#** Criminal Minds has a group of lovely players ready to take over for the writers ❪CmDiscordServer❫.
thingsmissed-blog1 · 6 years
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Criminal Minds Roleplayer discord server
Has been open since  02/01/2018 and welcomes everyone that wants to join. to join this server in all of it’s fun, follow this link in this sentence!
Who can join based on blog type?
Multimuses, Single Muse, Original characters with a cm verse, Original characters with a plan to have a cm verse, crossover characters that could work in the cm fandom, crossover characters that have a cm verse.
Who can join based on personal type?
Anyone from any sexual orientation, race, religion, etc are welcomed!
Do I have to be a friend of the creator to join? 
Not at all! You don’t even have to talk to me if you don’t want to talk to me! There are pleanty of people to talk with
What kind of channels are in the server?
Talking about relationships (Romantic or platonic), graphic show off, icon liveblog, show liveblogs, a main chat for everything in general and so much more!
Can invite friends?
Yes! You are welcome to invite your friends to join, share the link to people you think might enjoy the server! We welcome all people!
If I was in the server before can I rejoin?
Yes! As long as you were not kicked out of the server for any reason you are welcome to rejoin with a new account or come back if you leave at some point in time.
How to join?
Follow this link in the sentence that tells you to follow the link. It is also in the words ‘criminal minds roleplay discord’
How to promote this server?
Reblog this post, share with friends
How to contact the owner of the server?
If you have any questions, you can send me an ask on thingsmissed or through discord.
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
plot bunnies masterlist. ✍🐰
Hey guys! So one of my goals for 2017 was to make my year in Scandalous as enriching and inclusive as possible. Come August, I will have been a member of this group for four years - that’s insane. I’ve never been part of a role play group for that long and it’s all due to the fellow writers that surround me here. It’s been so much fun playing Troian here and getting the chance to interact and write and plot with as many of you as possible. Sometimes I wonder how I haven’t run out of muse for her just yet since with other characters, I lasted only months feeling creative on them but I know that the biggest reason is all her connections. From gif chats to paras to chatzies to text threads - I love all of it and I’m so thankful you guys seem to care about my fictional queen. As much as I love real life Troian and hope that I’m playing at least all of her best qualities as true to life as possible, I also feel like I’ve made her my own completely with her own backstory and her own history that’s mine entirely. I’m probably never going to actually meet Troian (but hey, just standing next to her and hearing her voice in my ear was enough), so my characterization of her comes from interviews and articles and just..me, I guess. So thank you for indulging me in playing her because she’s honestly my true escape.
And that goes for Ian and now Lili as well! I took on Ian after several portrayals of him so I was lucky enough to get plots and connections instantly, but Ian’s friendships and the ship of Ian x Lucy has been so much fun to play as well. I’m not quite as educated on him as I am with Troian, or even Keegan for that matter, but I still love that adult man child so much so I’m happy you guys are always willing to interact with me on him as well. As for Lili, well - there’s literally not even a Wikipedia page dedicated to her yet. I’m going with scraps here so Lili’s also going to be a character I basically create from scratch. I can’t wait.
I rambled enough, and the whole point of this post is that I want plots. I need plots. On all of my characters. I want to write with as many of you as I can and I want my previous connections to thrive and new connections to grow. I know how nerve wracking it can be approaching players for plots and there’s always that “uhh..I really wanna write with you but I don’t know what to do..” since most of it is based on chemistry, yeah? You can’t just jump into a ship plot or a fwb plot or any sort of relationship plot without seeing if your chemistry meshes together first. So these ideas are more based on settings, and if any of them interest you, please message me and we’ll get more into detail! Like I said, this can be with Troian, Ian, or Lili. I don’t want to do repeat plots so please don’t ask me to do the same plot on more than one character, because we’ll both just get bored. We want variety, right? We want it all. So take a look over, see if any catch your eye and I can’t wait to write with you!
