runelocked · 8 months
§ - what can i say i love men who are disasters + its amusing to me KJNDSF
you have no idea what you’ve just done . you’ve given william permission to take jamie on outings that he’ll tell everyone BUT jamie are dates. they’re gonna range from extravagant to plain strange. candlelit dinners at a table that very suspiciously says happy engagement (william assures him he didn’t call ahead to arrange this because obviously they’re not engaged, they’re not even dating. this only makes him seem more suspicious). fencing with real swords. running around on the ocean in one of those little plastic hamster balls. literally hiring aeroplanes to trail signs with elaborate love poems through the sky above the school where jamie works. he’s going to drag him to his diner and talk about the insides of robots to him. just remember this is your fault
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transhuman-priestess · 9 months
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The follow-up to The New Flesh. Read that one first!
15 months prior to the raid on the Blair Mountain, Captain Terry Holder butts heads with her Chief Engineer as an unknown threat bears down on their ship.
This story does not contain sexual themes, however it is part of a larger work which does, therefore, this story is only for consumption by legal adults over the age of 18. It includes moderate violence, and coarse language.
January 14, 2253 1041 Earth UTC
15 months prior to the raid on the Blair Mountain
The Hildas, 550 Million Kilometers from Jupiter
“Chester, how long do you think we’re going to be stuck here?” Captain Terry Holder asked.
She and her first mate, Chester Silvera, were sitting in the mess hall of the Huntington. The ore hauler had been coasting .9 AU from 153 Hilda for 56 hours with a damaged ablator in her #2 main engine. Holder was growing restless.
Silvera, on the other hand, was in a fine mood. “Why are you so eager to get back to port?” He was downing his third slice of pizza since taking a seat 10 minutes ago. Holder couldn’t understand where his appetite came from.
“It’s creepy out here,” she said, “The nearest station is 6 days away. It takes 10 minutes for someone to even hear a distress signal. There’s nothing outside the hull. We’re alone.”
“Captain,” Silvera replied, smirking “You are aware that you can, in point of fact, choose a different occupation than deep space captain, correct?”
“Shut up,” Holder said, smiling. “You know what I mean.” She leaned back in her chair. She’d barely touched the chicken Parmesan she’d gotten from the replicator.
“You’ve been out here for 15 years, Terry,” Silvera said, slipping effortlessly into confidant mode, “You’ve been a captain for 8. You’re used to this. What’s different now?”
Holder sighed. Chester, as always, knew how to get to the heart of the matter. She sat for a moment, not wanting to say it out loud, but knowing she couldn’t hide it from her friend and crewmate. Finally, she said, “It’s Powell.”
“The engineer?” Silvera seemed genuinely surprised.
“Yeah,” said Holder, her hand idly falling to the nickel-plated pistol she wore on her hip, “I don’t like her attitude.” She rubbed her thumb on the hammer, feeling the familiar knurling, catching her thumbnail on a well-worn burr.
“You seem to get along with her just fine.” His pizza lay forgotten on the plate, he was all business now.
“Well, that’s what they pay me for, Chester.” She took a bite of chicken to buy some time before continuing, “She’s arrogant, inflexible, obsessed with rules and procedure.” She tossed her fork to the table. Chester scooted back slightly, sensing one of his captain’s moods coming on. Holder stood and began pacing.
“It’s always ‘SOP says this!’ or ‘The tech manual says that!’ always coming up with excuses why something can’t be done, except when it’s something she wants done, then procedure flies out the fucking door!” She ran her hand through her hair in frustration.
“We’ve been coasting for two and a half days.”
“Terry is-”
“She told me that she has to strip the bell down to the cooling tubes for fuck’s sake.”
“TERRY!” Silvera banged his hand on the table for emphasis. Holder stopped talking.
“Yeah, Chester?”
“This is about the pistol, isn’t it?”
Holder rolled her eyes, “No, it’s not about the fucking pistol.”
“Isn’t it, though?”
The engraved, nickel-plated .45 was a family heirloom. Captains in the Civil Navy were allowed sidearms for ceremonial purposes, but they weren’t supposed to wear them outside of certain occasions. Of course, in deep space, the captain had more or less free reign, barring mutiny, and Terry liked the feeling of the heavy steel on her hip. She didn’t keep it loaded, though she did keep 2 magazines of hollow-points on her belt.
She’d never had to draw it in anger, though there had been a few close calls with pirates where she’d gone as far as to carry it cocked and locked. But that was on her old ship, the Joachimstahl.
This was her first sortie in command of the Huntington. She’d inherited the ship from a retiring captain, Jack Thorton, and the crew along with it, including the old engineer, who immediately took issue with Terry’s habit of wearing the piece. She’d actually pulled Chester aside to complain about it. It pissed Terry off.
Chester smiled gently. “Terry, I’ve known you five years. I’ve been your right hand for two. You need to get over this grudge.”
“She’s a little shit, Chester.”
“She is a fine engineer. Captain Thorton had nothing but praise for her. Has she ever disobeyed an order?”
“No, but-”
“Has she ever put the crew in danger?”
“No, but-”
“Then you need to drop this little grudge, and you know that.”
Terry was about to argue when her the radio on her belt chirped.
“Captain,” the voice of Jill Cambell, her radar navigator, “There’s something weird on the scope here.”
Terry keyed to reply “What do you mean by weird?”
“I mean I’ve never seen anything move this fast. You better get up here.”
“Be there in a minute.”
Captain Holder and First Mate Silvera walked onto the bridge of the Huntington. The radar station was the only one currently occupied. Campbell turned to them as they walked through the door.
“Alright, Jill,” said Terry, “What’s cracking?”
“About 20 minutes ago I got an off radar return about an AU out on the long-range band.” Campbell reported, “No exhaust signature, and it was redshifting so much I thought the scope might be broken.”
“It’s not.” Campbell said, tossing a hand in the air. “I switched to the secondary dish. Same cross-section. Same redshift. Hit it with the high-rez, same cross section, same redshift. Whatever it is, it’s at least 50 meters long and it’s moving at O.1C.”
“So send a message to SETI’s Europa Division.” Terry was amazed but couldn’t understand why Campbell had called her to the bridge for this, “I mean, that’s incredible, really, it is, but if they’re moving away from us what’s the rush?
“Well,” Campbell seemed nervous, “Now they’re blueshifting.”
“Bullshit,” Holder dropped the word like a bag of bricks, “How is that possible? Even if something could put out that much delta-v, in that short a span, the g forces of changing direction would rip it to pieces.”
“I don’t know how, Captain,” Campbell said, turning back to the scope. “But I’d really like to have a plan when they get here.
“Fucking Christ, whose god damn idea was this?” Chief Engineer Genevieve Powell cursed to herself.
“Sorry Chief,” Engineer’s Mate Karl Miller said over the radio, “I uh, didn’t copy that.”
“Whoever designed the Shinkolobwe-class engine is either a sadist, an idiot, or both.” Powell replied, “This engine is pissing me off.”
She was nearing the end of a 4-hour long EVA replacing a cracked ablator panel right in the throat of the massive 10-meter fusion rocket. When the engines were active, the reactors would vent hot plasma out the back at temperatures approaching that of the surface of the sun, sending the ship moving in the opposite direction and accelerating it to a top speed of 20 million kilometers per hour.
But right now, they weren’t doing anything of the sort. The ablator shield, a layer of boronated plastic 4 meters thick meant to both protect the engine bells from melting and absorb excess neutrons, was cracked, right in the throat. With the ablator shield damaged, the plume coming out of the rocket engine wouldn’t be smooth and even, but roiling with turbulence. Turbulence that would, at best, drop the propulsive efficiency enough to put serious differential stresses on the spaceframe. At worst, it would impinge on the hull, or through to the engine bell, either way burning through and destroying the ship.
Which was why Powell had been awake for 40 hours. Why she and the engineering team had been working in shifts to painstakingly repair the panel. Angle grinders, caulk guns full of boron paste, a portable X-ray unit, and lots and lots of elbow grease.
“Miller,” Powell said, wiping her cheek on the inside of her helmet. “You ever wonder whose brilliant fucking idea was it to use ablative shielding instead of magnetic on a 100-giganewton fusion engine?”
“Can’t say I have,” Miller replied, “You’re gonna have to take that up with Tycho Shipbuilding. Captain wants to know your ETA.”
“God dammit,” The Captain was pissing Powell off. No respect for the work involved in keeping nuclear fusion going without blowing the whole ship to hell, or bombarding the crew with fast neutrons, or turning them all into sludge with 100g burns. “Is this about me not using the tether?” The umbilical tether was supposed to be worn whenever the EVA thruster pack was in use, as a backup, in case the thrusters failed. Powell hated the damn thing. It got in the way and the thruster pack was reliable enough she didn’t need it.
“Uh, I don’t think so, Chief.”
“It’ll be done when it’s fucking done. I’ve got another 3 meters of length on this bitch of a crack. It goes 45 centimeters deep. It’s going to take at least another 10 hours to fill that.”
There was a pause as Miller relayed this to the captain, then, “Uh, Chief,” Miller said, nervously, “Captain says you have an hour.”
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? Put her on, now.”
“She says there’s some kind of pirates bearing in on us in 60 minutes.”
Powell rolled her eyes, “That’s not possible. There wasn’t anything within 4 AU of us when I came out here. Tell her I’m not doing anything without talking to her first.”
A brief pause on Miller’s end, then, “Have it your way.”
Powell continued grinding at the crack for a moment. Then Holder’s voice came on. “Powell, I know we don’t get along,” that was an understatement, Powell thought, “But Campbell confirmed this thing is moving at one-tenth c, heading directly towards us. It’s crossed 20 million clicks since she started tracking it. It actually reversed direction to come this way. I know it sounds like bullshit, but I need you to get whatever you can filled and get back into the airlock. I sent out a distress signal but I won’t hear back from Hilda station for at least another 2 minutes”
“Captain, you can’t just rush something like this!” Powell protested, “The differential forces alo-”
Holder cut her off, “I’m aware of the structural ramifications. It’s my ship and that’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“Captain,” Powell said, “how are we going to outrun something a hundred times faster than us?”
“We’re not. But I’ll need the engines. Trust me.”
Powell gritted her teeth. She couldn’t stand Holder, but Campbell was good. She and Powell had served together under Thorton, and Campbell had helped Powell develop a couple of scanning tools for the engines that worked a hell of a lot better than stock equipment.
“If Campbell’s sure then. I can maybe get you 10 cm of depth along the rest of the crack. It won’t be good for the full trip back to Europa but I should be able to get you enough dV to get us on our way before I have to come back here and fix it again.”
Holder thought for a moment, then replied, “Make it so, Jenna.”
“Aye captain.”
For the next 45 minutes, Powell broke rule after rule for ablator repair. Instead of x-raying the crack she ground it down to 15 centimeters visually. She filled it in with ablator paste and smoothed it by hand before it had cured instead of sanding it once it was dry. By the end of the ordeal, she had used 100 kilos of ablator paste, far less than the 700 the job properly needed. She looked out at a nearby asteroid as they drifted past, and said into her mic, “Miller?”
“Chief?” came Miller’s soft voice through the headset. Powell saw a glint of something off by the big rock in space.
“Tell the captain I’m climbing out. I’ll be at the airlock in 5-” Powell was cut off by a squeel of static and a flash of bright light from the dorsal side of the ship. The shock jolted the Huntington and knocked Powell against the inside of the engine bell. She felt her shoulder crack. The screeching of static faded but was replaced by her own cries of agony. She was floating out towards the center of the nozzle, she couldn’t move her fingers to control the maneuvering pack.
Another flash and another impact jolted the ship vertically. Static filled Powell’s ears as she bounced into the bottom of the engine bell and then up, out into the vast expanse of space.
“Owens, damage report,” Holder barked.
Iris Owens responded, “Two detonations in the 2 kiloton range, a kilometer dorsal of us. Numbers 5 and 6 radiators showing a pressure drop. The rest are showing overheat but coming down.”
It had been an ambush. Holder didn’t know how it happened, but it couldn’t have been anything else. Somehow the two ships, 10 light-minutes away from each other, had coordinated. While the Huntington had been busy worrying about the distant ship, another had been hiding behind a nearby asteroid.
There wasn’t time to think about it though, “Miller,” Holder barked, “Pitch us up 115 degrees, roll 45 starboard.”
“Pitch up 115, roll 45 starboard.”
“Powell, what’s your status?”
Powell couldn’t move her right arm. The impact had shattered her shoulder blade and humerus. Her RCS system was giving her a warning that one of the quads had malfunctioned. Even if she’d been able to move the translation control, it wouldn’t have done any good.
I’m going to die out here, she realized.
Flashes of warm yellow-white light appeared behind her. The hypergolic RCS system was pitching the ship up, rolling it to the right. She watched as the huge ship seemed to breech like a whale, then pirouette. Over her radio she heard the captain’s voice, “Powell, what’s your status.”
“I’m alive!” she’d never been so happy to hear Terry Holder’s stupid fucking voice, “I’m alive but I can’t get back to the airlock! My thrusters are damaged and my shoulder’s broken.”
“Powell?” came the captain’s voice again, “Powell can you read me?”
“I can read you,” Powell shouted, tearing up from pain, or maybe from fear, “I can read you! Please respond.”
She realized that Holder couldn’t hear her. The wire for the microphone must have been damaged by the impact that broke her shoulder.
She was alone out here.
“Miller,” Holder said, “What’s Powell’s biomed say.”
Miller turned red in the face and stammered, “Uhhh,”
“Miller I do not have time for this, what’s her biomed say?”
“She isn’t wearing it.”
“She said she didn’t have time to put it on.”
“Retract her tether.”
“She’s not wearing that either.”
Holder felt ice creep down her spine. The whole scene seemed to go quiet and time stood still. In 8 years as a captain, Holder had never lost a crew member. She hadn’t even considered it a real possibility. But now, with her chief engineer missing and unresponsive, she didn’t know what to do. It felt like she was a lieutenant again, fresh out of training. She looked at Silvera, pleading.
Chester, for his part, looked as disturbed as she was. But he kept his cool, “Its your call, Captain.”
Holder knew what she should do, but that didn’t make it any easier. The fact she couldn’t stand Powell made it even harder, somehow. But if Powell wasn’t responding, and there was no way to retrieve her, then she was dead, one way or the other. Holder didn’t want to think about it.
Time started again, “Owens, get ready to dump ore bay 3. Miller, point the ventral hull at that ship and be ready with a 200m/s dorsal burn.”
The ship swung away from Powell, but then continued through its arc and, incredibly, came close enough to her that she was able to grab a handrail, only 20 meters from the airlock.
She scrambled to gain a foothold as she held on tight with her one good arm. This was a long shot, but it was her only hope for survival. She found purchase, and set her aim, then kicked and swung herself around, spinning head over heels. For 3 eternal seconds, she drifted through space, only inky black and stars filling her vision. Then the ship came back into view, and she grabbed at the first thing she could see and held on for dear life.
She’d grabbed one of the many high-gain antennae that dotted the hull. Carefully, she slid her hand down and pulled herself towards the hull. She was only 5 meters from the airlock. As her hand made contact with the hull, she felt a rumble through it. She looked around, and her heart dropped.
“Ore bay 3 open, Captain,” said Owens.
“Good. Disengage cargo restraints.”
“Cargo restraints disengaged”
“Miller, 200m/s dorsal,” Holder commanded
“200 m/s dorsal, captain.” Came Miller’s reply.
The roof of the ship lit up all around Powell. She could feel the heat from the thrusters. The sudden change in environment made her jump, and she lost her grip on the antenna. Relief turned, once again, to mortal dread as the Huntington sped away from her, leaving her floating, dying, in deep space, billions of kilometers from her home in Dublin.
“Dorsal burn complete, captain.” Said Miller.
“Good,” said Holder, “Now put that ore between us and that ship, face us away from it.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She would only have one chance to make this work, but Holder was a star poker player and knew how to use a bum hand to her advantage. Hold 3 had, until a minute ago, contained 20,000 metric tons of dense iridium ore. The Huntington didn’t have any armaments, but that didn’t mean she was defenseless.
“Holder, on my mark, engage engines, full power. Skip the purge burn.”
Miller nodded, “Preparing to fire main engines.”
The captain had jettisoned the contents of bay 3. Powell was beyond panic now. Not calm, but something else entirely. Numb to everything around her, she watched with a detached fascination as the ship pitched downward and yawed to starboard, before translating forward slightly, and finally starboard. It settled with the #2 engine that she’d just been working on a mere 10 meters away. She could see the big regenerative cooling tubes and the mounting cavity behind them.
She watched as the bell shuddered slightly, and recognition dawned on her. She hoped she wouldn’t feel what was coming next.
“Ignition complete.” came Miller’s clipped voice, “Standing by for full-power burn.”
