#phobos the abyssling
Mario: It’s what’s on the inside that matters.
SMG3: Name one time that’s been true.
Mario: The fridge.
SMG3: Fair point.
Juliano: Hi, do you accept walk-ins?
Morgue Attendant: What?
Mario: Uh oh. Someone just put us in a position of responsibility.
Lil Coding: The day has suddenly turned sinister.
Luigi: We'll have to go with my usual strategy.
Meggy: What’s that?
Luigi: Run fast and scream a lot!
Melony: *hacker voice* I’m in.
Meggy: I don't think you're supposed to say "hacker voice".
Mr L: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Cosmos: Mr L, sir... that’s just a trash can.
Mr L: It sure is!
SMG4: Okay, but if you’re not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend?
SMG3: Dude, it's satire!
Meggy: What are you doing?
Mario, holding a wiffle bat: Killing you. Unfortunately, I could only afford a wiffle bat, so it's going to take a while.
Domain: There’s a tree out there growing wood for your coffin.
Juliano: Bold of you to assume my body will be found.
Jeeves, about the Crew: Have you no control over these idiots?
SMG4: None whatsoever.
Juliano: ..Looks like I can’t isolate, ignore, ibuprofen our way out of this one.
Juliano: Ignite it is.
SMG4: Couldn’t you be more, I don’t know, enthusiastic?
SMG3, in the dullest voice he can mutter: Woo-hoo, extra hoo.
Tari: You don’t know, or you don’t care?
Saiko: Pick one.
Mario: Ohh. You’re supposed to put the waffles in the fridge?
Luigi: Yes. In the fridge.
Mario: Oh… it was a good waffle.
Luigi: Get more tomorrow?
Mario: Yes.
Cody: You ever get tired of being wrong?
LC, being chased by Plurality: I do! I really do!
The Abyss: Why does Juliano keep getting away?
Phobos: Perhaps you don’t chain him up tight enough.
Lily: *casually walks into Coffee N' Bombs and starts rummaging through the cabinets behind the counters*
SMG3, not even phased: Jerry?
Lily: Jerry.
Forum: How are you?
Juliano: I’m… alive.
Mario: I’m not afraid of anything, except acne and leprechauns.
SMG4: Leprechauns aren’t real.
Mario: I know what I saw!
Plurality: I had to stop you from trying to blow up the sun!
Elanore: I was gonna cure skin cancer!
Root: I think at the moment, my rampant identity issues are the least of my worries.
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The Abyss: He's not that stupid, is he?
Juliano: *takes its deal while having a mental break and believing that if he does this, it won't affect anyone else he loves*
Abyss: *looks into the camera, eyebrows raised*
Juliano, watching shadows grab him: I'm about to do what's called a pro-gamer move.
Phobos, softly: Don't.
Luigi: Mario was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Mario: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Luigi: Mario, you ate the kitchen.
Tulip, rummaging through her old desk: I remember when I was little, my mom said that I couldn't get my tetanus shot unless I got perfect marks on every assignment leading up to that day.
SMG7: What.. what did you do?
Tulip, tossing up papers that all have perfect marks on them: FUCKING STUDIED, I GUESS.
Melony: I slept for almost 12 hours, but I might still be tired, so let's go for 12 more just in case.
Meggy: Melony, that's a coma.
Melony: Sounds festive.
Luigi: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Bob: I'm as sure as I am honest.
Luigi: In that case, we're definitely lost.
SMG4: Lily, keep an eye on Coding today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Lily: Sure, I’d love to see LC get punched.
SMG4: Try again.
Lily, sighing: I will stop LC from getting punched.
Meggy: I'm so tough, I'm on alert even when there's no danger!
Dr. Avis: That's PTSD.
Dr. Pheobe: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Juliano: Thank you!
Dr. Pheobe: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Juliano: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
SMG3: Do you really think they can handle preheating the oven?
Forum: I would hope so!
*The sound of the kitchen lighting on fire, followed by Domain's cursing and Meggy's shrieking, can be heard*
Forum: *slowly crushes the object he's holding* .. I have a sudden passion project for putting Meme Logic into an actual body, tying it up, and hitting it with a wrecking ball.
Irene: How do you usually get them all focused on something whenever you have something else to do?
Juliano: Watch.
Juliano, to the rest of the Avatars: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Avatars: *immediately begin arguing*
Irene, watching in horror: Oh, this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
Lil Coding: I think Houdini did something like this once!If I remember right, he was out of the hospital in no time!
