#*stares in galaëd and canach*
de-draconis-mobile · 2 years
Inspired by @i-mybrunettelady​ ‘s ask ^^ As stated previously, both prompts carried a huge Canach vibe so...
Hope you’ll enjoy this little glimpse in the mesmer extraordinaire verse ^^
The roots of... something - 1328 AE
Galaëd had always enjoyed twilight, the subliminal glimpse of the sun’s last rays just as it tipped over the horizon, the stars coming alight one by one, the song of birds dimming as the lament of crickets rose, and mist descending from the heights of the Grove to settle on the shores of rivers and ponds where glimmers of embershard would dot the silver ribbons of fog as the night progressed and the fireflies took flight.
But here, sunset only carried in its wake the not-so-distant sound of combat, the shattering of the ground where vines broke the very bones of the earth, and the desperate echo of hundreds of souls lost to the dragon, as they cried their last within the Dream.
And as night crept slowly on the Tangled Depths, he felt the Call growing stronger - a painful rumble, a wild beast prowling at the confines of his mind.
The sound of footsteps, muted as they were by the vegetation and the newcomer’s own stealth, broke his train of thoughts.
He turned to see Canach approach, silently asserting him — or maybe asking for permission to come closer — before he sat beside him.
The crossing of the jungle had been an endless stream of blood, sap and tears. Tattered victories and bitter losses, half-veiled mistrust and bellowing demands battering against the walls of his sanity. And suddenly, the silence. The calm of the depths. A blessed respite from the dragon’s unrelenting roar  —  one a soul already lost had sought too...
Canach had sheathed his blade and knelt by the mordrem’s side, curiosity demanding to be satisfied — what was it like, succumbing to the Call? How much of your former self remained, entangled in the grip of the dragon? What did it want?
One last decisive whisper breaking the mind of one long gone.
Canach, thrown to the ground.
And Galaëd casting himself between him and the mordrem, sword slashing and repelling the enemy against the cavern wall.
The scene was all too familiar, and the fleeting shock on the warrior’s face reminisced of a not so far day when it was Canach at the tip of his sword.
A rough whisper broke the silence, and brought him back to the present.
“Thank you.”
He turned his gaze to the warrior, his own voice stuck in his throat, as if still interred in that cavern beneath the waves.
“I regret.”
Canach stared at him, questioningly.
“Saving me?”
“Not meeting you under other circumstances. Judging you as severely as I did... without actually knowing you.”
A scoff, and a smirk enlightened the mercenary’s face.
"Now, now, Valiant... Are you offering me a chance of redemption?"
The Duskbloom breathed out a stiff chuckle.
"Quit jesting, it's hard enough as it is."
"Oh, I’m going to enjoy making my first impression with you. How am I doing so far?”
Galaëd laughed — a sound foreign in these depths, one that echoed with a promise of hope.
“You’re a prick!"
But that didn’t seem to bother him as much as it should.
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archesa · 2 years
6 of the niche kisses for canach to (I forget how to spell his name) jwhcjc sorry
Ohhh! My starlight & fireflies twigs! 🥰🌵🍂 I don't nearly write about them enough, so it's takes a little time to get them just right! Also they had a mind of their own in the first version of the answer (one that I might post if it should interest anyone ^^ although author declines all responsibility for homoeroticism, jealousy, pettiness and destruction of furniture that may or may not ensue!) so here’s a second one, closer to what I had originally planned for them!
6) Canach slowly kisses each of Galaëd's fingertips.
He stared blankly, his fingers blackened and burned where they had held Rorschach's mangled corpse, the pain all but forgotten in the wake of his miraculous resurrection, but the damage still there, if he tried to hide it.
The sound of glass against wood made him jolt.
Canach offered an apologetic glance and silently sat across the table, purple eyes never leaving his as he unpacked his supplies. The strong scent of mint filled the air, stirring him from his frozen contemplation.
“Show me.”
He obeyed, letting Canach's thumb trace along his wrist and open his clenched fists to assess the damage. A few splinters had broken from his bark - coal and ashes rather than flesh - leaving his fingers raw and tender, a blinding, fiery, molten glow radiating through paper thin skin.
"Doesn't look too grave."
Galaëd remained silent, his voice all but forgotten and the words turning to ashe in his mouth when Canach took the balm and started applying it on his wounds. The salve melted and seeped into his flesh, the cold washing away some of the pain, all but extinguishing the fire beneath and leaving him shivering.
He looked up to the mercenary, finding him frozen, dark eyed and pensive as their fingers intertwined. Canach met his gaze, a lime green glow enlightening his features.
“There’s not much else to do... Unless..."
His breath caught in his throat, luminescence shimmering under Canach's touch as the warrior brought his hand to his lips and laid a kiss at the base of his thumb, a light brush, tender yet eager. He asserted the wide eyes and dreamy smile of the mesmer — his glow almost blinding and the stars in his aura blinking back to light — before he moved to his forefinger, kissing each phalanx softly.
Galaëd took in a shuddering breath and leaned into Canach's touch, holding his hand and vowing to never let go.
"Much better."
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de-draconis-mobile · 2 years
Tumblr media
- Galaëd during S3, probably.
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archesa · 2 years
I am afraid I am not super familiar with your OC kiddos for the assumptions asks (and couldn't find a character list bc mobile app is Not Ideal) But! Here's a general OC question:
Who is most likely to take a random trip just to sight see and get away from responsibilities? Where would they go and why?
(@uselessidiotsquad )
Oh shhhh- you just made me realise I actually don't have a character list 😶 I'll remedy that at once! 😁
As for who's the most likely to take a random trip... I think Elianora (my canon!verse Commander 🦊) has quite a history.
"The mantle of Commander is an honour, one I thrive to be worthy of... I'm proud beyond words of what we've accomplished... But sometimes I wish I could... I don't know..."
She stares in the distance, beyond horizon as the sun sets on Amnoon.
"I don't want anyone to think I'm complaining, I'm... well aware of my duty and what I owe to my companions — the living and the departed — but I sometimes wish I could let the 'Commander' fade into a legend, a distant myth, and become Elianora again..."
As for going on a trip just to see-sight or take a vacation, either Anwen (my Trahearne lives AU Commander 🌹) or Galaëd (Mesmer Extraordinaire ✨) would be very likely to go on a journey just for the sake of exploration or of a beautiful vista (I'm not saying Galaëd will drag Canach with him to go see-sighting but...).
For Anwen it's motivated both by her curiosity and her desire to claim a few moments, secluded, withdrawn from the world, with the people she loves — her brother, Meryw, Trahearne... The Vizier's Tower in the Strait of Devastation holds a special place amongst her most recent couple explorations 😁
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