#*activates all my almonds* have you guys heard about this dude called arjuna fgo
arjuna bby ofccc 🥺🥺🥺
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gonna wrap this up by doing arjuna and arjuna alter! shockingly the arjuna blog got a few entries for arjuna...incredible....
but yes, this is the last ask i'll be doing i did 11 of these so i think thats probably fair
favorite thing about them
everything. well
for arjuna i like that he feels pressured to perform perfectly at all times but still cant help resenting that that same performance doesnt come naturally to him like it seems to do with other people. i find it very relatable. i like the gap of him simultaneously being incredibly confident to the point of seeming smug in his abilities in things that he is familiar with/can practice, and his deep insecurity with basically everything else (especially when they're less tangible and unable to be practiced.) the fact that he seems to find himself unworthy of being loved if he isnt useful or helpful in some way is incredibly familiar to me, so it bothers me to see people miss that side of his character and brush him off as arrogant when a lot of it is overcompensating on things he knows he's good at so he can prove he's valuable. i find his sadness, anger and resentment that he masks and tries to downplay incredibly human and its been really nice seeing him grow out from his inital withdrawn confines.
also ngl i've wanted to shoot my older brother's head off as well but i know id probably react like him after. probably. maybe.
also i like his fluffy hair and pretty eyes
i also like how arjuna alter functions both initially as a mirror reflecting arjuna's own toxic perfectionism back onto the world around him, showing how the continuation of that ideal harms not only yourself but the people around you, and how he functions later as a glimpse into what arjuna was like prior to some of the most defining events of his life. what little glimmers we've seen of him are both incredibly compelling and incredibly tragic as someone who's lost their identity and reason for being the way they are. we know nothing of how he ended up the way he is, and hes a shell of the person he was. and yet even so, he was able to retain some small sense of self, and although he'll never be the same as his old self he can still have a life and form a new purpose
also i like how hes a cute kitty :3
least favorite thing about them
*passes the fate writers $5* write him interacting or thinking about literally anyone other than karna for the love of god
ditto for arjuna alter and also i want him to have more backstory bc i KNOW he could be really good its just. they wont do it.
favorite line
all of them. all of them
but also
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t. thanks. im gonna go. go cry for a little bit thank you
i also liked arjuna alter's voiced lb4 scene where he was dying bc he sounded totally fucked up then and it was awesome (painful) but i cant be bothered to look up a link atm
calling whatever he and parvati have going on a 'brotp' is probably not accurate but i do quite like their interactions. its very sweet.
other than that i also like his (canon) friendships/interactions with jason, circe, georgios, and orion. oh and martha and gorgon!
also i think he and karna would be funny as obnoxious siblings :p
arjuna alter is even less social, somehow, but its kind of funny to imagine him still hanging around limbo. 0 stranger danger radar. im choosing to decide hes more friends with cu alter as well to contrast with me making arjuna and medb hang out more. i mean they do show up in the same cbc so legally i can do that.
gudajuna canon fite me. i do have a bias for gay stuff but i still think its very sweet w gudako. i can and will ship basically anyone with arjuna which is why im holding back from just listing 70 people and i can come up w several more on the spot but tbh outside of the mc maybe like...his irl wivesandkrishna
also him and taking a fucking nap and chilling out. Tbh this over anything else I’m not primarily gunning for romance in fgo which may sound strange but c’est la vie
im going to fucking solo a hgw on my own just so i can purge the world of karjuna/junakar permanently thats how much i hate it
random headcanon
arjuna was totally invited to the 'religion group' by someone (georgios or martha probably) who was trying to make it less christian (sanzang attends its only fair) and remembered the bhaghvad gita exists.
arjuna spends like 75% of his day in spiritual meditation the game just doesnt mention it
arjuna alter has chronic fatigue
arjuna alter's horns have blood vessels in them. why not
unpopular opinion
he should kill karna again. fuck everything
stupid comment aside i wouldnt actually hate them revisiting arjuna vs karna again IF (this is a very big big if) they actually delved into their actual history with each other. like explicitly stated in text why they started beefing, mentioned the things BOTH sides did to each other, looked at the opinions of BOTH sides about their relationship just yknow actually give it some fucking depth other than them yelling at each other for what (to someone unfamiliar w the og epic) seems like basically nothing? except some vague jealous feelings on one side? which is hardly enough to keep beefing for over 2000 years but what do i know
for arjuna alter my unpopular opinion is they looked at him and were like 'we could do this better' and wrote morgan and i want them to go back to him and give him a backstory as well.
and also he should have a summer alt. he deserves it
song i associate with them
*activates my emo gland*
for arjuna
for arjuna alter
favorite picture of them
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theres so many of them tbh but atm ive been thinking of this one. whats even going on here. are they having a rap battle. are they assigning each other fursonas
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