#(y'know the 'Cute' comic among others)
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Getting any kind of attention from anybody I admire is just too much for my poor heart.
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wolfenwingsshop · 8 months
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Alright, so yeah, I keep talking about this War Against Sigma (or "WAS" for short) roleplay club I was in as a late teenager. I did this comic a long time ago (about.. 5-6 years?) - about one of the first... uh.. experiences I had. Forgive me, I tend to be wordy. (This may be an AuDHD thing, or just a Wolfie thing, but yeah.) This comic pretty much spells it all out, but long story short, TRY BEING AN X FANGIRL AND GETTING SAVED BY THE GUY. Holy crap. This was also like, maybe only the third, maybe fourth time I had ever interacted with X in this roleplay club, and ... hahahahha if you think I knew that they were planning on having an "X saves the girl" event and I WAS GONNA BE THE GIRL yeah no, no I didn't. The timing of this was winter/spring of 1997, if I recall correctly. I distinctly remember there still being snow on the ground right after this happened, cause I re-read the log file of this at school (on a 3.5 floppy!!!) over and over again at the local BOCES (it's an NY oc/ed school thing). Either way, this happened pretty early in my Maverick Hunting 'career', so to speak... Maybe 3-4 months? I was pretty fresh and green, honestly. I had only met X once before (oh god that was a hoot lemme tell you- saw him approach after a mission and immediately hid my OC behind a rock!!!) and, maybe talked once or twice prior. I barely knew him and then this happened! There's a lot more about WAS I'll be posting. I have lots of old sprites, artwork, and even a few log files that survived those days. My interactions with X, despite him being so very rare to spot, see, and interact with, were.. well... many. And as a lot of my friends now are screaming at me, maybe there was something going on that I was too dumb to figure out until.. well, 25 years later after this club fell apart and died. I started working on this memoir and preservation project and .. honestly my memories started making things click a bit.. Heckin' A, I was effin' dumb if that was the case.... Either way, I chalk WAS up as the only reason why I'm still breathing past high school. I dunno, but for someone who was stuck in a really abusive household (again, I was the scapegoat child of a narcissistic family system) and then also going to school where beatings and even more deadly attacks (knives for example) were a common concern... .. I dunno. Getting home and getting on AOL and hanging out with X, Zero and a bunch of other Maverick Hunters I made friends with, well.. that did something to give me a reason to keep going, y'know? I guess, enjoy the cringe or hate it. ::shrug:: This is something I did live through, though. I figure since X just turned 30, it's time to start getting the WAS stuff out there so people can see old 90s Mega Man fandom stuff that I still have in the recesses of my hard drives. Eventually I hope to finish a very long memoir (I'm thinking it's gonna be called "Among the Reploids" - a cute nod to the old Reploids Among US / RAU site I mentioned the other day that led me to WAS in the first place!) and upload it to AO3.. There's a lot already and I just finished the whole.. "Apple Tree" part - another big chunk of WAS for me, cause I had to deal with X bugging me every day for almost 2 weeks...! And, well, X had an apple tree.... And a green house....
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Welcome!!! It’s so exciting to still see new people joining! After all, we all played the same game and spent the same amount of time on it, so the time when we joined doesn’t really matter at all. :D
That’s bumming but on the positive side, you can get them later on again when you feel like doing a replay. I bet it will be satisfying, to come back to the game after some time and watch your cg gallery fill once again.
Aren’t we all whales of some sort
but I'm glad you found tricks so it's at least something, but I bet it must’ve still been frustrating losing the content. You may have already seen it but if you like-to really turn into a whale and sell your heart to Saeyoung to get some bonus content and physical merch, you might wanna check the RFA VIP/Special believer packages out. They among other stuff also give a bunch of hourglasses and unlimited calling cards for everyone. http://msg.cheritz.com (I know it might look shady at first but I promise it's an actual legit site xD) you can find more information there than on Cheritz Market + it has really cute bonus comic material!
Don’t worry!! I’m happy I could be your first ask! Hopefully, you will get even more in the future. :> My day was kinda rough actually, but it gave me a smile when I saw you interacting with my post! I am usually very passive in fandoms but Mystic Messenger just has a special place in my heart, and I totally love interacting with people who played it! I hope your day will also treat you well!
