#* … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem.
thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Josie doesn’t normally call people CUTE often and when she does it clearly means something more.  Even now as they stand there next to a swing set at the park,  a BLUSH goes to their cheeks,     ❝ I don’t rarely all someone cute. ❞   Josie tells Poe softly before raising their head up to meet their deep brown eyes once more.   ❝ But you are one of the FEW people that I get the honor of finding ATTRACTIVE. ❞   Is it meant as a BOOST to the ego or a subtle HINT that the other should ask them out?  Josie isn’t sure if there was any guts inside of their being to ASK someone out.   You need a GOOD CRUSH to even you out.  Lizzie’s voice rings out of their mind.  Josie had been back from BELGIUM for less than three months and now at college for “GIFTED” students that have special abilities.
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❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜ Poe for Josie      /       @fatalflcws​
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
❝  i’m not ready to say goodbye yet.  ❞ / lizzie & jo!
❝ Lizzie, ❞      a soft sigh pushes through plump lips as Josie walks into their shared dorm room.  The 19 year old was ready for life to be more than the same four walls and color palettes that were more refined.  The baby pinks and soft colors of a little girl’s bedroom was no longer the one for her.      ❝ It is just for a single semester. ❞       Going to study abroad with Caroline was the best plan of action. If Josie were to say that her stomach wasn’t flopping,  it would be a lie for they were just as on edge as their dear sister.  The urge to tell Lizzie to stop being dramatic dies on the tip of her tongue as a comforting hand reaches out and rubs Lizzie’s arm.                              ❝ You can handle things on your own. I know it. ❞
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Josie was used to playing protector,  mother hen,  the sister that puts everyone before herself and it was time to stop doing it.  The spotlight was always on Lizzie and maybe without her twin it will be easier to step out into the limelight.  This semester learning how to be independent and learn about one’s self. 
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
Hosie & Sizzie fic - Tabula Rasa
Title: Tabula Rasa Relationships: Hope/Josie, Sebastian/Lizzie, MG/Kaleb Additional Tags: Memory Magic, Inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Humor, Misunderstandings, Kissing, First Kiss, Getting Together, Monster Hunters Chapters: 1/3 Words: 3,631
Summary: Hope does a memory spell to make everyone forget her again. Problem is, they forget who they are and that magic exists. Meanwhile monsters from Malivore are closing in. Chaos ensues.
Read Chapter 1 below the cut:
Hope felt more alone than ever. All her friends remembered her now, but they were angry she’d kept her return a secret. No one bothered to ask her why she’d done it. Landon hadn’t even said a word to her, and Rafael had said they couldn’t talk anymore.
Everyone was leaving her. At least she’d be going back to Malivore soon. She could finally end this, and with luck, everyone would forget her again. But Hope wasn’t sure she could wait that long. The past few days had been unbearable. She felt nothing but pain and a loneliness that rendered her useless.
A knock sounded at her door. Hope didn’t have the energy to get up and answer it. She wrapped her blanket tightly around herself and returned her attention back to the show she was mindlessly watching. Anything to fill the void.
“Hope, please open up.” Josie’s voice.
That was the last person she wanted to see right now. She hadn’t spoken to her since she’d cast the spell to return everyone’s Malivore memories. Hope was too angry to see her. This was all Josie’s fault. If she’d just let sleeping dogs lie, Hope could have told everyone in her own time. They could have found another way to destroy the Croatoan.
“Please, Hope. This is an emergency. There’s a hoard of Malivore monsters heading for the school. We need you to help fight them off, to help protect Landon.”
Hope’s heart stuttered at the sound of his name. “Landon doesn’t want to see me.”
A blast sounded behind her. Hope whirled around to see the door had burst off its hinges. She glared at Josie. “What the hell was that for?”
“I wanted to make sure you were definitely in here before I forced my way in.”
“How did you find me?”
Josie held up a map with a splotch of blood on it. A simple location spell.
Hope sighed. She should have done more to mask her location. She was just so sure no one wanted to see her right now that she hadn’t bothered. Hope swiped at her tears, letting her messy hair fall across her face. She didn’t want Josie of all people to see her like this.
“Are you going to come and fight or what?”
“No one wants me there,” Hope said, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees.
