#*  // ♦︎ 005. — › S T A R T E R
monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁LONELINESS HAD GROWN SO PRESENT in his being that when Niwa traversed the sands of his beaches, he presented the air with a song -- a hum that starts off soft, a familiar beat that he'd heard in his childhood that grows so fervently as he reached the shoreline's gentle embrace. The days had stretched long for him, the hours counted had long been forgotten as they merged together so concisely that mind found difficulty in relaying what day it was he stood here once more -- tenth, thirtieth, one-hundredth?
        As line hits water, his voice softens, keeping his eyes upon the line and hoping to not scare the fish with the volume of his melody. His own voice happened to be the only company kept recently, not willing to risk his own life by approaching those that had taken over his home ; he was far too weak, far too outnumbered, and his lack of weapon on him helped him none. It was by force of self-preservation that he avoided the area. A starving dog cannot hope to best a full wolf and its pack.
        This did not mean he gave up on his home ; in fact, the opposite is true -- his mind had made up its mind that he would reclaim his strength before he'd find a means to rid the area of pests. Though the buildings were delipidated, he could rebuild them ; though the people were no longer there, he could find new and old alike to return home ; though he did not understand his existence and survival, he understood his purpose remaining.
        Head snapped up, singing abruptly ceasing and body turning on its heels to thrust out the wooden pole of the fishing rod, forgetting the line or the fish he'd dared not scare prior. Presence made known only by the slightest of shifts in the wind, a sense he'd gained in his youth, but upon meeting features of one he did not recognize, his body relaxed, slightly with brows furrowed. A man of an undiscernible age, hair blue as the sky and clothing foreign to his recollection of all he'd witnessed in his past -- no, this was not one of the threats he'd watched trample over his home's old boards and mock the rusted blades that no longer could find a master in their disuse.
        Judging by other's posture, there was an air of unfiltered emotions that trailed between them -- whether kindred in confusion or not, Niwa knew not. ❝ My apologies, ❞ he started, bowing deeply, unaware that this person had once been the cause of his own untimely demise. ❝ I had thought you were a bandit attempting to ambush me. ❞
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⊰🍁plotted starter for @haereses
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evokeisms · 2 years
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❪ ⋅ ☽ ⋆ — ┊❛ HIDETOSHI ❜ ❫ ❝ THE RUMORS AROUND THIS SCHOOL just become more and more absurd, ❞ he's ranting to himself, eyes fixated on his reflection in the window's glass, scowl forming as fingers begin rubbing at temples. If it's not one situation, then it's another that they want to throw down the student council's throats ; even if they were ridiculous, ludacris, idiotic, boneheaded, and marinated in delusions, the vice president would sooner put them to rest than allow them to continue to permeate the school grounds.
      Head snapped over, glancing at Minako, a fond smile forming on his lips momentarily before shifting back to its more serious demeanor ; at least she stuck around to listen to him. ❝ Have you heard the latest? I can hardly fathom the depths of their minds -- they must want to rattle us, Arisato-kun... ❞ Another student blathering on about how there's a reason to wander on campus ; this time it's about a demon that will consume one's soul. Other students have been whispering about it, passing on the rumors and causing a stir, scaring a few and creating 'brave volunteers to stay overnight' out of others. All they're doing is creating a fuss for those in charge to deal with -- actually, no... Hand lifted to forehead, rubbing it in exhaustion.
      Just a really awful stress headache.
                                                                     → @foolisharcanum starter w/ Hidetoshi
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁ALL GOOD THINGS WILL EVENTUALLY come to an end, this was a lesson learned throughout his four hundred years of captivity in this domain. The Fatui's world was hardly sustainable for the growth of flowers, their fragility oft crushed beneath the heels of the strongest ; petals scattered and stems bent disproportionally. The flora that survived the assault were usually left for the vultures to finish off while the remaining few watched from the shadows, daring not to interfere...
       Niwa was one that ventured back and forth into sunlight and darkness, wandering that mirror's edge. The note left upon Scaramouche's desk to request a moment of his time was one such occasion of scurrying through the sunlight's gaze. Though it features warmth, it also makes for easier spotting -- a curious sort that wandered in might glimpse upon page and notice name written. Old Inazuman text is not impossible to decipher with enough scrutiny, after all.
       My dearest friend,
If you'd be so inclined to spare me a moment of your time, I'd like to catch up on all that we've missed these last few centuries. With my mind cleared and enough time passed between last meeting, I thought a bit of privacy somewhere less likely to be barged in upon would make for a better conversation. If something will sweeten this offer to you, I'll also be providing tea just as we remember, though you won't see me sipping it until it's no longer bitter.
       Signed,        Niwa
       Door left unlocked and mask tossed to rather organized desk (having only a stack of papers and a quill pen, it's easy enough to keep orderly), cracks heavily visible upon its surface, he kept the tea kettle warm through the portable stove. His flooring is sparse, made of stone, so the only downside is the soot that he'd have to clean later, but he ignored that, opting his attention more upon tidying his space up. It's barren and looks cold inside, and, often times, it is... There's hardly any furniture, the bed is thin alongside t sheets, yet he still smooths them over before taking a seat, breathing deeply in the familiar scent of tea, memories drawing him back.