Cody, deadpan: Well, that's encouraging.
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Don't Listen.
Wearing you down to accept the deal, but your consciousness tells you not to give in. But can you stand the smallest hint of its power?
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(Or; Juliano snaps and local eldritch horror experiences emotion)
(Or also; Juliano is an ex-Avatar with half-code that has been shown to lash out based on his emotions.)
(TW: Violence & blood)
He thought he was doing better. He was sure he was doing better. Those sessions were meant to be doing something, helping him get better and process his trauma. He felt like he was getting somewhere, accepting things.
So why is he here? Standing in front of his ruined world?
"This is what you did."
He jolts and turns around, eyes wide. Across from him stands a woman, but it's hard for him to even call her thank. Her model is lineless and so clearly dangerous. Dark purple arms that trail into green claws, a flat stare with acid green eyes, and spiky brown hair.
She tilts her head.
"Didn't you hear me? This is your fault."
His breath catches in his throat. "No. No, no, I didn't.." Memories he wanted to suppress long ago were returning. The phantom pain of being stabbed rings sharply throughout his body.
"You did." The being across from him approaches as he moves backward. "You put your sibling before the world. The world you knew you were connected to."
Something looms over him, and he looks up. His heart drops, seeing the same spider-like monster. There's no time for him to react as a familiar scene happens once more, like an encore.
It stabs through his chest, little spikes digging into his flesh. Blood pools from the wound, and Juliano isn't sure if it's him or his code that screams in agony.
"Because you were so arrogant and foolish, you thought yourself invincible." The being walks over, placing a sharp claw to his back as the spider-like monster vanishes, leaving Juliano with a bleeding wound.
"Mandy, Cory, Anna, Dusty, and even Danielle."
He flinches at the mention of those names and goes to protest, only for sharp claws to rake through his hair. With a harsh tug and Juliano crying out in pain, he's forced to his knees.
"What right do you have to mourn them when it's your fault that they're dead?" She demands, pressing a claw from her other hand against his chest, just below the wound.
His breath hitches as tears fall down his face. His heart is pounding as blood drips down his chest.
"I didn't.." He tries to choke out, but the being making him kneel is quick to thrust her claws through his chest, making him cry from agony.
"You thought yourself invincible." She scoffs. "Your family and friends are because of you."
She yanks her claws out from him but rests the bloodied tips over the wounds. He slumped down, tears falling.
"Even your own mind knows it." She narrows her eyes. Her grip on his hair loosens. "You try to lessen the blow, and yet here you are, dreaming of the guilt you carry. The guilt you will always carry."
"... up.."
The being's eyes narrow. "Speak up. You have no right to be so quiet."
"..ut up.."
"Speak." She hisses. "What right do you have to-"
She's flung away and manages to stop herself, digging her claws into the ground. She looks up, shocked, to see Juliano standing. Though his face was contorted into pure rage, she could see small sparks of electricity around him.
He storms over to her and slams the top of his staff against her chest, making her stumble. She couldn't move, though. She didn't expect a reaction like this.
Tears were falling down his face like a waterfall, his chest heaving with shuddering breaths as his pain from the wounds melds with the pain from his scars. "I HAVE NO RIGHT TO MOURN, TO GRIEVE, TO BE UPSET AND I FUCKING KNOW THAT!" The normally composed man was full on sobbing at this point. He couldn't even breathe properly, hiccuping a few times. "I RUINED A WHOLE WORLD AND I BEAR THE FUCKING SCARS OF IT EVERY DAMN DAY AND THEY GET WORSE AND WORSE!"
He stares at the being across from him, tears staining his face now, mixing with the blood pooling by his feet. "AND I DON'T FUCKING COMPLAIN AND I DON'T LET ANYONE KNOW IT HURTS BECAUSE WHY SHOULD I?!" His voice cracks as he tosses his staff to the side, followed by his hat. "I RUINED SO MUCH! I KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE BECAUSE I THOUGHT THAT I COULD DO SOMETHING AGAINST SOMETHING I COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!"
A bloodstained claw rests on her chest, her chest tight with something unknown as she watches him collapse. He was still sobbing, his body trembling.
She acts swiftly. She uses code to knock him out, and send him back to the waking world.
Phobos stares at the pool of blood that fades.
Her chest hurts.
Juliano awakes with wide eyes, panting heavily, and his chest aching. He scrambles up out of his bed, stumbling over to his mirror and lifting up his shirt to check.
Only his scars, no wounds.
