#*  // ♕  ⧽ character study.
tsareviich · 2 months
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sappfyre · 2 months
you don't have to follow it but i added the little fact that at one point the idea of marrying rhaena to aemond was thrown around but dismissed by alicent as well rhaenyra and rhaenys proposing rhaena to lucearys.
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lantsovheir · 2 years
vasily is just the unhinged older sibling and i love that for him
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teamselect · 1 year
     Kicking things off with a post talking about Blaze and the Sol Empire.
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     Blaze resides in the Sol Dimension — a universe than runs parallel to Sonic's world, a.k.a the Prime Dimension. While the two obviously have their differences, there are plenty of similarities as well; chaos emeralds vs sol emeralds being an example.
     The Kingdom of Sol, also known as the Sol Empire, is an extensive group of islands ruled over by the current acting monarch. It's been active for many years and carries a strong maritime tradition, due to the ocean that hugs their borders. With a powerful navy, bountiful resources, and a highly affluent economy, Sol is thriving.
     In recent years, Blaze had her coronation and is now the only sovereign of Sol. Her formal title is King; one she chose herself after a long family history of Queens. During her time as Princess, she would frequently carry out royal duties by herself; not much has changed, aside from the level of responsibility.
     But responsibility has never scared her, given the past she's endured.
     Blaze's lineage comes with a secret. It's followed her ancestors — specifically, reigning monarchs — for many, many years, and finally found it's way to her the day of her mother's death. The gift (a burden, she used to say) of flame. A soul covered in fire. The deity called Iblis.
     History tells the tale of two gods, equal halves, revered by all. Iblis the Radiant, god of the sun, and Mephiles the Dark, god of time; co-existing, never one without the other. They would maintain the harmony of this world for centuries... until one day, Mephiles went astray. Without it's other half, Iblis lost control and filled the land with a raging inferno. They brought about mass destruction, and the Sol Dimension was nearly lost.
     Thankfully, a hero rose up — the original Queen of Sol. A warrior with boundless courage, who led her kingdom to prosperity and faced their demise with no fear. Using her scepter and The Power of the Stars, she sealed Mephiles away inside it, nullifying all power. With no room left in the wand, she was forced to lock Iblis away elsewhere... inside her very soul. The two became one, and both gods were now in their eternal tombs. History would remember her as The Goddess of the Flames.
     Blaze doesn't remember much about her mother. She was only young when she passed, and her farewell gift was a ritual that bestowed her a god. But she remembers her sharing this story, and how proud she was of their history. It took a long time for her to even begin to understand that sentiment. On bad days, she still doesn't.
The events of Sonic Rush introduce us to the story of '06. With Sol and Prime being linked ("like the north and south poles of a magnet..."), colliding into one another, the stability between them starts to fray. It's when Blaze goes Burning Blaze, and Sonic into Super Sonic, that the dimensions finally merge, creating the stage for '06. The Sol Empire becomes Soleanna, Elise is sealed with Iblis, and the Jeweled Scepter becomes the Scepter of Darkness. Blaze is sent into the future during all of the chaos, where she meets Silver.
Blaze loses her memories during all of this and only retains her fire powers as some kind of fragmented anomaly of what once was. Her and Elise are twin flames /haha.
When Blaze seals Iblis inside herself, a part of the timeline "corrects" itself and she is sent back to the Sol Dimension. You can briefly see her turning into Burning Blaze, since she's returning to the point in time when everything broke.
Solaris is "gone" when Elise blows out the flame at the end of the game. The only version of Iblis remaining is with Blaze in the Sol Dimension, and the remnants of Mephiles turn into the Time Eater. Some things stick around, such as Soleanna, because time is weird like that. Whatever.
Shenanigans continue like normal.
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avanturis · 1 year
Show!Verse Description for Dom
At the Battle of Halmhend, Dominik was shot but instead of dying, he was badly wounded and ended up in the infirmary - where Nikolai met Isaak and the other soldiers too. Hearing about the bloodbath, the royal family demanded that Nikolai leaves the military to study in Ketterdam, where he'd be safe from Fjerdan bullets. But obviously Dominik couldn't end his service as every Ravkan has to serve for life unless they are unable to due to injuries. His family needed the money as well with both of his brothers having died in the war.
