#*300 not 400 sorry i did math wrong :(
oflgtfol · 2 years
the romanovs are so interesting to me but its so hard finding good history content about them that isnt rhe weird glorification shit like naw i hate them
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A Ski Trip to Remember (Peter Kavinsky x Reader)
Notes: Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus, but I’m back! I went on a trip and had an absolutely terrible writer’s block. But here’s this angsty fluffy Peter K fic for you guys! I love writing for him. Also, though, I’m 3 followers away from 400?? That’s crazy! It wasn’t that long ago that I was celebrating 300! So, as soon as I get 400 followers (make it happen, y’all) I’m going to post what I’ll be doing to celebrate it. Thanks so much, love you guys and all that you do!
Summary: You and your best friend Peter have agreed to go on the annual ski trip together since you both have no date, but what happens when Peter’s filthy ex tries to get back in the picture?
A Ski Trip to Remember
Peter Kavinsky x Reader
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 4,029 (this is long sorry)
Warnings: angst, fluff, the usual
Peter Kavinsky. Your best friend and neighbor. Not to mention, the love of your life. He doesn’t know that last part, though.
You open your window, which faces Peter’s room, and start to throw rocks at his window. A moment later, the window goes up and you’re met with Peter’s stunning face. Also, he’s shirtless. Of course.
“Hey, Pete.” You grin at him, trying to ignore the blatant fact that your crush is standing across from you, shirtless.
“What are you doing? It’s three in the morning.” Peter laughs, disappearing for a second before emerging again with a makeshift ladder. He throws it out the window and you do the same with your ladder. He climbs out of his room and into yours.
“I just wanted to talk to you. You know, ‘cause I’m your best friend? Besides, you’re still awake, too.” You grin and nudge his shoulder with your own.
“Actually, you woke me up.” He scoffs, nudging your shoulder back.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. You’d rather be here with me than sleeping, anyway.” You tease, sitting down on your bed. He follows suit and sits down next to you.
“You’re right. What’d you want to talk about anyway?” He asks, suddenly curious about your motive.
“Well, I got to thinking. The ski trip is, what, only a couple weeks away, right?” You sigh, head falling on his shoulder in dismay.
“Yeah, why?” Peter asks, laying his head on top of yours. You want nothing more than to lace your hand with his, but you refrain from doing so.
“I don’t have anyone to go with, but I want to go so bad! I mean, it’s the trip of the year. I don’t want to miss out just because I don’t have a boyfriend.” You groan, rubbing your hand over your face. You hear Peter chuckle, causing you to jerk your head upward to knock into his face. He just laughs louder because of that.
“Look, if you’re so worried about it, then why don’t we go together? I don’t have a date, either. And it’ll just be….as friends, I guess.” Peter suggests, and you think over it.
Going on the ski trip with your best friend and crush? Two birds with one stone. What if something happens and you both confess your love for each other?
“That sounds fun. We could do that if you want. However, I don’t believe that girls won’t be falling over themselves to ask you to go with them.” You sigh once more, eliciting a groan from Peter.
“Then I’ll turn them all down! You’re my number one girl, after all.” He pulls away from your position, giving you a cheeky smile. You smile and shake your head.
“Pinky promise? Remember, Pete, if you pinky promise then you can never take it back. And if you do, I get to chop off your pinky.” You smirk at him.
“Pinky promise. We’re going to the ski trip together.” He grins widely and hooks pinkies with you. You smile triumphantly.
“Well, I guess all my problems are solved for tonight!” You lay back on your bed happily.
“What about that math test tomorrow? I know you were worried about it. Did you get it down?” Peter lays back on your bed with you.
It’s been two weeks exactly, and the ski trip is finally here. Well, it’s tomorrow, to be precise.
“So, how’s my favorite boy doing?” You slide into Peter’s passenger seat, smiling widely.
“Good, actually. Hey, would you mind if Gen rode home with us today? She and I have this huge test to study for.” Peter asks, and your smile immediately drops. He’s been getting closer with Gen lately, and it’s slightly very unnerving to you. He always answers her calls and texts. He’s always there for her when she wants him, and most of the time it’s for stupid stuff. He’s even left you for her a few times, which is when it hit you the hardest.
“What do you have to study for? We have all the same classes, Peter, and the ski trip is tomorrow.” You frown, furrowing your eyebrows at the boy.
