#* … ( BELLA SWAN : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb
thesnowfelled · 2 years
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It was HALLOWEEN night and that meant doing the traditions of taking the small dhampir out for TRICK OR TREATING so asking Johanna to go with is the easy part. The hard part is getting used to the fact that her body doesn’t stumble in high heels or the fact that Renesmee doesn’t need a stroller even though she was born a year ago. Edward takes Renesmee a few blocks AHEAD when Bella takes notice of a SKULL sitting on the edge of someone’s porch with the light off.  It almost looked like someone FORGOT to put out decorations until the LAST moment. 
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When Bella pointed out the LONELY house,  Johanna is QUICK to tell her that the skull is real.  Her heart drops into the pit of her stomach as a soft gasp comes from her.   ❝ Should we CALL someone? ❞   The question is HONESTLY the stupidest thing to come from her mouth on HALLOWEEN night but Bella can’t help it.
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❝ that’s not fake. ❞  (bella)       /     @perceivedpast
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citrontartellete · 6 years
Since this year is the 10th anniversary Twilight’s saga, I thought that would be funny :), it is really silly and simple.
Movie Night :
The TV was above a whisper on the live room of their private house. Armand was nestled at Marius’ side wearing one of his beloved Masters’ sweaters, it is his favourite a grey wool jumper bought on a department store in London, and smelled like him, the piece of clothe almost reaching his thighs a skinny jeans and comfy mismatched socks on his feet.
Marius is drawing on his newest obsession, a tablet specially designed for digital drawing, not looking up once to see what kind of move his Amadeo looked so immersed in. But by the dialogues he recognized it, the silly vampire movies the human kids watched it was a rather silly saga, quite honestly ! Vampires sparkling !!
And saying such melodramatic things to their lover, by Gods ! Amadeo seemed to like it, so he didn’t said anything and kept enjoying Amadeo’s pressure at his side, his hand around Marius’ forearm in a light comforting grip, his head on his shoulders.
Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion
He felt when his angel shifted very little and his eyes move slowly to watch his reaction. He could feel the other biting his lips.
Edward Cullen: You don't know how long I've waited for you.
He felt Amadeo, getting even closer near him, like he wanted to melt into him.
Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
This time, he was the one who shifted. The silly statement hit him deep on his own emotions, so he leaned a little and kissed Amadeo’s soft curls.
Armand closed his eyes leaning on to the touch, welcoming it and smiling kissing Marius shoulder gently.
Edward Cullen: You're like my own personal brand of heroin.
‘You feel like that to me you know...’ Armand whispered resting without looking at his master, if he was mortal his cheeks would surely burn bright red with this confession. He never said anything of the sort to Marius, usually he was the one who said that sort of thing to him and he never said anything in return just kissed him or anything else. He heard his master smile, and kiss his ear. He felt a little of disappointment on his chest. He is here, saying to Marius that he is practically addicted to him and he only smile ? He bit his lips and reasoned with himself, maybe he was surprised by it, yes !
Edward Cullen : It makes me . . . anxious . . . to be away from you, you know.
‘I feel like that too master...’ Armand said again. It was so true. Every time Marius walked outside the door and after a few hours he didn’t came back home, Armand would blown his every social media with messages and calls. His first thought was that someone had take his master away, that they would be apart again. The thought drove him mad. This time Marius did not said anything. The movie ended. The second movie was about to start.
‘Marius you haven’t watched the movie with me’ Marius shivered. Hear his name, on his angel mouth is a moment of bliss he didn’t deserved.
‘Pardon me, my love...but this movie is a little melodramatic...’ the man said fully facing his lover, hurt on his cherub beautiful eyes ‘But I heard, what you said, love’ the blonde man put his tablet down.
Armand’s eyes widened in shock and he felt Marius pushing him into his lap, gently wrapping his around his waist, he immediately threw his arms around his neck :
‘Sorry again, my love. Do you want me to say those things like the boy in the movie or a ending like that? With my cold lips on your neck ?’
Armand didn’t answered and shivered when Marius’ cobalt eyes sparkled
‘Amadeo, you always had been my existence from the night one, when I heard your pleas I knew, I was yours. Yours, for as long as the stars shine. You are my sun, my own galaxy and I do orbit around you, around you’ while he said that, Marius placed small kisses around his jaw and slowly down his neck and he closed his eyes again getting lost into the touch ‘You are the only god I worship. There’s no world without you to me, I cannot live without you and I love you Amadeo...’
Armand shivered and felt his master tongue only placing open mouthed kisses on his neck, grazing his teeth, he held tighter on Marius body and whispered gently:
‘I love you too master’
‘I know, my love’
Really hope you enjoyed it ;)
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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This is a tag drop for   ISABELLA “BELLA” SWAN  from the Twilight Saga. It covers desires, interactions, answered, headcanon, isms, visage. 
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* … ( BELLA SWAN : desires. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : interaction. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : headcanon. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : edit. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : isms. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb * … ( BELLA SWAN : visage. ) ⠀ › ⠀ the lion fell in LOVE with the lamb
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