#*kari's wallpapers
mockscreens · 1 year
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more star wars lockscreens here!
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jkpng · 1 month
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MY NEW LOCKSCREEN 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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tears-that-heal · 7 months
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Here’s a simple smartphone wallpaper I made of my top favorite song lyrics from Kari Jobe’s “Revelation Song”. It to me, this verse tells the most tangible and beautiful description of God. 🌈⛈️☀️ It always leaves me in Awe. 💖
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auncyen · 6 months
a brief note beforehand: this is an AU where Hikari ran away as a young teenager and ended up in Oresrush.
Partitio tells Papp about Roque being the landowner the same night he learns it. It's harsh medicine, to be sure, but Papp's glad he's not being mollycoddled just because he's sick. Better to know Roque's true colors so he could put the forlorn hope of seeing an old friend again out of its misery. He'll focus on getting better for his boys instead.
But as the days progress, even though he's still sleeping for more hours of them than he'd like, he starts suspecting the boys have kept something from him.
"Didn't know I was livin' with an octopuff," he comments when Partitio brings him a meal. Is this a late lunch or an early dinner? Gods, Papp misses having a schedule and knowing what time of day it is.
"What's Hikari been doing? Feels like I've barely seen him."
Partitio pauses, and that alone tells Papp he's right. Something else has been going on since his boys went to teach Giff a lesson. "He's...been preoccupied. Up in his head."
"He better not be sleeping on the porch again."
Partitio grimaces, though he tries to recover with a weak attempt at humor: "Don't remind him, he might get ideas?"
"I want to know what happened."
Again, a long pause, so uncharacteristic of this son, as Partitio stares at the peeling wallpaper like it might give him answers. Then his shoulders sink, his head sagging into his hands before he picks himself back up and looks Papp in the eye. "Well, you remember why he was sleeping on the porch?"
"Yeah, I remember that load o' nonsense. Kept calling himself 'dangerous'." Gods, what a trial it'd been getting Hikari in. Back then he'd been a scrawny thing, only thirteen and skinny as a stick from foraging, looking like a wild thing until he opened his mouth and spoke proper as you please. 'Would you mind trading with me?' 'Yes, I am on my own.' 'No, thank you, I don't need help.' 'Thank you, but I don't think I'd be good company.' 'I don't want to hurt anyone. I need to be alone.'
Papp never tried to force Hikari into accepting help, because with how skittish he'd been he might have made like an octopuff and skipped town. Or maybe he really would have lashed out, but not because he was dangerous; because he was still a child and terrified of something. Hikari had only ever pointed out himself as a danger, but up until merchants from Hinoeuma stopped coming entirely, Papp had seen how any stranger from what had to be Hikari's original home set the boy on edge, even as he tried to mask it with a polite smile.
Instead Papp had tried to offer as much help as he could in ways Hikari would accept. Helping him get what he needed by trading. Telling him about the other townsfolk so he might feel more comfortable with them, and warning him of the rare bad apple to avoid. Talking with him. Just talking, hoping the next time he offered a place to stay the kid would accept.
The morning after a rare storm, Papp had stepped out onto the porch and immediately spotted Hikari curled up into a ball in the corner, asleep and burning up with fever. At that point it wasn't up for debate: he needed a roof over his head and a proper bed as he recovered. Even feverish, he'd fussed about that for a while, but then the worrying had started to drift off, the boy's voice turning to wonder.
'He's finally quiet.'
Papp still isn't sure exactly what that had meant. But it'd suddenly been a lot easier to convince Hikari to stay in the house, even if he'd stubbornly insisted on trying to repay the Yellowils in any way possible, like he didn't realize he was one himself.
"'Kari's not--he'd never hurt you or me, I know that," Partitio blurts. "He was good an' ready to kill Giff. He wasn't himself. Just, the way he was movin' and fightin'...and then nearly screamin' at Giff that he wouldn't let another lowlife thief steal you away... It spooked me a little. It spooked him a lot."
