#*reminder that saltbaker is like. her dad
tabledsalt · 1 year
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good morning cups !
i like thinking of morning routines and sleepwear bc its cute. cuphead and mugman sleeping over at chalice's (and saltbaker's.) place
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firecurls-27 · 2 years
Can we get headcanons on cuphead and mugman pls
Absolutely dude!
These are for my au, so I’ll be blocking spoilers for it-
(Long post)
(Also, these do include cupchal and oc x canon. Don’t like, don’t read.)
Cup sibs Headcanons!
He/him, transmasc, demisexual, bisexual, 10-13 yo, 9/29/1922, autistic, ADHD, extrovert
- has a phobia of clowns, but not to where he screams, he just. Freezes. Phobia of tight spaces.
- his favorite candy is anything tart. Dude had over 2 jawbreakers in his pockets.
- the reason he loves fireworks are because of the colors, but he hates the noise.
- he easily forgives people. Well, depending on what they’ve done…..
- when he and chalice started dating, he and saltbaker surprisingly got along well! Salty DOES give him warnings, but is happy his little girl found someone she loves! And he is VERY excited to be a grandpa-
- that being said, in this au, baroness von bon bon is chalice’s step mom, and she LOATHES cuphead after what happened in sugerland. But as I said, cuphead easily forgives.
- cuphead also has plenty of friends! Cora, Mac, canteen (they all call him T), bowlboy (acquainted) and buster. they all go on little misadventures when cuphead isn’t hanging around mugsy (who’s definitely not doing some shady shit-)
- cuphead sees Cora as a role model and met her at summer camp, Mac has been his best friend since pre school, canteen met cuphead at tutoring, bowlboy just invited himself over, and buster met cups at the carnival and is helping him with his clown phobia.
- and yes they all love to tease cuphead for his crush on chalice-
- in the books, it’s actually CUPHEAD who does ventriloquism, I bet he taught mugman how to!
- cant sing for shit, but loves instruments.
- on weekends, for a little extra cash, him and his friends do a whole orchestra in towns square.
- he’s very anxious around cops. he served his time, but is still nervous about the thought of going to jail again.
- believe it or not, he’s the second LEAST reckless out of the whole group, right behind buster. Buster is the groups voice of reason.
- mainly a leader, but let’s all of his friends have a moment to shine.
- he has air mattress prepared for when they come over. (By that I mean every weekend)
- surprisingly, for someone who’s never dated anyone in his life, he sure knows how to treat a person right! ;)
(These ones have to do with my oc’s rosé Chardonnay and vessel demitasse, c&m’s parents)
- The pocket knife was a gift from vessel on cuphead’s 3rd birthday. Kettle was not pleased with having a stabbed shin-
- cuphead first learned about roll the dice from his dad, who was listening to it one night. Ever since then, dice became one of cuphead’s roll models.
- he also got hyperfixated on dirk dangerous from his dad too! It’s their favorite show they listen to together! The goggles were also a gift from his dad.
- cuphead also found his love for piano from vessel. After his disappearance, cuphead didn’t really find joy in piano anymore. He’s very talented at it, but everything about it reminded him of his father. Heck, the only reason he went to the recital was for the money….
- and before you say anything, yes cuphead is vessel’s favorite child-
- now for rosé, cuphead is SUCH a mama’s boy!
- They’re both more extroverted, and cuphead likes going on errands with her! (Basically like marge and Bart Simpson)
Rosé: you tell me this dress doesn’t make me look fat, and *sprays perfume* now!😌
Cuphead: you don’t look fat!😄
Rosé: thank you!😊
- everyone is really hard on cuphead because of the decisions he makes, some people ask his family why not to just send him off somewhere……they were never seen again.
He/she/they, bigender, pansexual, polyamorus (why not?) 11-15 yo, 2/18/1920, autistic, anger issues, ambivert 
- has a fear of cockroaches. Can’t STAND those fuckers.
- literally loves all kinds of candy, he’ll eat the shit out of it. The only reason he ate one piece in the sugarland episode was to see if cuphead had some self control or not-
- can and will tell you about his interests for over an hour if you don’t distract him with something
- you know that story he tells about those mice in his shoe? He took em home and they’re his pet mice now. (Also he renamed “EEEEEEEEEE” to “Eve” so it’s easier for the tongue)
- he loves poetry! He has his own journal for it! There was this one time kettle looked though it and…….well, he was incredibly disturbed.
- met most of his friends at a book club for “romance on the high seas” he normally goes to other peoples houses instead of them going to his.