He stares at his hand, seeing some faint electricity fading.
He dries the tears he had been crying in his sleep and pulls down his shirt. He walks out and heads to the kitchen.
Only to be met by Forum, who was standing awkwardly whilst holding some whoopie pies.
".. have you been stealing those?" Juliano asks, voice hoarse.
"Domain doesn't let me have them because I never share." Forum shrugs. He then points a finger to Juliano. "Are you okay? You look.. rough."
"Nightmare," he says simply as he walks over to the cupboard and grabs a glass. He then walks over to the sink and turns on the water, filling the cup. After it's filled, he turns off the faucet and sips from the cup.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Forum tilts his head as he chews on the whoopie pie in his hand.
"I'd rather not." Juliano shakes his head, setting down the cup. He opens his mouth to ask something but is silenced by Forum placing a whoopie pie in his mouth.
The two stare at each other before Juliano grabs it, takes a bite out of it, and nods in appreciation.
"Do you want to come and hang out with Emmy, Domain, and I?" Forum offers. "We're playing Stardew Valley. Domain and Emmy are trying to get all the pets in the new update."
Juliano swallows the bite he took before smiling lightly. "Yeah, sounds fun." His smile turns to a small smirk. "Guess you knew I wasn't going back to bed, huh?"
"I know my best friend well." The Admin smiles.
The former Avatar laughs gently. His chest didn't hurt quite as much now.
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"Well, if you don't want to talk to me about all the stuff you've been through.. how about someone else?"
"I.. don't really think I need to-"
"Your sessions with me are an hour a week, Jul. And dad has been pestering both of us about this."
".. alright, fine. Is there.. anyone you have in mind?"
"Yeah. Her name is.."
"Pheobe Astrik." Juliano mutters, looking over the card. After that conversation with SMG3, (and another few with Forum and Domain), Juliano stood in front of a moderate building. He was in his more casual attire, a red sweater, black pants and brown shoes.
He flicks the card a few times before exhaling and heading in.
"Oh, you must be Juliano!"
Inside, was a warm and cozy place. There were sofas and nightstands, and..
It reminded him of home.
He blinks as soon in front of him is a young woman. She has brown hair the same shade as his, but acid green-colored eyes. She's wearing a blue sweater and black pants, and brown shoes. Glasses were on her face and freckles in the shapes of.. astriks littered her face.
"I'm Dr. Pheobe Astrik, but you can call me Dr. Astrik." She smiles warmly. "SMG3 told me about you a bit ago."
"Ah, did he?" Juliano rubs the back of his neck.
"He did." She giggles. "He was a bit.. forward in the fact you needed this."
He sweats a bit. "Yeah.. everyone I know is."
"Well, follow me this way!"
And while Juliano wouldn't admit it out loud.. but the session had helped. It was more of something introductory, but.. he found himself comfortable in the therapist's presence.
She reminded him of Mandy, oddly enough. The days when she was the only one he could talk to confess his worries and fears. The days were he thought he was undeserving, Mandy was always there.
And for some odd reason, Pheobe reminded him of her.
"So.." Pheobe smiles. "I think this is a good place to end our session. Do you feel comfortable scheduling another?"
Juliano nods. ".. I do, actually. Is.. next week, a good time? Wednesday, maybe?"
"Of course!" She claps her hands, smiling still. "I'll see you around then."
With that, Juliano was gone.
And Dr. Pheobe Astrik smiles, as does her shadow.
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I really think Phobos is neat because she's made to embody all of Juliano's fears from what the Abyss has found out. And, this wasn't intentional at all, but like.. *looks at Shadow of Doubt* I mean, the similarites weren't entirely the same, but good lord, the resemblance.
I guess I'll just go with the Abyss was looking through their memories when they got the idea for Phobos or smth, idk. This is SMG4 it doesn't all need to make sense
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The fear of forgetting, hm?
The Abyss retracts from the window, humming. It taps a finger against its chin, thinking.
Then, it smirks.
It cups its hand, code swirling around. It narrows its eyes, before slowly moving its hands outwards.
It slowly takes the form of someone lineless, and it grins.
Phobos. The Abyss crosses its arms.
"Creator." She turns and bows her head.
Your job is simple. It crosses it arms. You will wear Juliano down so he accepts my deals. I don't care if it's nightmares or physical torment.
Phobos nods. "Of course."
On top of that! It holds up a finger. You will also search for Abyssal, and that little blob that fell off from me during this. It narrows its eyes. Do not fail me.