001. My character and yours decide to spend the night in a “supposedly haunted” house. It can actually be haunted, it can just be aesthetically creepy, but they’re spending a whole night in there with nothing but flashlights, their cellphones, a sleeping bag, snacks and maybe a video recorder.
002. My character or your character comes onto the scene to see m/y getting arrested or pulled over. Is it all a big misunderstanding? Is alcohol involved? Are charges pressed? The severity of it is up for negotiation! (Please keep in mind your character’s criminal history, the affects it would have on their life e.g. children, partner, work, and how any charges would impact their reputation.)
003. My character and yours are handcuffed to each other..and one of them has lost the key. Please note I did this plot on Ian with him and Lucy, and it took a more humorous route. It doesn’t have to be funny! Our characters can be pissed about having to spend the day together - it’s even better if your character is involved with another person or has to be on set that day. They have to spend a whole day together, a span of at least seven hours but the key eventually has to be found.
004. Somebody’s won the lottery - it’s the character of your choosing! The prize amount can range from one hundred dollars to five hundred. Our characters decide to have a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Adventure with these winnings and cross items off their bucket list together. Keep in mind they have to stay in one state and obviously items checked off can’t be too big - no traveling to Europe or finding your long lost mother.
005. OPEN PROMPT - Troian will write a letter to her future self and your character can read it and respond to it. Note: We can also make this a plot! The letter can be left on her kitchen table, tucked into a book at the book store, etc.
(With open prompts, the post will obviously be locked so only your character can reply to it!)
006. M/Y character just got the crushing news that they didn’t make the dream audition they’ve been working so hard for - screw ‘em! They don’t know how good they could’ve had it. Alcohol (or something else if your character is a recovering addict) is the obvious cure and now the goal for tonight is to cheer you up and find you a new project.
007. This one will be pretty basic - think of something your character has always wanted to cross off their bucket list and ask my character to join you. They don’t have to be close, the whole point is that they do this together.
008. It’s late at night and m/y character is sitting down on the curb, looking sad and alone. They’re approached and pretty soon, they’re spilling their guts about their hopes and wants. They’re obviously in a pretty vulnerable spot, so maybe alcohol is involved. Maybe they’ve just been rejected. Maybe they’re having a bad night. This plot idea is pretty basic too - I just want our characters to have a deep chat. R E S E R V E D for; Lili + Keegan. @supitskeegs
009. OPEN PROMPT - It’s a game of truth or dare with Ian. No question is off limits, no dare too risky. (Please do not attempt to murder my adult baby tho.) R E S E R V E D for; Ian + Zendaya. @iaamz
010. OPEN PROMPT - Lili will write about her biggest regret, and your character will read it and be able to reply.
011. Last night is a blur - neither my character or yours remember it. It started out with a few tequila shots and then..just blackness. What’s even scarier is that our characters wake up in the same bed together the next morning. Note: Only with Lili will this plot extend to the possibility of our characters having slept together.
012. M/Y character can’t sleep. Tossing and turning, turning and tossing, and even counting sheep just won’t suffice tonight. Giving up the fight, they roll over and grab their phone. With eyes closed, they point to a contact in their address book and decide to text/call/FaceTime them to see if they’re up. Somebody’s got to lull you to sleep. R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Zoe. @hyfzoe
013. M/Y character has just gotten stood up. They worked really hard on looking nice too, even if they were a little reluctant about the date. Do our characters come across each other on the night out? Does someone call for a getaway car? Oh no - they can’t stop crying and now it’s up to the knight (or lady knight!) in shining armor to save the day! R E S E R V E D for; Lili + Grant. @theflashgrant
014. AU PROMPT - Zombie apocalypse! What do our characters do when the unthinkable happens? How do they fight off the zombies? Where do they hide? Note: This will probably be just a one shot but it could go into multiple threads if the story gets interesting!
