#* {Emil Fromm; OC}
reiiishii · 19 days
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  ────── But the thought of fresh meat, it is making me ill       So I'm telling you that you'll be safe with me. ──────
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INDIE BLEACH MULTIMUSE Feat. Emil Fromm (OC) By: Edon (X)
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viisiond · 4 months
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Hi just a smidge of Emil info-
Brighella, quite possibly shares a position with Capitano
Former Black Serpent Knight within Khaenri'ah, he joined the Fatui around the same time as Pierro.
Electro Claymore (think beidou on steroids for an in game unit tbh)
He's probably loitering around Snezhnaya waiting for orders, but if not he'll be in Natlan with his fellow Harbingers.
more tba when I'm not exhausted
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reiiishii · 1 month
okay. Are you gonna use the new Schrift on me, Emil. Are you. 8^}
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".....no? What crawled up your ass and died this morning?" What happened to 'hello, how are you?' Boomers are fuckin weird man...
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reiiishii · 15 days
@soulwrought // Starter [Emil for Irys!]
"...how long have you worked for Quilge?"
It was an honest question but since they were working together, he didn't feel bad for asking. Curiosity was key in some situations.
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"I'm just wondering, seems like you've been apart of this for a long time."
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reiiishii · 16 days
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Sternritter H- The Heart {Emil Fromm}
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reiiishii · 17 days
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This official art of Emil's FC
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reiiishii · 18 days
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God's favorite traitors ♡
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reiiishii · 3 months
@biskael replied to your post “"Oh you want me dead? You want me to die? Fine do...”:
I trained you, gave you all the skills to murder anyone in your path, and this is how you treat me?
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"And while I am thankful for that, consider- I like using those skills on innocent people! Especially ones who don't deserve it!"
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reiiishii · 20 days
@jinjahime said: ❛ the problem brought its own solution. ❜ ( for emil from kisuke! ) Lost Meme // ???
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He barely had time to dodge when he noticed Quilge, even with a giant hole in his chest, got to his feet and took them out one by one. Coughing a little and shaking his head as he got to his feet, he tossed his axe in one hand.
"Look- I understand the whole hero thing is new for me but for fuck's sake- TRUST ME to handle him, just get that strawberry pimp freed and to Soul Society before they kill them all." Emil yelled at him before taking off pretty quick...not before shouting back at him while he decided to take on round 2 with the monster that used to be his mentor and commanding officer.
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reiiishii · 21 days
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Fight, little wolf, fight Show them that you've got some Bite, little wolf, bite Take advantage now and Strike, little wolf, strike Don't go down without a Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf Get up and fight
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reiiishii · 1 month
Choose between being a butcher or a pauper Honey, I'm taking no orders Gonna be Nobody's Soldier
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reiiishii · 1 month
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sits on the knowledge that Emil CAN summon a heilig boen but he uses it as his ace up his sleeve, he prefers using a blade (or in his case- Axe) to get up close and personal with people, if he loses that weapon he can just whip out his bow and keep fighting. He's really not afraid to fight dirty by any means, it's just about gauging how the fight he's in goes. Emil also uses his size to his advantage in a fight, he's small so it means he's super quick on his feet, and if his opponent is bigger than him it means easy pickings, he's far more used to fighting people bigger than him anyway. Plus his Schrift isn't suitable for combat, he can use it to catch others offguard, but he has never used it in a combat sense to either crush their hearts or seize them. So Emil prefers to fight with weapons than his schrift. As for his Volstandig, he turns into a giant wolf idk what to tell y'all- but he is very strong and VERY fast, the jaws of Hollenhund have a bite force of probably 19k PSI (Akin to an Orca), Emil could very well break someone in two with his Volstandig or perhaps rip them limb to limb. He's able to change in and out of this form pretty quickly (kind of akin to Bazz-B), but Emil only likes to bring out the 'other guy' when he has NO other choice or alternative.
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reiiishii · 1 month
@biskael said: " it's five in the morning. time to train. " ( to Emil, and that's the LATE hour, Emil ) Sparring Prompts // Accepting!
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The teenager groaned a little, of course this was the new normal- he truly couldn't catch a break but he wasn't complaining. A comfy bed and food was nothing to complain about after all...
This man, Quilge, was... intense. (he'd get used to it.) Never in Emil's life did he think he'd run into someone far more passionate about this empire of quincies than those he already ran into...
"'m up...." Spoken between yawns, Emil finally climbed out of bed and nodded to his superior, he took a moment to rub the sleep from his eyes as they started to focus.
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A tiny thing, but he was at least willing to listen to the other in order to get stronger. He slipped past him after a moment to get his uniform and his spirit weapon hanging off the side of the door handle.
"So what's on the agenda today, sir?" He posed the question as he rushed to get dressed, on the other side of the door his axe had been hanging off of at least this was waking him up more- because as it stood Emil was 5 seconds away from crawling back into bed.
stupid fifteen year old self, wanting nothing more than to sleep...
He finished soon enough and came back out to salute him properly. A bit of a mess but he'd straighten it up as the day went on.
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reiiishii · 1 month
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ok some small HCs on Emil since he's all I'm talking about today- - Emil is VERY good with kids, he will even let them climb all over him or fall asleep on him. - (potential) after TYBW he starts working for Urahara at his shop in Karakura town - He can't swim. - He's a polyglot [He can speak German, English, Japanese, Romansh, and VERY little French] (It took him YEARS to perfect his Japanese, and it's still not that very good but he's trying) - I lost the post but Emil is actually from Switzerland! - he does not get taller than 5'3".
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reiiishii · 1 month
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thinkin about how Emil joins the Hueco Mundo crew after the first invasion & they take care of Quilge,,,, i can confirm canon wise he would feel so fucking conflicted over turning traitor on the man who practically trained him and the one person he followed like a soldier,,, he'd absolutely hide out in Urahara's little tent to help however he can with information on the wandenreich but also because he just needs time (that he doesn't have) to think about everything that just happened,,,, He does eventually join Orihime and Chad to help train them (And work more on himself) but he is more than okay with keeping his distance considering he was originally their enemy.
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reiiishii · 1 month
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knowing that Emil grew up in the mountains and ended up being one of 4 survivors of a bandit raid on his hometown was what drove him to end up in the Wandenreich once he was 15, he just wanted to be useful and if he died, he was alright with it. It was a last ditch effort to make himself have something and it was worth it, even if Emil ended up abandoning everything because he found something he wanted more than what he built for himself,,,,
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