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁THAT GAZE FAILED TO LEAVE form before him , breath hitched painfully in chest, trying to reconcile the chances of activity transpiring -- could it be an illusion or had he found -- ❝ Kabukimono...? ❞
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⊰🍁@hitokageisei liked for a starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THAT HAIR -- ! You're...are you...of the Niwa Clan...? ❞
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⊰🍁@maquiscursed starter (kazuha) !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁COARSE GRAINS OF SAND CRUNCH beneath boots as journey continued. The heat is nearly unbearable ; he trudges on, unwavering in his journey's end. Stationed here for a specific purpose meant he had no options in the matter, resulting in him scouring endless landscape to pierce through the potential threats that may enter into the rainforest -- spies, thorns, whatever they may be.
        It is when he feels the wind shift that his body tenses and, in an instant, he's turned around and irises lock on to figure standing nearby. In an instant, he's removed his sword from within, the abyss's presence screaming to life as the darkness encapsulated his blade's form before it released it, shadows flung to oblivion, perfectly sharpened blade pointed directly at man -- fox to hound...
        Mask remained expressionless even while his digits clasped hilt and narrowing eyes beneath threatened to pierce the skin of other. ❝ If you sneak upon people, there are consequences. ❞ Voice bit down, canines bared to metaphorically ward off man. ❝ I've no interest in killing currently, but these emotions can change... ❞
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⊰🍁@ninebow fatui starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ I WOULD LIKE TO MEET the dendro archon one day to tell her that I'm grateful she looked after you. ❞
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⊰🍁@erabundus starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ ARE YOU SURE THIS IS what you want ...? ❞
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⊰🍁@fleetinglotus starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THIS WORLD IS FULL OF people who wouldn't have bat an eye about ending his life, but to know you spared him after everything places me forever in your debt. ❞
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⊰🍁@diverse-hearts || starter for nahida !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ HAVE YOU EVER FORGED YOUR own blade before? It's one of the most relaxing practices I've experienced in my life ; maybe it's a bit more than that -- sometimes I spend hours just thinking of new designs... ❞
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⊰🍁@snowtombedstar || starter for tem !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THAT'S ONE THING I MISS about home: you can't see the stars at night in the city...even when it's the middle of the night. I've heard there are museums that make a room light up like a star-filled sky ; I wonder if it feels the same there. ❞
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⊰🍁starter for @ruinlost !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ MY APOLOGIES ; I hadn't thought anyone occupied this area at the time. ❞ His hands held tightly to basket, empty of contents for the moment ; he'd planned to use this area to scavenge for anything to consume, even...lavender melons...
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⊰🍁@curiouskinetic liked for a starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁EYES GROW WIDE AS NOISE draws attention to west , his sword drawn at the ready, piercing gaze devoid of its natural hearth. ❝ Who's there? ❞
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⊰🍁@prophecylinked liked for a starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁ARMS WRAPPED SO TIGHTLY 'ROUND form , he thinks his fingertips might actually break the brittle bone beneath. While Inazuma had its cold months, the mountains in this region were far beyond the snowy depths of anything experienced within Tatarasuna. In spite of those months, Niwa had always been prepared: food, clothing, warmth, rations -- all of it for his people and himself. The jobs during that time revolved around less mining exploits and more homesteading for his community. While this caused a shortage until the snowy months dwindled in some areas, they'd always managed to overhaul their stockpile to last them.
        When he'd heard there were adventurers in this area, his feet had led him toward their camp. They were leads, even if the chances of them holding any valuable information wasn't exactly high ; as a man on a mission to find out more about the Fatui, he could not deny that every answer he received was valuable -- was pertinent to his steps toward finding them...
        As snow-covered geta managed to find ground discarded of the substance, he couldn't explain the gasp of relief that fluttered forth, his pace picking up as soon as eyes gazed upon the tents just ahead. Yet as soon as he entered the camp, he felt his legs give out momentarily, head dizzied from his journey. Being so unfamiliar with the area, he must have taken the long road here...
        When the sounds of footsteps approached, Niwa's head tilted back steadily, a softened smile breaking out over his features, ❝ This is the Adventurer's Guild of Dragonspire? My apologies for appearing so suddenly, but I require assistance. ❞
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⊰🍁starter for @snowtombedstar !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁THE NURSES WERE KIND , lifting his body on the bed so he could sit upright while he laid there, but even that wasn't enough. His spirits still were crumpled to the floor below -- perhaps beyond. To even remain here, hearing these machines that continued to mercilessly monitor him -- machines he knew not the names -- was agonizing, the dread within that told him at any moment that blue-haired monster may wander through those doors and place him back into the confines of his own body once more.
        Beep beep beep ... !
        Inhale, deep and thoughtful, meant to calm his nerves as eyes shifted toward clock. Soon...soon, this is what they told him... He'd subside the pain for the sake of encounter ; he couldn't break into tears, no matter how painful the news had been, in front of his guest -- he wasn't so incapable to hold in his torrential emotions. Though they plagued him, he felt himself metaphorically placing them aside, waving at them like a parent would a child before leaving for work...
        Shuffling outside the door, head turned, a painful wince as longer locks were caught behind him. Turning toward window, he pulled his newly acquired inches over his shoulder and placed them haphazardly over his chest, taking in the mass of hair with a shudder -- then he heard the distinctive sliding of door catches his ear, breaking mind from its conflict, thus turning him back. Familiar woman in door caught his eye first, almost causing him to feel disappointment simmer within, but it was when she bowed to another that he felt eyes fill with this childish...excitement and familiar warmth -- familiar...that's all he can dream for in his current state.
        ❝ Ren... ❞ Just the sight of him elicited an instinctive smile, drifting over tired expression like fog over a city's morning.
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⊰🍁starter for @erabundus !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ IT'D BE NICE TO GET to know you better -- why don't you tell me about yourself? We could start with...hobbies? ❞
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⊰🍁@orecrowned || starter for morax !
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