Perhaps it's some kind of fucked up penance, then, that once you're both clean Dabi finds himself offering to go collect your things from the room you'd shared with Shigaraki.
It's an offer born of necessity; you have nothing to wear and while Dabi would love to dress you in his clothes, would relish the sight of you parading around in some oversized shirt that belongs to him, the way you had with Shigaraki's clothes back in the old hideout, he has nothing to offer on that front. An extensive wardrobe isn't among his precious few possessions—the options are his filthy tee shirt and jeans, the ones that reek of booze and ash, or his sweats, amply stained from your walk of shame. None of that seems anywhere near adequate.
So Dabi grits his teeth yet again, tugs on those dirty clothes himself and leaves you tucked safely in his bed, bundled in his only towel. There's an anxious look in your eyes as he departs, one that has a strange thrill coursing through him as he murmurs a promise to return quickly.
He tells himself as he journeys down the hall—pointedly ignoring every person he passes—that Shigaraki won't be there. Dabi's seen the boss angry before, knows he's one to wander and destroy rather than to sulk, and if Dabi were a betting man he would wager that Shigaraki won't be setting foot in the room he'd shared with you any time soon.
Unfortunately, Dabi is wrong once again. There's no answer when he knocks, but when he slips inside it becomes painfully obvious that lack of response wasn't because the quarters were unoccupied. He pauses inside the door, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, and is almost immediately assaulted by the sounds issuing from around the corner, just out of sight: sheets rustling and heavy breathing, the faint slap of skin on skin, a quiet moan.
Fuck. Fuck no. This is the last thing that Dabi wants or needs to witness, even if the stab of incredulity and anger he feels about it is undeserved. It's how he himself would have coped, he knows, had Shigaraki's return to the Liberation Front and your return to him gone according plan, but the thought that he could avail himself of this ever after today's display has Dabi's stomach twisting.
He holds his breath as he immediately retreats, the carpet muffling his slow, quiet steps. Dabi will try something else, ask Toga to loan you some things, or rifle through the remnants of Jin's possessions if he has to. All he has do is get out of here without—
"What do you think you're doing?"
The sound of Shigaraki's low voice has Dabi freezing in place. He sounds different than when they last spoke, some faint trace of amusement there in place of that calculated callousness. Dabi keeps still, tries to convince himself that it's not him Shigaraki is addressing, but that hope proves unfounded.
"I can smell you, you know. You reek of smoke. So why don't you stop hiding and tell me why the fuck you're here?"
Dabi's first instinct is to simply turn and leave, to avoid this unpleasant encounter all together and pray Tomura will simply return his attentions to whoever had the poor judgement to leap into his bed. But in the end he steps forward, not willing to test the other man further than he has with his mere presence, not when there's still a sinister edge to his tone and the damage Dabi's wrought is already likely to haunt him to his dying day.
A light clicks on when Dabi steps into sight, the sudden assault on his pupils making him blink rapidly, and when the room finally swims back into focus, Dabi freezes. Tomura has some woman tucked neatly in his lap, her back nestled to his chest as he peers at Dabi from over her shoulder, the sheets barely covering where Dabi is positive they're joined together.
"I just came to get some of her shit—I didn't think you'd be here," Dabi says flatly, trying to not to let his eyes drift from Tomura's face as deadly hands grope at exposed breasts, dark bite marks and hickeys starkly visible even from the bottom of Dabi's field of vision. "I'll come back later. Or just find her new shit."
"Why bother when you're already here? Just get on with it." Dabi can sense something forced in that casual dismissal of his presence even as Shigaraki lets out a low laugh, and that impression is only strengthened when the woman—some MLA holdover Dabi recognizes but couldn't name—tugs at the edge of the blankets, obviously intent on providing herself with some sort of cover. Shigaraki growls immediately, pale fingers clamping around her wrist so tightly that she whimpers in protest. The first syllable of Tomura's name falls quietly from her lips, a paltry whine that's quashed as soon as it begins, Shigaraki's wide palm slapping harshly over her mouth. His eyes narrow in displeasure as scowling lips ghost over her ear.
"You're the one who wanted to fuck," Dabi hears Shigaraki hiss, "so don't you dare stop."
Dabi might have felt some sympathy for her in another life, some pang of unease at the way her eyes widen and she fidgets nervously before hesitantly rocking her hips, but in this moment he can muster no sympathy, not when her apparently voluntary presence far exceeds even Dabi's expectations for the shamelessness of these meta liberation freaks.
He does, however, feel a twinge of disquiet when he realizes, after a moment of staring, that she looks like you. Not exactly, of course—the nose is wrong, the hairstyle different—but enough. Her hair color, her eyes, her build: they're all reminiscent of your own.
Dabi tries not to think about what that means.
"Well, aren't you going to do what you came for?" Shigaraki taunts. That malicious glint is back in his eyes, the corner of his thin mouth curving up into a smirk that makes it clear he's enjoying Dabi's discomfort at the scene playing out before him. His hands start to wander again as though to emphasize it, pinching and tugging at puffy, exposed nipples while the woman continues to issue muffled mewls from behind his hand. "I'm busy, if you couldn't tell."
Dabi grits his teeth and looks away. "Where is it?"
Shigaraki only shrugs, that sneer widening, and Dabi turns stiffly towards the dresser, doing his best to tune out the soft cries as he rummages through the drawers. After a moment it's clear that nothing within belongs to you, and reluctantly Dabi steps further into the room to search the closet. He finds what he's looking for there, thank god; neatly folded stacks of pants and shirts line the shelves, blouses and those fancy nightgowns you're so fond of arranged neatly on hangars beside them. There's a duffel bag on the floor too, and Dabi quickly busies himself shoving as many of your belongings into it as he can, working with unceremonious haste and chewing at his cheek, still trying to ignore the way the sounds behind him are escalating, the moans and lewd wet smacks growing louder, more rapid.
He only stops when the duffel is overflowing, too stuffed full to even zip shut. It's certainly more than enough for now, but he wonders briefly about the rest of your possessions, if there's some other source of comfort he could and should bring you before Shigaraki decides to dispose of anything you've left behind. But Dabi has no way of knowing, has never been permitted to so much as step foot in this space before.
When the unmistakable sound of a slap emanates from behind him, followed by a throaty groan, Dabi decides it doesn't matter.
It takes him a moment to steel himself, to work up the nerve to turn back towards the room and the vulgar performance occurring mere feet away, but he once he does he strides purposefully towards the door without so much as a glance towards Shigaraki and his new—and very temporary, Dabi suspects—lover. He's almost out the door, seconds from feeling as though he can breath again, when that mocking voice is once again demanding his attention.
"Dabi," Shigaraki calls out liltingly, and Dabi pauses.
"What now?"
His obvious impatience draws a cold chuckle from Tomura. "Don't try to leave. Either of you," Shigaraki says. "The Violet Regiment still needs its lieutenant, and I need you motivated."
For a long moment, Dabi simply stands there, his hand still resting on the knob as he considers those instructions. Shigaraki isn't wrong to think he would consider it; Dabi's mostly accomplished what he hoped to with the League, and his more protective instincts have been screaming at him to get you out of here since the second it was clear Tomura intended to honor his threats. But he'd already had doubts that the jilted man would let that happen, not when the punishment he'd devised is most effective if you're both forced to stay, forced to face everyone who witnessed your downfalls and shared shame.
And also, well...Dabi's more protective instincts might tempt him to flee—he's disappeared before, after all, thinks he could do it again even if it would be harder to evade Shigaraki's reach—but his possessive instincts? Those have more self-serving thoughts brewing in the back of his mind. Because if the castigation you endured is most effective if you stay, it also means that Dabi has no advantage anywhere else. Would you cling to him so sweetly, so fiercely if you weren't surrounded by those who had seen you so thoroughly humbled? Or would such an escape only taint Dabi's presence in your mind, single him out as the last reminder of your humiliation and debasement?
It would, he thinks. So Dabi nods even though Shigaraki can't see him, noting the opportunity present in what was surely intended as a threat. The sadistic leader might be intent on dangling this over both your and Dabi's heads until at least one of you is dead, but Dabi's made the best of bad situations before, ones worse than this.
"Sure thing, boss," he says, working to keep his tone level and mild. He steps out into the hall, lets the door click closed behind him.
For the first time all day, Dabi smiles.
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emialawliet · 3 years
The mysteries of Wonder Egg Priority and some interesting things I found in it
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Oh hi Acca. Wait is that a crack on your right lens?
One of the great things about WEP is that it is an original anime wherein we do not have any source material to check on its story thus we do not have a clue on what’s gonna happen next besides the things that happen in each episode. These are one of those animes which are fun to observe.
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Plot Summary: Ai scores a “Wonder Egg” from a gachapon machine at a deserted arcade. But now when Ai falls asleep a girl emerges from her Wonder Egg, the worlds of dreams and reality begin to collide. And it’s all connected.
From the first episode, we have been given a huge amount of symbolism. Aside from the main subject of bullying and Ai’s guilt by pretending not to see it that cost her bestfriend’s life, there are a lot of other things that I noticed that seem to have a deeper meaning behind them or could be a hint to something. I’ll list these things one by one from the first 2 episodes..
This post is going to be quite a long one, so I’ll keep it minimal enough to just tickle your thoughts. And believe me, things got clearer to me as I am making this post.
The anime starts in a sort of a dream world.. or is it?
1) The firefly
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In some cultures firefly may not have a positive reputation. But in Japan, where they are called "hotaru," they are beloved – a metaphor for passionate love in poetry since Man'you-shu (the 8th century anthology). -Namiko Abe @ thoughtco.com
Ai can be seen looking at a dead firefly. She seems caring for it and she even gave it a proper burial. Could this symbolize someone dear to her? Now let’s proceed..
2) person in the car
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Is this a clue? I’ll remember that hair for some reason..
3) Ai’s conversation with the firefly and the Special Gacha Machine
firefly: What are you doing in a place like this?
Ai: Walking.
F: This late at night?
After burying the firefly, it suddenly came out the soil and spoke to Ai with a male voice. Their conversation seems to me like a suspicious man talking to an innocent girl in a place where a young one like her isn’t supposed to be..
F: The first time’s free. Next time bring your wallet.
This is one of the things commonly used to convince someone to try something they are usually not willing to for the first time. Like a free trial..
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..and was then led somewhere underground where the “Special Gacha Machine” is located.
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That’s a lotta eggs. What could this underground facility be? And here’s the Gacha Machine:
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So that’s the thing in the poster.
Weird huh? But the next morning, Ai wakes up with the egg beside her..
4) The dream
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..Or is it not entirely a dream? I mean the egg appearing beside her is one thing although it could be that the egg is just in her mind. But the thing that complicates things is the injuries she gets in real life, to the point where she and even Neiru needs to get hospitalized.
Ai asked why this (the whole dream she’s in) is happening to her and this is what Kurumi said:
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“Nothing costs more than a free gift huh?” Indeed, life is priceless. But in this story, it is only free the first time. The second night, Ai paid a huge price. Could those injuries mean this?
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“This is a dream to you, but to me it is reality.” -Kurumi Saijo
Ai will not die in this dream, as long as her eyes and heart are okay.
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Did she really sneak at night twice? Since getting the Wonder Egg to saving Kurumi? In this scene we also see the teacher in full for the first time and I dunno about you guys but I think that hair is familiar..
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The firefly even asked her this. We’ve seen Ai sneaking out at night but the things that follow are strange enough to happen in real life. Is it possible that what we're seeing is a mixture of Ai’s imagination and reality?
Something caused these injuries. Or is it Ai herself? Let us find out..
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After saving Kurumi, a mysterious male voice said “Too bad, you only get saved. But you have to cheer up if you want your bestfriend back.”
She then asked this:
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..but got no clear response. Of course we know the answer, Koito is not going back to life. but why does the voice demand her to do that? Not even the firefly could answer her clearly. But she continued to believe that this will get her bestfriend back. 
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“If you can’t protect them, you won’t make it either.” -Firefly
“There’s no point going to save someone if she gets herself killed.” -Ura-Acca
Does they mean the guilt might kill her too? Does this imply suicide? Could this be a hint where Ai gets her injuries?
And Neiru asked her who she is fighting for.. Ai firmly said it was for Koito.
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“You don’t like yourself now, so you go. You want to change the self you hate.” Well this could also be true for herself despite saying it’s for her sister whom she let die. How? We’ll soon know more about this I guess.. At the moment, we know that Neiru loves her current self. 
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Ai hates herself for betraying her bestfriend. The first friend she ever had.
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Koito probably asked her to film the bullying as evidence, but Ai was too scared of being left out. She wasn’t able to get a good shot, but Koito only smiled at her and knew she did her best.
5) The egg
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From the title itself, the egg is a very prominent object in this anime. We still do not have a clear answer as to what it really represents, but according to the speaking firefly and Kurumi, it contains what a person wants the most, and in Ai’s case, it is a friend. She denies this to both of them but they both know it is the truth.
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The eggs appear in different colors, with letters, numbers and symbols printed on them. Once cracked, it reveals a person. This is where we can relate the egg’s symbolism of life and creation. 
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A mysterious male voice angrily told Ai to break the egg, and this is what he said afterwards:
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Ai is “good” at it, huh. What could he probably mean I wonder..
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It was later revealed that Kurumi is another sculpture, a “captured maiden” in a different world like Ai’s bestfriend Koito. This confirms that Kurumi is also dead, which leads me to think that the eggs are the souls of those who died from suicide or abuse. 
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They couldn’t pass on unless the guilt of their friends stop holding them back. And this I think is also what’s happening to our MC Ai and Koito’s soul.
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6) Kurumi Saijo
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She wears a different uniform than Ai’s. A victim of bullying by 3 girls.
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Like Ai, she also said she did not have any friends, just superficial ones.
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And this could be hinting at the reason why she was bullied by those girls. She does have the looks. But these looks might be the reason why she had no real friends. And a boyfriend of this fake friend probably liked her and broke up with her fake friend which started the bullying. I smell jealousy.
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In this dream, she found her resolve while saving Kurumi.
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I gotta say though, the animation is impressive from start to finish. That button popping off has me goin “whoa they even thought of adding that bit.” And the explosion that followed.. oof.
