#*•.¸♡ answered 【faeryworlds】
faeryworlds · 1 month
❝ how are you feeling today? ❞ // sara at ellie
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"I'm fine." Which was an obvious lie, then again why would Ellie say how she really felt. Ellie wasn't really an open book to begin with, it took her awhile to kind of open up to him. Same counts for Dina, it feels like that everyone she cares for dies or leaves her. Keeping to herself seemed like the safest option. "You don't have to keep asking me how I am feeling." It was getting annoying to be asked the same question over and over again. scratching her arm as she sighed softly.
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faeryworlds · 9 months
@boywiththcbread sent: ❝ you don’t love me. you just think you do. ❞
from: Angst Sentences Starters
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Did she just heard it correctly what he was saying to her, has he learned nothing from everything. From everything the have been through and he just is questioning no wait assuming that she doesn't love him. Does he still thinks it's an act from her point? Because it is not and he knows that. "No, I know that I love you. I don't have to think about that anymore. You know that." She would lie if she said his words didn't hurt a bit, no way she was going to admit that to him. his brain truly was playing tricks on him a lot lately and Katniss just doesn't know what to do about it. Or it seems like it has been more lately. Never in a million years would she leave Peeta because it was getting too much, it's her and him together as a team. No one else understands what they have going through, maybe other survivors like Haymitch, Johanna, Annie etc. Still it felt it was only them that understood what they went through.
She sighed as she was still just staring at him as she just doesn't know what to say to him. Then again she never was good with words to begin with and he knew that. "What do I need to do, to show you that I love you and that isn't an act or me pretending I love you or am in love with you." Wait, did she just say she's in love with him... She never said that out loud before. Only said it in her head and to herself. Whatever doesn't really matter now, does it.
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Katniss wasn't in the mood for an argument, she would just get her bow and arrow and go to the woods to hunt. Maybe that's what she needs, some fresh air and hunting animals. Expressing how she felt she has done enough for today. "If you need me, I am in the woods hunting." With that the brunette turned around and walked away, sitting on the steps while she put on her shoes and making herself ready to go out and be out of the house for a few hours max. It was always easier to just walk away from an argument than just solve it. Once the shoes were on she put on her jacket, opening the door taking her bow and arrow with her as she then walked out and closed the door behind her.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
Her eyes widens when she turned around to face Steve hearing him say that or more likely yell. She would be lying to herself if she didn't love him too because she does. They dated before and that didn't worked out, yes Steve changed and became more mature in a way and yet. how does she need to reply to this. Does she just speak up and say what she feels about him or say that this can't happen. would give in her urges. There was obviously still something between them, Nancy just didn't know what it was or could be. Without even thinking twice or even knowing what else to say she yelled back.
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faeryworlds · 2 years
“Don’t let me die” (kirby for sidney)
Sentence Meme sentences |  @solarsought
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"I won't let anything happen to you, Kirby. I am not letting you die. Not on my watch." Sidney was going to do everything in her power to make sure nothing bad happens to the other woman. As long as she's alive nothing is going to happen to Kirby, she was just going to make sure of that. She chuckled when she was looking around before facing Kirby again.
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faeryworlds · 28 days
"I think we need to have a talk with Tate about boundaries." (sid and randy)
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Sidney looked at Randy when he said that. "She knows about boundaries, Randy." She didn't really know of what he just said that, far as she knows is that she knows about boundaries and knows not to cross them. All the woman wanted to know right now is why he brought it up or what had happened that he said that to her. "Did something happen that you think we need to have a talk with her?"
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The woman was just confused when she was taking a sip of her drink that she was holding in her hand.
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faeryworlds · 1 month
❝ are you stalking me or something? ❞ // jeanette at tara
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Lifting her eyebrows when she was looking at her when she asked her that. Tara would never stalk someone, not after what she all had been through with the Ghostface attacks, not just once but twice. Not only in Woodsboro but also in New York. She chuckled when shaking her head. "No, I am not stalking you. Don't know why you think that I am." Clearly the other one doesn't know the dark haired woman, no wonder since Tara has no idea who she is either. So why would she even be stalking her.
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faeryworlds · 8 months
@outbreaksurvived SENT: ❝ We probably shouldn't be doing this ❞
FROM: Send “We probably shouldn’t be doing this…” for our muse’s to start having sex in an elevator.
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"We probably shouldn't no." At this moment she didn't even care and yes was it a smart move to be doing this when Ghostface is around again and killing people and went into hiding for a reason and she came out of hiding and now look at her and Randy, being in an elevator and ready to just tear each other's clothes off one another. Right not Sidney didn't even wanted to think about the Ghostface attack all she cared about right now was Randy. Was still something she didn't see coming, her and Randy being an item.
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Did she ever expected this would happen? No, not after how many times he was stabbed by Mrs. Loomis and she never thought he would be able to walk again. Let alone being able to do this in the elevator. "At his moment, all I want to do is you." Sidney mumbled to him
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faeryworlds · 9 months
👥 - I don’t know which of my muses you’re interested in
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I'm open for anything to be honest. Any of your Resident Evil ones maybe even Silent Hill. I am not sure which of my muses you're interested in.
