#*holds up Phobos* pls... ask.... about them :>
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Don't Listen.
Wearing you down to accept the deal, but your consciousness tells you not to give in. But can you stand the smallest hint of its power?
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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And here’s a bloodborne crows headcanons drawing no one ask for!
Yeah I headcanons that some characters used to have some pet crows but it’s mostly a references for my fic verse too.
So I don’t have names for all the crows but I have a couple of ideas already. If you have ideas too pls share I’m listening.
Let’s begin with Cainhurst! 🛡️
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📚🦉Ok Beltran from the cut content! Not sure he’s still alive during old hunters time but basically I imagined he was the (first?) crow master of Cainhurst.
🐦‍⬛⚔️Vledemyr my oc, my fav cainhurst knight! The current crow master. (Maria & Annalise’s cousin too) He was the one in charged of them before he become captain of the royal guard, he actually have lots of them (and they all love him a lot) but his very first crow is Corvus, the crow on his shoulder.
👑🕊️Ok so Annalise was offered an Albino crow, because she’s the princess and future Queen you see. *Check notes* hm Yuki is a possible name but idk either smt Japanese or slavic who mean snow or fit with cainhurst aesthetic idk.
👑🐦‍⬛ Ah Charles (oc based on the cainhurst portrait too, king consort when Annalise was Queen). So when he marry her and was crowned he was offered a baby leucistic crow (that’s why it’s brown, it’s a loose of melanine like albinism bur not complete the the eyes aren’t red or the skin pink for exemple), he was so confused about it like you can see XD probably except a hound or smt (in his dream he would have wish for a lion but there’s no lions at Cainhurst since like 60+ years or smt)
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🐦‍⬛🌕🐦‍⬛Maria have 2-3 crows (the ones at the research hall you know 😢 minus the one with the guidance rune that belong to Ludwig like you can see) As for the names I was hesitating between Hugin & Munin (Odin’s crows) or Phobos & Deimos (Mars’moon) for the 2 crows siblings (well I hc Maria study astronomy so… heheh also her third one is the one German is holding x) yeah missing a leg I know. Ok also after Maria passed away the crows escape from the research hall and freak Gehrman out! They wanted to say to him hello or called his named and because crows can mimics sound and voices they took Maria’s voice 💀 he thought he was going crazy for a few mins before he found them… but really it annoyed more Laurence XD the crows really went to harass him (they know what’s up. Or didn’t take well he put them in cages or smt, or you know because of Maria. It got to the point Laurence almost wanted them dead 💀
Fortunately Gehrman managed to made them go with the very first official hunter of hunter, he passed to him the mercy blade as well.
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🐥Ah Voron my boy! Aka future bloody crow🩸🐦‍⬛ (No I am not detailing the entire backstory here! And yes his name means raven/crow I KNOW!) also the red of the cap don’t appear much sorry… thanks the scan.
✨+Svetta another Cainhurst oc based the painting with her crow, Voron mom yes. Vledemyr is his dad.
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👁️I managed to put Micolash & Edgar on the page XD
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💣🔥 Ah this one well when we first got into the hunter nightmare there’s a hunter before a gate right? Behind there’s a crow and I noticed the crow attacked the beasts but the hunter and the bird never attacked each other (only the hunter or beast) that’s why I now headcanons that many old hunters had crows too like this one.
🗡️🌕Ludwig & his crow with the guidance rune. One day the old hunters found many dead crows in the forest, not a good sign… Ludwig managed to recover a baby crow an care for it (he was so panicked at first he asked Maria for help so many times XD)
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🐦‍⬛Eileen and some crows & the very first official hunter of hunters! (Before her)
🐦‍⬛The friendly crow of hemwick on the top left :3 I hc it’s either the crow bloody crow had or one link with Eileen or either my own hunter.
As for the other names I had in mind : Hrafn, Karasu, Branagan (I think I’m keeping this one as the name of the first crow hunter too)
Now, you’re gonna ask me why didn’t I just named one « Kuro » (black color in Japanese) well, I’m keeping it for the horses’ names of Cainhurst!!!!