Captain Holder got on the PA, “All hands, prepare for burn in 10 seconds.”
A preternatural calm came over the Captain. She hoped that Powell’s work had been enough. With 3 seconds left before the burn, she opened a channel, hoping Powell would somehow hear her, and said, “Please forgive me, Jenna.”
The two main engines of the Civil Ship Huntington spooled up. The ship’s dual fusion reactors pumping liquefied lithium deuteride into preburners that heated the silver grey dust hot enough to push it past liquid and gas and into ionized plasma, so hot the electrons and nuclei were ripped apart by sheer kinetic energy.
That was only the beginning, though. Next, the reactor squeezed down with a magnetic field stronger than the sun’s, and as the plasma was squeezed and heated even further, strong forces in the lithium atoms broke down, creating hydrogen and tritium, the latter of which sought out another atom to join itself to and, finding deuterium, they embraced, creating helium. As they did, each of them sacrifice a small portion of its mass to ensure this wedding would endure and, in doing so, a tiny fraction of each of those atoms was transformed, vanished from existence, into pure energy. This happened billions of trillions of times in a single second, and all of that energy had to go somewhere. Knowing this, the ship’s computer opened a hole in the magnetic confinement that coincided with the opening in the engine bell. Kinetic energy and Sir Issac’s third law dictated what happpened next.
Superheated plasma existed the engine bell at a temperature unmeasurable by any mechanical means, directly at the mass of iridium behind the ship. Much of the heavy metal immediately evaporated, but some survived, now white-hot and superheated, and heading directly towards the unknown ship assailing the Huntington at nearly 20 million kilometers per hour. The kinetic energy imparted transferred itself immediately to the ship, shredding it as easily as buckshot would disintegrate a clay pigeon. The Huntington sped away under her own power as the enemy ship dissolved under the barrage.
There is no air in space, thus there is no convection. There is, however, thermal radiation. The bulk of the plasma had been directed behind the Huntington, but the brilliant white-hot glow of her engines carried heat as well as light. It was this heat, in a pulse that lasted only 10 milliseconds before the Huntington sped away, that struck Jenna Powell.
For 10 milliseconds, every inch of her space suit that had been facing the engine, as well as her face, were heated to incandescence. Only her flesh and hair burned. The suit’s suppression system temporarily flooded her helmet with CO2, which worked to quell it within 2 seconds, but the damage had been done. The exterior of her suit, unable to ignite due to the lack of oxygen, instead boiled off. The sudden release of energy propelling her backwards, away from the rocket blast, saving her from the quick and painless death she had expected.
She screamed. She screamed and she cried. She was alone. Alone, and dying. She thought about home. About the Wicklow Mountains, about the sound of rain on a March evening, about the warmth of her bed. She thought about all of these, and how she would never see them again.
A shadow appeared over her. She felt herself being pulled backwards. Suddenly, an unfamiliar hallway appeared around her. A door closed in front of her, and she heard the hiss of an airlock pressurizing. After the silence of space and her ordeal, the sound was like a hammer in her brain.
She felt artificial gravity engage, and fell to the floor on her broken shoulder. She couldn’t even muster the energy to scream.
A pair of strangely mechanical armored legs appeared in front of her, and she felt herself lifted off the floor by powerful hands. A twisted face came into view, covered in wires and metal.
“Do not resist,” the figure said, its voice feminine and curiously synthetic, “You will become beautiful.”
Jenna Powell blacked out.
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procyonloser · 28 days
Adamsapple mini ~space~ au that maybe I'll adapt into an actual fic after I'm done with eve of Adam.
Read more below the cut
Klaxons were blaring and the ship was painted in flashes of red and blue. His soldiers were running around like headless fucking chickens, trying to contain the fires and the leaks before they got out of hand, but bodies lay on the ground and they were drifting on no life support.
"Sir!?" His first officer screamed, holding her bleeding arm. Her eyes were wide in fear, fury, and a resolution that was quickly leaving him. But, they still shared a similar need for revenge.
They were outgunned. The traitors and outcasts had won, the scum of the fucking galaxy. Disgusting hybrids and freaks.
And the worst of all of them...
Adam stumbled to the front of his ship, stepping over the body of his navigator. He'd not live much longer, a piece of metal had gone straight through him in the last barrage. Lucifer's lead ship, the Morning Star, stayed locked onto them. He'd gotten a few good hits in on Charlie's ship, she'd not be able to warp out of here.
Adam stared out the window, and decided he had one song left in him.
"Attention, this is your fucking Captain speaking. Abandon ship. Get to your escape pods and get your asses back to Peter's Gate space station." Adam barked out, feeling a sharp pain digging through him with every word. Lute started to protest behind him, but he carried on. "I'm not leaving the ship, I wouldn't survive the trip anyway. Lute is your new acting Captain. Now - fucking go already!"
There was chaos as his soldiers realized all hope was lost and the fight was over for them. Lute had tears running down her face, but Adam just shook his head.
"I gave you an order. Get out of here unless you want to die too." Adam said, without looking back up at her. Instead, he focused on yanking the chuck of metal out of his stomach. His white and gold suit had been stained a deep red. The only spot of human blood on the ship.
"Sir-" Lute moved closer, but Adam just flopped down into what was left of the Captain's chair.
"I'm not going down without one last trick up my sleeve. Get out of here before I bleed out. I'm giving you one minute to get to warp." Adam finally met her gaze with a weary grin. She knew what it meant, and it took her a moment to find the courage to do what she knew she had to.
By the time he saw her escape pod launch from the port, and eventually flash away in a beam of light, Adam's vision had grown hazy. His entire body felt cold from blood loss, or maybe it was just the systems of the ship failing in the depths of space.
Either way, he had enough in him to punch in the self destruct codes.
Hopefully, he'd damaged enough of their ships warp cores that one wouldn't be able to flee, maybe even Charlie's ship. He doubted Lucifer's ship was damaged enough, but he could always dream. That's about all he'd be doing soon.
Adam sighed and looked out the window, wondering what Lucifer was thinking right now. It didn't need to be like this, if he hadn't rebelled, hadn't fucked Lilith and made that revolting hybrid. Lucifer could have been King of more than just the trash of the Galaxy. Lucifer had been more than that to Adam, once upon a time.
"I'll see you in hell, Lucifer." Adam said to himself, closing his eyes, as the countdown neared zero.
But explosion followed, none that Adam remembered. Which meant, he thought, that he'd died beforehand. Or maybe the nuclear blast was enough so that he died instantly before his brain or body had the chance to catch up with the feeling.
So, then, why was he thinking?
Adam opened his eyes to a bright white light, which he remembered from ancient human history as the description of an afterlife, before they'd mostly given up on religions. Two pairs of eyes seemed to appear above him, floating there in the brightness.
"God?" Adam mumbled in confusion.
"No, but you can call me that if you'd like, sweetheart." Lucifer said mockingly, and Adam's vision became more clear. "I saved your sorry ass before your ship went kablooey. You're now a prison of my Kingdom and my ring of coalition planets, Adam. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on. How's mercy taste?" Lucifer's grin was sharp, pointed, predatory.
Adam remembered that ancient humans used to have another name for the devil.
Maybe he was in hell.
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firesmokeandashes · 5 months
Greetings, Tumblr dwellers. I am here today with a bunch of bkdk/mha incorrect/correct quotes. Because I, unfortunately, am lacking inspiration to write anything else at the moment :[
Please enjoy.
Izuku and Katsuki: *arguing about something*
Katsuki: "Stop yelling at me, nerd!"
Izuku: *starts powering up one for all and charges at Katsuki* "AHHHHHHHH!!!"
Katsuki: *powers up his explosions and charges at Izuku* "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Izuku and Katsuki: *catches each others fists and begin making out aggressively instead*
Denki: "...."
Todoroki: *sipping coffee tiredly*
Denki: "So.... why were they fighting again..."
Todoroki: "Deku said he thought Bakugou was the better hero out of the both of them. Which made Bakugou extremely angry because he thinks Deku is the better hero out of both them, and it kind of escalated from there."
Denki: "...."
Izuku and Katsuki: *intense angry making out noises*
Todoroki: *continues sipping coffee out of his '#No.1 Wonder Duo Supporter' mug*
Katsuki: "...."
Izuku: *standing in a slightly burnt looking pile of paper towles and plates covered in hot chocolate and feathers*
Katsuki: *watches as a featherless and slightly disoriented duck imerges from the pile*
Izuku: "I may have made a mistake..."
Katsuki: "Actually, it seems you've made several mistakes all within the past 5 minutes while I was changing my clothes"
Katsuki: "Hey, Izuku! What'd ya say about coming with me on a road trip to the mountains for some hiking?"
Izuku: "I would say 'yes', but Im still recovering from the last road trip we went on"
Katsuki: "Izuku, that was ten years ago, and we were in high school!"
Izuku: "And you got kidnapped! And we had to come and rescue you!"
Katsuki: "That was one time, Izuku. ONE. TIME."
Izuku: "Yes, and I would very much not like to repeat the experience!"
Katsuki: "We're full grown-ass adults Izuku!"
Izuku: "I don't care! It was a traumatic experience that could still happen now that we're adults!"
Katsuki: "We're two of the highest ranking pro-heroes in Japan! WE FUCKING BEAT ALL FOR ONE! I highly doubt anyone is going to try kidnap either one of us!"
Izuku: "...."
Katsuki: *incredulous annoyed silence*
Izuku: "I'll go pack my bags..."
Katsuki: *silent contemplating look of disappointment at his boyfriend's ridiculousness*
Katsuki: "You have to make a decision."
Izuku: "I did. I've decided not to decide."
Katsuki: "We're in the fucking drive-through Izuku! You have to choose something to eat!"
Izuku: "I can't! It's too much pressure!"
Katsuki: "You're the fucking number one hero you live under pressure! And you can't decide what to eat at a drive-through!?"
Izuku: "That's different!"
Katsuki: "How is saving people from birning buildings less stressful than choosing a meal at a fucking fast food joint!?"
Izuku: "Because saving people doesn't involve having to choose between chicken nuggets shapped like dinosaurs or chicken nuggets shapped like space ships!"
Katsuki: "....."
Katsuki and Izuku: *staring at horribly disfigured homemade clay All Might figure with a hand(??) sticking out of his head and four legs 3 of which look like tree stumps, that they made the night before while partially drunk*
Izuku: "So.... Do you think we can fix it?"
Katsuki: "No. And Im not even going to try"
Katsuki: *walking around a hero gala, his PR agent dragged him to*
Izuku: *walking slightly behind Kacchan, following him*
Izuku: "Where are you going, Kacchan?"
Katsuki: "Towards the answer of all my problems"
Izuku: But Kacchan, you're walking towards the exit"
Katsuki: "Exactly."
Izuku: "...."
Izuku: "Can I tag along with you, then? Because I really want to go home and finish watching the final episode of Sasaki to Miyano, but my ride won't be leaving for a while."
Katsuki: "Sure. We can pick up some ramen on the way to your place so we can eat it while we watch those two idiots finally get together."
Izuku: "Yay! Thanks, Kacchan! You're the best!"
Katsuki: "I know, I know. Now, let's get going before my PR agent catches me and makes me go talk to more people."
Welp! That's all I got for now! I hope you guys liked them!
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thefoolishone666 · 2 months
Kickin Chicken once said
@hiwelcometothemonstersancturary gave me the go to do this, which is mistake one for them, so here is my go at giving them what they encouraged while I pray it works well. And if not...well I at least tried.
* (Refering to Bobby) She is called Captain Heartbeat cause she will squeeze love out of your heart...and blood, but mostly love.
* (After speaking pr-bt for a 2 minutes) You ever forget your first language?
* Mods, take their swimming privileges away and put them in the pool.
* I would go evil, but I am going to follow dad's steps of being good...plus I saw they went shoe shopping so...
* What do you mean I can't seduce myself!?
* (Loud thud off Camera) PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFUNDIDADE!
* Our ship has a pool, an omelet bar, tons of rooms for you to sleep in, one would say that is a cruise, to which I say, fair, but have you seen the plank, cause I am about to get you real familiar with it.
* I heard some demons were touched starved. I got more than enough buckshot to help with that.
* Bubba, reading chat: "Kickin isn't the sharpest knife in the group," Well that is rude...
Kickin: I did eat packing peanuts when I was younger to be fair.
Everyone in room:
Kickin:...Wait is this new information for you?
Everyone: YES!?
* Wonder how many people come on to see me stream thinking "Oh hey, the voice actor for Kickin does streaming," or "Hey is this the official channel for the Smiling Critters show?" And they just come in on me saying something like, "I HAVE BUILT A TO SCALE JOLLY ROGER WITH POPSICLE STICKS!"
* Hey Theo, it's you! (Gets empty bottle thrown at head) Ow.
* White is the color of evil, cause nothing exists in it! Delight taught me that!
* I would cry, but I am too dehydrated to do such a thing. (Goes to drink some water, pauses, puts water bottle back down)
* It is always funny to see people react to my complete indifference to horrible stuff.
* I needed to find a way to get a gambling addiction, so I thought space could have the answer.
* (Seeing Bubba being affected by the blue screen) Bubba, I know you always wanted to become the one thing I love, but this is ridiculous!
* I am just saying revenge is amazing, ok? Yeah, you gain a tremendous amount of regret sometimes, but it is amazing.
* Cool motive bro, still murder!
* (In response to Angel giving them food) It hasn't been that long since I started streaming, it has only been...5 hours...
* This is my favorite bird. (Holds up middle finger before pointing to self) It is the chicken.
* (Wearing VR) The future is today!...I might need it adjusted though.
* Does dying take away time away from my vacation days?
* Fursuits are getting so good you can now subject yourself to your own form of trauma to fuse into it. Brought to you by Playtime.
* I have seen the internet and honestly, have seen worse. Which is saying alot.
* (Looks at Candy Cat in his lap before looking at camera)...Help. me.
* Theo: You finally did it! Did it help when you imagined it was me you were fighting?
Kickin: Not at all...worked when it was Dogday though.
Dogday: WHAT DID I DO?
Kickin: Hell if I know. As long as it works though.
* (Playing I Expect You to Die, dies trying to do an action pose)...(Starts singing the James Bond theme notes)
* (Reacting to "Unnecessary Feelings") Bubba, I was promised a crime drama, not a reminder that no one in this house knows how to feeling well, including us!
* I would boop you, but I don't want a pirate hook this early in my character development.
* William then preceded to commit several hours of joy, on at least an entire classroom of kids to learn why death does.
* You can have one hit Hoppy...Ah não, ela tem uma cadeira!
* Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I am just going to turn into a nuke to fall on you.
* (Stares at camera while winding music box)
* Chica, you wouldn't hurt your brother, would you? Or would you want me to be you and Foxy's kid, whichever makes you more merciful on me.
* I am here to break the stereotype that parrots can only be pirates and no other reasons at all.
* (Refering to how much money he has in game) $60!? I can finally afford 1 AAA video game! (Pulls up Balan Wonderworld steam page) I am going to buy this one guys!
* Kickin, coming into Crafty's stream: You mind if I borrow a picture.
Crafty: Uh sure...Why?
Kickin, taking one of the monsters: A reminder.
Crafty: A reminder of what?
Kickin: Of who in this family is an actual threat. (Leaves without elaboration)
* Don't make fun of me, I will cry will I beat you up.
* We don't even own a game cube, I just want to find a copy of Skies of Arcadia to display.
* When you get into a certain mindset for so long, it is so jarring to have to go into a different line of think, like you just suddenly ask, "Wait I don't have to ration this sandwich for the entire year?"
* I am still surprised I recovered so well from all of that.
* What would the others do without me? Minus not having a heart attack everyday.
* Have good night everyone! I don't remember how I end these...I will make you walk the plank! No, that is not it...
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svefs · 1 year
Definitely the better Suzuki ever 👍
TW!: Cursing and mentions of alcoholism, NOT incest FFS, we love Iruma, IruAzz shipper reader frfr, I support other ships (not the bad bad ones y'all calm down)too don't attack me, im high and it's 3am, Fem!reader, hey bbg you look kinda cute
Summary: You're Iruma Suzuki's younger sister cause yes. Not really known by most of his friends since you're like 10 years younger than him (basically a kid that still can't attend school). That is untill you followed your older brother to Babyls secretly (how? Idk why are you asking me im defo no the author 🤷‍♀️)
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"Shichiro" said Kalego surrounded by an ominous aura while the misfits are sweating buckets in the background.
Balam Shichiro was only trying to help a toddler. Getting a lecture by co-worker was definitely not in list.
"BAT!" you screamed on the top of your lungs as if you were a drunkard
Uh oh
Few hours earlier
"Pera! upsies,"you babbled wanting to be carried.
