#War Against Sigma
wolfenwingsshop · 8 months
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Alright, so yeah, I keep talking about this War Against Sigma (or "WAS" for short) roleplay club I was in as a late teenager. I did this comic a long time ago (about.. 5-6 years?) - about one of the first... uh.. experiences I had. Forgive me, I tend to be wordy. (This may be an AuDHD thing, or just a Wolfie thing, but yeah.) This comic pretty much spells it all out, but long story short, TRY BEING AN X FANGIRL AND GETTING SAVED BY THE GUY. Holy crap. This was also like, maybe only the third, maybe fourth time I had ever interacted with X in this roleplay club, and ... hahahahha if you think I knew that they were planning on having an "X saves the girl" event and I WAS GONNA BE THE GIRL yeah no, no I didn't. The timing of this was winter/spring of 1997, if I recall correctly. I distinctly remember there still being snow on the ground right after this happened, cause I re-read the log file of this at school (on a 3.5 floppy!!!) over and over again at the local BOCES (it's an NY oc/ed school thing). Either way, this happened pretty early in my Maverick Hunting 'career', so to speak... Maybe 3-4 months? I was pretty fresh and green, honestly. I had only met X once before (oh god that was a hoot lemme tell you- saw him approach after a mission and immediately hid my OC behind a rock!!!) and, maybe talked once or twice prior. I barely knew him and then this happened! There's a lot more about WAS I'll be posting. I have lots of old sprites, artwork, and even a few log files that survived those days. My interactions with X, despite him being so very rare to spot, see, and interact with, were.. well... many. And as a lot of my friends now are screaming at me, maybe there was something going on that I was too dumb to figure out until.. well, 25 years later after this club fell apart and died. I started working on this memoir and preservation project and .. honestly my memories started making things click a bit.. Heckin' A, I was effin' dumb if that was the case.... Either way, I chalk WAS up as the only reason why I'm still breathing past high school. I dunno, but for someone who was stuck in a really abusive household (again, I was the scapegoat child of a narcissistic family system) and then also going to school where beatings and even more deadly attacks (knives for example) were a common concern... .. I dunno. Getting home and getting on AOL and hanging out with X, Zero and a bunch of other Maverick Hunters I made friends with, well.. that did something to give me a reason to keep going, y'know? I guess, enjoy the cringe or hate it. ::shrug:: This is something I did live through, though. I figure since X just turned 30, it's time to start getting the WAS stuff out there so people can see old 90s Mega Man fandom stuff that I still have in the recesses of my hard drives. Eventually I hope to finish a very long memoir (I'm thinking it's gonna be called "Among the Reploids" - a cute nod to the old Reploids Among US / RAU site I mentioned the other day that led me to WAS in the first place!) and upload it to AO3.. There's a lot already and I just finished the whole.. "Apple Tree" part - another big chunk of WAS for me, cause I had to deal with X bugging me every day for almost 2 weeks...! And, well, X had an apple tree.... And a green house....
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what the FUCK happens in cyberverse
Here's a list just off the top of my head, in no particular order. MASSIVE spoilers ahead.
-Wheeljack keeps making party drugs. This is not only accepted but wholly encouraged by the Autobots. He's made the bot equivalent to cocaine so strong it made grimlock physically unable to stop himself from running around the ship at mach 5. This was the basis for an entire episode. He's also made patches that give you a direct link to the Allspark that he passed out at a party specifically to get everyone as fucked up as physically possible. I cannot overemphasize that Optimus make no effort to stop this until things turn destructive on both occasions.
-Soundwave and Shockwave completely fucking hate each other and have a whole rivalry trying to be a better and more useful follower for Megatron than each other.
-Soundwave is a fucking memelord who will play clown music or dramatic riffs to dunk on people from the soundboard he has built into his hardware.
-theres a sort of liminal dimension referred to as Unspace that you can get stuck in and if you are there for too long you will straight up disintegrate. We see this happen to the entire crew aboard the arc from different timelines several times while the main timeline crew we follow tries to escape this fate, thus dooming dozens of other timelines.
-Cheetor is basically Allspark Jesus, and he's tired of all the fighting, so he tries to have Optimus and Megatron settle their differences once and for all. The chosen method for this was making them both play the Newlywed Game. They were both terrible at it, the MegOp Divorce agenda is alive and well.
-the Quintessons invade Cybertron and stick the entire population into a simulation a la The Matrix, which slowly drains their life force until they die. This kills countless unnamed Cybertronians, both Autobot and Decepticon, as well as Hound, who does not get to appear on screen.
-the Quintessons also catch Starscream, rip his face off, and modify him into an Eldritch tentacle beast with his brain attached to two other aliens, and then appoint that amalgamation as the judge that decides the fate of the universe in regards to whether they exterminate all life within it.
-Shockwave commits suicide for Megatron's approval. He launches his spark straight into the Allspark to taint it specifically as a last desperate fuck you to the autobots.
-Soundwave acquired laserbeak by just kind of grabbing a random bird out of the sky.
-Soundblaster is an ex-decepticon that left out of shame. That shame being Soundwave beating his ass in a beatboxing competition so fuckin hard he couldn't show his face around his faction anymore.
-The autobots keep starscream captive and try to get him to take a therapy session with the Arc's AI, and he starts out willing to actually give it a shot but said AI is kind of Stupid and screamer ends up tricking him into letting him escape through an air vent to go wreak havoc instead.
-Starscream also starts a suicide cult with the other Seekers, gains control of Vector Sigma and the Allspark, has the seekers forfeit their sparks to him, thus resulting in a cosmically powered Starscream. He uses that power to "remake" his followers into scraplets that he refers to as, with nothing but love in his tone, his "children."
-Shockwave and Wheeljack are shown to be ex lab partners. Shockwave has an army of drones that look exactly like his altmode that Wheeljack helped program. They are programmed to be able to break out into a coordinated dance number at any given time. Originally this was just to make Wheeljack laugh. Shockwave kept that function in throughout the entire war and initiates it the second there's a truce and Wheeljack asks to see it again.
-Shockwave kidnaps Wheeljack at one point for Science Under Duress purposes and Wheeljack is too invested in all the sweet fuckin tech Shockwave's been making while they were apart to really care that he's being held against his will, and then proceeds to escape without too much issue because he knows Shockwave well enough to know exactly how to disable everything.
-Bumblebee distracts the Decepticons by running in front of their surveillance cameras and shaking his ass in the most underwhelming way imaginable.
-Grimlock is only stupid when he's in his altmode because it takes a lot of power to sustain and he has to sacrifice some of his higher brain functions to keep it manageable. In robot mode he talks like he went to an Ivy League college and knows what champagne tastes like. He throws upscale parties every chance he gets.
-Grimlock also helped start an anticapitalist revolution with Bumblebee when he found an underground society of insect transformers that had a rigid caste system. This was within moments of finding out that the ultra wealthy were hoarding the limited energon reserves for themselves. Grimlock is a comrade and he does not fuck around.
-Skybyte is here and he sounds like Skeletor.
-Windblade and Slipstream are nemeses and somehow it's even more toxic yuri coded than Arcee and airachnid in tfp.
-speaking of Arcee, she's besties with Grimlock. They at one point have a physical fight over who gets to die to protect the other.
-hot rod and soundwave are forced to share leadership over the team of bots and cons that escaped the quintessons' simulation and it's packed with so much homoerotic tension its unreal.
-Maccadam is some kind of lovecraftian war machine that can unfold himself into a whole armory whenever he feels like it. We have no idea what his whole altmode looks like, all we see are the ominous shadows of the weapons on the walls. He uses this specifically as a threat to keep anyone from fighting in his bar bc he's insistent it remain neutral ground. He also can kinda just. See into the future. And casually drops prophecies that get written off as spoonerisms until they turn out to be relevant.
-Optimus Prime has horrific social anxiety that he can kind of power through when he's in a crisis, but the second things are chill and he has to give a speech at a party or something he simply does not know how to function.
-the entire planet of Velocitron gets taken over by cosmic rust and everyone inhabiting it that couldn't escape in time was killed horrifically.
-cosmos is a girl and she hangs out with a dude named Meteorfire who is, for all intents and purposes, just robot Steve Irwin.
-Astrotrain keeps closing doors in people's faces for the funny
-Megatron is killed by a version of himself from an alternate universe that went nuts and starting creating a master race of perfect Decepticons to inhabit Cybertron. Said perfect Decepticons were carbon copies of idw Tarn in all but personality.
-Acidstorm is canonically genderfluid and keeps switching between male and female seeker frames whenever they feel like it
-Kup, who had not been in the show at all until this point, decides to show up and narrate an entire episode like hes giving a political speech.
And, the infamous one we all know and love
-Megatron is a twitch streamer and he livestreams Starscream's fucking funeral. The chat has custom Decepticon emotes.