“Okay, look, I just want to spend some time alone with her! We’re finally becoming good again, and I think maybe...something might happen. Please?” He pleads, giving you his signature puppy dog look. Your heart drops at his words
“I don’t know why you’re asking me. It’s your car, you can do whatever you want.” You mumble, looking out the window.
“I just want you to be comfortable since you’re my best friend and I always give you a ride home. Thank you, though. You’re the best friend ever!” He squeezes your hand before starting the way to school.
“Pete, we’re still going to the ski trip together tomorrow, right?” You whisper, looking over at him with big eyes.
“Of course!” He nods vigorously, but his mind seems elsewhere. You sigh and look out the window until you get to school. Once you’re there, you hop out immediately and rush inside, not even bothering to wait for Peter.
After school, you’re shoved into the back of Peter’s car as Gen calls “shotgun!” in her loud, annoying voice. You look over to Peter, half expecting him to argue with her that you always get shotgun, but he’s silent as he climbs into his car. 
You huff in annoyance and get in the back, having to watch in agonizing pain as Gen laces her fingers with his hand that isn’t on the wheel, something you’ve always wanted to do.
“So, how was everyone’s day?” You break the silence, hoping that it’s only awkward for you. You would hate for Peter to think you’re mad at him, although you kinda are.
“Mine was great! How was yours, baby?” Gen purrs, stroking his arm lightly. You almost gag at the sight.
“It was okay.” He admits, shrugging his shoulders lightly. His mind isn’t present, though. He’s definitely daydreaming as he drives. Is that dangerous?
“I bet I could make it better.” She hums, licking her lips slightly and giggling.
“Alright, there is a third passenger here. Just warning you.” You remind them, giving them both a pat on the shoulder.
“Right. Sorry, I forgot you existed for a second. I just get that way with Peter sometimes…” She giggles again, and you’re close to fuming now.
“Well, I’m glad your boyfriend here is going on the ski trip with someone else.” You grin at her. Her head whips to face you, a scowl ever present on her features.
“He’s what?” Her head turns to stare daggers into Peter’s side profile. You see his jaw clench.
“One, I’m not your boyfriend...yet. Two, it’s true...I’m going with someone else. I guess. It’s nothing serious, though.” He mutters, and you can’t help but grow angrier with each passing word.  
“Oh, look where we are! Your house. Goodbye, pest.” Gen waves to you as you get out of the car. You return it with a glare as you march to your porch.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Peter catches up with you as soon as you’re in the front door. Luckily, your family isn’t home right now.
“What do you want?” You growl, ripping your arm out of his grasp.
“What is going on with you? I know you don’t like Gen because of what she did to me, but we’re both over that so why can’t you be, too? And why’d you go and try to sabotage me like that revealing that I’m going with someone else?” He asks, and you see the anger bubbling up in him. Like he deserves to be angry.
“Oh, you’re absolutely right, Peter. Let me apologize. I’m sorry that the person you’re speaking of doesn’t happen to just be anybody at the school, it’s me. I’m sorry that you’re getting back together with Gen since she’s a crappy person in general. Her dumping you oh so long ago is not the only reason I don’t like her. And lastly, I’m sorry that you don’t take me, or our friendship, seriously. I really misjudged you, Peter.” You huff, your words on the verge of yelling. You drop your backpack next to the wall.
“You misjudged me? Excuse me, who’s the popular one here? I picked you up from being a loser, (Y/n/n). You can’t give me the excuse of misjudging, because apparently, I was wrong to ever consider you a friend if you’re just going to go and stab me in the back like this. Maybe you should just be another somebody at the school to me. I like Gen, (Y/n/n), so I don’t see why you’re ruining this for me.” He rants, running his hand through his hair. You growl.
“Don’t (y/n/n) me. Don’t tell me I’m the one back-stabbing you. I said I misjudged you, but that was the only harsh thing against you that I said. I never called you an idiot, a jerk, nothing. I attacked Gen because she bullies me and hates me for no reason. Meanwhile here you are, defending the bully, calling me names. You’re calling me a bad friend, just another somebody in your life, and here I was thinking this would just be another one of our petty fights. I can’t believe this is how it turned out. From a simple car ride to this.” You blink back tears, not wanting to cry in front of him. Peter’s face turns to stone.