So Nikolai got him a comfortable officer's commission with the 21st Regiment in Zvedya and while the prince was off at sea playing Sturmhond, Dominik recovered and climbed the ranks...
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belacedia · 2 years
still very much attached to my hemokinesis / bloodbending headcanon & you can pry it from my cold dead hands ... despite all of the perils of illnesses transmitted through open wounds that Bel is at an extremely high risk of catching — considering how lackadaisical he is about injuries, I think that Bel can fight off a lot of infections ( somewhat subconsciously ) due to his blood manipulation ability
like its super self indulgent but I like this headcanon because it can explain so many of the narrative plot holes that khr is riddled with. bel miraculously survived the detonation at the end of the storm ring battle ( whereas gokudera would have died or at least been hospitalized for life ) because he can use his ability to partially supplement natural healing and stem blood loss. he is obsessed with “royal blood” because he can only manipulate the blood of his clan; his increased capabilities and adrenaline rush when his blood is spilled is because he is controlling his own blood flow to transport oxygen / nutrients / adrenaline
I also liked the idea that his ability is not fully voluntary: he cannot trigger it on will, as it only “awakens” when he feels that he is in danger of losing a fight. which would explain why he does not use it under normal circumstances & why he only goes into his prince the ripper state after he has been injured
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lightbegun · 2 years
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Nobody look at me
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shefalcon · 2 years
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what color is your aura?
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TAWNY.     fall leaves,  candles,  blood oranges,  hawk feathers,  ladybugs,  clay dust,  toadstools.  your essence is tawny:  you are an energetic force with purpose.  there is a genuine care for others that dictates your actions;  still,  you do not doubt you know best.  effortlessly a leader,  you extend your wings to watch over the ones you love.  you are the protector.  you are the consul.  you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta,  garnet,  blush,  and beige,  who share your strong core.  you are also drawn to the open-minded souls periwinkle and peach,  who will help you grow and show you how to open your boundaries.  however,  you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of seafoam and ashen who are thought-heavy.
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stole from:   @misereternal​ tagging:  you!
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hiatuswhore · 10 months
𝒪𝒻 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓈 — 𝒸.𝓈
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♕ A/N: I have mixed feelings about the movie but I adore the book. My favorite character is Sejanus, ugh my heart bleeds for this character. Never stop I’d be writing a fanfiction for this story. Coriolanus Snow is an evil but interesting villain. I thought I’d dive into the dynamic of him essentially taking what should’ve been Sejanus’s life.
♕ SUMMARY: Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish dead Sejanus. A good son, loving brother, and amazing friend.
♕ WARNING: Death
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𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Father had not left his study since word reached us. Every time Mother looked at me, I knew it was not me she saw. The tremble of her lip and mist of her eyes reminded me of my new reality. A reality where I drew breath as my twin did not.
I could not process it. Not at first. I would wait for a letter from him in the mail. His ramblings of doing good, of being better a constant any time he opened his mouth. Oh my good brother. Miles away. Hung in the districts for treason.
The first few weeks the house was silent. I could make out Mothers frequent sobs through the day. Other times the deep gait of Fathers boots from his room to his office. Rarely from his office to his room. Our home became much like a graveyard. Empty and cold.
This remained until the day Mother and I woke to every picture of Sejanus in the foyer gone. Mother sobbed for her baby, one would think Father was withholding her actual child. Still, my Father, the stern unforgiving statue of a man, refused to return all that remained of her son to her.
The first thing I began to forget was his voice. All the hours he spent in my room ranting angrily about our father. I’d lay on my bed watching him pace, his passion fueled and furious. I thought maybe he’d be president someday. Panem needed the likes of him.
“Well eventually Fathers time will come to pass and it’ll be you in the position of wealth and power. Be patient sweet brother. You’ll do great things, I just know it.”
He’ll hang in the poorest district branded a traitor. Some say he cried for Mother. Others say he cried for me. Oh how it was few and far between but make no mistake, I wept for my brother. My kind, sweet, sensitive dead brother.
