#*exit pursued by a bear... with a shotgun* ..... *SHOT*
alifeasvivid · 1 year
inspired by a conversation with @disneyprincessdxminatrix and also I'm sure other people have talked about this, but... canonverse where England does things like get out his old pirate gear (a nation's personal effects never age) and dress up and does like… story times and theatre activities with kids because of course, he tells the BEST stories or maybe he gets in on amateur or local or other small venue theatre productions and he never goes out for the lead role, he always wants to play the witty side character or the antagonist and he's damn brilliant at it. Perhaps, he was even uncharacteristically unable to conceal his Puckish glee when America started talking about a certain table top game back in the 1970's and playing with him is like getting a masterclass in DM'ing.
England probably isn't the best writer, I think, particularly not when it comes to prose. He's left the refinement of the written word to his people, but he is a raconteur... a storyteller... a bard, if you will.
I think the caveat is that only his people really see this side of him. Other nations and their people would have to be extremely lucky to catch a glimpse.
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reddeadreference · 3 years
Journal - Chapter 2: Horseshoe Overlook
(This post is all of the journal pages and typed transcripts that were written specifically for chapter two. This post will not include stranger missions or side stuff.)
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(Some entries may differ depending on certain choices/events. For instance: in Spines of America Hosea and Arthur waited until night to rob Carmody Dell, in A Quiet Time both Lenny and Arthur were arrested, & Arthur choose to help Mary in We Once Loved and True )
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Finally, a thaw in this god awful weather. We got off the mountain, and rode east into some pretty enough country called The Heartlands.
Ain't been this far east in many a year. Hosea seems to know the country a little. Ain't been much of a spring. Now holed up at a place called Horseshoe Overlook, outside of some dumpy little cattle town, name of VALENTINE.
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Dutch seems a little better. His eyes are sparkling once more and I can see he's thinking a little clearer.
I think we all feel a little happier, in spite of Blackwater and that whole mess.
After Polite Society, Valentine Style
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Headed into Valentine with uncle and the girls. Girls went scouting out work while Uncle and I had a few drinks and he explained more of his theories on existence and bare faced lies about his past.
Things took a strange turn - some fella seemed to recognize me, or us from Blackwater.
Guess we had been holed up there too long while Hosea and I scouted the job that never was. I chased the bastard
Choice: Spare
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and he nearly fell off a cliff - I spared him and he gave me an ink pen.
I hope I won’t regret my leniency, but I reckon he got the scare of his life. Jimmy Brooks was his name.
Choice: Kill
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then I killed him anyway. Sometimes, there's no point taking a chance.
After Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego
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Took a day off and went off hunting with Hosea. He really seems to be getting his strength back a bunch, although he was lucky not to die as this big bear he’d been after turned on us.
I thought when we was stuck up in the mountains that the cold and the misery would kill him, and we’d bury him like we buried Jenny and Davey. But he pulled through and he’ll live a while yet.
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I love Dutch like a father, but in many ways, I love Hosea even more. He’s kind and fair and like a human being. Dutch is something else.
This bear was also something else. Size of a god damn hotel, it was and mean with it.
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After Paying a Social Call
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Colm O'Driscoll slipped through our fingers once more and I saw my own life slip through mine. That gentle buffoon we kidnapped up in the mountains took us to a cabin. We were planning to kill Colm but he had just gone elsewhere. We shot a bunch of his boys and one was about to end my life when Kieran shot him. This FEUD, it’s bled out from Dutch and Colm’s mutual hatred into a loathing that permeates all of us and all of them.
Still, I found quite a shotgun in the cabin.
After Money Lending and Other Sins
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Herr Strauss is back lending money, and I'm back collecting it.
The work mostly revolts me and shames me. Somehow, robbing people honestly with a gun and fists is less repellant than robbing them fully in accordance with the law.
It'll be the usual sort of desperados - sick farmers, pregnant maids, lovesick young men, and other dupes desperate enough and stupid enough to take Strauss' terms.
A usurer's life may be a comfortable one, but it is foul work.
