#*the first incident was objectively the more stupid and avoidable one and I'm still smad about it
gottagobuycheese · 2 years
Quick Life Update
Hello hello, my fellow internet urchins! I know activity here’s always extremely sporadic, and that’s not gonna change in the near or moderately distant future (unless I suddenly acquire incredible time management skills but...ha), BUT I figured since I’ve got an impromptu day off it might be worth sticking an interim update here in case I go months without a peep, so here’s what’s been happening lately:
Moved countries and continents again!
Started a new job for better or for worse lol
Found and am currently wading between at least three new(-ish) obsessions (which will hopefully surface here at some point instead of staying on the backburner indefinitely) 
Forgot how to draw :(
Smooched death on the cheek twice in completely unrelated events of varying degrees of stupidity*
(...Okay that’s a much smaller list than I expected, it feels like it’s been a year but I guess it’s only been a bit under two months XD)
Anyhow, expect some long overdue reblogs coming this way as well as some artwork, old and new! It will probably be irrelevant to pretty much all of y’all who are still here but if you’ve been here a while I trust you know this is part and parcel of this blog skjdhfsk
#*the first incident was objectively the more stupid and avoidable one and I'm still smad about it#but less of a ‘smooch death on the cheek’ than a ‘standing at the crosswalk and the hooded figure with the scythe across the street—#‘— winks at you just as a bus passes then disappears’#I'M SORRY VAN YOU DESERVED A BETTER END THAN THAT#the second one I'm PRETTY sure was not my fault#but the river gods demanded a sacrifice and my brand new glasses took up the mantle in my stead#thanks a lot river gods >:/#I only had them for two days and now the case is all alone...#but the river guide said I got Extra Cool Points for not freaking out and giving them a thumbs up while the rapids were spinning me around#so I'll take that as a win#I'm glad I wasn't the one watching though it would've been so stressful from the other side haha#anyways all that to say that if I ever learn how to WRITE again I'm definitely using that sensation it was super interesting#Cheese's personal molasses#anyways the new obsessions are sxf and orv#and also pokemon but that's more of a long-term one that comes and goes#anyways#as I'm sure you are all well aware#general current global events are Extremely Present and Stressful at All Times#so in the interest of not becoming puddle of anxiety and existential dread some of that won't be here for the next while#because while I'd like to keep up with current events both offline AND online I would also like to actually Show Up for my job#and at the moment that is taking up more mental bandwidth than expected#so for the time being this will primarily be an escape#with the odd bit of Relevant Life Stuff here and there#ANYWAYS THAT'S THAT HOPE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WELL OR WILL BE WELL#AND I'M GLAD YOU'RE STILL ALIVE
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