#*no there arent WOW STRUD
astridthejohnson · 4 years
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         .・゜-: ☼ :- 𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕛𝕠𝕙𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕟  -: ☼ :-゜・.
                                 who put the baby in charge?
                                                                    it’s already hard
                                                  to buy all the parts and learn to use them...
[ MADDIE PHILLIPS, SHE/HER, CIS WOMAN ] — [ ASTRID JOHNSON ] is a child of [ APOLLO ] with the power of [ VITAKINESIS and PHOTOKINESIS ] . they were born in [ 1997 ] and have been in nemean lion since [ 2014 ] . with the change, they [ ARE TRAINING IN ] the [ MEDICAL ] role which makes sense since they’re usually [ WORKING IN THE INFIRMARY, HANGING WITH FRIENDS ] . — strud / she/her / cst / 18+
Astrid Johnson could pretty much never have asked for a better family. Sure, the first seven years of her life were a little rough, hanging out at the literal orphanage waiting to get adopted after she was abandoned by her birth mother as a baby. It’s whatever, she really likes to put that part of her childhood behind her. Because when she did turn seven, in walked the Johnsons— two dads who were already taking care of a young demigod themselves, recognized what Astrid really was, and brought her into their family.
Her life changed so much after that, and all she knew from that moment on was the happiness a real family, and the truth about her godly heritage. When she was adopted, the Johnsons already had a little boy, Pax, and though she was only seven, and was still learning what a family really was, she knew she was going to do everything she can to protect this little boy, her little brother. She’s always kept a watchful eye on Pax ever since, and since they were the first two of the Johnsons to be siblings, has always felt it was her responsibility to.
As the years went on, the family continued to find more demigod kids without a home, and their world only got bigger and so much brighter. By the time Astrid was thirteen, her family now had five siblings. Juniper came after she had, then down the line, Marcus, and soon after Miri, completing their crazy, at times messy, chaotic, and all-around wonderful family. Astrid can complain about her siblings all she wants, she knows she’ll do anything for them and would not be complete without even one missing. Being around them was what truly brought out all the vibrant, wild, jovial, annoying, and fun sides of her.
Astrid’s powers had manifested pretty young, but for a child, she’d always just thought it was her imagination coming to life. Bits of light would stick to her fingers when she swept her hand through sunlight, but she used to think it was her eyes playing tricks on her, and that faint sunny glow was just how sunshine worked. When sunbeams didn’t just stick to her in the daylight, but started appearing out of nowhere indoors, that’s when she realized something was up.
Once safely in the household of the Johnsons, they were able to explain to her that she must be a daughter of Apollo, that the small sun pendant her birthmother had left behind with her must have been a clue all along, and what she possessed were godly powers to control light. Then, another kicker came after she turned thirteen and the movie Tangled had just come out. Imagine the shock and surprise of the Johnsons, when Astrid, pretending to be Rapunzel, tried to sing away a scraped knee and it actually worked.
Needless to say, Rapunzel is now definitely her favorite Disney Princess, and it became a staple costume for her (who could also light up her hair to add to the effect). More importantly, she’d discovered her second power of vitakinesis, and became increasingly interested in the power of healing and medicine.
Save for Miri, who had been going to Nemean Lion since she was six years old, all the Johnsons left home once they turned seventeen to make the transition to the campus, and by the time that it was Astrid’s turn, she was more than excited. Part of it felt like a right of passage, of joining the organization she’d watched her older siblings be apart of. She was sad to have to leave Pax, but their home in Crystal Cove wasn’t too far away, and she knew it was more important to set a good example and do her best at NL.
Her dads had taught her a lot about mythology, but it was a whole other world that opened up to her once she was fully immersed in a place that was one-hundred-percent dedicated to shaping her into the best demigod she could be. She took her school classes, mythology courses, and combat training, but what really called to her the most was the Infirmary. Quickly, Astrid found herself watching the experienced healers, falling in love with the way they left people better than how they found them.
Ever since, she’s been steadily training her healing powers, taking medical college classes, and logging in more and more hours at the Infirmary— first as an intern, then as a professional. When NL made the transition into the public eye, Astrid course of action for the future didn’t chance all that much. Choosing the Medical track was a no-brainer, but it did put the pressure on to perfect her abilities. At work, she’s the picture of poise and focus, but any time outside of the Infirmary, she’s as free, loud, and fun as ever.
astrid johnson
daughter of apollo, with photokinesis and vitakinesis
adopted into the Johnson family, two dads and her siblings Pax, Juniper, Marcus, and Miri, and she loves her family probably more than anything in the world
knew she wanted to become a healer for a long time, and has been steadily training, so she also chose the medical track, naturally
currently works in the infirmary, her healing powers have gotten pretty good, but she still needs more training in actual medicine
bubbly, intelligent, optimistic
know-it-all, opinionated, musical theater kid
lives in the moon residence
loves her job, but also just loves hanging out outside on sunny days and filling her off days with tons of fun activities
Pax Johnson, Juniper Johnson, Marcus Johnson, Miri Johnson— her siblings from youngest to oldest, all from different pasts but they’re her family now and she’ll die for them
best friends— Astrid is someone who is extremely outgoing and very heartfelt, so I think she would definitely have a close-knit group of friends that she’s really loyal to, and loves to take care of
not-friends— again, I don’t know about enemies exactly, but listen, Astrid can be really annoying sometimes, ok. she has her loud and obnoxious moments, and is frequently singing around campus without even realizing, someone has to dislike her
healer pals— anyone else working in the Infirmary? I bet a few of them like to go out for drinks after and hangout, since they all get that side of each other really well
mentor/mentee— having the experience from her family, she’s really good at taking care of others, so I’m sure Astrid has taken people under wing who might need it, but also she looks and acts like a baby sometimes, so someone might also look over her?
crush/exes/unrequited— she’s an annoying hopeless romantic, I just know she’s had crushes over the course of her years at NL, maybe nothing happened with some, maybe she did date some, maybe she’s gathering the courage to flirt with someone right as we speak!
my brain is empty give me ideas astrid can be chaotic sometimes lets party
weeee this has been strud once again, pls hmu on discord for anything!
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