“At least I wasn’t the one that started it back in the car.” He whispers, and that breaks the last straw.
“Get out of my house.” You tell him, your voice dangerously low.
“What?” He asks, giving you an incredulous look.
“You heard me. Get out. I don’t want to see you any more right now.” You bite your lip, adding the right now to the end because you know you’re going to regret this entire fight soon. Very soon.
“Fine.” He walks out and slams the door shut behind him. You break down crying immediately after he leaves, grabbing your backpack and running to your room. 
You drop onto your bed and sob into your pillow, not stopping until about fifteen minutes later. You look up and see that you didn’t roll your shades down, so across from you is a torn-looking Peter and a smug-looking Gen. Just what you needed.
Getting off your bed, before giving Peter or Gen a chance to say anything, you close your blinds and sink to the floor.
How humiliating could this day get?
“Honey, where’s that boy toy of yours?” You hear the door shut and your mom’s voice call out, causing you to groan.
Things could definitely get worse.
The next morning, you wake up to your alarm that’s set to get ready for the ski trip. You groan and slam snooze on it before a brilliant idea pops into your head.
You immediately sit up straight and get out of bed, taking a shower and putting some comfortable and semi-warm clothes on. You grab your bag and set it by the door, flinging it open and gathering the courage to actually walk over there.
“Honey, I thought you weren’t going on the trip anymore?” Your mom yawns, walking into the room.
“I’m gonna go apologize. I can’t live without Peter.” You admit.
“That’s a bit dramatic, but okay, sweetie.” She nods and walks out of the room.
You roll your shoulders and walk to Peter’s house, knocking exactly three times on his door. He opens it almost immediately, shock evident on his face when he sees you. His hair is tousled like it usually is when he first wakes up and you can’t help but want to run your fingers through the soft locks. You don’t, though. And you didn’t bring your ski trip bag with you, just in case that seemed to forward, so you just fidget with the bottom of your sweater as you stare at him.
“Uh, what are you doing here?” He clears his throat awkwardly, looking anywhere but at you.
“I’m here to apologize. I’m sorry. I didn’t want things to end the way they did, and I need you to know that. I’m sorry I said all of those things. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you. Please forgive me.” You frown, looking at the ground. You feel tears well in your eyes again but you blink them away. You’ve had enough embarrassment for a few days.
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have said all those things. You’re my best friend, too, and what I said was truly awful. I said some terrible things and immediately regretted them, but when I saw you crying...I couldn’t get the fact that I caused those tears out of my head. It hurt, it really did. I’m really glad we’re making up this early in the fight because I don’t know what I’d do without you around.” Peter smiles slightly and you grin widely at him.
“So, about the ski trip…” You trail off, giving him a sheepish smile. His eyes widen.
“About that….in the chaos of our fight, I figured we weren’t going anymore and asked Gen to go with me...I’m sorry.” He frowns, taking his turn to look down at the floor in embarrassment. He scuffs the floor with the tip of his shoe. Your face goes red in embarrassment at the fact that you thought he would keep your ticket for you.
“Right! Uh, yeah, you have fun with that. I’ll see you later, I guess.” You frown and spin on your heel. You feel Peter take your wrist, causing you to turn back around again.
“I just want you to know that...I didn’t mean anything I said during that fight. Seriously. You’re the most important person to me. I value your friendship like crazy, and you could never be another somebody in the crowd to me. I’m sorry for even suggesting it.” He gives you an awkward smile and you give a fake one in return.
“Yup. You too. Have fun on your trip with Gen.” You spin around again and hurry over to your house. You feel Peter’s stare on your back as he watches you go. It wasn’t a complete failure, he’s not mad at you anymore, but you still aren’t going on the ski trip with him.
Gen is.
After thirty minutes of complaining about how the ski trip was a bad idea in the first place, there’s a knock on your door. Your head perks up in curiousity.
“I’ll get it!” You call and run downstairs, swinging the door open to see Peter standing there, a large smile on his face.
“Still got your bag packed?” He asks.
“Yes...why?” You feel a smile tug on your lips.
“Because you and I are going on the ski trip together. C’mon, we gotta go or else we’ll miss the bus.” He motions you away with his hand. You chuckle and grab your bag, saying a quick goodbye to your mom before walking out and climbing into Peter’s car with him. He starts to drive way over the speed limit.