As his voice faded over time so did the small details of his presence. How his curls always stayed so effortlessly in place unlike my own that would become frizzy in a moments notice. The way he his nose would scrunch when he laughed. His obnoxious snores he would deny whenever called out on it.
See, Father was happy to erase Sejanus from our home. His memory a reminder of everything our Father could never be. A compassionate soul. A loving brother and son. A good man.
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫
Then came Coriolanus Snow. His gaze distant as he stood in our foyer, my father greeting him like a son returning home from travels. Long gone the hand made shirts and boots a size too tight. The messy haired Snow appeared far different, he too have died back in twelve. I wondered if he hung too or perhaps his fate was far worse. A mystery to never be solved, especially not if Coriolanus Snow could help it.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” His gaze bounced between myself and Mother. My Father said nothing while Mother embraced Coriolanus as I stared at him.
“Are you?” My words earned a stern tone from Father and scoldings from Mother. I offered a forced apology my eyes never leaving the leech standing in my family home. Gaining the world from the misfortune that befell my dear Sejanus. My father’s new pride and joy. At dinner Father was thrilled to announce his replacement son would join my side at University come the new term.
I left the table without a word. My father yelled for me to return as Mother assured our unwelcome guest it was not personal. Yet it was. Sejanus was to be with me for my first day of University. Not Coriolanus Snow.
Perhaps it was unfair. My brother was dead and I had already spent a lifetime despising my father. So who better to bear the brunt of my anger than the man who gained it all as I suffered my deepest loss.
𝐈 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐈, 𝐈 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐆𝐨
The night before our first day I stayed in my room. A knock at my door was an unexpected and unwelcome one. Mother was never a night owl and never in all my years had Father come to my room. Opening my door I crossed my arms leaning on the jamb. He stands holding a white rose his blue eyes piercing into my blank stare.
“I know you aren’t thrilled about me being here. I uh—I just wanted to wish you a good first day tomorrow,” Coriolanus spoke slowly. The rose still lingered in the air between us. I did not grab it.
“What happened to my brother?” His eyebrows quirked at my question, his lips parted as though he wanted to speak but nothing could leave him. I tilted my head my eyes narrowed before I retreated into my room leaving the door agape. At my shelf I rifled through the few papers and momentos of my own before finding the crumple paper stained with faded ink. The smudge writing typical for my left handed counterpart. My eyes on the paper as I return to the jamb, “…Coriolanus is here too. It’s nice to not be alone. His songbird is here, he plays it cool when I mention her but you can tell he cares for her. We’re like brothers, after what he did for me during the games. I’m going to protect him—“
𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
“Are you accusing me of something?” His own eyes narrowed down at me. The glint in them something I could not put into words, at the time I had no knowledge of the nerve I struck.
“Did you know of his plans?” I asked crossing my arms, my tone lowered. Father was always a light sleeper, if he had even been sleeping.
Coriolanus sighed, his gaze locked on my own unblinking. I narrowed my eyes and stared up at him. He shouldn’t be here. In my family home, enjoying all the luxuries owed to my brother, not him.
“I did,” Coriolanus confessed. He wet his lips, as he shared his knowledge of treason so casually.
“Then why is my brother gone and you’re here?” The waver of my voice cracked my hardened resolve. My body trembled beneath the weight of too many emotions to sort. Confusion. Rage. Grief. Disbelief. I choked back a cry and allowed Coriolanus to pull me in his arms as I sobbed into his shoulder.
“Sejanus loved you more than anything. I promised I’d look after you,” Coriolanus touch was soothing as he poured honey in my ears. Capitalizing off my vulnerability. My brother’s true final words to me slipped from my grasp as I took comfort from the source of my grief.
“—I have already requested a leave of absence for your first day of University. Look at the bright side sister. You won’t have to fuss about my hair being better than yours on your big day. They have buzzed my curls from me. We’ll be together soon, sister. Give Mother my love. With love. Your brother, Sejanus.”
𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐁𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞
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tsareviich · 2 months
Vasily is Brian coded in a Justin coded package
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sappfyre · 2 months
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lantsovheir · 2 years
Your Primary Love Language™ is Physical Touch
A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, and thoughtful touches on the arm—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive. Appropriate and timely touches communicate warmth, safety, and love to you.
Physical Touch 40% | Words of Affirmation 27% | Quality Time 17% | Receiving Gifts 13% | Acts of Service 3%
tagged stolen from: @queencheer tagging: @kcrclrezni | @dreamwaited | @proditeur | @vipier | @vicioushope | @pizzatheif
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phoenixriley · 2 years
Too Much + Obey Me
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♡ Characters: Lucifer and Mammon
♡ Warnings: Angst, comfort, established relationships, fatigue, gn!reader (mainly referred to by human or they/them)
♡ A/N: This was originally meant to be headcanons, but turned into drabbles very quickly. 😂
♡ Also available on AO3! ♡ Taglist
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When Lucifer heard the faint knock against the study door, he called the human in without looking up from the piles of paperwork scattered across the large wooden desk. It had become sort of a tradition for the human exchange student to swing by his office once the house calmed down for the night, so he thought nothing of their visit. Just another average day.
What caught his attention, however, is how unusually silent the room was after they entered. No greetings, no sound of ceramic dishes clanking together with the aroma of hell coffee filling the room, or the sound of them pulling up a chair. Nothing but pure silence.
His brows furrowed as he looked up towards the doorway. There stood the human awkwardly, their cheeks tear-stained and eyes swollen. Frowning to himself, Lucifer discarded his materials and met the human in the doorway.
Lucifer opened his arms and the human crashed into his body. It didn’t take long before he felt their tears start to soak into his shirt. His frown deepened as he rubbed circles into their lower back, tenderly pressing a kiss onto the top of their head.
“It’s too much,” they cried into the eldest demon’s shoulder, their voice raw from what he could only assume was hours of crying.
They didn’t need to say anymore. He already knew what this was about. The signs had been there for weeks, fatigue clearly evident in their day-to-day life. He thought he had more time to sort things out for them before it would come to this, but he was wrong.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured into their hairline, his hands grasping at the loose fabric of their shirt. “I was too late.”
“Oi! Human!” Mammon called out, pushing open the door to the human’s room with disregard. “Wanna go out to–”
His words died on his lips when his eyes finally fell on his human. Sat at the side of their bed, surrounded by their large purple pillows and blankets, was his one and only. Their cheeks were flushed, hair tousled, and fresh tears pooled in their eyes.
“H-Hey!” He stuttered, suddenly unsure of himself. “W-What happened? ‘Ya okay?”
Slowly, he approached the human and crouched down in front of them. He attempted to meet their gaze, frowning when they finally did. Their eyes were puffy, dull, and bloodshot. Carefully, he reached for their face and wiped away the stray tears that lingered on their skin.
“I can’t take it anymore, Mammon.” They managed out hoarsely. “It’s too much.”
“What’s too much?” He asked, confused.
Their lips opened and then closed before opening again. A small squeak was all they managed out before the tears started to fall once more.
“Come here,” Mammon murmured, pulling them into his embrace.
He wrapped an arm tightly around their waist and his other braced the back of their head. Mammon cringed as he felt their body shake against his. Audibly the human sobbed into his neck, leaving tear stains across his skin.
“The Great Mammon gotcha. Just let it out.”
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ryahtargaryen · 1 month
🌿 — what is hotd ocv?
the hotd ocv is an alternate universe / non-canonical timeline that centers around ryah and calla targaryen. created by @ryahtargaryen and @callastargaryen , the hotd ocv changes the events within both fire & blood / hotd by adding in new characters, changing major plot points, and reimagining characters and their relationships with each other. it creates a storyline that can be summed up to: “what if the events that led to the dance of dragons never happened…”
🪷 — oc introduction
on 6/3/109 AC, princess rhaenyra and prince daemon targaryen welcomed their first babies to the world— twin girls they named ryah and calla. their birth was a surprise, for rhaenyra and daemon had only expected one baby. alas, there were two— and they came with haste into the world.
