fiirstnephalem · 1 day
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OOC. Not me now thinking about Sima's reaction to finding Bucky's arm in the damn dishwasher as she goes to get a mug from it...
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vervainlacedveins · 15 days
“ just calm down. breathe. i’ll take care of this. ” ~ From Damon
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Damon take care of this? It sounded like the start to a really bad joke. Eva didn't want to think just how much worst things would get if Damon - of all people - took 'care of it'. Sharp dark eyebrows furrowed deeply, ignoring the fact that her green eyes were filled with of tears threatening to fall down. No way would she ever cry in front of him: no matter how terrified she was.
"And trust you? Hah! I don't think so." Eva sarcastically replied, a heightened sound to her usually low tone: clear sign that she was very much, in fact, afraid. Wide emerald eyes looked back and forth behind Damon, trying to discover another familiar - more wanting - figure to appear, "Where's Stefan? Why isn't he with you?!"
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psychicsalvatore · 1 month
‘ come to join the party? ’ ~ Klaus
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"Actually I've come to end it." Ellie retorted, a sharpness that was unusual tainting her raspy sweet tone. Her green eyes were piercing as she stormed through the room, moving past the dead bodies that already littered upon the ground. The smell of fresh blood pooled her vampire senses, but a vision prior to the event had allowed Ellie to prepare herself for such an overwhelming temptation (had she not - she didn't want to think how hungry she'd be right now). "You need to stop this - now, Klaus - before it goes too far."
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poxsonmenace · 2 months
[ SHAVE ]: ~ Seb
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It wasn't the FIRST TIME that HIS SNIPER had doted on HIM when IT came to mundane tasks and he knew IT wouldn't be the last. If he allowed IT and DIDN'T swat the hand away, the man would FIX TIES and shave stubble for all ETERNITY. Such a DOMESTICATED man for someone so rugged.
"Catch my SKIN 'BASTIAN and I'll catch yours RIGHT back," he warned through a purr as he TIPPED HIS head back for HIM once he had watched HIM straddle HIS lap, the cut-throat razor LIKE cold steel AGAINST HIS neck.
[ @salvationofsouls ]
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grimmusings · 2 months
For each  ‘ 🔥 ‘  I receive, my muse will admit one thing that turns them on
For each  ‘ -🔥 ‘ , they’ll admit one thing that turns them off - Crossbones { from Hans }
Answered here! ☠️
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mightiestxheroes · 2 months
"Up and at 'em. We have activity." @ Bucky from Steve || @salvationofsouls
Bucky's eyes open a slit and he lets out a soft grunt as he sits up, working out the kinks in his stiff muscles. They’d been sitting around for hours, waiting for the 'bad guys'--some group of extremists--to arrive at an abandoned warehouse to exchange the goods. Those goods being weapons that the dealer shouldn't have been able to get their hands on. They were here, not only to retrieve them, but capture the dealer so they could find out how they'd gotten their hands on them.
"Right," he said, moving over to Steve, and peering out from their hiding spot, "What have we got?"
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oozeyboozey-archive · 4 months
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@salvationofsouls : what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into ?
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the question paused the woman , enough to make her side glance him with a warning gaze. she wouldn't have gotten herself into anything if his men could just keep their eyes on the damned device like they were supposed to. whatever happened to they do their job so she can do hers? next comes a deep inhale , steadying her emotions so she doesn't say something that might come back to bite her later. she wouldn't have had to kill nearly as many people in broad daylight if it wasn't for them. ❛ why don't you ask your cronies the same question? ❜ okay , not the right choice of words. ❛ maybe they can tell you how they let the device get away. ❜
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rosefromdeath1 · 5 months
@salvationofsouls ♥ ( EDWARD ) liked for a one liner starter
"You know if you keep driving around like a maniac like this, Chief Swan is going to have a field day arresting you."
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mentalitynotes · 6 months
📱 ~ Charlie from Azrael.
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What ringtone my muse has set for yours: At Last - Halocene
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: A little short but it's voice to text so...
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: Pretty quick, she doesn't like to keep him hanging if she can avoid it.
How often our muses text: Pretty often.
How often our muses call: Probably just visit more than call its easier.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Not really unless she's in something that is like important.
Last text sent from my muse to yours: So lunch?