“My dad does. And Lizzie too. I haven’t spoken to the others, but they all know you’re the best chance we have at fighting Malivore’s monsters. We’re all gathering in the library right now to prepare to defend the school. We voted and we want you to lead the fight. Come on, Hope, people do want you there.”
“Who voted against me?” Hope asked, raising her chin. Though she already knew the answer.
“Landon and Raf. Oh, and that new vampire. Or old vampire. Sebastian.”
Hope raised an eyebrow. “Ah, the one who saved us from the Croatoan. I’ve yet to meet him, but he sounds terrible already.”
“Come on, Hope. You know you’ll never forgive yourself if the monsters get Landon and you weren’t there to save him.”
Hope let out a long sigh. As much as she didn’t want to care anymore, she knew she still cared far too much. “Okay, fine. Let me just get my stuff together.”
She went into her room and gathered her weapons into a duffel bag. She glanced over her shoulder and listened carefully to make sure Josie wasn’t right outside the door. The creak of the couch sounded as the voices on the TV droned on.
Hope pulled out the spell book she’d been poring over last night and gathered the ingredients to a particularly useful spell. She struck a match and lit the bundle of sticks.
“For those who remember what Malivore obscured, this I char,” she chanted. “Let Lethe’s Bramble do its chore. Purge their minds of memories grim of pains from recent slights and sins. When the fire goes out, when the crystal turns black, the spell will be cast. Tabula rasa. Tabula rasa. Tabula rasa.”
When they arrived at the Salvatore School library, Hope set down her weapon bag on an armchair and surveyed the group. Alaric was poring over books at a table in the middle of the room. Landon and Rafael stood nearby discussing different tactics superheroes in comics used to fight large groups of monsters.
A broody fellow was standing in a corner tracing his finger along the book titles. Lizzie walked over to him and handed him an old-fashioned outfit on a hanger.
“Seriously, Sebastian, you haven’t washed that outfit in six hundred years. People have been complaining.”
“Is it really so important that I smell nice going into battle?” Sebastian asked, his voice lofty and lilting. She couldn’t place his accent, but it sounded vaguely British. Not what Hope would have expected.
“It is if I’m fighting with you.” Lizzie pushed the clothes into his arms and held her nose.
Sebastian flitted out of there at vamp speed and returned a moment later dressed in the new clothes. He even looked like he had showered.
Hope turned her head to the side, sniffing herself cautiously. She’d put on deodorant, but she hadn’t taken the time for a shower. Hopefully she didn’t smell too bad.
“Much better,” Lizzie declared, practically fawning over him.
MG and Kaleb were standing by one of the display cases. They’d lifted the glass, and Kaleb was showing off a ring Hope recognized.
“Hey, that’s my father’s,” Hope said. “Be careful.”
“Chill, girl. I’m just trying it on. Gosh, this is so dope.” He admired the thick golden band.
“Oh, look, there’s another,” MG said. He snatched a gold ring from the case and slid it onto his finger. Hope was about to tell him that was her step-father’s but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. She just needed to make sure they put them back before they headed in battle.
“What do you think, Lizzie?” MG asked, holding up his hand.
She rolled her eyes. “It looks stupid. Now can we get on with the monster fighting? What’s the plan, Hope?”
All eyes turned to Hope. She glanced at the crystal in her pocket. It was almost completely black. Good. She just needed to stall a little longer. “What do we know so far?” she asked Alaric, who was sitting at a table with a book in front of him, clearly in the middle of some research.
“We don’t know much about the monsters. Only that Malivore can now send more than one at once. The zombie from last time is among them, but I expect there might be vampires as well. All with the mark of Malivore carved into their foreheads.”
“Do we have any idea of their numbers?” Hope asked. “I was thinking we could scout—” The world swayed as lights danced before Hope’s eyes. She was vaguely aware of Rafael running towards her as she passed out.
A moment later the rest of them passed out too.
A group of nine strangers awoke in a room filled with bookshelves. They all looked around at each other, confused.
One girl awoke in the muscled arms of a handsome black guy. She tucked a strand of long brown hair behind her ear and backed away from him. She didn’t know who he was, or who anyone was, or even who she herself was.
