#* ย  ๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘‘๐‘ฆ ๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘  ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘š๐‘’. ย  โ€บโ€บ ย  answered.
felicitymegan ยท 9 months
@dinhlnceย said , a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand .
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there are times when felicity knows she's the smartest person in a room , a lot of the times she will find herself bored in the meetings at queen consolidated because while she's no where near educated enough about the business side of things she's pretty sure that she could figure it out quicker than whoever is talking about the different ways that they could make more money & screw over the less fortunate all while planning a billion dollar renovation to their fourth house that - anyway , she's quite smart , she'll leave it at that . it's times like these , though . when she feels like she didn't get three degrees at mit or graduate high school at fifteen or create any of the cool gadgets the team wears or - anyway , it's when dinah looks at her like that , gives her that little smile & don't even get her started on the feel of her soft lips on the back of her hand as if she's promising something felicity has zero time to think about . because thinking about it makes her stupid . it makes her giggle like a shy schoolgirl . what is it about the ridiculously attractive people in this town making her stupid ??? there's a blush that rises from her chest to her cheeks as dinah lifts her lips from the back of her hand & felicity resists the urge to keep her fingers clutched to dinah's and beg for ... whatever dinah wants if she's being honest . but she doesn't . she lets her hand fall & she turns back to her computer , eyes wide as she tries , desperately , to focus because she's not sure she will ever remember what the hell they were talking about . she just knows that dinah's probably about to get her way .
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felicitymegan ยท 9 months
@oliverjonasย said , you asked me once,ย  if i would ever take a chance on usโ€ฆmaybe that ship sailed.ย  but.ย  ask me again?ย  sometimeโ€” doesnโ€™t have to be today.ย  maybe tomorrow just.ย  ask me again.
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hope blossoms in her chest & she clears her throat , tucking her curls behind her ear . she wants to . she wants to right then & there . but she doesn't . she can't . not when there's all of this doubt in her mind that makes a beeline straight for her heart in ways she can't even explain . she doesn't want to be this way . so cautious with her heart . not with him . but they've gone through so much . they've put each other through so much . it wouldn't be fair , right ? it wouldn't be fair to bring all of that back up only for it to fall apart again . & she knows if she were a better woman she would tell him no , outright . she would tell him that she's so afraid of hurting him again that he should never ask her to ask him again because it will end the way it always ends . he will try his hardest , she will try hers . they will be happy . they will be each other's homes . then come the terrible people who know how much they mean to each other and try to tear them apart . then come the lies . then comes trying desperately to hold on to what they have , trying not to let the past affect the future she knows that they could have . then comes the end . over and over . how can he want that ? doesn't he know he doesn't deserve it ? doesn't he know that she doesn't think she can ever be someone who can stand the secrets that he has to keep from her ? not when she's watched secrets and lies destroy so many parts of her already , despite the way that a new beginning for them entices her so . it still gets stuck in her throat , the words she would kill to be able to say right now . ' i love you , i want us to work , i need you ' instead , she looks away , unable to keep his blue eyed gaze , so earnest & full of the same love that courses through her every hour of every day , on her . instead she takes his hand in hers , her thumb stroking the back of his hand steeling herself before she can look at him again . she's not a better woman but she's trying , she'll try harder tomorrow , the hope of the good finally outweighing the bad for them overpowering the doubt for the briefest second , making her weak , making her selfish . โย  count on it .ย ย โž
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
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@oliverjonasโ€‹ asked : give me a felicity as a mom hc
