#* {Verse: TBD}
wxbslingers · 1 month
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+ @fairtsuki I Continued from here ( X )
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+ If SCIENCE and web-swinging hadn't proven to be his CALLING over the years, there MIGHT have been a career for him in COMEDY perhaps . With all the practice that he'd gotten through throwing some of either the BEST or the WORST quips at his opponents over the years, it had to have been good for SOMETHING . Other than completely making sure those opponents wanted to KILL him even more . As far as he was CONCERNED , now was a PERFECT opportunity to use them , even with the SHAKE of the head he'd seen from Mary Jane.
" What ? I thought that would be ROMANTIC ; not wanting to be asleep unless you're right here with me. " He teased as he wrapped his arms around her . " You're the ONLY thing that helps me sleep some nights. "
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watsonjackpot · 25 days
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+ @thrspidcr asked: “Is there something you want to tell me..?”
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+ " What ? ME ? Nooo, what could EVER give you that impression ? " Tossing the book she'd been READING onto the bed , Mary Jane was well aware of how much SARCASM was oozing out of her voice . She'd made it in an ATTEMPT to break any sort of TENSION in the air, but from the way she could feel her HEART beating in her chest ; it hadn't quite WORKED out that way . Gaze darting away from him, she sucked in a DEEP breath , trying to PULL any of the ways she'd rehearsed what she THOUGHT she'd say in a moment like this out of her MIND .
From the way every single one of them felt FOREIGN on her tongue , none of them were the RIGHT ones .
" So, um ... you got home LATE last night, right ? "
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indirecticn · 8 months
how it begins is purely accidental. at least, that's what he says to himself when recalling the heated moment outside that grimy excuse for a tavern in this spit of a midgardian city.
he didn't mean to follow the man, it just happened his path was also loki's path. he didn't mean to catch the man unawares when the man began to fumble in his jacket for what loki realizes is something of a knife.
a poor excuse for one, but sharp and winking in the moonlight, and a danger to midgardians at least.
but what loki did do, with all the intention to see it through poured into the action, was catch the man's wrist and twist it behind the man's back until the bones gave a most satisfying crack, paired with the man's hoarse holler.
and a woman's scream, there was that too, and he supposed she never had any intention of being mugged so two accidents and here loki was doing the right thing. sort of.
he had thought of it as a one time deal, a sort of, well.. i didn't MEAN to cross that path but since i DID, and since i needed a little action to work out this frustration on, why not save the day, just once?
but then it happened again... and again.... and again... and each time it became a little less accidental until loki was now watching for a foul midgardian to fuck up and deserve a bit of godly retribution. thor couldn't know, nor his friends, nor val (well maybe val would understand, he thought.) because they would put a stopper in this delicious new drought he was imbibing.
heroics in the shadows allowed for him to release the pent up energy, the pent up... something, gnawing at his bones like nidhoggr at the roots of the world tree. whatever it was he refused to name it and instead sated the sensation with blood and bone from those who deserved to have both spilled and broken.
it was a shame that his secret had a life of it's own and seemed to guide him to cross paths with yet another letch following some woman on purpose.
because the woman, in question, happened to be... " my lady, are you oh-oh fuck me with a norn stone."
loki had a foot on the man's back, the midgardian knocked clean out, and his hand had reached out to none other than doctor jane foster. of all the fucking people!
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draconigena440 · 1 month
Vladimir had known it was a risk and a bit of a spectacle to fly to Arendelle from Britain but he was bringing news and an inheritance that couldn't wait considering his and his brother's island nation was a ticking time bomb. So he mounted his brother's golden dragon in his battle armor and flew to his sister-in-law's kingdom to deliver the news of her husband's death. Caledonia was a massive creature so he knew Arendelle's people would likely be frightened so he made sure to land well away from the main gates and just waited for the retinue he knew would be coming. Thankful there was a mask covering his face considering he knew he likely looked as exhausted as he felt.
