felicitymegan Ā· 4 months
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felicitymegan Ā· 8 months
i am not a good person. whenever i have something good i find this little voice inside me whisperingĀ ā€œtest itā€Ā ā€œpush it awayā€Ā ā€œit will only die, might as well be the one who wrecks it anyway.ā€ i break things. i rip my own happiness apart.
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felicitymegan Ā· 8 months
it is done.
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felicitymegan Ā· 8 months
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she's mothering so hard
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
š‹šŽš”šƒ Ā & Ā šƒš„š€š…š„ššˆšš† š’šˆš‹š„šš‚š„Ā  Ā Ā (a Ā series Ā ofĀ  nonverbalĀ  prompts .Ā  Ā matureĀ  themesĀ  present ,Ā  Ā ā€˜ my ā€™Ā  museĀ  belongsĀ  toĀ  theĀ  one whoĀ  postedĀ  theĀ  memeĀ  -Ā  sendĀ  Ā ā€œ + REVERSE ā€Ā  Ā toĀ  reverseĀ  theĀ  prompts .)
ā†’Ā  Ā  Ā šˆĀ .Ā  Ā  GENERAL
ā›Ā  Ā hush .Ā  Ā raiseĀ  aĀ  fingerĀ  inĀ  aĀ  gestureĀ  toĀ  silenceĀ  myĀ  muse . ā› Ā  sit .Ā  Ā gestureĀ  forĀ  myĀ  museĀ  toĀ  sitĀ  down . ā› Ā  door .Ā  Ā holdĀ  aĀ  doorĀ  openĀ  forĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā tapĀ .Ā  Ā tapĀ  myĀ  museĀ  onĀ  theĀ  shoulderĀ  toĀ  garnerĀ  theirĀ  attention . ā›Ā  Ā hunger .Ā  Ā giveĀ  myĀ  museĀ  somethingĀ  toĀ  eatĀ  /Ā  drink . ā›Ā  Ā cook .Ā  Ā presentĀ  myĀ  museĀ  withĀ  home - cookedĀ  food . ā›Ā  Ā brush .Ā  Ā workĀ  aĀ  brushĀ  /Ā  combĀ  throughĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  hair . ā›Ā  Ā read .Ā  Ā silentlyĀ  readĀ  aĀ  bookĀ  alongsideĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā hand .Ā  Ā holdĀ  outĀ  aĀ  handĀ  forĀ  myĀ  museĀ  toĀ  take . ā›Ā  Ā dressed .Ā  Ā helpĀ  myĀ  museĀ  putĀ  onĀ  anĀ  articleĀ  ofĀ  clothing . ā›Ā  Ā note .Ā  Ā giveĀ  myĀ  museĀ  aĀ  noteĀ  saying :Ā  Ā [ content ] . ā›Ā  Ā amplify .Ā  Ā turnĀ  upĀ  theĀ  musicĀ  inĀ  theĀ  car .
ā†’ Ā  Ā  šˆšˆ . Ā  Ā ANGST
ā› Ā  patch . Ā  helpĀ  myĀ  museĀ  patchĀ  upĀ  aĀ  wound . ā›Ā  Ā night terrors .Ā  Ā holdĀ  myĀ  museĀ  afterĀ  theyĀ  wakeĀ  upĀ  fromĀ  aĀ  nightmare . ā›Ā  Ā company .Ā  Ā silentlyĀ  sitĀ  withĀ  myĀ  museĀ  toĀ  comfortĀ  them. ā›Ā  Ā hospital .Ā  Ā myĀ  museĀ  isĀ  toldĀ  thatĀ  yoursĀ  isĀ  inĀ  theĀ  hospital . ā›Ā  Ā revelation .Ā  Ā showĀ  myĀ  museĀ  evidenceĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  lieĀ  theyĀ  told . ā›Ā  Ā indulge .Ā  Ā findĀ  myĀ  museĀ  drinkingĀ  toĀ  cope . ā›Ā  Ā downfall .Ā  Ā findĀ  myĀ  museĀ  collapsedĀ  onĀ  theĀ  ground . ā›Ā  Ā console .Ā  Ā comfortĀ  myĀ  museĀ  asĀ  theyĀ  cry . ā›Ā  Ā nurse .Ā  Ā giveĀ  myĀ  museĀ  companyĀ  inĀ  theĀ  hospital .