“Hey, there.” The guy smiled at her, giving her an appreciative look. Did he know her? Was this some strange case of amnesia? Oh, God. She needed to get to a hospital right away.
“What is this place?” came a surly British accent.
She looked across the room at a guy dressed in a ruffled shirt, dark blue coat, and black trousers tucked into boots. He looked like he’d been transported through time. Or maybe she had been transported back through time. But no, most of the others were wearing clothes like hers.
“Does anyone remember anything?” the blond girl next to the British guy asked.
“No,” everyone said at once.
“Maybe we’re all just really drunk,” said a black guy with braids.
“I don’t see any drinks, and my breath doesn’t smell like alcohol. Also I don’t think drinking would make us forget who we are,” the blonde said.
A boy with curly dark hair dug a card out of his pocket and held it up triumphantly. “I found my student ID. It seems my name is Landon. I go to Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. Oh, wow. I’m gifted. I must be really smart.”
“Oh, I go there too,” said the black guy with braids. “Maybe we’re friends. I’m Kaleb.” He gave Landon a fist bump.
“What’s your name?” Kaleb asked the guy standing next to him.
“Milton,” he said, making a face. “Gosh, why couldn’t I have a cool name like Kaleb or Landon?”
“I’m Hope Marshall.” Hope stood up and brushed off the dust from her pants. She was relieved to have a name now, even though she still had no idea about anything else.
“Oh, hey, you got a last name. No fair,” Landon said. He rushed over to look at her ID card. “You go to a different school.”
“Mystic Falls High School,” she said, nodding. Guess she wasn’t as smart as the others...
“I’m Rafael,” said the guy she’d woken up on top of. “I go to Salvatore too.” He looked at Hope. “Hey, do you think we’re dating? We woke up all huddled together like that.”
“I guess we must be,” Hope said. There was something incredibly familiar about him, and her heart was doing little somersaults in her chest.
“Looks like we’re in the library of Salvatore Boarding School.” Landon pointed to a picture on the wall. “Most of us are students, I’d guess, but who are you?” Landon asked the older guy sitting at the table.
The guy dug through his wallet and pulled out a driver’s license. “Alaric Saltzman.” He looked at the books in front of him on the table. “I’m quite a bit older than you all. I must be a teacher, or maybe I’m the librarian. I do seem to know my way around the books.”
“I know this sounds kind of crazy, but we look kind of alike, and I feel like I need to get your approval. Do you think you’re my father?” Landon asked.
Alaric studied him. “You know. I do feel very disappointed in you and like I need to protect you. You probably are my son.”
“So I’m Landon Saltzman,” Landon said proudly. “That’s right, Hope Marshall. Last name buddies!” He gave her a high five.
“Not that anyone cares but I’m Elizabeth,” said the blonde.
“That is a beautiful name,” said the broody British guy. “Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate any identification on my person.”
Elizabeth reached over to check the tag of his coat. “Oh, look, your name is Lysander.”
Lysander scoffed, running a hand through his dark hair. “My mother must have hated me. I cannot believe she had the audacity to label my clothes and name me Lysander. What kind of name is that? Lysander. It sounds like a plague.”
“At least it’s better than Josette,” said a girl with wavy brown hair.
“That’s not so bad,” said Elizabeth. “We can call you Jojo for short.”
She made a face. “God, that’s even worse.”
“What about Josie?” Hope said.
“Ugh.” Elizabeth made a puking face.
“No, I like that. Josie it is.” Josie gave Hope a shy smile.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Whatever. We need to get to a hospital and figure out what’s going on.”
“Wait,” Landon said, jumping in front of her. “What if we’re just being punked? You guys could all be pretending, and I’m the only one who doesn’t remember.”
“None of us are pretending, you turnip,” Lysander grumbled.
“Maybe we’ve all been drugged,” Milton suggested. “That could explain why we don’t remember anything, right? Or we got hit on the head.”
“My head feels fine,” Kaleb said.
Josie walked over to them. “Oh, hey, you guys have matching rings. Are you two together?”
Milton and Kaleb looked at each other. “Maybe,” Milton said. “I feel like he would be my type. Strong-willed, handsome, clever.”
Kaleb grinned. “Aw, you’re making me blush. I don’t think I’d go for such a nerd, but there’s something really endearing about you.”