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little-earthquakes-rp · 2 months
@mythosisms : Closed Starter for Elysia & Skye
The moment Skye felt the cosmic pull he settled the bill and went through the round of goodbyes to his friends at the pub. They chided him about the earliness of his departure on a Friday night as he all but booked out the door. Driving a little faster than normal, he sped home knowing what was happening on the other end. There was a biting desperate need to get Ely as soon as possible.
It had only been a couple weeks since the witch unceremoniously entered into a young woman's nightmares. It had been a holiday weekend, and Skye thought to do a little traveling without leaving home aided by some edibles. About an hour into his trip, the compulsion to lay down became so strong he didn't resist. Outside on his hammock, he fell asleep almost underneath the starlit sky. The next thing he knew he found himself being pulled through the in-between by an instinct which eventually led him to Ely.
Rushing inside his home, he undressed as he made his way to the bedroom. Grabbing his cell out before he tossed his pants and crashed into bed. Quickly, he began searching for his favorite hypnosis track in case. Not that he needed it. Eyes closed he willed himself to sleep within the first few seconds. Skye's ability to control his sleep state had increased recently, and he wasn't sure why.
The pull into the astral was almost instant. His body was paralyzed in a sleep state, but his soul awoke. He felt the vibrational pull accompanied by the familiar swoosh as his consciousness lifted up and out from his body. Pausing he looked down and saw himself comfortably sleeping before he moved towards the bedroom door.
The moment he opened he was no longer in his home. Instead, in a vast hallway with several doors and multiple staircases taking him anywhere and sometimes nowhere. The liminal space felt infinite and was how he moved through the astral. It was always the same, the halls were painted a creamy beige with white tiles on the floor. The entire space is illuminated by buzzing fluorescent lights overhead and has all the appeal and comfort of industrial Cold War-era decor. Skye didn't even have to think. He let his feet guide him through a door trusting he was being drawn towards the tenacious woman.
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Countless screams and pleas echoed throughout but he was only concerned about one. Skye went to work immediately changing the scene. He colored over the smoky dark air with a blue sky and fluffy clouds. The torture soundtrack had to go. Instead, he filled the atmosphere with a backdrop of his favorite Bob Marley album as he continued on toward Ely pitched up on a throne made of bones.
It was a scene reminiscent of an 80's heavy metal album, and frankly, it disturbed him to the point he had to close his eyes for a moment as searing anger reared up. The best thing he could do was manipulate the state and rage would only get in the way. The torturous god, Hades stood with a flamed chained whip ready to strike her again, and with only a mental push he flipped the scene. The god disappeared instantaneously and the whip he wielded shattered as if made of ice as it hit the ground.
Skye comes upon Ely in her beaten state, and he shifts the bone throne into a plush purple couch. He only had to lift his hand for a wet cloth to appear before gently wiping it across her forehead. Shame ate away at him given the abuse she endured waiting for him, "I'm sorry it took me so long. I wasn't home when I got the call."
Skye took a knee and extended a hand resting it on her shoulder as guilt reflected in his eyes. Letting out a deep breath before he reassured her, "Everything is going to be alright now." As long as he remained here he'd have complete control.
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etdraconis · 3 months
@thebloodychampion asked: " "I don't have time to deal with this right now." (that is definitely sethius when he gets hurt, probs for Evelyn or Dorian) "
It took all of his self restraint not to his Sethius. Dorian knew that hitting a man who was already injured was not just a bad idea, but also quite impolite. When the man was your friend, and married to your closest friend, that made it seem even more wrong. Sometimes, however, the man in question was just so infuriating that Dorian wanted nothing more than to throttle him.
Now was one such moment, as the man fought Dorian's attempts to heal. The Altus sighed impatiently, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"You may not have time to deal with this, but I do not have time to deal with your wife when she learns I let you bandy about while injured! That wound might not kill you, but that does not mean you have to remain hurt when I can quite easily heal you in minutes. Now, will you please sit still and let me take care of it?"