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faeryworlds · 10 months
"that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us now, for ten blocks." (older randy to sam carpenter)
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Sam was looking behind her to look at the guy in the gorilla costume as she was this close to just ask what that guy his problem was and to be fair she didn't even know why she was with Randy walking around in the first place. Sam then stopped walking turned around to look at the guy in that costume. "I don't know what you want, but stop following us. You have been following us for ten blocks now, do us all a favor and leave us alone." The guy was looking at them and then turned around and walked away. "That's what I thought." Sam then looked at Randy. "I don't really know you, why are you walking here with me? What I heard you couldn't stand my father. How do I know that can't stand me either because I am the daughter of Billy."
Folding her arms over each other while looking at the man, she wasn't afraid to just say what she thinks.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛  where were you last night?  ❜ ( LYDIA to ALLISON )
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"I- uh..." Allison didn't really had an answer to Lydia's question, looking at the redhead. Was she going to try to make an excuse of where she was last night? She could, knowing her best friend, Lydia would notice that she was lying. "I was training in the woods." Which wasn't a lie, she actually did practice a bit with her bow and arrow and was training with her dad. "Why? I know I had a few missed calls from you. Did something happen?" Allison didn't really got back to her best friend, she wanted to and then she went to go see Scott afterwards and then forgot about texting Lydia back.
"How can I make it up to you? Just name it." The dark haired girl felt sort of guilty she didn't pick up the phone or didn't hear her phone when she called. "I'm sorry, Lydia."
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛  can’t we just be friends again?  ❜ ( KATE to YELENA )
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Yelena was looking at the dark haired girl when she was asking her that. "We were never friends." Folding her arms over each other as she then was checking to see if she had all her weapons still, before the woman would head out and be on her way. No idea why she even came back to New York City. She has nothing here, to be fair she has nothing anywhere. "I have to go, I don't have any business in this city anymore. Stay out of trouble, Kate Bishop."
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faeryworlds · 1 year
“I thought it was great what you did out there. Stupid but great.” ( GWEN to PETER )
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"That's me, doing stupid things." He grinned slightly when he chuckled, he was aware that he probably worry her from time to time when he was doing what he was doing. "You know I am careful." Not all the time he has to admit that, he just doesn't want Gwen to worry too much to be honest. "Thank you, you know I am doing things to help people and help the city." Not that it always works out for him since there are villains who are stronger, that doesn't mean Peter was going to stop what he was doing.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛  are you bleeding?  ❜ ( GWEN to PETER )
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"What? No.. I am not blee.. Okay yes I am bleeding." Peter as he was looking at Gwen when she was asking him that and he tried to lie about it, while it was obvious that he was bleeding. Then again as Spider-Man those things happen right, it isn't that bad. Wait is it bad? No it wasn't. "You should see the other guy." he tried to make a joke about it, knowing that Gwen could get worried about him, whenever he was doing some Spider-Man duties. He was biting on his lower lip as he didn't wanted to lie to Gwen, and yet it was just obvious that he was in a fight with another bad guy.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
“You’re still healing. It’s only natural you don’t trust anyone, yet.” (Kirby)
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Kirby was looking at Steve when he was saying that to her. He's not entirely wrong about that one, she really doesn't trust anyone at the moment. Yes she knows that eventually she will start trusting people again, just she isn't quite there yet. Tilting her head to a side as she let out a sigh. "You're right about that, I am still healing. And I indeed don't trust anyone, yet. I think it will also take some time." Kirby was just sure that slowly but surely she was trusting people again and she was also guarded and being careful. Not getting too close to people. Knowing that ended up bad the last time she had a best friend and then a guy she rejected.
Technically she did die when she got stabbed for four minutes. The way she has been working so hard on herself and didn't wanted to be afraid anymore.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛ you know you can always talk to me. ❜ ( SAM to TARA )
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Tara was looking at her sister as she sighed, yes she knows that she can talk to her sister and sometimes she doesn't even know what to say in the first place. Yes they both have been through a lot and Tara was dealing with it differently than her sister has been doing. "I know, Sam. I know that I can always talk to you." The only one the girl has is her sister. Not that she needs anyone else, Sam is enough same for Chad and Mindy who just feel like family. Taking her inhaler out of her pocket as the girl then uses it.
"It's just, I don't know even what to talk about. I know you think that I am not dealing with this trauma the right way, this is my way. How I cope with it."
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛ remind me why we’re friends again? ❜ ( EVELYN to SAM bcuz this would be an awesome friendship )
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Sam chuckled when she was looking at Evelyn when she was asking her that. "Trust me, I am asking myself that question a lot of times." Sam teasingly said to her friend as she ran her hand through her hair when folding her arms over each other. "We are so the opposite of each other, how we became friends is beyond me." Sam just enjoyed teasing Evelyn doesn't matter about what. "I really am a bad influence on you at times. How is it you're allowed to hang out with me."
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