“Your ring,” Josie said, picking up Kaleb’s hand. “It has an M on it. M for Milton. And yours has a K for Kaleb. Guys, these look like wedding rings. I think you’re married.”
“Oh, nice.” Kaleb put his arm around Milton, smiling.
It was Milton’s turn to blush.
“Aw, you guys are so cute.” Josie looked around, wishing she had her own partner. A number of these people were good-looking, but the only one that really captivated her was the girl who was already dating someone. Hope, was it?
“Okay, everyone, let’s get out of here,” Elizabeth said, marching to the door.
“Who made you the boss?” Hope demanded.
“You guys are just sitting around, so I’m taking charge.” Elizabeth opened up the door.
Three men in horribly gruesome Halloween costumes growled at her. They had some weird symbol on their forehead, along with a ton of fake blood. They smelled horrible. Elizabeth slammed the door in their faces and backed up.
“It’s Halloween, isn’t it?” Elizabeth said, trying her best not to freak out. “Those were just costumes, right?”
“No, that smelled like real blood,” Lysander said, somehow certain of it, though he couldn’t explain why.
“How would you know?” Elizabeth asked, suspicious. “Are you a doctor, or something? Maybe you’re the one who trapped us here.” She crossed her arms.
“I assure you I did nothing of the sort.”
A crash sounded and the door flew open. They all screamed and backed away. Elizabeth picked up a sword from one of the glass cases and swung it at the approaching zombie. She kicked it backwards into the other one.
Lysander joined her, swinging a heavy book onto the monsters’ heads with surprising accuracy.
“I’m really good at this,” Elizabeth said, relishing the fact. “I must be a monster hunter. We make a good team, Lysander.”
“There’s a secret door in the wall over here,” Hope called. “It looks like it leads down somewhere.”
“I’ll check,” Rafael said. He ran down the stairs. A moment later he came back. “It looks like some sewers or tunnels. Definitely a way out.”
“Good. You guys use that to escape,” Elizabeth said, swinging at the zombie. “Lysander and I will hold off the monsters.”
“Oh, hold up. You’re not fighting them alone,” Kaleb said. “I’m going to help too.”
“Me too,” said MG.
“Look, here’s a whole bag of weapons,” Landon said. He passed them out to everyone.
“Okay, we split up,” Elizabeth said. “The rest of you go down the stairs and find a way out. We’ll hold them off as long as we can.”
The others hurried to obey, eager to be out of that room.
Elizabeth grabbed Lysander’s arm to get him out of the way of an attacking monster. She pushed the monster back with her other hand and the monster went flying backwards in a shower of sparks.
“Whoa,” she said. “Did you see that, guys? I have powers. I’m like a superhero or something.”
“No wonder you’re the boss,” Lysander said, laughing. He was looking at her in awe, clearly impressed.
“Hey, when you guys are done flirting, we could use some help over here,” Kaleb said. He was struggling to put an arrow in a crossbow.
Elizabeth marched over there and snatched it from him. As if by instinct, she placed the arrow in it and shot the zombie approaching them. “Why don’t you guys catch up with the others in the tunnels? Lysander and I have got this.”
“We can still help,” Kaleb insisted. “You can do magic, right? I found this book of magic on the table. Maybe I can find a spell you can use to stop the monsters.”
Milton grabbed Kaleb’s hand. “Come on, babe. They’ve got this.”
Kaleb looked disappointed. “There’s got to be something in the book. Come on, it’s worth a shot.”
Elizabeth huffed. “Fine, you two work on that. Lysander and I will draw them outside.”
It was easy enough to herd the monsters outside. There were twelve of them in total. This was going to be a long fight. Elizabeth glanced over at Lysander. He was strong, but he hadn’t displayed any magic skills.
One of the monsters opened its jaws displaying sharp, pointy teeth. “Oh, God, a vampire.” Elizabeth ran it through with a sword, but it didn’t slow it down even a little. She tried to knock it back with magic, but nothing happened when she thrust her hands forward.
Lysander suddenly appeared behind the vampire and snapped its neck. When he looked up at Elizabeth, dark veins spread under his eyes and long fangs protruded from his mouth.
Elizabeth yelped and stepped away, holding the sword between them. “Don’t come any closer.”