ā†’ Ā  Ā  šˆšˆ . Ā  Ā AFFECTIONATE
ā›Ā  Ā wink .Ā  Ā winkĀ  atĀ  myĀ  muse .Ā  ā›Ā  Ā wrap .Ā  Ā wrapĀ  anĀ  armĀ  aroundĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  [ shouldersĀ  /Ā  waist ] . ā› Ā  caress .Ā  Ā gentlyĀ  caressĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  face . ā›Ā  Ā tousle .Ā  Ā messĀ  playfullyĀ  withĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  hair . ā›Ā  Ā chest .Ā  Ā placeĀ  yourĀ  headĀ  onĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  chest .Ā  Ā  ā›Ā  Ā combĀ .Ā  Ā combĀ  fingersĀ  throughĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  hair . ā›Ā  Ā graspĀ .Ā  Ā runĀ  toĀ  myĀ  museĀ  &Ā  jumpĀ  intoĀ  theirĀ  arms . ā›Ā  Ā lean .Ā  Ā leanĀ  onĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  shoulder . ā›Ā  Ā tender .Ā  Ā kissĀ  myĀ  museĀ  onĀ  theĀ  [ foreheadĀ  /Ā  cheekĀ  /Ā  nose ] . ā›Ā  Ā abrupt .Ā  Ā kissĀ  myĀ  museĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  blue . ā›Ā  Ā chaste .Ā  Ā chastelyĀ  kissĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā good morning .Ā  Ā kissĀ  myĀ  museĀ  theĀ  morningĀ  after . ā›Ā  Ā volumes .Ā  Ā gazeĀ  atĀ  myĀ  museĀ  inĀ  aĀ  wayĀ  thatĀ  silentlyĀ  saysĀ Ā ā€˜i love youā€™ .
ā†’ Ā  Ā  šˆšˆšˆĀ .Ā  Ā  VIOLENT
ā› Ā  strike .Ā  Ā [ slap / punch ]Ā  my muse in the face . ā›Ā  Ā gun .Ā  Ā wieldĀ  aĀ  gunĀ  atĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā twist .Ā  Ā twistĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  armĀ  behindĀ  theirĀ  back . ā›Ā  Ā throttle .Ā  Ā aggressivelyĀ  wrapĀ  yourĀ  handsĀ  aroundĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  throat . ā›Ā  Ā parch .Ā  Ā burnĀ  myĀ  museĀ  withĀ  aĀ  hotĀ  object . ā›Ā  Ā take down .Ā  Ā forcefullyĀ  bringĀ  myĀ  museĀ  toĀ  theĀ  ground . ā›Ā  Ā gougeĀ .Ā  Ā wieldĀ  aĀ  sharpĀ  objectĀ  atĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  shunt .Ā  Ā shoveĀ  myĀ  museĀ  backwards . ā›Ā  stickup .Ā  Ā yellĀ  atĀ  myĀ  museĀ  toĀ  putĀ  theirĀ  handsĀ  inĀ  theĀ  air. ā›Ā  shoot .Ā  Ā [ fatallyĀ  /Ā  non-fatally ]Ā  Ā shootĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  stab .Ā  Ā stabĀ  myĀ  muse with aĀ  [ knife / other object ].
ā†’ Ā  Ā  šˆš• .Ā  Ā  NSFW
ā›Ā  Ā surprise .Ā  Ā sendĀ  anĀ  unexpectedĀ  nsfwĀ  imageĀ  toĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā pin .Ā  Ā pushĀ  myĀ  museĀ  againstĀ  aĀ  [ wall,Ā  table,Ā  other ] . ā›Ā  Ā go down .Ā Ā  goĀ  downĀ  onĀ  myĀ  muse . ā› Ā  choke . Ā  intimately Ā wrap Ā your Ā hands Ā around Ā my Ā museā€™s Ā throat . ā›Ā  Ā belt loops .Ā  Ā pullĀ  myĀ  museĀ  closerĀ  byĀ  theirĀ  belt loops . ā›Ā  Ā skinny dipping .Ā  Ā goĀ  skinnyĀ  dippingĀ  withĀ  myĀ  muse . ā›Ā  Ā rip .Ā  Ā tearĀ  aĀ  pieceĀ  ofĀ  clothingĀ  fromĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  body . ā›Ā  Ā mark .Ā  Ā leaveĀ  aĀ  markĀ  onĀ  myĀ  museā€™sĀ  bodyĀ  [ specify where ] .
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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' you look handsome! ' " i try not to, it just keeps happening. "
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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my baby with her baby .....
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
@oliverjonasĀ said , you asked me once,Ā  if i would ever take a chance on usā€¦maybe that ship sailed.Ā  but.Ā  ask me again?Ā  sometimeā€” doesnā€™t have to be today.Ā  maybe tomorrow just.Ā  ask me again.
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hope blossoms in her chest & she clears her throat , tucking her curls behind her ear . she wants to . she wants to right then & there . but she doesn't . she can't . not when there's all of this doubt in her mind that makes a beeline straight for her heart in ways she can't even explain . she doesn't want to be this way . so cautious with her heart . not with him . but they've gone through so much . they've put each other through so much . it wouldn't be fair , right ? it wouldn't be fair to bring all of that back up only for it to fall apart again . & she knows if she were a better woman she would tell him no , outright . she would tell him that she's so afraid of hurting him again that he should never ask her to ask him again because it will end the way it always ends . he will try his hardest , she will try hers . they will be happy . they will be each other's homes . then come the terrible people who know how much they mean to each other and try to tear them apart . then come the lies . then comes trying desperately to hold on to what they have , trying not to let the past affect the future she knows that they could have . then comes the end . over and over . how can he want that ? doesn't he know he doesn't deserve it ? doesn't he know that she doesn't think she can ever be someone who can stand the secrets that he has to keep from her ? not when she's watched secrets and lies destroy so many parts of her already , despite the way that a new beginning for them entices her so . it still gets stuck in her throat , the words she would kill to be able to say right now . ' i love you , i want us to work , i need you ' instead , she looks away , unable to keep his blue eyed gaze , so earnest & full of the same love that courses through her every hour of every day , on her . instead she takes his hand in hers , her thumb stroking the back of his hand steeling herself before she can look at him again . she's not a better woman but she's trying , she'll try harder tomorrow , the hope of the good finally outweighing the bad for them overpowering the doubt for the briefest second , making her weak , making her selfish . āĀ  count on it .Ā Ā āž
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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i hope you're stupid enough to try. - an independent, mixed media dinah laurel lance / black canary. by tia.