Heyo, hi again~ :"3
Perhaps~ It's been more fun since I finally started sharing. I was posting just a tiny bit on my main blog some time ago, but it felt like not many of my followers there really knew much about it, so I just decided to make a separate blog. It helps me stay organized too. People who only like one thing can follow this or that, y'know.
Ye, I'm not terribly concerned about the illustrations as much. However, I did force myself not too long ago to get all of Yoosung's bad endings in one fell swoop so I wouldn't have to choose the horrible answers again, so I really hope I don't lose that illustration or chats. ^^'' I only want to give nice answers to Yoosung! :"3 💖 One illustration I lost was the one of Rika with the plants, so I'll have to replay.. I think the Ray after ending. I know I already earned that one. I lost Jaehee's Valentine's illus twice, but it's no big deal because they're free after you buy the episodes once. :p I swear I keep losing the same Zen picture on the first row in his album.
Chichichi~ Actually, if I had only known how much I would have ended up spending, I really should have just bought the VIP kits. Without getting a single thing of merch, I calculated over $200. T __T orz I actually really like the illustration on the Yoosung pillow. I have it as my banner thingy here. Maybe a plush sometime, that'd be nice. At this point I'd have to see the gains if I did end up getting the packs sometime. I need to finally get a new income then I'll think about it. + 3+ Oh man, I actually did look at the official site before I finished a playthrough actually. I still remember that one ama where the characters wear glasses and I was like "wahwahwahwah???"
Aww ♥ I'm happy~ Honestly really happy that I was able to brighten your day a bit, you brightened my day as well! ; v; I feel you, though. With Mystic Messenger, sometimes I just want to gush about something and sometimes I feel like I have no one to gush to.
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Let's see for the ask game, frostironstrange:
C because you are cute
K because you are kind
I because I love you:)♡
And T because why the hell not ~_^
Thank you very much for the ask and for being so sweet. 💕
C for Cuddling
How do they cuddle?
I looooove thinking about them cuddling. They probably take turn to be in the middle and have the warmth or coldness (Jotun stuff y'know). I can spend hours thinking about them cuddling, snuggling and napping together. Tony is basically a koala and absolutely a clingy bf. But they all are. Stephen is often the one giving cuddles to his needy bfs but he totally can spend long hours being showed with affection and comfort by his bfs when they cuddle together. I love all the FrostIronStrange cuddles. I think they love their cuddles very much too and they take it very seriously. Nobody is allowed to bother them or to interrupt during their cuddling time (except is they want to have a slow and painful death).
(warning: I'm going to be more crude than I am usually on here, the next questions and my answers will clearly be nsft)
K for Kink
What's their secret kink?
Let's be honest: they're huge kinky sluts. The three of them. And magic indeed opens infinites possibilities. There have like... So many kinks i think?? Thigh-high boots with high heels, leather (especially Asgardian quality leather), D/s dynamics, humiliation/degradation, tentacles.....
But among the first coming to my mind:
For Stephen: tentacles, degradation/humiliation, tight leather suit (cf his slutty comics suit), bondage, being choked, masochism/sadism....
Loki: objectification/dehumanization, bondage, leather, masochism/sadism, knife play, daddy kink, king or prince or god/worshippers or villain/heroes or master/slave roleplay...
For Tony: everything bc he's just a whore dehumanization, humiliation, daddy kink/ageplay (as a Little) (Stephen prefers to be a Caregiver/daddy and Loki can be both (but i like a lot when he's a daddy too)), *yeets every kink ever on him*
I for Imagination
What do they fantasize about?
The cool thing is that they were or are able to realize a lot of the fantaisies they wanted to try in reality. Tentacles has always been one of Stephen's huge fantasize: done. Loki always fantasized about being loved, respected and trusted: it came to reality with his lovers (also the roleplay scenes they often plan out and play are marvelous). Tony fantasized for a long time about having partners he could trust enough for more hard kinks.
I feel like this question is somewhat redundant with the one before but in any case, having trustworthy and loving partners allow them to bring to reality a lot of the fantasies and scenes they wanted to try (and i precise that not all fantasies are meant to be realized ofc).
I want to talk more about daddy kink/ageplay/agere bc it takes a huge place in my FrostIronStrange headcanons but *shrugs*
T for Trust
How do they have rough sex?
Oh y'know. Bondage stuff. Some power play or roleplay with D/s dynamics, playing with each other until one (or several) of them finally surrender and submit. Making them mad with pleasure and/or pain until they beg for mercy.
Also: spit-roasting and dp. That's very important.
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