- it’s not that he’s embarrassed you his family, it’s just that - - wait no, he is embarrassed.
- “🎶one normal night, that’s all I want, that’s all I need from you🎶”
- he USED to have a small crush on chalice, but never told anyone. When he found out cuphead liked her too, mugman knew cuphead loved her more than he did, so he never asked her out.
- he adores theater/acting because his mother, rosé, is also an actress! but because of his stage fright he can’t really think about it…..so rosé gave him the idea for the trick!
- for him and his father, they don’t really spend as much time together as they should. Even though through personality, they’re very alike.
- mugman is very quiet, so cuphead and the others have to do a roll call to make sure they don’t leave him behind. Again.
- mugman likes listening to his mother sing, it’s very soothing.
- he’s got a boyfriend named prince nebula (nebby)! :D (I’ve made a few posts with him a while back, I need to make a full reference sheet someday)
- nebby is literally the only person (besides cuphead) who will sit and listen to Mugman’s special interests, he’s got time!
- one of mugman’s special interests is ocean life, so on one of their dates, nebby took him to an aquarium! Which was destroyed by cala Maria who was screaming “prison break”
- they met at piano class! There was a new one that opened up at inkwell middle school by sally stageplay (she didn’t get to be the theater teacher, so she kept making drama in the piano class)
- they hated each other at first, but eventually grew onto each other….
- mugman has told his family countless times that he had a boyfriend but everyone either forgot or didn’t listen.
- they’ve been dating for over 4 months and nobody was the wiser-
- nebby’s like, SUPER fuckin rich, but mugman still insists on paying for dates. They fight over the check on every single date-
- can and will kill you if you fuck with him.
- mugmans got a lot of anger issues, but he just hangs out in his room till it goes away.
- that teddy bear from the episode baby bottle? That was a gift from porkrind when cup n mug first moved up here. He’s known them since they were babies.
- bowlboy is his creepy ex-
- as I said before, mugsy is up to some shady shit, but that’s a story for another time……
(So what’d you think? Which ones your favorite?)
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firecurls-27 · 2 years
💛cupchal Headcanons part 2 cause these little shits give me happiness❤️
- cuphead has a bad habit of thinking everything is his fault. Like someone breaks a plate “SORRY!” “You didn’t even do anything??” Chalice has to reassure him everything is fine and he’s not in trouble.
- on extremely RARE occasions, cuphead can get overstimulated. Like if too much is going on, or if he’s really stressed. so, chalice takes him home, gives him a nice cup of cocoa and a weighted blanket, and it’s just quiet. Even the loud ones need quiet.
- they’re one of THOSE couples that show off their awesome dance moves at parties and makes everyone’s jaws DROP.
- in my opinion, I don’t see saltbaker as an overprotective dad, but the kind to bring out embarrassing photos and plan baby showers ahead of time. He wants to be a grandpa so bad-
- when chalice was “laying low” from the angry mob, usually, she would go ghost and turn invisible when people looked at her and cups. Just for fun while invisible,she’ll give cup’s lil kisses on the cheek. He’ll be giggling like crazy and no one would know why.
- cup n chalice can and will prepare stuff for a whole dirk dangerous marathon. He had her listen to ONE episode and she was HOOKED.
- chalice plays the violin in secret (she learned it from an old friend) so on stay-at-home dates, she’ll play the violin and he’ll play the piano💕
- mugman just comes downstairs all like “ITS 3 IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING!!”
- she considers the little pepper shakers (the one from saltbaker’s boss fight) her “pepper pets” one adores cuphead while the others hate him-
- saltbaker and cuphead were kind of “iffy” for a while, but cuphead forgives easily, so they get along great now!
- chalice is EXTREMELY flirty, and cuphead melts every time.
- cuphead is not good with his words, so he uses his actions to explain how he feels. Like he’ll find something pretty from ANYWHERE like a shiny rock or a pretty pendent and say “it reminded me of you🥰”
- those are chalice’s favorite gifts.
- cuphead always questions how chalice even BOTHERS to stick around someone like him. Little does he know chalice feels the same way….
- he likes showing her off as if she was an ancient artifact he dug up in his backyard. Like they’ll walk in anywhere and be all like “EVERYBODY GET YOUR ASS UP AND LOOK AT MY GF AINT SHE GORGEOUS-”
- he is literally her biggest fan. (That cactus girl can GO-)
- since chalice is still new to the 1930s, cuphead likes to show her around the isles and teach her about the modern world!
- literally the most chaotic yet wholesome couple ever.
(Part 3 will come if I get more ideas-)
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