“So what made you change your mind?” You hum, not being able to do anything but smile.
“Well, I got there and sat down by Gen on the bus and she kinda laid her head on my shoulder and for some reason, it made me very uncomfortable. I quickly realized it was because only you ever lay your head on my shoulder and it felt weird for someone else to do it, and I didn’t like Gen stealing the signature thing you do with me. Then, I got to thinking about the trip and how much it would suck without you by my side. So, I got up and marched right off the bus to get to your house. And here we are.” He explains animatedly.
“I’m glad you chose me.” You nod.
“See, that’s the thing, though. It should have never been a choice. I should’ve been by your side since the beginning, seeing that Gen’s a terrible person in the first place. She’s a brat. She threw a fit as soon as I took her ticket and I realized how right you were. It’s always been you, (Y/n/n). It always comes back around to you.” Peter chuckles, laying his hand on top of yours and nervously glancing at you. You keep silent, absolutely over the moon that Peter Kavinsky, your crush, has his hand on yours right now.
“Yeah. You’re right. It’s always been you, Kavinsky.” You nod in agreement, biting your lip to keep from smiling uncontrollably again. You smile anyway. Then, you’re in a parking spot in front of the school. The two of you get out of the car and head toward the bus when you hear an all-too-familiar voice that you really wish you hadn’t heard.
“You!” Gen screeches from behind you, causing you to spin around and give her a look.
“What about me? I know I’m great but you can’t just come up to me screaming for an autograph, sorry.” You frown and Peter chuckles. He stands beside you, defensive against Gen instead of you this time and your heart melts. He really did notice how harsh he was.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on, (Y/n/n), we need to get to the bus. Ignore her.” Peter takes your hand in his and drags you away from her and to the bus. You find two seats together at the back and sit down.
“Thank you for stopping that. I don’t what I would’ve done if she started throwing punches.” You chuckle.
“Anything for my favorite girl.” He nudges you and smiles, laying his head on your shoulder and closing his eyes. You smile warmly at the cute boy and lay your head on top of his, quickly drifting off to sleep as the bus starts the journey.
When you arrive, you nudge Peter to wake him up. His eyes flutter open and immediately lock with yours. His lips turn up in a warm smile.
“You ready?” You question, and he nods groggily. You help him out of his seat and the two of you walk into the lodge.
“What first?” He asks, slinging an arm around your shoulder playfully. You hum.
“Well, we are on a ski trip so...let’s ski!” You grin at him.
“Atta girl. Meet back down here in ten?” Peter returns your grin. You bite your lip.
“Make it twenty. I’ve got to change into something warmer.” You giggle and brush past him, heading up to your room.
Once you’ve changed, you go back to the lobby. However, waiting for you is none other than Peter Kavinsky, along with Gen of all people. You didn’t even know she still went on the trip.
“Oh. (Y/n). I didn’t think you’d be here.” She grits her teeth, looking you up and down. Peter grimaces and walks to stand by you.
“Really, you didn’t? I mean, Peter did ditch you for me, so I thought that would’ve sent the message…or are you really that stupid?” You frown, faking concern.
“Haha, so funny, (y/l/n). Peter and I were about to go skiing, so...I’ll see you around.” She scowls and grabs Peter’s arm, to which he pulls away from her.
“I never said I’d ski with you. I actually promised (Y/n/n) here I’d ski with her. Not you.” Peter slides his arm around your waist causing you to smile widely. Gen justs scoffs and walks off.
“C’mon, let’s go ski!” You excitedly pull him along as you walk out of the lodge.
After skiing for so long, you head back to your room. You had already told Peter goodnight, so you were thinking you were done for the day. Oh, how wrong you were.
“(Y/n)!” Lara Jean’s familiar voice calls out to you. You turn to see her walking down the hall, smiling at you.
“Hey, Lara Jean. What’s up?” You stop in front of your room to talk to her.
“Nothing much. I just saw Peter out in the hot tub alone, though, so you might want to hurry.” She jokes.
“What?” You smile, though you’re slightly confused.
“I mean...I thought you were going to change...you know, to go to the hot tub with him?” She asks.
“Oh, no...I didn’t know he was going to the hot tub.” You laugh nervously, not really sure what’s going on.