"I swear I won't." Phobo nods once more before she vanishes in a flurry of code.
The Abyss chuckles. Good, good, good.
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Whimpu: I have decided I’m going to learn Sspanish!
Juliano: Oh! ¡Excelente!
Whimpu: I- I haven’t started yet.
Bob: This morning, I found a glass of water with a note on it that said “for hangover me”.
Bob: So I drank it. Turns out it was vodka and drunk me is an asshole.
Mario: I don’t always make the best decisions.
Luigi: What is that?
Mario: An alpaca! I got the last one!
SMG3: I love you.
SMG4: You literally just told me I was the bane of your existence yesterday.
SMG3: That’s an unrelated fact.
Phobos: If the Abyss doesn't appear out of nowhere to stop me, then it can't be that bad.
Abyssal: If our creator is approving of this, then it can't be THAT GOOD.
Ash: Did I get so tired that I declared myself the King of all Pokémon?
Miku: If I said no, I'd be lying to the King of all Pokémon.
Cody: Aw man.. I really wanted to head into the zoo. Too bad it's closed.
Lil Coding: You know what they say.
Cody: Please don’t-
Lil Coding: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Phobos: They say if you seek revenge, you should dig two graves.
The Abyss: That's a stupid quote.
The Abyss: I'm going to kill way more than two people.
Sora: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Tulip: Yeah-
Laharl: *kicks in the door*
Jayin: I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Juliano: You know, I think my life has value.
Phobos: Who are you and what have you done with Juliano?
Tama, holding out a cookie for Nimbus: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you!
Nimbus: *quietly crying*
Ambrosia, affectionately: You’re an idiot.
Nimbus: That’s the charm!
Irene: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Nightmare King: That’s not a lot of inches.
Shantae: Can we talk about that text you sent?
Laharl: Why? It was important.
Shantae: It just says, "I'm back on my shit".
Laharl, shrugging: The people need to know.
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Lil Coding: Thought I was meowing back at an actual cat for the past hour, but it was just me, Plurality, and Cody meowing at each other from different rooms in the castle.
Luigi: Mario just insisted everyone remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by their clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real them and which is the imposter.
Luigi: And honestly, considering our track record, we might very well need it.
Juliano, walking into the foyer to see Diana leaning on the back of the couch and watching a documentary on ships vanishing at sea: What are you doing?
Diana, watching intently: Seeing how many of these were me.
Juliano: … How many have you found so far?
Diana: Around eight, but I’m still not sure about this next one...
SMG4: Where did Susan go off to? Why the hell did she just storm off in the middle of the meeting?
SMG3, brushing dirt off of his overalls: They'll find her out front.
SMG4: But we didn't see her?
SMG3: They'll just need to dig deeper.
Forum: I like laying my head on your chest when you're sleeping because if I hear your heartbeat, it lets me know you're actually here.
Juliano, choking up: rEALLY?
*Context: Lil Coding got into catnip that was somehow enchanced, i.e., it was code catnip, and he is going WILD*
Mario: Okay, Lil Coding is in the cat carrier, so I think we're safe until Vitality gets here..
Meggy, staring in horror at the back of the cat carrier: There's a hole in the back of it.
*gremlin cat noises from somewhere*
Bob: Shit, he's in the walls! *shakes Mario like a maraca* HES IN THE GODDAMN WALL!
Phobos, watching Juliano's mental health deteriorate more and more: Don't you think this is going a bit.. too far?
The Abyss: Not far enough, bring up his dead parents next time.
*When the invetiable confrontation happens*
Vitality: One of my biggest regrets and mistakes was ever letting you live!
Disc: That's where your wrong, your worst mistake was ever letting me live!
Vitality: That's what I just said!?
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(Scheduled post - on vacation!)
Genuinely, the Abyss's and Juliano's dynamic is so intriguing to me because it caters to me specifically (shocker, I know).
Juliano is pretty much at war with himself any time the Abyss tries to make a deal with him. He's already accepted his new home, but his incomplete Avatar code literally can't. It's broken, and can't accept that he's found a new home.
Does the Abyss know this? No. Does that stop it from being an absolute bastard? Also no. The fucker literally MADE Phobos just to fuck with Juliano!!
And that's why, even when Juliano eventually gives in (it's gonna happen and it's gonna be SO PAINFUL), the Abyss still continues to perpetuate the toxicity of their dynamic. When it takes over Juliano's body, it can decide what he hears and sees. It will use that to craft a narrative it feels will get it what it wants.
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