"Y/N-sama, please forgive me but I am a bit busy here," Opera said while carrying the dirty laundry.
You huffed and walked away pouting at the fact that Opera was busy. It's childish but your still a kid so do whatever you want 🤷‍♀️
Unfortunately, a bright idea sparked into your mind. Your adoptive grandpa is the principal of Babyls, the school your big brother goes too. So if we're to go on a little adventure you'll be able to get your older brother and maybe your grandpa to play with you. It's basically child's play (how ironic), but you're a human child so it's fine.
So the journey begins, with you leaving Opera in a state of panic while you're following your carefree brother and his two friends while they walk to school. Of course it is harder for you to catch up to them since you can barely walk but you can crawl your way through hell if you wanted to.
Once you reached the school entrance it was basically empty, meaning you weren't fast enough to play with your brother before his class starts. As you were about to enter through the door, a deep voice startled you.
"A child?"
You look behind to see a tall man with chicken feet and short white hair. Iruma has told you about a white haired tall teacher with chicken feet named Balam Shichiro that is intimidating but kind nonetheless. So what do you do? The only logical thing duh.
you shouted rendering him speechless.
"You know me?"
he asked while picking you up while you answered by nodding.
Few minutes after (he finally got the memo)
"So.... you want me to bring you to Iruma?"you nodded in response as he started walking somewhere. You were completely relaxed in Balam's hold which made him question your identity even more since he was used to people being scared of his appearance.Getting to Iruma was not really that hard. You can tell where he is all the time especially with the people he hangs out with. Poor Iruma, can't even live his school life quietly without drawing attention. But since class already started, he's definitely in the Royal one. He wouldn't be the type to skip class at all.
Back to the present
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA BIG BAD BAT!!!" you started shrieking definitely startling half the class from your sudden outburst.
"Y/N! Calm down," your brother takes you away from Balam's hold inorder to try and calm you down. Did it work?
Lol no.
Cause seeing a certain pink haired male, made you think of all the times your brother would come back home just to rant to you about him. Oh the burning pain, hearing your brother talk about his oh-so obvious crush that he has yet to realise. Almost felt bad for this Azz guy if it weren't for the fact this Azz guy has also yet to realise his feelings. This is too much bs for you to handle. Definitely too much.
Meanwhile Opera was still panicking at the mansion lmfao
You have no idea how bored I am
Request are finally open tho
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deluweil · 5 months
I know it's been a while, but with the new 911 season coming up ( I will not be watching,probably check in every now and again) I wanted to share my own self check of how I view relationships on tv.
After S6 finale, I was like lost and furious, I mean, I wanted and still do want the last 6 years of my life back from 911. (Well three because they didn't always suck).
But I went back to watching normal TV, you know, the kind that portray relationships and are being clear of the direction.
I watched Good Omens, so rooting for that pair, they are the best! And with that cast of unbelievably talented actors, I enjoyed every minute of it. Point is I didn't allow myself to see that friendship as a ship because of how damaged my perception of on screen relationships became after 911 displaying all the right signals, then taking a hard left into a tree at the end of the seasons.
I am not even going to to touch the First Prince of RW&RB, which is essentially a buddie storyline that was followed through to its logical conclusion.
I also thought, maybe I just can't enjoy straight on screen relationships anymore and I'm looking for more.
My sister sat me to watch Bridgerton for the very first time (just S1 for now) I can say with absolute certainty that it dis-abused me of that theory as well, because I rooted and got excited for Daphne and Simon at first sight.
Such a wonderful love story told right!
These are the two prominent tv shows that cemented my belief that it is in fact not on me.
Going back in my head I remember rooting for Catherine and Steve, and almost every one of Danny's gfs (except Rachel, it was clear she'd break his heart again.) In H50.
I wanted Gibson to end up with Andy in Station 19. Never wanted her to end up with Maya or him with Miller.
And even though it didn't need to be said, but was said in a humorous fashion, the writers also made clear that Gibson prefer women.
So it is in fact the flawed 911 writing that got me to give up on all forms of logic of reading tv relationships right.
That I gave up on tv for a while.
But, that being said, I can say I was always attracted to Ryan, but Eddie always got my gaydar to go off. And Oliver is not my type, but Buck is a hot bi firefighter - and that is a thing I already thought in S1, way before Eddie arrived.
So either the writers has no clue what they're doing, or they did and chickened out last minute.
And I finally reached the point where, I throw in the towel, wish you all well and move on.
It is not just about buddie, it is just a buddie post.
If anyone is interested, I can make a whole post involving the "development" of the rest of the og characters, where I say enough is enough.
Either make them interesting again, or bring in new blood that hasn't been first a piece of ass to further Buck's questionable development.
Let me know if you are interested.
The blinders are off and I am not keeping quiet for the sake of followers anymore.
9-1-1 was a great show, 3 seasons ago. They had sparks every now and again in between, but those were few and always demolished in some way by horrible writing choices.
Thank you for a great time, this fandom has been a place to come to whenever I needed to escape reality, I love you all. ❤️
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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hurry up, we're dreaming | 1,148 | scissorghost
Summary: Steve and Bucky always meet up during their free third period so they can hang out (read: make out) behind the bleachers on the soccer field. They used to go to the football ones, but too many people had the same idea as them and they preferred the empty, if seriously worse-for-wear, soccer bleachers. But today, Bucky doesn’t greet Steve with his usual bruising kiss, instead sweeping him into a gentle hug and holding him there for a minute. Now, Steve’s never one to complain about hugs, but he would infinitely prefer to already be sucking on Bucky’s tongue by now (he’s got his inhaler ready and everything, just in case he needs it) so he stands on his tiptoes and tries to bring their mouths together, but Bucky just holds him away gently.
Cabin Fever | 1,750 | neversaydie
Summary: Captain's Log, stardate 2246.5  Our diplomatic mission to Nova ended smoothly. Nova Prime and the Antaran diplomatic envoy have begun to hash out a trade deal and no longer require Starfleet to act as a neutral third party. We're heading to the Galiway trade hub to restock the ship and release the crew on an extended ten-day shore leave. Some of the crew are starting to get cabin fever with leave being delayed by almost a month now. Such delays are unavoidable, but I can't blame them for feeling cooped up when I, myself—  "Steve, c'mon already. This synthale ain't gonna drink itself." Anyway, we should arrive at Galiway sometime within the next twenty-four hours. Hopefully everyone should be less antsy after they blow off a little steam, including the officers. That's all for now. Rogers out.
Go Fish | 2,653 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man stuck in an airport, in possession of an iPhone, must open Tinder.
Please see below for more recommendations!
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You Will Meet a Stranger | 3,061 | spitandvinegar
Summary: When the mask falls off Steve recoils. He'll never forgive himself.
Dirty Pics | 3,117 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: There’s this one guy Bucky slept with three months ago who still sends pics of his ass whenever Bucky asks. What can he say? Grant’s got an ass that just won’t quit.
I Draw A Line (To Your Heart From Mine) | 3,728 | seapigeon
Summary: Bucky hates art therapy. Sure, he used to love art, but that was...before. So if this tiny, annoyingly insightful instructor could just let him coast, that would be great. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be Steve Rogers' style.
Follow Me Home | 4,599 | seapigeon
Summary: The Brooklyn SPCA has a running program for their high energy shelter dogs. Steve quickly becomes their #1 volunteer. Every time he's out with a dog, he thinks about stopping to talk to the cute guy in the park, and every time he chickens out. But today, someone else is making that decision for him. That someone is Engelbert the 80 pound boxer mix.
Prom Sucks! | 4,755 | VenusMonstrosa / @venusmonstrosa
Summary: “Is this a stupid end-of-year prank?” “Jesus, Steve, you think I’d do that?”
Gravity | 5,649 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: The Winter Soldier isn’t supposed to know what it means to want something.
We're a Couple of Misfits | 5,797 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: Working retail can be unforgiving, especially around the holidays. Luckily, Steve works in a store that has a view of Santa’s Village, the happiest spot in the mall - the place where dreams come true, children never cry, and parents never lose their tempers. Oh, and the place where there may or may not be a hot-ass elf assistant Steve can’t stop daydreaming about.
Nurse Rogers | 6,065 | Bellakitse / @bellakitse
Summary: He’s turning the corner headed back to the ambulance bay where Clint is waiting for him in the truck when he rams into this tiny figure in blue scrubs pants and a white undershirt, the kid is cute, blond and blue-eyed, barely reaching Bucky’s shoulder and so slim that if Bucky didn’t have amazing reflexes and reached for him in time the kid would be on the ground from their encounter. Where Bucky is a cocky paramedic and Steve is a tiny nurse.
We Have the Technology | 6,193 | zetsubonna / @zetsubonna
Summary: How Bucky Barnes's passion for mechanical engineering led him to create his own best friend.
what we are is unexpected | 6,597 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Bucky doesn’t know why people keep asking him for fucking favours. What’s even worse is how he doesn’t understand why he can’t say no and that’s how he ends up babysitting his nephew for his little sister and basically playing cool uncle for the next few weeks.
(760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. | 6,654 | relenafanel / @relenafanel
Summary: Hey friend of Sam’s can I get an opinion on this outfit? Bucky texted, attaching the selfie taken in Sam’s bathroom mirror. He received an answer almost immediately. Bucky was almost expecting a lecture, or at least a concerned question about who had stolen Sam’s phone. He got neither. New text from Steve: What do you want it to say?
If You Let Me | 6,900 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: Steve always thought it was silly how easily girls fell for Bucky, even though they must have known he would only break their hearts. Told himself that he would require more than a few sweet words and a cocky grin. But thinking that while watching Bucky charm his way into a girl’s bed for the night is completely different from being on the receiving end of it.
1023 | 6,982 | seapigeon
Summary: Steve has been blessed (or cursed) with a daughter who's just like him. On a crisp fall day, she befriends a man who sleeps under a park bench. Bucky doesn't say much about his past, but in no time at all, Steve is pretty sure he might be his future.
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The Afterlife of The Party | 8,433 | neversaydie
Summary: "Oh no. Hell no." Bucky freezes with his hand halfway to the giant ornamental vase the new family have just unpacked. Smashing it would be the perfect way to announce himself on moving day: a big, stylish gesture that's ambiguous enough to leave them feeling only slightly unnerved until he decides things need to escalate. That is, it would be the perfect way to announce himself if a skinny blond kid hadn't just walked through the living room wall. "This house is taken, pal. What the fuck?" "Uh, this is my family." The kid is standing there awkwardly, like they're still corporeal and he might have to duck or deliver a punch in the near future. "This is my house." He narrows his eyes and slowly gets to his feet. The guy's eyes keep flicking to his missing arm and Bucky is starting to see red. "And I don't appreciate other people living in it."
Trains | 9,045 | misslucyjane
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the lead singer of Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is their biggest fan.
Seawater | 9,330 | littleblackfox / @thelittleblackfox
Summary: He stops in front of a large glass tube; pale, translucent Jellyfish floating serenely within. “Look at these guys, Moon jellyfish. You’re an artist, tell me that’s not beautiful.” Brooklyn stares into the display, the soft blue light highlighting the cut of his cheekbones, the softness of his lips, and Bucky squeezes his hand a little harder. Brooklyn turns to him and smiles, small and crooked and painfully sweet. “Yeah, I guess they are.” Bucky can’t look away, something painful lodged in his throat. “Those horseshoe shapes on the caps are their gonads.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Nighthawks | 9,531 | mambo / @whtaft
Summary: Bucky's working the graveyard shift at the diner when some tiny guy in Doc Martens walks in and orders a strawberry milkshake.
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Closing Time | 10,872 | RecoveringTheSatellites / @thisonesatellite
Summary: Steve works in a Brooklyn dive bar. A tall, guarded guy comes in to drink at regular intervals. He always sits in the back corner. Steve leaves him alone. He looks like a guy who deserves some peace and quiet. He does find out the stranger's name is Bucky. Finds out what he likes to drink. And little by little, conversation happens. Connection happens. Until one day a cock-flock of dudebros comes in (i made up cock-flock, but really, is that not their collective term) and the heckling goes up to eleven once they’re good and drunk. Bucky gets asked to take it outside. Steve will have none of that, thankyouverymuch.
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) | 14,159 | betts / @bettsfic
Summary: You’d think a guy who owns one of the most successful bakeries in Brooklyn, has a million-dollar smile and that antiquated good ol’ boy charm, blond hair and blue eyes and biceps for days, would know what’s what. But don’t let that fool you: Steve Rogers is a mess.
Exhale | 15,676 | seapigeon
Summary: After the Chitauri invasion, Steve parts ways with SHIELD, unsure if he can trust an agency that tried to deceive him and built weapons from the Tesseract. He finds himself alone in an unfamiliar future, penniless, not even legally alive. Fortunately, he knows how to survive. Steve Rogers is used to getting by on his own. The thing is, he doesn't have to.
Dream a Little Dream | 16,458 | velleities
Summary: Steve's MO for living his 21st century life is: keep it simple, fight the good fight with SHIELD and the Avengers, sketch the world around him whenever possible, forget to think about love and all things romance. Steve's 21st Century Life has different plans: a certain charming waiter, a bistro that almost becomes Steve's second home, and an attraction that sends Steve swooning as he starts dreaming of a less lonely existence.
Roots Have Grown | 17,280 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building. So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.
Where The Heart Is | 17,579 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: When Steve gets home from work there’s someone in his apartment. A tall, foreboding, and goddamned metal armed someone.
Catalysis | 21,594 | follow_the_sun / @lasrina
Summary: Ex-soldier Bucky Barnes doesn't have time to think about that skinny blonde guy he met in the hospital. Especially not after the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up on his doorstep and asks him to save the world.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) | 22,755 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Sam’s plans are always the worst plans. And now, Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Luckily, he doesn’t have to look very far.
Put Walk Among Us On and Turn it Up | 24,799 | essieincinci
Summary: When Bucky was sixteen and drunk for the first time (on schnapps, dear god, not that he ever admits that part) he let his friend’s greaseball older brother talk him into a homemade stab-n-stick that is just… awful. He walks into the shop from the business card late at night, and a little guy in a too-big hoodie and skinny jeans looks up from the counter.
Sweet Serendipity | 26,179 | velleities
Summary: A troubled city-style lumberjack. Sunshine personified in a man. An accidental phone swap. A serendipitous meet-up. Bucky lets out a small scoff. This isn’t the romcom that one looks for, not usually. It is, however, the one that found Steve and Bucky.
Rivers and Roads | 30,555 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Steve is working undercover for Hydra when he gets an unexpected promotion. To the Winter Soldier Project.
my heart tells me you are lonely, too | 43,212 | FanGirling
Summary: Bucky sinks into the chair. His ass is falling asleep. “So I just have to, what, learn to be more human?” Sam tries to hold back his sigh but Bucky notices it anyway.
It's Just Temporary | 52,615 | perfect_plan
Summary: Bucky Barnes has no idea what he wants to do with his life and is stumbling from one temp job to the next. Hopefully he can keep his new job at Stark Industries for longer than a week...
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mintys-musings · 10 months
ACTUALLY IT'S PREVIOUS ANON WAIT. What do you think their first time was like
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waaaaaaaaugh ;u; it makes me so happy knowing people like my himeniki stuff ~ I’m very normal about them.
In fact— I’m so normal that when I was writing my response, I realized I was getting too specific for it to be a ramble, but anything less didn’t feel right. So... I ended up just writing a really long one shot... ^^;;; (sowwy nsfw week also hit me so uhh this got pushed aside a lil) Just to be clear— I do think in terms of Niki ships, if HiMERU is involved, he would be Niki’s first. Yes this includes HiMERinNiki. If he isn’t involved and it’s a monogamous ship, it’s whoever Niki is shipped with.
I’m very sorry. I had too many thoughts for it to be contained to a casual ramble. nonnie feel free to ask me for anything else I prommy i will properly respond and it wont take 200 years.
Anyway :)
Hold Me Tight, Love (or that time HiMERU did what "HiMERU" actually wanted for once)
Summary: HiMERU just wanted some fresh air. Niki wanted to keep him company
Tags: inexperienced!Niki, blowjobs, there is penetration, talk of HiMERU’s eating habits (just to be safe- also its not in depth), barely lightly proofread but mostly pure instinct on my end, hand holding
Word Count: 4000 (if you just wanna read the smut part skip to where theres a ~~~)
NSFW under cut~
Whenever his unit finished a performance in the Bee Hive, HiMERU couldn’t help but think that the club lived up to its name as he watched the swaths of people that packed the venue.
Having a regular venue to perform at brought comfort to all of the Bees— Whether any of them wanted to admit it or not. Plus, all that rapport they’ve built up so far has granted the idols some special privileges other places could not. One of those being a little room to themselves on the second floor overlooking the first. No one could see in through the glass from the bottom, but they could see out. A perfect hideaway.