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felicity never really thought sheโ€™d have kids . like , not that she actively didnโ€™t want them she loves other peopleโ€™s kids ( baby sara specifically ) , she just thought it wasnโ€™t in the cards , sheโ€™d be too busy , she didnโ€™t know if sheโ€™d find someone sheโ€™d want to have kids with . before oliver . so , when william came into her life it wasnโ€™t really surprising to that she just immediately fell in love with him . like , she was going to do whatever it took in whatever capacity she was in his life to make sure he was happy . & when mia comes along , she likens it to graduating MIT, hacking into the doe at 19 & everything sheโ€™s done with team arrow all at once . mia is the greatest thing sheโ€™s ever done in her mind . she strives to be the best mom & kind of step-mom she can be while still being a vigilante & running her own company & dealing with the ever changing relationship she and oliver have .ย 
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
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@oliverjonasโ€‹ asked : โ€˜ ย not ย that ย you ย need ย my ย permission , ย but ย you ย deserve ย to ย be ย happy .ย  โ€™
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she thinks about mia , sleeping in the other room & she pauses picking up the toys scattered around her apartment to look up at him .ย nervous fingers fiddle with the ring on her finger , a symbol that she desperately clings to as tattered as the marriage it represents is . tears gather in her eyes and the hate she has for them is instant because she canโ€™t stand to cry under his gaze over a simple statement . even if she kind of balks the implications behind it . this isnโ€™t - itโ€™s not how she pictured this . once sheโ€™d allowed herself to picture it , a family . her family . their family . sheโ€™d been so sure a few years ago that if she had a baby , sheโ€™d give them the life they deserved despite what they did at night ( she wonโ€™t lie , there hadnโ€™t been a moment in the last six years that this particular quiet dream had starred anyone else but him ) . because theyโ€™d work , together , to do this . doing it apart is . . . hard . itโ€™s harder than she thought it would be .ย  but if this wasnโ€™t the way it happened , she might not have mia & thereโ€™s no part of her that regrets how their daughter came to be . not even a little bit .ย  ย โย  ย i am happyย . ย  โžย  ย she says , forcing herself to stop fidgeting with her ring & she runs her fingers frustratedly through the ends of her ponytail .ย  ย โย  ย weโ€™re happy , mia & i .ย i mean , sheโ€™s still a baby but sheโ€™s a pretty happy baby . do i not seem happy ? because i am .ย the company is good . you & i areย good . why wouldnโ€™t i be happy ?ย  ย โž
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
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@oliverjonasโ€‹โ€‹ asked : โ€œ youโ€™re safe with me, you know that right? โ€
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how can he even ask ? of course she does . even at their worst , even when what they have is messy & complicated . he has to know that the one thing that she knows ( the one thing she has always known ) is that even when he was lying to her about illegal drugs & bullet-ridden laptops , sheโ€™s never felt more safe than she does with him . not ever . he has to know that . she looks up at him , blue eyes finding his & it hurts a little that he doesnโ€™t know thatโ€™ll never change .ย  ย โย  ย yes .ย  ย โžย  ย she says finally , a bit too forcefully .ย  ย โย  ย of course i do . iโ€™ve always known that , from the very beginning .ย  ย โž
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
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@legacyshapedโ€‹ asked : โ€œ what arenโ€™t you telling me? โ€
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โย  ย iโ€™m not . . .ย not telling you anything .ย  โžย  ย sheโ€™s lying . she knows sheโ€™s lying . he has to know sheโ€™s lying but there are some things she has to figure out first . which sucks because if she canโ€™t tell barry , she canโ€™t tell oliver & if she canโ€™t tell oliver the only person who she can tell is digg & she canโ€™t tell him either . does she need to broaden her friend group ?ย ย  (ย  ย who is she kidding , she barely had acquaintances before she became a vigilante , now that she has this life who is going to deal with her besides themย ?ย  ย )ย  ย โย  ย why ?!ย  ย โžย  ย blue eyes narrow before she nibbles at her bottom lip .ย  ย โย  ย did you . . .ย  hear something from someone elseย ?ย  ย โž