After being saved by Ai, she asked Ai to not forget her and disappeared into dust. Was Kurumi able to finally pass on?
) Minami Suzuhara
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Seriously, in this anime, adorable girls have no friends.
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Damn her “trauma” is a ridiculous boob monster. 
She could have died due to over fatigue and stress from her coach’s verbal abuse.
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Ai had another injury the following day.
) Ai’s enemies
The Seenoevils, a disorderly mob. In real life, they are the ones that pretend not to see the bullying, letting it happen and thus contribute to the damage being dealt to thee victim. And the form of the egg’s “traumas”, the Wonder Killer, which are the main cause who led the victims to their deaths. In the dream world, they do not attack Ai. But they can damage her, only for the effects to appear outside the dream.
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Ai uses Kurumi’s pen as her first weapon, and Minami’s ribbon wand as the second.
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Like Kurumi, after she was saved she also asked Ai to remember her before disappearing into dust.
) The teacher
Ai’s teacher seems really nice, going as far as to visit her and deliver the week’s print outs to their home. Ai must not be attending school for weeks..
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We now know that Ai’s location is nearby their teacher’s home. Could he be the guy in the car then? We don’t have enough evidence of that as of yet.
In the second episode, Ai’s teacher visited again.
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Now we see his face. He’s got a mole huh.
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But why this question teach? 
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So that’s his name. And why the special treatment?
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Here we see him walk behind Koito and she follows..
) Acca & Ura-Akka
The most intriguing thing I found in the first ep..
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After discovering the truth about Kurumi, Ai was led to the end of the underground tunnel and found these two strange dolls playing Go, a japanese traditional board game. One looks like a professional, and the other just casual. They introduced themselves as Acca and Ura-Acca.
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Judging by that definition, these two dolls could be the same person. Let’s watch out for that.. Who could this person be? And what is his connection to Ai?
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“Haste makes waste.” These two are worried about Neiru. They strongly advise on taking the process slow or else she might die. Is this person a therapist?
) Neiru Aonuma
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Did I read that right.. VICE PRESIDENT?? I get the feeling her sister died caused by neglect from their parents because they were more focused on this Neiru who “loves herself”. She also seems to me like a foreigner. She speaks english quite well and we see the mom with a nice cute afro.
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She was too greedy to get multiple eggs at once. She could have fought through an intense battle. Probably why she was put in the intensive care unit. 
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She also does not know the fun of being in a friendship. But then she agrees on being friends with AI :) I am glad how Ai is starting to change too.
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I am looking forward for these two’s friendship <3
And that’s about all the curious things I’ve gathered in the first 2 episodes.
I am definitely going to continue watching this series and witness the truth unfold. Until the next egg time!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Truth”-related asks:
Anonymous said:
I just watched truth and man, we didn't need any of that... I'm so tired...
Anonymous said:
Me after reading that summary: We coulda had it aaaaaaaaaaallllllll, decent wri-itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg
Anonymous said:
oh. lukanette breakup. how surpri— oh wait, no it wasn't.
bunnybunblitz said:
Me, skimming your summary of truth: life is a nightmare life is a nightmare life is a nightmare abort abort
Anonymous said:
Truth was a living nightmare, and that's the truth!
*defeated sigh*
Anonymous said:
The way all that just make me start disliking Adrien so hard wow I have enough of him so hard can they get ride of him for one damn episode?
Anonymous said:
Wow! Writers got on completely new level. They somehow made people to be annoyed with Adrien, even without putting him in episode.
My meme image of “I’ve had enough of this dude,” about sums it up.
It’s almost impressive???
Anonymous said:
I have the impression that you should slowly gather materials for "Treatment of Marinette S4"
You know, when you’re right, you’re right.
Anonymous said:
Hey there... Got a lil rant, I hope you don't mind in sea of anons you're probably getting. I guess if show didn't treat Marinette as their favorite punching bag and lukanette as a thing to get over with to be back on love square bullshit I wouldn't be this salty. We all knew lukanette isn't a endgame, but we actually care about Luka ans Marinette as characters and as a couple, and we knew there was a break up brewing.
But I mlb writers for setting things up, canonizing them over provocative tweet and leave them to dust right at the beginning of s4. And, oh sweet irony as they kinda accidentally made Lukanette totally better than love square (let's be honest if they knew what they were doing we wouldn't get any breakup from narrative and character development standpoint),,, because their heroine for once is loved and appreciated but that's another discussion and they hate that for her. Also, thomas arstruck can suck my toe.
I don't know what's your opinion on soulmate and destiny thing, but I'm totally in opposite. I remember The Good Place (love the series btw!) quote about how soulmates are made with love and nurture of people and not some cosmic forces. And to see how show is pushing for Destiny ™️ I'm kinda disheartened. But I guess I never really liked love square execution in the first place when it turned out that Marinette is butt of the crush joke for 3 seasons and there's 0 development from that. Like Thomas, that's not funny running gag. Thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you for the rant, and I agree!
It’s so strange how all their attempts to push for the love square just push me more towards Lukanette. How do the writers do that???
Anonymous said:
Yeah that point where she exclaims Luka in shock just angered and confused me. She LITERALLY transformed because Luka was akumatized. And her being shocked is only there to get her under the truth spell.
This episode is held together by knots and strings at this point.
Anonymous said:
Wow, "Ladybug likes Chat Noir humor." Then why every time Chat Noir makes puns, Ladybug looks like she wanted to strangle him on spot.
Ladybug = us
At that point, they should’ve just said, “[The writers] like Chat Noir’s humor.” Like--writers, please don’t use Ladybug as a tool to simp for your sunshine boy, it looks really pathetic.
Anonymous said:
Based on the ellipses you used I'm guessing you're not a fan of Jagged talking about the "Guitar is my only family" song.
Oh, no actually... I mean, I do because it’s there to torment Luka, but the ellipses was because of the intentional pause in the episode. Jagged was looking sympathetic
Anonymous said:
Truth was awful, the only good thing we got out of it was a Lukanette date (yay :'D) and we got to know Luka's father (although we all been knew).
Honestly if we could find a way to edit it so Luka and Marinette properly kissed then we’d just chop it out of the episode and call it the only canon thing.
asexual-individual said:
So, given that "Truth" didn't introduce the protection charms, I'm going to take a wild guess that they're not introduced until after "Gang of Secrets", meaning that Marinette won't get any close friends that it's safe to tell her secret to.
I was legit so sure that it was a guardian benefit and now I’m just left confused/curious about what causes CharmBug. Like, what, do you get CharmBug by purifying your one thousandth akuma???
Anonymous said:
I am absolutely positive no one quality checks these episodes before they’re sent out. Ladybug getting caught off guard on Luka being Truth even though she knows he was akumatised, and the horribly upbeat music playing as Marinette lies in bed absolutely defeated is so bad there’s no way this was double checked before it was sent out to TV stations
At this point, I’m convinced that they don’t care and are jamming through episodes as fast as they possible can.
cobraonthecob said:
I'm willing to bet that the writers go through critical and salt blogs just to see what the fandom's thinking, and then they think we're serious and they sprint with whatever we say.
guys please reconsider and also lower your alcohol levels
Anonymous said:
It was awful in general, but why add the paternity thing in the break-up ep? It detracts from, well, everything else and makes obvious they are copypasting fan theories instead of thinking of plot points.
I really do think they knew that Luka being upset over Marinette’s secret wasn’t enough to akumatize him so he needed something else.
Anonymous said:
Let me get something straight: The episode was explicitly about Marinette going on dates with Luka and that they were together. Yet Juleka is once again part of the shipping squad with obligatory "Marinette is only weird because she's with Adrien"-theories, and she's totally cool with that?
Yup! :3
guys I just adore mob mentality, did you know.
Anonymous said:
Ok, but the fact that everyone considers Marinette’s crush on Adrien to be her big secret is stupidly unrealistic. They KNOW they’re all aware of it - the girl squad even figured it out by themselves before they were told and think it’s totally obvious (as long as you’re a girl cause guys are clueless about feelings right). As far as they’re concerned it’s not actually a secret so they SHOULD be spilling the things they think only they and Marinette know. I mean, I can think of dozens of possibilities for Tom and the rest of the girls already, but Alya?
We had a front row seat to the damning secret Alya knows from back in season 1, but I guess asking this show to acknowledge continuity is too much. Still, the episode could have been so much more interesting if Alya had said, “Marinette’s the one who really gave Adrien the scarf for his birthday, but he looked so happy thinking it was from his father that she couldn’t bear to tell him that Gabriel hadn’t actually gotten him anything.” (I suppose reminding people of that wouldn’t fit into the writers’ poor attempts to make Gabriel sympathetic though 🙄).
Lol, just imagine the entire battle being sidetracked by Luka being brought to tears by how selfless and sweet his girlfriend is while Shadow Moth is too distracted by how this will ruin his reputation to get him back on track.
Anonymous said:
Marinette deserves to tell Luka she's Ladybug and have some support on her side tbh, it's disgusting to see the writers breaking up clearly the only thing that brings her joy and peace currently
And judging from that one trailer, she IS going to tell someone her secret and it’ll probably be freaking Alya; you know, the girl who blabbed about her Adrien crush to Nino and is thus THE LEAST TRUTHWORTHY PERSON. (”bonus” if it’s before the amulets)
I’m having nightmares already about Alya distrusting Lila because Marinette is Ladybug and not because Alya believes in Marinette. DX
Anonymous said:
Now that it’s been confirmed (in the worst way possible) that Jagged Stone is in fact Luka’s (and possibly Juleka’s?) father, how would you handle the whole mixed family aspect considering Jagged and Anarka’s relationship, Jagged and Penny’s, Anarka and Penny’s, Jagged and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?), and Penny and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?)? Topics like mixed families and family relationships are something that needs to be handled sensibly and sensitively given how it hits home for a lot of real-world people. Since we obviously can’t trust the ML writers to handle such topics the way that they deserve to be, how would you go about it knowing what we know up to this point about each character on their own and how they interact with one another?
Luka and Juleka were “accidents,” but Anarka kept it a secret from Jagged since Jagged was already hyped up to go on his next tour and Anarka knew their relationship was crumbling (possibly he already dumped her as his guitarist and she was annoyed about it). Jagged eventually learns that he has kids and is hesitant towards the idea, but because of him doting on Marinette (who’s the same age as his kids), he opens up to the idea.
Anarka and Jagged in present are mixed between tolerating each other for the sake of their kids and being chaotic best friends. The bad blood died out a while ago and there’s occasional tension but because Anarka is a single woman not interested in Jagged and Jagged is single with a possible thing for Penny, they make it work
Anarka and Penny have an awkward relationship. Penny wants to schedule time for Jagged to hang with Luka and Juleka and Anarka is confused at the very concept of a schedule, like just take them whenever okay??? isn’t it easier that way??? and Penny is like, “...oh, I guess so?”
Jagged and Penny, it depends on if they’re in any sort of relationship. If they’re in a relationship, Penny is either open to the idea of him learning to be good with kids if she’ll eventually want kids with him, or mixed because these are another woman’s kids and it’s really awkward. If they’re not in a relationship, then Penny could also be mixed since she’s crushing on him but I could also see her either finding it sweet that Jagged wants to hang out with his kids or finding it a hassle to schedule them in.
Jagged and Luka is rough. Luka has so many conflicting feelings on his idol ending up being his father. Jagged will probably even comment on Luka’s shirt + necklace and all of Luka’s merch in an attempt to bond but that kind of comes off desperate/awkward and Luka’s not about that life. I could also see Luka taking all the stuff down and swapping out his shirt, but being hesitant to remove the necklace because it’s a gift from Marinette. He might try to wash off the signature. He knows it’s not Jagged’s fault exactly but Anarka seemed to have bad blood with him and even if they get along now, Luka’s bitter. Jagged meanwhile wants to connect with Luka because hey musician energy!! but is gonna mess up a lot and say a lot of awkward things. Marinette will probably have to be a middle man between the two because it’s easier for them to talk with her around.
Jagged and Juleka don’t have a significant relationship at first. Juleka never care who her father was and she wasn’t crazy about Jagged Stone like Luka was. Jagged does try to connect with her but they clash majorly due to Jagged being so “loud” and Juleka being so quiet. Jagged will see it as a huge accomplishment the day where Juleka says something coherent (i.e: not a mumble) to him.
Yeah though, keep in mind for all of this that I’m not a family relationship kinda girl, so this isn’t my forte (I’m probably the most sympathetic to Jagged out of the whole fandom; not to say I agree with his actions but I have a history of hating babies and children, so not cool of him if he ditched Anarka but like, I get it, doesn’t make him better but I get it from a non-realistic standpoint of “ew, parenting”).
Anonymous said:
You know what? Imma gonna ignore canon for a bit more than I’ve been doing. The only thing I take away from “Truth” is that Marinette loves Luka and Tikki looks adorable in hats. That’s it have a good Saturday! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Anonymous said:
If there’s one small detail that I thought was genuinely cute this episode, it’s Tikki posing in the mirror with her little hat collection.
Ahaha, those are good takeaways!
And yes, Tikki looked good in hats, but at what cost. (guys, where’s our jealous Tikki episode where Tikki is jealous of the attention Marinette has to give the other kwami wait no they’d just make it Marinette’s fault go back go ba--)
Anonymous asked:
Am I the only on squicked out by how Adrien acts all noble and claims he would never force Ladybug to tell him anything, but when it becomes apparent that he has to ask her a question before the akuma can he goes all ‘what are your three favorite things about me?’ :3c I mean, he had decent amount of time to think up a bunch of innocent questions that couldn’t hurt her in any way like ‘what is your favorite color?’ or ‘do you like cookies?’ or even ‘what’s the capitol of France?’ But instead he basically demands she compliment him. Coming from a guy who spent most of the last two seasons refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer that’s a bit… icky.
He could’ve phrased it in any way and he used it to get compliments from her. :|
At least Ladybug asked a legitimate question about how he felt about her guardian status.
Anonymous said:
I had this idea for an episode: Luka finds out that Marinette is LB because he is in danger. Let's say he gets yeeted off a building by an akuma and Marinette (in her civilian form) jumps after him, transforms while Luka sees it (he's shook, obviously), she grabs him and saves him from falling. I think that would be pretty epic, do you think you could write a one-shot based on that idea if you feel like that? I would forever be thankful. Have a nice day!