“Kyahaha! Job well done, Bees! Let’s eat!”
Rinne’s loud proclamation was accompanied by him flicking a shot glass of soju into a mug of beer.
Food and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic alike) covered the table in front of the idols. Yes. The unit was not only well compensated for their performances, but also well fed.
Once the green light was put up, mostly everyone dug in. Niki was already chewing on the club’s offerings of yakitori and fried gyoza like he hadn’t snuck granola bars on stage to eat between sets. Kohaku was trying to get his plate away from Rinne, who stacked spicy chicken wings on it so he “doesn’t get them mixed up with the normal ones.”
The only one not as ravenous or lively was, of course, HiMERU. The blue-haired man just sat there, sipping on a can of cola. He had already had his fair share of food this afternoon when Niki had invited him to try out some new dishes he had come up with. Despite HiMERU’s plans to only sample one small sliver of food, he had ended up eating a full course meal without realizing. Quite the problem for someone like HiMERU who tended to follow a meal plan. As a way to balance his sudden deviation, he held back on dinner for tonight.
It can’t be helped, I suppose. Shiina’s cooking is hard to pass up.
His golden eyes shifted to the chef in question. Niki was downing an unreasonable amount of gyoza, at the moment, eyes glued to the oldest and youngest member of the unit bickering away over whether peppercorns were spicy. For once, Niki wasn’t the one going toe to toe with Rinne about a food related matter. It was almost comical, really.
As everyone was distracted, HiMERU took this opportunity to get some much needed fresh air. The sounds of music were clear in that small hideaway for only a brief moment as he snuck out of the door. It didn’t benefit HiMERU to stick around the entire time, no. But he would only be a few minutes. He had been around the others all day and in this building for a non-insignificant amount of time just preparing for the live. He needed air. He needed some peace.
The crisp, night air hit his face as soon as he opened the side door to the Bee Hive. He closed the heavy door behind him and leaned against the railing of the few steps that bled into the back alley. It was nice to get some alone time. Something as precious as that was hard to come by for HiMERU— Especially at and around ES where he was bound to run into someone who knew “HiMERU” and would need to act accordingly. He took a few deep breaths and stared at weathered brick wall in front of him.
A few minutes. And he would go back to the others.
“There you are~!”
HiMERU whipped around as soon as he heard the door open, only to be met with sharp, blue eyes staring back at him.
Niki closed the door behind him as he stepped onto the tiny landing. In his hand was the very plate he was eating from earlier, now with only a few sticks of yakitori.
“You weren’t eating with the rest of us... Was it Rinne-kun? I understand how atmosphere might affect appetite.” Niki stood next to HiMERU, offering up the plate. “... It’s grilled. I’m sure you know that. But the glaze itself is pretty light so it won’t sit in your stomach uncomfortably when you sleep.”
Whenever someone stared at HiMERU so expectantly, it was hard for him to really push them away. And in the time he has gotten to know Niki, HiMERU has become rather weak for the chef in particular.
With a soft smile and a sigh, he took one of the skewers from the plate. “Thank you, Shiina,” he said, “HiMERU just needed some fresh air.”
“Ah~ What a relief. I was worried, y’know? We just finished a live so our body needs some energy. Even if it’s kinda late. You still use up calories in your sleep, after all~”
Niki smiled up at HiMERU. To HiMERU’s surprise, Niki didn’t look like he was just going to hand over the plate and leave.
HiMERU tilted his head at the chef. “HiMERU is aware of that. You should head inside, though. It’s cold out.”
“Eh? But I came here to share food with you.” It was as simple as that to Niki. He leaned up against the railing as well, balancing the plate precariously on the metal pole.
So much for HiMERU’s alone time. But it was fine. Niki made for good company.
Swept up in light chatter, the unit mates ate the remaining sticks of grilled chicken. Well— Niki ate most of it. HiMERU still got at least two down before Niki’s own instincts took over. HiMERU watched Niki go on about a new brine he wanted to test on some leftover meat in the cafeteria, his eyes wandering across his face with a mild curiosity. He studies his features as he spoke, drifting to Niki’s more cat-like eyes and down to his lips that were stained from the glaze. He even had a stray bit of meat left on the corner of his lips.
Most of the culinary jargon went over HiMERU’s head, if he was honest, but it was endearing to see Niki so passionate.
Everything about the chef, really, was endearing to HiMERU. Though in the beginning, he found Niki’s lack of care towards his own duties as an idol rather troublesome, by now HiMERU had gained a new perspective on it. He even respected how he managed to juggle being both a chef and an idol even when one was forced upon him by the man they call a leader. It was an interesting feat. HiMERU wondered if Niki would agree.
And it wasn’t like Niki was bad at being an idol. If anything, HiMERU would call him a near natural if it wasn’t for Niki’s lack of an internal counter when dancing. Niki had practically everything else though. The vocals, the sheer charisma— God, the charisma— Niki’s charm took HiMERU by surprise every time they hopped on stage togeth—
“Hm?” He blinked slowly, like a cat might. “Yes?”
“You’re staring.”
The softness of Niki’s voice pulled HiMERU to the present. He stood up a bit straighter and cleared his throat. He hadn’t realized he had let his guard down so much he started zoning out.
“Aha...~ Sorry. I must’ve been talking too much—“
“No. Not at all.” HiMERU was quick to shut down any self-deprecating comment Niki was about to make. “... You have something on your face.”
Without waiting for a reply, HiMERU reached over and tilted Niki’s chin upward with his pointer finger, brushing away a stray crumb of food at the corner of his unit mate’s mouth with his thumb. He watched as Niki’s eyes went wide with the gesture, lips parting slightly to let out a single noise.
Neither dared to move.
There was a mental game of chicken being played where neither party wanted to move. A spell had been cast. The world was still.
It would never be clear on HiMERU’s face that he was thinking of anything in particular. He had always held himself to the standard of needing to act in accordance to what HiMERU would do. Not himself. But in this moment, he was conflicted. His true desires would be counter to anything that would further HiMERU’s career and counter to any other option that would be “safe.”
In a lone alleyway, under the cover of shadows, with the moon and stars as witness, desire triumphed safety.
Niki’s lips were soft.
That was all HiMERU could register as his hand moved from Niki’s chin to cup his jaw. And for a moment, he feared that the chef did not reciprocate. Alarm bells were ringing in his head— I have made a mistake. And, out of panic, he pulled away just as he felt equal pressure on his lips.
“HiMERU apologi—“
His words were stifled quick. He was backed up against the railing by the force of Niki leaning in for another kiss. Their teeth nearly clashed as HiMERU got his bearings and actually kissed back.
Inhibitions and doubts pushed to the side, HiMERU turned the tables so now Niki was pressed against the brick wall of the building. Their lips moved in sync with one another. Their hands were all over each other. Their bodies melded together like this was the way it was always meant to be. All the time spent dancing around each other’s feelings, kind conversations in the cafe, brushing hands, longing looks— All of it just heated the idols’ want for one another.
The way Niki’s breath hitched and the little whimper that escaped him as they grew more passionate only served to make blood rush down to HiMERU’s groin. He could feel Niki rut against his thigh slightly, almost rhythmically to the tempo of the muffled song playing inside the Bee Hive.
The Bee Hive...
Before either of them could get carried away, they pulled apart for air. Both of them were left panting, staring into each other’s eyes with a carnal desire.
“HiMERU thinks we should go somewhere more private.”
His words come out much more desperately than he’d desire.
“Yeah... Yeah...” Niki seemed to be in a daze himself, still unconsciously moving his hips against HiMERU’s body.
After a quick text to the remaining two bees saying that HiMERU felt tired and that Niki decided to escort him back to the dorms, the two set off on a quick hunt for the nearest love hotel.
The two were back at it in no time.
Clothes were flying off of the both of them— A comical Kisses trailed along each bit of exposed skin. Every beauty mark. Everything. They couldn’t help themselves. Eventually, HiMERU was leaned back against the headboard with Niki in front of him on his knees. Both of them only had their boxers left as a barrier.
HiMERU was once again taken by Niki’s boyish charm, admiring every stray freckle and mole that was once hidden by clothing. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at how wide-eyed and flustered Niki was. Though the chef’s hands were resting at the elastic of HiMERU’s boxers, Niki seemed to be hesitating. Or at least in deep thought.
Cupping his cheek, HiMERU made Niki look at him.
“Are you okay?” HiMERU asked.
Niki nodded, his usual smile returning accompanied by a flush of pink to his cheeks. “I’m okay. Just... Nervous. I’ve never... I mean I’ve wanted to— I mean...”
It was rare to see Niki so shy like this. It made him that much more adorable in HiMERU’s eyes.
A kiss. Just to calm the nerves. HiMERU pulled down his own boxers himself. Niki’s face went wildly red. And while normally HiMERU would chastise staring so blatantly... He’d make an exception this time since it made him feel good.
“That’s alright. HiMERU will guide you. Don’t worry.” He did his best to assure his friend— Lover? They didn’t really talk this through. But that would be later. Right now, he coaxed Niki out of his final layer of clothing.
Bare in front of each other, HiMERU held back from folding Niki in half and prepping him hastily with the love hotel’s lube. All this time, HiMERU had been... Suppressing his urges to say the least. It’s been long enough that HiMERU thought he would be immune to such immense horny thoughts. But now it was hitting him like a train. His dick twitched in the cold air of the room as if signaling its own needs.
Niki wasn’t fairing any better, it seemed. He looked painfully hard already, tip gleaming with precum. The man was even drooling slightly like he was looking at his next meal.
Well... Maybe that was because HiMERU was going to end up in his mouth.
Niki was so eager to try, at least. His hand gently wrapped around HiMERU’s base as if to gauge how he’d fit his girth in. Sparkling blue eyes bore into HiMERU with an unspoken request. HiMERU should’ve expected this out of Niki, but he didn’t think the virgin would take initiative like this.
“You...” HiMERU took a deep breath before nodding. “Fine. Just be mindful of your teeth. HiMERU will tell you what to do.”
Beaming, Niki nodded and quickly shimmied down to dick level. Niki’s oral fixation wasn’t anything new, but in this context, HiMERU felt a bead of precum form at his tip.
The moment HiMERU gave Niki a nod, there wasn’t a moment of hesitation. Niki engulfed the tip into his warm, awaiting mouth and lavished it with his tongue. Even with just the tip, Niki’s mouth was rather full.
HiMERU let out a soft groan as he realized that Niki would be rather good at this. He guided Niki’s hand to stroke whatever wasn’t in his mouth, eyes glowing with appreciation as Niki followed his instruction.
“Spit on it,” he said, “And move your head in time with your hand.”
It was a little cute having to tell Niki what to do.
Niki followed, allowing his drool to roll down HiMERU’s shaft. The mix of saliva and pre made it easy for Niki’s hand to pump him at a nice pace. HiMERU’s slender fingers threaded through Niki’s locks in order to guide his head up and down as he liked.
Moans and grunts escaped both parties as each got used to the respective sensations. HiMERU was on cloud nine with how quickly Niki caught on. His mouth felt like heaven. It took all his might to not force Niki’s head down so his dick would slide down the chef’s throat. Though now that the thought was in his head, he’d have to do it if the opportunity presented itself later down the line.
No— Instead, HiMERU watched with his mouth agape as Niki gave head like a champ.
He couldn’t resist bucking his hips lightly into Niki’s inviting mouth every now and again, watching as his partner’s eyes would widen in shock each time but no less took what was given. Niki’s cheeks were puffed out in what the other could only interpret as a pout.
Niki’s eyes peered up at HiMERU’s panting, sweaty form as he opened his mouth and let his lover’s cock pat his tongue a few times. He kissed down the length, leaning to rest his cheek against HiMERU’s thigh. He looked dazed as he leisurely pumped his hand around him.
Hand moving from his long, dark grey hair to his chin, HiMERU smeared the spit along Niki’s lips with his thumb with a smile. “Everything alright, Shiina?” He asked to check in. As much as he wanted his cock stuffed back between his lips, he let Niki take his time.
His lover responded with a hum, kissing his thumb before dragging his tongue along the tip of HiMERU’s cock. Niki’s hips rutted lightly against the bed to satiate himself. “You taste... Nice.”
High praise.
HiMERU’s lips curled into a small smile. He could tell Niki was too shy to actually ask for what he wanted so he took matters into his own hands. “HiMERU hasn’t been very fair, hm? Lay down.”
Niki followed.
His palms slid under Niki’s thighs to push them up to his chest. “Hold them there for—“ HiMERU paused, looking down at his unit mate’s flustered appearance. Fingers digging into his soft skin, he spared a tender kiss to the chef’s lips. “Hold them there for HiMERU. Please.” His voice was strained as he fell into old habits.
Of course, Niki obliged. He held his legs perfectly in place as HiMERU fished the lube out from one of the hotel’s baskets to use.
In HiMERU’s mind, nothing would be quite as hot compared to how Niki looked as he prepared him. As his finger pressed against his hole gently to ease it in, Niki let out the most adorable whimper. A pure melody.
“Ngah~ HiMERU-kun~” Niki whined, blunt nails digging into the backs of his own thighs.
“Just relax, Shiina.” HiMERU muttered, fully concentrated on the task at hand. “It’ll get better in a moment...” He trails off again, pressing the pad of another finger to Niki’s tight hole. The lube felt cool on his fingers, but it was immediately contrasted by the warmth of his lover’s insides. “... HiMERU promises it’ll feel better.”
His free hand moved to attend to Niki’s stiff cock. It was leaking so much precum that HiMERU would’ve thought he came if he wasn’t looking. Either way, it just made stroking him that much easier.
HiMERU took his sweet time preparing his lover. Delving his fingers in and out, HiMERU was given quite the show of Niki writhing against the sheets, biting his lip to keep from making a fool of himself with all the noises he was making. His hole was clenching around HiMERU’s fingers like his life depended on it. Even when HiMERU knew Niki was properly prepared, he still kept going to coax more reactions out of him. The hand moving up and down Niki’s cock was agonizingly slow. He studied each reaction as he ran his fingers over the other’s tip.
Niki was nervous, that much was sure. But the way Niki’s lashes fluttered every now and then as he got more and more used to the feeling of being filled was such a beautiful sight. The blue-haired man was far too entranced by his lover drooling and whining right in the palms of his hands.
It all came to a head when Niki heaved out a breath and grabbed HiMERU’s wrist. “HiMERU-kun, please... I can’t take it. I’m ready. I promise.” A mewling cat simply putty in his hands.
HiMERU blinked a few times, all too lost in how nice Niki was sounding to remember the actual task at hand for a moment.
Niki’s voice was practically strained with want. And who was HiMERU to deny such a kind plea?
With some shifting around, HiMERU was pressed up against Niki’s awaiting hole.
“... You’re sure about this?” HiMERU asked. As much as he wanted nothing more than to bury himself into Niki, both his own hesitancy and his respect for his unit mate made him check once more.
Niki laced his fingers with HiMERU’s. It was such a soft gesture that HiMERU nearly melted on the spot.
“I’m sure, ‘meru,” he said. “I trust you.”
Both of them let out their own soft moans of pleasure as HiMERU pushed in. HiMERU even cursed, hunching over to press his forehead to Niki’s shoulder. “Warm...” He grunted.
He thrust inch by inch in, doing his best to keep it soft and gentle. How long had it been since he fucked someone like this? Someone he cared about, no less. HiMERU could feel a bead of sweat roll down his temple. All the time he’s spent suppressing his urges was kicking him in the ass during what is supposed to be a gentle first time for Niki.
Niki’s lips met HiMERU’s neck to soothe himself as they both rocked in sync. His grip on HiMERU’s hands tightened ever so slightly. The heat from the chef’s body radiated against his own.
The room was alight with soft moans and grunts as the two made love for the first time.
One of HiMERU’s hands let go of Niki’s, much to the chef’s whining.
Niki’s voice came out in a cute squeak as HiMERU timed his thrusts to each stroke of his cock. The both of them had been holding back so much this whole time. Niki himself was far too embarrassed from how ready he was to come even earlier that he’s been holding it in. His pretty blue eyes glistened with tears from how close he was.
HiMERU knew Niki was close and had been for some time. He could feel how his dick twitched in his hand. “C’mon, Shiina,” he mumbled. He allowed himself to speed up, his hips snapping to Niki’s like it was the last thing he would do. “It’s okay. Go on. Come for me.”
His words and Niki’s climax came before either of them could fully register it. Niki’s shy moans got louder and louder, dizzy and overwhelmed with pleasure. “Mnngh~! HiMERU-kun!” He gasped.
Cum splattered across his abdomen and HiMERU’s fingers, but HiMERU hadn’t stopped moving. His eyes shone with an unabashed lust as he raised his hands to lick up the essence spilled. The sight of which made Niki whine with embarrassment.