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Lost and found
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: You dissapeared a month ago. You finally returned home.
Warning: OOC. Religious fanaticism. Non-descriptive torture. Reader almost get killed. English is my second language.
Normally, the atmosphere in the house was happy. Kids were playing on the playground, Akutagawa siblings often watch movies in the living room, Oda and Kunikida discussed books in the library. Sigma can start a spontaneous poker game. And much, much more.
But, most importantly, there were you.
In one moment, you were reading books with Poe, and Karl was sitting on your lap.
Next moment you were fooling around with Nikolai.
Then you were having a competition, where Tachihara with Teruko on his shoulders were racing against Tetchou with you on his back.
It was fun.
It didn't last.
The day you disappeared became the worst day of their lives.
No more laughing.
No more having fun.
They were searching for you.
Looking under every branch in the forest.
Breaking in every house, where people, that have even smallest disagreement with you.
Sleepless nights.
And constant search.
For their Dear Guiding Light.
Different religions have different things, that can be considered blasphemy. Yes, some acts can be called "universal" blasphemy. That everyone, no matter, where they are from and what their beliefs are, would call such acts blasphemy.
But, some religions, have something, that only for them will be viewed as blasphemy.
In Teyvat any resemblance to the All-Creator was the act of blasphemy. The worst sin. The High treason.
And sinners must be punished for the heinous act.
Creator would sit on their ivory throne and command their holy knights to destroy the Corruption.
Because The Embodiment of Divinity can't be wrong. Because The One, who brought life, are doing it for the good of the Teyvat.
So, when the news about another Sinner being spotted in Mondstadt reach Creator, they ordered their Divine Knights to Purge the Sin from Teyvat.
Creator love Teyvat. Creator love humans. Creator destroyed Celestia, an embodiment of Sin, that tried to destroy Creator, the moment they sat on the ivory throne.
Creator were freedom. That's why Barbatos didn't feel bad, commanding wings of Teyvat to feed the fire, that Knights of Favonius set, to burn the small cottage with you inside.
Creator were following their contact, the promise to protect Teyvat. That's why Morax didn't bat an eye, throwing a stone spear at a boat, where you were hiding.
Creator were internal. So Baal didn't regret unleashing the power of lightning on you.
Creator were a fake. It was real knowledge. But Real Sinner have power. Nahida were sorry, that she and Aranara's could give you only a small break.
Creator were Justice. Fontaine people were ready to hung you up. Real Sinner have power. Furina and Melusines were hiding you as long as they can. When you saw the enraged Neuvillette, who was ready to destroy the village, you left by your own accord.
For Creator, they would start a war. In Natlan you were almost caught. By pure luck, Columbina's attack didn't end your life.
Fatui's dream became reality, because of the Creator. Snezhnaya's people were ready to tear you apart.
Instead, they tie you up and drag you to the Ivory Throne.
You didn't like being transported to Teyvat.
Yes, it was beautiful. But, you missed your friends and family. You missed BSD Gang.
Worst of all, you didn't have your phone with you. You can't even try to reach out to your world.
You decide to find Traveler, or Abyss Sibling, or Alice. Maybe, they can send you home?
You wished you stay in the wilderness.
People of Teyvat hated you. Traveler hated you. Abyss Sibling hated you.
Everyone called you a disgrace. Sinner. Corruption, that must be purged.
They try to burn you alive.
They chased you like a wild animal.
They wanted to kill you.
And every person who tried to help you were punished.
You had no idea, what happened to Nahida and Aranaras. And you hopped that Yoimiya, her father, Furina and Melusines were fine.
You were captured a week ago.
Week, full of torture.
Of boiling water, that was poured down your throat.
"Dirty heretic! Accept the cleansing of your soul from impurities!"
Of hot iron on your skin. Of terrible scars on your chest.
And you were forced on your knees before an Ivory Throne.
Your exact double raise their hand.
And Five archons and one Hydro Sovereign attacked.
Arrows of Anemo. Spear of Geo. Sword of Electro. Wave of Hydro. Claymore of Pyro. Wave of Cryo.
You can't even scream. Boiling water burned your tongue and throat.
You were tried and wished for one thing.
To finally be safe.
The moment, before you were hit, the portal appeared under your legs.
It was nighttime.
All of them gather in the living room.
Another day of fruitless search.
And no trace of you.
Suddenly, they heard a noise from the outside. The empty barn was shaking. The wight light was visible through the cracks in the old wood.
Everyone hurried here.
Tetchou got here first and opened the door.
Light faded.
You were there
You were laying on the floor.
Tortured. Branded.
And alive.
Chaos started. No one can stay silent even for a second.
Yosano got near you in a second. Not only because she ran towards you. Tachihara and Akutagawa literally carried her to you. Yosano used her ability without second thought.
Now, healed, you were still laying on the floor. From time to time, you let out a quiet sobs and 'please, I just want to go home'.
Everyone was panicking. Asking if you were alright. If you will be okay.
Fukuchi carried you home.
You were unconscious.
They bathed you, change your clothes and try to make you as safe as possible.
You were laying on your bed, covered in every blanket they can find. They brought even their own blankets. Somewhere in there were laying Rimbaud's coat, that he cover you with.
Your room was full of people.
BSD Cast were sitting on the floor, on the windowsill, on the edge of your bed.
Everyone was there. Even kids were allowed to stay up.
They were sitting close to each other. No one could phantom a thought of leaving you even for a second.
The night was sleepless.
You thought, that you were dead in went to the afterlife.
Because, you can feel, that you were warm and laying on something soft.
You don't want to open your eyes. You wanted to stay in a warm, safe place.
More senses were back.
You heard birds singing.
And quiet sobs. Sound of steps.
And whispers.
"Myshonok, you can't leave us. Please, come back..."
"[Y/N], it's okay, take your time. You will soon be better, right? We will have fun pranking Vagabond..."
"The world without you will never be ideal... [Y/N]... Darling... Come back..."
Some voices sound closer.
"[Y/N]... Please, Birdy, woke up... My Dear, I missed you so much, please, come back!"
Someone was holding your hand, squeezing it. You feel, how, that someone's tears fall on your knuckles.
Another voice. This one touch your shoulder. The voice sounded broken.
"[Y/N], my precious Iris Flower... Wake up... I beg you..."
They also were crying...
Birdy... Iris Flower... Could it be?
You opened your eyes.
Two pair of eyes, one - dark brown, second - green and grayish came into your line of sigh.
Dazai Osamu and Nikolai Gogol.
Were you seeing things? Or you really were back.
You manage to whisper. You feel, that your tongue and throat weren't burned anymore.
"K-Kolya? Osamu?"
You looked around. Your friends were here.
"G-guys... E-Everyone..."
Before you can finish, you were swarmed by your friends.
Everyone tried to see you, to touch you. Kyuusaku, who manage to get to the front, climbed on your bed and hugged you.
"I knew it! I knew that you will be back! That you will return. B-because I told them all... that you will come back... you will certainly come back" Kyuusaku sobbed. Suddenly, they looked angry. "Where were you?! We were waiting for you... Searching for you... but you... completely, completely disappeared!"
You bit your lip and drew blood. For one moment, angry shouts of "SINNER" filled your ears.
Q cried again and hid their smeared face in your chest.
No. They are your friend. They won't hurt you.
You carefully hugged Q. You didn't feel any pain. You remind yourself to thank Yosano later.
"Good question, where were you, [Y/N]? Who... Hurt you?" spoke Mori. And you flinched.
One of the worst thing during The Imposter Hunt was Zhongli. More specifically, his voice, that sounds so similar to Mori's. During Nightmare-filled nights, that voice was cursing you, threaten you, promising to tear you apart.
In reality, you saw Zhongli saying that words. In your Nightmares, you saw Mori.
Zhongli made you scared of your friend!
Everyone noticed your reaction. Yosano spoke.
"[Y/N]... What happened? You were on a brick of death, when we found you..."
You still couldn't say a word. You were scared. You were terrified of returning to Teyvat.
Fukuzawa spoke next. He carefully picked up Kyuusaku and put them down on the floor. Then Fukuzawa with the same carefulness, propped you up against your pillow.
"We will discuss it later. Right now, [Y/N] need some food. Kitten, are you hungry?"
You slowly nodded. Oda, who was standing near the door, immediately left to get food from the kitchen.
The others stay in your room, looking at you.
This exact moment they made a promise to themselves.
They will destroy everything and everyone, who have hurt you.
And they will make sure, that this people will suffer.
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iridescentdove · 1 year
I need a BSD x Reader where it’s just the reader casually rizzing up everyone like no one is safe from the reader’s infinite rizz, not the ADA, not the PM, not the DOA, not the guild, and definitely not the Hunting Dogs, not even civilians; it’s literally everyone that is getting rizzed up, while the reader is aware and laughs and points at every clown they rizzed up.
various!BSD x reader
A/N: anon, I would like to point out how much I love you and this request right now. also, I put the reader in the port mafia for fun because why not.