I like the idea, though I feel like that’s been done a lot before in identity reveal fanfics.
Anonymous said:
You know, despite them all getting interrupted, I thought the attempts at Lukanette dates was really cute. Luka picking up Marinette from school, the two trying to see who is the biggest jagged fan, getting ice cream at Andre's, it's really cute! I only wish Hawkmoth and the writers weren't such dickheads.
It’s so adorable!
Like--show, you aren’t doing a good job at getting me off the Lukanette train.
Anonymous said:
Are you sure the Lukanette breakup wasn't Marinette's fault? I mean, the episode frames it like she's refusing to tell the truth, even if it's for a good reason.
I’m not sure when I said that the episode didn’t frame it as her fault?
Things are ALWAYS Marinette’s fault, it’s literally a rule of the show.
Anonymous said:
You know the truth episode actually gives more reasons for lukanette in my opinion based of its description you said. Luka is ridiculously understanding and also almost manages to fight off hawk moth as well as taking probably a week at least for him to get to that and yet he, while he’s upset, still tries to be there for marinette. Also makes the relationships she has with her friends and family worse if the secret they think she has is that she likes adrien while dating Luka.
And oh my gosh, I feel the friends and family comment so badly. Just throwing it out there, maybe you guys don’t actually support her???
Anonymous said:
How do you feel about Luka having no negative reaction to this whole "Marinette loves Adrien" thing? I understand that he isn't exactly the jealous type, but still, it seems weird to me that he just accepts it while Marinette is dating him. I love Luka a lot, but in this situation his reaction was just so unrealistic...
Honestly, I find it really interesting. Plus, it’s Truth who’s being told those things, not Luka, and Truth has other priorities.
And--I mean, I’m positive that Luka got into the relationship knowing that Marinette wasn’t completely over Adrien. She wanted to see if they’d work and he wanted to date her. It’s both of them being a little selfish in a way and I like that.
That’s why I think he doesn’t have a big reaction to the Adrien call. He seems amused more than anything, and Luka is empathetic also so he knows not to take Marinette’s stammering/mistakes to heart because she doesn’t mean them. We already had evidence of that in “Desperada.”
writingamongther0ses said:
Even if Lukanette had stayed together, I have a feeling Alya would complain that it's not Adrien...which could lead to a character growth opportunity for her when her complaining leads to Luka getting hurt when he overhears and becomes an akuma. But that's too interesting.
Interesting character relationships??? In THIS show???
Anonymous said:
After watching Truth the only thing I can feel at the moment is bitter. Not angry, not sad, not disappointed. Just bitter.
Bitter’s a good way of putting it, yeah. *sigh*
Anonymous said:
The fact that the second episode released managed to get a bingo really says a lot about how predictable the show's garbage fire writing.
I knew the Lukanette episode would be a big card filler but DAMN.
Anonymous said:
I hated all of Truth, but perhaps the worst part was how hard they tried to remind you that, no matter how much of a good time Marinette and Luka have together, it's Adrien who Marinette will end up with in the end. From Alya rudely insinuating "girl, you're acting stupid, is Adrien at your house?", to Luka receiving a PICTURE of Adrien from a kwami, to Marinette talking on the phone with Luka while her Adrien pictures are in the background, to Marinette CALLING LUKA ADRIEN, to Truth demanding that people tell him Marinette's secret, only for them ALL to say "She's in love with Adrien Agreste.".
It's absolutely anger-inducing because it tries too hard to let the audience know to forget about Luka because Adrien is lurking in the corner and he and Marinette are endgame. The fans are right, Luka IS a second choice, but not in the way they think. Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!
But what bothers me the most is that everyone saying that Marinette loves Adrien is accepted as truth even when Marinette herself says she's over Adrien. Her words are ignored, how she feels is ignored, because everyone else(including the girl squad, when they're supposed to be her "friends") tells her that she's supposed to be in love with Adrien, and so she "has" to go along with it because ENDGAME. It's the show saying "stupid naive Marinette, you're too immature and dumb to know how you really feel, let someone else do the thinking for you!"
Meanwhile Adrien moving on with Kagami is accepted even when he still flirts with Ladybug(and forces her to build up his ego when he asks her what she admires most about him; I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but meta-wise, it was obvious love square pushing.), because "he's trying to respect her feelings and date someone else!" It's one of the main gripes I have with the show: that teenage girls are too emotional and confused to know what they really want, but teenage boys are mature and rational enough to make up their minds about who they love without holding any animosity towards anyone.
The all-white, all-male writing team pushes the Chinese girl's feelings aside and forces her to hide and erase them if they're not want they want her to feel, while the white boy gets congratulated with a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum and always, ALWAYS, takes the moral high ground(even in superhero form when he's supposedly goofy.). When she's the lead.
"Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!“
It’s just tiring. It’s not even me being sick of the love square, but it being forced into everything when it’s not even relevant. The episode strategically throws more and more of Marinette’s Adrien crush (I did the math, I know this) into the mix and it provides nothing but the same tired jokes. Heck, they keep leaning on the lucky charm Marinette let him borrow (not GAVE, let him BORROW) back in Season 1 because they basically have nothing else to go off of.
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chronicbatfictioner · 4 years
"Overall, it wasn't so bad..." Tim commented.
"Except for the fact that Bane roared like a constipated bear and literally lunged at Damian and Jason threw him out the window..." Barbara quipped, her face serious but her lips were still twitching. "I... am highly amused. Twice."
"You were laughing until you bent over double that if you weren't in a wheelchair, you've probably knelt on the floor laughing." Dinah deadpanned. "It was hilarious."
"Yes, it was. The fact that Jason could actually lift Bane and throw him out... Did you guys see Bruce's face, though! Oh my god! He... he looked at Jason as if he'd seen the lord savior Jésus Todd or something!" Tim crowed. "Like, the dude Bane got thrown out a bay window twice. I get the awe, I was a little star-struck myself. But I can't believe dude actually wanted to try the third time until Alfred pointed a damn shotgun to his forehead! I can't even!"
"This thus solidifies my thoughts that the Waynes may be trying to figure out a way to get rid of this... brute without... I dunno..." Barbara pondered.
"Gotten themselves broken in half?" Tim suggested. "He sure insinuated that he would do such a thing to Damian."
"Oh, gee, Tim. Which part of his speech insinuated that? 'You lying bastard!', or 'I'll break you in halves!'?"
"I'm partial to the 'bastard' remark, really. I mean, pot, kettle?" Tim replied, giggling.
"Technically," Helena Bertinelli - The Huntress - sighed as she chimed in; "and ironically, at that; the 'bastard' would be Bane since he claimed to be Thomas Wayne's son and is younger than Bruce. Which means he was 'conceived' while Dr Thomas was already married to Mrs Wayne..."
"Right? Bruce and Talia were two consenting adults, albeit under 20 years old; and were wed in a local ritual witnessed by locals, according to Jason. You should see Bane's face when Jason presented copies of the marriage's registry." Tim continued.
"Oh, we saw, all right. Harper's drones worked quite well." Dinah replied, snickering, referring to Harper Row, one of their tech 'consultants'. "Even at that height, it still delivered crystal clear pictures. I vote we use them again."
"No vote needed, the drones are on stand-by at the Wayne Manor permanently at this point. I'm more interested in his reaction when Damian offered them a DNA test." Barbara told her.
"I'm more interested in Bruce Wayne's reaction, really. He didn't seem too surprised, as if he was expecting this to happen or something." Helena pointed out.
"Maybe he did," Barbara replied absently. "Dude has been swingin' more than the roarin' 50s, there has got to be some juniors out there that even he didn't know of."
"Ugh, while I'm not a fan of Bruce Wayne's womanizing ways, I personally don't think he's that reckless. He's not a drinker or a junkie, as far as I know. He has virtually no vice other than extreme sports." Helena argued.
"I agree," Selina, who has been quietly watching from the corner, chimed in. "This is a guy who got visibly antsy when some sexy girls in bikinis come up to him - I thought he was gay. But if he'd been... wedded to Talia Al Ghul all these times, that would make sense. He knew exactly where he stood, and what would come up if he screwed it up."
"Has Jason or Dick said anything of the Doc and Mama Wayne's reaction?" Helena asked.
"They seemed truly confused, a little apprehensive, but didn't seem to be opposed to the idea that Damian is Bruce's child. Dr Wayne said that a DNA test wouldn't be necessary, but Jason insisted it." Tim replied, and added a little absently a few heartbeats later. "But why would he, a physician with more specialties than a truck stop, would not question the biology of anyone claiming to be his biological descendant?"
Barbara glared at Tim, "excellent question, Tim. If my dad has someone coming out of the boonies saying he's related to me, the first thing dad would do is draw blood."
"They... don't care?" Dinah suggested. "Maybe the Wayne men were less... chaste than they appear?"
Barbara glared at her this time. "Of all the women Bruce Wayne has dated, I've only recorded a handful who would end up in a second date. Less than a handful who were actually mentioned beyond social media photos; and you know how I feel with social media photos: generic, unverifiable, and showoff-only. Dates with Bruce Wayne generally would start with the pick-up, dinner, and then some form of jewelry. I..." she looked at Selina and Helena, "you've both dated him at one point or the other."
Selina shrugged, "I went for a gala dinner, and was honestly there to scope the homeowner's safe, really. I wasn't interested in a follow-up date." she replied. "Helena?"
"Social arrangement. My people called his people and boom, we were on a red carpet." she elaborated. Helena was a part of a mafia family, until she decided that the mafia way would not be the best way to make Gotham a happy place for all, and donned the costume of the Huntress to hunt down wrongdoers. Barbara had decided to let her join to prevent her from going over the line and murder anyone out of overzealous-ness; but also in order to get a line-in into the mafia families.
"No second dates, either, huh?"
"No, I'll have to check, though. I think his people called me again, but I wasn't interested in a vapid playboy, even if he has more money than Jesus."
"Vicky Vale," Selina reminded. "She has had a... somewhat lengthy relationship with Bruce some years ago."
"Sooo... the next answer in our mystery could probably be answered by interviewing an investigative journalist." Tim commented.
"Oh, no..." Barbara grinned mischievously. "Not this investigative journalist. I know just the journalist to talk to when it comes to gossip among themselves."
Dinah snorted a laugh. "I thought you didn't like her."
"I liked Vale less," Barbara griped. "Plus, Vale is already getting news on Bruce's probable child; why shouldn't I send Lois Lane the allegations of the Bane Conspiracy?"
"Conspiracy with who?" Dinah asked curiously.
"Oh, the Waynes, of course, to get rid of the Court of Owls," Barbara smirked. "Why should we be the only ones racking our respective and collective brains when we can have someone else on the ground doing the grunt work?"
"Babs, you can be... pretty evil sometimes," Selina remarked. "I know there's got to be a reason why I like you."
"I'm also awesome with technology and can launder your ill-gotten money and make it legal and undetected." Barbara pointed out.
"Oh no, that's why I liked you." Helena quipped smirking. "Seriously, how many mob family can say their ill-gotten money is accountable by law?"
"As long as it is within the facets of the law, and so on and so forth... Anyway! Tim, you're quiet for more than two seconds. I'm always nervous when you're quiet."
"Just thinking..." Tim said, looking a little lost in his own brain. He often does that when he has at least a dozen scenarios running through his mind. Through the time of Barbara knowing him, Tim would probably be the only person whose claims of 'just thinking' wouldn't immediately be picked on by anybody.
"Care to share with the class, kitten?" Selina prompted.
"It's not fully mapped yet... but I was thinking. What if the Waynes aren't... didn't cooperate with Bane in order to destroy the Court of Owls, and they're literally being hostages in their own home? What if Bruce Wayne has predicted something like this could happen, and has gotten himself all prepared all the way to ten years ago when he wedded Talia Al Ghul? I mean, who would have had enough firepower to defeat Bane other than the Al Ghuls? Look at Jason," Tim pointed out. "He threw Bane out the window as if he was a fly. While Jason is as solid as a rock but isn't a metahuman - Bane is. He was assigned by Talia herself - out of Gotham - to protect and guide Damian-- why? What's so special about Jason Todd? Why did Talia choose him? Why didn't Bruce Wayne - at least - act shocked when Damian said he was his son? Surprised, sure. But not shocked or in denial.
"Who's gonna win if Bane turned out to be Dr Wayne's son? Who's gonna lose? What will they lose? Who is Bane accountable to? If none, who planted the idea of him being Dr Wayne's son? Because from what I've read about him, he was born and raised in a prison with his mother - no mention of a father. His mother was an insurgent of Hasaragua, fighting against US-condoned democracy. And while there was a record of Dr Wayne being there, there was no exact date and length of stay, because he was there privately and not as a part of Médecin sans Frontieres or something like that.
"What about Mrs Wayne? She wasn't a poor or uneducated woman, since she was a Kane. Society-wise, do you think she would have tolerated her husband's indiscretion, both then and now? Yet she kept quiet for nearly two months. She has a Ph.D. in psychiatry, and would she be the ones to keep quiet about DNA testing and all that? Personally, I don't think so. If my mother - a little 'lesser' society lady compared to Martha Kane-Wayne - ever got a word of a child that 'probably' got fathered by my dad, she would have demanded a divorce right away without bothering with a paternity test, sure. But my dad, who was also a society man, would have at least attempted to convince her that it was a mistake and/or it was a lie. What best method to decide a child's paternity than DNA test?
"The criminal front in general - especially the costumed criminals - has been pretty quiet since Bane eliminated the Court of Owls. Why? That's rather stupid since we know that the Court's Talons were the ones who made moves to 'discourage' the costumed freaks. Annnd... that's where I couldn't map out things further." Tim rambled.
"Keep talking, even half sentences are better than none, Timmy." Barbara prompted. Tim might have had a brain that worked a mile a minute, but he was still very young and would often get flustered with himself. Barbara, on the other hand, has an eidetic memory, and things Tim said tend to stick to her brain and would fill the gaps in any puzzles she might be thinking about. Even half sentences.
