#*sprinkles some D&D in your TWST replaces the lid and shakes vigorously*
thatfanfictionchick · 2 years
Hold on
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Riddle and Leona
Rating: Uh T maybe?
Warnings: Battles with beasties; Broken bones; Light blood mention;
Word count: 943
Notes: So uh @insertsomthinawesome 's whumptober piece really got me in all the right feels. Also if you don't know what a Bulette is have a gander.
It was supposed to be a simple pest job. It seemed some rogue fairies had made friends with some common rats and were in cahoots to steal magestones stored beneath the school. Riddle assured Crowley he could handle taking care of a few stone-stealing rodents by himself and descended into the caverns beneath the school alone. The only problem was that he found no rodents and an abundance of small magestones. He did, however, find some rather alarming marks on the walls and crushed fragments that suggested larger magestones had been absconded with. When he came across a forbidding looking tunnel dug up through the floor he realized there was a much larger problem at play and decided reporting back to Crowley was the wisest move.
Then came the noise. An almost melodic tinkling as glass and stone in surrounding crates bumped together. A low vibration that grew to make the ground beneath him roil violently. Something heavy shattered and Riddle looked at his feet. From the ground!?
He sprinted across the open area as a hulking figure burst from the hard earth, the creature emitting a painful, guttural screech. A Bulette. Riddle's blood ran cold. As far as he'd known such creatures didn't live on Sage's Island. Large, fast, vicious, natural heavy armor that repelled magic, it was a task for a group of mages to bring one down. He likely didn't stand a chance alone. He wasn't the fastest, but he'd have to make it through the connected chambers and back to the stairs ahead of the monster. His saving grace was that Bulette's didn't have any magical abilities…
No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the animal was opening its massive jaws, gaping maw aimed in Riddle's direction. There was an ominous sound as it inhaled deeply, its great gray body swelling with the intake of air. He only just managed to dive out of the way as a spray of ground up earth and rock blasted across the cavernous area, hitting the ground with a grunt and rolling several feet. The act, as well as the speed of the projectiles, was unnatural. The magestones, he thought with horror. It's been eating the magestones. He sprang to his feet, the ground shaking as the beast rushed toward him. He barely had time to start running when he was sent sprawling by another upward explosion.
A second Bulette clawed out of the ground, drawn by the ruckus of the first. One of them, Riddle couldn't say which as he scrambled away on all fours, let out an angry bellow and the behemoths collided, jaws and claws clashing. Riddle was all but forgotten by the beasts as they fought to consume each other. Unfortunately being forgotten didn't keep him out of danger and as one armored body was flung it rolled over his leg. He couldn’t hear anything over the grunting and bellowing, but the searing pain that radiated from his ankle was telling enough. As the beast got to its feet his fears were confirmed, his foot sitting oddly. His ankle was broken. A few feet away the familiar and unwelcome sound of sucking air made the hair of his body stand on end. The first Bulette was preparing to levy another attack at its rival, and Riddle was stuck directly in the line of fire. His magical pen had been lost in the melee leaving him as defenseless as a sitting duck. As the beast unleashed its assault Riddle threw himself to the ground, bracing for the pain to come.
It didn’t. Instead a thrum of familiar magical energy washed over him, sending the earthy bullets ricocheting. Riddle lifted his face out of the dirt. Yellow vest, tail thrashing in anger (or excitement, who could say). “Leona!” If he heard he didn’t respond. Leona may have aced magical protection well before joining NRC, but with only a second to intervene he’d thrown the bulk of the barrier to cover Riddle and now sported a shredded sleeve and a cut over his eye that rapidly started dripping blood down his face. Both Bulette’s froze for a moment, beady eyes glued to the brightly colored newcomer. Leona braced his feet, drawing a careful line with his pen.
“King’s Roar!”
The effect wasn’t immediate. Both animals stamped and reared before leaping at Leona with echoing bellows, the spell taking them from the inside out. There was an almost artistic sort of grace to the way their bodies disintegrated midair, the sound of falling sand like rain. By the time the last of it hit the ground Leona had already found two pieces of destroyed crate, straightening Riddle’s leg despite his pained objections and splinting the broken bone by yanking off his tie and wrapping it tightly. The underclassmen cried out but Leona, ears rotated back and down, was listening to the things Riddle couldn’t hear. He had no time to waste on gentleness. “There’s more comin’.” Riddle, cold with shock and fear, tried to argue that he couldn’t possibly walk but Leona was already pulling him up by the arm, turning to pull it around his shoulders and ordering “up!” Teeth gritted, Riddle braced his good foot and jumped onto Leona’s back.
Across the cavern another monstrous shape was emerging from the tunnel. Riddle pressed his face into Leona’s shoulder (he would attempt to feel ashamed of his fear later and would instead be mollified into silence by Leona telling him that anyone would have been afraid). Leona gripped his pen tightly in one hand and Riddle’s injured leg in the other. “Hold on, kid.” he growled. “We’re gettin’ out of here.”
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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