#*leans over and whispers* (im like 90% horror would cry tbh)
Hi guys!!!!
So Dream besides playing with Nightmare what is your favourite thing to do??
For the gang all four boys, (Cross, Dust, Horror & Killer) if Nightmare gives Dream the anitdote how would you guys feel??
"Um . . . . I like playing with my friends the most! But sometimes they can't play so I have to play by myself. I like watching my movies but I get tired and go draw and play with my toys. Do I have to pick a favorite toy? I don't think I have- oh! Oh wait! My favorite toy is my Nighty doll. It looks just like my brother before um, before he got older. See? He used to wear a crown just like me!"
*Dream happily waves the knitted doll in the air before giving it a big squeeze.*
*In the distance, all four boys watch Dream from afar, none of them answering at first, before Cross hugs his arm and finally speaks.*
"Well I mean . . . I'd get it. I guess he can't stay a kid forever. But not gonna lie . . . I'd miss having the little guy around . . . a lot."
*Killer murmurs under his breath.*
"Tch', yeah well . . . I'm fine with it s'long as he's got a memory wiper to back it up. Shit's gonna get complicated if he doesn't."
*Horror doesn't say anything, looking contemplative and a bit distressed.*
*Dust looks deadpan into your eyes.*
"Don'tcha already know where I stand?"
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