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firebirby · 6 months
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salvationofsouls asked: " i don't really smile much. not unless you're around, it seems. " ~ Ethan
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PHEN'S HAPPINESS AND SMILES WERE INFECTIOUS, EVEN IF PERSONALLY, she never believed them to be. But she wanted everyone to feel some semblance of happiness around her, rather than be stuck in sadness, so, she radiated happiness and light as much as she could. It evidently had to work though, as Ethan's words to her proved enough, making her grin that bit brighter.
" I cannot be the only time that you smile, Ethan! --- What about around Caass? Or Jasmine and Deacon? " Surely her brother and their little family made him smile more than what her company did? Even if his words did make her happy.
@salvationofsouls can't find the meme / not accepting.
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fiirstnephalem · 1 day
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salvationofsouls asked: “Have you ever gotten a stuffed animal from a claw machine?” ~ Bucky
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" Once... " SHE tried not to make it a regular occurrence to try and win things out of these machines, but this stuffie had caught her eye, reminded her of him in a sense and she wanted to try her luck on it. Usually, she'd not get sidetracked during their beach walks, but consider this time, a one-off. " Usually, it's Phen who's all about trying to win these things but... this one reminds me of you. "
It was a white wolf with a slightly brooding expression to it. It even had blue eyes like his. She pulled a quarter from her purse and slotted it into the machine, watching as the claw moved into position before she used the joystick to maneuver it into position to try picking the wolf up.
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@salvationofsouls 50 random starters / accepting
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vervainlacedveins · 24 days
“ why are you bleeding? what happened? ” ~ From Stefan
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"Why does it matter?" Eva growled, pushing past Stefan as she stormed through the Salvatore Boarding House; up the staircase, heading towards her bathroom where she intended to get cleaned up. She didn't care if Stefan was worried about the state of her bloodied and bruised appearance. After all, they weren't some happy, normal family. She wasn't going to pretend they suddenly were either simply because her father was busy rotting out in the backyard, six feet deep, and leaving her under the care of two vampire half uncles. "I'll heal anyway!" She huffed, pushing her bedroom door open to continue storming towards her bathroom, "Then we can just pretend that nothin' ever happened."
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psychicsalvatore · 1 month
‘ i thought we could sit out here and talk. ’ ~ Elena
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Ellie perked up at Elena's words. For a psychic it seemed that there was still some times she was taken by surprise. She'd sat out onto the swinging seat outside the front porch of the Gilbert house to clear her head, but certainly appreciated the company of the girl. After all, despite her physical resemblance to a certain vampire who had been responsible for ruining Ellie's family, Elena was much more pleasant than her ancestor.
"Oo, are we having girl bonding time? No boys allowed?" Ellie squealed, dimple grin splitting ear to ear as she scooched to the edge of the swinging seat: one leg hanging over to hold it in place and allow her friend to sit. She patted eagerly on the available seat, her green eyes flashing with cheekiness, "Stef might be jealous though. He used to let me do his hair in pigtails when we were younger during girl time back then, you know."
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jbbarnes · 9 months
@salvationofsouls : you didn't deserve the way i treated you. / rollins.
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The snow in his hair was melting, even with the meagre heat of the safehouse. Outside, fat flakes continued to fall, leading to the odd hushed sound and strange light of deep winter. Their tracks to the place would be gone soon enough, buried under the blanket of cold. Even with their remote location, though, safety was never a given, and so he had been stationed at the window, the room at his back dark to allow his vision to be as sharp as necessary.
It was hard to resist a shiver as the chill water ran down the back of his neck and under his collar. But this was not true cold, not the kind that felt like knives slicing into his skin, or a thousand needles. A cold he would feel deep in his bones. So he remained perfectly still, as trained.
The Soldier knew one of the handlers was behind him, but he did not move form his vigil. Until the handler spoke, and his head turned ever-so-slightly towards the source of the voice, catching sight of Agent Rollins out of the corner of his eye. It took a second for the words to register, and then his brows were furrowing. The handlers did not question themselves. What was the proper response in this situation?
"Sir?" he asked, voice low, hesitant, scratching against his throat.
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grimmusings · 6 months
“Is there anywhere we’ve forgotten to check?” { Jack to Brock }
Answered here! ☠️
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inmentemusae · 9 months
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salvationofsouls asked:
"Coffee break? I think you need one." @ Natasha from Steve
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Natasha looked up from the papers that she was just looking at as she heard Steves voice. Lifting her hand she rubs her temples in frustration. "Coffee? Mhm, Coffee sounds like a good idea." She admits but she needs to get through these papers. "Why Do you think I need a coffee break Steve?" She knows fine well that he is right but she is not going to admit it.
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