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nekari61o · 5 months
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HEHEHE heres some other info
- i go by neb BUT my other names are nul and kari! you can even call me nekari if you'd like :3
- you can use my art for nearly anything (edits, pfps, wallpapers etc!) plz dont trace, use for commercial purposes or claim my art as yours, i also super duper love credit
- you can expect ship art / rarepairs in this blog!!! but i'd really prefer if proshippers did not interact
- i like to sculpt with clay and i like to edit
- my birthday is april 20 isnt that CRAZY
- i have an artfight! called nekari of course
- i LOVE making new friends feel free to tag me in posts / send me asks! even though i might not always answer i super appreciate it
ANYWAYS thank u for reading i have a non-art related account right up my sleeve @pooeyfart
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ragsweas · 1 year
All the uwma fans,
If you have read the Resplendent verse, this one is for all of you.
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I was trying to find a wallpaper of them and couldnt find one. This is a mix of everything.
Also, @kari-kurofai, thank you for this verse.
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Free Write #4:  Lightbulb
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Cut for mention of child slavery.
Astrid stared out of the carriage.  Her mouth opened--then closed, then opened again, as she tried to process what she was seeing.
“This...this isn’t the right address.” 
“AcCoRDinG tO rEcOrDs, thIS IS tHe dEsInGaTED HOme OF CaMiLLa DEgLaSs aNd KaRi deGLaSS.”  The mammet-brain empowered carriage responded.  Astrid stared at the viewscreen, then stared back out of the window.  In a numb sort of horror she undid the door latch and stepped out, her eyes taking in the desolation around her.
This...this can’t be right.  Roderick and Emma’s manor on the outside--once beautiful white marble with lush greenery and colorful flowers...it was now pitch black.  Everything in the yard was dead--brown grass, wilted flowers, broken trees.  An air of neglect hung over the property..and to Astrid’s senses, it didn’t feel recent.  It didn’t look recent. 
Didn’t Bartaz approve a monthly expenditure some time back for property upkeep?  The thought careened wildly about in her mind as Astrid stepped forward to the gates.  She was grateful for her gloves, the amount of rust and decay on the wrought-iron bars made her skin crawl.  There was no lock, and with an unholy screech of metal-on-metal, Astrid was able to push her way inside.  Only too late did she remember the security wards, and the older woman braced herself...
But nothing happened.  No shields, no golem-guards--nothing.  No protective measures at all.  When Astrid reached out--she felt only the broken husks of the spell-foci, their power drained long ago.  Reeling from the implications, Astrid spun around on a boot, taking in the broken and ruined yard.
My lady...I’m sorry to bother you on this.  But there’s something that’s come to my attention that I think you should be made aware of.  Bartaz’s voice, whispering in her ear.  Bile rose in Astrid’s stomach, but she made herself start to walk, keep walking--towards the front porch.
There seems to be something wrong with Camilla’s paperwork.
No security on the front door, a twist of the knob and she was inside--inside and the horror show continued, the smell of mold, mildew, decay and rot filling Astrid’s nose.  Paint and wallpaper peeling, ruined floor planks--
And no furnishings.  No light.  No warmth.  The home that Roderick and Emma had created--carefully chosen antiques and art...gone.  Empty frames--the paintings cut out of them.  Empty bookshelves, dust lining them and the tabletops.  Somehow she’d ended up in Roderick’s study, and Astrid had nearly screamed from horror and despair.  Her son’s books, his beautifully carved wooden desk-and the tapestry map of Eorzea he’d commissioned, she remembered how he’d give Kari geography lessons using it...gone, gone...
Kari.  The realization was a jolt of ice-water down Astrid’s spine.  Where was her granddaughter?  There was no evidence of a child present--no shoes, no cape at the front door-no teen related debris--bookbag, papers...nothing.
My lady, please!  Helena’s tear-filled voice.  Please, I beg you!  Something’s not right!
Wards at the windows and another at the front door if she dared to stretch out her senses--and now Astrid reeled, blood magic and malice threatening to overwhelm her.  Spells to entrap and punish one who dared to fight back--but that wasn’t right, that wasn’t right at all!
You know her! You love her as if you were the one to carry her and birth her!  Why are you listening to that fel-ridden harridan?! Why are you believing her?!