Niki’s whines turned to more moans as HiMERU continued to plow into him. Given that Niki was thrown deep into a pit of ecstasy, he had no problems now going as harsh as he wanted. His hand found Niki’s shaft once more, playing a nice game of overstimulation with the poor chef beneath him who was scrambling to hold onto him.
“Ghh—!” Niki’s cries went unheard.
HiMERU was ruthless, peppering Niki’s face with kisses as he let out all his pent up lust.
“I’m sorry, Shiina. I can’t help it when you look so sexy under me. You’re gripping my cock so tightly... You want me to keep fucking you like this into the night?” His words flowed out of his mouth freely and without shame in short gasps. “You’re so pretty. Wish I could take a picture...”
A part of him was tempted, but that would open a whole new can of possible bad decisions.
Niki didn’t have the mind to respond in anything but the lovely sounds of moans and whimpers. His back arched as he felt HiMERU twitch in his tight hole.
HiMERU pressed his lips roughly onto Niki’s as his thrusts lost their rhythm. He focused purely on driving himself as harshly as he could into his lover.
With one last pump of his hips, HiMERU pushed himself flush against Niki. His balls emptied themselves of their seed, filling Niki enough to make him shudder.
Once again, the world was still as the two caught their breath. HiMERU didn’t bother pulling out just yet. Instead, he very carefully adjusted both of them to they could lay intertwined in each other’s embrace.
Niki was exhausted, but satisfied as he snuggled up to HiMERU. His eyes were drooping slightly as the high started to settle down.
“That felt nice...” He muttered. “... But now I’m hungry...”
HiMERU let out a breathless chuckle, kissing the crown of Niki’s head. “I’m— Excuse me. HiMERU is pretty sure we can order food here... Let’s rest first for a moment. HiME— I—“ He sighed. The inner conflict was back.
“... I’ll order us something in a minute. How’s that sound?”
“Mhm... Anything’s fine with me. Thank you.” Niki responded in kind, a soft smile on his face as he basked in the afterglow.
The two shared a kiss, tender and sweet.
In these moments... These are for me. Just me. I can let myself have these moments with Shiina.
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freesia-writes · 1 year
500 Follower Celebration...
This was DISPROPORTIONATELY HARD TO CREATE! haha! Most of these came from @creativepromptsforwriting! The poll for situation/dialogue prompts won out over songs by juuuust a smidge, so if you have a song you want me to do, you can ask for it, but I'm not making a list. ;)
It would be really helpful if you can tell me who is saying or doing what, between you or the clone, for the prompts! I want to make them as lovely as possible for all of you !
So that being said, here are some clones and prompts, if you'd like a lil piece on any of them. They'll all be Clone x You, romantic and fluffy with some passion but no smut. Yet ;)
Here are the clones I think I can decently write for...
Hunter Tech Wrecker Crosshair Echo Rex Jesse Fives Kix Tup Gregor Howzer
And here are the Situation/Dialogue Prompts:
You hear [clone] tell the waitress that they are nervous for their blind date, but no one shows up. So you sit down to act like the date.
Your last one night stand ended with a misunderstanding and a lot of awkwardness. To cheer you up again, your friends set you up with a blind date. They meant well, but it’s the person you had previously slept with.
It’s a a double blind date and you realize quickly that you actually want to swap dates… And hope he does too…
Flirting with each other for fun had become a game of chicken for you, but you never thought you would both be so persistent to win.
You frequent the same spots and have a playful, flirty relationship. But when one of you (you choose who) suddenly has another love interest, the true feelings come out.
You've been dating [clone] for a while, and he is being deployed, so you sneak onto the starship they're leaving on and surprise them in their room (unrealistic, but whatever). ;)
You've been the mechanic for [clone's] ship for a while, with a growing attraction, and when he gets news that he's being restationed on another planet, one of you (you choose) decides to go for it.
[Clone] rescues you from an uncomfortable situation and you get to talking…
You find an injured clone who was somehow (conveniently) left behind, thought dead, and instead falls under your care… and falls under your spell… ;)
"You shouldn't be with him. You should be… with me."
"Listen, this might sound crazy, but I also might be dead tomorrow, so… What do you say?"
"Could you put that book/datapad down for just one minute?!"
"You don't think I'll jump? Watch this."
"Can I try something? Close your eyes."
"I'm awful at pillow talk… so uhh… can I get you some food?"
"I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…"
"Don't ever do that again! You have no idea what it does to me…"
"How am I supposed to forget it? Act like it never happened?"
"If you want it, you're gonna have to come and get it from me."
"We're going to be in so much trouble if someone finds us."
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dearweirdme · 11 months
“Directly after they discussed Jk going to Jimin’s room they go silent… they all look at the screen with comments… what do you think those comments were………”
On body language and psychological level… it could also be a hiding mechanism, after Jk dropped that bomb about being in jimins room. For him being in that ship and has been rumored to be Jimins bf for the longest now, I think it was very questionable for him and Jimin to bring up the room situation. It made it all weird because theres possibility to their relationship. People who know and believe in them know for sure more goes on. And they had to retaliate after that shit lol….
Come on, if you between your friends almost hinted to your relationship in a setting you weren’t supposed to, y’all try to stay awkwardly silent after. Hence why all vminkook looked so tense and awkward. Jk was looking for tae for distraction from the situation and Tae made it worse by not saying anything and holding that intense eye contact.
If you ever been in a secret relationship you’d get it. Jikook is so real
Hi anon!
Well, great attempt... but no.
This is the live we speak of:
At 7:25 Jimin starts sharing he and Jk shared a bucket of chicken. At 7:37 he starts sharing the tmi of Jk coming to his room more often than managers. The story comes without hesitation, they all laugh at certain points, Jk does want to clarify that it is because his room is closest, creating distance (and yes, that is to avoid suspicion... but is it because Jikook is true, or because it just isn't) they joke about things, every one is smiling real smiles. that part lasts until 8:56. They have elaborated on Jk visiting Jimin's room... there has been plenty times they could have stopped this topic. There has been plenty time for them to realize they were sharing a 'secret". This part took 1:20 minutes! And it doesn't end... Tae then shares that Jk opened Jimin's door for him once at 8:56. They again find it funny and smile real smiles.. no aprehension. This lasts until 9:05. So in the span of 1 minute and 40 seconds they elaborated on Jk visiting Jk sevaral times, they found it funny, and they did not stear the conversation any other direction. They felt this was an innocent topic. Nothing was being hidden here. Jimin even shared details about Jk leaning with his head against the door, Jk sitting on a bed or on a chair, not doing much, coming at different times... he tells it in a way that looks natural.
But then.. silence... their faces change from happy to serious. They clearly all read the comments. You also know what those comments were. "Jikook", "Jikook is so real", and who knows what more. Jk even let's out a very big sigh. He is not concerned for Jimin, he is concerned for Tae. Look at all of their faces!
I know many Tkkrs see the stare that follows as sexual tension (and boy there was some in this live, Hi JK!), but to me this was a stare of "I know babe, we know, it is what it is, I'm right here with you..."
Jimin and Jk aren't stupid anon. They would have realized their slip up way sooner if they weren't supposed to share this. Tae isn't some ass who let's his friends fall like that. And they did not even share anything incriminating. It's all platonical. They mention Jk coming and leaving, obviously not staying the night.
What happens.. is Jkkrs make the situation uncomfortable. Jimin knows this hurts Tae, Jk knows this hurts Tae...
The longest, most iconic Taekook stare is a direct result of Jikookers misinterpretating a situation (imo).
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fionajames · 9 months
You said you take requests so I hope this is okay!! Just wanted to ask if you could write something fluffy with Anakin and Obi-Wan, i adore them a lot
chicken soup
*gasp* A rEqUeSt?!?!?! YAY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ITS 100% OKAY!!!! I LOVE REQUESTS!!!!!
(It starts a lil angsty but quickly turns soft)
(sorry its so short, i did this in french class)
Anakin shuddered as he watched the clone next to him drop, a blast straight through the shiny white armour. They’d been fighting for around an hour now, and they were taking more casualties than he would prefer. 
Beside him - several metres away - Obi-Wan spun his blue lightsaber through the air, frantically trying to deflect as many blaster bolts as possible. He wasn’t sheltering or hiding behind anything, so the only cover he had was the blasts coming from behind him and his glowing blue blade.
“Rex!” Anakin cried out, shuffling along the ground to join Obi-Wan. Usually he’d be the one in such a reckless position but Obi-Wan seemed to have forgotten that. “Cover fire for me!” The clones changed the direction they were firing in to provide the Jedi Knight cover as he scrambled to Obi-Wan’s side.
“How are you going?” He shouted over the roar of the blasts as he helped protect the troops. 
“I would much prefer this fight to be over!” The ginger shouted back before gasping as a fiery blue blast shot passed him and hit him directly in the centre of his armour.
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin screeched, glancing at his former-Master as he dropped to the ground. Cody appeared from the rock he was sheltering behind and grasped his General’s torso, pulling him out of the open. The Jedi Knight quickly followed, crouching next to him.
Obi-Wan gave him a short smile, managing to sit up much to the others’ protests. “It’s alright, the armour protected me.” Cody and Anakin exchanged unamused glances. “Help me up.” He reached for Anakin’s hand, but was quickly swatted away. 
“Absolutely not!” The Knight shrieked, pushing his former-Master back down. “We’ll finish the battle, you rest!”
After a minute of protesting, Obi-Wan reluctantly sat back down.
“Are you feeling any better?” Anakin asked as he entered the Medbay, hands on his hips with a smirk. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, sitting up from the bed and playing with the bandages on his chest.
“Very funny, Anakin,” he replied, grasping his inner robes and pulling them over his head - flinching ever-so-slightly when they touched his bandages. “I’m fine.” As soon as he’d finished his sentence, he coughed rather loudly - contradicting himself unintentionally.
Anakin raised an eyebrow in scepticism.
“You don’t sound ‘fine’” he told the ginger with a soft smile, moving to sit beside him. “I think you caught something whilst your body was injured and recovering.”
Obi-Wan scoffed, shaking his head. “I’ve got nothing, Anakin. I just, uh, breathed in too quickly,” he explained, clearly lying as the brunette scoffed. He reached up and rested the back of his hand on Obi-Wan’s forehead, flinching slightly.
“Well that’s clearly a lie,” he replied, slight worry seeping into his words. “You’ve got a fever, Obi-Wan.” The ginger opened his mouth to respond, before coughing again violently, his body wracking with the action and the brunette draped an arm over his shoulders with a frown. “And a cough.”
“You should probably stay back,” Obi-Wan rasped and Anakin grimaced at the sound of his voice. “You don’t wanna catch this.” The brunette fondly laughed and pulled his former-Master into his side, heaving him to his feet. 
“C’mon, Obi-Wan, I’ll help you to your room.” Obi-Wan shot him a thankful grin before they began slowly shuffling down the hallway. 
“Thank you,” he coughed out, his body shuddering. 
“No problem, Master!”
When they finally reached Obi-Wan’s room, the ship was docking back on Coruscant, so together they packed up all of their stuff and left for the Jedi Temple, the older one collapsing on the couch in his quarters. 
Anakin gave him a small, sympathetic smile - rather uncharacteristic of him - when the ginger delved into a fit of coughs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. The brunette got to work silently and quickly, trying his very best to make an edible soup. 
He remembered when he was only recently made Obi-Wan’s Padawan and had gotten a similar sickness that left him bed-ridden for a fortnight. Obi-Wan had made him chicken lentil soup daily and entertained him when he was bored.
Now, he would do the same.
“Obi-Wan,” he called out softly and the ginger let out a responsive grunt from his place on the couch, face buried in a pillow. Anakin laughed before taking a seat on the chair next to him.  “I made you soup.”
“I hope you didn’t burn it this time” Obi-Wan rasped, a smirk playing at his lips as he gratefully took the bowl. “Thank you though.”
“You better be grateful,” Anakin granted, lightly shoving his former-Master’s shoulder. “That’s the first thing I’ve made that isn’t horrible.”
“Ahsoka liked your meat that one time.”
“That's cause it was basically raw, Master. She’s a carnivore.”
“Oh, right,” Obi-Wan laughed, taking another sip of the soup. “This is really good!”
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dilf-din · 1 year
When All the Ash Settles: Chapter 1
A Rogue One Story
Pairing: Jyn x Cassian
WC: 4160
Warnings: canon typical violence, depictions of PTSD, nightmares, and panic attacks followed by all the fluff and healing
A/N: I’ve wanted to write something for the Rogue One universe for so long, so here’s chapter one of a little fix it fic my brain dreamed up. I don’t have explicit plans for length of this series, but expect at least a few more chapters. Enjoy, my chicken pot pies 🥧🫶🏼💖
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Years had passed since Scarif, decades since she was a child on Vallt, but still, Jyn woke with nightmares sometimes, ones she could recite by memory. Always the same ending, always things she couldn’t change being dangled in front of her while her legs sat heavy like cement bricks forcing her to look on as her friends fell, as she lost her mother, as the empire picked at what was left of her like a vulture, pulling the meat from her bones piece by piece, leaving her limping and bleeding. Tonight it was her mother, shot down in cold blood while she took a stand to protect her child, the same rebel spirit that ran in her veins. Jyn saw herself running, darting through the countryside while her mother lay limp on the ground.
She jumped awake, sweat coating her skin and heart pounding. She looked around the dimly lit room and realized it was barely daybreak. Filtered green light cast eerie shadows onto dark floorboards while the sound of rain swept the house into its own private sanctuary. She carefully slid out from under the thick, green comforter and made her way into the workshop. In the center of the back wall sat a round window almost spanning from floor to ceiling. It overlooked the verdant forest below. Jyn curled up in the seat built into the bottom of the frame, a roughly hewn bench with a thick cushion on top. She pulled the blanket she kept there over her legs and leaned her cheek against the glass, hoping to cool down from her episode. The steady rainfall lulled her heartbeat back into a reasonable pattern within a few minutes. This early in the morning, there was no competing noise, no frogs humming on the nearby lake, no lantern birds singing to wake their young. Her eyes drifted shut as she tried to steal a few more moments of rest.
The gentle call of her name pulled her from her sleep. She heard Cassian’s feet padding towards her, thick socks against the smooth wood.
“My dove, another nightmare?” he had crossed the expanse of the wide room, smoothing his hand through her hair. She nodded and leaned into his chest.
He sighed softly, “You know you can always wake me, there’s nothing in this lifetime you should ever have to face alone,” he planted a kiss to the crown of her head.
She craned her neck to meet his eyes. The bags beneath were deeper, but they were still the same rich brown she had grown to love.
“Wake you? You still look tired after a full night’s sleep. Maker knows you’ve got a lifetime to catch up on,” her mouth quirked into a small smile.
He sighed again, this time returning the smile. Leaning down to give her a proper good morning kiss, she smiled into his lips.
“I’m going to get started on breakfast.”
“I’ll be down in a minute,” she replied, watching him retreat through the wide doorframe.
They had built a nice life for themselves on Endor, Cassian doing most of the heavy lifting, quite literally. He had built them a cabin a few clicks outside of one of the only human settlements on the small moon. He spent his days there scavenging and setting up a trading ring, bringing in enough credits for them to live comfortably. He stripped old imperial ships and wreckage for parts, often selling to people just passing through the system, although he did have a regular clientele. He had made enough to purchase a speeder for them to take on trips through the forest and drag back nets full of parts. Some mornings, Jyn would ride it out to the market to stock up on food and other supplies.
Cassian took the role of provider very seriously which frustrated her greatly. Jyn Erso was not the kind of person who knew how to sit back and let life happen around her. She had been on her own almost half her life, part of the reason Cassian urged her to take it easy now that the war was over.
She contributed by foraging, taking advantage of the unique mushrooms and other plants that grew in their home’s rich soil. She also had taken the time to learn to paint, making small scenes of the local fauna, mostly the bright blue butterflies that often rested on the reddish orange bark of the trees. She sold her paintings in the market and, sometimes, to Cassian’s contacts when they came to pick up refurbished machinery.
She glanced at the multiple tables spanning the workshop, each piled high with metal of all shades. He had spent the better part of the last month disassembling a fallen AT-ST. He had been setting up a deal with one of his regular customers to sell the weapons system. He had spent many late nights carefully testing the wires and polishing each small piece to ready it for his buyer. Jyn stretched out her stiff arms and legs and trudged down the small staircase at the back of their home.
Jyn had made a joke one day while holding the boards for the steps in place for Cassian to secure them, “What happens when the day comes that I’m too old to make it up these stairs?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“When that day comes, I will carry you to bed my love,” he said matter of factly, used to the defense mechanisms she still employed even years in, ever the patient one when she tried to resist the love he so willingly gave.