“Well...Peter’s waiting for you in the hot tub, so...go get ‘em!” She awkwardly pats you on the back before walking off quickly. You frown and step inside your room, grabbing your swimsuit. 
If Peter’s in the hot tub, who are you to keep him waiting?
You walk out to the hot tub, a robe wrapped tightly around you to keep out the shivering cold. You see Peter before he sees you.
“Out here all alone? Where’s Gen?” You chuckle. Peter turns to look at you, smile brightening once he sees you.
“I actually wasn’t waiting on Gen, thankfully. I was waiting for someone else.” He admits, and your stomach sinks a little.
“Oh. Who were you waiting on?” You ask, wrapping your robe a little tighter self consciously.
“You, silly. C’mon in, the water’s warm.” He motions for you to step in. You grin as you take the robe off and step into the hot water. You sit next to him and he slings his arm around your shoulders.
“This is nice.” You try to start a conversation, failing terribly.
“It’s more than nice. I wish we could do this all the time.” He smiles, closing his eyes.
“What, have a hot tub?” You laugh.
“No, I mean I wish we could be like this all the time. Me and you. Doing cute stuff like this.” He lays his head on your shoulder, and you swear your heart stops beating.
“What are you trying to say, Pete?” You breathe out, biting your lip in a nervous habit.
“I’m saying I don’t want to be friends anymore, (Y/n/n),” Peter groans into your shoulder, “I want to be more. I want to be your boyfriend. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to do cute stuff with you and be able to kiss you and hug you whenever I want.”
“I want that too.” You whisper, turning to face him. You see his face break out into a smile as he lifts his head off your shoulder.
“Then does that mean I can kiss you?” His eyes flicker down to your lips. You nod slightly and he tenderly presses his lips to yours. Your eyes close as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.  
After a few minutes of just making out in the hot tub, you break away and giggle.
“I’m tired. Can we go to bed now?” You run your fingers through his hair, something you’ve always wanted to do.
“Yeah, let’s go. It’s getting cold out here anyway.” He smiles and helps you out of the hot tub and into your robe. The two of you walk to your room and he presses a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.” You smile and kiss him again.
“See you tomorrow, (Y/n/n).” He presses one last kiss to your forehead and walks off. You walk into your room and dreamily sigh before going to bed. 
This would be a night you’ll never forget.
The next morning, you quickly find Peter on the bus and give him a chaste kiss.  
“Morning, babe.” He grins at you and pulls you in for a longer kiss. You bring your hand up to his cheek before you’re rudely interrupted by a voice behind you.
“Ahem. People are trying to sleep here.” Gen rolls her eyes. She’s sitting in the seat across the aisle from you.
“Then you shouldn’t have sat there.” You shrug and peck Peter on the lips again. He chuckles and laces your hands together.
Maybe this ski trip wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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homeschoolbase · 6 years
How to make highschool transcripts/grades?
How to make highschool transcripts/grades?
While I'm still having issues with finding a curriculum; mostly the timing and structure. How do I make sure I don't cover the end of the topics before the beginning so I don't get confused? Especially when the curriculum is more like a syllabus, how do I make sure I've found the right things? And how do I know when I'm doing a topic, is it for March, April, How much time should I spend on it? Two weeks? four? What do I do when it doesn't say? It doesn't really say, even on common core. Are there curriculum out there that specify the time and duration?
But once I do find one, how do I begin transcripts and grading my work? How does high school grading work exactly? How do I calculate my grades? How do I weigh them?
How exactly should I list a course? So I did algebra 1 with this curriculum, should I list the curriculum as well? What if the curriculum doesn't have work in it and I find worksheets online, does that still count as my coursework?
Another anxiety has been on revising my work and whether that will count as cheating? For example; I do my work, I check, and I get answers wrong. I look at the answer key and my answer and compare where I went wrong, and I rewatch the lesson. I get the answers right. Is this cheating? Are my first answers final? I'm just not sure on how to well- do my work for grading, if that makes sense. And how do I find tests
I'm also considering taking some online courses for certain topics like math and science for external sources since I'm not sure if I'd be able to afford the whole curriculum. I'm not sure on how to find affordable ones, if it is possible to find courses less than 300-400$. And if I did get courses, how do I then blend my curriculum and courses in the transcript?
Sorry for all of these questions, I'm just generally unfamiliar with high school and I'm not sure where to begin.
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