fortitudina · 10 months
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salvationofsouls asked: “ shit, i think i pulled my stitches. ” ~ Caass from Ethan
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DARKENED EYES TURNED THEMSELVES upwards from the book that was nestled within his grasp, attention instead had turned itself on to his husband as he heard the exasperated words leave from his lips. For a brief moment, a faint look of disappointment befell the demon's features but whether it was at Ethan or at the failed stitching would be a question unanswered. " You need to be careful and take things easier... "
He knew that staying sedentary was something that Ethan struggled to do, often having seen him need to go for a run or to the gym to work off his stress, but he was also squishy in comparison to him and seemed very prone to getting into scrapes that left him injured. Caassimolar had found himself getting more and more worried about him whenever he was working and wanted him to take some time to just relax.
" Lie yourself down and I'll take a look at your stitches... If I do find that they're pulled though, I'm confining you to our chambers. " His small threat came with an added glare as he set his book aside and stood himself up. He rarely failed to carry out his threats either, but this one one that was in Ethan's best interest to follow.
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