Jyn found him in the kitchen, cracking some small brown eggs into their frying pan. She took a deep inhale of the air that smelled of caf and rain. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she pressed a kiss to his shoulder, nuzzling it lightly with her nose.
“Anything on your agenda for today?”
Cassian shook his head, not taking his eyes off the pan, “Not today. Too wet to get anything done in the woods. I figured I’d tinker with that AT-ST for while, but, mostly, I just want to rest.”
Jyn smiled, she loved any time spent with Cassian. They’d traveled all around the galaxy together, fought side by side, waited hopefully while the other was away, but her favorite thing to do with him was curl up on a rainy day. They didn’t exchange many words, rather they just relished the other’s presence, the rhythm of their breath, their smell. Cassian always smelled so rugged, like pine needles and oil, the intersection of organic life and machine, but he was all flesh and bone. It’s true, he could drop a field of troopers without a second thought, but he was warm, he was kind. His words could be calculated when necessary, but, mostly, he was loving, encouraging. He had drawn Jyn out of her shell so steadily, never retreating when she lashed out, for he figured, that’s when she needed love the most.
After everything they went through on Scarif to get the plans to the rebellion, the pair had been inseparable. They hobbled down the communication tower and crumbled on the beach just in time for the last remaining resistance ship to pick them up and retreat from the surface. Strong arms pulled them up the ramp, both of their ears ringing from the shockwaves engulfing the base. Jyn felt their bodies start to be separated, and snapped her head to Cassian with panic in her eyes. He reached out and clasped her hand in his own, shaking his head when questioned about the blaster burn searing through his shoulder. Jyn crossed the cold floor back into the heat of his embrace, chests still heaving and skin heavy with sweat and grime. Through a tiny window at the back of the ship, they watched the ominous, golden cloud engulf the land their feet had rested on mere moments ago, claiming the bodies of allies and enemies alike. Jyn buried her head in the crook of Cassian’s neck, squeezing her eyes shut and willing for the things she saw that day to not become permanently etched into her mind, carving new canyons in the pink of her brain, inseparable from who she was. Cassian pressed his cheek into the top of her head and let out a shaky breath. Even though his shoulder was on fire, the rest of his body was heavy with exhaustion. His bones feeling like lead allowed sleep to soon overtake him. The weight of Jyn against his chest became a welcome pressure in the chaos they had found themselves in the midst of. The feel of her body against his own grounded him even as they were suspended in hyperspace.
They were shaken awake some time later when the ship had landed safely back at the base. The shuffle started back up again instantly. Cassian was pulled away to the med bay while Jyn was taken in another direction, presumably to debrief with Mon Mothma, but everyone’s words came out like hot static in her ears. She could barely make out Cassian calling after her as they were hauled in different directions. Jyn’s feet carried her blindly down the maze of halls, she didn’t even bother memorizing the turns to plot an escape. She had left every ounce of her fight back on that beach. She knew the war was far from over. No, it had only just begun. But she was tired, and the thought of being flung into another mission made her head feel feather light.
She was back in the same room as before, when she had begged for assistance in their mission. She wondered if they had arrived with the cavalry at their backs if things would have gone sour as quickly, if Baze and Chirrut and Bodhi would be more than piles of ash scattered in the wind. She stared blankly at the cool metal table in front of her, her small frame slumped forward in the chair that had been provided. A blur of faces and voices filtered into the room. It became evident to her that they were speaking to her, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out, just a small, dry croak. Another barrage of voices and a cup of water was in front of her. She drank it greedily, then another, and another. Her eyes met Mon’s in thanks, still unable to produce any words. Mon gave her a sympathetic look and waved away the sea of people who had gathered in every corner of the room. Pulling up a chair on the opposite side of the table, she sat in front of the shaken girl and took her hands into her own. They were warm and soft. The touch was almost enough to ground Jyn. Her eyes met Mon’s searching for any sort of answer or comfort or reason.
“It’s okay,” she could make out by the shape and movement of her lips. Her slender figure leaned forward over the table, steady breaths rising in her chest. Jyn closed her eyes and willed tears not to fall. Trying to match the rhythm of the woman’s lungs, praying her heartbeat would come back down from the elevated pace it had been at for almost a full day’s time.
They sat there in silence, just the two of them. Jyn didn’t even realize that tears had crawled down her cheeks, leaving trails of her pale skin beneath the thick layer of grime from the smoke. Her green eyes seemingly tinged grey from the day’s events. Another pair of boots rushed into the room, and only when she heard Cassian’s voice calling her name did she come back down into her body. The sound returned to her ears, her racing heart steadied, and she found the strength to turn and face him. He smelled of a shower, his skin missing the black film that he had when she last saw him.
“Jyn,” he said softly, taking her now empty hands into his own.
“She hasn’t said a word,” Mon Mothma said quietly.
“Jyn, can you hear me?” he crouched to be eye level with her, his brown eyes earnestly searching for any trace of her that rang true, any part of her soul that wasn’t rended that day.
“Yes,” her voice came out small, but it was hers.
A relieved smile danced across his lips. He brushed a lock of hair off of her cheek. It was heavy with blood, probably his own.
“Jyn, we have to tell them what happened down there,” he said softly.
Jyn shook her head, eyes drawing shut again. She began to retreat into herself once more. “I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey. I’m here, okay?” he tilted her chin with his thumb and forefinger to lift her eyes to his. “I’ll be right by you the whole way, yeah?” his eyebrows raised, searching for an answer.
She nodded, not breaking eye contact.
Someone brought another chair up behind them and he took the seat next to her, never letting go of her hand. His thumb brushed over hers gently where they sat clasped below the table out of view. The crowd from before filed back into the room as they launched right into a long, heavy discussion. There wasn’t enough flowery language in anyone’s lexicon to make the bitter reality more palatable, so they didn’t even try. It was blunt and bloody, even though it ended on a hopeful note.
Cassian took the lead when it came to breaking down what happened from the ground. He and the remaining admirals who directed the fight from above pieced the story together minute by minute. Jyn nodded in agreement or shook her head to protest, keeping her words to herself. Not yet ready for the reality to fall off her tongue. She didn’t know if she would ever be able to open her lips and re-taste that day, the smoke filling her lungs, the dirt and blood caked under her nails. All she wanted was to shower. And then she would shower again. And again and again, until she had scrubbed away every cell of hers that had touched the gritty beaches of Scarif. Her mind started to wander towards the end. It wasn’t until her stomach let out a lengthy growl that they agreed to stop for the night. Mon Mothma excused the room and everyone filed out talking amongst themselves.
“How about we get a bite to eat?” Cassian asked with a squeeze to her hand.
Jyn nodded eagerly. Neither could recall the last time they had any nourishment. Cassian helped her out of her seat and began to wind down the halls, careful to not let his long stride leave her behind. It wasn’t until they found themselves at the mouth of a large mess hall that Jyn realized her hand was still clinging to his.
She withdrew it quickly, muttering a, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he said with a small smile. He let his hand hang down, pinky brushing hers in a silent invitation to reach back out when she needed.
The two of them piled trays high with bowls of warm stew, fresh bread, and some diced fruit. Settling at a table on the edge of the room, Jyn looked around to take in the half empty room. Part of it could be due to the late hour, but she knew in her heart the reason for the vacant seats. She swallowed thickly and picked up her spoon with a shaking hand. This was the best meal she had had since she was a child. She ate quickly and eagerly, hoping it would cling to her bones, making up for the long years of eating cold rations and scraps.
Cassian smiled at her over his own bowl. He ate at a slower pace, but didn’t judge her for the rate at which she downed the soft rolls. He knew they had broken her out of prison to get her there. He admired the way she was completely unassuming. Barely coming up to his shoulder, but filled with more fire than ten men double her size. She had been forged by the hands of war and desperation, but beneath that, he could see a softness and a side that longed for tranquility. He had resolved to himself to see that break through one day.
“You don’t have to babysit me, you know?” Jyn said curtly, mouth full of bread.
Cassian chuckled, “I’m not babysitting, but I can leave you on your own once we get to our rooms. I understand if you need time and space to..process,” he lowered his head to finish his stew.
Jyn finished the last of her food, resisting the urge to lick her plate clean. Cassian finished soon after and directed her to their sleeping quarters.
“The room next to mine is empty,” he explained, swiping a badge so the narrow door slid open. “There’s not much in here aside from the necessities. I’ll make sure you have some clean clothes. Let me know if you need anything else, yeah?”
Jyn nodded, “Yeah, yes of course.”
Cassian hesitated before making his way towards the door.
He turned to face her.
“Thank you.”
Just two words, but they spoke hundreds. Thank you for trusting my word. Thank you for backing me up. Thank you for following me into certain death. Thank you for holding me steady when my legs were ready to give out. Thank you for your patience, your kindness, for welcoming me into your world. She had so much she wanted to say.
Cassian’s expression softened even more than she thought possible, for he knew the weight those words carried coming from her.
“You’re welcome, Jyn.”
They exchanged small smiles before he excused himself to hunt her down a few sets of clean clothes.
The room was simple. A bed and night table sat to the right of the short entryway. A dresser and small closet occupying the wall space directly across from the bed. On the far wall catty corner to the bed sat a desk with a small chair under a wide window. Moonlight trickled in, the only familiar comfort in this foreign space. She crossed the room to unlace her boots at the desk. Directly across from the entry was the door to the ‘fresher. She walked over on stiff feet to find clean towels and a thin robe. In the corner was tucked a small clothes washing unit that she would shove her tattered clothes into tomorrow. Tonight, she just wanted to shower and sleep.
She almost cried at the sensation of hot water on her skin, another luxury she had spent most of her life without. She stood under the stream for far longer than she would normally be able to justify, but she wasn’t willing to compromise on feeling clean, not after the week she just had. The soap smelled clinical and uniform, but it got the job done.
After she had scrubbed her skin raw and dried it with the rough, grey towels provided for her, she exited the ‘fresher back into her new quarters. She found an impressive assortment of clothes on her bed waiting for her. She figured Cassian must’ve pulled some strings or bargained with someone to get her so much. She pulled the light blue pair of pajamas off of her pillow, and, to her delight, there was a plush pair of slippers laying beneath them. She pulled on the cool layers and wrapped her arms around herself in pure joy. Pajamas, slippers, hot water, all things that felt like excess to her survivor’s heart, but all readily available for her here. She folded the remaining clothes and placed them on the desk chair, content to put them away in the morning. On her desk, sat a small pastry dusted with sugar laying on a cloth napkin. She smiled and brought it with her back to her bed. She ate it slowly, enjoying each layer and sugar crystal that passed her lips.
After milling around the room for a few minutes, her tired feet led her back to the edge of her bed. She kicked off the slippers and crawled under the covers. Truth be told, she was scared to close her eyes, doing everything she could to prolong her day before facing the inevitable nightmares that awaited her on the other side of consciousness. Everything about the room she was in had her nervous system on high alert. Unfamiliar sounds and shadows, muffled voices coming from other quarters. She wasn’t exactly positive that the likelihood of someone sneaking in to kill her in the night was zero. A sad smile traced her lips as she wished for K2’s presence, as he would surely know the odds of that.
After agonizing for some time, she kicked off her covers and searched for her slippers in the dark. She was normally too proud to ask for any sort of help, but Cassian had extended a very gracious hand, and she had nowhere else to go. She exited her room and turned to face an identical grey door to the left of hers. She drew a deep breath before knocking lightly. She waited a beat before whispering his name across the metal threshold.
“Cassian?” her voice came out small. It did that a lot lately.
She had almost decided to retreat back into her room when the door in front of her parted. A very sleep dazed Cassian stood in front of her, complete with bedhead and heavy eyelids.
“Jyn? Is everything alright?”
She looked down at her feet, suddenly self conscious.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, extending a hand to hold her forearm lightly.
“It’s just this place. I can’t sleep well in new places. I just think it would be easier if I wasn’t alone. I can sleep on the floor,” she said quickly.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor,” Cassian mumbled sleepily. Using the slight grip he had on her arm, he tugged her through the door with him. His room was much bigger than her own, including a lounge area with a couch and a double bed instead of a single like hers. Perks of being a captain, she thought.
“Left or right?” Cassian asked.
Jyn furrowed her brow.
“Which side of the bed do you prefer?”
“I’ve never, uh. I’m just happy to have a bed,” she stumbled out.
Cassian smiled wryly, feeling like it was an insensitive question in hindsight. He climbed into his normal side and patted the spare pillow, another invitation for proximity.
“Right, well,” Jyn hesitated before climbing under the covers and curling up on herself. She shifted a few times, trying to find the best position to drift off in. Barely a foot from her, Cassian turned as well. He nestled his forearm up against her back, not wanting to overstep, but wanting to provide what little comfort he could offer. The pressure of another body touching hers, even lightly, was enough for her brain and body to finally wind down.
“This might become an every night thing,” she murmured.
Cassian stiffened beside her.
“Don’t get in your head about it, your mattress is just way nicer than mine,” she said teasingly.
Cassian let out a small chuckle, “Good night, Jyn.”
And it did become an every night thing. The only surviving members of the Rogue One crew were bonded by blood and loss and memory. Wherever Jyn went, Cassian was sure to follow. The pair always side by side in their shared quarters, on countless missions, at dinner tables, on other planets, and here, on their brown sofa in the home he had built for them on Endor. Jyn readjusted slightly to rest her cheek fully on Cassian’s chest. His left arm was perched above her reading some old book about imperial droids and their wiring. His left hand was slowly dragging up the skin of her arm, the light touch sending goosebumps down her body.
“Oh, I got a transmission from Shara. Their little boy is about to turn four.”
“Wow, already?” he mused, peeking down from his book to meet her eyes.
“Says he wants to be a pilot like his mum,” she smiled.
“Wouldn’t that be something,” he smiled back.
Jyn settled back against him, content to listen to the beat of his heart and the drizzle of the rain. Every day she spent safe and warm was not one she took for granted. They had fought long and hard to be where they were in this moment. That wasn’t something she would ever take lightly. She knew the possibility of them getting called back into action wasn’t completely tabled, but for now, she was content just to be with the man she loved.
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veetyuh · 1 year
More historical Hetalia about England and Sealand thirsting for each other, England being fucking obsessed with trying to keep him, and them being close in the modern day. With video! ❤️
The English govt:
• wiretapped the Bates
• sent spies to follow their movements in-person (Roy kicked the shit out of one)
• dick-swinging. . . with boats. . . Literally the Ocean Cock and the Crested Cock, my beloveds. Arthur why are you sending your younger brother two boats named cock. What. 🤨
I'm not joking look at them
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• tried to buy the fort back, but it was a ruse to steal it while they were gone to negotiations. Tried to board it with a ship literally codenamed Big Brother. Arthur please be less melodramatic challenge.
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• tried to scare them out by blowing up an identical fort within sight of them, promising, "you're next!" The carnage of what could soon become Peter was floating around him for months
It looks kinda badass actually, but imagine your own brother giving you a death threat like this, just to scare off the new human family you're happy with and take you for himself. (BEFORE they declared him independent!)
• proposed a military takeover. The proposal was rejected by the PRIME FUCKIN MINISTER OF THE UK, Harold Wilson, because he did not want to risk hurting the English civilians on board. Literally the prime minister weighed in on this dispute. You can't tell me Arthur wasn't upset when this went to his highest level of government.
• Tried to starve them out by making Roy go through customs every time he left port, and ruining his groceries in the process. "Oh, is it REALLY condensed milk in that tin? I'd better open it to find out."
• tried to sue the Bates and lost, because the judge ruled they're out of British jurisdiction.
• proposed to fucking bomb the place, and tried to, but chickened out last minute. Ultimate hissy fit, "If I can't have him, no one can!!"
• tried to buy it back a second time. Rejected.
• tried to buy it back a third time. Rejected.
• continued to worry and obsess over him, even after they realized he could do nothing. Were paranoid about him joining the Soviets and becoming a threat. There is legit documentation from the British government calling him "England's Cuba."
Sealand being affectionate toward Britain:
• Prince Roy was a WWII veteran and described as deeply patriotic -- he founded Sealand not to rebuke the UK, but as a romantic gesture for his wife, who dreamed of having her own island. It was never meant to be taken seriously by others, and they do not care about international recognition.
• prince Michael has described himself as "very proud to be an Englishman."
• Buyout offers in the early 2000s were rejected for concerns on Britain's behalf. i.e. they had a general disdain for Pirate Bay and other private companies, deeming them too irresponsible to reside so close to england's shores.
• they've flown Union Jack before, and more recently have extended condolences over the queen's death.