"Right, I do the fact spreads, you do the jigsaw-puzzling." Tim nodded. "The murders of Talia and Ra's Al Ghul. Jason said they were deliberately murdered in a way that they would never be able to be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. The perpetrators would be the League of Shadows, a rogue splinter of the League of Assassins. Lead by Lady Shiva. Why? Why were they murdered? Why now and not - say - next year or last year? Who benefited by their death? Aaand... I'm done, for now, I think..."
"I... can feel a headache brewing," Dinah admitted. "You and your conspiracy theories." she rubbed Tim's head fondly. Tim gave her a half-smile, still trying to articulate the thoughts in his head.
"That's why we need him, he takes the most random input and makes a theory out of it, and some of them would actually make sense. I'll start a search string based on some of your questions. If you have more, don't hesitate to tell me, Tim." Barbara realized belatedly that her tone sounded dismissive, and turned to Tim. "Want me to call up for Chinese and powwow a little more?" she added.
Tim shook his head, still glaring blankly. "Thanks, I gotta go... I've some... things to look into. Thanks, Babs," he replied, ending it with a genuine smile as he got up.
"Want to come home with me, Kitten?" Selina asked, worry for Tim apparent on her normally-blank face.
"No, thanks, Ma. I gotta go back to the mansion, just in case, right?" Tim pointed out.
"Then Dinah should go with you," Selina decided.
"She's coming there later, right, aunt Dinah?" Tim asked. Dinah nodded.
"I'll get home with food, so don't worry about that, kiddo." she said. Tim waved them all and then walked out.
Once he was out of the door, Selina sighed. "Ah, young love..."
"Right? Remind me to check in on him before going to the House. I don't want to walk in on something and have him traumatized." Dinah agreed.
Barbara glared at them quizzically, and then at Helena, who shrugged. "Grayson said it first, I think. Our kitten is growing up. I just hope that Jason guy is worth his firsts..."
The memory of Tim gawking at Jason when he thought Barbara wasn't watching flashed in her mind.
And then of Jason blatantly checking Tim out just before Oracle made her appearance, and at times when her Oracle projection was turned off.
"Oh boy," she sighed.
"That's about it in a nutshell. Good thing I've told him of the birds and the birds..." Selina grinned slyly.
"Millennial parenting at best, Ms Selina Kyle." Dinah grinned. "Come on, let's go patrol and induce the fear of goddesses to Gotham's low-lives before inducing maternal fear to our little kitten."
"...or to the big tabby. We'll see," Selina added, waving as she and Dinah walked out of the room.
Suddenly Barbara felt a little sorry for Jason. Just a tiny, teensy, weensy bit of sorry.
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thenervousmedic · 3 years
I had a minecraft dream last night...
This is going to be a long post, but bear eith me, and take the time to read it.
I don't dream about minecraft very often. In fact this might be a first. I'm still in bed while writing this, as im afraid if I wait I'll lose a bunch of the memories.
It involved myself and a few members of the Dream SMP getting sucked into MC. Ironic, I know. Dream, George, Badboyhalo, Tecnoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and myself. We all looked like our avatars... mostly, and even had some special skills i'll get into later.
To be clear, they were as they are in real life in terms of personality.
I've not watched the dream smp yet... maybe I should start soon. Anyway, side tracked...
The world worked differently than normal MC. It was more realistic, especially the combat and movement. Anything you can do irl you can do here. The drawback was that it made everything harder and more exhausting.
I was dragged in a month before the others, where over the next four weeks, I'd figure out how the lives system works; how difficult movement was; that crafting was nearly the same as normal mc; and how to build.
Five lives. There was a little tracker on the back of your hand, five squares for five lives. Each life you lost, a square would disappear. But it wasnt that simple. Every tine you died you'd feel the affects of the world more. Eating took longer, everything cost more and more realistic amounts of effort, and most importantly... taking damage would actually hurt.
On your first life damage was less of a danger and more of a 'stat' to just be aware of. Getting attacked, shot, exploded next to, ect wasn't too bad. But the more you died the more these things started to get scary. Arrows would tear their way in and ve painful to remove. You'd bleed and have actual wounds that needed care.
By the time the smp members were spawning in, I'd already been reduced to my last life. I was never good at minecraft, though im alright irl with a bow it didnt help much.
You spawn in unconcious. I'd lost my first life that way. I spawned above water. A painless drowning. I hadn't gone back to the ocean since, it scared the fuck out of me.
The first to arrive was Techno. I went back to spawn for the good sheep spawns there. Found him asleep in the grass. He was lucky no creepers had spawned.
Nearly everyone was bigger than me, I'm pretty small, so hauling this guys limp piglin ass all the way to my little safety shack was really hard.
Then Dream and George one after another. Badboy. Tommy... and finally Wilbur.
Wilbur was... a special case. He was a ghost. Just like his ghostbur skin had been. Fully awake, really freaking out. I was near collapsing from taking everyone else to my home, wasnt really much of a comfort, but I at least managed to convince him to come with me after the sun started to dip.
When we got back Wilbur helped me make beds. Couldn't have everyone sleeping propped up against the walls... Wilbur couldn't grab anything, but he could open and close chests. He also found out he could manafest things like his guitar, and a plushie orca. Things that made him a little less anxious. It was nice to hear music again.
I didnt get to talk to him long. We finished the beds, put everyone on one, then I immediatly konked the fuck out over the crafting table.
By the time I woke up, everyone was already awake and talking. The typical suspects. Why are we here, how, what happened, is this even real. You get the picture. I guess usually social anxiety, especially in the presence of people I admire so much, would've been a big stressor but after a month alone in this world I damn near started bawling at the thought of someone else even existing.
I told them all I know. We are stuck here, we have lives, dont fucking lose them it makes the game harder. The physics are just as janky as regular minecraft, mobs are much more articulated, armour actually has weight and at this point I wasnt aware of the little buffs everyone had to a particular skill.
Dream was incredibly good at exploiting the game's wonky system and parkouring, even of he couldnt nessesarily do it irl.
Techno was suddenly extremely knowledgeable about combat and could handle most weapons effectively. He was also a piglin-type guy which made him immune to fire.
George's coding skills translated directly into redstone knowledge, letting him build ridiculous machines with enough respources.
Tommy had incredible luck with loot and generally got good enchants.
And Bad was, thanks to his skin, some form of demonic entity and would be completely ignored by most hostile mobs.
Wilbur, as you know, was a ghost who could phase through anything and summon ghostly items.
We didn't find out everyone's special trait immediatly, of course. It happened over many days of trail and error trying to collect resources, build, and have fun.
Turns out my skill was useless by myself, hence why I never found it before they arrived. Anything I gave to another person was twice as effective. Healing items helped more, food would fill them on smaller portions, armour would get a free temporary enchant depending on what they needed.
I'd never liked playing minecraft alone.
I'm losing some of the dream, I shoukd wtite some bullet points down or this post will be miles long.
Tommy accidently befriended a wolf, he named it Wilbur to mess with Wilbur. We had two Wilburs.
Bad was constantly driven up the wall by peoples language but truly was using it as a coping mechanism early on because he was afraid of being stuck here forever. We made sure to swear occasionally so he'd get the oportunity to yell at us.
Techno lost his first life when a creeper blast threw him directly into Dream's sword.
Dream never got over it.
Wilbur started making more songs and even made a few targetted at the groups adventures.
Wilbur descovered if he goes into the floor he cant tell which was is up, this terrified him, he never went underground again.
George made automatic farms and eventually even non-minecraft typical things like a morning alarm clock, a compass that pointed to the nearest village, and invented new armour that was more lightweight but still protective.
Wilbur the wolf regularly barked at and mauled giant spiders before they got anywhere near the house, much to literally everyone's relief.
Bad learned how to read and write enchanting table symbols.
I taught Dream how to repair his clothes and in return he showed me how to build traps.
Techno learned he could talk hoglin, piglin, and villager.
Bad learned he could stare at endermen and mistakingly assumed everyone could so he told everyone else its ok to do so.
Tommy lost his first life to an enderman.
Wilbur worked with george for a whole week on special gloves that would let him touch stuff.
I took an arrow dangerously close to the lungs after Tomny's first respawn trying to bring him home.
Dream realised he couldn't take off his mask and wished he could see the world normally again, nobody knew what his vision was like.
Bad descovered a joy for cooking.
Bad also tamed a cat and named it Muffin.
Muffin the cat would ride Wilbur the wolf around.
Dream lost his first life to hunger after pushing himself for too long.
Techno took a wrong step in the neather and lost his second life to a seriously long fall.
I never knew what I looked like...
Tommy lost his second life being overrun by zombies without a weapon. We made a rule to never leave the house alone after this many deaths.
Bad descovered pretty late that milk is poisonous to him and thus cakes will kill him. He lost a life to cake. He was devastated.
Tommy built a cute campfire. He and Wilbur would mess around singing at it. Wolf Wilbur thoroughly enjoyed this.
I would stay up most of the night watching everyone sleep because I worried the house could get invaded or surrounded. They found out after Phantoms started spawning and made a rule that at least one of then would stay awake at night to make me feel better.
George built Dream an obstacle course with lots of moving parts and such. He ran it every morning.
I learned how to play guitar from Wilbur at the campfire.
Torches never burnt out after they arrived. No idea why.
That's all I can remember...
It was a hard dream, I was sad and angry sometimes... but the happy moments made it worth it.
I hope I return to that dream someday.
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deepwaterministries · 3 years
Esther 1
- the king was named Ahasuerus, who reigned from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces.
- he reigned Persia, which, as the silver shoulders in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, was on of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. Thus, it is safe to say King Ahasuerus was one of the most wealthy, powerful people in the world. His word was law. Here is a picture of the room he hosted the parties in:
Tumblr media
- Vashti was throwing a party for all when julwomen of the palace.
- he summoned Vashti to show off, and she refused to come, so he was mad. I don't think the two of them had a very healthy relationship.
- his next actions were at least partially to save face, a) so women would still respect and subject to their husbands, and b) prevent strife, because if the king didn't have authority, who did?
- so the king agreed to the words of his advisors, and an irrevocable decree was issued, the queen banished, so every man was the leader of his household and could keep his family according to the ways of his people.
Esther 2
- even though the action was backed with fact, a better action could have been taken, had the king not acted in anger. He went over the events in his mind in a regretful way.
- apparently, the king had a lot of wives and concubines, and Vashti had been feasting with them. Those were her friends.
- it seems the king and queen didn't have a very good relationship. So Vashti's actions are explainable if not justifiable. (Lack of respect for a) another person, b) her husband, and c) authority)
- the advisors told him to gather young, virgin maidens and have them beautified by Hegai, then whichever he liked best, he could make her queen.
- Moderdecai and Esther were Benjamites. I just think that's cool.
- Esther impressed Hegai with her kindness. He gave her 7 attendants and the best part of the house.
- she didn't tell them her people, on request of Mordecai.
- Mordecai visited her daily, to check on her. He was an excellent adoptive faster, and we can see it even more so later on.
- after a year of beauty treatments, each women got a turn to come before the king. She was given whatever she wished and sent to the king for a single night. The next morning, she was taken to the king's harem , to live with his other concubines. She would never see him again unless the king remembered her name. And the fact that Esther's was the only name the king remembered speaks about this horrible practice.
- when it was Esther's turn, she took nothing but what Hegai recommended, and everyone who saw her liked her.
- the king, along with everyone else, loved her. He remembered her name. Out of the hundreds of beautiful women, he remembered Esther. This was no accident, not a coincidence that a godly woman found favor with the king, becoming queen. God put Esther Into the place she needed to be to help His people.
- Esther loved and respected Mordecai, and rightfully so.
- Mordecai ended up being by the king's gate a lot. He was probably known pretty well by the palace inhabitance.
- because of Mordecai's hanging out around the palace, he overheard Bigthan and Teresh plotting to kill the king.
- he tells Esther, who tells the king, and tells him a little about Mordecai (not too much, just his name)
- so the king's life is saved and Mordecai's name is recorded in the king's files. All because Esther had become queen. "That was no accident either," ~Master Oogway
Esther 3
- later, Ahasuerus promoted Haman above all the princes and of the king's servants were made to bow down to him. Mordecai didn't. The king's servants asked Mordecai why he wouldn't bow, and told him daily that he was supposed to. They talked to Haman to see if he would let Mordecai get away with it, since they knew he was a Jew.
- Haman was furious at Mordecai, and wanted to lay hands on (fight) him, but decided that him alone wasn't enough. Haman decided to take revenge on and destroy all Jews under Ahasuerus' kingdoms.
- in the first month of the year, Haman cast lots and decided when to destroy the Jews. He settled on the 12th month.
- he then told the king that a certain people were living in his lands that didn't follow the king's laws and kept to themselves, saying that it wouldn't profit the king to let them live. Just because he didn't like a single person he convinced the king the entire group was evil and needed eradication. He even put a bribe on the Jews heads, that if the king let them be destroyed, Haman would pay 10,000 sacks of silver into the king's treasury. The king didn't take it, he said the money and the people were Haman's to do what he would with.
- and it was sent out to every part of the kingdom. On the 13th day of the 12th month, every single Jew must die, and everything they possessed would be distributed to those who killed them.
Esther 4
- When Mordecai learned about the coming slaughter, he tore his clothes and donned mourning attire; sackcloth and ashes, and wept in the streets. He came up to the palace, but didn't go in, as people in sackcloth couldn't go in.
- ^both to preserve the decadence of the palace and to keep protesters away from the king.
- (also just those in mourning/mourning clothes couldn't go in cuz of the above)
- Esther sent Mordecai new clothes, but he refused them. She sent one of the King's chamberlains to go talk to Mordecai and figure out what was wrong. (Esther wasn't supposed to leave the castle so as to not get mobbed or injured)
- so the chamberlain talked to Mordecai, and Mordecai told him all about Haman's decree, giving him a copy of the decree, with an order to go to the king and plead on behalf of the Jews.
- the chamberlain told these things to Esther, and Esther told him to tell Mordecai that no one, man or woman, can't come into the king's inner court without the king's calling them. The offender would be killed if the king didn't extend his golden scepter to them.
- the king hadn't called Esther in thirty days.
