#*this is a joke in the sense that i have no issue with klave but it's obviously not that
lochrannn · 2 years
AO3 wrapped! 1, 3, 12, 20, 29. And 9. ;)
Thanks for playing along! xx
How many words have you written this year?
Just over 114k. Less than last year, but still nothing to sniff at XD
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
That's a really hard question. Today, because something reminded me of it, I reread Sun, and Moon, and Stars decay, my Space AU. It's the longest fic I've written (by fic standards it's still not very long) and I think I did the best job of plotting, putting together an actual story with an arc and I liked how I assembled it and the different persepctives I've brought in.
But I've honestly got to give an honorary mention of Try a little Tenderness (which closed out my year long post-s2 series), Babe, I'm fistfighting with fire (the one that did actually get the most kudos), and Down to the River (a look at Lila struggling with being a mum, mostly because she's being too hard on herself).
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
7 or 8, I have a very untidy system and can't properly work that out XD
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
eh, I will admit I probably reread the smut the most, cause like, what can I say, I write what I find hot. But when I say the most, I don't think I've read any of my fics more than three times. Babe, I'm fistfighting with fire I read a couple of times, because I wrote it to go with canon, and I do really quite enjoy that one. (Please remember I got into this nonsense because there wasn't enough D/L fic, so this is less about ego and a lot more about the fact, that I have written so many of the fics that are out there)
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
You are hilarious! XD I've got to say, probably Klave XP*
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? (answering this here so I can put in a read more)
From The night me and your mama met
They stay like this for a while, tightly pressed against each other, arms clinging to one another, and breathing the same air.
Diego’s the first to break the silence, but, Lila notes, he doesn’t open his eyes.
“Do you really want another baby?”
Lila loops her arms around his neck, to give herself a moment to think. And just because she wants to.
She hadn’t really meant anything by it, but now that she’s actually considering it—
“Yeah, I think so. Don’t you?”
“I’ll have as many children with you as you want.”
“Is that supposed to be a yes?”
“I have five brothers and a sister, Lila. I can’t even imagine what being an only child would be like, so yeah, I’d love to have more. With you!”
“I’m not having six more children, Diego,” Lila says indignantly. It’s easier to pretend to be annoyed with him right now than acknowledge the flutter in her chest that’s almost making her feel a bit dizzy. She’s never actively thought about deliberately getting pregnant.
She can’t fathom how strong the sudden and overwhelming feeling of want is.
Diego seems to recognise her sudden excitement and flutter of nerves. He sobers a little, gives her a soft smile, and gently strokes his hand over her hair at the side of her head, cupping her face.
“How about we start with one then, huh?”
And he doesn’t let her answer, instead leans in and kisses her apprehensions away.
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tuaparadis · 5 years
I promised I'd make this so here it goes… 
Bad Boy Dave AU & Headcanons (in 2019)
Dave joined the army when he was 20 for 3 years.
He's around the same age as everyone else now, 30-ish.
Leather jackets are pretty much the only thing he owns. He doesn't go out unless he wears a leather jacket. 
With leather jackets come motorcycles.
He likes wearing sunglasses too, even when there's no sun. It's just his thing, his whole bad boy set.
He has a feather earring. He plans on getting more and maybe stretching his ears but he doesn't want to risk it. He also has an eyebrow piercing.
He has a skull grenade tattoo on his chest and plans to get more as well.
Honestly? Tight jeans when he's feeling a little dangerous. He's got ass and he won't hide it.
Dog tags. No explanation required.
He smokes, because duh. He likes to stay in shape so he doesn't do anything else that often, except drink every weekend.
He has a small apartment but mostly hangs out at his hiding spot (explained later) because the landlord hates him.
At some point he beat some asshole up because said-asshole was trying to rob someone.
That very drunk someone was Klaus. 
I won't go into too much detail, they basically start hanging out after that. 
They become friends despite their differences and the rest of the Hargreeves' protesting.