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
an apology is on the tip of her tongue before she remembers that sara is the one who left , the one who left them . & she has no right to be mad . sheโ€™s not mad . she just - she just misses her terribly . she knows why she had to leave & yet thereโ€™s a selfish part of her that wishes sheโ€™d stayed despite knowing that this city does things to people it doesnโ€™t even try to take back . & sara has more than enough reason to want to leave .ย  ย โย  ย yeah - no , i know weโ€™ve been super busy here just - doing hero stuff , iโ€™m sure you know what i mean . . .ย  ย โžย  ย she says quickly before she wraps her up in a hug .ย  ย โ ย  but youโ€™re here now ! & we can catch up & go get coffee or drinks or whatever because iโ€™ve missed you !ย  ย  โž
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@canaeriโ€‹ asked : โ› ย itโ€™s ย been ย awhile ย since ย iโ€™ve ย even ย heard ย from ย you . ย โœ
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
she worries , sometimes . that she doesnโ€™t . that for all of her trying to be a good sister , sheโ€™ll never fully understand peyton & itโ€™s the one thing she should be able to do . she should be able to understand why pey does the things she does & feels the way she feels because a good sister would be able to do those things . sometimes , she feels . . . incredibly disconnected from her . like all of those years apart fundamentally changed who they both were & felicity is terrified that sheโ€™ll never have that connection again .ย  ย  โ ย  cโ€™mere. ย  โžย  ย instead of saying any of that , she wraps her arms around peytonโ€™s shoulders .ย  ย โย  ย i love you , pey , always .ย ย  ย โžย 
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@curseyouโ€‹ asked : โ ย no one else understands me. ย but you do. ย you always do. ย โž from pey ๐Ÿฅบ
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
she squints at him in the doorway to her apartment , a frown pulled across her lips as she re-settles a sleeping mia on her hip . she knows she looks exhausted , did he have to point it out ? not to mention that exhausted often means she looks like hot garbage . there is stuff . . .ย  everywhere , a side effect the flu that both she & mia are getting over & sheโ€™s not exactly sure but she thinks thereโ€™s a blanket somewhere around here with puke still on it she hasnโ€™t been able to wash yet .ย  ย โย  ย in addition to being the fastest man alive , youโ€™re also the most astute .ย  ย โžย  ย she says & immediately regrets how grumpy she sounds as she moves to let him in .ย  ย โย  ย enter at your own risk , weโ€™re over it but iโ€™m also pretty sure thereโ€™s a blanket mia got sick on that iโ€™m missing .ย  ย โž
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@isjusticeโ€‹ asked : โ You look exhausted. โž
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
โย  ย iโ€™m not alone , iโ€™ve got my trust computers & my even trustier coffee !ย  ย โžย  ย she says as happily as she can , eyes not leaving her screen for a few more seconds before she spins to face her .ย  ย โย  ย not that iโ€™m comparing your company to coffee because itโ€™s way better than coffee iโ€™m just trying to get this done . you know ?ย  ย โž
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@wyhldsโ€‹ asked : โ€œ i didnโ€™t want you to be alone. โ€œ - from dinah xoxo
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
busted . she turns around in her suddenly too tight dress as oliver stands entirely too close .ย  ย โย  ย me ? jealous ?!ย  ย โžย  ย she scoffs , taking sip of her champagne , even as she feels a blush travel up her chest and high onto her cheeks . she puts cool hands on her cheeks to keep them from turning even more crimson . she had been jealous & now sheโ€™s embarrassed because sheโ€™d been caught being jealous . which is worse than actually being jealous because she doesnโ€™t get to be jealous . thatโ€™s now how this goes . sheโ€™d asked him for space & itโ€™s not fair for her to be jealous . itโ€™s not fair to him . she makes the mistake of looking up at him & her blush comes back in full force .ย ย  โย  ย i wonโ€™t say iโ€™ve never been jealous because that would be a lie but right now ? iโ€™m not - iโ€™m not sure what youโ€™re talking about . i was just looking in your general direction & if my face seemed to convey jealousy you . . . definitely misread .ย  ย โž
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@oliverjonasโ€‹ asked : โ› you look like you were jealous. โœ
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felicitymegan ยท 3 years
mama ๐Ÿฅบ
babie !!!
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