- Mordecai returned with this message, "Don't think that you'll escape this because you're in the palace. If you hold your peace now, mercy for the Jews will come from somewhere else, but you and your line will perish. Who knows? Maybe this is why you were made queen?"
- I want to talk about Mordecai for a minute. Esther communicated clearly her situation, without strings attached, because she had a good relationship with him. He then told her her what was going to happen,, not sugar coating, not trying to damage. He knew that one way she would die and the other she might live and have a chance to help many people. I can logically say that he had prayed about it and learned what to tell her. GOOD COMMUNICATION.
- He also allowed himself to deal with negative emotions; even though he knew the Jews would be saved, he allowed shelf to let out his mourning so he could be clear headed and mentally healthy. Jesus did something similar much later with Lazarus. Even though he knew he could raise him back to life, he was still sad at the death of a close friend, even family. He wept, but then he got up and took care of things. You can't heal until the thing causing the hurt is addressed and delt with.
- Esther asked that the Jews in Shushan fasted for her 3 days, and her maids and she would do the same. "And if I perish, I perish." Mordecai did what she asked. (Sympathy for her difficult task from Mordecai; huge devotion to God and her people from Esther. Being totally willing to die for God's will, showing that even though she might have felt unqualified, she could be a courageous leader.)
Esther 5
- from the way Ahasuerus talks to her,the has grown to respect her. Referring to her as Queen Esther, offering her up to half the kingdom, (and not in a flirty way, I. The way he would offer a trusted court member such a gift. And remember, most court members at this time were male, so for him to respect and trust her this much is amazing.)
- she invited the king and Haman both to a banquet. They attended, and the king asked what her real request is. She said for them both to come to another banquet tomorrow when she'd tell him what she really wanted.
- Haman went away full of joy, but hid mood was spoiled when he saw Mordecai at the gate, not bowing. Even so, he came home, and told his friends and his wife, Zeresh, about all the ways he was rich and how the king had promoted him. He then told them how the queen had invited only him and the king to a private banquet, and how he was invited to another one of the same style tomorrow.
- even Haman with his ego respected Esther. He's not the sort to look up to people, and from the way be speaks about her, he really looks up to her. She must have been doing a great job as Queen to earn the respect of such a self centered man.
- he finishes by saying that all of these things are worth nothing to him as long as he sees Mordecai at the gate.
- the assembled group suggests that he erect a gallows and request the king that Mordecai be hanged on it in the morning, then he could enjoy the banquet later.
- the way they tell him this, nonchalant and certain, tells me that Haman often gets whatever he wants from the king and is a slight power behind the throne.
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daresplaining · 4 years
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[ID: Excerpt from Lee’s Daredevil run. Jack Murdock is boxing with a blond-haired opponent in front of a large crowd. College-age Matt and Foggy are cheering him on from the sidelines.]
Jack: “The Fixer said I have to take a dive in the first round tonight! But my boy’s here tonight, to root for his dad! I’ve always trained him to do his best... I can’t disappoint him now!”
Fixer: “Murdock! You fool! Take it easy! What are you doin’?! If you’re tryin’ to double-cross me, you’ll live to regret it! You’re supposed to dive now... hear? Dive!”
Foggy: “He’s winnin’, Matt! Your dad’s pulverizing him!”
Matt: “(I know it! I can follow the fight perfectly, by hearing the sound of each blow, each footstep!)” 
Jack: “It’s my one chance! ...Maybe my last chance... to do something to make my son proud of me! I’m not gonna fail him! I’m gonna win... do ya hear... I’m gonna win!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #1 by Stan Lee, Bill Everett, and Sam Rosen
    This is unprompted by anything, but since it’s on my mind, I wanted to discuss it: 
    There’s a conversation that can be had about Jack’s decision to not throw his final fight, and whether or not it was a responsible thing to do. On the one hand, it was a powerful move that symbolically shaped the rest of Matt’s life. Jack makes the decision to stand up for his morals, and for himself, and with his son cheering for him, he does the impossible and wins a fight everyone told him he had to lose. This type of persistence against incredible odds is a major Daredevil motif. Jack’s decision to stand up to the Fixer and his cronies aligns with the bullying themes that exist throughout Matt’s origin story, and is reflected afterward by Matt’s decision to take that same stand and become a superhero. It’s also a beautiful, emotional depiction of a man who has struggled his entire life and finally achieves a sense of self-worth and empowerment. Jack’s final fight is a powerful picture of heroism, and this is why it is such a frequently-referenced moment in DD history. 
    But it also got Jack killed, and-- and this is the tricky bit-- he presumably knew it would. Jack was born and raised in a neighborhood dominated by organized crime. Whether or not you subscribe to the version of continuity in which he was blackmailed into working as a mob enforcer for a while, it’s a clear fact that Jack, having grown up in this environment, would have a sense of how gangsters operated, which means knowing what happens to those who anger them. While the earliest versions of the story (in Daredevil #1 and #53) gloss over the actual conversation between Jack and the Fixer before the big fight, Roger McKenzie spells it right out in his retelling in #164:
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[ID: Excerpt from McKenzie’s Daredevil run. Jack Murdock is working out in a gym in nothing but short shorts (I swear...) when two gangster-looking men in fedoras come in. One (the Fixer) is short, the other is tall.]
Fixer: “Jackie boy, you been workin’ too hard. You ought’a take it easy. Real easy. So easy you lose your next fight, know what I mean?”
Jack: “Why, you lousy little--! I never threw a fight in my life! I sure as hell ain’t gonna start now!”
[ID: Jack tries to punch the Fixer, but the tall gangster grabs his wrist.]
Fixer: “Jackie boy, you either take a dive... or you’re a dead man!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #164 by Roger McKenzie, Frank Miller, and Glynis Wein
    Jack knows the stakes: if he doesn’t throw the match, he’ll be killed. Entering into this impossible situation is part of the tragedy of his story. He was previously aware of the Fixer by reputation, and avoided having anything to do with him until he had no other option. For Matt’s sake, Jack sacrifices both his morals and his personal safety by agreeing to associate with a manager who is known within the boxing community to be crooked and dangerous. 
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[ID: Two panels from Thomas’s Daredevil run. In the first, Jack is walking down the street, away from the viewer, with his hands in his pockets. In the next he is in the office of a boxing manager, leaning over his desk. The manager is lighting a cigar.]
Jack: “I’m too old... haven’t been able to land a fight in weeks! But, I’ve got to keep fightin’... till Matt gets thru college! I owe him that!”
Matt (caption): “Finally, in desperation, Dad made a fatal decision...”
Guy: “Sorry, Murdock... but the only guy who’ll manage a has-been like you is... the Fixer!”
Jack: “The Fixer! I always swore to steer clear of a guy with his reputation! But now I’ve got no choice... I have to get a fight!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #53 by Roy Thomas, Gene Colan, and Artie Simek
    But in spite of this knowledge, Jack also shows a surprising degree of naivete in this situation. He’s a good person, maybe a little too trusting, maybe not quite as street smart as he ought to be. He is a victim, toyed with by people who are happy to prey on his earnestness and desperation. Despite being aware of how shady the Fixer is, Jack is still shocked to learn that his fights are being fixed, and affronted by the suggestion that he would agree to take part in that deception. But even so, once the situation becomes clear to him, he does know that the consequences will be dire for him if he refuses to throw the fight. For Jack, deciding to welcome those consequences and finding the strength to actually win the fight is a personal victory, but there’s an uncomfortable grey area within that decision, because by choosing to set a moral example for his son in spite of the risk, he is also choosing to abandon Matt. 
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[ID: Excerpt from the Battlin’ Jack Murdock mini-series. Jack is in an alley, getting beaten up by several gangsters in fedoras. His face is bloody. One of the gangsters, Slade, holds a handgun to Jack’s head.]
Slade: “You ain’t scared, huh, tough guy?! Maybe after we’re done with you, we’ll go get your boy. Maybe we’ll make him deaf and dumb too! Whaddaya think about that, Murdock? You think we should go see your boy?”
Jack: “Heh heh. You... you do that. Ha. You go see my boy. Ha ha ha!”
Daredevil: Battlin’ Jack Murdock #4 by Zeb Wells and Carmine Di Giandomenico
    The Battlin’ Jack Murdock mini-series makes an effort to break down Jack’s mindset regarding this decision. Ultimately, it resorts to using a retcon (or at least, an addition to the canon not seen elsewhere) to justify Jack’s actions: Jack discovers Matt’s fighting abilities shortly before the match, and goes to his death safe in the knowledge that his son can take care of himself. I like this plot point just because the idea of Jack discovering Matt’s secret is fun to consider. But it doesn’t really work to smooth over this wrinkly bit of characterization, because a parent’s concern for their child’s wellbeing usually goes further than just “can my kid physically defend themself against possible future retribution stemming from my actions?”. Jack’s “Oh phew, Matt’s a badass!” doesn’t, I feel, go deep enough. Without Jack, Matt only has one other significant person in his life at this point: Foggy. And that does end up being enough-- Foggy’s support gets him through the initial anguish of losing his father, and Matt graduates college and builds a successful life for himself-- but it still looks a lot like selfishness. Jack may be trying to set a moral example for Matt by winning the fight, but what good is that when it’s a decision that ends up harming them both? Jack may be willing to die for the sake of taking a stand, but shouldn’t Matt, who is forced to suffer the emotional toll of losing his father, have a say in that decision too? 
    Jack wins that fight for himself and for the message it sends to Matt. This is firmly established. But what is also firmly established is that Jack would have done anything for Matt. He sacrificed everything to give his child the best life he could, and for a long time, the two of them only had each other. Jack certainly made mistakes, but it seems wrong to think that he would willingly choose to leave Matt alone. It is possible to read this moment as Jack deciding that Matt is ready to be left alone-- he was in college, well on his way to adulthood and independence, he had a caring best friend, and thus Jack felt safe in letting Matt go off on his own. I think that’s part of what Battlin’ Jack Murdock was trying to get at, and I do certainly think that was a factor. But I also believe strongly in the sheer emotional force of that moment in the ring when Jack made his fateful choice. 
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[ID: Excerpt from the Daredevil: Yellow mini-series. Jack, in the ring, punches his opponent in the face while Matt and Foggy cheer him on from the sidelines.]
Matt: “Take him, Dad!”
Announcer: “Unbelievable! ‘Southpaw’ Jack Murdock has floored Creel with a hard right to the jaw!”
Daredevil: Yellow #1 by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
    I want nothing more than to give Jack the benefit of the doubt, and my personal interpretation of the decision is that there was no forethought involved. Jack goes into this fight angry and horribly conflicted, and then in the heat of it all he realizes he can win, he hears Matt cheering for him, and he just goes for it, unleashing a lifetime of grief and frustration, determined to behave heroically in front of the son who means more to him than his own life. Maybe, in the elation of the moment, he convinces himself that he’ll be able to handle the Fixer’s retribution, or maybe he no longer cares one way or the other. But it’s such a visceral scene that for me, I’m convinced that emotion was the main driving factor behind Jack’s decision. 
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 41 - watching notes
Only 10 episodes left 😭😭😭
And we're now entering Nie Mingjue's memories. I have a feeling there's going to be some serious "oh shit!" and "wtf is happening???" going on
Jgy's backstory still moves me, no matter what he did later
I feel like both his and wwx stories are cautionary tales of what happens when you combine a rigid class-system with a mob mentality and top it all of with a healthy amount of "manners over morals"
I feel like JGY main strategy is "hold your tongue and bite your time". I completely fell for his sweet facade in the first few episodes of the flashback
Jo, did NMJ just ram his saber into a stone wall? 😱
NMJ may have anger issues, but he's a good dude
I think he took the "the more perfectly you should be, to leave them with nothing to say" to heart. Like, he never outwardly complains.
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Another perfectly timed screenshot I thought I should share :D
Oh, we've seen that before!
How can this be the same person that I thought would be the designated fandom cinnamon role in ep 2/3?? 🥺
I know I'm praising actors left and right during this commentary,but ALL TGE AWARDS for how smoothly JGY changes his demeanor from humble and sweet quasi-servant to "you're not worthy of breathing the same aor as me"
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And this
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Might as well be two different characters
I wonder if, when the NMJ send him away, he realised and regretted, that he had just lost one of the only people who were truly on his side and if he thought it was worth it
One thing I find very interesting in the scene in the Scorching Sun palace is that, jgy is still wearing his hair in the braided style that is customary for the Nie clan. I think I'll try to spot when he changes it
Okay, scratch my earlier musings about if JGY feels genuine regret over how he had to leave NMJ. He clearly doesn't 😐
Gotta give it to him though, he puts gollum to shame with how he switches his personality
Only it's deliberate
And he's not insane
... don't know where I was going with this
So we're at the point where Nie Mingjue wakes in Lan Xichen's arms. Seen that before
Which leaves me asking: WHAT PART OF THIS IS THE ACT??
I wonder though, how they could convince NMJ to become sworn brothers with him after that while story
He does not seem like a man who forgets a grudge easily ^^
That scene of the three of them meditating and playing the Quin is weirdly domestic :D maybe it's just because, so far, we've only seen wwx and lwj in a similar situation together 😅
Why do I still ship Lan Xichen and JGY after all that happened? Because of scenes like these!!!!
JGY *plays Quin ominously*
Didn't know that was possible :D
The fuck???
Why is he coughing blood?
Lwj is playing "Clarity" in the present time to calm him down! Ten points for parallels!
Poor Lan Xichen. Why do I have a feeling that he's the designated buffer between them? 🙈
Sorry for the lack of intelligent commentary, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how much of a puppeteer JGY is ...
I've already mentioned this, but I appreciate the parallels between jgy and wwx and how they differ. Both operate very much outside the orthodoxy, in large part due to them not being born into it. The crucial difference is their goals. One seeks to gain power to not only find his place within the system, but rise above all those who ever looked down on him, too. The other wants to change the system for all those others who are also hurt by it.
Two characters with very similar backgrounds diverging on very different paths
And I appreciate it that it's spelled out in his rant to NMJ here
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This is SO telling. I adore this scene! Before I would have calked him simply selfish (and he is, don't get be wrong). But he also probably grew up in a world where he could never be truly save and never feel equal to anyone. Everything be has, he had to fight for.
