#*willel reuniting with Mike watching in the background*
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Somebody said this is Mike watching Willel reunite in the desert 🤣🤣🤣
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
While watching Vol. 2, for the first time, what was one scene/moment that actually gave you byler endgame hopes, despite mostly feeling hopeless??
Mine was the willel reunion…
Here me out.!
I remember watching the van scene for the first time and feeling like absolute shit. I definitely lost some hope after that scene. And then it was like there was no acknowledgement of what happened afterwards and so I became even more doubtful.
But then they were reuniting with El and it just… it honestly felt like I was watching the scene from the future.
Think about it. The Duffers have most of the series planned out at this point, including the ending. This means that they can curate scenes in s4 to fit better with how they want the show to end in s5.
IF they did want Mike and Will to end up together, how that scene was filmed was perfect, because it managed to respect the current storyline, while also respecting the future storyline as well.
Mike and El reuniting COULD be perceived as romantic, and Will right smack dab in the middle of the frame, viewing it that way himself, reinforces that assumption, in present time.
But then we get Mike instantly drawn to Will, looking at him hopefully and then somberly back at El, THEN again back at Will. And as he walks El over to him, so that they too can reunite, we see Mike kind of looking back and forth quickly between the two of them, trying to both help El walk and smile at Will. Soon after, El and Will are sharing much of the same reunion as her and Mike just did.
We get to see how much Will loves El and that she returns that love for him, all while Mike watches patiently in the background.
This scene managed to discreetly establish that perhaps Mike’s love for El resembles the same love that Will has for her (familial), that El does in fact care for Will a lot, and that Will is in fact not a homewrecker.
WHY do that, unless…
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