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Absolutely speechless.
This is how everyone felt – well, whether whoever it may be, there was just one thing all could collectively agree on. They may all be feared and powerful factions that anyone could basically kneel down to, however ...
Who THE FUCK is this audacious person?
MORI was the first to witness your ass flirt with every single person you saw. But no, did you even care? Not at all. He stares, bewildered and mildly in concern as you came up to every single person you saw – completely distracted from the mission at hand as you asked women to step on you, choke you ...
He wants you throw you back from where you came from.
Oh wait, nevermind. You were now flirting with HIM. MORI is in even more shock at your confidence. Damn, pretty bold of you. But he actually thought you kinda hot fr. Elise still #1 bae tho
And somehow, you were taken up to being an executive. Everyone is morbid and utterly terrified.
How the fuck is someone like you an EXECUTIVE?? HELLO??
CHUUYA turns as red as his hair could ever be. Look man, he just wanted to complain about Dazai and you here just ..
"That fucking idiot Dazai! I'll rip him apart!"
"Yes daddy- I mean, can you do that to me too?"
"... What?"
"Ooh~ those fingers are so slender and pretty .."
"Mind if I ... caress them a little, babygorl?"
"(Y/N) WHAT-"
Aww, look at that, Chuuya is deader than Odasaku <3
But God forbid you be taken on important missions against another factiom because fuck man. All you're there for is 1% fighting, 99% rizzing.
Y'know when everything was in chaos in Yokohama bcz of the Guild trying to take over? Everyone's fighting their ass off, God knows where DAZAI is but no one cares, and you?? Uh yeah already guessed it.
Tryna rizz up the agency.
Like yes, they're in trouble, everyone is, we know but fuck war we want fictional men. And women.
"Are you lingo? Because we can make a good duo 😏" - you
"... Did you just make a duolingo pickup line" - kunikida
Man times when the port mafia and the agency are in a truce, you're there back and forth flirting nonstop. Everyone is red, turned on from your oh so amazing rizzler skills
DAZAI enjoys your company obviously. Both of you create so much chaos, but even sometimes you're so much worse than him. You're the only one who can actually surprise him. Like wtf bitch stop flirting with the damn secret police?? Uh??
You make suicidal jokes, whispering them so sexily in his ear he wanna take you to the bed right there mamasita lip bite
Oh, the Decay of Angels wanna achieve world domination? They can dominate sumn else if you know what I mean
No words can express how terrified u keep making everyone THAT'S FYODOR HE'LL KILL YOU WITH A TOUCH BITCH- oh wait nvm he's melting from all of your rizz and affection.
You are literally so sweet but so confusing. SIGMA sees you around the Sky Casino just chilling and flirting with everyone you see. He don't mind cause you hot anyway
The Guild kinda ... actually, no. They're not safe. FITZGERALD? More like Rizzgerald cause this bitch 'bout to get rizzed so hard he turns poor
Yeah .. I don't take it to heart.
You'll just be up in their ass even after the Yokohama incident. Literally all of them both love and hate you. "Should we throw her off a cliff or kiss her" "Idk the second option is kinda tempting tho" "Boss, what do we d-" "Both."
No one can escape from your rizz. Okay one time you got kidnapped by the fuckin Hunting Dogs but you just?? Started to rizz up and call JOUNO ur bbygorl?? He is seconds from slicing your head off but he gave up at this point.
Where you got that rose from 🤨
Why the fuck is romantic music playing 😐
You asked FUKUCHI himself to choke you and slam you against the wall. Not even an ounce of regret of fear.
Everyone officially is scared of you.
ANGO isn't free from this either, bitch. You'll strut into the room all happy to talk for a mission and all but ... uhh. "So you're from the Special Division? I can't blame you then ... I feel as if I have something special going on for you."
ANGO, internally: iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp-
Sadly, he is now a simp.
The fact his face turns so red is not unnoticed by you. You laugh, clowning everyone you literally rizzed up no joke. They're so in love with ur pretty/handsome/hot ass 😔
No one is free. If you find a pretty bird, ask it's hand for marriage. There is no other way but that.
Mk but the way you literally hit on AKUTAGAWA do be funny. Bitch is so oblivious, he just thinks you're another certain blonde hair slaying bitch 😳
By the time he actually knows you're rizzing him up by being more direct about your advances, he is questioning life.
But bcz you're SOO close to DAZAI maybeee we can ...
Work sumn out, you know? heh
One day the mafia just be chilling and BOOM heree comes the wh00000re~ hello wh000re~ welcome~ 😍
(i am so sorry if this offends someone it's a meme-)
Cue everyone sighing as you come in and start your daily routine which is rizzing. You'll be caressing KOUYOU's cheek, talking to CHUUYA with that sexy ass deep voice, whispering in MORI's ear, and everytime you breathe the vine boom sound effect comes off.
Can't say they don't like it though. We all know we have some horny deviants lovestruck little cuties <3 but let's just say it's hard being here with those hoes 😔✌️
Yet most especially,
*bites lip* (i am sorry.)
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truly-a-snitch · 11 months
Hi! Hi! I just discovered your blog and I have a request. So can I request Ranpo, Sigma and Dazai with a s/o who is like really calm and reserved in public but when they're alone together you can't separate them. Like a clingy, touchy, overprotective s/o who is reserved in public or at work. BUT if anyone hurts their partner they will go to war!! THEN afterwards come home and cuddle with them.
🍬 - Idk if you do the emoji things but I'm signing off with this one.
(You can just ignore this if you want, NO PRESSURE)
this is actually so cute. me and who
this sorta turned into just ways they show affection sorry i got carried away. jn my defense i love these three
warnings: none !! this is fluff but only sort of partially answers the prompt oopsies
Ranpo, Sigma, and Dazai with a reserved but affectionate S/O
ranpo is very affectionate no matter where you go so you two could not be more different in that regard
like. at home ? hes never not in your lap. shopping ? your arms Will be linked together (so he doesnt lose you, in his own words). at work ? he sidles up next to you and slings his legs over yours while he begrudgingly does his paperwork
he doesnt mind that youre more reserved when it comes to pda !! he knows how to tone it down when he gets to be too much
he just has a lot of love to give ok :-(
ranpo is 100% the type to just like. after a long day he will very dramatically splay himself across your lap and be like "ughhh im dying of boredom..... blehhhhh........."