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shyravenns · 2 years
The au that’s constantly on my mind is the one where both McCoy and Spock have prosthetic limbs. 
McCoy who lost his left arm during that scene in STID, and is given an arm that can easily connect with the ships medical database, so that he can access whoever’s files when necessary. It works as both a computer AND a tricorder, so he’s able to diagnose you by gently placing his hand on you and get a diagnoses on the spot. (Constantly monitoring Kirk’s vitals, especially after what happened with Khan. In the back of his mind he will always see Kirk’s vital signs go completely flat)
Spock who lost his right leg as a child after being bitten by the Le-Matya. The prosthetic itself doesn’t have any fancy features like McCoy’s, but it’s gorgeous. With Vulcan calligraphy and art painted on it, and it’s a beautiful shade of blue that blends in well with his science blue color of his shirt.  
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sankta-alina-s · 11 months
(continued from here) @starlsssankt
Alina did her best not to shrink back when Aleksander neared her, but her instincts couldn't ignore the sense of being near a predator. For a predator was what he was, far different than the dashing man she'd met at Genya's company party.
"You're fucking delusional is what you are," she said, the words near above a whisper.
The icy retort gave the impression Alina was more confident than she felt. The whole experience thus far felt as if it wasn't actually happening to her; it was the only way she could keep it together.
"This isn't a movie; you can't just get away with things like this."
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fire-branded · 2 months
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He has so many questions, but probably doesn't want the answer to most of them.
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spinxeret · 1 year
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+ @localwebslingers I Continued from here ( X )
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+ Mary Jane was NURSING her own slew of CUTS herself, along with a lingering SORENESS in places that she knew would translate into BRUISES by the time the next morning rolled around . Compared to the utter CHAOS that lay around both herself and a certain SUPERHERO though ? She had gotten the better end of the deal in every possible way. And not just because she wasn't currently laying on the GROUND groaning and nursing even WORSE soreness .
Clearly they had PICKED both the wrong night and the WRONG person to try and MUG .
" Are you KIDDING me ? It looks pretty bad to me ! " She answered in an incredulous tone . While she had never been an EXPERT in it , she had taken enough FIRST-AID classes in school to KNOW when something was only going to get WORSE if it wasn't treated quickly . What she was LOOKING at now seemed to fit that BILL in every possible way .
" I'm fine , I promise ... at least I THINK I am ... " The words had BARELY cleared her lips when she took a SMALL step forward, STUMBLING instantly as pain erupted throughout her entire leg .
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thehonoredwon · 4 months
Out of the frying pan...
Tai yelps as the ground disappears from beneath him and it takes a cycle or two through the loop before he teleports himself out of it. Shaken and annoyed, he looks for the source of the surprise attack as it dawns on him that he know the energy that created it well. Better than anything. The anger on his face morphs into an expression of relief and he picks himself up to see.... Oh. No that can't be right.
It's Suguru, except that it's not. This person is too old, too, cold to be his friend. His energy is denser and more refined and Tai isn't familiar with either of the curses the man just pulled out of his repertoire. Larimar eyes flickered from the girls rushing to his defense back to this other version of Suguru who sneered at him in a way that made Tai's oscillate between hot and cold.
He straightens his back, searching for the remnants of his dignity as the man closed the distance between them. Limitless asserted itself to stop him and his little finger gun from getting too much closer.
“The last thing I am is cheap”, he snapped back, bristling even more at the insinuation that he is some lesser recreation of whatever version of himself exists here. If this is the future- and all evidence suggests that is the case- then it stands to reason that there is, in fact, a more powerful Gojo wandering around somewhere. And that Tai doesn't measure up. And if that isn't just one more obnoxious, ego-bruising mystery to unravel.