• and celebrated the kings coronation
And god, their more recent history. With all these nice little exchanges from Peter. Add to it England rushing to save Sealand during the fire. And them playfully bickering over who actually owns Ipswich (Peter does). Their history is so fucked up and yandere-like in the past, but recently, so very sweet. 🥺
• generally everything they do is UK-based. Their citizens live there most of the time, and not on the fort. They raise money for charity there. They train (and CRUSH) in American football there. Thats their home. Just as much as the fort is. 💕
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wizardbronla · 2 years
Fenro week 2022 prompt 3
(Also I just realized I screwed up the prompt order, but enjoy anways!)
Gyro was in a very rotten mood. Fenton knew it, Lil’ Bulb knew it. Hell, at this point? The whole building probably knew it.
Why was Gyro in a horrid mood? Well, he was being forced to head to Hawkaii for a Science conference the next day.
Most people would be thrilled to be going to Hawkaii for free, but Fenton knew that Gyro hated missing work. It was probably because of Gyro’s anxiety, but he wasn’t quite sure.
Fenton felt pretty guilty, and he knew why. The truth was, there was no actual conference in Hawkaii. Fenton had planned the whole thing, and with the help of Mr. McDuck, they had successfully tricked Gyro into taking a relaxing vacation.
Now all Fenton had to do was get through the rest of the day without accidentally spilling his secret.
Easy, right?
Against all the odds of his slippery tongue, Fenton made it through the day with only a few close calls.
Getting Gyro to actually leave the lab, however, was becoming the difficult part.
“Hey, Gy? We’ve got an early morning start tomorrow, and we need to get us and Boyd all packed. So…maybe we should head home now?” Fenton said cautiously.
Gyro just grumbled and didn’t move.
“Gyro.” Fenton said, losing patience. “It’s late. We really need to go.”
The chicken moved swiftly and angrily, grabbing his coat and leaving the lab without a word.
Fenton sighed. This…might be harder than he thought.
He followed Gyro, however it was difficult because he was walking fast and Gyro had very long legs.
When they got to their car, Gyro got into the passenger seat and slammed the door with full force. Fenton was surprised the window didn’t break.
The entire ride home was silent, and the fury emanating from Gyro was palpable.
Fenton sat quietly, with his head in his hand, staring out at the stars. He knew that Gyro got like this sometimes, but…it didn’t make it hurt any less that he didn’t want to go on a vacation with Fenton and Boyd.
He just had to be patient.
When the car finally pulled into the driveway, Gyro turned off the ignition, and sighed with his head in his hands.
Neither the chicken nor the duck made a move to get out of the car.
Fenton was about to say something, before Gyro finally said, “I hate airplanes.”
Fenton balked. “What?”
“I always have. It’s gotten worse since the Library of Alexandria. I thought…I thought I was going to die, so soon after getting my son back.” Gyro confessed quietly.
Fenton felt a huge wave of guilt wash over him. He didn’t know…but now that he did, he was going to fix it.
“Gy?” Fenton said meekly, ready to confess everything.
Gyro took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. “And the stupid thing is, I’ve always wanted to go to Hawkaii.”
Fentons words fizzled out on his tongue. Gyro wanted to go to Hawkaii?
No one spoke for a few more seconds, until Fenton said, “Hey, I have an idea.”
Fenton stepped out onto the deck of The Selene, Donald’s houseboat just before sunrise.
Donald had graciously allowed Gyro, Fenton, and Boyd to borrow it for their trip to Hawkaii, on the stipulation that he and Daisy got to tag along for the boat ride.
Fenton and Gyro were more than alright with that, as neither of them knew how to sail a ship.
Fenton drew in a deep breath of the salty ocean air, and only startled a little bit when long arms wrapped around him.
“Thank you, Fen.” Gyro whispered softly into his ear.
“Of course, Carinõ.” Fenton whispered back.
They cuddled comfortably for a few minutes, the only sound being the waves against the boat.
“You know, I knew from the very start that there was no science conference.” Gyro said, snapping Fenton back to reality.
Fenton could feel his beak and neck turn bright red. “Oh…you, uh, you did?”
Gyro chuckled softly and leaned his head on Fenton’s shoulder. “You and Mr. McDuck are both terrible liars.”
Fenton exhaled slowly. “Geez, I’m sorry, Gy. I-“
Gyro cut him off. “Sorry? I should be the one apologizing. I was such a jerk about it.”
Fenton reached back and ran his hand through Gyro’s perfectly tamed bangs. “How about we forget about everything that happened, and go make some breakfast? I’m sure there’s a small parrot that will wake up soon and be very hungry.”
Gyro gave a small chuckle. It was music to Fenton’s ears. “That sounds perfect, Fen.”
Fenton smiled. “Pancakes?”
Gyro grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.
Thanks to @fenroweek2022 for the prompt!
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tarjapearce · 2 years
Quite The Unexpected (Pt. 10)
PAIRINGS: Aiden Pearce x Fem! Reader
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"They're not bongos, you know?"
You spoke in between giggles as Erik rested his hands on your butt, all while your waist section rested on his lap and you scrolled through your phone. The image was in a high definition and it played in the background. Aiden coded and just listened.
Ever since he put the hidden cameras in your apartment he had witnessed many things, mostly by accident. He paid attention, listened and watched whenever there was a conversation or either you or Erik were on the phone to see if there was anything he could investigate further. He lost track of his stalking after the fourteenth day.
He had seen you working out in the livingroom. Fallen asleep on the couch, watching movies with Erik, you talking on the phone with Julia and Rita and just chilling. He learned a couple things and quirks from you.
You were a hugger in your sleep, enjoyed cuddling, walked with socks on inside your home, loved head and foot massages despite being ticklish on the feet, and mostly of the time your days at home were spent bra less. He also started noticing a pattern whenever you felt 'in the mood'. You often initiated with soft kisses and bitings, Erik just played along. You were a bad dancer though.
Speak for yourself.
Your appetite varied depending also on your mood. You'd sometimes eat a whole box of  chicken wings on your own through the day, and other times with a hot cup of tea was enough through hours. Your shower time was 15 minutes, you liked cooking and sometimes baking, Erik always helping you around. The only thing he frowned you upon was you sharing his personal banana bread recipe with him.
He accidentally had seen you both and Erik getting frisky on the livingroom, in the hallway before getting into your home, and some other places he was thankful for not putting cameras on. He was uncomfortable enough by hearing you having sex with Erik whenever the chance presented itself, wich was often.
She likes... exercising, I guess.
It was a awkward for him to know the sounds of your intimate life, and that he had seen a lineart raccoon tattoo underneath your left perky breast and other meaningless details, like you tucking your feet inside whatever blanket you had on.
There are limits, Pearce.
But besides that awkward detail, he gathered alot more information from Erik. Like, he worked as an accountant at Brewster Logistics and also temporarily at Linden Co., a shipping company outside Wisconsin. He sometimes was required at Linden's to supervise that everything was in order with the accounting balances, to check the finantial state of the business, meaning, he'd travel for weeks.
Erik Worked everyday, with free weekends as well, sometimes though on busy seasons he was out for work. The longest he had been out was a month, but that was before he met you.
That would explain why I didn't see him when following (Name).
"I've heard that if you apply a philipino technique, you can make them bigger." "Eh?" "Not that you need it, though. I've got plenty on both hands." "I'm thinking to show you a new set of things I just bought, In green." "Have I told you how sexy those tattoos of yours are?"
I dread the day she finds out about these cameras.
You giggled and sat up properly. "Yeah, yeah, you just want to get in ny pants." "Are you reading my mind?" "vous êtes vraiment énervant*"
Eric grunted upon hearing the french and pulled you to him, smothering your face with flutter kisses while you playfully tried to fend him off.
"I don't know what you just said but that was hot." Aiden rolled his eyes at his words and scoffed.
“I just literally said you were so annoying”
Erik kissed you and then without warning he lifted and threw you over his shoulder, spanking your butt in the way as you squealed. "Let's go." You were histerics in laughter. Aiden however just sighed and turned off the connection.
Nothing substantial. I'll check in two hours.
Another thing that he had learned from you is that your stamina had changed alot. Everything was a pattern to him, even your lasting time in sex.
You couldn't keep it up with her.
He scoffed in mild amusement.
She's the one that wouldn't keep it up.
Of course he could, he was athletic built, but before his mind wandered into that unexplored and kind of forbidden territory, he cleared his throat as a new folder showed up in his monitor. He clicked and analyzed all the data in, revealing a new information about the people he was investigating. The client's list had been upgraded and to his not suprise, a few american politicians were in.
Time to act.
----- His investigation so far had identified four members that played huge roles in the Bratva's organization. If he could remember, they wore track and sporty suits, but as time went on, of course they'd change. They were and dressed more sophysticated.
They looked ridiculous before.
Chuckling, he hacked the cameras from the private building nearby a bistro and begun searching. According to the data he extracted from other files, there was a hacking team, an accountant, and many others he decided to look up later.
If he was honest, when he heard that Erik was an accountant and the Bratva had an accountant, he tried to link Erik to any sort of criminal activity but he found nothing but a couple of unpaid parking tickets.
I don't trust you, Dudnik.
Did he actually trust someone? Not really. Everyone hid their secrets, but so far the dirtiest secret he could find on people was either mild law offenses or irrelevant things he could use against. His frustration begun to rise upon often finding dead ends.
The camera pointed to various people, Security employees, receptionist, other random employees and finally his target. The accountant.
Garin, Alekzei Age: 32 Occupation: Certified Public Accountant Income: $600,000 Active in white supremacist blogs.
Alekzei was scrawny, tall and wore glasses. He looked like the stereotypical nerd guy that none would suspect, but for Aiden, there was always something more that met the eye.
This guy earned the Bratva millions last year and the money kept flooding. Still does.
He zoomed the video and narrowed his eyes to see if there was any sort of details in the computer the man was using. So far, he worked on financial balances, then a woman came in with more files and handed them over to him.
He gathered as much information as he could, and then went back to check the security employees inside. So far, he had counted 10. Four in the first floor, two in the second one, and other four where Alekzei was, the top floor. All of them strategically scattered around.
Five people in total. Wish this was quicker, but I need to be careful if I want to get them by surprise.
He mused internally and walked away before anyone inside the location could spot him. He'd go to pawn shops later to buy things he might need when the manhunt starts. However an all too familiar someone came towards him, both surprised and happy-looking.
"Aiden? Hi!"
"Lilly." He gave her a soft smile to greet and she touched the side of his arm softly.
"I didn't know you had returned." "Yeah, uhm, work demands me off city sometimes." "Well, glad you’re back. It's so good to see you again!" She beamed and he was now at lost on what to do. Lilly could notice the silence, so of course her nature prevented from having an awkward moment. Naturally she kept talking, although, unsure of how to approach Aiden.
“I bet (Name) would be glad to see you” . There was silence from his part, and again she broke the dying conversation. 
"Uhm does (Name) knows you're here?" "Yeah..." he cleared his throat and put his hands inside his trenchcoat's pockets, "She knows."
"For that tone I can take my guess you both are still at odds." "What?" "I mean, I'm sorry for bringing this up. Eh, you see, after meeting you at Rita’s BBQ, and a coupe of days, I think, later, I gave my phone number to (Name) so she could give it to you." "She did." "Oh... Ok."  Awkwardly, Lilly braced herself and chuckled softly. 
"Yeah, uhm just wanted to make sure. I kinda put (Name) in an awkward position for that. Sorry."
"It's alright. I apologize for not giving any sort of... response." "You're not obligated to, you know? I just wanted to get to know you a bit more. I mean, still want to."
Her doe-like eyes stared at him briefly and then looked away
"If you're up for it, that is. Don't want to make you feel pressured or anything."
"Ok, what about eh, a drink? Would you like to get something to drink?"
Aiden swallowed upon his own words. It's been a while, to not say years since he got on dates or any sort of interaction with women. It became a nuisance after a while, and his line of work allowed little to none of that.
"It's an apology. For not giving you any sort of reply and getting you in trouble with (Name)."
Lilly beamed and nodded in between chuckles.
"Alright. Friday at 9?" "Or it could be right now. I have some time."
He swore he could see the flush of her face to increase and a twinkle in her eyes. He still got it, but it always made him feel out of character whenever doing something that wasn't work related. Dates specially. They were not his forte, but none of the women he used to hook up with had a complain.
Still got the charm.
Aiden didn't think too highly of himself when it came to physical looks. But he took pride on his skills like no other. Lilly walked next to him, smiling and eager. He on the other side was planning ahead and seizing the chance to see if he could get any information about the recent events in Eau Claire.
There was a bar a few blocks away and soon the both reached the place and ordered some drinks.
"So, when did you return?" "A couple of days ago actually"
More like a month or so.
"Ah, I see. Did you have fun outside the city?"
You have no idea.
"Not that much actually. Just work. I'm a tech consultant-" "Oh? At Blume?" "Not at all. Private company." "Your own private company?" "Yeah." "Quite impressive." She clinked her cup against his whiskey glass. "Cheers to your success" "Thanks."
A sip. A brief glance on eachother and of course a smirk.
"So, how things have been?" Aiden mused as he gave a quick glance to the place. A couple of cameras set up around the place but nothing interesting popping out in the whole scenery.
"Well, work is exhausting as usual, but good. I mean, I might have to apologize to (Name) for giving her a bit of trouble. I mean, (Name) has changed alot." "Really?" "Yeah. There was a time where she was... quite shagged looking. It was bad. Everyone was worried on her. She uh... looked really bad, restless and even her attitude changed. We got reprimanded at work since she kinda got all hostile, but, I shouldn't have pushed her buttons too much."
"You tell me." He downed the whiskey and got another one.
"I know it's not my business but... are you still friends? Cause, I wouldn't want to make it more awkward."
"It's alright. We uh... are not as close as before that's for sure. But... no. We're not that much friends anymore."
Her eyes widened slightly and nodded. He on the other side was kind of contradicted by his emotions. Happy because it was less people for him to deal directly with. And odd since you were the only person outside his work that kept his mind off the plaguing and consistent intrusive thoughts.
Well, maybe not the only one, work also kept him busy. As he kept on talking with Lilly he found out many things, like the police visiting them at the hospital, a new woman's body found, Blume's inaugurating a new place in Eau Claire and of course more things about you.
Aiden sensed that Lilly spilled that much information about you to see what kind of reaction she got from him.
"Do you like tattoos?" "I don't mind them, honestly. Used to have a... team mate that was covered in them. She worked effectively." "I see." "It was (Name)'s elder sister." "Oh, I forgot that about (Name). I mean, she's great at work, but I think those tattoos of her make some patients and people uncomfortable. Some patients have asked for someone else to attend them. But, mostly, sure, are fine by it. I personally find them a bit tacky."
Lilly asked for another cocktail and Aiden chuckled.
"It's a way to honor her sister. She was a tattoo artist before working with me."
Lilly sipped the drink faster and looked away.
Just say you don’t like her that much already.
"Oh, cool. Are you in a hurry?" "Not really." "Want to go to the shooting range? Have a small practice? We've got new guns." "Let's go." ----------------
He didn't know how things ended up scalating so quickly. Lily rested her head on his naked chest and smirked, proudly.
"That was amazing." "Thanks." He smiled at her. "I noticed you quite tense. So..." "So?" His fingers traced on her bare shoulder gently "If you keep being tense, this could be a good outlet."
He smirked.
"I'll keep it in mind."
Lilly kissed his chest and caressed his face gently. He felt less uptight, more relaxed even, but his phone buzzed, reminding him of what he truly came here for.
"Though, gotta be honest..." "I know... I know. You don't want to get involved any further."
His eyes asked her the how and Lilly smiled.
"I'm not... looking for a relationship" He sat up and reached for his phone, scrolling down through briefly.
"Neither do I, Aiden. Just wanted some fun actually. All I'm saying is that if you ever get too stressed out, I'm a call away." She also sat against her bed's headboard, revealing her naked torso and then pulled out a cigarrette from the nighstand next to her and begun smoking it.
He stood and begun picking up his clothes.
"Bathroom's on the left door." Lilly blew out the smoke and giggled, "Nice ass by the way" Aiden just chuckled again at her compliment.
"Good workout." He mumbled and Lilly grinned.
"Thanks, I guess." She watched The Fox going to her bathroom, and a couple of minutes later, he came out, skin and hair damp. He could feel Lilly's eyes on him.
"You better change quickly before I lock up that door and start round three."
He dressed up, and his phone buzzed again. Now he was in a hurry.
"Thanks for... You know." Aiden straightened his trench coat and put his phone on his pockets. "Anytime." Lilly waved her goodbyes with a relaxed smile and he was out the door.
He exhaled, processing everything that had just occured and walked back to his apartment.
That was not supposed to happen, Pearce.
His mind started to berate itself. He wasn't here for pleasure, there was alot to do and so far he had identified five people out of thirteen. As much as his body seemed to give in, he rather focus on something else at the moment.