his favorite activity is laying on top of you and demanding that you entertain him (any means possible) (especially reading to him)
he BITES !! leaves hickies on accident sometimes (he says hes sorry but like. is he really) and he encourages you to bite him right back fr. hes so silly i love him
admittedly he is a little upset he cant be as affectionate w you in public but he loves u enough that its ok and he makes up for it by not letting go of you from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed
has fallen asleep in your lap before. also has fallen asleep on top of you on the couch before. haha good luck getting up you cant youd disturb him
congrats on the cat boyfriend btw
silly... as somebody who runs a casino (yes he still runs the casino in my head. canon can get bent) he is very very busy, so he understands that there simply may not be time or energy to dedicate to him during working hours
affection shared between him is often that tired sort if only because after a full day the last thing he wants is something high energy
seeing as he spent a lot of time around fyodor, public physical contact of any kind is probably still a taboo hes deconstructing, so hes very much grateful that you arent really big on pda yourself (if only because he doesnt feel ready for all that at this point in time)
he likes to just lay against you, or hold your hand while he does his paperwork :3
big on forehead kisses. he loves them okay. the inherent tenderness of it makes him forget how to speak for a little bit he gets So flustered its actually the cutest thing ever
sigmas also a big big fan of massages (he runs on energy drinks, stress, and pure unfettered anxiety okay. i bet his muscles are Stiff)
and if you give him coffee...? doesnt matter if u made it or not. you are Getting Kissed
sleeping next to each other,, sleepy kissing,,, naps together,,,, top tier
sigma likes to just sit on the couch and watch tv with you. lay on him right now do it. diy weighted blanket
he treats you with fancy schmancy meals from the casino kitchens. you guys get to have date night where its just you watching tv and eating good food and drinking wine (hes a white wine guy you cant tell me otherwise)
dazai isnt super affectionate in public, hes sorta similar to you in that regard, but he still has to be touching you almost all the time
HES SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO his love language is annoying you so he will find the most inconvenient ways to Just Barely Touch You so that you have to talk to him and tell him to stop
getting home tho you get to literally watch the mask melt away. you sit down on the couch and he immediately just relaxes into you, he is ALL over u
(pspsps play with his hair. and like gently run ur nails over his scalp a lil bit. he gets so so sleepy when you do that)
dazai is so NEEDY w affection but he knows how to act like he doesnt want/need it in front of other ppl
if ur in private and ur not actively giving him attention. he will stare at u for a bit before practically tackling you. bro sprawls
hes not like AGAINST pda btw i forgot to touch on that its just that he prefers to be more private with his genuine romantic endeavors :3 like hell annoy you on purpose in public but behind closed doors hes a softie fr
dazai also bites as a love language like ranpo does but dazai is always careful not to accidentally bite too hard (ranpo may not give a fuck but dazai certainly does)
he rly likes laying on top of you. fair tbh laying on ur s/o is better than therapy
anyway overall hes very much like. purposely annoying or embarrassing in public but hes much more romantic behind closed doors
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 42
The Mara jumped from Tegan into the Fifth Doctor, then also affected Nyssa and Turlough. The Mara will stay with them all forever in the back of their minds. (Audio: The Cradle of the Snake)
The Brigadier has forced the Fourth Doctor to write apology and thank you letters before but always thoroughly edits them to make them more polite or completely rewrites it himself if they're too rude. (Novel: The Time Lord Letters)
Turlough had a childhood sweetheart named Deela. Since they had been teenagers, they decided to make the key to the vault of his winter palace their literal kiss. (Audio: Kiss of Death)
The Third Doctor taught Jo Venusian aikido. (Audio: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant)
While at the Academy, the Doctor wrote a paper dissecting romantic love. He concluded that love was nothing but chemicals and metabolites. His professor gave him an absolutely dreadful grade on it because the Doctor missed the point of the assignment entirely. (Audio: The Wormery)
The TARDIS recalls that the Ninth Doctor was beaten after losing a war "against Death." She misses this incarnation. (Short story: What the TARDIS thought of "Time Lord Victorious")
The TARDIS had a lot of issues trying to translate Peri's accent. (Audio: The Lost Planet)
Putting the sonic screwdriver through the laundry can result in all the dirt molecules being agitated until it forms a mud creature. (Comic: Laundro-Room of Doom)
The Eighth Doctor once became depressed with his model train set because he wanted something less perfect. After he returned from an adventure, he found that a disaster had occurred among his model trains. When he went to clean up, he saw that the miniature people in his train set had started putting things right, so he decided to let them fix it themselves and hopefully learn things from the experience. (Short story: Model Train Set)
At one point, the Doctor switched out the TARDIS stereo system for a micromodulator switch, which is capable of shrinking things, and forgot about it. The Tenth Doctor and Rose were accidentally shrunk using it, and while shrunk, he got stuck in a spider web. (Comic: Which Switch?)
Type 1 TARDISes were notoriously temperamental and sometimes attacked and consumed the scientists working on them. When the Eleventh Doctor managed to calm one down after winding up in early Gallifrey, Rassilon noticed this and had him work on developing Type 1s, taking advantage of his advanced knowledge. (Comic: The Lost Dimension)
When these scientists had asked who the Doctor was, he eventually decided to let everyone call him Theta-Sigma. (Comic: The Lost Dimension)
Vortex drillers were used by early Gallifreyans to tunnel through the time vortex. They were discontinued because of the damage this did to time. They kind of looked like castles, but instead of turrets, there were drills. There would be altars for Gallifreyan cults inside, and they had mineralic circuitry. (Audio: The Auton Infinity)
The War Master once manipulated Jo into thinking that he was her uncle. (Audio: A Quiet Night In)
"Theta Sigma" was simply a unique identifier used by the Doctor in his youth. It should not be spoken out loud outside of the Academy (not that this ever stopped many people who knew him at the time). (Novel: Falls the Shadow)
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yourveryowndesigirl · 4 months
Why did nobody tell me that Krishna was 89 years old when he gave Bhagwat geeta gyaan and became a charioteer for Arjuna. Not God open handedly starting a war at old age that too against million of soldiers. He's the real sigma y'all 😭
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askthehcc · 22 days
Skibidi toilet erm what the sigma
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Oh, Bdubs.
Bdubs: What do you MEAN, OH BDUBS?
Etho: It's skibidi toilet, isn't it? You know, don't you? Skibidi!
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: NO?
Cub: Oh, I know about this. I've been doing some research.
Cub: Skibidi toilet actually refers to a series of animated shorts that fall largely within the surrealist horror genre.
Cub: To some it's simply just a bunch of stained toilets with singing heads, fighting with a bunch of anthromorphised cameras...
Cub: But to others, it's a commentary on the violence and apathy inflicted upon the generation commonly referred to as "Gen Alpha" by their predecessors.
Cub: Skibidi toilet more accurately reflects the grim reality of our world, which is rife with poverty, power imbalance, and pervasive surveillance.
Cub: The grotesque visual imagery of the animated shorts stands out against the over-saturated, highly censored content that is finacially rewarded by advertisers who seek capalitistic gain.
Cub: The question is not What is Skibidi Toilet?
Cub: But on which side of the war do you fall?
Etho: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Yeah, see, Bdubs? Skibidi! Sigma!
Bdubs: That explains NOTHING.
Grian: Is Cub... okay?
Etho: I'm afraid to ask.
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A Pacifist’s Fury and Grief
The one of the things, I absolutely love about the Iwamoto manga, is the demostration of X’s grief and Fury in the wars.
This Fury was first shown to us in the final chapters of the X3 Manga
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Keep that in mind he never acted like this in the final chapters in the X1 and X2 Mangas. The way he acts like this shows that he’s at his limit. It doesn’t show it that often but fuck I love how it demonstrates, that he is not okay and how he views himself. How much he wants sigma dead so the wars can stop. He stopped him so the world is saved and everything is restoring itself so things are going to be okay!
Then the Replaforce mess happens and well…during a mission Blizzard Buffalo against Ice Walrus. Sacrificing himself to save X and look what happened…
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His friend died cause he was weak and helpless to stop walrus.
His mind and his heart where damaged convincing himself that…he needs to be stronger to stop this madness (Hi double for that speech 💥💥) going on a Rampage of grief and Fury. Going on a war path of destruction
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Enter the ultimate armor and if anyone read the manga knows what happens next…
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X was lost in the war that he nearly lost himself because of that grief and fury. To the point that he aims his weapon at Zero, his best friend. How his heart was so wounded from the battles that he nearly forgot who he was…thankfully he was reminded of his heart by General gently embracing him and sacrificing himself.
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Allowing himself to let go of his hatred and rage, and attempted to be better, embracing the blast. Cause of his heart that ultimate armor purifies it self.
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The Moral of the lesson here kids is to never invoke the Pacifist Fury.
Aka don’t piss of X or murk his loved ones.
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soupthatistohot · 11 months
BSD: An Absurdist Analysis - Chapter 111
"You simply can't kill me": Fukuzawa's refusal to die and Fyodor's folly
[BSD Absurdism Masterpost]
Fukuzawa is able to attack Fukuchi despite his many injuries, thus turning the tides of the war, is peak absurdism. Despite the odds, despite the fact that he’s literally been stabbed multiple times and is pitted against somebody with a really OP ability, he succeeded and was able to call off the airstrike that would’ve decimated Yokohama.
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There's not much more to say about that, I'll get more into it when Fukuchi's plan is explained in-depth. So, we then jump to Fyodor and Nikolai outside of Meursault. 
I’ll briefly point out the absurdity of Fyolai’s relationship because I haven’t gotten to analyze them yet, but I won’t go too deep because I know I’ll eventually get to them in my BSD manga re-read. I also don’t fully understand these two weirdos just yet, to be completely honest. So all I’ll say here is that their relationship is a complete paradox – being friends and allies but seeking to kill one another.
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I would like to focus mostly on Fyodor’s need to control in this scene because I think that’s a central part to the absurdist reading of why Dazai succeeds. This is directly addressed in the anime adaptation of this scene when Dazai explains how he survived (AKA what will likely occur in the next chapter), so I won’t get too deep into it just yet, but I do want to touch on it because I think I’ll be focusing on Dazai and the absurdity of the power of Soukoku in the next chapter a lot more. 
In any situation we’ve seen so far, Fyodor has elaborately planned things out so he has control over it. Not much takes him by surprise, and if there are any wrenches thrown into his plans, he’s always got something else to back him up (for example, when he was put into Meursault, he still had methods to execute his overarching plan with Fukuchi). His and Dazai’s intellect are often compared because of their ability to have a plan for any given outcome. The difference is that Dazai doesn’t really have control of many situations, he leaves a lot up to chance. 
The absurdist protagonist usually succeeds through strange means, taking a shot into the dark and hoping for the best (another good example is Aya jumping off the building). Fyodor doesn’t do this, though, his plans are not only premeditated but also allow him to pull all the strings, and this is best exemplified by his control over the vampires. Dazai’s plans are effective for a different reason, he’s able to predict outcomes up to a certain point, but he doesn’t have complete control over the situation. His plan in Meursault depended on his ability to gain Sigma’s trust, and (assuming the manga will follow the anime plot, which is very likely at this point) his ability to put his trust in Chuuya. 