015. AU PROMPT - Y/M character is homeless and has been that way for a while. Limited to stealing from the grocery store, sympathetic dollars from passersby, and soup kitchens, the other character comes across them one cold night. They’re trying to stay warm near and y/m takes pity on them and invites them back home. 
016. AU PROMPT - Y/M character is the king/queen of their kingdom and the opposite is the new handmaiden/stable boy/whatever other title we can think of. How do our characters get along? Is it a forbidden friendship? Are they plotting something evil? Do our characters fall in love and plan to run away together?
017. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the most unforgettable moment of her life and your character will be able to read it and reply.
018. AU PROMPT - The world is ending in exactly one week. How do our characters prepare for it? How do those last seven days go for us, together and apart?
019. Y/M character comes across the opposite getting very publicly reprimanded/insulted/jeered at/harassed and it’s unclear whether they deserve it (though if it’s sexual harassment - you know they don’t.). Regardless, they’re embarrassed. Tears are streaming down their face, cheeks are turning red, and now a whole crowd has gathered. What do you do to stop it? R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Grant. @theflashgrant
020. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about who he would most like to switch bodies with for a day and your character will be able to read and reply to it. Note: This can also be a Freaky Friday AU prompt for any character!
021. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about the bravest thing she’s ever done and your character will be able to read and reply to it. 
022. Y/M character is getting hit on by a very intoxicated individual and they’re not impressed. Or maybe they’re amused. Or maybe they’re ready to grab that drink off the nearest table and throw it in this person’s face. Do you step in and try to get them out of it? Do you pretend to be their significant other? Do you distract them by adding yourself into the equation? What follows after is up to us! R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Keegan. @supitskeegs
023. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the scariest moment of her life and the person who helped her though it. Your character is able to read and respond. Note: Depending on which moment I choose, I might also extend this open to the character she mentions if they are playable.
024. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about his biggest fear and your character is able to read and reply. R E S E R V E D for; Ian + JoAnna. @joannagrcia
025. Our characters go on a trip together. They don’t have to be close. They can be total strangers with each other, or they can be the best of friends. The point is that they’re spending a maximum of five days together in somewhere other the state/country they reside. How the trip comes about, where they go, what happens on it is entirely up to us and can be discussed! R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Nina. @nina--dobrev
026. Y/M character comes across the other writing/reading fan fiction. How embarrassing! Or not, if the character genuinely enjoys it. Our characters can talk about the fanfiction, can act it out (bonus points if they film it and share it with fans), or they can just be mortified and beg and plead to do anything so that the other person won’t tell their guilty little pleasure..
027. AU PROMPT - Ten years have passed for our characters and this is the first time they are seeing each other. What’s the relationship like? What happened in the past that they went years without contact? What’s been going on in their lives? Note: This plot works better for already tight-knit connections but we can make up histories! It is alternate universe, after all. :)
028. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about her biggest flaws and her biggest weaknesses. Your character is able to read and reply.
029. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about a huge event in her life that changed her world forever. Your character is able to read and reply.
030. Y/M character has just received a gift from the other, and it’s very unexpected. It’s something they’ve been wanting for a while! Why did the character do this? What’s the gift? The only thing that has to be certain about this plot is that it’s positive. No negative gifts. No prank gifts. Just a simple, fluffy plot about the kindness of a character.
031. AU PROMPT - Our characters get thrown into a fictional universe for a day and have to live in that world. Where are they? Do they get thrown into a plot? How the heck do they get out?!
032. Y/M character is baby-sitting and oh shit, they’re baby sitting an actual demon spawn. They call the other character for help! Just how messy of a situation are they in? (I’d very much like to do this plot because Lord knows I have personal stories to back this up..) R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Sophie. @sophieteex
033. The weather is crazy outside. It’s practically hurricaneing/tornadoeing/snowing/earthquaking/whatever weather condition you can think of. The only thing that can’t be changed is that our characters are stuck together until it’s over.
034. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about his favorite book. Your character is able to read and reply.
035. Everything is going wrong today for y/m character. And now the opposite is dragged into it. Are they able to turn the day around? Why is the day going so bad? Did somebody break a mirror? Cheer up squad to the rescue. R E S E R V E D for; Ian + Grant. @theflashgrant
036. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about a time she was generous/somebody was generous towards her. Your character is able to read and reply.
037. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the one thing she’d like to change about herself. Your character is able to read and reply.
So there you go! Plenty of options and I tried to make none of them require admin approval so that we have free reign to plot to our heart’s content. The AU prompts will be strictly chatzies since they have nothing to do with the present verse, and the open prompts will be more chat threads on the dash. I had so much fun compiling these together and if I’m lucky enough to get volunteers, I’ll be making a part two. Thanks for looking over and I hope some interest you!
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flauntpage · 7 years
Malcolm Jenkins: I Need Football Now More Than Ever
During the offseason, Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins will be a contributing writer to VICE Sports covering a host of issues, including his insights into the game of football, as well as his role as a community advocate and leader in the Players Coalition. This is his first column.
This is the week that every football player dreams of: The Super Bowl. I was fortunate enough to get a taste of the Super Bowl experience as a rookie, when we won it all with the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV. But that was eight years ago! The league has changed considerably since we celebrated our win in Miami in 2010. The world has changed considerably. And as I look back, I see that I have too. Back then, I was looking ahead at what I hoped would be a long NFL career. Now, I’m looking forward to leaving a legacy that will last longer than anything I’ve ever done on the football field. As I reflect on it all, it blows my mind to see how far I’ve come as a player, teammate, and man.
Thinking back to the week leading up to Super Bowl XLIV, it’s hard to remember anything. It was all a blur! Going into the game I wasn’t going to start and expected to play mostly special teams. I was nervous ALL week! We arrived as a team on that Monday. We went out that night as a team and that was the last time I left the team hotel before the game, I was that nervous. All week I tried to mentally prepare myself for any and every situation anxiously trying to simulate the unknown. While I have very few memories of the week leading up to the game, I do remember when the “unknown” happened. My teammate, who was starting over me, contracted walking pneumonia two days before the game. He would of course still attempt to play but I was on high alert. Halfway through the game his body shut down on him— and I had to step in. I remember lining up in the slot, looking inside and seeing the great Payton Manning staring right at me as if he was looking for any signs of doubt in my body language. Then it really was a blur as we went on to win! The New Orleans Saints had never been to a Super Bowl, let alone win one. The city, just a few years removed from Hurricane Katrina, was primed and ready to celebrate a LONG awaited Championship. That parade and celebration is something I will NEVER forget.
I remember lining up in the slot, looking inside and seeing the great Payton Manning staring right at me as if he was looking for any signs of doubt in my body language.
This time around, I’m the starter, the veteran, and one of the leaders on the world’s largest stage. I find myself reflecting on my Saints’ teammates like Jon Vilma, Drew Brees, and Will Smith. They were the leaders of that group. I think about their approach, what they said to us, and their demeanor as they approached preparing for the game. I try to apply that to myself. It always helps to have examples to reference when you’re looking for direction and everything that I learned from those men has prepared me for this moment.
Preparation. A word I haven’t been able to say often this season. This year has been one for the ages. I didn’t have many examples to reference to help me deal with the climate surrounding our country and our sport, or the controversy surrounding the protests during the national anthem. I’ve always thought about justice and race and politics, but I never anticipated having to constantly balance activism and football.
For most of my career, I was solely focused on football. I have always been involved in the community and started The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation, but I’ve never been involved in something like the Players Coalition. I’ve never had to engage with the NFL office regarding ways they could amplify the voices of players who were fighting against social inequality. Nor have I ever had to go meet with legislators the morning after playing on Monday Night Football to talk about criminal justice reform. It’s been an unusual year trying to balance it all, however, it has forced me to manage my time more than ever. I hope I’ve shown that athletes can flourish on the field, while also having interests off it.