on the day of their birth, ryah and calla were deemed “the two headed dragon” by their father not only because they were targaryen twins, but because the egg he had picked months prior to catch in the cradle alongside his child hatched not only one but two dragons: rhaegal and snowfyre. daemon declared it to be fate. his girls were the magic of old valyria in the flesh.
princess ryah targaryen, the elder twin, had been born with the destiny to one day inherit the targaryen dynasty and rule the seven kingdoms. being the firstborn daughter of the heir to the iron throne, rhaenyra targaryen, ryah was her mother’s heir. bred for fire and blood, princess ryah was raised to rule. she was a fierce dragon-rider. a brilliant scholar. a skilled swordswoman. a savvy politician. a level-headed thinker. an unabashed rule follower. most of all, she is a gentle heart. she will one day make a fine queen with her loyal, devoted husband — prince aemond — and their smart, well-mannered children — daenerys, rhaen, and annika — by her side.
princess calla targaryen, the younger twin, was born with a warmth never before known. she was the sun shining through the — often described — cold red keep. whilst her sister studied and trained, she was content to needlepoint and draw. she showed little to no interest in the formal duties her name inherited. she sat often in the sept, praying to the mother and the maiden primarily. she knew nothing of politics and maths, only knowing flowers and high valyrian hymns. it is only through love and marriage calla accepts a grand title. lady wife to her lord husband, aegon, calla is content on her sheep farm. her days are full of time spent with her husband, their children, and her partner clarisse.
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🌻— hotd overse timeline and events
all the “canon” events that take place in the hotd ocv can be found posted here in order.
🪴— the targaryen family in four parts
part one: the immediate family
part two: the extended family— version green
part three: the extended family— version blue
part four: the next generation
🌱— romantic pairings
one of the biggest changes from canon (oc characters aside) are the romantic pairings. below are the (most significant) listed couples:
• ryah and aemond (ryaemond)
• calla and aegon (callaegon)
• jace and helaena (jacelaena)
• caeserys and evelyn (caevelyn)
• baela and daeron (baeron)
• lucerys and rhaena (luclaena)
• daenerys and arra (darra)
• baelon and annika (annaelon)
• rhaenyra and daemon (daemyra)
• laena and carter (carlaena)
🥀 — major canon changes
because hotd ocverse is built upon the idea that the dance of the dragons and downfall of house targaryen does not happen, there has been many hours spent piecing together a consistent canon that leads to peace. the timeline details when and what happens, but this section highlights the why’s and how’s of the major canon changes.
• rhaenyra marries daemon.
with rhaenyra married to daemon, she gives birth to no bastards. her bloodline cannot be challenged. jace and luke have been changed in the canon of hotd ocv so that they are rhaenyra and daemon’s true-born sons born after ryah and calla. daemon and rhaenyra have three more sons: caeserys (joffery replacement) and a set of male twins, aerion and aelon (aegon iii and viserys ii replacements)
• betrothed as children.
to decrease discourse and silence anyone who dare think to plot against rhaenyra’s ascension, rhaenyra, daemon, alicent, and viserys betroth their three eldest children to each other. (note: not married as children. betrothed.)
prince aegon, the first-born son of the king, is promised to princess calla, the second-born daughter of the future queen, to ensure the crown never touches his head. any challenge aegon poses by simply breathing is lessened. it eliminates potential usurpation. raised to craft and chat, aegon and calla were a complimentary pair. it added to the already massive political benefit.
princess ryah, the first-born daughter and heir to the future queen, is promised to prince aemond, the second-born son of the king. ensuring a son of the king still sits the small council, prince aemond’s betrothal to princess ryah is a smart political move. aemond himself had little to no claim to the throne being — at the time — as far back as 10th in line in the line of succession, if not further. if usurpation were to arise, it would not have been aemond who is raised up against rhaenyra. it is his little claim to the throne that makes him a fine pick for princess ryah— as well as the history between them on the day he lost his eye.
prince jacaerys and princess helaena are promised on the agreement that they will inherit dragonstone. with varying opinions on who deserves to inherit what, it is one more sure way to see that each side of the argument gets both. hightower-targaryen blood not only sits the throne together through ryah and aemond, but it inherits old town through aegon and calla (unbeknownst to them at the time) as well as dragonstone through jace and helaena.
every major seat that can be filled and major role that can be assumed is claimed by targ-tower blood.