Theoretically, having control over a situation would be optimal, because it allows the individual to manipulate — but reality is absurd. 
This is why Dazai succeeds as an absurdist protagonist. He doesn’t try to completely control reality, because that’s an impossible feat. Trying to control reality would mean that you have an understanding of it, and that you’ve figured out its meaning, which is impossible according to the philosophy of the absurd. 
The only thing an absurdist knows is that reality is absurd and the only effective way to exist is to not succumb to it. Therefore, Dazai embraces reality’s absurdity and leaves much of his plan up to chance, which is one of the only tactics that will be successful against Fyodor’s obsession with control. Fyodor’s mistake was thinking that he could play god and make sense of a world that inherently does not make sense and never will make sense. His attempt to control everything was an attempt to bend reality to his will, which is impossible.
And it bites him in the ass.
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mutantthedark · 8 months
What if Sigma dies instead of Soap?
(Insporation of the pose credits gonto @/sleepyconfusedpotato)
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Sigma gasped as her shoulder got shot by Makarov. He knocked Soap out to the ground as he and Captain Price tries to defuse the bomb, while Sigma is covering their backs. Makarov also shoots Price's shoulder, he comes up to him, putting his foot on his chest, aiming his pistol at Price's face.
"Take this to hell with you, Captain... Never bury your enemies alive..." Makarov said bluntly, until Sigma comes right behind him and stabs his shoulder with her combat knife.
Makarov grunts in pain, but he fought back. He grabs Sigma's left arm and breaks it, Price was about to get up and help, but Makarov kicks his face, throwing him on the ground again and he shots Sigma's temple, blowing her brains out. She passes out on the ground in cold blood. Soap's eyes widens in shock, And also did Price's. 
Soap feels his heart shattered in thousand pieces. "NOO!!" He yelled, now seeing Sigma's dead, cold body on the ground. 
Ghost and Gaz came a little too late. But arrived as quickly as they could to return the fire, "Price, Johnny, Sigma!" Ghost yelled, killing the Konni group, Makarov ran away, Price was about to stop him, but the bullet train ran right into it, losing Makarov's tracks.
"Bloody hell!" Ghost cursed.
Soap quickly runs to Sigma's lifeless body, she laid there, the blood splattered around.
"No..." Soap mutters, he carefully picked Sigma's body up, holding her in his arms, his expression turns into pain, her bright ocean blue eyes who are still open, her temple is bleeding too, he carefully brushes black bangs out of her face.
"Sigma... No...!" Soap's voice cracks into sadness, Ghost kneels down in front of them, Gaz sighs shakily. "She's gone, Captain... the bomb-- how do we stop it?" 
Gaz crouches and looks at the bomb's components. Price looks at Soap who's holding Sigma in her arms, Price grits his teeth and turns into bomb.
"Alright, find the red wire. RED ONLY -- Soap said we cut it together --on "3". Copy?" Price grabbed the red wire. 
"Rog. On three!" Gaz also holding the red wire, in Countdown.*
"One...Two...Three!" By that, they together cut the red wire, the beeping stopped, Price and Gaz sighed in relief, the bomb is defused. They turned their heads to Soap and Ghost, who's still examining Sigma's body, Soap is still holding her. 
Price feels the pain too in his heart, Gaz has no words left out of his mouth. They lost a perfect soldier who's supporting the most dangerous situations...
Price immediately went through his comms on his vest, pushing the PTT, "All stations -this is bravo in the blind. Threat neutralized. Bomb is safe... One KIA."
Price informs it, staring at Sigma's cold body. A young, American brave ex-airwoman fought till the very end. 
Soap's eyes sting in pain, then a tear fall down his cheek, he hoped Sigma would hug him back. They were close friends, they understood each other right, protecting their backs. Now she is dead, never to return. 
"I'm sorry..." Soap mutters in his Scottish accent, putting his forehead against hers, he hoped it was all a nightmare, a horrible one, just a nightmare. But it's not a dream anymore, it's a cruel war, war is suicide. But the chaos is real.
They put Sigma to rest, still not ready to say goodbye, yet. Soap is not happy how it ended, the fear is running on his mind. Sigma's aunt, Lala, also fell apart, not believing her ears what she heard.
With that, the funeral began outside. The sunset is almost setting, giving beautiful red colors in the sky.  Gaz, Soap, Price, and Ghost. Of course, Sigma's allies and soldiers from the Air Force academy, they also cared about her. Soap is lost in thought, with no emotions in his eyes.  Sigma's aunt, Lala brought Ruby in the furenal, she runs to the coffin and puts her paws on it, the coffin is also coverd with American flag. Ruby whimpers softly in sadness, putting her paws on the ground and lays down.
With that, a young woman, who has red hair and amber eyes, puts her hand on the coffin, paying respect.
"Aim High... Fly-Fight-Win... You were one of the best, Connors... Sleep easy." She says with full in emotions, tears in her eyes.
Soap remembers something that he wouldn't never forget... Sigma promised them when the chaos is over, they'll go to the Hawaii, make a vacation to relax. Now it's no use, and he knows the chaos will never stop...
With that, he feels something inside, like Sigma is hugging him, because she is...
"Yep, I know I made my promise, but you should move on. I'm leaving everything to you. Goodbye, Johnny..."
Okay, I wrote this 2 months ago after Cod mwiii was released, again. I'm sorry for this. This is originally posted on Ao3, but I fixed a few stuff here. So yea, don't attack me... I'm not a good writer so I apologize.
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sayuricorner · 1 month
Neglected Decepticon Heir AU - One-shot: The Birth of Ironshard
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s a bit confusing! ^^’
Here we go with a one-shot from my TFG1 AU: Neglected Decepticon Heir AU! ^^
This one-shot will be about Ironshard's creation and how he ended up in Starscream's and Soundwave's care!
If you had any question regarding the AU don’t hesitate to ask! ^^
And if you want to use this AU go ahead, just don’t forget to tag and credite me please! ^^
Cybertron; Iacon; Decepticons's headquarters:
Starscream was standing in the throne room alongside Shockwave, a scold on his face.
The whole Decepticon army was present on Megatron's order for an “important announcement”.
This just made the SIC snort in disdain, he bet the fool came up with another stupid plan against the Autobots which will fail.
How pathetic! If Starscream was the Decepticons’s leader they would have won this blasted war long ago! 
He was keeping on rambling in his thoughts until Megatron finally appeared with Soundwave, to the Seeker’s confusion the Decepticon tyrant was holding something small wrapped in a purple fabric. 
Megatron walked toward his throne and turned around to stand face to face with his army before speaking in a booming and authoritarian voice.
“-Decepticons! Today a new step to our future victory against the Autobots has been made! With a few of our mechs I managed to infiltrate the depths of Cybertron to Vector Sigma right under those blasted Autobots’s noses and to bring to this world one important advantage to our cause which will ensure our enemies’s inevitable downfall!”
Blah blah blah! How many times Starscream had heard Megatron say that?
For all his great eloquence and strength, the old fool still had to give concrete results!
“-And so Decepticons! I present to you all the heir to the Decepticons’s throne!”
Wait what?
Starscream could only stare in shock with wide eyes as Megatron unwrapped the fabric revealing a little Sparkling in a black and purple armor, staring at the whole room with big red confused optics.
“-Behold Ironshard! The future leader of the Decepticons!”
To say that Starscream was angry was an understatement.
Megatron could have done so many things during his infiltration mission to Vector Sigma: he could have created more soldiers, attacking and taking over Vector Sygma from the inside and gaining a big advantage over the Autobots or even steal the Allspark which was within Vector Sigma.
But noooooooo! Instead Megatron decided to pick the most wasteful option and by connecting his spark directly with Vector Sygma had created a Sparkling!
A Sparkling! A fragging Sparkling! Another mouth to feed when energon ressources aren’t high!
“-Starscream, we heard you ranting about it the 10 first times! And honestly, it’s becoming annoying!”
“-Oh don’t waste your vocal processor TC! You and I know dear Screamer is only pissed because now there’s a “Megatron Jr” around his chances to be “the new Decepticons’s leader” are now thinner!”
Starscream throwed a dark glare at his trinemates.
Thundercracker looked very annoyed while Skywarp was grinning at him as if his trineleader’s outburst was the funniest thing existing.
As much as he wanted to snap back, the Decepticon SIC knew that Skywarp wasn’t wrong.
For all his barking about potential resources problems, Starscream’s anger was actually about Megatron’s spawn’s own existence, or rather about the meaning of the spawn’s existence.
For a long time he planned and plotted to get rid of Megatron and take his rightful place as the leader of the Decepticons but now an official “heir” existing made his plans to be leader harder.
Why in Primus’s name does the universe always seem out to get him?
