#*Dredge has venom/blood that is a potent painkiller for undead and/or monster indivduals. Royce has chronic pain.
rotfics · 1 year
context: neither kin or royce can sleep anymore unless dredge is there with them. i’ll put why in tags. also see asterisks
“Dredge? Dredge, th’ fuck are you?” Royce kept poking around his normal spots that were not with them for a moment. Her shoulders slouched and she rubbed her eyes, glasses raising up, in annoyance. It’s been around 2-3 years with this routine. To be fair, his brain issues kinda get in the way, but normally someone would have rounded him up to Royce and Kin. 10 pm.
“I’M HERE what huh?” Dredge shook out of whatever the hell trance he was in. “Wh’shappen the hell you yellin for??”
Royce crossed her arms a bit and leaned against the wall with a look.
“...Oh it’s time for bed. Yeah, right, got it, up, getting up, g’n up,” Dredge hoisted himself up a bit and shook off whatever stiffness he just had going on by... sitting there in the dark by himself.
Royce stood up straight and looked at him funny. He did weird stuff all the time, yeah, but it doesn’t ever make it any less confusing to come across.
“Why the hell were you sitting alone in the dark?”
“...I didn’t know I was doing that until you told me.”
With a sigh she ran her fingers through Dredges hair. Everyone knew that Dredge sometimes dissociated into fairly bad places, mentally.
“You go somewhere bad, then?”
“No, not this time.” Dredge looked at his claws and did grabby motions (not at anyone). “Just sort of...nowhere.”
“Ohthankfuck- Mm, good,” Royce coughed out a bit to try and cover up her kneejerk reaction. Dredge just looked up at her with the same affectionate look mixed with.. something else, he always does. Kinda saying ‘Yeah, I know’ about him not going into a dark place, as well.
The two made it to their shared bedroom with Kin, who was bouncing all over the bed until she saw they were there. “HEY GUYAYSHDFG-” She fell off the bed with a thud.
“M’OKAY!” Kin scrambled up onto the bed and nearly vibrated the whole time Dredge changed, and took his mask off, all but tackling him onto the mattress and kissing him basically all over his face. Dredge just accepted this... it happens constantly.
“Ey, hey, me?” Royce laughed as Kin proceeded to nearly tackle her girlfriend too, giving her the same treatment. Kins tail wagging a mile a minute.
“Gay.” Dredge cracked his back a bit and flomped down. “Royce, you need a venom hit*?)”
“Yes, please. My arms hurt the most today.”
Dredge handed it over, and Royce immediately laid down and sighed out a thanks. Kin just kinda watched with her cheek on the bed
“...C’ we go to bed now, plea..” Royce slurred, already basically passed out from the effects of Dredges venom. She fumbled for one of his arms to wrap around her.* “Mhmnnh..” She was out like a light.
Dredge rolled his eyes a little and took her glasses off, putting them on the nightstand. “Feel like I save her glasses from being broken by being slept on... constantly.”
“...Uh, am I going cool or warm* tonight.” Dredge asked Kin, since she was the only other one of ‘em awake.
“OOH uh warm, please!” With a little laugh she nuzzled her face up on his cheek. “You smell weird.”
“Probably because I’m sweaty..kinda.”
“Not a bad weird, whatever, dude. I love you, Dredge.” Kin mushed her face against the side of his.
“Love you too. ...And also Royce.” (Who already started snoring.)
Kin got as close as she could and dozed off; tugging his other arm until he put that one on her too.
They all always sleep like that.
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