I just wrote that he and wwx had the same background? I retract that because there is one huge difference. Wwx was loved. From what I've heard, his parents loved him. Then, of course, he has to endure live as a homeless kid, but he was adopted by a foster-father who loved him and had siblings he shared everything with. Of course, he still never felt as if he quite belonged or was enough (Madam Yu saw to that) and that left it's own scars, culminating in all gbe times he rather took on all burdens himself rather than ask for goddam help once. But he was loved. Loved and appreciated and cared for. It seems, that jgy never knew that, probably until NMJ took him as his Vice General. So he learned to survive in the shadows and bite his time until the opportunity arose, never fully trusting anyone.
Does that excuse anything or rid him of responsibility? Nope. But it makes for a damn interesting character
That exchange between Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao was such a brilliantly crafted piece of dialogue!!! 😱😱😱
Because, if, and I think by now that that's likely, jgy turns out to be the main villain of this arc, then he is one o can at least partially understand. He's right in saying that NMJ has no right to claim that his actions are all just. He's gained his position by virtue of his birth and he's working within a system that justifies itself through mixture of imagined moral high ground and the virtue of blood heritage. No action to uphold that can be truly just.
At the same time, I believe, jgy turned those believes into a self-fulfilling prophecy. He himself schemes and uses other people's worst impulses and the faults in the cultivation world to his advantage. Proofing to himself, again and again, that he is right about them and thus justified in his actions. Enter wwx who tries, who really tries to shove the error of their ways in their faces. (I think I just answered my question from a few episodes back about why jgy seems to be working specifically against wwx 🤔)
Sorry for going on such a tengant
NMJ, did you have to call him a son of a whore? 🙄
The hell is happening to NMJ?
Oh shit, what did he do with the song of clarity? How could you even use that to harm someone??
So he tweaked it?
Oh no 😥😥😥
Let me get this straight. JGY intentionally brought NMJ to the point of qui deviation? 😳
Oh no Huaisang!! 😭😭😭
Xue Yang??? He worked with JGY? 😱😱😱
So he didn't doe of Qui deviation!!!
Fuck, JGY spotted paperman-wwx 😳
Honestly wwx, maybe it's not the best idea ever to put your conscious into something that can be crushed by accidentally stepping on it 😬
That's his sword!!!
Didn't wwx just reveal who he is???
Maybe don't do that?!?!
but jgy definitely figured out who he is ... 😐
Still, I'm weirdly proud of him :')
But wait! Why does jgy have his sword to begin with???
Aww, little exhausted paperman-wwx flopping down into lwj's hand 🖤
This episode liveblog has been far too serious so far. Here, have my favourite lan Wangji mood:
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I really appreciate how seamlessly this show moves between serious scenes and comedy
Jin Ling going "what do you want?" followed by 5 beats of silence and then
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had me wheezing 😂
Oh no, he's hidden everything already, hasn't he?
Wow, even Xichen is defiant now. I sense drama!!!
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose (this episode was enlightening, but still raised more questions. Feels like we're honestly entering the final arc of this show 😔)
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
Little something for everyone while y’all are in quarantine. Part 2 coming whenever.
Transcript under the cut:
Five Nights at Freddy’s. Where do we even start with this one? FNAF is probably one of the most confusing games out there when it comes to trying to figure out what the hell happened in it. Everyone has their own opinions and interpretations, so I figured I’d provide my own.
Do keep in mind that I’m not going to cover every single part of the lore, as some of it’s fairly self-explanatory. Instead, I’m going to focus mostly on FNAF 4, as that’s where this Gordian Knot of confusion really stems from.
Be warned, this video’s going to contain something truly scary: OPINIONS. [scream effect] Yes, my views on the lore are much different than everyone else’s, so don’t get your springlocks set off just because my theories don’t align with yours. Because for starters…
[Why I don’t think Michael is the brother]
[Mob noises]
Okay, okay, hear me out. Basically, there are two main family in FNAF: There’s the Aftons, comprised of William, Elizabeth and Michael. Then there’s the - is this really their name? Really? okay - Emilys, comprised of Henry and Charlie.
However, in the books Charlie had a brother named Sammy. So the question is, is Sammy canon? And the answer is yes: During Stage 01, we see one of the kids disappear when left alone with Spring Bonnie, which parallels Sammy slash Charlie’s kidnapping in Fredbear’s by William.
This raises another question though: Who is Sammy in canon, then? And I’ll jut outright say it: He’s the Bitten Child. Yeah, I’m kind of amazed more people don’t realize this. The Fredbear Plush is implied to be possessed by Charlie, as its talk about putting the Bitten Child back together parallels the Puppet giving cake in Happiest Day, and the empty girl’s room indicates that the Bitten Child has a dead sister - her being the Plush explains why the Fredbear Plush cares so much about the welfare of this random kid.
Likewise, Charlie and Sammy were twins. The Bitten Child and Charlie have the same blocky sprites, and they both have brown hair and brown eyes.
Most importantly, the Bitten Child is spirited to look exactly like the Puppet. Given that he isn’t the one possessing it, the only way this makes sense if the two were related.
Finally, the Bitten Child freaks the hell out when approached by an employee in a Fredbear suit, and the Fredbear plush says that he’ll “know what happens if he catches you”. Many people believe this means the Bitten Child witnessed the children being murdered, but it’s too early in the timeline for that - Phone Guy says in 2 that the Freddy’s where the murders occurred was shut down and left to rot afterward. The restaurant in 4 is still open, meaning the murders haven’t occurred yet - given some other context, it’s likely they died in 1985.
The only other incident the Bitten Child could be reacting to… would be the kidnapping back in Fredbear’s, where William stole one of the twins while in a Spring Bonnie suit. And the only way he would know about it is if he was there during the kidnapping - which is enough for me to say with confidence that the Bitten Child is indeed Sammy.
Also, Sister Location has a lot of kidnapping references. [I kidnapped you.]
Especially in the Immortal and the Restless. Vlad represents William throughout the games - not dong much in FNAF 1, working the night shift in 2, being in the burning building in 3, and the hidden scene representing Baby not killing Michael who she thinks is William. And what is said every episode?
[The baby isn’t mine]
The baby isn’t his because Sammy literally isn’t William’s child; he’s Henry’s.
However, if the Bitten Child is Sammy, then that means this [Older Brother footage] cannot be Michael.
Now, I know all of you smart people out there are already thinking the obvious: The books are an AU. Couldn’t Sammy be the one kidnapped in canon, thus allowing Michael to still be the Brother? And to that I say: …Yeah. If you want to work with Michael being the Brother, then this is the best way to do it, and it’s entirely possible this is the correct answer. …But with that said, I’m not entirely convinced.
[Why Charlie was kidnapped and not Sammy]
For starters, there’s the simple question of motivation. Why would WIlliam be raising Henry’s kid? Killing kids is kind of his M.O.. Even in the books, he killed the child he kidnapped. The idea of him kidnapping and raising a kid is even brought up in the Fourth Closet… then dismissed because it would be out of character for him, which would be strange if he did exactly that in canon.
As established earlier, Sammy also remembers the kidnapping, which would make it weird if he was the one kidnapped and yet is just allowed to freely wander the neighborhood. What’s to stop him from telling someone else, or even just running away?
Moving on to actual evidence, the map in SL’s breaker room lists the FNAF 4 house and the minigame house as two separate observation areas. This could be to differentiate the two for the player, but I don’t know why they’d be separated in-universe unless they were two separate houses. This would also explain why the living rooms don’t look the same and why the grandfather clock is in two different locations.
Likewise, the Fredbear Plush has either a camera or a walkie-talkie in it to spy on Sammy. However, the private room also reveals that William has the FNAF 4 gameplay house bugged. He shouldn’t need to use the Fredbear Plush to spy on Sammy, given that he can watch him both through the house cameras and the (presumable) cameras in Fredbear’s - unless Sammy is still in Henry’s house, which would force William to slip a camera into the place discreetly.
Speaking of the minigame house, there are a few parallels between it and Henry’s house in the books. The house was connected to an underground location in the Twisted Ones, just like it’s connected to the Sister Location in canon. And one of the rooms contains a tiny toy animatronic - just like the ones Henry built for Charlie in the Silver Eyes.
Continuing on that train of thought, let’s look at that tiny Toy Mangle. Assuming the Toy Chica principle is in place here - that being that the literal toys in this game look the same as the Toy Animatronics - the Mangle here looks like the FNAF 2 version of Mangle, not like William’s Funtime Foxy, pointing to it being Henry’s creation and not William’s. The SL extras even reveal that Funfox was supposed to be purple at first, which doesn’t make sense if it was supposed to match the tiny toy version.
But perhaps one of the biggest pieces of evidence regarding this toy is in Mangle’s Quest. While walking, you can encounter a huge silhouette of the Puppet… which makes Mangle look toy-sized in comparison. This only makes sense if this room was Charlie’s, and the Mangle toy was hers.
This also makes sense considering that Sister Location didn’t exist at the time of 4′s release. Scott claimed you could solve the lore back then using only the first four games, and if this was Charlie’s room, you could do it by combining the knowledge of the Fredbear Plush with Sammy’s missing sister and Charlie from the novels. If this is Elizabeth’s room, the only way that could be would be if it was retconned into place behind the scenes.
Additionally, I don’t think Elizabeth’s death is the correct date for this room to be empty in 1983. Handunit says that CBEAR didn’t open until after Freddy’s closed, as it gave them the opportunity to move into the entertainment space without competition. I’d assume this also applies to the original Circus Baby’s Pizza World, which indicates Elizabeth didn’t die until after FNAF 1. Given that Michael still has eyes in FNAF 1, SL in general had to have taken place after it - it’s unlikely William waited 10+ years to finally send Michael to save her, so her death being after FNAF 1 makes more sense timeline-wise.
Meanwhile, Charlie died in the very first Freddy’s location, before the other murders. HW confirms the FNAF 4 location was this first Freddy’s, meaning that she died in 1983. This not only lines up with her death date in the Fourth Closet, but also explains why the room in 4 hasn’t been cleaned out; she only died recently.
This would also explain why Henry claims that no-one was there to save Charlie. It’s his restaurant; wouldn’t he have, like, been there and been watching her if he was the one who brought her in?
And finally, I do have one massive piece of evidence that I feel proves the idea that Charlie is the one who was kidnapped.
[Chica School Days opening]
I know, I know, stay with me. Each of Toy Chica’s husbandos in these cutscenes represent one of William’s victims and how he killed them, as proven by her talking about running over a dog which aligns with Susie’s death in both Fruity Maze and the novels. There are a total of six people she targets.
However, that’s the thing - there are six victims, one for each of the original five - and the Puppet. That means Charlie’s death has to be included in here. And yet, none of the deaths line up with what we see in the minigames… unless you assume Charlie was the one kidnapped. In which case, there is one that fits…
[Toy Chica talking about kidnapping]
There are six deaths, so Charlie must be included. If the only thing that lines up with her death is the kidnapping scene, then Charlie must have been the one who was kidnapped, not Sammy.
But that brings us back to the original problem: If Charlie was the one who was kidnapped, Sammy is still living in Henry’s house. Which means Michael is not the Brother.
[Why do people think Michael is the Brother?]
Let’s move on to explaining away some of the evidence for Michael being the Brother.
The first and most obvious piece is that we play as the Brother in FNAF 4. Michael lives in the FNAF 4 house, so he must be the Brother. Which is a fair piece of evidence. However, I do think there’s something that explains this: Midnight Motorist.
Yes, the reason this minigame has perplexed so many fans might be because they’ve been looking at the entirety of FNAF 4 wrong. Let’s start with the Yellow Guy, who’s likely Henry. Why? Well, he’s driving William’s purple car and yet isn’t purple himself, so he can’t be William yet must have a connection to him. Henry and William were friends and business partners, so the idea of this being a company car or one of them just borrowing it for the weekend makes sense.
Likewise, every minigame and cutscene in FNAF 6 pertains to one of the main characters. The Puppet minigame for, well, the Puppet; Fruity Maze for William slash Scraptrap; and Candy Cadet’s stories for Scrap Baby and Molten Freddy. Henry is the only main character who wouldn’t have something in-game pertaining to him unless this sprite is him.
Moving on, we see him interact with a green sprite. I’d wager this is Clay Burke, for no other reason other than the sprite is presumably color-coded because we know the character, and because Clay is a cop and therefore could easily kick Henry out a bar.
Out a bit from Henry’s house, we see a grave, and around the back of the house there’s a smashed window and an animatronic footprint. In the books, the Twisted animatronics specifically targeted Henry’s family, kidnapped people through aggressive means, and buried themselves during the day. Given that the Twisteds are just AU Nightmare animatronics, it’s likely one of William’s robots was trying to kidnap another one of Henry’s kids.
However, the kid being targeted doesn’t seem to be Sammy or Charlie. Henry’s wife is still present and this is a different house than the one in FNAF 4, suggesting this is early on in the timeline, as Henry got a divorce and moved shortly after the kidnapping. The kid that was targeted here was old enough to lock himself in his room and make a run for it, suggesting it wasn’t one of the two babies but rather the Brother from 4, who’s certainly enough of an Angsty Teen to lock himself in his room several times.
As we can see by the footprints and Henry’s blase attitude, it looks like the Brother escaped from the animatronic… this time. It’s likely William kept trying to kidnap him until he succeeded, locking him into his house once he was successfully captured after the Bite. The dialogue from the FNAF 4 trailer might actually apply to William; he brought home the Brother, he think he sees a ghost haunting him which is why he’s observing him in the first place, and he treats this whole thing like a sick game.
So with the FNAF 4 house out of the way, there’s only a few other pieces of evidence. The logbook shows Michael having drawn N. Fredbear… but given that the Nightmare animatronics were still in his house, it’s likely he would have seen then at some point during the night.
The logbook also indicates that Michael is Mike Schmidt from FNAF 1, with his pseudonym being a combo of his own first name and “Eggs Benedict”. FNAF 4 plays like FNAF 1 does, and you can hear one of Phone Guy’s calls in the background, meaning the Brother must have worked in the FNAF 1 location and heard Phone Guy’s messages. And while Michael does fit these requirements… there is one other character who fits them even better.
