#*maybe* an VIII
xkuja · 1 year
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aelfgyvaa · 4 months
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Firebrand delivering the nasty ass leg ulcer content that precisely Three (3) people give a shit about. Big day.
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crossedwithblue · 11 months
random thought bc I've been listening to Six on repeat: the queens claim that the only reason they're remembered is because of Henry, but would Henry be one of the most iconic and well-known English monarchs if not for them?
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grrrechka · 5 months
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"Hey, lover"
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fideidefenswhore · 21 days
One of the earliest images of Henry VIII's reign, The King Processing to Parliament (1512), also defines his appearance as refined and bordering on feminine. It is a depiction of the king as an elegant young man, with delicate features and beardless jawline [...] Another partaker of the festivities judged that, in comparison to the King of France, 'the English King has rather the handsomer face and the more feminine...' The [later] visual record, in contrast, carefully avoids an emphasis on beauty and especially femininity. In contemporaneous portrait, we glean the features of Henry VIII still in his prime; the femininity of his face is particularly elusive in this static record: the face is obscured by a beard. Such discrepancy between the admiring remarks of the onlookers and the lasting testimony of the state portraits indicates that makers of Henry's public image deemphasized the features that interfered with the king's highly gendered political persona.
The Face of Queenship: Early Modern Representations, by Anna Riehl
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skullsandcorals · 1 month
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @apiratefellinlovewithastar 🤭💜💜💜 !!!!
I hope you like it ;)
(click for better quality if you're on the mobile app. do not repost.)
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haunted-xander · 8 months
Sone notes:
FFXI & FFXIV are excluded due to the nature of being MMOs- they are, quite literally, impossible to remake (And XIV is getting a graphical update anyway, so it's not like it needs one)
(FFXV & FFXVI are excluded for obvious reasons) (FFXIII/XIII-2/LR are also excluded for similar reasons)
By 'benefit from', I mean that the narrative/characters/world and general story experience would be enhanced due to modern tech/hardware and what they now do with it. For example, FFVII really benefits from the remake since there's a lot of things they can portray more subtly and delicately than they could in the OG (such as Cloud's hallucinations & memory issues and how other's react to it)
(And also for some of the older titles there are things in the writing that may have aged poorly- in a remake they could rework it to be more tasteful)
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wheretheresawyll · 10 months
This post by @bladeofavernus got me thinking about Wyll struggling to maintain his clothes after being cast out, his last scraps of home. But I can absolutely see a detail like that playing into a Wyll/Astarion romance.
Like, it begins with Astarion watching Wyll absolutely massacring another of his shirts by trying to stitch over a hole or a rip, and he can see Wyll starting to get flustered. So he takes over with a dramatic sigh, shows Wyll how a master does it - lets him watch as he works.
Time passes - their relationship deepens - and Wyll starts to notice his stuff going missing night after night - a shirt or trousers or his sleepclothes, only to mysteriously reappear in his backpack. And when they reappear, they're tidy and repaired, with a new little embellishment.
By the time their journey comes to an end, whether Wyll is slipping on his shirt or his socks, his fingers brush a bit of embroidery, and he knows he's loved.
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skunkes · 2 months
Dragon Quest V is cute graphics
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Spider Society 2 is out
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GABRIEL LIVES! At least in this continuity. Although I didn't think Jennifer hated Miguel enough to use Gabriel as a hostage like this. I had more faith in you!
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Anya really declared herself the leader here and then decided that the team member to watch over Miguel- who is the character most in need of protection as he's the one the Sinister Squadron is after, the singular character who will determine the outcome of the war between the Spider Society and the Sinister Squadron - is THE FUCKING CAT LMAO WHAT. Looks like they're actually going to do what I said they should in fhe previous post about this series. I wasn't being serious but I'm laughing anyway.
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Bless his little heart, he's really taking his assignment seriously. Makes me wonder his exact level of intelligence. Is he like a human level intellect in a cat's body? Is he just smart for a cat? I need answers.
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sxlphie · 28 days
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She shitted in the mother toilet
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desperado-raspado · 5 months
Hi pal, I hope you’re doing well!! For prompts, whatever your fancy: Cid Highwind, Deacon Fallout4, or maybe some Raijin and Fujin? You could draw the phone book and it would be good tbh 🫡
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ineedhjalp · 11 months
love how my entire dash is just like. various david tennants kissing men
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somanyjacks · 6 months
the problem with video game soundtracks is that they age so much better than game graphics and gameplay mechanics. like yes, I want to be wandering around the Gold Coast picking flowers in Tamriel right now, but I don't actually want to play Oblivion, you know?
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doortotomorrow · 6 months
You know, I have no idea why any FFVIII fan would have any loyalty for Square-Enix, because they treat us like we don't exist and routinely give us the barest of bare minimum and think we'll satisfied with it.
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fideidefenswhore · 5 months
Anne did not wear Katherine’s crown but she did commandeer her barge. Chapuys, incredulous at such effrontery, exploded to Charles that the queen’s arms ‘had been removed … and rather ignominiously torn off and cut to pieces’, so that Anne’s could replace them. ‘God grant that she may be satisfied with the barge, the jewels and the queen’s husband without attempting anything … against the persons of the queen and princess,’ he continued dryly. Rather like Henry VII’s name and badges overwriting Richard III’s after the Battle of Bosworth, Anne’s coronation would overwrite Katherine’s.
Hunting the Falcon, Julia Fox & John Guy
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