“What’s the matter, Elizabeth?”
She turned and ran.
“Elizabeth, would you slow down?”
Hope led the way through the underground tunnels. It was poorly lit with electric bulbs along the walls at intervals. Rats skittered across the damp floor, and a rank smell filled the place. Like old blood.
“Everyone okay?” Hope asked, glancing back at the others.
“So far,” Landon said, rubbing something sticky off his jacket. “I think I stepped into a spider web.”
Alaric placed a hand on his shoulder. “You should be more careful.”
“Sorry, Dad. It’s just really hard to see down here.”
“Post tenebras spero lucem,” Hope muttered. An orb of light burst forth in her hand. Everyone jumped, startled. “Okay, I have no idea where that came from.”
“You have magic,” Josie said, looking fascinated. “That is so cool.” She reached over to link arms with Hope. “I’m sticking with you from now on.”
Hope laughed. “Oh, it’s not that cool. Okay, it’s pretty cool. I wonder what else I can do.”
Landon was muttering the words Hope had spoken over and over again. “Dang it. I don’t have any magic.”
“Me neither,” Alaric said. “Looks like we’re both regular humans, son.”
“Yeah, I can’t do anything either,” Rafael said, shrugging. “Looks like Hope’s the only one.”
Josie said the spell, not expecting anything to happen. Light burst forth in her hand. “Oh, I can do it too,” she said excitedly.
“That’s great,” Hope said, smiling. “Maybe we were in like a coven together or something.”
“Yeah, we’re probably magic buddies.”
“Do you think we knew magic existed?” Landon asked. “Or are we not supposed to know? If it’s some big secret, then we should be pretty excited about this, right? I mean, it’s okay for me to be geeking out a little right now.”
“The book I was reading when I woke up was a magic book,” Alaric said. “I think I must have known about it, or at least suspected.”
Rafael wrapped an arm around Hope, pulling her away from Josie. “Well, I’m pretty sure I knew since I’m dating this goddess.”
Hope felt a little weird. She was pretty sure she liked him. Her heart was racing and her skin felt electric at his touch, but she couldn’t help glancing at Josie…
“Elizabeth, would you stop running for one moment?” Lysander grabbed her arm. He felt a pinch of pain and then he was flying backwards. He rubbed his head. “What was that for?”
“You’re a vampire!” Elizabeth yelled. She didn’t know why her magic only seemed to work when she was touching him, but that was hardly her concern at the moment.
“What? I am not a vampire,” he said, offended. “I am one of the good guys. I have been fighting by your side all this time, haven’t I?”
“Check your teeth.”
Lysander felt his canines. They were long and sharp. He sniffed the air and found he could smell blood. Goodness gracious, the girl was right. This did not make any sense to him.
“I hunt monsters like you,” Elizabeth said.
“And I feed on people like you.” He stepped closer to her, but she didn’t back away this time. Her chin was held high, and damn was that attractive. “So why don’t I feel the slightest urge to bite you? Instead I find myself drawn to you in a way I cannot explain. And why am I fighting against other monsters?”
“Maybe you’re not as powerful, and they pick on you for that.”
“No, that isn’t it,” he said with certainty. He knew he could hold his own in a fight. “I must be a noble vampire, far more intelligent than any of the monsters that give in to their thirst. I doubt I have had a drop of human blood in my life. I only feed on animals and hunt the villains who prey on humans.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, scoffing. “A good vampire? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you have forgotten that along with everything else. Maybe I should remind you.” Lysander was taking a risk here, but it felt right in his bones. He wrapped a hand around Elizabeth’s waist and pulled her into a deep kiss.
Elizabeth felt like her skin was on fire. She wanted to get closer to the vampire. She dug her fingers through his hair and kissed his mouth, careful not to brush against his fangs. He tilted his head so his lips brushed her neck, and she melted into his arms.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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This is a tag drop for  JOSIE SALTZMAN  from the Twilight Saga. It covers desires, interactions, answered, headcanon, isms, visage. 
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* … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : desires. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : interaction. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : headcanon. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : edit. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : isms. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem. * … ( JOSIE SALTZMAN : visage. ) ⠀ › ⠀ i care TOO much. its kind of a problem.
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