“Why should I?” He shoots back at the demand, as if he actually had an explanation. As if he had any idea what desperate old man Suguru is talking about. He does have a theory as to how he got there, but there's no way to prove it yet. Evidence of his misadventure is written in the fine lines of his appearance that wouldn't catch most eyes, but this man isn't most people. He would know that the drying cuts on Tai's chin and left eyebrow shouldn't have been there, that the rips in the knees of his jeans were not a fashion statement. No wonder Suguru isn't impressed.
Tai's useless RAZR lies on the polished wooden floor between them, a tantalizing clue to his origins. He makes a grab for it, in an effort to retrieve it before his ”host” can.
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imthecleric · 7 months
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"Well you are. You are perfect."
[ @hiisheart - x ]
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watsonjackpot · 3 months
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+ @maddmuses liked for a one-liner ( for Felicia )
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+ " Explain. "
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wxbslingers · 16 days
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+ @twistedpurity I Continued from here ( X )
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+ No amount of FAST THINKING was helping her figure out a way OUT of this one . Not when it was CLEAR enough that she had been CAUGHT . RUSHING back out the window and into the NEW YORK CITY night was an option, and she genuinely CONSIDERED it . The only thing stopping her was knowing that she had to come home at SOME POINT . And knowing Mayday's parents, it would only take ONE phone-call to have the actual SPIDER-GIRL out looking for her .
Why was she CONSTANTLY put in situations where there was absolutely NO WAY for her to win ? This wasn't FAIR !
" ... I'm ... COSPLAYING ! " The answer sprang out of her from the MINUTE it entered her mind . This would TOTALLY be the thing to save her butt ! " I was going out onto the FIRE-ESCAPE to pose and take some photos ! "
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draconigena440 · 9 months
Vladimir felt more than heard the young woman his mother Igraine, brother Artur, sister Morgaine and uncle Myrddin told him about come up behind him as he was setting up what he would use as his office in Camboglanna's hospital, "Kiara yes?" He asked as he looked up and cocked his head ever-so slightly so he could hear her before carefully turning around. He was young, only twenty-three and he hoped the young Briton in front of him wouldn't be able to tell.
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lured-into-wonderland · 9 months
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Continued from [x] with @fallesto
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“So, that’s love for you…” – her eyes are sad; her voice is sad. She pities the most powerful man in the world who stands in front of her. Not that she really believes in the power of love. Not that she really believes love can change anyone or anything. But it’s still sad. She cannot fully explain why – “Pretty face, slim body, soft voice, long hair, and eyes… Has no-one ever been ready to offer you more?” – she is aware she’s like a piece of art to him. Frozen in time. But she also knows beauty is a curse. Beauty is terror. It overshadows everything else one might be.
She’s already used to him. To his long rants. To his vents that tells her more about his past than he’d ever be willing to tell her. In a way, they’re so similar. In a way, they’re so different. His words should insult her; the number that he throws at her face should offend her. But surprisingly it doesn’t. Deep inside he’s unhappy.
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“I do wish good things happen to you, Regulus.” – her voice is soft and honest; a single tear rolling down her cheek. She knows that whatever she tells him, her so-called husband, would not understand – “I don’t think bad about you…I couldn’t anymore.” – even if you kidnapped and disrespected me – “ But I still want more. I want you…” – she reaches her hand towards his cheek and gently caresses it – “I want you to see more in me than all these things you consider love…”
She tilts her head. She knows he will not understand. She doesn’t lie to herself. She will not be able to change him. She is naïve, but not that naïve. But nothing can stop her from trying. Perhaps if she succeeds, it will give them freedom. And perhaps then, they’ll be able to choose each other again.
“I want to show you what I consider love. I want to teach you how to accept love…” – and to reciprocate it. – “I want you Regulus but on my own terms” -- she wanted that from day one. She’s patient. She can wait. And with him she has all the time she needs.
“You can kiss me.” – she states; not that she expects he would.     
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