A noise from his com broke Starscream from his reflection and the seeker quickly picked up.
“-What is it?” He asked, annoyed.
“-Starscream: must come to Megatron’s quarters immediately: Megatron’s orders!” Soundwave’s robotic voice resonated through the com.
“-Very well! Tell “Lord Megatron” that I’ll be here soon!” Starscream answering with a tone drowning in sarcasm.
The seeker quickly closed his com and begin to walk through the door when he heard Skywarp laughing behind him.
“-Good luck Screamer! Don’t get too much on Megatron’s nerves!”
Starscream just sighed, and he was sure he also heard Thundercracker sighing at the same time, at his trinemate’s behavior before keeping walking toward Megatron’s quarters.
Whatever the old fool could have wanted with him, it couldn’t be any worse than everything happening today!
He took back what he said earlier: it was worse!
“-You hear me right!” Megatron stated.”My heir needs to be taken care of and taught the Deceptions way to become a worthy leader in the future! But I have a war to win, Autobots to crush! I have no time for such trivial matters! That’s why you and Soundwave will take care of Ironshard and make sure he is properly educated!” 
He couldn't be serious? Him? Starscream? Taking care of a Sparkling?
It was outrageous!
“-Understood. Task accepted.” Soundwave stated in his emotionless synthetic voice.
“-Excellent!” Megatron replied, satisfied. ”Make sure he becomes a warrior worthy of the name! Make him strong! Ruthless! A worthy heir to the Decepticon cause and to my throne! I leave the details to you!”
“-Lord Megatron you can’t be serious?” Starscream whined.”I’m the second in command, I have way more important duties to do! I don’t have time to take care of a Sparkling!”
“-Are you refusing a direct order, Starscream?” Megatron asked.
“-No, no! Of course not.” The seeker quickly said.”I’m just saying that I don’t think it would be reasonable or even practical for me to raise your heir while being the second in command and the air force commander at the same time!”
“-And I don’t care about what your opinion is! You will raise my heir into a perfect Decepticon and that final!” Megatron told with a point of irritation in his voice.
“-But Megatron this is ridiculo- Ack!”
Megatron suddenly grabbed Starscream’s throat in a firm grip, the tyrant looking now angry.
“-I think I haven't been clear Starscream: I ORDER you and Soundwave to take care of MY HEIR and to ensure his education to teach him the Deception way to make him worthy of being the future Decepticons leader and unless you want a reminder of who give the orders in this army, you will do as I command!”
He then squeezed his grip making the Seeker agonize in pain.
“-Am I being clear?”
“-Y-yes… Cr-crystal clear…” Starscream articulated with difficulty.
Satisfied with the answer Megatron dropped Starscream on the floor.
“-Good! Now leave! I have a war to win and you and Soundwave have an heir to look after!”
“-... Yes, “Lord Megatron”!” The SIC said, his voice full of venom while rubbing his sore throat before leaving with Soundwave.
Starscream’s mood was sour when he and Soundwave, with Laserbeak on Soundwave’s shoulder, got to Ironshard's “nursery”, well, if you could call it a nursery.
The room, bathing in darkness with only a little light barely illuminating the center of the room, was sparsely decorated, with only a makeshift crib and playpen.
The sound of machinery could be heard in the background in a constant “hum” and the air thick with the strong smell of oil.
Not really a decent room for a Sparkling’s nursery, then again, with the war going on and the energon ressources problems they were facing, the Decepticons didn’t had good accommodations in a long time. So, it was not surprising that this wouldn’t be any different for a Sparkling’s room.
Said Sparkling was in the “crib” looking at the two adult Cybertronians with big round curious red optics.
The Sparkling, Ironshard Starscream recalled, in Megatron's hand looked tiny, but now Starscream could look at him closer the Sparkling seemed bigger than the few Sparklings he had seen in Vos back on Cybertron before the war.
Then again, considering who his creator was, Starscream can guess it was pretty normal for a grounder Sparkling to be bigger than a Seekerling of the same age.
Still, this was not changing the ridiculousness of the situation!
“-This is preposterous! I’m the Decepticons SIC and air commander! I should be planning for the next battle against the Autobots, not be some kind of… of glorified nanny for a scraplet!”
“-Megatron’s order: non-negotiable!; Ironshard: heir of Megatron and future of the Decepticons!; Ironshard's upbringing: primordial for the cause!”
The Seeker sneered at the TIC with scorn.
Of course Soundwave would defend Megatron's orders and his “little project”, what expecting else from one of Megatron's favorites lapdogs?
A series of clicks and chirps get his attention and Starscream looks down to see Ironshard looking at him and doing a “pick me up” motion.
“-Oh no! No no no no! Nope! Absolutely not! If you think for one moment that I will indulge you with cuddles you’re wrong!” 
The Sparkling only insisted harder, he even began to whine in a tone which looked like a demand.
Soundwave made a disapproving sound as if it was to criticize Starscream’s behavior.
“-Don’t start with me Soundwave! We have been ordered to take care of him and educate him to become “a Decepticon worthy of the name” not to coddle him and being all mushy-mushy, we are not bleeding-spark Autobots!-”
“-”Starscream! Soundwave! The Sparkling is climbing the crib!” Laserbeak’s alarmed screams startled them both.
They quickly turned their heads, their optics went wide in alarm at the sight of Ironshard having climbed the crib…
And begin to dangerously tumble.
Starscream and Soundwave both let out a panicked scream and the Seeker quickly throws himself to catch the Sparkling before he could fall.
In a panic frenzy, Starscream examined the Sparkling from head to toe for any injuries and loudly sighed in relief once he was sure Ironshard was fine.
He heard behind him Soundwave letting out a relieved sigh and Starscream then turned back his attention toward a bubbling Ironshard with an angry scowl on his face.
The little Sparkling, completely oblivious of the Seeker’s anger, took profit from Starscream having brought him closer to him to give him a hug and let out happy content chirps which made Starscream stop dead his angry diatribe to look at the Sparkling for a few seconds realizing something in a very big confusion.
Did… Did the little scraplet voluntarily climb the crib to push him to hold him in his servos so he could cuddle him? 
Oh that cunning little!- 
The seeker let out a big frustrated, tired sigh.
“-Online for not even a solar cycle and you're already as stubborn as your sire!” 
The Sparkling only cooed and kept snuggling against the seeker’s platting.
“-Query: beginning of operation: Sparkling caretaking?” Soundwave interrupted his thoughts.
The Seeker started at the TIC before sighing and narrowed his optics at him.
“-Very well! But let’s be clear, Soundwave! If we’re to raise him, we’re going to do it on my terms so he will not become some foolish brute like his creator! So like this when I’ll be the Deceptions leader he will!-” Starscream paused for a few seconds, thinking of what he just before his faceplates morphed in realization, his optics staring at the Sparkling.
Yes, of course! Why didn’t he think about this earlier?
He is going to raise  the heir of the Decepticons’s throne, the future of the cause, a blank canvas he can shape into his vision!
Well, sure Soundwave will participate in the upbringing but the main thing here is a Megatron will have no part in it!
He will have no say, no influence, not even a little input, the old fool preferring focusing on the war rather than educating his own heir into becoming a Decepticon leader, leaving to Starscream total free reign to raise the scraplet-no! Ironshard how he wants and turning Megatron’s so-called legacy into his own!
And when Starscream will finally dethrone Megatron and take his rightful place as the Decepticons leader, he will then make Ironshard HIS heir and secure HIS legitimacy and legacy!
With this plan, he will crush Megatron in every way possible! This will be his greatest victory against him!
It was perfect!
A sly smile appeared on Starscream’s face, he then cradled Ironshard in his arms, making sure the Sparkling was comfortably settled.
“-Well little one, looks like I’m going to be stuck with you! So, let's see what we can make of you, shall we?” He said as he tickled Ironshard’s chin with one of his digits.
The Sparkling giggled and playfully grabbed the digit, an action which made Starscream’s expression slightly soften before he quickly recomposed himself.
“-Hum-hum… Well let’s begin with those lessons! Listen closely, Ironshard. Lesson number 1: Always watch your back, especially around your dear old sire!”
Soundwave just sighed at the scene, Laserback on his shoulder just started at the Seeker with annoyed optics.
This co-mentorship is not going to be easy. 
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Per aspera ad astra: “through adversity, to the stars”
The Vision
“You see a future in the stars?" Alpha Trion asked him quietly.
. . .
“The stars look endless to me,” he [Orion] said eventually. “Out there, you could just go and go, and there’d be enough space for everyone, and things to do and see that go on forever.” (CoP)
In an earlier post (Orion the Dreamer), I shared the full scene where Orion reveals his hopes and dreams to Alpha Trion.
And I mentioned in the previous post (Desire vs. Destiny) that it was Optimus’ deepest desire to peer behind the veil of life and study its secrets by collecting stories and seeking knowledge wherever he could find it.
