#*whispers* inspired by sharing something really important this morning with someone i knew wouldn't care: *blinks* idk what i expected lol
septembersghost · 1 year
on the subject a handful of you and i have been discussing lately in regards to being enthusiastically loving and heartfelt and open about the things which move you, rather than feeling obligated to layer that in snide commentary or participate in some of the more unsteady and unkind aspects of fandom, i also want to acknowledge that's really scary! one of the absolute worst feelings is trying to share your excitement and passion and thoughtfulness with someone and having them entirely reject it. you tell anyone about something you love and you are revealing and holding out a part of your heart, and there are times when that's going to be brushed off and you'll feel unheard and it hurts. so of course vitriolic rhetoric, even from complete strangers, feels horrible. to love anything you're giving it a piece of who you are and letting it become entwined with you in turn. it gets into your essence. (loving you is not a choice, it's who i am...as my dear mr. sondheim wrote in the incisive, breathtakingly human way that only he could. just as he said, anything you do, let it come from you, then it will be new. give us more to see. and make me aware of being alive.) it can feel simpler to make that into more of a joke about being trash or dismiss yourself (we've all done it, i certainly have and do), or engage in that cyncism because it's protective. yet you keep loving anyway, even when your hand's at risk. loving anything makes you vulnerable, and sharing it puts that vulnerability in danger of being turned away. BUT, it also always gives you something true and beautiful and the possibility of connection and a bridge with people who will understand and value it or be inspired by it, and who will take your hand. that love is never wasted, and it belongs to you. you are what you love.
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