#*// alecto & malachi
mulciberii · 4 years
malachi excused himself from the table with a parting kiss to elsa’s cheek. he’d avoided offering an explanation mostly because he didn’t want to start the habit of lying to his fiancee for no reason.  however, in this particular instance work was calling his name. normally he’d have just shelved the idea for later, but the project had been plaguing him for far longer than he’d care to admit.  thankfully and to his embarrassment, it had only taken a few minutes. 
the last of his notes were written down so he could add them to the formal report on the matter, and he as he was getting ready to congratulate himself on finishing up unnoticed a sound from the doorway practically scared out of his skin. “merlin! have you heard of knocking?” he shot off the angry question before bothering to look up and was less than surprised to find himself staring that the red-haired witch. “actually never mind, in your case i’m not sure why i even have a door.” 
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cvrrcws · 4 years
closed for @mulciberii​
— usually, alecto was sent alone, mostly because she tended to cause problems when she went with others, barring amycus and malachi. so she hadn’t been on a mission with anyone else in a while. but she did actually enjoy having malachi along.
   just get the information i wanted and convince them to join. you don’t need to play with your victims, they’d been told. although the last part had been more directed at her. in her professional opinion, if they couldn’t be convinced to change loyalties, she didn’t see the point in leaving them alive.
   alecto hummed as she apparated to their meeting point --- fifteen minutes late --- smirking when she spotted malachi. “ sorry. i got a little sidetracked, ” she said, twisting her hair up into a messy bun to keep it from her face. “ this’ll be fun, i haven’t been sent on anything with anyone else in a few months. ” 
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vancilocs · 5 years
harlei and nini
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rowan n elis
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joe n mae
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joe n mirad
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bailey n kasia
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jack n mirad
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aaron n radu
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jules n cameron
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alecto n harlei
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juno n ross
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juno n enrique
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iain n malva
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max n nevan
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max n heather
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maz n moran
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violeta n noor
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efra n kristján
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mhairi n ihn
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tal n kadiz
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tal n styx
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tal n mitra
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nora n solinore
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zeke n khim
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shaina, jehan, avis n zosia
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angie n ellen
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vim n iris
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mhairi n xiulan
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rosta n charon
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malachi, miva n havari
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krea and trias
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vastravia n qizare
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dán n sangre
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stuckinclockwork · 2 years
I'm currently trying to get pregnant. And man. It is EXHAUSTING. Anyways.
I've had girls names picked out for forever. I've run them by husband. We've made minor changes. They're loved by the both of us.
Boys names though. Boys names are HARD. I'm at a loss. We both makes suggestions and shoot down so many names every day. So far our list of acceptable names. Some of which are more we like the name but wouldn't use it ourselves, is so small.
And some Boys names I do like. (Everett, Elliot, Lucas) but I work with people whose children I take care of that have those names. So they're nixed.
So my boys name list is currently
Atticus, Jasper, Quincy, Hector, Rowen, Callum, Magnus, Caspian, Cedric, Killian, Flynn, Theo, Malachi, D'artagnan, Athos, Callisto, Cid, Silas, Bastian, Alecto.
And at least 4 of those are, like but we're definitely not using.
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mulciberii · 4 years
being greeted by what looked like a mountain on parchment wasn’t how malachi has planned to start his day. pinching the bridge of his nose he let out a low groan. how things always ended up left for him to do was a case for the department of mysteries at this point. it was his own fault for not expecting as much. 
for once it was his turn to bother her. he hadn’t bothered to knock, so he’d gambled on someone else being there, but as much as alecto enjoyed dropping in on him she’d live.  “how much of that shit on my desk is your fault?” he questioned making himself comfortable in one of the chairs opposite her. 
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cvrrcws · 4 years
closed starter for ;; @battyborgin​
--- alecto sighed, staring around at the other guests before turning away from the man who’d been talking to her in the middle of one of his sentences. no matter how many of these things she came to, they’d never been her thing, and they never would be. she was ready to go home and she’d not even been there for an hour yet. she knew malachi had come with elsa, but she’d already spent time bothering the younger rosier for a dress, instead of going to buy a new one she’d only wear once. so she refrained from stealing her fiancé as well. she was going to wander off to the three broomsticks at some point, but she had to stick it out for at least a little more time, if only for appearances. the younger carrow found a smile crossing her face when she spotted her cousin though, and made her way across the hall, snagging two newly made drinks from the bar before the person who’d ordered them could on her way. “ i think the people coming to these get duller every time, ” she grinned, holding out a glass.