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
felicity with these bangs & this updo ??? UNSTOPPABLE
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
bisexual felicity smoak strikes again ! suprising no one .
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
@dinhlnceĀ said , a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand .
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there are times when felicity knows she's the smartest person in a room , a lot of the times she will find herself bored in the meetings at queen consolidated because while she's no where near educated enough about the business side of things she's pretty sure that she could figure it out quicker than whoever is talking about the different ways that they could make more money & screw over the less fortunate all while planning a billion dollar renovation to their fourth house that - anyway , she's quite smart , she'll leave it at that . it's times like these , though . when she feels like she didn't get three degrees at mit or graduate high school at fifteen or create any of the cool gadgets the team wears or - anyway , it's when dinah looks at her like that , gives her that little smile & don't even get her started on the feel of her soft lips on the back of her hand as if she's promising something felicity has zero time to think about . because thinking about it makes her stupid . it makes her giggle like a shy schoolgirl . what is it about the ridiculously attractive people in this town making her stupid ??? there's a blush that rises from her chest to her cheeks as dinah lifts her lips from the back of her hand & felicity resists the urge to keep her fingers clutched to dinah's and beg for ... whatever dinah wants if she's being honest . but she doesn't . she lets her hand fall & she turns back to her computer , eyes wide as she tries , desperately , to focus because she's not sure she will ever remember what the hell they were talking about . she just knows that dinah's probably about to get her way .
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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blog canon / divergenceĀ . s3 forward . **
** a lot of my felicity has been developed outside of arrow canon alongside @oliverjonasā€‹ so this blog canon will reflect that & specific oliver & felicity canon with kris can be found here ( x ). but there will be au verses available .
she is working at tech village after she loses her job at kord industries after they all get fired from qc. once queen consolidated is aquired by palmer tech ( whoā€™s work she has long admired for the strides heā€™s made not only in tech, but in building a company )she applies back to the i.t. department & begins to work her way up in the company, more aggressively than when she worked at queen consolidated. over the course of the year she earns her spot as vp as she & ray figure out that they work together really well & become good friends .Ā 
after everything that happens with raā€™s & the explosion at palmer tech, felicity is eager to get out of star city & travel the world with the man she loves . but she very soon starts to miss their live in star city, despite all of the bad memories that live there because their family lives there too. she misses digg & dinah & thea & starts helping them, not knowing that oliver is planning to propose.
when the ghosts attack the limo, after she and oliver get engaged, felicity is shot four times ( twice in the shoulder, once in the side piercing her kidney & once in the back near her spinal cord ) . it takes months of physical therapy & follow ups after her initial three month stay in the hospital with her doctors to get her body even close to being fully healed . despite that & her doctors warnings to take it easy ( not to mention the team ) she continued to work with the team from home & the hospital until she was strong enough to be back in the bunker for longer periods of time.Ā 
felicity breaks up with oliver not because he didnā€™t tell her about william even though sheā€™s still pretty pissedĀ  ā€¦ but so that oliver can figure out how he wants to deal with being williamā€™s dad / being green arrow / being oliver / being with her. she feels bad that she made him come back because she didnā€™t want to stop & now ? thereā€™s all of this to deal with & she is focused on getting better & work. neither choose to keep the loft & rent it out shortly after their break up.
oliver & felicity go through a two year separation while remaining team members / building new team arrow, they have hooked up intermittently on their break but that stopped as soon as she started dating billy ( probably ).
after getting help from helix to find prometheus & then realizing that cay.den ja.mes was a little more than cuckoo bananas felicity actively works to dismantle helix .Ā 
she feels beyond guilty when billy dies & throws herself even further into her work & steps away team for a while to focus on it & deal with billyā€™s death.Ā 
felicity starts working on starting smoak technologies in her apartment with curtis ( their first project is attempting to create the bio-stimulant implant in a way that is affordable & accessible for the general public )Ā 
once they get back from lian yu oliver & felicity start to really work on repairing their relationship & working to introduce william to the idea of them being together while honoring samanthaā€™s memory.
also no one gets married at barry & iris' wedding except barry & iris you absolute ******* ********
oliver & felicity are legally separated but still married when she finds out sheā€™s pregnant with mia & while they live apart they work really hard to give both of their kids the childhood they deserve & make sure they know that they are a family no matter what.Ā 
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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Weā€™re meant to be family.
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
..... bwankie girl ....
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felicitymegan Ā· 9 months
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