#(xox) the hunter & its monster: william & jamie.
runelocked · 11 months
§ - what can i say i love men who are disasters + its amusing to me KJNDSF
you have no idea what you’ve just done . you’ve given william permission to take jamie on outings that he’ll tell everyone BUT jamie are dates. they’re gonna range from extravagant to plain strange. candlelit dinners at a table that very suspiciously says happy engagement (william assures him he didn’t call ahead to arrange this because obviously they’re not engaged, they’re not even dating. this only makes him seem more suspicious). fencing with real swords. running around on the ocean in one of those little plastic hamster balls. literally hiring aeroplanes to trail signs with elaborate love poems through the sky above the school where jamie works. he’s going to drag him to his diner and talk about the insides of robots to him. just remember this is your fault
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runelocked · 11 months
sender shows up on receiver's doorstep covered in blood
TO HIS CREDIT AND DESPITE CURIOSITY, WILLIAM DOESN’T ASK QUESTIONS IMMEDIATELY. Focuses instead on sweeping the other man inside, lips pressing themselves into a firm line while his eyes scan the surrounding area; making sure Jamie hasn’t been followed. He has no idea what to make of the situation, can’t even tell if the blood is Jamie’s or some one else’s, but it doesn’t matter right now. " Bathroom, " he says simply, taking a steely hold of the other man's arm and beginning to guide him to the apartment bathroom, " are you injured ? "
Either way, he needs to get him out of these bloody clothes: whether Jamie is injured or not there's surely clean - up of some sort that William will have to run. He's always been good at that sort of thing, from cleaning up his own messes in the past, and though he's focused on Jamie's well - being ( mostly ), his mind is beginning to branch off into different concerns too, mostly about the potential fallout of whatever situation has taken place.
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