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rotshop · 3 years
Oh geez long ask, take it easy. Uh, well an idea I’ve had for a little that I really like but have not really many ideas for is like an s/o who just doesn’t purr. They can and there’s nothing wrong with their ability to purr, but for some reason they just never do it, they don’t get why either. It’s just a thing. I don’t know who to pair the s/o with, all I had for the idea is that s/o is with someone and that someone in a moment gets to hear them purr. I think the idea makes sense? -Echo
CNANNOT stop thinking abt this so im answerig it now so i can excorcise whatever fuckgin demon u put in me with this ask /pos
pls consider ; s/o makes some noise other than purring (ex. squeaking / squealing, huffing, chirping, etc etc) to show they're happy and their respective partner just has no fucking clue what it means / it takes them a bit to go 'oh hey wait a minute , THATS their version of purring.' or whatev ,,,,
i did a two short lill hc sets w/ this in mind lol ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ignore typos its 4am and im jetlagged <33333
-chances are you don't purr because you're just that exhausted / stressed out. sure, others are able to most times but for one reason or another the stress seems to effect that part of you a little more than it does others. you've just kinda. been like that for so long now bc of all the stress working under phobos brings and so ur body / mind is always just kinda (at least somewhat / distantly) in panic mode so u never calm down / relax enough to rlly purr
-hof is the opposite !! he doesn't full on purr too too often but he makes a lot of trills / chirrup noises when he's particularly excited / happy. chances are when he notices u walk into a room he unintentionally starts purring lmao ,,, it DOES make him a little sad that you don't purr or make a whole lot of 'happy noises' like he does but!! that's ok ,, he's just kinda learned to accept it over time
-there was one time you were REAALLL burnt out. you'd been working on some little project phobos had given you for days and days on end now and it was tearing you to shreds. you had it mostly done by this point but given how you could just barely remember things from 5 minutes ago and you kept dropping shit it was gonna take a lot longer to finish in this state ,,,, he manages to drag you away from your work and make you get some rest. ur stubborn tho and make him stay with you so u knw he's resting too lol
-you're laying with your face in the crook of his neck while he's tracing little patterns on your back, focusing on making sure he isn't pressing too hard or anything like that
-it takes him a while to notice the newer, quieter noise alongside your little breaths. it's shaky and kinda fades in and out, unsteady with lack of use but as SOON as he realizes what it is he has to stop himself from kissing you right then and there or waking you up with some trill or whatever
-it makes him so so happy knowing he's probably one of the few people you've purred around and that you feel comfortable enough to, he's riding the high for the next few days and he keeps thinking about it ,,,, hope u like purring bc he's gonna try and make you do it again and again /hj
-ur probably an agent / soldier of his who ranks real high, ur kinda like his second in command or whatev its called. same kinda deal ; ur way too stressed and constantly in fear of your life being taken to really chill out enough to purr. he doesn't do it very often either except when he's watching some plan of his come to fruition or when he's asleep ,,,
-he's gotten used to ur guys' relationship being pretty professional (aside from the banter and the fact that he definitely doesn't care this much about someones hobbies or interests if they arent you and that he most certainly wouldn't ask one of his soldiers were doing if they werent you, of course) and so he just kinda. randomly notices it. ur both just hanging out and talking with one another and it just clicks that 'huh. ive never heard them purr'
-it makes him a little insecure SFHFRJVSWVSFKEF 'what do you MEAN you aren't so head over heels for me that you're little more than a purring content little mess for me, what am i doing wrong .' like at first he doesn't think too deep on it but then he just keeps remembering and it keeps putting him on edge
-he tries his best to get you to purr as soon as he can but like ,,, it just doesn't work ,,,, even having dinner with him or something your brain is still vaguely just kinda in danger / kill mode on the back burner of itself. it just makes him dig himself deeper lol
-BUT. there's a specific night where you're just kinda staring out one of the windows in your guys' little shared home of sorts. no real reason or anythign behind it you're just kinda. looking down at the scenery. the distant lights of the city outline you in color and luminescence like a halo and he's just kinda stuck staring at you from across the room
-after a breath or two he's walking over and wrapping his arms around your waist and tightening his grip till you're pulled up securely against him. as he's placing a little kiss between your shoulder and your neck he notices the sound and freezes up immediately
-he has to like. process it for a solid minute or too. hope u arent the type to get nervous / paranoid bc it's!!! a little nerve wracking for ur bf to hear u purr for the first time and then just go into like shock abt it with no comment or anything for a solid few minutes
-you know you're good though when he's tightening his hold on you further and you can feel his teeth against your skin as he buries his face into the crook of your neck with a grin
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alixsgardenofnope · 4 years
What The Music Does: To You, To Me pt.2
Back with part two of this.