Stop thinking with your dick and call T-Bone.
T-Bone. Of course. It felt like an epifany in the post-nut clarity.
T-Bone would help him, maybe not right away since he always got something to do or hack. And Jordi. He wasn't that sure about him but he could try and get him in as well.
If the pay is good enough, he'll be in.
Dialing the number, the phone rang two times before T-Bone's voice came through the other side.
"Hey, Aiden! How is it going?"
The Fox could hear some machinery working on the background.
"Are you busy?" "Depends. Whatcha got for me?"
He looked around  and strode towards a more spot in a nearby alleyway.
"Oh nothing but a small hunting I am setting up." "Ooh... Interesting." The machinery stopped echoing. "Is it Blume related?" "Far from that. Gang members. But, not simple gang members." "Viceroys?" "Bratva."
T-Bone gave a low whistle.
"Ta ta... I don't know, Aiden. Blume is one thing, but Russian mafia is in a completely different level of crazy shit I've hunted." "They have a hacking team and I've got no doubts they have access to the CToS here in Wisconsin."  there was a small pause along a rustling.
"Alright. Say no more. Let's screw them." "Not so fast, T." "Ooh we're using code names now?"
The both chuckled. "We gotta identify them first. The files I've got just gives me the intel of their criminal structure. The hierarchy. But not punctual data of mostly of them." "How many guys you've found?" "So far, five out of thirteen." "Thirteen? Seems like a small group." "It is. But these thirteen ones manage to do really bad things and make millions every month while the government looks the other way."
"You think they're connected?" "Most likely. Found a couple of american politicians in the client's list." "I'm in. I was finishing creating something that you might like. And I kinda feel like screwing up some people, so yeah." "Alright. I'll send you the files as soon as I get at my place." "Ok, pal. I'll call you later."
Now Jordi.
He dialed the fixer's number as he walked back home. The number rang three times before the annoying voice came through.
"Hello." "Want to help me out?" "Bye."
Jordi hung up and Aiden rolled his eyes. He dialed again and of course, Jordi picked up again, mirth in his tone.
"It's a paid job, dipshit." "Now we're talking. What is it?" "The info you gave me." "Ahh... that. Yeah, not my cup of tea, but money is in the way. What am I supposed to do?" "Try and find more information about these guys." "Do you have names?" "I still have to identify some, but you could start with some politicians."
"Ooh, I love screwing those. My fees are the usual, will expect the transfer soon. Let me know when you're done so I can start. I don't guarantee a quick work though. I still have some jobs around. And I might need to move to Wisconsin. "
"Alright, got it. Will send the names later." "Thankyoubyebye."
Jordi hung up, leaving a confused Aiden.
Team is set. Time to work. ----
Tuesday's mid shift was always a slow one, you were cleaning some recently used beds with Julia helping you out. Wich you were glad. It mean working, but a bit more of fun.
"How dare he?" "Keep it down, Jules." "Just... Ugh! He's so bold and really not thoughtful." "It is what it is. He just came to my home and expected everything would be the same." You begun going through the new patients' charts and records.
"Why is it so hard for some men to accept a no for an answer?" "I don't know, (Name). Wait... Erik met him? "Yeah. I mean, they didn't greet, just eyed eachother. Then Erik closed the door and saw me kinda crying." "Geez..." "Yeah... then asked me what was wrong and he kinda figured it out. Erik was so ready to kick his ass, but I stopped him." "Oh my god!" Julia squealed softly and shook you a bit excited.
"That feels like a whole dream. Two men over you. " "Oh no no. Far from that. It was a nightmare actually. And... he hasn't changed at all. So... screw him. And it's not like that at all, like, not even remotely close to that sort of thing with Aiden."
"How you guys met?" "He and my sister came to my house one day. Clara brought Aiden with her to help him out in some stuffs I don't remember quite well, but yeah. That. Then the abusive ex incident happened and he started to be a bit more protective on me. I really appreciated that, then I moved here and we reunited again. Mere coincidence by the way. And then the bbq thing, and then he just acted stupid. Broke a promise. It was a big deal for me, but as you may know... when it comes to emotions, it's never important for him."
"Maybe he's not good dealing with them? Still, not an excuse to just dismiss your feelings like that." "Ugh, talking about him puts me on edge." "You gotta give him some credit though. Despite knowing he isn't welcome, he still went on to talk to you." "True, but meh. I've got a date tonight." "Oohh, same! Sam will take me to the movies and then to dinner." "Sounds lovely." "Oh! By the way, don't forget to apply your contraceptives next week." "Ah, true. Thanks for reminding me. Alright, this section is clean for the new transfering patients. Imma go get the new charts for the doctor's visit and then head to the lab to pick up the results Michael needs."
"Ok, see you later."
You were about to head on to the east wing of the floor when Lilly approached.
Now what?
"Hey, (Name). Uh, are you in rush hour?" "Hey, and not really. Why? "Can you spare me some minutes of your time to talk?" "Uh... sure?" "Great. Uhm... It's kinda uncomfortable for me but, I kinda bumped into Aiden yesterday." "Oh, I see. And...?" "Uh well, we talked, about lots of things and well, he said you both weren't that much of friends anymore." "That's correct, yeah. Uhm... why are we discussing this?" "I know it's not my business and I'm sorry for being a jerk for it months ago and probably making you uncomfortable now, but I just wanted to make sure things weren't awkward for either of you both."
You laughed briefly.
"Ok? Why would it be awkward? I mean, we don't talk anymore, sure. But we're not sworn enemies or something like that." "Oh... good. I mean, eh, we hooked up yesterday, it was amazing, but I just wanted to make sure everything was in order between us all."
You just stared at her with a "So?" look. It seemed she was eager to get any sort of reaction from you to that information, but failed.
Hooked up? With Aiden? That's so weird.
"Okay? Look... I'm glad you finally got what you wanted from him, but Aiden’s sex life or his life in general is not my business, nor care to be honest. That said, Have you seen Darlene? She has the new charts for the new patients, gotta get them before they all and the doctors arrive."
"Uhm, right. Sorry. She's on the labs." "Thank you." You gave her gentle smile and left before she could speak any further.
I don't know him that much, but even I know this is kind of out of his character. Always so reckless. What are you up to, Aiden?
You went to the labs and found what you wanted. You put the charts on their place and awaited for the results at the lab, to finally go to Michael with them. You got a small break and went to get yourself a bottle of iced tea to keep the sugar flooding till the end of your shift.
It went smoothly and soon Julia caught up with you. Her driver was out of reach tonight so you offered her a ride home.
"Thanks for this, (Name)" "It's alright. Can't let you go out on a particular taxi. Besides, your home is in my route actually." "Ooh cool. So... what did you and Lilly talked about?" "Geez, gossips surely do fly at the hospital." "Hehehe, sorry. Just couldn't help it. Besides, Rita saw you and she also wanted to know." "Then, I think we should call her and tell her. It's kinda juicy."
Julia squealed and you just giggled. "More like... embarrassing actually."
Rita's number was already being dialed and soon she replied. "Hello, (Name)" "She has how do you say it, chismecito*?" Julia chided as she butchered the word. "Chismecito? Oh girl, spill it." "You're so loud." You mumbled in between a bashful laugh.
"Alright! Alright! Silence. Shit... alright." You cleared your throat. "The reason she came to me was to simply brag about the fact she hooked up with Aiden." "Shut the hell up!" Julia gasped and so did Rita.
"Oh my goodness. She really went for it." "Yeah, well, good for her. But seriously it was so awkward. She came to me with this super polite mode, wich you guys know she uses whenever asking for something or giving big news." "What did she tell you?" Rita spoke
"Well, she told me she had bumped into him yesterday. And that they talked. Wich I know for sure that they went to drink something. And then she was like 'He told me that you weren't that much of friends anymore' so I told her it was true, and then she was 'good, cause I didn't want to make it awkward for the both' like... why on earth would it be awkward for someone to have a sex life?"
Julia laughed almost histerically. "Man, Lilly is so shady. She just wanted to get a reaction from you."
"I know. That's why I basicaly told her that I didn't care. Wich is true. I just hope he was smart enough to use protection. Wouldn't be surprised if she had already fantasized about having Aiden's baby"
"That's a scary thought. But you did good, (Name)" "I know. Just was super weird of her to drop it like nothing." "How she described it?" Julia's eagerness felt refreshing and it almost made you laugh.
"Julia, please." "C'mon! Tell us!" "She was all 'we, eh, hooked up yesterday. It was amazing." Like... okay? Good for you. Shut up and let me work."
"My goodness. This feels so weird." "Ah,you tell me. I don't know what's going on, but even I know that's out of Aiden's character."
"Ah, c'mon mija. Even the thoughest and serious men need some to go through. Maybe has been under alot of stress, so naturally he would be looking for an outlet."
"And what a better way to do so with a willing woman that has had the hots for him since they met!" "You guys are worse than the FBI." "We just like to observe people, (Name)" "Right. Anyways, gotta hang up now, I'm dropping Julia home."
"Okay. See you on thursday." "Bye bye, Rita." "You just made my day." Julia spoke as she readied to get out the car.
"Glad to hear." You chuckled and soon said your goodbyes and went back to your home. There was no Erik to welcome you home this time since he also got work to do. Busy seasons would begin soon, so of course you'd make the most out of your time with him and seize every chance to be with him.
But right now, you just gave yourself a relaxing bath, got on cozy pajamas and went to sleep, unaware of the so ever watching cameras.
"Hey, Aiden. I think you might want to take a look at this." The file delayed a couple of seconds to arrive to his inbox and T-Bone spoke again through the phone.
"I kinda dissected the hacking team and these guys, if we're not careful, could pull a Defalt on us."
Aiden narrowed his eyes upon that comment.
"I'll create a backup and send it to a decryption cloud."
"Good. Good. Man, where did you get all of this? This is a gold mine." "Contacts of mines." "Right. Well, the more reason to be careful with this information. In the wrong hands-" "I know. That's why you're the only one that has seen it so far." "I feel flattered. But seriously, have you thought that this could be a good trade if you ever get caught?" "None of that is gonna happen. Have you identified someone else?"
"Yeah. Got two more names. Apparently the hacking team is just four people. But they know their business." "So do we." "Damn right. Ok, we've got a dude called Mihail Videnko."
Another relative?
"And another dude called Alex Orlov. This one is in charge of scorting the women to their clients." "Ok. What does Videnko does?" "He's the third at charge when 'the Boss' isn't around." "Any information on the boss?" "Not really. He's just described as the boss. Why?" "I still haven't gotten any sort of ID out of him." "Sounds like he wants to remain hidden." "Not for long. I'll find him." "I must ask you, though, what made you get involved in this? Cause these people don't fuck around, Aiden." "Loose ends that got away back at San Francisco." "Oh shit. All of this came from that investigation you did months ago?" "Correct." "Amigo, sorry to sound like a pussy here, but why don't you leave this to Interpol or the CIA? Cause some of them, for not say mostly have a crime report and are wanted men back in their countries." "I can't do that. People count on me." "People? Alright. Is your family safe?" "Yeah. They're far away from this mess." "Cool. That's good. Anyone else you might think that could be affected from this?"
Silence. He swallowed thickly but understood that if he wanted to keep T-Bone on his side, honesty was important.
Just like in Chicago
"Aiden?" "Yeah. Uh... remember Clara?" "Yeah? Wait... is she alive? Wait no. Stupid answer. You saw her die. But what about her?" "She has a sister."
Now T-Bone went silent. "For real?" "Yeah. Uh... it's kinda complicated." "You got her pregnant?!" Aiden was about to protest but sighed upon hearing Kenney laughing.
"Just fucking with you. But, seriously, what about her?" "She is a protected witness and was key for the arrest of this druglord called Kyrill Vasyliev." "And?" "Long story short, Kyrill was tied to the Bratva. (Name) helped to get him in jail.  These guys went after her but killed a woman that resembled alot of her. The FBI gave her a new identity and they still do routinary check ups." "So you fear they will find out about her?" "Yes."
"That's quite noble of you, pal." "But, shit happened and well, she hates me."
Kenney sighed dramaticly.
"Good with machines and being a Vigilante but terrible with women. You broke her heart or something?" "Kind of." "Kind of?! Yeah, no wonder why she hates you. Women are more attuned with their emotions than we do. Dismissing what they feel is a big deal for them." "Lesson learned."
T-Bone laughed. "See? You gotta work in your social skills with women. Who knows, maybe one day she can get you out of trouble. Or any other, to be honest." "What are you? Dr. Phil?" "Haha, good to see you still have some humor in you. But no. It's just my experience with them. And trust me. The least you wanna do is to have a scorned women hating yout guts."
"(Name)! Need you on ER. Now!"
Upon arriving, you couldn't help but stop in your tracks when you saw the man being held down by a male nurse.
"C'mon though guy, we're just trying to help you!" The man looked deranged, he sweated profusely, his eyes were wide open, and his restlessness was now an issue since your coworker tried to apply some serum and a bit of sedative to work better.
As you tried to approach him, he pushed the other nurse away, making him to knock over the utensils' table and pounced on the nearest person. You.
It happened all so quickly that you barely had a response to his actions. The man had grabbed you by the neck and slammed you against the wall, to then attack you with his fists. You felt a big slap and then a bursting pain in your left eye.
Panic rose as the man squeezed your neck tightly, tears flooded your eyes as you tried to scream, but his fingernails dug in your skin, earning a loud yelp. You tried to scratch off his face and  soon, another group of nurses held him down and sedated him.
Your legs gave in and you coughed as your hands reached for the neck. Rita rushed to you, wich you just held on tightly and cried.
"It's ok, mija. It's over. C'mon. Let's get you patched up. Michael, send in Darlene with a first aid kit at the east wing, now! Also get me some Xanax and restrain him."
Your hands shook and Rita took you out to a different room.
"Fuck that guy. Seriously. Your eye is swelling." The cornea of your left eye was bloodshot, the impact of that man's fist hit you right and square on the eye. It stung and it made your eyelid to twich whenever Rita tried to wash and desinfect it. There was a small cut in the base of your eye due the friction of the man's knuckles against your skin.
You hissed in pain when she dabbed an alcohol soaked cotton on your neck wounds.
"You're going home. No argue, alright?" You just nodded and swallowed the Xanax.
"You sure you can drive? "I've got 30 minutes before it kicks in. So I better go now." "Do you want me to call Erik?" "No no. Not right now. He's in a meeting and it's quite important. I'll let him know. He's going home anyways."
"You sure you can drive? I can drive you home and then you can tell Erik to pick up your car here. You're quite riled up."
"No, no. Look. I can handle it. I just gotta go now." "You will let me know as soon as you get home okay?"
Giving a final nod you took your things and went home. You kinda dreaded sometimes these sort of things as a nurse. Sadly it was all part of your job. It was a price to pay for the good earning you received.
Something happened at work. I need you.
You pressed send. The first thing you did was to remove your uniform, carefully. And then get an ice patch and laid down on the couch after letting Rita know you were home. You could feel your body buzzing as the xanax kicked in, drowsiness taking over you. You were practically slipping in and out of sleepyness, finally you heard the doorknob turning.
"(Name)? I'm home." Erik spoke as he removed his coat and stopped upon watching your silhouette slouched on the couch.
"(Name)?" Erik's heart nearly sunk when he saw you. "Good lord, what happened to you love?" He carefully cupped your face and gently examinated you. Anger and worry splattered all over his face. He just held you as you sobbed softly while curling on his chest.
"It's ok baby girl. I'm here." He whispered to your ear and caressed your head softly.
"Wanna talk about what happened?" "It was a patient. It all happened so fast. He was... high on meth. I was called to stabilize him as another nurse held him down. He got violent out of nowhere and atta- attacked me."
He kissed your forehead. And rubbed your lower back.
"And now I'm a complete mess and... I just want to lay down but I can't cause my eye hurts so badly and I'm drugged. And I feel scared. But I know that it's a risk and part of my job." You sobbed as you held the iced patch on your eye.
"Let's lay down. I'll take care of you. Want me to prepare you something hot to drink?" "No, Erik. I just wanna lay down. Please." "Alright. C'mon." ----- Aiden couldn't believe his eyes. A new wave of anger hit him as the video recording played. It kind of reminded him that time where he saved you from Mason. 
It happened exactly with her ex. She must've feel like it was him all over again. Fuck. Gotta hurry to catch these bastards.
For some reason he felt useless. And the more he watched you being taken care of by Erik and reading that text message you send over to him, the more the feeling increased. But as quick as it came the feeling; it left. Of course he was helping you. In ways that you might not know yet. But he was making sure you were safe.
He had a team, after all.
Just gotta hurry. Then, I'll be a ghost again. ------------
Hope you have liked it! Loved writting this chapter c: 
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