Hopefully, the Philadelphia Eagles team this year is an example of how loving each other and your communities can actually make you a better team. And with that community, through the Players Coalition, we are pushing for change in three main areas: Criminal Justice Reform, Police Accountability, Police/Community Relations, and Economic and Educational Advancement. It might seem like I’m preoccupied with all these other larger issues and not focused, or even incapable of enjoying football at this point. But, man, I still love the game. It is my place of refuge, my weekly moment of zen.
I need football now more than ever, too, because the work off the field never stops. We’ve been able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time through the Players Coalition, but there is no time to celebrate. It’s like climbing a hill and as you go to celebrate what you’ve just conquered you see, off in the distance, hill after hill after hill. We’ve still got so far to go.
The challenges ahead can feel overwhelming sometimes, but just like I know I won’t be alone going to battle against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII, I know I’m not alone in this fight for equality and justice. Other players, team owners, and league execs have come to the table, some in surprising ways. This just goes to show that regardless of your race, class, or partisanship you can help to create meaningful change for all people to be treated equally and fairly. I’ll take it as far as I can take it, but the journey doesn’t stop, and other people and future generations will carry it on. Realizing that, and seeing how big this movement is, and how many people have joined in, puts me at ease as I watch this game film of Tom Brady and the Patriots.
Fly Eagles Fly!
Malcolm Jenkins: I Need Football Now More Than Ever published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
Malcolm Jenkins: I Need Football Now More Than Ever
During the offseason, Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins will be a contributing writer to VICE Sports covering a host of issues, including his insights into the game of football, as well as his role as a community advocate and leader in the Players Coalition. This is his first column.
This is the week that every football player dreams of: The Super Bowl. I was fortunate enough to get a taste of the Super Bowl experience as a rookie, when we won it all with the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV. But that was eight years ago! The league has changed considerably since we celebrated our win in Miami in 2010. The world has changed considerably. And as I look back, I see that I have too. Back then, I was looking ahead at what I hoped would be a long NFL career. Now, I’m looking forward to leaving a legacy that will last longer than anything I’ve ever done on the football field. As I reflect on it all, it blows my mind to see how far I’ve come as a player, teammate, and man.
Thinking back to the week leading up to Super Bowl XLIV, it’s hard to remember anything. It was all a blur! Going into the game I wasn’t going to start and expected to play mostly special teams. I was nervous ALL week! We arrived as a team on that Monday. We went out that night as a team and that was the last time I left the team hotel before the game, I was that nervous. All week I tried to mentally prepare myself for any and every situation anxiously trying to simulate the unknown. While I have very few memories of the week leading up to the game, I do remember when the “unknown” happened. My teammate, who was starting over me, contracted walking pneumonia two days before the game. He would of course still attempt to play but I was on high alert. Halfway through the game his body shut down on him— and I had to step in. I remember lining up in the slot, looking inside and seeing the great Payton Manning staring right at me as if he was looking for any signs of doubt in my body language. Then it really was a blur as we went on to win! The New Orleans Saints had never been to a Super Bowl, let alone win one. The city, just a few years removed from Hurricane Katrina, was primed and ready to celebrate a LONG awaited Championship. That parade and celebration is something I will NEVER forget.
I remember lining up in the slot, looking inside and seeing the great Payton Manning staring right at me as if he was looking for any signs of doubt in my body language.
This time around, I’m the starter, the veteran, and one of the leaders on the world’s largest stage. I find myself reflecting on my Saints’ teammates like Jon Vilma, Drew Brees, and Will Smith. They were the leaders of that group. I think about their approach, what they said to us, and their demeanor as they approached preparing for the game. I try to apply that to myself. It always helps to have examples to reference when you’re looking for direction and everything that I learned from those men has prepared me for this moment.