For the Klave storyline:
They're hanging out in Dave's hiding spot, which is an abandoned building he decorated with pillows and stuff.
Before god knows it, they share a moment.
It was almost a kiss, but Klaus broke the intense eye contact they were having with some stupid excuse. 
The actual kiss happens a few days later. 
Dave's motorcycle breaks down—he gets it fixed the next day—so instead of driving Klaus to his house, they walk together because it's the middle of the night.
Only problem was that it's raining and they don't have umbrellas with them.
They kiss right outside the house. It doesn't last long but it's sweet and both of them smile at each other and say goodbye.
After a lot of confusion and miscommunication they are officially a thing.
Back to more bad boy headcanons.
Dave drives around the Hargreeves' household very loudly to announce his presence when he comes to pick up Klaus for whatever reason. 
He learns more about Klaus's drug addiction and tries to help him get clean with the best of his ability.
Klaus opening up encourages Dave to open up as well.
He had a rough childhood as expected. Shitty dad and he was never really close to his siblings so he could identify with Klaus on that a lot. 
Klaus forces Dave to wear a helmet when he's on his motorcycle now. He doesn't complain as he wants to stay alive for him. 
A lot of the time he brings Klaus along when he does his 'business', aka beating people up and hanging out with others he has connections with. He always wants to be close to him.
Anyone who gets in his or Klaus's way gets these hands. 
One time that was Diego. 
Diego was a cop. Still thinks he has the right to police people, kind of. 
Diego gets fed up with Dave staying there at their house sometimes and 'being a bad influence to Klaus' so he confronts him about it. 
And he talks shit about Klaus's behavior too, right in front of them.
He didn't understand everything Diego was talking about, like something about Klaus's abilities and powers or something, but whatever it was he was saying, he was being an asshole about it.
Dave throws the first punch. Square in the face.
A huge fight happens and Klaus and Dave get kicked out. Not like they wanted to stay in that piece of shit place anyway.
They go back to Dave's apartment—not the abandoned building—and Klaus treats his wounds that Diego caused. 
Dave confronts Klaus about what Diego was rambling about and Klaus is forced to come clean. 
Turns out he can see dead people. Or something like that. 
He had always told Dave he started the drugs to silence the voices in his head, so he assumed it was a mental issue. 
It takes him a while to understand what Klaus means by voices and ghosts, but it being an actual power made more sense for some reason. 
Dave hasn't heard about 'The Umbrella Academy' before, he wasn't from around there and he pretty much had no access to the outside world when he was little because of his dad.
So he had no idea Klaus and the rest of the Hargreeves had powers until then.
"I'm not insane or anything. Well I am, just please don't think it's weird—I mean, it is weird but—"
"I like weird."
Now for some softer Klave moments:
Dave always thought Klaus's tattoos were badass. He loved the hand tattoos especially.
So he gets matching ones. 'Live' and 'Die'. 
He also gets Klaus's name on his wrist.
When they're alone, he always kisses Klaus's palms and tells him how much he loves him.
He likes having Klaus in his lap while they hold each other. Even though there's not a huge height difference between them, he always sees Klaus way shorter than he actually is.
Klaus practically brings out the softness in Dave. He may look like a tough cookie but he really is a gentle giant inside.
Dave gives him his dog tags.
And lets him borrow as many leather jackets as he wants. As long as he has one to wear too, Klaus is free to steal anything.
Dave spoils Klaus a lot. Whether it's with gifts or cute skirts or kisses and cuddles, it doesn't matter. He has the biggest soft spot for him and will do anything to make him happy.
Klaus paints his nails because he sucks at doing them himself. It was supposed to be a joke but he actually likes how they look on him so he has black nails now.
Dave gets really overprotective.
He never lets Klaus out of his sight. Not in a bad, manipulative way of course. He just cares about him and loves him so much he will do anything to protect him. 
If he has to kill someone for the sake of Klaus, he absolutely will.
That's all for now! If you want me to write more, whether it's seperate headcanons or more into the story, let me know.
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