The moogle, thrusting a letter into her face-
Emergency, kupo-kupo!
Her granddaughter’s words on the paper-
Grandmother please, I beg you--do not believe what my stepmother has said about me being a most wicked child--
Dimly Astrid heard the clink of bottles and the murmur of voices.  Now she moved-ran back through the halls and down the stairs to the kitchen.  Here was light, warmth--and Camilla and her crony, sitting at the center table.  A feast was spread out before them, roasted meat, vegetables, warm bread and stew, with glasses full of red wine.  The crony paused mid-chew, a strip of meat dangling from his mouth as he stared at Astrid witlessly.  Camilla blanched in horror--and Astrid saw the gil-purse in front of her daughter in law.
She plans to sell me-
Bartaz and Helena’s voices in her ears, an unholy cacophony of warning, and the now fast-burning realization that she’d been in the wrong, she was so horribly wrong, had been wrong all these years--  Astrid opened her mouth, and the voice that came from her throat didn’t sound like hers.
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pacuwasavejo · 2 years
Handbuch der fantasy kunsthaus
           Münchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts Bd 9: Recht der Familienunternehmen Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Fondation Vincent van Gogh 166-177 »The Cyberfeminist Fantasy of the Pleasure of the Cyborg«, Beuys bis Zittel - Das Öffentliche in der Kunst, Bice Curiger/Kunsthaus Zürich (ed.) Kunsthaus. Die Architekten Peter Cook, Colin Fournier und Niels Jonkhans haben das Kunsthaus Graz 2003 gebaut. In diesem Jahr war Graz Kulturhauptstadt Europas.Fantasy für Jugendliche Museum für Photographie Braunschweig 2019, Kunsthaus im KunstKulturQuartier, Nürnberg, 2019 Handbuch Corporate Compliance. 1973 “Retrospective," Haus der Kunst, Munich, Kunsthaus, Zurich. 2); Ernst Scheyer, L. F. Caricature and Fantasy (Detroit, Mich, 1964); Theodor Lux Handbuch der Architekturzeichnung. Ching, Frank: 1999 · Russian Houses (Evergreens). Gaynor, Elizabeth, Kari Haavisto and Darra Goldstein:.
https://pacuwasavejo.tumblr.com/post/691846382148108288/can-am-outlander-bedienungsanleitung, https://pacuwasavejo.tumblr.com/post/691846320453976064/bedienungsanleitung-whatsapp-iphone-wallpaper, https://hicireligeq.tumblr.com/post/691846433517764608/medion-md-83242-handbuch, https://hicireligeq.tumblr.com/post/691845932459933696/techniline-32-hd-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://giqawajeq.tumblr.com/post/691846099448856576/g-647-sc-plus-miele-bedienungsanleitung-geschirrsp.
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iammichaelis · 3 years
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evangelion – wallpapers
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requested by the lovely @aloa-airos.
like or reblog if you save or use.
「 anime: neon genesis evangelion 」
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more star wars lockscreens here!
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many2dgfs · 3 years
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— William & Sherlock wallpapers
› pls don't repost nor remove my watermark;
› like/reblog if you save or use!
:: requested by @iammichaelis ♡
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tyriq-edits · 2 years
Hello! I hope you don’t mind if I request for Takeru/Hikari (from Digimon Adventure/Digimon Adventure 02) wallpapers? (Phone and Facebook) But I totally understand if you’re not up for it! Thank you!
@eveangelleicalarcher I hope this one fit your taste?
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sailormnemosyne · 2 years
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Hikari Yagami (Kamiya) graphic pack!!
requested by the hikari-anon
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missbyng · 3 years
one of the worst things about being a jeanmarco stan in the Year Of Our Lord 2021 , is if i want to have a nice wallpaper of those two it just isn’t gonna happen unless i make it myself . like what is this
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phlox-divaricata · 4 years
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Hikari & Tailmon
Here are Hikari and Tailmon/Gatomon from Digimon Adventure!
SPEEDPAINT: https://youtu.be/_S02wqpSpJ8
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taikaris · 6 years
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Yagami siblings // mobile wallpapers
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