[Warnings before heading in: Descriptions of a manic episode of sorts, mentions of a past injuries (not described), and generally just a rough time over all.]
With this in mind, please proceed at your own discretion.
. . . . . . Ever since MC-473 had come into view, Meouch had felt an uneasiness coursing through his veins, but he refused to let it shake his concentration as he eased off the controls and let the ship drift down onto the landing pad, its belly stopping just before making contact with the concrete.
Shutting down the drive functions and securing the drift locking system, Meouch took a moment to look at the rest of the crew. Sung, who had been talking his ear off since their departure that morning, had grown quiet as he moved about the cockpit, checking the displays and recording the readings in a little black book, why he refused to move his notes to a laptop was beyond him.
Swiveling around in his seat and undoing his harness, Meouch caught sight of Phobos standing in one of the observation bays, his back to the group as he stared out at the surface. Meouch stood, prepared to join him, when he saw Havve approaching the other man, drawing him from his thoughts.
He didn't miss the little jump as Phobos turned to look at him, or the brief glimpse of... something on his eyes when he pulled away.
Meouch shook his head, it was none of his business what was going on in that guy's head, besides, Havve was already there. He could handle it.
As they did their initial scan of the planet's surface, Sung had taken it upon himself to keep him company as the other two lagged behind, checking the outbuildings for any signs of life. Meouch didn't really see the point in checking, the ship's readings had come back clean, MC-473 was abandoned after all, the only signs of civilization being the things that were too big or cumbersome to take back when the mining company that had owned the planet pulled the plug on its operations decades ago.
Tail swishing behind him agitatedly, Meouch had let out a little annoyed huff when he turned to ask Havve a question, only to find both him and Phobos still together on the landing pad. Thankfully, Sung calls them over in a chipper tone, saying something about getting eaten by a lizard monster, and the group carries on.
Bringing them to now.
As Meouch looks out at the crystal sea, he's hit with a lingering sense of deja Vu, which pairs disturbingly with the song his companions had been singing up until he'd asked them to stop because it was scaring him.
Placing his hand on his belt, feeling for his gun holster, he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, feeling a bit safer knowing that if things go south, if there really are weird lizard monsters, he can at least fight back.
Turning to face the others again, he purses his lips at the sight of Havve and Phobos once again falling behind. This isn't normal behavior for either of them, especially not for Phobos, whose sense of duty as a soldier usually results in him standing at the front of the line with Sung, playing bodyguard.
As he stares at them, Havve shoots him a look, unreadable beneath the mask and Meouch hears a click in his left ear as a comlink opens up, filling his head with a beat of fizzling static before a familiar voice mutters lowly, "Don't let Sung get too far ahead."
Meouch frowns and scoffs, "Sung is a big boy he can take care of himself." 
Still, he reaches out and grabs the tether trailing off the back of Sung's suit, which is there for exactly that reason, and tugs it twice to keep the doctor from straying too far.
Havve hums approvingly and the link closes. 
Looking down at the lead in his hands, Meouch frowns,  thinking about the other reason for the tether as Sung turns to him, giving him a questioning look, his good eye narrowing as he quirks his brows. 
"Am I too close to the edge?" He asks, gesturing ahead of them at the ridge leading into the valley, it's maybe ten feet ahead of them right now, but to Sung, Meouch knows, the drop off is a lot farther away
Meouch nods, motioning for him to step back in line with him. Once Sung is situated, Meouch glances back yet again, relieved to see that Havve and Phobos have caught up, falling in line behind Sung.
Phobos is looking around and hopping slightly on his feet as they stand still. 
‘Leave it to dog boy to get the zoomies while on a mission.’
Meouch snorts and moves the group forward, keeping a wide berth around the ridge, Sung's hand on his shoulder.
As they reach the bottom, finding themselves amidst a forest of towering crystals and twisting trees with oddly shaped leaves, Meouch signals from the group to circle up.
"The path up ahead seems narrow." He says, "Too tight for us, let alone the rover to have gone through."
"I don't wanna risk getting stuck in there either, so if we're going to proceed, we're gonna have to go around.  Personally, I'm getting an itchy feeling just being here..." He admits, then adding, "What do you guys think?"
"I want to stay." Phobos says, his tone light and happy in a way that makes Meouch's fur stand on end, "I like it here."
Sung first hums in agreement, but then shakes his head roughly, "No." He says, "We have to go, something is wrong."
“I want to stay.” Phobos repeats stubbornly, shifting on his feet in the direction of the forest, but Havve is quick to reach out and grip his arm.