Putting together both of these, one can see that Orion/Optimus’ personal vision for his life was to be a lifelong learner—one who learned through exploration, discovery of new life, the seeking of stories, and deep reflection.
Change of Plans
I will recover the AllSpark, thought Optimus Prime. Then I will retrace my steps across the galaxy and sow peace on my return wherever our initial exodus has inadvertently fomented division and war. (Exiles)
Life rarely goes as planned, as Optimus found out as the war dragged on.
Where a young Orion dreamt of setting out on his journey with curiosity and hope, a war-torn Optimus came to expect nothing more than a future quest of reparation and what he determined to be a moral duty.
A Fresh Glimpse of Hope
After so long, it was strange indeed to reach this planet again. Although I had heard it was full of life, I did not expect what we found—civilizations, technologies. For the last months, as we have been on final approach, we have learned to know them by their broadcasts, and though the others say nothing about it, what amazes me is how alike we are. Our bodies are different, our lifespans and our needs unalike, but what drives us and moves us is very much the same: humans talk about the heart, and Cybertronians the Spark; they love and fear, think and fight one another, as we do.
I looked for signs as we came within the light of their sun, and I find them everywhere—the many readings of Cybertronian technology on their world, the intensity of their struggles, the strange richness of their stories—against all odds, Unicron the Destroyer of Worlds has borne eons of life. I feel everything hangs in the balance. The Nemesis still pursues. We still track the AllSpark. So long this journey has been, and in spite of all its battles, so unchanging. (CoP)
Upon meeting and observing humans for himself, Optimus saw a glimpse of future potential—a future in which two very different, yet oddly similar species could learn and grow together, just as he’d wanted before the war. After all, Earth was also home to Unicron—the antithesis of Primus. There had to be a connection somewhere, and if not, Optimus intended to create one.
Of course, the war prevented him from getting his hopes too high, but judging from the fact that he trusted a human with the Key to Vector Sigma, it seems he allowed himself to hold onto a sliver of hope that humanity would not only survive the Cybertronian war, but would be part of Cybertron’s future in some way.
Endings and Epiphanies
I saw my death in the descent of the Dark Saber in Megatron's hand. I was surprised a little, disappointed. And then suddenly Megatron was no more. The reprieve was beyond belief. It shook me to my Spark and I felt suddenly with incredible force the fool I had been. I was not alone. I had never been alone, Prime or not. We, the Autobots, were one. (CoP)
After eons of hardship and carrying what he thought was primarily his burden to carry, Optimus was reminded that he was part of a greater whole.
The bigger goal was to see Autobots and Decepticons become one again, but this monumental shift in awareness was a necessary first step on Optimus’ journey to heal and open himself up to possibilities involving Cybertronians of either faction and humans.
A Shared Destiny
Thus ends the story of the Age of the Primes and of the origins of the Cybertronians, though not the whole story of course, for that is still being written in time and space on Earth, and all over the galaxy where the seeds and the sparks of life are growing.
I, Alpha Trion, one of the last Primes, now give this book into your hands, human friend, so that you shall know who your allies are, and your enemies also, how they are made, and where they have come from. Be sure that wherever and whenever you need our aid, the Autobots will respond to your call.
This is the Covenant of Primus, as given to all Cybertronians by right, and to humans by the last wish of Optimus, the Thirteenth Prime, so let it be.
Alpha Trion’s wording tells me humanity is probably the only other species that was given the Covenant of Primus.
This is incredible, to say the least. Of all the races Optimus encountered, he asked that humans be given one of the most sacred texts of the Cybertronian race.
But why humanity?
Well, Optimus firmly believed humans and Cybertronians shared a common destiny.
Alpha Trion, the relics, Unicron, the end of the war.
To Optimus, all of it pointed to Earth and humanity being an excellent starting point to launch into his original dream. He saw in humanity the future he’d endured so much hardship for: a future of learning and growing—not just alongside fellow Cybertronians, but alongside other races as well.
And depending on what each fan chooses to believe is the end of Optimus’ story, he either never got to see the fulfillment of his dream, or he did in some imagined way outside of canon.
Dreamers suffer more, but they also live more.
✧ ✧ ✧
Today, this post and the entire series are dedicated to Peter Cullen on his 82nd birthday, and to one of several beloved Optimi he’s poured so much of his heart and soul into. ❤️
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melded-galaxy · 11 months
The Call Out Post Poll
Dr Eggman - Regularly beats and berates Orbot and Cubot and left them stranded in deep space once, stripped metal sonic of his free will and voice after the latter went rogue in Heroes, also left metal to rust for over a year after the events of Sonic CD. He also left omega to rot in shadow's room for a long period of time. He rejected and manipulated Belle in the comics, despite her love for her former father. Clearly plays favourites - cares for Sage's wellbeing but fuck everyone else apparently lol
Dr Wily - manipulated protoman to go against his brother and other creator dr light, has tried to destroy bass on multiple occasions after he went rogue, attempted to infect every robot with robo-rabies lite in mm10, infected his last creation zero with super robo-rabies which subsequently spread to sigma when zero was released, leading to a war that almost killed the entire human race. Did fix blues up when he found him though, and left the cure for robo-rabies lite behind after megaman rescued him post mm10.
Dr Neo Cortex - Despite caring for his daughteeeerr niece's life to the extent of risking his own in Twinsanity, he cut off her hands and replaced them with mechanical ones, all to stop her from cuddling cute animals, instead her cyborg hands would crush the animals she attempted to handle. Sent nina to the same evil academy he himself was abused at - also, in some debatably canon backstories he intentionally killed most of his and ninas family in an explosion :( Also also he called nina a skank in crash of the titans :(( in crash 4, despite having implied fatherly feelings for crash, he put him and his sister through grueling trials and then subsequently attempted to kill him after he escaped and then many, many times after that
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Okay so so terribly sorry for being an insufferable person but. if you comment one of my posts with “[Sigma is] innocent on the basis of the casino being exempt from international laws” I'm literally obliged to correct you, I'm sorry, I physically can't ignore it, it's literally the object of study of my life. Saying that no international laws apply here is just factually incorrect! Twice at that!
First: it's absurd to suppose the sky casino has its own state jurisdiction on the basis that in no word you can consider the sky casino a state. According to the Montevideo Convention of 1933, art. 1:
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.
Sky casino fails to fulfill any of these criteria, and thus cannot be considered a state with its own jurisdiction. I don't think there's any need for me to elaborate on why the sky casino lacks a permanent population (its “population” consists of transitory customers), or a government (there's barely anything that can be considered legislature or executive and definitely no judiciary), or the capacity to enter into relations with the other states (we don't have any reason to assume it does). Finally, the sky casino platform cannot be considered a territory on the same basis that artificial islands aren't considered islands: for that we can refer to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, art. 60, par. 8:
Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.
Please also refer to the case of Sovereign Recognition of the Principality of Sealand, where the Principality's characteristic of being a World War Two anti-aircraft platform located within Britain's territorial waters makes it the perfect analogous case to compare to the sky casino; the platform's sovereignty isn't formally recognized by any country.
Concerning which jurisdiction the sky casino actually falls under, first of all we can refer to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, art. 1:
The contracting States recognize that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory.
So the sky casino's jurisdiction is the one of the state underneath it (most likely Japan).
In case the sky casino lies above high seas (all the sea spaces out of any country's jurisdiction), by the shared analogy between legal regime of sea spaces and airspaces, we can again refer to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, art. 92, par. 1:
Ships shall sail under the flag of one State only and, [...] shall be subject to its exclusive jurisdiction on the high seas.
So it'd be the jurisdiction of the country the sky casino is associated to, for example the one it was built in.
Second: no person, no matter their country or lack or thereof, no matter the jurisdiction they were subject to at the moment of the crime, is extent from international laws. Individuals are considered by the international law doctrine having international legal personality (together with other personalities, such as nations and international organizations) on the exact basis that, besides benefiting from international rights, they also have obligations in front of the international law, and those duties are exactly the duty to not commit international crimes (International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg, 1946 Judgment: “International law imposes duties and liabilities upon individuals as well as upon States”; “Crimes against international law are committed by men, not by abstract entities, and only by punishing individuals who commit such crimes can the provision of international law be enforced”).
Everyone is subject to international laws no matter the jurisdiction; it's just that no one realizes it because to actually commit international crimes means you have to screw up real bad (i.e. : commit crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes). Everyone being subject to international laws with no exceptions is. a huge thing. It means people will be held accountable even when their country decides not to process them. It permits‚ for example‚ the International Criminal Court to issue a warrant of arrest for the current president of Russia, despite we can take a guess that he'd never be processed by his country.