Preparation. A word I haven’t been able to say often this season. This year has been one for the ages. I didn’t have many examples to reference to help me deal with the climate surrounding our country and our sport, or the controversy surrounding the protests during the national anthem. I’ve always thought about justice and race and politics, but I never anticipated having to constantly balance activism and football.
For most of my career, I was solely focused on football. I have always been involved in the community and started The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation, but I’ve never been involved in something like the Players Coalition. I’ve never had to engage with the NFL office regarding ways they could amplify the voices of players who were fighting against social inequality. Nor have I ever had to go meet with legislators the morning after playing on Monday Night Football to talk about criminal justice reform. It’s been an unusual year trying to balance it all, however, it has forced me to manage my time more than ever. I hope I’ve shown that athletes can flourish on the field, while also having interests off it.
Hopefully, the Philadelphia Eagles team this year is an example of how loving each other and your communities can actually make you a better team. And with that community, through the Players Coalition, we are pushing for change in three main areas: Criminal Justice Reform, Police Accountability, Police/Community Relations, and Economic and Educational Advancement. It might seem like I’m preoccupied with all these other larger issues and not focused, or even incapable of enjoying football at this point. But, man, I still love the game. It is my place of refuge, my weekly moment of zen.
I need football now more than ever, too, because the work off the field never stops. We’ve been able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time through the Players Coalition, but there is no time to celebrate. It’s like climbing a hill and as you go to celebrate what you’ve just conquered you see, off in the distance, hill after hill after hill. We’ve still got so far to go.
The challenges ahead can feel overwhelming sometimes, but just like I know I won’t be alone going to battle against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII, I know I’m not alone in this fight for equality and justice. Other players, team owners, and league execs have come to the table, some in surprising ways. This just goes to show that regardless of your race, class, or partisanship you can help to create meaningful change for all people to be treated equally and fairly. I’ll take it as far as I can take it, but the journey doesn’t stop, and other people and future generations will carry it on. Realizing that, and seeing how big this movement is, and how many people have joined in, puts me at ease as I watch this game film of Tom Brady and the Patriots.
Fly Eagles Fly!
Malcolm Jenkins: I Need Football Now More Than Ever syndicated from https://australiahoverboards.wordpress.com
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thingsmissed-blog1 · 6 years
Channels in CM server as of April 5, 2018
Do you want to join the Criminal Minds server? FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE SERVER!
#channel : The area that everyone comes into first when they join the group. I tried to do a little guide to the server there but I started adding more channels and it didn't work out. At the top of the page there is a link to the post that you can share with everyone to let them know about the server that you are in #introduction : Post the blog(s) that relates to the fandom, your name, age (if you want), timezone. #pronouns : It is like the introduction area really just with posting what pronouns that you use #other-blogs : Do you have other blogs that aren't related to the criminal minds fandom that you want to share? Post them here! #updates : Updates about the server! #questions : Do you have any questions about the server and how things work? Ask here and I will try and answer them as fast as I can for you #suggestions : Have a suggestion for a channel in this server? Post the suggestion and I will give it to you as soon as I can! #people-to-invite : If you don't want to be the one to invite someone to the server and are hoping someone else will ask the person to join, post who you are wanting to ask and someone might be so kind to ask for you! #roleplay-related : Want to talk about rping in general? Here is the place to talk about it! #wanted-plots : Have a cool plot that you really want to do? Put it here and maybe someone will message you about it! #coding-help : Themes can be a big pain so sometimes we all need help with the coding and have questions so here is the place to ask! #looking-for-rp-partners : Are you looking for a roleplay partner in general? Post it here! #resources : Have a psd that you like? Or a promo template? Post the file or link here! #promos : I think everyone knows after a while that I reblog your promos often and like to share the love but if you make a new promo that you want me to share or others, post a link here! #fc-talk : Need help with face claim picking? Have a favorite face claim? Tell us here! #name-help-or-talk : We all have favorite names or need help