• laena velaryon the lady of driftmark
when her brother laenor flees to live freely with his lover in essos, laena velaryon becomes lady of driftmark. she is happily married to carter stark and they have twins, baela and rhaena.
• aegon inheriting old town
hobert hightower had no sons. he had two daughters that he had had not named his heir’s. when he fell ill and later died, his titles passed to his brother, otto. otto leaves king’s landing — and his position as hand — to assume his role as lord of old town. he names his son, ser gwayne hightower, his heir. when ser gwayne passes away unexpectedly of a burst belly, otto hightower names aegon targaryen his heir. despite never having a desire for any kind of power, aegon accepts this responsibility and moves with his wife, calla, onto a farm in old town where they live contently as lord and lady when otto eventually passed away.
• the dragon-like dragon-lords
a family rich with blood magic passed down from before the doom, the dragon-lords of house targaryen are eerily similar to their fire-breathing counterparts. in the way they walk, in the way their eyes gleam, in the way they talk, in the way they react. if dragon’s are seen as gods, targaryen’s have to then be something divine, too, for targaryen is a dragon in human skin. and that is why it is their house that sits the iron throne.
• the targaryen bond
targaryens bond romantically with each other as dragons do. they mate for life. whether it clicks instantly or is a bond developed over time, targaryens are drawn to each other like flames and will burn together until their flames burn out. binding their blood through marriage is tradition born from the desire to be whole. wholeness for the dragon-born can only be found in their targaryen counterpart. a silver-haired soulmate born of the same fire and blood.
within hotd ocverse, targaryen parents imprint on their children. in a family that infamously marries brothers to sisters, uncles to nieces, and cousins to cousins, the bond between a targaryen parent and their child is the only true, pure, familial bond there is due to the fact that they imprint on their children.
• the loss of aemond’s eye
the day aemond targaryen had been born, a green egg was placed beside him. when it hatched, a vibrant green dragon was his for the claiming once he was of age. cyprus, he named it. his green monster. cyprus was a known trouble-marker in the dragon pit. green dragons had bitter temperaments and cyprus was no exception. at 10 years old, aemond targaryen was allowed to claim his dragon.
all it took was one second. only for one second, aemond had let his guard down. that was all the time cyprus needed to lash out as the chain around his neck annoyed him too greatly. if aemond had been standing any closer, perhaps his face would been torn off. the gods must’ve been watching out for him. he was just far enough that only one of cyprus’ razor sharp claws wounded him.
he had claimed his dragon.
but his dragon had claimed his eye.
• hand of the king
when otto returned to old town, lyonel strong assumed the position for a short period of time. viserys wished to make daemon his hand, but daemon was busy tending to his army of children and running the city watch. once the kids were a bit older and the stress of terrible twos after terrible twos lessened, he assumed the role of hand of the king. lyonel went returned back to harrenhall and ser harwin strong took over commanding the city watch.
• the hand(s) of the queen
when rhaenyra was crowned queen, she named rhaenys targaryen her hand. together, they were a steadfast duo for many years. when rhaenys passed away, rhaenyra then named alicent hightower to be hand of the queen. alicent accepted gratefully and advised rhaenyra through the rest of her reign faithfully.
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i am pretty sure that wraps up everything that can be detailed :) hope you guys enjoyed our fun little take on hotd. drop any questions you have! thanks for reading xxx
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belacedia · 2 years
tag drop
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ out of character.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ in character.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ memes ﹠ prompts.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ dash game.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ signal boost.
*.゜♛ ┆ ❛ act i :❪ ﹠ present day. ❫
*.゜♛ ┆ ❛ act ii :❪ ﹠ ten years later. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study i :❪ ﹠ headcanon. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study ii :❪ ﹠ visage. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study iii :❪ ﹠ musing. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study iv :❪ ﹠ aesthetic. ❫
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