“Let go!” he yelps, trying and failing to violently pull himself from Havve’s grasp, Havve’s hand acts like a vice though, and his legs remain firmly planted on the ground, “I have to go! I have to go in there, you understand?! You can hear it right??” 
Sung shudders beside Meouch, bringing his hands up to his ears, eyes watering painfully, “...We have to go. NOW.”
Despite the protests of Phobos, who only grows more frantic as the distance between the crystal forest becomes greater, and the occasional faltering steps of Sung, the group makes it back onto the landing pad, tired and out of breath, but otherwise physically fine.
Emotionally however...
“Eughh... I can’t... I can’t freaking see anything.” Sung whines once they’re back on the ship, hovering outside of MC-473’s airspace, wiping his eyes with a tissue, “They just won’t stop.” 
Meouch pats Sung on the back, wincing slightly when they hear a shrieking sound from another room.
“Seriously, fuck that place.” Meouch mutters, clenching his free hand into a fist, “Those crystals must have been radiating some kind of weird energy, and that song...”
Sung finishes rubbing his eyes and blinks before replying, “It’s possible. Crystals of that size have to have been created using a lot of power, and Phobos did touch-”
“No, he was acting weird even before we landed.” Meouch interrupts, then pauses, gritting his teeth, “...You could feel it, right? That he was off?”
Sung tilts his head and then frowns, “...When he got closer, I felt...” he rolls his hand in front of him, trying to come up with the right words, “...Distress, misery, longing... MC-473 means something to Phobos. I can feel it here.” he slaps his chest.
“If it means something to him, why didn’t he mention it when the name came up in the mission report?” Meouch questions, flinching when he hears another cry, this time more subdued and a little less unhinged.
“MC-473 has only been known as that for a short time, before that, there’s no details on its history... Researchers think it may have been part of a larger pl...” Sung’s voice trails off, “...Meouch, do you remember what Phobos’ homeworld looked like?”
A chill runs up Meouch’s spine. 
His memories of Phobos’ planet are hazy, largely because he smacked his head pretty hard hauling ass out of the place, half fighting, half dragging a hysterical Phobos along with him.
“My memories are too vague...” he waves his hand in front of his face, “...but now that I think about it... Stars... Did we just bring Phobos back to... Shit.” he curses under his breath, standing slowly.
“What are you doing?” Sung asks, moving to follow him, “Havve has things under control.”
That doesn’t stop him from quickening his pace as Meouch heads through the door into the medical bay.
“I wanna go back... I wanna go back...”
Meouch bites his lip at the sound of Phobos’ whining, looking down at Sung, who is once again rubbing his eyes, “Are you good?”
Sung nods, “The sooner we get back, the sooner it’ll stop.”
Meouch hums and heads towards the sound of Phobos’ voice.
As they round a corner, Havve can be seen leaning over one of the beds, an arm firmly resting across Phobos’ chest, keeping him pinned down as the other writhes wrapped up in a blanket like a strange caterpillar. Havve looks up briefly, nodding in acknowledgement before returning his attention to their friend.
“Where... Where do you want to go back to, Phibs?” Meouch asks, “Home?”
Phobos’ eyes dart over to him and he lunges forward, stopped only by the force of Havve’s arm slamming his torso back down, “I want to go home! I want to go home!” he cries.
“We are going home, buddy.” Sung says softly, reaching out to touch him, only to have to rip his hand away as Phobos snaps at him with a growl, “Whoa... Okay, buddy, okay... Not gonna touch you.”
“Why are you taking me away?!” he wails, “Couldn’t you hear them?! They were right there!”
Meouch hisses, closing his eyes, “Fuck.”
As Phobos continues to struggle, there’s a click and Havve speaks up, “Phobos is seeing... things.” he says, looking to Meouch “...Memories...” he whispers, tapping the side of his head.
“You... When do you think he’ll snap out of it?” 
“Soon.” Havve assures him, “His heart rate is lowering and his breathing is normalizing, he’ll likely stop fighting and fall asleep soon.”
Meouch swallows a lump in his throat, “...Is he going to be okay though...?”
Havve makes an uncertain tsk with his teeth, “...I’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Mn... We’ll... We should... When we get back we should talk about...” Meouch bites the inside of his cheek, “You know?”
Havve and Sung nod, and Phobos gives another whine of protest, weaker than before.
The trip home is quiet.
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