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cvrrcws · 4 years
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i’m pretty sure alecto just raided elsa’s closet while malachi was at work
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vancilocs · 7 years
actor au
i don’t know if it would be like all humans but made aliens by cgi but fuck it don’t matter
noor is a newer actor and this one is her big break. she’s mostly been in small roles or in indie movies, and knows singer from way before. singer himself is a veteran actor and they’re already the best of friends. he learned sign language for the role and claims he had the hardest lines to learn.
kestra is also a veteran actor who’s worked with vim and singer before, those three are the big names in this production, old friends who work well together. also befriended alecto and noor.
vim isn’t a robot, he did voicework and motion capture for his metal bod and says it was quite a challenge to depict a character without facial expressions. a goofball on the set, and despite their vitriolic relationship on-screen got along well with ninida off-screen. alongside ninida, became great friends with alecto and a mentor/apprentice relationship with noor.
alecto is from the younger generation too but with more experience than noor. he’s a comedic actor who’s repertoire is mostly teen comedies and such. lovable manchild who made friends with everyone.
petra is an old friend of singer’s but newer to the acting scene, has actual past as a law enforcer and fits well into her role. great chemistry with singer and it can be seen they’re actually good friends. alma is a newbie actress who was picked mostly due to her striking similarity to singer, is learning the ropes alongside petra and has singer become her mentor as well.
ninida is not that inexperienced himself but having basically what is a villain role was a new thing for him. got plenty of advice from vim and their friendship shows in the final film. bloopers are full of ninida losing it in serious scenes because vim is goofing off. hated the eyepatch.
rowan and elis are old friends from a film shooting nearby (a la daniel craig in the force awakens) who wanted in on this one too and ended up having small roles as ninida’s crew. not an actual couple, but it was their idea to play ninida’s gay uncles. it’s hardly seen on-screen but in every interview they confirm how married they are and how they have dreams of moving into norway and start a family.
violeta is in her first role, and small as it is, she does well. she becomes fast friends with noor and they spend lots of time going over their lines together, supporting each other when they fret over being newbies in such a big production. then they become girlfriends.
amil is also a newcomer, already friends with violeta and those two keep together. they find a friend from malachi, a veteran in film industry, and become like actual siblings which shows in the film. malachi always apologized before and after the stabbing scene.
ada is voiced and mocapped by a very famous and distinguished actress and violeta and amil were nothing but intimidated in her presence. the baffled nervousness they have on-screen is genuine because they are being sassed by someone very famous and very talented.
shaina is an older actor and more or less herself in the film, a goofball sunshine like always. pulls pranks on her co-stars but also brings them cookies after shoot is done. jehan and avis are her actual wives and avis is actually blind, neither are actors but jehan does a decent enough job for what little she’s seen.
scrap was singer in double role. he still didn’t have to speak.
styx and mitra are newer actors, they have some experience but not much, mostly coached by shaina as they deal with each other the most. they hit up really well and by the end of the shoot are like actual siblings.
mirad is a big name making a cameo as a bartender, mostly spent his time watching the others work. did offer refreshments, though.
joe and mor rioghain are pure comedic actors, couple of dudebros showing up briefly as mercenaries more as a cameo than in an actual role. true Super Best Friends on and off set, have been and will be.
moran has a small role and is a lot more approachable than their character, becoming friends with many but especially alecto. had a hard time keeping a poker face especially around him.
rosta is a fairly accomplished actor, charon as well, but he hasn’t done a role as big before. they hated the quail masks and the blooper reel is full of them hitting their heads somewhere because they can’t see or rosta falling over in his heels. he spares no opportunity to complain about them in any interview.
david has his small role and does a good job at it, gets really into his on-screen relationship with rosta and those two are borderline inappropriate with their jokes.
xiulan and mhairi are friends who have worked together for a long, long time and know each other well, messing with each other constantly on and off screen. most was left to the blooper reel, some left into the actual film. ad-libbed most of their banter and sometimes it turned into 15 minutes of them insulting each other and trying not to laugh.