After The Spines of America
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Hosea and I went robbing, just like in the old days. A father and son pair of clowns at some farm house. Stole a wagon, sold it to some rat Hosea had met at some odd place called Emerald (?) Ranch. What goes on there, I cannot tell, but this little purchaser of stolen goods had us go rob his own family.
Even by my standards, that was low, but the father and son we robbed was proof that even God makes mistakes sometimes.
Choice: Day
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Hosea performed brilliantly as some kind of huckster selling restorative care to crooks' backs. Whole thing was utterly ridiculous and brilliant. 
Choice: Night
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I snuck in at night and we robbed the loathsome bastards blind.
After We Loved Once and True
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Saw Mary again. I feel like the luckiest man alive and I feel like a fool. That woman confuses me and plays me for a fiddle like no one else alive. Her little brother Jamie had joined some religious order and needed saving, or so she and the god awful DADDY seemed to have thought. I took him home, after a pathetic little squabble. Poorboy. Wonder what will become of him. Education and an unpleasant father have been a terrible curse for him, I fear.
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As for Mary, I trust I will not make a god awful fool of myself once more but somehow I imagine I shall. 
A <3 M
After A Quiet Time
(Note this page is for if you get arrested with Lenny, I am working on getting the alternate page.)
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Went off drinking with young Lenny. Thanks to my own peculiar genius for trouble when drunk, the evening did not go quite according to plan, but somehow neither of us got killed or arrested for murder, I mean, we got arrested, of course, but not for murder, at least I don't think it was for murder because they let us out. Whole thing is a bit of a blur. Somehow, I don't imagine that the saloon owner in Valentine likes me very much after the mayhem I have caused there.
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After Americans At Rest
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Got into some god awful fight in the town saloon. Bill started it. He's wound so tight about something I reckon he'll start hitting himself soon enough. I was stopped from beating some big yokel to death by a local do-gooder.
I could not tell if this made me pleased or real angry. The local crowd seemed to want to see BLOOD however.
Afterwards Dutch accosted me with old Josiah Trelawny, back and quite as slippery and confusing as ever.
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He'll come and go again, no doubt and leave none us any the wiser as to who or what he is.
Trelawny told us that Sean had not been killed in Blackwater, but was a prisoner there, held by scalp hunters awaiting payment. Charles Smith, Javier and I met in Blackwater and rescued that loud mouthed maniac. Before we'd even cut him free from the tree he was mouthing off at us.
Javier said Blackwater is an impossible situation and I guess I had better forget about all that money.
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All them years wasted earning that stuff! Guess I'll never quite know what happened, but the upshot is, we're on the run, and known to more folks in authority than we would like.
After A Fisher of Men
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Took young Jack out fishing as a favor to Abigail. Many years ago, before she fell so hard for that fool MARSTON, perhaps I should have married her. I think part of me has always thought that, yet, God damn you, Mary! Jack is a good boy. A dreamer. A boy with a momma who loves him. I wonder if he will find what we seek - peace and truth away from all this nonsense and lies. If that is what we still seek? Not that that’s a new development. Not sure I know myself anymore.
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Sometimes I’m not sure Dutch does. As we fished, a couple of Pinkerton agents appeared - Milton was one of them. I forget the other fella’s name, they knew all about me. That’s a new turn of events. Apparently there’s five thousand on my head alone. After Blackwater, or maybe before, it seems we may be in real trouble. I just don’t know.
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Dutch don’t seem too worried but I am beginning to have some doubts as to this wisdom in his indifference.
After Money Lending and Other Sins III
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I went to call in a loan, some farmer, local do gooder. Think I'd seen him in Valentine before when I was fighting that big fella. He begged and coughed and spluttered and I beat him half to death. Such is life. Such is the world. His boy looked at me like I was the devil and perhaps for him, I was. The whole thing confused me. Maybe that's wrong. The whole thing revolted me/my part. These sad, sad, desperate bastards, their silly expectations of life and their tawdry reality. The unkindness of existence I can handle that just fine. But I do not love it, nor those who try to make things otherwise, I guess.  
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