#*banging on the table* LESBIAN CAFE OWNERS POLYCULE
urmomsfavelesbian · 2 years
the sunday mood is, yet again, running away to start from scratch and opening a cafe, where is it located, what's the general mood and music, and what drinks special is on the menu? (for those of you that weren't here for the of original question, what would be your signature dish/snack served there?)
it’s in a tiny idyllic town called feilding. the general mood is open and airy and it’s all lit up by sunshine during the day, and soft yellow lamps at night. on rainy days, the front doors open and allow in the petrichor and soft damp breeze. the music is light jazz-y cafe lofi and lana del rey’s softest songs, but when no customers are there and i have control of the music, hyperpop and all-female punk bands.
the drink special is the girliest frozen coffee drink you can imagine, with a customizable syrup bar so you can add whatever flavors you like. the signature dish would be homemade banana bread, and each slice comes on a colorful plate that corresponds with the day of the week.
it doesn’t always get much business, but that’s just fine by the lesbians who work there 🥰
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