In conclusion: you can't say Sigma is extent from international laws, because no jurisdiction or person is extent from international laws. If anything, what you can do is argue he never committed any international crime, although that'd be hard on its own to sustain; the UN General Assembly condemned terrorism in its resolution 49/60, 1994:
Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them
not to mention he likely would have to answer for counterfeit coin too.
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novthewolf · 2 months
Words are louder than barks - Prologue
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Summary : Once again, the world was set on exterminating the threat that the rogues represented. Unfortunately for you, it slightly gets in the way of your special letter delivery. But your life might take another turn when you try to steal food from a horde of orcs. It might be the solution for your success and end the lingering curse creeping through your veins...
Warnings : first person POV, hunting, mention of blood, battle, violence, English isn’t my first language.
Parts : Next
Words : 1,8k
Paws scratching the ground roughly, rocks and branches digging into them. My breath was heavy and labored, lungs burning, as the hare was running away from me. I growled, frustrated. I was a fast wolf, a Sigma, commonly called a scout, and yet I couldn't catch that damn critter. I hadn't eaten correctly in days, and the need was making me weaker.
Sick of wasting my time, I pounced at the hare and opened my mouth widely to kill it. But, unfortunately for the animal, I missed and crashed violently on the ground, rolling on a few meters, ending up flat on my belly.
I huffed and groaned in pain. I slowly shifted back into human form and hit the muddy soil with your fist, in utter exasperation and rage. I cursed at the Moon Goddess, wondering why the hell she wouldn't let me make a successful hunt.
"Come on..." I sighed in defeat. "Don't tell me you're on their side too."
All around the world, almost every race declared a war against the rogues and lone werewolves. And, from as far as I could remember, I was always a lone wolf. Did that make me a rogue? I doubted that, but the rest of the world didn't; they knew for sure you were a ruthless and violent raider with no morals whatsoever.
Everywhere I went, people would chase you away, try to beat me, kill me. The last village I was denounced by the elves innkeepers and had to leave abruptly. I knew rogues raided and stole; hell, I was a thief myself! But what else could we do?
I pulled on the hems of my coat and ruffled my short hair. Yes, I was fully dressed, despite what some pervs might hope. My bag was still tightly secured on my back to ensure it stayed with my body when I shifted. I looked around and scanned the area, pushing my senses to high alerts. The forest was still, autumn overtaking the sweetness of summer. Critters were hiding due to the coldness that was settling in. Nothing particular came to my sight, but my ears peaked at the faraway sound of a camp.
A mischievous smile slowly painted my face. Well, here was dinner. I followed the sound softly, listening clearly if any scouts were roaming the land. I was thankful that the curse was forcing me to have my wolf ears constantly, allowing me to always stay as alert as possible. Oddly enough, there weren't any... I kept my guard up and smelled the air as I closed in. It wasn't a warrior camp; there were families, children, and women. Not mercenaries. I crouched down and observed the tents and gasped in fear as I recognized the deep green color of their skin. A horde of orcs...
Fuck. The orcs were a huge and freakishly strong race and weren't particularly fond of rogues. Well, who was? I sighed and started to back away, as I decided I wouldn't risk getting caught while stealing food from orcs. I would just have to find some berries or roots, something...
But suddenly, the ground started to shake, dozens of footsteps drumming against the soil. My ears peaked on my head, and I looked back, panicked.
"Oh no..." I mumbled, dreadful.
A huge group of ferals, beasts, and freaking rogues were charging toward the camp and, coincidentally, toward me. They were salivating at the single idea of going rampage.I rushed up and started running straight ahead.
"No, no, no, no!" I yelled and turned into my wolf form in a frenzy. My legs intertwined, and I tumbled down the small hill, right into the camp. I groaned in pain and froze when the children and the women who had stayed screamed in horror at the attack.
I whined awkwardly and looked up, seeing fifty shades of green running everywhere and huge animal forms jumping above me. I growled and jumped up, trying to run away. If I was caught in battle, I wouldn't be spared.
Sprinting toward the outlook of the area, I froze when I saw the warriors running back to their camp. The attackers distracted them to assault the weaks, like cowards. Other way, quick! I growled and took a sharp turn toward a tent to escape the orcs. I knocked my head against some kind of box behind the flap.
It was a stocking space with huge piles of fur, food, and medicines. Breathing heavily, shaken from the weird turn of events. I tried to compose myself and correctly evaluate the situation by stealthy sneaking over the flaps of the tent. I peeked outside and was drawn to a child's distinct scream.
My eyes widened in horror as a beast jumped high and attacked the little boy... Out of sheer instinct, I shifted back into hybrid form, pounced at the monster, and bit him furiously at the jugular, slashing it off. The toddler screamed and covered himself with his little hands, and despite my best effort, the blood of the coward covered his green skin.
"Drirka !" A bursting voice rang through the air, calling the child. As it went from the body, smothered in crimson red, I gazed back, my heart pounding in my head toward the orc.
I gulped as I took in the incredible height of the man. He must have been seven feet tall, chest and shoulder broad as mountains. Long black raven hair, messily braided from the battle and tusk ready to tear my throat for near the little boy, probably his child. He started to stroll toward us and I flinched back.
However, his progression was troubled by multiple furious beasts, and rogues jumped at him. My head snapped toward my right and I saw a feral growling and salivating at the sight of the small child. I growled back and stood in front of him. But my ears pulled me back toward another beast flexing his muscles as he stalked his prey.
I groaned until I felt the small child cling to my leg and cry in fear. I looked down, surprised at his trust and gestures. This boy seeked shelter in me, but I never had to truly fight for anyone before... Scared I wouldn't be able to protect him, I snatched him in my arms and sprinted toward a group of orcs, dodging the crazy beasts on my way.
The voice of the boy's father roared behind me, and the toddler hugged my neck tightly. "I'm so screwed..." I mumbled hurriedly, brows furrowed. The females were just as huge compared to me, their weary gazes stabbing through me just as much as they daggers pointed toward me would.
"Vasm !" I rushed to one of the less threatening ones, in the little bit of orcish I knew. I handed her the boy despite her flabbergasted face. I nodded and snapped my eyes up, searching for a way out. I saw one of the walls and knew it was my chance.
I gulped and sprinted toward it, zigzagging through the tents and the little flying axes. I dodged anything thrown my way, limbs burning and getting scrapped. When I finally reached the very border, I felt my heart rise up in utter relief...
Before it suddenly sank back down in my chest when a hand grabbed onto the back of my neck. I choked when it grabbed my throat and dragged me back. I clawed at his hand, snapping my teeth, but could never sink my teeth in it. My breath struggled to make its way to my airways while all it did was pick up the speed.
The orc smelled like blood, steel, and awfully strong pepper. But I swore there was a hint of the softest flower there was, the Luflora, the flower of the moon. I frowned and looked through my gagging and caught the dreadful sight of the damn warchief and the child's father.
He glared down at me and wasted no time before he punched me in the gut the moment we arrived back at the camp. Pain spread into my whole abdomen due to the enormous size of his fist, causing me to fold. Enough to bring my face to his own stomach. I bit down violently. However, Orc's skin was incredibly thick, and though I could break through it normally, my jaw was too slack due to the hit.
He let out a guttural growl and threw me down to the ground, my body hitting the ground, sending shock waves through it. He was too freakishly strong. I shook my head and snarled, sitting up. It was before he kicked his leather boots right in my temple.
My eyes teared up from the pain, time slowing, while my mind got blurry. I heard my own breathing, my own heartbeat, my eyes unfocused. The sounds around softly turned into eerie sounds. Sounds that made my heart clench weakly. I heard the laughter of the people longing for my death. I heard the sweet words of the ones whose dearest wish was to see me dead.
And I heard the voice of the one holding the ax right ahead of my head. The dripping shone through the moonlight, reflecting in my own red eyes, teasing me with my own fate. Damn you... damn the curse... damn my life.
"Wikad velethak... jiak kormanaj drepa lat!" He yelled, venom drooling from his voice right down my throat, straight to my soul.
"Slalria..." I begged breathlessly for mercy, of whom I wasn't sure. Was it the moon or her children? To the laughter taunting me and dragging me closer to their haunting hysteria? Or to the man whose green eyes strangely complimented my own?
He let out a loud yell, deep from his chest, rumbling up like an avalanche. He lowered his ax as I whimpered, the ringing of the barks of laughter blinding me. Stop that... stop that!
That when, abruptly, a small form of blurry green flashed before my eyes.
"Gor !" A young voice exclaimed angrily at the monster of an orc right in front of me.
The man froze immediately and started scolding his son right away for his recklessness. Black dots obscured my vision, and my eyes started to flutter.
Another voice, a woman, rushed to explain. "Pad adja ashmakkaruk mul!"
"Qet ?" The warchief responded in disbelief and definitely lowered his ax.
I had no idea what they had just said, and I honestly didn't care if I did.
All I cared for was the fact that everyone had finally quieted down.
Welcome to this orginal work ! Hop on !
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