zeke and taliesin are an actual father and son, taliesin being a grown up child actor who’s trying his wings in the big industry with the help of his father, almost unrecognizable in this new role. zeke always visited whenever he had a shoot and gave tips, as an experienced actor himself.
kiurz is an athlete, not an actor, and actually missing his legs from below knee. he’s an archer, which was incorporated into his character. thanks to his intense rivalry with rosta’s character on-screen, they spent plenty of time together off it and became surprisingly good friends. kiurz sends him a card that says “sorry for killing your mom :( - k”
ustinya is known for playing mother characters and female leads in romantic comedies or sitcoms, and brings that skill into play in the film too, but behind it is also a very cold and calculating villain. does an excellent job. excellent chemistry with kiurz.
cäzilia is not that known of an actress, mostly in indie productions or small roles, an actual giant woman. she does an excellent performance which brings her into the limelight. dán’s actual girlfriend which made it hard for her to try and stay serious when in a scene with him. he would comfort her when she had trouble going against her kind nature and portray such a cold and sadistic character.
dán is a comedic actor whose ability to portray a villain was seriously doubted as he’s most known for being the comic relief or goofball best friend in romantic comedies, but he proved them wrong almost unnervingly well. got into character and creeped everyone out, popped out of it the second the shoot was over and made sure nobody was hurt during his outburst in the scene, while still covered in fake blood. his piercings weren’t real and he was glad to return to his normal style after portraying such an edgelord.
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vancilocs · 7 years
space songs - redux
i posted the first version four months ago but newsflash, asshole! i’ve been expanding the list the entire goddamn time!
noor miracle of sound - amnesia miracle of sound - distant honor billy talent - don’t count on the wicked
singer billy talent - half past dead
kestra rise against - from heads unworthy miracle of sound - shadow of the ash rise against - re-education (through labor) billy talent - this is our war ashtar command - deadman’s gun
naras billy talent - kingdom of zod
kestra & naras billy talent - dead silence billy talent - horses and chariots john waite - missing you
alecto the overtones - gambling man sam butera & the witnesses - let the good times roll mark ronson ft. bruno mars - uptown funk miracle of sound - jet fuel heart
vim miracle of sound - going nuclear ac/dc - shoot to thrill alabama 3 - woke up this morning paul engemann - push it to the limit johnny cash - hurt
ninida miracle of sound - hell to pay two steps from hell - shoot to kill mgmt - kids judas priest - you’ve got another thing coming
ninida & harlei walk the moon - shut up and dance alice cooper - bed of nails rise against - this is letting go fall out boy - american beauty/american psycho fall out boy - irresistible ac/dc - you shook me all night long DNCE - cake by the ocean
vitriol miracle of sound - kickback
jens, elis two steps from hell - norwegian pirate
jens & hahen eric clapton - tears in heaven
rowan & elis frank sinatra - fly me to the moon
rosta/quail hozier - take me to church rise against - make it stop trans-siberian orchestra - christmas eve/sarajevo abba - gimme! gimme! gimme!