[Continued in Part 2]
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buckys-little-hoe · 4 years
Petrichor | Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You and James Buchanan Barnes are enemies. Both of your mobs deal with weapons and the world just isn’t wide enough for both of you. While dealing with each other, something else is going on in the background. Will your entire business be destroyed or can you save it?
Warnings: mentions of death, death, blood, alcohol, mobs, rivalry, smut, cursing, mentions of drugs (maybe usage in future), human trafficking, angst
A/N: Here it is! The first chapter of my series! I hope you like it!
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The ballroom floor glitters brilliantly under the glowing light of the chandelier. The dancing figures of men and women dressed in elegant, expensive clothing cloud your vision as you lean against the wall utterly alone. A sad sigh tumbles past your lips. All of your friends seem to have a dancing partner but you don’t. A lot of men fancy you, they had asked you to dance but everytime you declined. Tonight you should focus on your business, not on some strange guy. Suddenly you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. With furrowed brows you turn to see who had suddenly required your attention and lock eyes with none other than James Buchanan Barnes. The people in your industry call him Lucifer and the name really suits him. Not only because his nightclub is named Hell, or because he has a cute dog named Cerberus. No, the main reason is his face. His whole appearance is tempting. Bucky Barnes could probably talk you into doing something really stupid. Striking cheekbones, a well-groomed three-day stubble, plump lips and piercing blue-grey eyes. Don’t get even started over his abs. He is literally an adonis. That guy is so charming, it takes a lot of self-control. If you would be weak you would probably throw yourself at him.
But even Lucifer himself has to admit that you look like a whole meal tonight. Your tight ball gown compliments your body. The slit in the front shows your leg and your cleavage leaves little to imagine. No wonder they call you Lilith. You look so hot, you could be straight outta hell. “Good evening, Doll. Care to share a little dance with me?”, Bucky asks in a low voice. Annoyed you roll your eyes at him. “I should’ve stayed home.”, you simply reply without even answering his question. You hate him with a lot of passion. How many times did he already steal your clients? Can’t even count them. Both of you deal with weapons but hide in your clubs. Bucky is the boss of his nightclub Hell, you are the boss of Petrichor, which is a Burlesque club. Your gang and his gang rule over New York, just not together. When you first moved to New York, Hell had already existed. It has been passed over for generations. Mobs are a big secret but not here. Everybody knows about it, still nobody dares to speak openly about it. You started to make connections, meeting important people and thus you started your business. Everyone warned you of Hell, Lucifer and his best friend Steve, who is also his partner. You already knew you would be big one day, you even had Nick Fury on your side, an important CIA boss. So you decided to go and ask Bucky if he wanted to make a deal. You didn’t even get to him, someone called Natasha Romanoff stopped you from entering. When you told her about your plans, she just laughed in your face and someone called Sam Wilson carried you far away from the club. It made you furious, still, you never thought it again. Instead you just built your own club. You partnered with Tony Stark, a billionaire and an old friend of your dead father.
Years passed and you’re still competitive. Bucky Barnes just gets your blood to boil. Sometimes you have the big urge just to punch him right in the face, which you did once. It really brought you satisfaction. “You’d rather go home than dance with me, sweetheart?” His dark tone makes you shiver slightly but you play it off, because you are the coolest girl you know. No, that’s a lie. Natasha is the coolest woman you know. “Who wouldn’t, Buckaroo?”, you respond with a little smirk. He chuckles lightly and grabs you by your waist. “If I were you, I would let go off her.”, someone says behind you. You already know who it is by his strong accent, which by the way is really hot. “I’m sure Y/N can speak for herself.”, Bucky answers and glares at the blonde. “I can only repeat what he said, darling.”, you reply and put your hand on his. You give him a warning look. “Well, if you say so, doll.”, he mumbles and takes his hand away, visibly annoyed of your rejection. You don’t exactly know what’s wrong with him. Some days he calls you a brat and would like to kill. On other days he just wants to make you scream of pleasure. On these days you actually scream, just not of pleasure. Bucky makes his way across the room to Steve Rogers, probably to make nasty remarks about you.
“Everything alright, prințesă?”, Pietro checks up on you. You just nod, impressed with his accent as always. The good thing about Pietro Maximoff is that there is a female version of him. That is his twin sister Wanda Maximoff, one of your dancers. And let’s be honest, you’re a bisexual queen. Pietro is one of your barkeepers and also one of your security workers. You just want your girls to be save, even though they could probably handle some drunk guys by themself. Everyone that works in Petrichor is automatically a member of your mob. At the end of the day, the club is just a cover. “Yeah, I’m good, thanks Pietro.” You smile gently and squeeze his hand. He nods understandingly and points to the bar. “Well, I’m going back to my position. If you need anything, just let me know, okay?”, he speaks and you assure him that you’ll be just fine. After you convince him, he makes his way back to his colleagues. Scott Lang and Wade Wilson, two idiots but you still love them. That doesn’t mean they’re good at their jobs, they really needed a job and you couldn’t say no. Especially since Scott is Hope Van Dynes boyfriend. She’s also a dancer of yours, one of your best. She takes care of the inventory because she is really good with numbers. Wade Wilson is your ex lover and unfortunately also your best friend. How does that even work? You saw his schlong and he saw your cookie and the sex was great! Somehow you both don’t care though. Suddenly your Stark Phone beeps. You take it out of your bra and unlock it.
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Thank god Peter developed a program so you all could communicate openly about the packages without having to fear that someone could spy on your texts. Peter Parker came to you so he could make money to pay his aunts bills. You couldn’t decline that, so you came up with a new job, that way he doesn’t have to face the dangerous stuff. He basically just has to hack someones phone sometimes and stuff like that. Tony could’ve done that without any problems, but Peter needed the job. You took Peter under your wing and also his girlfriend Michelle. She lives in an apartment with him so she noticed his weird action pretty quickly. To be fair, you made him do dumb things, like hacking phones that Tony prepared. You just didn’t want him to feel useless! After she found it out, you got her a job as a burlesque dancer at your club. Now nobody has to worry about paying bills. The one person who never even worried about bills is Carol Danvers. She is the most carefree person you know, and you definitely have the most fun with her.
You met her on your first night in New York. New York is pretty big and you didn’t know anyone. How could you probably pass your first night in the city that never sleeps? Right, you go drinking. You just happened to choose a karaoke bar. When they asked for your name at the entrance and wrote it down, you didn’t think anything about it. But after a hour passed and you only had two drinks, they called your name on the stage. If you didn’t sing, you had to pay the next round for the whole bar. Shit, you just moved New York, of course you were broke and there were a lot of people present. But you also didn’t have enough alcohol in your blood. Carol offered to sing a duet if that would make you feel better. She was the first nice person that you met in New York. You accepted her offer and both of you sang your lungs out to bohemian rhapsody. It was good night. A couple of days later you met on the street again, this time you offered her a job at your new club, that you were going to build. You trusted her and she was the first member of your mob. Without her you wouldn’t be even here today.
After some time spent together, you already moved in together. You created a little family. Carol introduced you to Wade who also moved in with you - he still does live with you. You phone buzzes again. Now you’re really annoyed. Can’t even enjoy your drink - wait. Where’s your cocktail? Doesn’t matter now.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Have you read Nightwing 71 yet? Sorry if I spoiler anything, but Ric was "groomed" "manipulated" and "brainwashed" by owls and, he IS now. I mean, AGAIN. Wow. Does DC ever know that Dick(or Ric) has his own character and personality and he is human, not tool ready to be used whenever or whoever needs? I am getting sick of this Ric grayson the free real estate BS.
I just read it now and its what I was expecting to happen but somehow it played out even worse than I was prepared for. There’s one line in particular that I don’t want to spoil in case any followers still care about that book being spoiled in terms of specific/detailed spoilers at this point, but something the Joker says to Dick near the end of the issue just makes this soooooooo much worse IMO than just another brainwashing for him. 
But I mean, lbr here. This isn’t the Church of Blood or even the Court of Owls messing with Dick’s mind this time. Literally playing God with his entire sense of self and view of reality. Its the Joker. 
This has officially pushed this story arc over even my disdain for the Forever Evil mess, and as far as I’m concerned, the rest of the Batfam should be BEGGING for his forgiveness after all this is said and done, no matter what he ends up doing while under the Joker’s control. I’m honestly going to just skip any fic that attempts to conclude or follow-up from this arc with anything other than the Batfam ALL busting their fucking asses off to do the work this time and put TIME and EFFORT into getting him to trust them or even want them around again at this point, because anything less than that will just leave me steaming at this point. 
Literally the ONLY thing I want to read right now is a fic where someone in his family figures out ON THEIR OWN, LIKE ACTUAL DETECTIVES that no one who has had his mind and agency violated and disregarded as often as he has - just that they even KNOW of - could possibly be alright, and so based off of even just plain simple logic he can not possibly be alright, and so could one of them just fucking SHOW UP for him, and not to try to fix him according to what THEY think he needs but just to be there and ask what HE needs? 
Where they make themselves a resource rather than them the knight in shining armor to his damsel in distress? Where they let it be about HIM instead of it being about them avenging him or them putting him back together or them protecting him or them somehow ending up more front and center and making more of the choices in-story than he gets to even though its supposed to be about him?
Like....just a story where the Batfam doesn’t have to wait until he has a literal breakdown before realizing he’s not okay and hasn’t been for a long time.  Where they look at the LONG string of times none of them have been there when he needed someone, and ask themselves WHY it is that they all expect him to be present and accounted for whenever they need him but none of them ever seem to be around when he could use a hand - even though they all always pretty much know exactly where to find him.....like, he’s the only hero in Bludhaven. They know this. Everyone knows this. 
Like, its not that hard to google “is shit going down in Bludhaven this week y/n” and drive half an hour when they hear his circus just got burned to the ground AGAIN or his apartment building was just blown up or there are four randos running around in his old costumes or the local crime lord just hired a dozen major assassins to all try and bring him Nightwing’s head.
Or his evil dead grandpa who last we saw was being handed over to Bruce’s custody BY Dick himself is somehow out on the loose again, why aren’t his family putting bets on where Rob Zombie’s bound to end up at some point - oh yeah, watching him through his window all creeperlike - I mean, I know their dad’s a billionaire but that’s just easy money. When a dude whose obsession is as hard to kill off as he is and with the backing and resources of a whole secret society of rich fucks who all think Dick’s destiny is to dance on the end of their strings, like when they all show a tendency to keep coming back like cockroaches no matter how many times they get stomped, what’s the best proactive approach to being prepared for the next time? 
Oh right, leave the sole focus of their constant attempts at abduction/manipulation/brainwashing completely isolated, alone and defenseless without even the memory of why he shouldn’t trust someone who shows up claiming to be his great-grandfather even when he actually turns out to be the real deal.....’see, its not that he’s lying about who he is, its that who he is happens to be evil.”
Seriously. HOW is this a family of geniuses??
HOW is fandom so often convinced its DICK who’s the dumbass out of all of them, when this is their brains on “oh no, Dick’s not here to tell us what to do while we bitch at him for it.’
Imagine fics where someone in Dick’s family looks at the HUGE number of holes in their knowledge of his life.....the periods of long stretches of time where NONE of them were in contact with him and thus have ANY idea what might have happened to their infamously-tightlipped-about-when-bad-things-happen-to-him brother/son without them knowing about it.....and wonder...hey, what DID happen to him during those times and isn’t it weird and WORRISOME that he’s never volunteered any info about those periods and we’ve never ASKED?
Aka the years he was estranged from Bruce because Bruce couldn’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to apologize to Dick for firing him and then turning around and hiring a new kid who gets the Wayne adoption AND the Grayson family name that were BOTH kept or taken from Dick when he was still pretty much just a kid himself.
Or the long months Dick spent infiltrating the mobs and then the Society of Supervillains when he was Coping Badly after everything that happened to him in Bludhaven, both what they know of and whatever else they don’t know of that could’ve been driving him back then....driving him straight into the company of VILLAINS rather than them.
Or literally anything that happened to him while he was working undercover by himself for the highly dangerous and infamous spy agency that also tried to take over his brain (PS - how many people don’t know that the ultimate resolution of the Grayson series, the endgame, was Dick battling the main villain for control over his own mind, because guess the villain’s plans for him were? Oh yeah, to be his new host body when he downloaded his consciousness into Dick’s body and kicked Dick’s consciousness to the curb. LOLOL. Ah yes. Everybody wants Dick Grayson - just without the parts that actually MAKE him Dick Grayson.)
Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
Everybody talks endlessly about how Dick Grayson is a people person and the heart of the family and his teams and nobody thinks twice about the fact that this is the same person who is so infamously often left on his own to his own devices battling the worst of the worst and everybody thinks oh he’s fiiiiiiiiiine. Like, I’m not actually sold on the idea that Dick is an extrovert rather than an introvert vs he just fakes being an extrovert very well....but what does it say that everybody ASSUMES Dick is this huge extrovert and yet.....it never occurs to them to seek HIM out and surround HIM with the people that supposedly an extrovert like him should need to recharge and recover after enduring shit like he does?
How about instead of a million fics where Dick’s agency is ignored yet again so the Batfam can dramatically find out about his rapes whether he likes it or not, and insert THEIR idea of what should happen next/how he should deal.....how about fics where he TELLS one of them or all of them about these or other events that have happened to him, on HIS timetable, of his OWN volition....because he WANTS to? Because he’s READY? Because he honestly believes it’ll help him to tell them, that they’ll be there for him, he TRUSTS this....because they’ve already done the work of proving to him they will or giving him reason to believe they will....rather than just leaving him with no other choice?
Think about how often Dick’s casually referred to as the glue that holds the family together or the emotional heart or center of it.....
And then wonder if maybe the reason the Batfam as a whole is so fucked up....
Is because what everyone calls the HEART of it is constantly left neglected, alone, and fucked up and not taken care of, not looked after....
What tends to happen when you don’t take care of your heart? Protect it? Keep it healthy, keep it safe?
Your body goes stone cold. You keel over. DOA.
Don’t want the Batfamily to be cold...distant....a family in name only....