picking a name, put it here! #ships : Have a ship roleplay related that you want to talk about? Post it here! #positive-messages : This one is roleplay related. Tell someone you like their writing here or a thread/verse! #polls : Having a hard time picking something and need help? Post the poll here and someone might take it to help! #rp-sites : Know of another place to roleplay to you use? Post it here! #pet-peeves : We all have them, tell us yours here! #websites-for-rp-help : Do you know someplace that you use for things roleplay related? Like a place to find symbols, a handy little spell checker online? Anything like that! #pinterest : If you want to share your pinterest with others, post a link! #nsfw-music : For the times that you want to get your smut on #best-friend-music : Songs that remind you of a friend or talk about best friends #sad-music : Songs that make you feel something in the negative area. #happy-music : Upbeat music! #favorite-song-of-the-moment : A song stuck in your head? Tell us! #ship-music : Do you have a song that reminds you of a ship? Tell us there! #main-chat : Just the main area where we do most of our talking. It is general and sometimes other areas leak into that chat area but that is okay #mun-day : Want to share a selfie with us? Or your selfie tag? Feel free! #pets : Have a cute picture of your pet that you want to share? Go for it! #venting : We all have times that we need to vent, go for it! We support you! #funnies-to-brighten-your-day : Sometimes we have a bad day and need a laugh, here is the place to do it! #art : Are you into drawing? Painting? Anything like that? Share it if you want!
#positive-messages : This is the area to send positive messages that are personal and not about rping. #stream : Are you streaming something and want others to join? Post a link and let us know what we are watching! #adorable-words : We all have words that we find cute like fairylight so post them here! #criminal-minds-spoilers : Just watch the new episode? Post your thoughts here! A spoiler is anything from the newest season in America. #ships : Do you have a favorite ship in the show? Talk about it here! #favorite-characters : This is a general area about talking about favorite characters #beyond-borders : Since Beyond Borders is a part of CM, it deserves its own channel! #jennifer-jareau : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #emily-prentiss : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #david-rossi : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #david-rossi : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #aaron-hotchner : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #jason-gideon : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #derek-morgan : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #penelope-garcia : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #elle-greenaway : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #ashley-seaver  : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #kate-callahan : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #tara-lewis : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #erin-strauss : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #matt-simmons : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #mateo-cruz : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #jordan-todd : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them!
#spencer-reid : Talk about the character, your ships with the character, thoughts of different arcs, anything related to them! #icon-liveblogging : Do you like talking about your icons as you do them? Talk about your icons as you icon! #graphic-liveblogging : Do you like to talk about your graphics as you do them? Talk about your graphics! #screencaps : Are you doing screencaps at the moment? You willing to share screencaps with others? Anything related to that goes here! #other-tv-shows : You have other shows you want to talk about? Go for it! #url-help : If you need url help, post here and someone can help you! #help-with-graphics :  If you need help with graphics and how to do something, feel free to ask any maybe someone can help you! #graphic-request : Do you not have time to do graphics? Feel free to ask for graphics and maybe someone will help you! #icon-suggestions  : Do you have a face claim you want to use but there are no icons for them? Feel free to put that here and maybe someone will make icons for you
#coloring-psd : Have suggestions for coloring psds? Want to share some? Here is where you do that! #extensions : Do you have any extensions that you find really helpful when you are online? Share them here! #rules : Everyone should read these rules! They are important #triggers : If you are comfortable putting what your triggers are there that would be helpful. Please remember that trigger is not when you are just uncomfortable or don't like something it is a panic, anxiety, it brings back a bad time in your life sort of thing. You do not have to explain your triggers at all to anyone!
#birthdays : Post your birthday if you want everyone to know! #other-servers : Did you join a new server and want everyone to know about it? Or find a server someone might be interested in? Post it here!
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