rosta & david derek and the dominoes - layla
charon gerry rafferty - baker street the smashing pumpkins - bullet with butterfly wings
rosta, charon rise against - the strength to go on
rosta & charon rise against - tonight we dance nightwish - amaranth
mor rioghain miracle of sound - commander shepard
joseph black strobe - i’m a man men at work - land down under
joseph & mor rioghain miracle of sound - the crush
shaina miracle of sound - khajiit like to sneak
jehan miracle of sound - digital shadow
mirad uriah heep - lady in black fall out boy - i don’t care mike posner - i took a pill in ibiza
mirad & jack maroon 5 - moves like jagger
mirad & joseph the black keys - lonely boy n’sync - bye bye bye nickelback - how you remind me taylor swift - we are never ever getting back together
maz & moran shakira - whenever, wherever reo speedwagon - i can’t fight this feeling anymore
hecate hamilton - you’ll be back
breanndán avenged sevenfold - shepherd of fire avenged sevenfold - hail to the king miracle of sound - hell in the headspace
onóra miracle of sound - the moment two steps from hell - victory
cäzilia cranberries - zombie
kiurz daft punk - harder, better, faster, stronger the black keys - gold on the ceiling (style and sound) duane eddy - rebel-rouser
the raptor nickelback - burn it to he ground chumbawamba - tubthumping
violeta bananarama - venus taylor swift - shake it off
nevan janet jackson - nasty kesha - woman spiderbait - black betty bad religion - fuck you
violeta & noor franz ferdinand - dark of the matinée
amil the killers - somebody told me
malachi miracle of sound - paleblood moon
taliesin jon licht & daniel licht - honor for all (voice headcanon) kansas - carry on my wayward son (lyrics, style not to much) metallica - the unforgiven bad religion - sorrow the white buffalo - come join the murder
dán & taliesin miracle of sound - pawns of war metallica - sad but true bon jovi - you give love a bad name rolling stones - gimme shelter metallica - disposable heroes
cäzilia & taliesin hiroyuki sawano & benjamin anderson - so ist es immer 
radovan adam lambert - runnin’ elton john - i’m still standing phil collins - in the air tonight
radovan & aaron snow patrol - chasing cars tokio hotel - love who loves you back coldplay - yellow
jules daft punk - get lucky ac/dc - rock’n’roll singer
solinore old gods of asgard - balance slays the demon
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vancilocs · 7 years
your space fave is problematic: redux
it’s been five months
kshaeta noor
her rifle is taller than her how does she operate it
unlawfully cute
esmail “singer” amjad
hasn’t seen a person in 3 days
probably hasn’t slept during that time either
he’s thriving
four arms, double the dab
has the uncanny ability to always end up from the frying pan to the fire
kestra teskera
four eyes, double the wink
all fun and games until she chases you around the ship with her needle hand
remember your vaccines, kids
vim viir
does not know the concept of “serious discussion”
indestructible and he knows it
but that doesn’t mean you can lean out the airlock, guns blazing
we don’t have time to go chasing your metal butt when you again slipped and fell into the void
ninida viir
hasn’t been chill for a moment in his life
solves life problems by either laying down or screaming
sometimes both
jens hagebak
likes fish too much
catching them from the fjords is one thing, marrying one is another
elis hagebak
iron fist of healthiness
rowan christie
knows everything going on at any time
don’t even think about an unauthorized quickie in the corner
she knows
naras issala
went from a rebel leader in war to a political leader in peace
sometimes, it shows
shaina haida
gee shaina, how come mom let you have two wives?
jehan haida
knows your search history
posts your nudes on times square if you slight her
avis haida
never done anything wrong ever in her life
tries to kiss its mistresses but ends up bonking heads with them
too tall
wears high heels and is even taller
everything is on fire
could build useful shit but keeps making egg timers
taliesin arndt
can’t tell the difference between romantic and platonic love
tries though
lays around being useless 70% of the time
rosta revanan
too many tricks up his sleeves
too sneaky
charon petrie
it’s a problem when he’s in a fighting mood
cash me ousside howbowdah
david alvarez
only slightly corrupt
petra sundaram
she will help her old friend or so help her god
out of her way bc she’s coming fast
alma amjad
just wants her dad home safe ffs
mirad ayam
not in a kinky way
okay sometimes like that too
joseph batbayar
get a partner your own age
and then pay attention to that partner
agrona “mor rioghain” al magni
learn how to reload morri
tad too aggressive for a robot who might fall apart if sneezed at
violeta ráhel
changes hair colour, confuses people
ends up without pants in too many inopportune situations
amil jaud
six eyes, triple the wink
just having a blast i mean they’ve never had this much fun
be responsible ami
malachi jaud
go home mal
it’s not worth it
put the knife down and go home
secretive little shit
whatcha doing up there in space
meeting new friends or what
sure hope they’re nice friends
and not, say, terrorists
you leave noor alone
kiurzwan chiw’pajei
deadbeat fucker
between his child and a new pair of legs he picks the legs
cäzilia vesta
breanndán malphas
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vancilocs · 7 years
space ages
1-6: scrap 7: ADA 21: alma 22: taliesin 24: dán, styx 25: noor 26: ninida, amil 27: mor rioghain, violeta, mitra 31: jehan 32: alecto, joseph, shaina, avis 34: david 38: marda 39: kiurz 44: malachi, cäzilia 45: mirad 46: elis, naras 47: kestra, rowan 51: singer 54: jens, petra 60: hecate 63: vim 71: rosta 84: charon 107: mhairi
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