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
How I would change the Telltale Batman Games
My other DC changes
Burtonverse Changes
Nolanverse Changes
DCTV Changes
Just replayed the Telltale Batman games and while I love them, there are lot of ways I would change the games.
Season 1. Note. Catwoman and Two-Face remain unchanged as  I like what was done to them
Thomas is not evil. I really did not like that they had to completely make Thomas Wayne a monster to tell a different take on the story. They made him out to be so over the top evil it was just ridiculous. Instead take inspiration from The Long Halloween. Thomas saves a young Carmine Falcone and Thomas is indebted to The Falcones ever since. Just have it being a favor Thomas could never repay, he was an unwitting pawn and when he finally had enough and he got out of it and used his wealth for the good of Gotham. Falcone has Thomas and Martha killed and Hill makes it look like a mugging. Then it’s about Bruce clearing his family’s name. That’s it, you don’t need to demonize the father that helped Bruce become the person he is today.
Bruce only thinks Carmine had his parents killed. Then it turns out that it really was just a random mugging and that's what motivates Bruce to widen his range as Batman from just "bust Falcone and the other organized crime families".
Vicki Vale is Vicki Vale. I really liked Vicki in the game up until the twist. She came off as someone who wanted to do the right thing and get to the truth no matter what. And that twist. Vicki should've been just Vicki Vale reporter for the Gazette, ally to Bruce and Batman, potential love interest and Vicki helps Bruce clear the Wayne name.
The Penguin is The Penguin. Not Hush 2.0. The Penguin is not a revolutionary nor does he have any association with the children of Arkham. Oswald is Falcone���s biggest rival and a rival to Bruce and Wayne Enterprises. Not in it for revenge but in it for crime. When Falcone dies, Penguin takes over the Gotham underworld and instead of forcing Bruce down, it’s a hostile take over of Wayne Enterprises and Oswald still hacks Bruce’s technology and keeps the hacking monocle but uses his trick umbrellas. The Penguin would be the gentleman of crime and mockery of high society with an affinity of birds.  Duplicitous mob boss. A guy who EVERYBODY knows is dirty, but he’s smart enough to make sure that there’s just enough deniability for him to get away with it. And JUST enough too, ‘cause he likes rubbing it in Batman’s face that nothing sticks to him. Oswald’s connection to the COA is that he sells weapons to them. Penguin would look like Penguin, The Penguin isn’t attractive or skinny. He isn’t meant to be. There’s a reason for short stature, obesity, and bird-like nose. These traits would make him an outcast to his family and high society.
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Bullock introduced in Season 1.  Bullock is the one who fires on Batman instead of Montoya. It’s not until Batman saves Bullock and Montoya in episode 3 that Bullock starts to trust Batman
The Leader of the Children of Arkham should have been Jeremiah Arkham, which he is known as Doctor Arkham. Falcone and Hill ruined the lives of the Arkham family, while Thomas Wayne was trying to help the Arkhams but it eventually failed.  He doesn’t care about the circumstances surrounding Thomas’ involvement with Falcone and Hill, Bruce is the last who will be punished. Thomas had nothing to do with ruining the lives of the Arkham family, he got out long before the decline of the Asylum and the crimes against the Arkhams.  Jeremiah doesn’t even have it out for the Waynes, he was just out to get revenge against Bruce for attempting to replace his family’s legacy. We see Jeremiah in Dent’s fundraiser clashing with Bruce for attempting to replace Arkham Asylum and again after Oswald replaces Bruce and injects him. Kidnaps Alfred all the same. Making Jeremiah the villain and defeating him would inspire Bruce to better Arkham Asylum.
The Enemy Within
Riddler is not a murderer. I don’t think Riddler should kill. One of the things I liked about Riddler is he's one of a very few of Batman's rogues that DIDN'T kill, so making him kill kind of takes that away. However in my version, The Riddler would be a notorious Cyberterrorist. He is able to hack banks, security systems, steal valuable information and everywhere he goes he leaves a riddle as a clue to his next crime. The Agency is after Riddler because he found out what they were doing with Sanctus and he was going to sell this information to the top bidder. It’s a lot like Assault On Arkham, where Riddler has dirt on Waller, so The Agency is after Riddler just like that. I will also say that I believe Riddler should be younger, like in his 30′s, not his 60′s.
Riddler lives. While I understand why he died, I really feel like it was wasted opportunity just to kill him off so quick. He was so amazing in this incarnation but sad he only got one episode. If anything just have  Riddler caught and you make the choice to send Riddler with Gordon who he takes to Arkham Asylum or with Waller who she has him in lock up. Regardless when you join the pact, your mission at the end of episode 2 involves breaking Riddler out of the prison transport. Makes things more interesting when Riddler is freed and Bruce comes face to face with Riddler again. Riddler does not make things easy for The Pact, which pisses off Harley and John. He gives Bruce a hint that he knows he is undercover and that he is Batman and will blow his cover unless he follows his specific instructions. Directs them to his old hideout. When Bruce is discovered, Riddler gives a sly grin believing that his team just killed two birds with one stone. When Batman arrives to the Sanctus lab, Batman is able to subdue Riddler along with Bane and Freeze.  
Bane. Only thing I would change is that his face would be entirely covered by his classic mask.  I will never understand why Bane is always given lips in every animated appearance and Batman game. I get it’s to show facial expressions, but seriously, he looks cooler with his masks from the comics, and he is a character that let’s his actions speak for him.
As Bruce we are given the opportunity to explain ourselves to Gordon that we were undercover for the Agency, thus saving Gordon’s job. 
If you romanced Vicki  or not in the first season, she is able to return and help Bruce against The Agency.
In the villain playthrough we get confirmation that Bane, Riddler and Freeze are sent to Arkham.
In the vigilante playthrough, Riddler is apart of the Suicide Squad...until he is able to hack off his collar and leaves his comrades to a fate worse than death, servitude to Waller.
Villain Joker turns the virus into Joker toxin. I feel like this was a missed opportunity, sure the virus is effective on it’s own but Joker toxin could have worked and it would be so horrifying yet so awesome to see
We are given the opportunity to convince Alfred to stay. I hate the idea of Alfred abandoning Bruce, I hated it in TDKR and I hate it here. Given that in my version, Thomas is not a monster, I don’t think Alfred would leave Bruce but if he feels he has to for his own health, Bruce would convince him that  Batman is needed and that he can take care of Alfred. “You were always there for me Alfred, now it’s my time to take care of you” Something along the lines. The thought of forcing us to choose between Batman and Alfred was really the only real flaw I had with The Enemy Within
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
January 27: 2x04 Mirror Mirror
Had some technical difficulties but finally managed to watch Mirror Mirror. (Now I’m very tired.)
I see these aliens are more intense pacifists than Spock.
When Kirk says “But we won’t [force you], consider that,” right over his shoulder and into camera, it looks like he’s posing for a commercial.
Ah ha, the Classic Transporter Accident. (Aka how that became a classic trope lol.)
I love that they zero in on Spock’s beard first thing, like that’s the weirdest part of this universe.
Oh no, the agonizer!
So my big question is: do all the ISS Captains wear that gold vest or is it a Kirk thing? I just find it very funny that the men in the mirrorverse wear about the same amount of clothing as in the regular universe, and the ladies wear a lot less...and then there’s Kirk, conspicuously showing off his arms. Vests are NOT regulation!
When does he get a chance to record his log? And wouldn’t it be... recorded in the mirrorverse?
Kirk’s salute is hilarious. Uh, yeah, salute and wave, I guess??
He’s really focused on Spock. “Another ship. Another Spock.”
Kirk’s patented reassuring upper arm grab.
Uhura on the bridge! You can’t tell she’s nervous because she’s brave and strong.
This episode, and to a lesser extent The Naked Time, are why I think Sulu has a thing for her. I know it’s a different universe, but I still think it’s true.
Kirk’s salute is getting better. More confident.
He just doesn’t know how to be evil. He’s too good, too pure.
Hmmm, Security Chief Sulu? He really does have a lot of interests.
I wonder what Vulcan is like in this universe. They are still clearly post-Reform. But more ruthless. Scarier. Probably meat eaters.
Damn little Chekov. Just waiting for his chance to mutiny.
Security Chief, like the Gestapo. Did not know that was what the reference was supposed to be.
Hmm, male computer voice. This MUST be an evil universe.
“I’m a doctor, not an engineer.”
Evil Kirk strikes again! Honestly, this scene of the ISS crew on the regular Enterprise might be my favorite in the whole ep. Yet again obsessed with Spock’s facial hair. And Spock is obviously just loving it. “I find it extremely interesting.”
I think Kirk and Spock BOTH know what would buy Spock.
“I should regret your death.” I mean that’s basically a love confession. I love how they depict the K and S relationship in the mirrorverse. The subtle ways in which they’re still a team.
Spock would absolutely have killed Chekov for trying to kill Kirk.
I find evil!Spock the most convincing of all of this universe. I think he simultaneously feels true to the original character, and is also obviously of this universe, and that’s a pretty impressive feat.
“Terror must be maintained or the Empire is doomed.” Print that on a t-shirt.
“Conquest is easy. Control is not.” A lot of the mirror verse is over the top cartoony villainy but this is a very good point, and this scene in general is super interesting and subtle.
Kirk is so tunred on by that conversation with Spock. Like even in these circumstances, he still looks at Spock like he’s in love.
Hmmm, I like Marlena.
Of course evil!Kirk has an on-ship girlfriend, which good!Kirk would never do.
Evil!Spock is still very loyal, so much for all that “I would be a formidable enemy” stuff lol. “You’ll never find another man like him.” Too true.
Of course there’s some plundered alien tech plot device. I actually think that’s an interesting twist in a way... of course the ISS wouldn’t care about stealing, and so some...interesting artifacts might find their way onto starships.
Spock is upset he wasn’t included in this landing party meeting.
Hmmm, Sulu already wants to be Captain.
Marlena’s Starfleet uniform was hotter than this...paisley nightgown thing.
She’s so dramatic. Kirk is busy one time and she’s like well! I guess we’re over! Transfer me to another ship!
Another Captain Kirk arm grab moment.
I love how literally no one was surprised by that Uhura and Sulu moment on the bridge. “I’ve changed my mind again whoops.”
I can’t believe getting kicked once and then knocked on the head would almost kill Spock lol--seems like probably he might just have a concussion?--but I do like the concept of McCoy risking being left behind to help him. (And Kirk signing off on it because duh.) McCoy is just so good hearted.
Captain Sulu strikes again. Everyone has their own agenda lol. So many obstacles when everyone’s just out for himself.
Haha well that solved that. Zap zap zap and they’re gone.
As suspected, Spock recovered pretty fast. And he goes straight for the mind meld, obviously. That does seem pretty evil of him.
And another obstacle lol. I like that Kirk says Marlena can’t come with them because they can only bring 4 people because of the Calculations, even though... like surely he should already be able to guess there’s another Marlena in his universe and she can’t exactly replace a person who already exists? That would be bad.
Damn Uhura, saving the day again and looking damn fine doing it.
“I must have my Captain back.” Not even subtle about it. He MUST.
The Empire is illogical because it cannot endure.
Is Kirk literally asking this Spock to overthrow his other self and become Captain?
Also...is Marlena going to attach herself to the new Captain?? What does she think of all this?
This is probably one of the best end-of-episode bridge banter scenes in the series. “If I read my Spocks correctly.” Spock is a bit of a pirate. (I think Sarek would agree.) Spock loving the evil humans. Being jealous of Marlena. Kirk probably wondering how Mirror!Kirk and his Spock got along.
I think this is a really great episode, obviously, and I liked all of the intrigue. I thought the double, triple, quadruple crossing was really well plotted. Marlena is one of the better Love Interests and I thought she was really compelling. I LOVED Mirror Spock, and the general characterization of and subtleties to both Spocks. Mirror Sulu was interesting (what does he say about real Sulu I wonder?) and of course we got great Uhura moments and a good Bones moment too. I thought Kirk was interesting in this ep also, not quite confronting his evil side like in The Enemy Within, but...well I do think that was a part of him, the inferred characterization of mirror!Kirk, ambitious, single-minded--”inflexible, disciplined once you’ve made up your mind”--isn’t so outrageous or hard to understand.
I think the weakness of the ep is in the Mirror verse itself. It’s always struck me as a bit too cartoon-villain-y, painted in too broad strokes. Everyone wants to use violence to gain power. If deaths are so common, how has anyone survived this long lol? They allude to this sometimes--Spock not wanting command because it makes him a target, Kirk telling Spock the Empire is wasteful and ultimately unsustainable and thus illogical--but that just invites scrutiny under which the premise doesn’t hold. Imo, an organization like the Empire could never have lasted as long as or become as powerful as the Federation. As Kirk says, control is harder than conquest. I’m not even sure that all of the planets of the Federation could have come together in an Empire, and any allegiance would be very unstable. In other words, I don’t think “the Federation but make it evil” is even a sustainable premise.
Also, while people surely do crave power for the sake of power, I... tend to need a little more in my villainous characterization. Like, when I see that kind of villain, I always think of Price in Mr. Robot: “Every room I’m in, I ask myself ‘am I the most powerful person here?’ and I don’t stop until the answer is always yes.” That really is the core of him--and yet he’s still a subtle villain. That’s kind of the standard for me, I think. To put it another way, maybe the core of all villainy is just lust for power (and/or money) and maybe the best way to get power is brute strength, but the manifestations of evil are usually more subtle: some people who just want power, some people who have more narrow goals and can’t see the whole, many people who have been manipulated, and then just human ills like laziness, ineptitude, selfishness, short-sightedness. Only the most blunt of those traits and instruments really made it into the Mirror verse.
I would have liked to see the mirrorverse be more like... the mob.
...But it is only a 50 minute episode lmao.
Anyway, I find it very interesting that mirror!Spock has Vulcan operatives. His personal security guard is Vulcan, and taking these facts together, I think it’s safe to say that there are more Vulcan officers and enlisted on the ISS Enterprise than USS Enterprise. I’m not sure what to do with that but I find it very interesting. Is he more powerful on Vulcan? Is he more attuned to his Vulcan side? Are Vulcans more impressed with or deferential to him?
Anyway I am exhausted rn and I still have two more days this week so... off to bed. Next week’s ep is The Classic, The Apple.
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